Studying the development of drill training techniques. Drill training methodology

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Apakidze V.V., Dukov R.G.

Combat training Textbook. manual/Ed. V.A Merimsky. ? M.: Voenizdat, 1987. ? 335 p., ill.

The book is intended for all categories of military personnel Soviet Army, Navy and for non-military training

1304020000? 108 A068(02) ? 87 74? 87

15VN 5 ? 203? 00578 ? 8

Military Publishing House, 1987


drill training

Drill training, being integral part combat training influences all aspects of the life and activities of troops. It strengthens the will of warriors, promotes compliance military order and strengthening discipline, improves the ability to control one’s body, develops attentiveness, observation, collectivism and diligence. Without properly organized drill training, it is difficult to achieve clear actions of soldiers in modern combat.

Now, when units and units are saturated with complex equipment, when the role of collective weapons in battle has increased significantly, the level of drill training should be especially high

The basis for preparing unit personnel for joint actions was, is and remains formation. Like no other type of training, it fosters quick, accurate and unanimous execution of the will of the commander. Combat training is based on a deep understanding by military personnel of the need for clear, quick and dexterous actions when performing techniques as part of a unit.

Drill training disciplines military personnel, develops in them the speed and precision of actions when using weapons and military equipment, and also contributes to the acquisition of skills that are necessary in classes in tactical, fire, special training and in other subjects of study.

Drill training includes: single drill training without weapons and with weapons; combat coordination of squads (crews, crews), platoons, companies (batteries), battalions (divisions) and regiments when operating on foot and in vehicles; drill reviews of units and units. Drill training is carried out during planned classes and is improved in all formations and movements, in all other classes and in everyday life.

The training manual summarizes the experience of drill training of units Ground Forces. Of course, in the practical work of commanders, training and education constitute a single process and are always interconnected. Consequently, in the process of drill training of subordinates, the commander must constantly conduct educational work aimed at instilling high discipline, diligence and devotion to the Communist Party Soviet Union, the government and the Soviet people.

By setting out the patterns, principles, rules and methods of drill training in the textbook, the authors sought to show them in relation to training sessions and everyday life. At the same time, it must be kept in mind that this manual does not, and cannot, set as its goal to give advice or recipes for all occasions. This is impossible to do, since no book can provide for all the cases that every commander encounters in the work of drill training and education of subordinates.

In mastering methodological skills, the commander’s ability to analyze his successes and failures, the results of each lesson, and his systematic work to improve his knowledge are crucial. That is why it would be desirable for commanders, based on the recommendations of this book, to persistently improve their skills in training subordinates in drill training.



drill training

General provisions

Drill training is an independent subject of training for military personnel in the combat training system and is organically included in many other training subjects, influencing the development of knowledge, abilities, skills and psychological stability necessary for personnel in modern combat. Therefore, drill training is based on the guiding principles of Soviet pedagogy.

High drill training of officers, warrant officers and sergeants is crucial in achieving success in drill training, in the ability to exemplarily perform the techniques and actions provided for in the drill regulations and methodically correctly train subordinates.

It is not enough for a commander to have high methodological skill, good theoretical training and practical skills; it is also important for him to be able to activate

Cognitive activity of their subordinates, and this can be achieved by improving the quality of drill training, developing among soldiers creative thinking and providing assistance in mastering the most rational techniques and actions during training.

The commander must constantly remember that the foundations of training are best laid from the first days of training. It is at this time that a certain order in the study of combat techniques and actions, as well as actions with weapons and military equipment, is developed and then turns into a habit.

It is known that the limits of human knowledge are relative, therefore it is necessary to ensure that subordinates are not embarrassed by today’s ignorance (inability). After all, it is not the one who, without knowing, seeks answers and knowledge, who deserves censure, but the one who does not know, but pretends that knows.

Assimilation? this is understanding plus memorization, but mastering knowledge? This is the assimilation plus the application of knowledge in practice.

In training, it is very important to link the known with the unknown, theory with practice, and establish the most effective forms and methods of drill training.

It is also very important that each drill is carried out against the background of comparability of the results of the competitors with an increase in the spirit of competition. This creates the necessary prerequisites for the rapid assimilation of the material being studied.

Each drill exercise should be a new step in improving the drill training of soldiers and units. The depth of knowledge gained and the strength of skills largely depend on skillfully chosen teaching and training methods used during classes. Intensity, continuity of actions of warriors with full effort? These are the requirements for combat training today.

Practice shows that high level drill training of military personnel can be achieved:

Purposeful and correct planning of drill training, clear organization and methodically correct conduct of all classes;

Conscious study and subsequent improvement of techniques and actions by each military personnel in strict accordance with the requirements of the Military Regulations;

Regular conduct of briefings, instructor-methodological, demonstration and planned drills without significant breaks between them;

Improving skills in drill training in all classes, during formations and movements in everyday life;

Independent training (practice) by military personnel of drill techniques and actions;

Constant control and high demands on the part of commanders of all levels regarding the implementation of the provisions of the Military Regulations by all military personnel.


In the process of educational and educational activities, the commander, on the one hand, acts as a teacher and educator, and on the other? as a commander with high ideological conviction, professional skill, setting a personal example of the consistent implementation of communist ideals, highly moral behavior, conscientious attitude to business, and military duty. Therefore, the problem is the commander’s pedagogical skill? This is primarily a problem of officer self-education.

Analysis pedagogical activity officers shows that commanders must have a wide range of qualities that can be summarized in the following main groups: ideological-political, moral-combat, military-professional, organizational, moral and pedagogical.

Soviet commander? first of all, an ideological fighter of the party, who must have a solid knowledge of Marxist-Leninist theory, decisions and decrees of the Communist Party and the Soviet government, be able to wage an active struggle against bourgeois ideology, and demonstrate high political vigilance.

The specifics of the army require commanders to have high moral, combat and military professional qualities.

Organizational qualities are manifested in the commander’s ability to find the main thing in the work, to establish intense creative activity of each serviceman, taking into account individual characteristics, mental state and mood, in the ability to infect students with energy, to set a cheerful business tone in their activities, in the ability to maintain high academic discipline, to arouse desire to the competition.

One of the most important prerequisites high efficiency pedagogical activity are the high moral qualities of the commander. “To really educate,” said M.I. Kalinin, “for this you need not only to know your business well, but also to have a pure soul.”

Modern youth? people with great spiritual needs, erudite, with diverse interests. To satisfy their curiosity and requests, it is important for the commander to be a highly cultured person, to be aware of everything new, to love books, read newspapers and magazines, attend the cinema, theater, and follow modern achievements of science and technology.

Educational work? It’s a creative matter: each pedagogical situation requires its own special solution. It can be effective if the commander has such qualities as pedagogical observation and imagination, pedagogical thinking and tact. An important feature of a modern commander is the ability for pedagogical creativity.

Pedagogical observation? this is the ability to purposefully and systematically study the object of one’s educational influence, to see features by external, often subtle signs inner world trainees, all changes occurring in the personality of a serviceman, the ability to timely notice and unravel the reasons and motives of any changes in his educational activities and behavior.

