How are plastic doors to the balcony adjusted? How to adjust a plastic balcony door: main problems and adjustment methods

Modern industry has given owners of apartments and houses high-quality balcony doors made from metal-plastic profile.

These almost perfect products fill openings en masse, as users consider them ideal for use. But they are also subject to various factors, due to which balcony doors need to be adjusted for flawless operation.

One of the common problems with plastic balcony doors is sagging. This is expressed in the formation of gaps between the canvas and the top of the block box.

The cause of this problem is the large mass of the glass unit, which puts pressure on the door leaf during opening or while in the open position.

Also, such a nuisance can occur due to errors by installers who incorrectly positioned the unit during installation.

You can adjust the door in this situation using a hex wrench, which will have to turn the adjustment screw on the lower and upper hinges installed on the frame.

But first you need to free them from decorative overlays, closing the mechanism. This is quite easy to do, as they can be easily removed from the hinges.

It is worth noting that both loops need to be adjusted equally so that the load on them is distributed evenly. After checking the operation of the canvas, you can install the pads back.

Another common problem with plastic balcony doors is brushing vertical profile boxes.

This offset can be corrected using the same hex wrench, unless, of course, a screw with a different head, for example, with a star, is installed as fastening.

Unlike vertical shift, you need to rotate the screws on hinges that are installed on the door leaf itself.

Depending on the direction of displacement, you need to rotate the key clockwise or counterclockwise. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the sash is in a strictly vertical position and the resulting gap is the same along its entire length. You can check this by eye, but it is better to have the following tool on hand:

  • Building level or plumb line;
  • Ruler.

It doesn't hurt to have a tape measure to measure the diagonals of the box. There are times when balcony block exhibited in violation of technology.

In normal in working condition plastic doors are pressed tightly against the frame profile, creating an airtight seal. But over time, it ceases to be so and a draft appears.

You can check the web pressure using a simple sheet of paper. It should not penetrate the rubber seal when trying to push it between the sash and the frame.

You can adjust the pressure using trunnions evenly spaced along the entire blade. They are small cylinders that are located opposite the clamping bars mounted on the box. When you turn the handle, these elements cling to them and pull the door tightly.

Each trunnion has a mark that marks the position of the clamping mechanism. By turning the cylinder to the right or left, they are displaced relative to the vertical axis. This way you can make the pressure stronger or slightly weaker, if necessary.

But sometimes it is not possible to adjust the tightness of the sash using the axle alone, since the canvas has sagged a little, although it does not touch the frame.

In this case, you can move it a little clamping bar, to which the cylinder clings and the operation of the mechanism will become more efficient.

It should be remembered that all trunnions installed on the canvas need to be adjusted. This is the only way to achieve high-quality clamping.

It is not always possible to adjust the position of the canvas using only loops. Sometimes it is necessary to move the double-glazed window itself, which incorrect installation creates an uneven load on the balcony door. In this case you will need:

  • Thin chisel or hard metal spatula;
  • Rubber hammer;
  • Ruler.

First, you need to remove the layout that secures the glass unit in the door leaf. After this, you need to carefully adjust its position, placing plastic pads if necessary.

Correctness must be checked with a ruler. The distance on all sides should be the same. Then the double-glazed window is fixed again with a layout, which is carefully inserted into place and knocked down with a rubber hammer.

Attentiveness and accuracy

You can make adjustments to the balcony door yourself. In this case, the process itself can take place without the help of an assistant, since it is not at all necessary to remove the fabric from the hinges.

But do not forget that any work must be carried out very carefully, otherwise it can lead to damage to the mechanisms. And if this happens, then it will be impossible to do without a replacement.

In order not to let the door wear out completely, you need to pay attention to its operation.

If somewhere the profile begins to touch or when closing the sash does not move towards the frame, pressing tightly, then it is better not to waste time and immediately make adjustments. The rest can be done by a simple home craftsman.

Also look at the video for examples of adjusting balcony door fittings:

A balcony door can be of impeccable quality, but over time, active use will lead to minor errors in operation. If the door is still under warranty, great. And if not, then you can do without calling professional installers. Adjusting the balcony door will not take much time and will turn out perfectly if done correctly. So how to adjust balcony double glazing from PVC with your own hands? For you - detailed instructions, visual photos and a useful video.

Preventing entrance door malfunctions

The better the quality of the plastic door, the better it is installed and the more reliable the fittings, the longer the product will last. However, you can take care of the quality of the door’s operation in advance, which is much easier than looking for a defect or fixing a breakdown.

If during installation the wizard offers additional options, then it makes sense to understand their meaning:

  • microlift is a useful device, indispensable in case of installation of heavy plastic door with double-glazed windows. It provides additional support for the heavy canvas when closed. It looks like a movable lever at the end of the door or a metal roller at the bottom;
  • The limiter operates when the balcony door is opened. Helps prevent sagging door leaf and to prevent the door from hitting the slopes. Firstly, the limiter takes on part of the load falling on the hinges. Secondly, it reduces the risk of loosening door mechanism from constant blows.