Pedagogical imagination? the teacher’s ability to program the student’s personality and foresee the results of educational influences, the ability to plan for further work directions of psychological influence and correctly establish the factors influencing the educational activities of military personnel.

Pedagogical thinking is closely related to pedagogical imagination, which presupposes the commander’s ability to timely and deeply analyze his own activities and the actions of trainees, highlight the main links in the work, the ability to establish connections and generalize individual facts.

Pedagogical tact represents a complex professional quality, which is characterized by a sense of proportion, the special expediency of everything that the commander does, and flexibility various methods, means and techniques of pedagogical influence.

Pedagogical tact consists of the following main features:

High demands, excluding rudeness;

Influence through orders, suggestions, warnings, etc.;

Ability to listen to students;

Balance, self-control, business tone;

A serious approach to answering questions posed by military personnel;

Ease of use, but excluding familiarity and familiarity;

Integrity and perseverance without stubbornness;

Attentiveness and sensitivity to students;

Humor without humiliating the personality of the serviceman;

Modesty in personal behavior.

The success of training largely depends on the evidence-based and logical actions of the commander, his ability to involve trainees in intellectual work? make you think and act together.

The commander, through his speech and personal actions, must be able to convey to his subordinates everything valuable accumulated by practice, advanced science in this area and my own experience.

Pedagogical technique? This is a set of skills, abilities and techniques with the help of which the commander achieves maximum efficiency of the applied methods of pedagogical influence.

Pedagogical techniques include:

Skills and abilities in organizing training sessions and various educational activities;

Techniques for the commander to expressively demonstrate his attitude towards certain actions and behavior of the trainees;

Speech skills;

Methodology for studying and taking into account the moral and psychological characteristics of students;

The ability to create various pedagogical situations of educational influence on students, including from the team;

Knowledge of technical teaching aids and the ability to use them correctly;

Pedagogical control and accounting of the training and education of military personnel, their fulfillment of the requirements of the regulations.

Pedagogical skill is associated with the commander’s deep knowledge of the goals and objectives of training put forward by the Minister of Defense of the USSR.

The commander's skill is determined by:

The ability to transfer knowledge in the most accessible form to students;

The ability to achieve a strong connection between theoretical knowledge and practical actions and to form on this basis the necessary skills, abilities and personality traits of a serviceman;

The ability to present educational material in an interesting, consistent and logical manner, to use various techniques for activating the cognitive activity of students, to instill in them the skills of educational work and mental activity;

The ability to purposefully and skillfully solve educational problems in the learning process that arise from the specifics of the academic discipline and the student population;

Solid skills to use technical means training.

In addition to solving training problems, the commander conducts educational work with military personnel during the training process. To achieve high efficiency, he must:

Have a clear idea of ​​the goals, objectives and content of the ideological, political, military, moral, aesthetic, physical and legal education of military personnel;

Comprehensively study the personality traits of those being educated and the factors influencing its formation;

Firmly know the principles, methods, ethical and legal norms and rules of education, the features of their implementation in the specific conditions of the unit’s activities;

Be able to creatively apply in practice knowledge of military pedagogy and psychology, military ethics, requirements of regulations, instructions, orders;

Take into account the characteristics of the trainees, the mood, opinions and traditions of military groups, be able to establish the correct relationship with the trainees;

Constantly improve the system of techniques and means of educational influence.

The commander's ability for pedagogical creativity is one of the central links in his activities. It allows the commander to maximum efficiency, each time in a new and pedagogically sound way to apply in the educational process methods and forms of training and education, professional knowledge, skills and abilities, and one’s personal qualities.

Practical activities play a decisive role in the development of a commander’s pedagogical creativity. As A. S. Makarenko noted, you cannot learn the art of education and teaching, like any other art, only from books. No matter how talented a person is, no matter how good they are teaching aids, but if he does not learn on his own from practical experience, from a positive example, he will never be a good teacher.


Teaching methods? these are the ways and means by which the communication and assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, the development of high moral, combat and psychological qualities. Each method consists of interrelated elements, which are commonly called teaching techniques.

It is necessary to distinguish between teaching methods and techniques. Techniques? these are individual details, components of methods. So, for example, demonstrating the action being studied by divisions or in general? These are techniques of the display method; statement of the order of execution of the element? This is a method of storytelling. In most cases, several teaching methods are used in combination, for example: show and tell, explain? with exercise. In one or another combination, one of the methods plays a leading role, and the others? subordinate.

The following methods are mainly used in drill training:

Oral presentation educational material;


Independent study of a technique or action.

Oral presentation of educational material has always occupied and occupies an important place in educational process. In drill training, as a rule, an explanation is used, which is most often combined with a demonstration (demonstration) of the techniques and actions being studied.

A demonstration is a set of techniques and actions with the help of which students create a visual image of the subject being studied and form specific ideas about the techniques and actions. One variation of the display method is demonstration.

The display can be: personal; with the help of specially instructed trainees; during demonstration classes and during the demonstration of educational films.

To successfully use the display method, a manager must:

Have a thorough knowledge of the educational material, be able to masterfully perform the techniques and actions being learned;

Maintain the established pace of execution of a technique or action;

Skillfully use the perspective from which students see the technique or action performed by the leader.

Training? This is the repeated, conscious and increasingly complex repetition of certain techniques and actions in order to develop and improve the skills and abilities of the trainees.

For training success you need:

Students’ understanding of the purpose of the exercise;

Students’ assimilation of the content and strict sequence of performing the actions being learned;

Dividing complex actions into component parts by the leader;

Increasing speed, which should be preceded by work to develop the correct actions in the trainees;

Maintaining a certain rhythm, correct alternation of actions that require different amounts of physical and moral strength from students;

Constantly maintaining trainees' interest in training.

Independent study of a technique or action is the most important method of learning. Depending on the nature of the educational material, there are varieties independent work.

For proper organization independent work of students is necessary:

Determine the scope of the task for self-study;

Give methodological advice on repeating what you have learned or practicing techniques;

Provide each department with a place to study, the necessary literature, and visual aids;

Divide the trainees into groups where there would be well-trained military personnel and lagging behind, where comradely mutual assistance could be ensured;

Carry out constant monitoring and provide necessary help students in independent mastery of educational material.

One of the main conditions for teaching any discipline is a solid knowledge of the subject, the ability to freely navigate it, and present the material simply and intelligibly.

However, to successfully organize drill training, it is not enough to know what to teach; you also need to know how to teach.

The methodological skill of the commander is determined by the ability to find such a method of explaining, demonstrating and training a drill technique, which in given time, in this lesson, when studying this particular drill technique or action, will give the best result in the shortest time.

During drills, especially during training, it is necessary to maintain restraint and patience. The raised tone, shouting and irritation of the commander suppress the will and initiative of the serviceman. He gets even more lost, rushes and allows more serious mistakes.

During the training process, the commander must ensure that all military personnel actively participate in repeating the material. The explanation of a technique or action should be concise, clear and concise, just like the technique itself. Each part of the explanation must be accompanied by a practical demonstration.

The commander's place during drill training should provide observation of the actions of the trainees in order to promptly eliminate the mistakes they have made. The most appropriate removal of a unit from the formation should be considered: for squad commanders (crews) three to four steps; for platoon commanders? five to six steps; for company commanders? seven steps. With such a distance, trainees are under constant control of commanders and are always ready to carry out commands.

Of great importance in drill training is the commander’s ability to clearly and loudly give commands. An unclearly given command makes it difficult to execute, but an incorrectly given one? causes military personnel to become confused or fail to perform the technique.

The preliminary command must be given clearly and drawn out so that the trainees understand what actions the commander requires of them. The executive command should be given abruptly and energetically after a pause. The executive team should never be delayed as this leads to unnecessary stress on the trainees and lack of clarity in action.

Before issuing a command or issuing an order, the commander must assume a position of attention. This instills discipline and respect for the system among subordinates.

Training in drill techniques should be carried out in the following sequence:

Familiarization with the reception;

Learning the technique;


To become familiar with the technique, the commander must:

Name the technique and indicate where and for what purpose it is used;

Give a command to perform the reception;

Show strictly according to the Drill Regulations how the technique is performed as a whole, and then at a slow pace? by division with a brief explanation of the order of its implementation.

A minimum amount of time should be spent on familiarization with the technique.

Depending on the complexity of the drill technique, learning it can be carried out:

In general, if the technique is simple;

By divisions, if the technique is complex;

With the help of preparatory exercises, if the technique is complex and its individual elements are difficult to assimilate.

To familiarize yourself with the technique, the leader of the lesson shows the students in an exemplary manner the order of its implementation as a whole, and then by elements (by divisions), simultaneously explaining his actions.

The study of each element of a technique or action (if the technique is difficult to perform) also begins with a demonstration and a brief explanation.

When demonstrating, the student creates a visual image of a drill technique or action (its elements), so the demonstration must be flawless.

Techniques and actions, shown clearly, correctly and beautifully, always make a great impression on the students and make them want to perform them as shown. The demonstration must always be accompanied by a brief explanation. To create a complete and correct idea of ​​the technique or action being studied, it is not enough to have a visual representation; you need to comprehend the technique or action being studied.

The explanation allows us to reveal aspects of the drill techniques or actions being studied that are difficult to assimilate when shown. It orients students to what will be shown, or to what determines the correct execution of a drill technique or action.

After becoming familiar with a drill technique or action, the process of developing a skill as a holistic action includes three interconnected main stages.

The first stage consists of dividing a technique or action (complex) into elements and performing the technique or action according to the elements.

The second stage sequentially combines elements into groups, and then? into a single whole. The third stage comes down to developing skills in performing a technique or action. Performing the technique through repeated repetition (training) is brought to automaticity. At the same time, the commander must ensure that all techniques are performed correctly, quickly, beautifully and clearly.

The commander will achieve better results in his practical training activities and will be able to avoid mistakes if, before starting military training, he has an idea of ​​the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of each trainee, having studied his personal data and daily observing him in the process of combat training, life, and everyday life.

This will help the commander establish good contact with the unit and each serviceman individually, correctly determine the content of training material for these servicemen and the scope of tasks for independent work, provide timely assistance in filling gaps in drill training, and correctly select the main areas of educational influence on each serviceman.

Character plays a big role in a commander's activities. interpersonal relationships, which is established between him and each military personnel participating in the training process. He should never forget about pedagogical tact. Military personnel feel very good if the commander treats each of them, their culture, and traditions with deep respect. As a rule, they respond to this with gratitude, good attitude to study, which underlies the successful organization of the educational process.

The commander must always remember that the rational use of technical training aids, especially drill training films, is not an end in itself, but a means for better understanding and memorization of the material. Therefore, demonstration material must be carefully selected, and its use must also be well thought out in order to prevent oversaturation of the lesson with it.


The commander's job of drilling his subordinates begins with planning. When planning drill classes, the commander must be guided by the requirements of the combat training program, the tasks assigned to the drill unit, the provisions of the Drill Regulations of the Armed Forces of the USSR, as well as the level of drill training of the personnel.

The plans reflect the organization of scheduled and additional classes, methodological training of sergeants, warrant officers and officers conducting classes, competitions for the best platoon and company, development of visual aids and improvement training base on drill training.

The programs give the unit commander the right to determine the time for practicing the topic depending on the preparedness of the trainees. Therefore, the number of activities and study questions for each topic may vary. For a better study of complex drill techniques, such as marching steps, turns on the spot and in motion, etc., classes should be repeated several times. You cannot move on to studying the next educational question until the question being studied is thoroughly worked out. If for any reason one of the study questions of this lesson is omitted or not mastered, it must be worked out during the hours self-study or postponed to the next lesson.

Drill training classes should be conducted regularly and at regular intervals so that the skills acquired by military personnel in the previous lesson are not lost. Good results In combat training of personnel and units, those commanders achieve success who consolidate the acquired combat skills in other classes.

It should not be allowed that drill exercises are carried out for several days in a row or two a day, since these exercises, when properly organized, require a lot of physical stress.

Practice shows that the greatest success is achieved by those unit commanders who plan drills once or twice a week.

A drill lesson, like any other lesson, achieves its goal if it is carefully prepared and financially supported. That is why, when planning, the unit commander must provide for instructional and methodological or demonstration classes with officers, warrant officers and sergeants, and on the eve of these classes, brief the sergeants.

Drill training classes are planned in the company, as a rule, simultaneously with all platoons and are usually carried out under the leadership of the company commander: for individual training? one-hour, and in terms of unit coordination, depending on the scale, it can be two hours. At a military school (training unit), classes are conducted as part of a platoon under the leadership of the platoon commander. Each lesson should consist of three parts:

Introductory part, which includes inspection appearance and the withdrawal of units to the place of training on the drill ground, announcement of the topic, purpose of the lesson, educational issues and repetition of previously learned techniques;

The main part, which includes studying and practicing new techniques in divisions and in general; training of techniques is carried out at the commands of the commander or to the drum independently, in pairs and as part of a squad (platoon, company);


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Preparation for classes

The most important element of the commander’s pedagogical activity, which ensures a high-quality solution to the problem of drill training and education, is general and direct preparation for conducting classes.

General training includes:

Studying guidance documents, defining the tasks, content and organization of the educational process;

Knowledge of orders, directives, organizational methodological instructions, programs, thematic plans.

This allows the commander to see the ultimate goal of training, present the total amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, highlight the main thing and, thus, ensure purposefulness in studying the subject. Direct preparation includes:

Understanding the content of the upcoming lesson, determining its place in the training of unit personnel and analyzing the results of the previous lesson on this topic;

Determination of the main educational goal and specific educational tasks;

Basics of drill training:

Determining the structure of the lesson, its main issues, determining the time required to study it, as well as selecting appropriate material to support the lesson;

Selection of teaching methods for individual parts of the lesson (when working on the questions of the lesson by elements);

Preparation material support classes;

Development of a lesson plan;

Preparation for training of sergeants (assistant leaders).

Outline? This is a model of the upcoming lesson, which determines the nature of the joint activity of the teacher and students. At the same time, the notes provide an opportunity for the commander to actively demonstrate his teaching abilities.

For correct implementation The training alone, even deep theoretical knowledge, is not enough for the commander. He needs to systematically improve his methodological skills. The main forms of improving methodological skills in drill training are demonstrations, instructor-methodological classes and briefings, which are carried out during training and methodological gatherings, on the days of command training for sergeants and according to the commander’s plan in preparation for classes. In addition, the knowledge of commanders, their skills and abilities are improved in all classes conducted with soldiers and independently. The main organizers of classes on! drill commanders are the commanders of units and units. They are obliged to comprehensively know the actual state of drill training of their subordinates and take the necessary measures to improve it. To this end, they personally conduct demonstration classes for officers and instructor-methodological classes with officers, warrant officers and sergeants with units, at which they show the organization and methodology of their implementation.

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Demonstration classes

Demonstration classes in order to achieve a unity of views on the organization and methodology of training are carried out on a battalion scale, some according to the most difficult topics or individual issues on which uniform guidelines are required.

Demonstration activities can have different directions. Alone? are exclusively methodological in orientation, and the main focus is on how the commander should teach his subordinates. Officers learn the most appropriate methods for training military personnel on a given topic and clearly see what can be achieved in the time allotted by the program. Other? have the goal of demonstrating learning outcomes or showing what needs to be achieved during a particular lesson. For such an activity, the unit prepares in advance. An exemplary demonstration and explanations will allow trainees to learn the sequence of work of the lesson leader and advanced methods of training personnel.

Inceteaching and methodological classes

One of the main methods of drill training is training, the effectiveness of which depends primarily on the personal training and methodological skill of the commanders conducting the training. In order to improve the methodological skills of commanders, before practicing a new topic, it is advisable to conduct instructor and methodological classes with them. The leaders of such exercises are usually: with sergeants? company commander, with officers? battalion commander. At instructor and methodological classes, in contrast to demonstration classes, officers, warrant officers and sergeants take part in practicing drill techniques as trainees and act as training leaders.

At instructor-methodological classes, officers, warrant officers and sergeants' knowledge of the provisions of the Drill Regulations and their ability to practically carry out the drill techniques that they will teach to their subordinates are tested. At the same time, they are shown teaching methods on this topic. Therefore, instructor-methodological classes are conducted in three? five days before training with personnel.

The leader of the lesson checks the appearance of the officers (warrant officers, sergeants), their knowledge of the statutory provisions in the scope of the topic being worked on, makes a drill team and forms a squad (platoon) of the participants of the lesson;

With a formed squad (platoon), the leader conducts a lesson, paying special attention to the methodology for teaching drill techniques, the exemplary performance of these techniques by the trainees, and the mistakes that are most often encountered in the actions of the trainees;

After the trainees perform drill techniques in an exemplary manner and master the training methodology, the commander proceeds to training officers (warrant officers, sergeants) in conducting classes; to do this, he appoints one by one from the participants a training leader, who practices one of the drill techniques with them, using the teaching methods shown;

At the end of the classes, the leader conducts a debriefing, during which he gives an assessment to each participant for personal drill and methodological training, indicates the procedure for preparing for the upcoming classes and what needs to be done before they begin.


Instructing leaders of upcoming classes begins with checking their knowledge of the methodological instructions of the combat training program, statutory provisions, the content of the topic and training questions to be practiced, the procedure for drawing up a summary plan and the distribution of training time. Special attention During the briefing, he turns to the technique of demonstrating the execution of drill techniques, actions and practical training. This method was most widely used in preparing sergeants for training.

The briefing is carried out, as a rule, on the parade ground (site) in the area of ​​the upcoming training in advance, so that the sergeants, after the briefing, have the opportunity to eliminate the shortcomings noted by the commander and qualitatively prepare for the upcoming training.

Briefing compares favorably with other forms and methods of methodological training of sergeants for training and has a number of advantages:

It can be carried out either individually or with a group of sergeants;

It is distinguished by its efficiency, allowing you to quickly, almost immediately respond to noted shortcomings or new tasks that have arisen;

The briefing is short in duration and often lasts only 15? 20 minutes, during which sergeants are given the most necessary methodological advice and recommendations for eliminating previously identified or newly noticed deficiencies;

Unlike other forms and methods of training, instruction is goal-oriented; it is always carried out in specific situation on the tasks to be solved.

The briefing provides an opportunity to more fully take into account the specifics of the tasks being solved by the department, the level of training and methodological skill of the commanders, their work experience and practical skills.

Preparation of sergeants for the next drill lesson is carried out, as a rule, during hours of independent training on their own or under the guidance of one of the platoon commanders.

Company training

Before leaving for training, the company commander, having received a report from the commander of the first platoon on the readiness of the company personnel for training, leads the company to the training site. The company goes to the place of training in marching formation with a song or to the drum. Having arrived at the place of training, the company commander lines up the company in a deployed two-rank formation. Then he announces the topic, purpose of the lesson and training questions, indicates to each platoon a place for training, and orders the platoon commanders to separate the platoons to their training areas. When the platoons leave for the indicated places, each platoon commander indicates a place for each squad to occupy. The squad leaders move the squads to their places. When all units take their training places, the company commander gives the command “To conduct the lesson - “START”.

The squad commanders, having reached the middle of the formation, begin the lesson by repeating previously learned techniques, and then begin to study a new technique and train. The squad leader begins learning a new drill technique (action) by demonstrating it as a whole, and then element by element at a slow and prescribed pace. Having completed the demonstration and established that the trainees have mastered the technique, the squad leader begins to learn the drill technique with his subordinates, first in elements at a slow pace, and then as a whole. When the technique is learned, at the direction of the platoon commander, the squad begins training in pairs independently.

To conduct training, on command, the squad leader stands in the center of the construction site, and squad soldiers line up along its perimeter at four-step intervals. Having noticed an error in the execution of a technique by one of the soldiers, the commander approaches him and, being next to him, trains (educates) him, while the rest of the squad personnel continue training independently. If several soldiers make the same mistake during training, the squad stops training and demonstrates the technique again, after which the training continues.

When conducting paired training, soldiers (in pairs) take turns acting as commander. The squad leader controls the actions of the soldiers, moving from one pair to another, and corrects the mistakes they make.

The platoon commander, monitoring the actions of the squad commanders and the soldiers being trained, alternately assists them in training and eliminating mistakes made by the soldiers. He can summon poorly trained soldiers to come to him and personally teach them how to correctly perform a drill or action. The company commander, moving from platoon to platoon, monitors the progress of the training, the correctness of training and gives recommendations to platoon and squad commanders on how best to eliminate mistakes made by soldiers. If necessary, assists one of the platoon (squad) commanders in conducting training.

When starting drum training, the company commander stands in the center of the parade ground, calls the drummer to him and, giving him commands, directs the training. In this case, platoon and squad commanders monitor the actions of the trainees and eliminate the mistakes they make during the training.

At the end of the lesson, the squad leader tells each soldier what to complete and by when, and also gives instructions on preparing for the next lesson.

During the debriefing, the platoon commander notes the best squad and the most distinguished soldiers and sums up the results of the competition.

The company commander debriefs all personnel and separately with officers, warrant officers and sergeants. During the general analysis, he indicates the degree of development of the studied technique (action) in platoons, sums up the results of the competition and gives instructions for improving the implementation of this technique in everyday life. When conducting a debriefing with officers, warrant officers, and sergeants, the company commander notes the positive aspects of the training and shortcomings during training, and gives instructions on preparing for the next training.



Drill? It's a purely practical matter. Here, each technique needs to be practiced through repeated training, which does not stop in the future, otherwise the previously acquired skills, clarity and beauty of execution will be lost in its implementation.

Single training is the most important section of drill training. Individual training is usually carried out directly by the squad leader. He personally conducts training with the department and is responsible for the individual training of each soldier. The squad commander takes the topic of the single combat training lesson from the company training schedule.

During hours of independent training, the squad leader studies the regulations and commands, draws up a plan based on the instructions of the platoon commander, uses methodological manuals for drill training, improves the technique of performing drill techniques and actions practiced in classes, and controls the preparation of personnel for classes.

Classes to study drill techniques on site must be carried out in open formation, but in motion? at increased distances, so that the squad commander can clearly see errors and inaccuracies in the actions of each soldier. Single drill must be carried out on a specially equipped site or on a parade ground.

Soldiers are trained in drill techniques with weapons using the same methods as without weapons. Moreover, at the beginning of each lesson, the squad leader is obliged to inspect the weapon to ensure that it is not loaded and to check that the belt is properly secured.

Good single combat training ensures the success of training soldiers to act as part of a unit and unit.


To successfully master the basic provisions of the Formation Regulations and skillful actions in various formations, it is necessary, first of all, to know all the elements of the formation, the order of execution of commands, and the responsibilities of soldiers before the formation and in the formation.

Drill training for military personnel should begin with studying the requirements of Art. 25 and 26 of the Military Regulations, which a serviceman must know by heart and always clearly and accurately follow.

Formation, movement, change of direction and other actions of subunits and units of branches of the Armed Forces, branches of troops and special troops on foot without equipment are carried out according to commands, orders and instructions. Therefore, the commander must begin studying drill training by explaining to military personnel that formation control is carried out by commands and orders, which are given by the commander by voice, signals, and also transmitted using technical and mobile means.

Commands and orders can be transmitted along the column through unit commanders and designated observers.

Teams are divided into preliminary and executive, but there can be only executive teams.

The preliminary command is given clearly, loudly and drawlingly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them.

At any preliminary command, servicemen who are in and out of formation on the spot take the position “at attention”, and when moving, they place their feet more firmly.

The executive command is given after a pause loudly, abruptly and clearly. When an executive command is given, it is carried out immediately and accurately.

To attract the attention of an individual serviceman or unit in a preliminary command, if necessary, the rank and surname of the serviceman or the name of the unit is called, for example:

"Platoon? STOP"; "Second squad, step? MARCH"; “Private Ivanov, cru-GOM”, etc.

In conclusion, the commander explains that to cancel a technique (action) or to stop it, the command “Remove” is given; tells and shows that this command takes the position in which the trainees were before performing the technique.

Drill crew

When forming national teams, they are drilled into units.

The formation calculation consists of calculating military personnel into units (battalions, companies, platoons and squads) and determining the place of each serviceman in the ranks.

To count for battalions, companies and platoons, officers and sergeants line up separately. Soldiers line up in two ranks and count for battalions. The required number of officers and sergeants is assigned to each battalion. After this, the battalions are separated into intervals (distances) that allow calculation within battalions into companies and platoons, as well as calculation within companies and platoons.

Calculation is carried out by the command “In order? CALCULATE” With this command, calculation begins from the right flank: everyone calls his number, quickly turning his head to the one standing to his left, and quickly puts it straight; the left flanker does not turn his head.

Drill crew in platoons is carried out in next order: squad leaders line up in one line in front of the middle of the formation, facing it. The rest of the platoon is leveled out, and the calculation is made according to the general numbering, as indicated above, after which the platoon commander makes the calculation by squad, naming, for example, the fifth row? left flank of the first squad, tenth row? left flank of the second squad, fifteenth row? the left flank of the third squad, etc. The left-flank military personnel of the first ranks in the squads, when naming the squads, extend their hand forward. Then, on the command “First and second squads to the right, first? ten, second? five steps forward, step? MARCH,” “Nale-VO.” So, at the command of the platoon commander, the squad takes the specified interval (distance).

At the command of the platoon commander, “Squad leaders, GET IN FORMATION,” the designated squad leaders stand on the right flanks of their squads and turn in a circle. Then the platoon is calculated in sections one and two. Squad commanders are not included in the calculation.


At the first drill lesson, it is necessary to show the elements of the formation, give statutory definitions, talk about the purpose of the elements of the formation and the main commands for controlling the formation.

Posted on

Build? the deployment of military personnel, units and units established by the Charter for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles (Fig. 1).

Line? a sling in which military personnel are placed one next to the other on the same line.

Pointing to the formation, the commander says: “The formation in which you are now standing is a deployed single-rank formation,” after which he explains, shows and gives definitions: the flank and front of the formation, the rear side of the formation, the interval and width of the formation.

Wing? right (left) end of the formation. When the formation rotates, the names of the flanks do not change.

Front? the side of the formation towards which the military personnel are facing (vehicles? with the frontal part).

The back side of the formation? the side opposite to the front.

Interval? distance along the front between military personnel (vehicles), units and units.

The commander must emphasize that in the closed formation in which the soldiers are now located, the interval between the elbows of those standing next to them should be equal to the width of the palm.

Distance? distance in depth between military personnel (vehicles), units and units.

Line width? distance between flanks.

After explaining and demonstrating the elements of a single-rank formation, the commander arranges the squad into a two-rank formation and gives its definition.

Incomplete row

First line

Complete series

Second rank

Fig.2 Two-rank system

Two-rank system (Fig. 2) ? servicemen of one rank are located behind the heads of servicemen of the other rank at a distance of one step (an outstretched arm, palm folded on the shoulder of the soldier in front).

The commander suggests checking the distance between the ranks, for which the trainees of the second rank, extending their (left) arm, place their palm on the shoulder of the person in front.

In a two-rank formation, the ranks are called first and second. When the formation is rotated, their name does not change.

Row? two servicemen standing in a two-rank formation behind each other's heads. If the soldier in the first rank is not standing behind the head of the soldier in the second rank, such a row is called incomplete; the last row should always be complete.

When turning a two-rank formation in a circle, servicemen in an incomplete row move into the line in front.

Four people or less are always lined up in one line. To show an open formation, the commander opens the two-rank formation and explains that in an open formation, trainees in ranks are located along the front from one another at intervals of one step or at intervals specified by the commander.

Then the commander asks questions to the trainees, checking how they have mastered the material covered. If the trainees have mastered the positions of the deployed formation and its elements, the commander begins training.

During the training, having made sure that the practiced positions have been mastered, the commander begins to demonstrate and explain the marching formation.

Marching formation (Fig. 3) ? the unit is built in a column or units in columns are built one after another at distances established by the Charter or order of the commander.


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Lesson No. 4/1.

“Methodology for assessing unit drill training”
1. Criteria for assessing drill training

single military personnel and units.
2. Methodology for checking the drill training of a unit. Construction review.

Checking single drill training

military personnel is carried out by:

  • inspection of appearance,

  • performing drill techniques without weapons,

  • performing drill techniques with weapons,

  • knowledge of the provisions of the Military Regulations and other general military regulations.

Requirements for the appearance of military personnel
Particular attention is paid to:

  • correctness of shoulder straps and buttonholes;

  • compliance with the rules for wearing orders and medals (ribbons of orders and medals) and badges;

  • compliance with the rules of wearing certain items military uniform;

  • cutting hair, wearing short, neat hairstyles by soldiers and sergeants;

Simultaneously with the inspection of appearance, the:

  • availability of personnel,

  • the assimilation by military personnel of the provisions of the Military Regulations and other general military regulations,

  • knowledge of your superiors and subordinates,

  • the presence of personal insignia for officers and the correspondence of entries in identity cards (military cards) with the military rank, position and personal weapons assigned to the serviceman.
^ Appearance Score :

  • « satisfactorily", if the serviceman is neatly tucked in, has a neat hairstyle and all items of military uniform strictly comply with the rules for wearing them.

  • « unsatisfactory“if a serviceman has in any way violated the rules of wearing a military uniform and this deficiency cannot be corrected on the spot while in service.
^ List of drill techniques, commands and actions,

tested on individual training, and

the most typical errors when performing them






Drill stand

The toes of the feet are not turned along the front line and not the width of the foot. The heels are not put together. The hands are not in the middle of the thighs; they are held with the palms facing back. The chest is not raised, the stomach is not tucked. The body is not leaned forward, the head is lowered. The arms are bent at the elbows.



"At ease"

The serviceman left the place. Attention is weakened.

The position of the hands has changed. Talks in the ranks.




The shortcomings in appearance have not been eliminated.

The soldier left the ranks without permission.

Talks in the ranks without permission.


^ Withdrawal

(putting on)



The headdress is removed (put on) by an unidentified hand.

The position of the removed headgear in the hand does not comply with the requirements of the Drill Regulations.

The headdress is not worn correctly.



on site

After turning, the correct position of the body or legs is not maintained. The legs bend at the knees. Hands move away from hips. The leg is not placed in the shortest way.

The rotation was not made 90 (45) or 180°.


^ Combat step

The body is laid back. There is no coordination in the movement of arms and legs. The head is lowered down. Movement of the arms near the body is done not from the shoulder, but by bending the elbows.

The lift of the leg from the ground is significantly lower than 15 cm. The step size is less (more) 70-80 cm. The leg is lifted behind the leg.

The forward movement of the arms is carried out significantly below (above) the set height, and when moving backwards, it is not to the point of failure in the shoulder joint.




The arms are not bent. The step size is significantly smaller (larger) 85-90 cm. When transitioning from a step, the running movement does not begin with the left leg.



step (run)

on site

The leg is raised significantly below 15 cm from the ground. The foot lands on the ground not from the front of the foot, but along the entire footprint (when running, not on the front of the foot).

Movement of the arms is not in step with the step (running). The body does not stay straight. The forward movement of the arms is carried out significantly below (above) the set height, and when moving backwards, it is not to the point of failure in the shoulder joint.





After stopping, the “Attention” position is not adopted.

After issuing an executive command, one more step is not taken or two steps forward are taken.




After the command is given, the speed does not change.


^ Move right (left) and forward


The same shortcomings are made as when moving in formation and stopping. When moving to the side or backwards, the arms move.



in motion

The turn in motion was not made in a timely manner. A turn to the right (left), half a turn to the right (left) is not made on the toe of the left (right) foot.

The turn in a circle is not made on the toes of both feet. The movement of the arms when turning is not done in time with the step.


^ Combat stand

with weapons

The disadvantages are the same as during a drill without a weapon. The weapon in the “on the belt” position is held with the right hand not at the height of the upper edge of the waist belt, but significantly lower (higher). The carbine or machine gun is held at the foot, not in a freely lowered position right hand And acute angle the butt plate is not in line with the toes.


^Drill techniques

with weapons

The techniques are carried out with a distortion of the statutory requirements. Headgear falling.

The need to give the “Refuel” command after completing each technique.

Violation of the position of the drill stand.




The technique is completed in less than three to four steps.

The hand is not applied to the headdress correctly: the fingers of the right hand are not together, the palm is bent, the middle finger does not touch the lower edge of the headdress (at the visor).

The position of the hand when turning the head towards the boss has been changed. The hand is applied to the headdress not in the shortest way, but through the side.

The serviceman did not turn his head towards his superior and did not look him in the face.


^ Failure

and return

into operation

Failure or return to service is carried out at a walking pace. The exit does not take the specified number of steps.

Failing to turn to face the formation. When leaving the second rank, not the left, but the right hand was placed on the shoulder of the soldier in front.

There is no answer “Yes” after the received order.

The soldier standing facing the line, having heard his military rank and last name, did not turn to face the commander and did not answer: “I am.”

On the command “Get in line”, he did not or incorrectly put his hand on the headgear.

The position of the drill stand is violated.


^ Approach

to the boss

with exit

out of order

and departure

from him

One or two steps from the first rank straight and a turn in the direction of the boss were not taken.

The approach (departure) was not carried out by the shortest route. Incorrect content of the report.

The remaining disadvantages are the same as those that occur during failure and return to service.


^ Approach

to the boss

out of order

and departure

from him

When approaching, the serviceman did not move to a combat step five or six steps before his superior.

When retreating, he did not take three or four steps in front.

Incorrect content of the report.

At the same time as placing the foot, a hand is applied to the headdress.

There is no “Yes” response after receiving an order.

The serviceman, having heard his military rank and last name, did not turn to face his superior and did not answer: “I am.” Having received the order, he did not or incorrectly put his hand on the headdress.



"To the Fight"

After giving the command, the weapon is not taken in the right hand. The right foot did not take a step forward and slightly to the right.

The serviceman did not lie down on his left side and did not quickly turn onto his stomach. Legs are not spread to the sides.


^ "Stand up" command

When executing the command, both arms were not pulled up to chest level and the legs were not brought together at the same time. The weapon is not in the right hand.

The arms are not straightened sharply, and the chest is not torn off the ground. The right (left) leg does not move forward.

After executing the command, the combat stance with weapons is not accepted.



The length of the run between stops is less than (more than) 20‑40 steps. Covered stopping places were not used.

The serviceman did not crawl to the side after running. Not prepared for firing.

Did not reach the place (milestone) specified in the team.



When crawling, the head and body rise high from the ground.

Unregulated method of crawling.

The serviceman did not reach the place (milestone) specified in the command.

^ Definition of grades

for single combat training
Technique for performing each drill move estimated:
"Great", if the reception is performed in strict accordance with the requirements of the Military Regulations, clearly, confidently, beautifully;

"Fine", if the technique is performed in accordance with the requirements of the Military Regulations, but not clearly enough, with tension;

"satisfactorily", if the reception was mainly carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Construction Regulations, but at least one mistake was made;

"unsatisfactory" if the technique is not completed or two or more errors were made while performing it.

Individual single training assessment military personnel is determined by:

"Great", if at least 50% of the tested drill techniques were performed “excellent”, and the rest - “good”, with a satisfactory assessment for appearance, knowledge of the provisions of the Drill Regulations and other general military regulations in the scope of the position held, and for officers - and training methods;

"Fine", if at least 50% of the tested drill techniques were performed at least “good”, and the rest - “satisfactory”, with a satisfactory assessment for appearance, knowledge of the provisions of the Drill Regulations and other general military regulations in the scope of the position held, and for officers - and training methods;

"satisfactorily", if at least 80% (and for officers, warrant officers and sergeants - 100%) of the tested drill techniques are performed at least “satisfactorily”, with a satisfactory assessment of appearance, knowledge of regulations and training methods.

^ Single drill assessment divisions consists of individual assessments received by soldiers, cadets, students, sergeants, warrant officers and officers, and is determined by:

"Great", if 90% of the assessments are positive, and at least 60% of those tested received an “excellent” rating;

"Fine", if 80% of the ratings are positive, and at least 60% of those tested received a rating of at least “good”;

"satisfactorily", if at least 80% positive ratings.
Checking and assessing combat coherence

^ Combat coordination units consists of clear, coordinated actions and reorganizations of personnel in deployed and marching formations, including when performing various drill techniques with and without weapons.

^ The assessment of the combat coherence of units is determined by the following indicators :

− actions in deployed and marching formations, formation changes on the spot and on the move;

− actions of personnel near and on vehicles;

− marching in a solemn march on foot or in cars;

− performance of a drill song.
^ Score for unit coordination military units is composed of scores for each indicator of combat coordination:

  • "Great", if at least half of the grades are “excellent”, including for operations on machines, and the rest are “good”;

  • "Fine", if at least half of the grades are not lower than “good”, including for actions on machines, and the rest are “satisfactory”;

  • « satisfactorily", if all indicators are not below a satisfactory rating.
Evaluation of the unit for fulfilling the requirements of the Military Regulations in everyday life determined by:

  • strict adherence to the established daily routine and class schedules;

  • compliance by all military personnel with the order and rules established by military regulations and orders of commanders;

  • compliance with the rules of wearing military uniforms.

Unit score according to this indicator the following is set:

  • "satisfactorily", if all these three basic requirements are met;

  • "unsatisfactory", if at least one of them is not executed in the department.
General assessment of drill training

The overall assessment of the drill training of a unit (unit) is made up of assessments according to three indicators:

  • for single training,

  • drill coherence,

  • for fulfilling the requirements of the Military Regulations and other general military regulations in everyday life and is determined:

"Great", if for single drill training and drill coordination - « Great » , and for fulfilling the requirements of the Military Regulations and other general military regulations in everyday life - “satisfactorily”;

"Fine", if for single drill training and drill coordination - no less than “good”, and for fulfilling the requirements of the Drill Regulations and other general military regulations in everyday life - “satisfactory”;

"satisfactorily", if positive scores are obtained for all three indicators.




Verification issues and

actions of the battalion commander

Actions of the company commander and


^ 1. Formation of a company for inspection

Deputy battalion commanders go to the site of the parade review and observe the company entering the parade ground, assess the organization, discipline of the formation, the correctness of the commands given by the commanders and the execution of them by the personnel

The company goes to the construction site in marching formation and lines up in a deployed two-rank formation:

  • the company commander stands in front of the middle of the company, seven steps away;

  • signaller-drummer - two steps to the right of the control group;

  • deputy company commanders - two steps to the right of the signalman-drummer;

  • the company sergeant major is on the left flank.

^ 2. Meeting and greeting of the battalion commander

At the appointed time, the battalion commander goes to the place where the parade review is taking place and, after issuing a command from the company commander, puts his hand to his headdress to greet.

Having accepted the report, he walks around the front of the formation from the right flank to the left, goes to the middle of the formation, greets the personnel, allows the command “At ease,” lowers his hand from his headgear, accepts the formation note and gives the necessary instructions to the company commander to continue the review.

The battalion commander, walking along the front of the formation, pays attention to the discipline of the formation, the turn of the head of the military personnel when greeting, the position of the hands at the hats of the deputy company commanders, platoon commanders and senior company technicians, compliance with intervals and alignment.

When the battalion commander approaches 40-50 steps, the company commander gives the command to meet, puts his hand on his headdress, walks up to the commander, stops two or three steps in front of him and reports. At the end of the report, the company commander takes a step to the side with his right (left) foot while simultaneously turning left (right) and, having let the battalion commander forward, follows him one or two steps behind with outside building, without lowering your hand from the headdress.

When meeting the chief, the drummer begins to beat the “March,” the drum beat stops while the company commander stops in front of the chief to give a report and ends after going around the front of the formation, when the battalion commander stops in front of the middle of the formation.

After walking around the front of the formation, with the permission of the commander, the company commander gives the command “At ease,” lowers his hand from his headgear, hands the battalion commander a drill note, and after receiving instructions from him, begins to carry them out.

^ 3. Check appearance and

military personnel mastering the provisions of the drill regulations

The battalion commander personally checks the officers and sergeants and participates in examining the appearance of the company personnel. Particular attention is paid to the following:

  • fitting of uniforms, shoes, their serviceability and accuracy of refueling;

  • correctness of the stripe of shoulder straps, buttonholes, sleeve insignia;

  • compliance with the rules for wearing orders and medals (ribbons) and badges;

  • placement of emblems, stars and stripes on shoulder straps;

  • compliance with the rules for wearing certain items of military uniform of established standards;

  • cutting hair, wearing short, neat hairstyles by sergeants and soldiers;

  • condition of equipment and weapons.
Simultaneously with the examination of appearance, the presence of personnel and the assimilation by military personnel of the provisions of the Military Regulations, knowledge of their superiors and subordinates, the presence of personal insignia of officers and the correspondence of entries in identity cards (military cards) with the military rank, position and personal weapons assigned to the military personnel are checked.

The company commander gives the command for officers, warrant officers and sergeants to leave the ranks to check their appearance. Officers and sergeants, to the beat of a snare drum, begin to move in a formation step, then close in front of the middle of the formation at set distances and stop facing the front, for example:

  • sergeants - three steps from the first rank of the formation;

  • warrant officers - six steps away;

  • platoon commanders - nine steps away;

  • deputy company commanders - 12 steps away.
When checking appearance, the company commander accompanies the senior commander, and his deputies accompany other inspectors.

On the orders of the inspectors, military personnel present the relevant documents and personal insignia, and also clearly answer the questions posed. Each serviceman, when approached by inspectors, clearly states his position, military rank and last name.

Upon completion of the examination of the appearance of the officers and sergeants, the company commander gives the command to return them to duty. Officers and sergeants return to duty to the beat of a snare drum.

^ 4. Single drill training

Deputies com. The battalion checks the performance of military personnel in drill techniques and actions without weapons and with weapons. The battalion commander monitors the progress of the inspection in all platoons in turn.

The company commander orders the platoon leaders to present their platoons for single drill inspection and accompanies the battalion commander.

^ 5. Combat coherence of units

Officers simultaneously check in each platoon all formation changes within the squads and platoon in deployed and marching formations on the spot and on the move.

The combat coherence within the company is personally checked by the battalion commander, and during the period when officers are checking the coherence of squads and platoons, he controls the progress of the check, moving from one unit to another.

The company commander, on the instructions of the battalion commander, orders the presentation of platoons to check the coherence of the units.

Upon completion of the platoon check, he lines up and introduces the company to check the coherence of actions in deployed and marching formations on the spot and on the move.

^ 6. Walkthrough with song

Officers evaluate the novelty, relevance, melody, variety of drill songs and the coherence of their performance, as well as the clarity of step and drill smartness of the personnel.

At the command of the company commander, the platoons take turns singing.

At the end of the platoon check, the company commander lines up the company in a marching column and gives the command for the company to move with a song. The company then returns to its original position for a ceremonial march.

^ 7. Passage in a solemn march

The inspectors evaluate:

  • actions of commanders and linemen;

  • maintaining established distances and intervals between units and military personnel;

  • formation discipline and alignment in ranks;

  • clarity of marching step, smartness and posture of military personnel;

  • position of weapons and hats among military personnel.

The company marches solemnly by platoon at a distance of one linear (two linear); platoons - in a column of three, with weapons in the “belt” position or in another position as directed by the commander conducting the inspection. The machine guns in the “chest” position are supported by the left hand by the fore-end and the receiver lining.
The company commander, his deputies, platoon commanders, not reaching the commander at a distance of one lineman, put their hand to the headdress and at the same time turn their head towards the battalion commander. Having walked four steps past the commander, the company commander goes to the side and becomes the deputy to the right. battalion commander and remains there until the entire company has passed.

When the platoon commander puts his hand to his headdress, the sergeants and soldiers of this platoon simultaneously turn their heads towards the battalion commander. After the platoon passes the commander (at a distance of one lineman), the platoon commander lowers his hand from his headgear and everyone puts their head straight.

When the company passes the battalion commander, the linemen, at the signal from the senior, take their weapons to the “on the belt” position, turn to the right, run in a column one by one, catch up with the company and line up in their unit.

^ 8. Analysis of the drill review

Before conducting the review, the battalion commander hears from the officers on the results of the review. Then he conducts a review of the drill with the company personnel.

The company commander leads the company personnel to the formation site in marching formation, reorganizes it into a line of platoon columns and reports to the battalion commander.

Self-study assignment:

  • study: Investigative Directorate of the RF Armed Forces. Chapter 7;

  • learn drill songs;

  • to work out the coherence of performing drill songs within a company and platoon.

The drill training methodology is a complex of methods consisting of interrelated elements, which are commonly called training techniques. Techniques are individual details, components of methods. So, for example, demonstrating the action under study in divisions or as a whole are techniques of the demonstration method; presenting the order in which an element is performed is a technique of the storytelling method. In most cases, several teaching methods are used in combination, for example: demonstration with story, explanation with exercise. In one or another combination, one of the methods plays a leading role, while the others play a subordinate role.
During drills, especially during training, it is necessary to maintain restraint and patience. The raised tone, shouting and irritation of the commander suppress the will and initiative of the serviceman. He gets even more lost, rushes and makes more serious mistakes.

The main forms of increasing methodological skills in combat training are demonstrations, instructor-methodological classes and briefings, which are carried out during training camps, on the days of commander training and according to the commander’s plan in preparation for classes.
In addition, the knowledge of commanders, their skills and abilities are being improved in all classes conducted with soldiers and independently.

Methods of teaching drill

  • oral presentation of material;
  • display;
  • training;
  • independent study of a technique or action.
Oral presentation is used more as an explanation, which is combined with a demonstration (showing) of the techniques being studied.
Demonstration is a set of techniques and actions with the help of which students form an understanding of specific techniques and actions.
Training is the repeated repetition of certain techniques and actions in order to develop and improve the skills and abilities of the trainees.
Independent study of techniques or actions is the most important learning method, which allows you to achieve best result in a short time.

Training in drill techniques is carried out in the following sequence:

  • introduction to reception;
  • learning the technique;
  • training.
To familiarize yourself with the technique, the commander:
  • names the technique and indicates where and for what purpose the technique is used;
  • gives a command by which this technique is performed;
  • shows, in accordance with the Drill Regulations, how the technique is performed as a whole, and then at a slow pace - in sections with a short explanation of the order of its implementation.
Depending on the complexity of the technique, its learning can be carried out:
  • in general (if the technique is not complicated);
  • by divisions (if the technique is complex);
  • with the help of preparatory exercises (if the technique is complex and its elements are difficult to learn).
After becoming familiar with the technique, the commander begins training, achieving automaticity in its implementation. At the same time, the commander ensures that all techniques are performed correctly, quickly, beautifully and clearly.

Drill drills are planned simultaneously with all platoons and are conducted under the direction of the company commander.

Main parts of the lesson

Each lesson consists of three parts:
  • introductory part. Inspection of appearance, announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson, educational questions and repetition of previously learned techniques;
  • main part. Studying and practicing new techniques in divisions and in general. Training of techniques is carried out at the commands of the commander or to the drum independently, in pairs and as part of a squad (platoon, company).
  • final part.
An analysis is carried out and grades are announced to the students, competitions are organized, the best are noted and tasks are given for independent preparation.
On the most important topics are held show classesDemonstration classes Purposes of demonstration classes
Conducted with sergeants and officers instructor-methodological classes in drill training.Instructor-methodological lesson Methodology for conducting an instructor-methodological lesson on drill training

Before classes start briefing of managers. It begins with testing knowledge of methodological instructions, combat training program, regulations, topic content and training questions, and time allocation.
Briefing is most often used in preparing sergeants for training.
Instruction has advantages:
  • it can be carried out individually or with a group of sergeants;
  • it lasts 15-20 minutes, during which the sergeants are given methodological advice and recommendations for eliminating deficiencies.