Attention! Due to shrinkage of new buildings, any interior doors may shift and even become deformed.

The most common malfunction is the sagging of the door leaf under its own weight. To prevent trouble, you need to carefully study the fittings that installers offer you. An inexpensive, flimsy mechanism is unlikely to withstand a heavy door. Only fittings designed for a weight of 100-130 kg are suitable.

If you were unable to apply prevention, then you can learn several methods of adjustment, because such knowledge will always come in handy.

How to recognize a malfunction

You need to adjust the door as soon as you notice a problem with its operation, otherwise the problem will worsen.

Advice. You can test the clamping force using a simple sheet of paper. Open the door, attach the sheet to the frame and close the door. Pull the sheet out, remembering the effort applied. Repeat the experiment every 50 cm. If the paper is pulled out easily in one or several places, it means the pressure is broken.

Symptoms of “door diseases” usually come in several types:

  • The door handle wobbles when pressed. Such a breakdown is the most minor and can be repaired instantly;
  • the seal is deformed;
  • the bottom of the door touches the threshold. This means that the sash shifted under its own weight. Most often, this “disease” occurs in the presence of a double-glazed window with glass 6 mm thick (standard - 4 mm);
  • The door handle turns with force, or does not turn completely.
  • glass unit cracked. This may be a sign of displacement or deformation of the valve;
  • the middle part of the door touches the frame. This means that a lateral displacement has occurred, which can be easily eliminated;
  • the canvas does not protect against drafts, because poorly pressed to the frame. This means that you need to work on pressing the door and frame.

A simple pencil will help you check whether the door is installed correctly. After closing the sash, trace it around the entire perimeter with a pencil. When you open the door, you will see if there is a deviation in the parallels. Even if balcony door works flawlessly, such a shift is a sign of a future malfunction.

Adjustment for sagging plastic doors

Elimination of difficulties of any specified type is possible with the following tools:

  • flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • set of hex keys;
  • plastic gaskets;
  • roulette.

To eliminate the sagging, it is necessary, by acting on the sash, to pull it to the top hinge.

Attention! Some types of fittings are designed not for a hexagon, but for an asterisk key.

Action steps:

  1. Open the door slightly to the swivel position.
  2. Turn the screw near the top hinge using a hex key (4 mm).
  3. Close the door.
  4. Get to the lower hinge adjusting screw by removing the plastic caps.
  5. Turn the screw clockwise to lift the sash.

Let's check the effect. The sash should move freely, without effort. If the adjustment is insufficient, then you need to repeat the same steps.

Handle troubleshooting

To adjust door handle you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. Find the plastic cap located at the base of the door handle.
  2. Turn the cap half a turn (90°).
  3. Tighten the screws in the opened niche firmly with a screwdriver.

If the problem persists, the problem may be due to something else. Perhaps the handle itself is cracked.

What to do if the canvas touches the middle of the frame

If the sash is shifted in the direction opposite to the hinges, then you need to pull it back. For this work you will need an adjustment wrench.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Open the door.
  2. Find the side adjustment screw located in the lower corner, under the hinge.
  3. Insert the key into the screw and, turning it, pull the door closer to the hinge.
  4. If the problem is not completely resolved, you can do the same with the top screw.

This process usually takes no more than 15 minutes, after which the door will work properly.

Pressure adjustment to eliminate drafts

If cold air enters the rooms and winter is close, then you need to quickly address this issue. Moreover, this repair will not require significant effort.

Attention! In order to lower the door firmly down, the screw on the hinge should be turned to the right. If you need to lift the sash, then to the left.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Close the sash and find three special eccentrics at the end. These are small devices that regulate the level of pressure on the web. They are located at the bottom, middle and top.
  2. Rotate each eccentric to the same angle in turn. While turning, check how tightly the sash is pressed.
  3. For a 100% seal, tighten the screws on both door hinges.

As a last resort, when the above actions do not help, you can “pull it out” tightly. To do this, remove the glazing beads and line the upper part of the door and the entire glass unit with plastic gaskets.

Plastic windows and doors - great option for apartments and houses. But they do not last forever, and it happens that problems arise with the balcony door. If this happens during the warranty period, the professionals from the installer will deal with the problem completely free of charge. But after the warranty ends, repairs can be expensive. We will tell you how to properly adjust a plastic balcony door with your own hands and save money.

When the door needs adjustment

Balcony doors made of metal-plastic usually do not require preventive adjustment. If you have no complaints about how they work, then you don’t need to do anything.

But if you notice that the door is starting to function differently than it should, then this is a sure sign that adjustment is necessary.

The most common signs are the following.

We make the adjustment ourselves

Whatever the cause of the problem, you may need the following tools to fix it:

When sagging

If, when opening, the balcony door touches the frame with the lower edge of the sash, the sagging should be eliminated by adjusting it. To do this, the door leaf is “moved” up and shifted to its upper hinge.

Step by step instructions:

Pay attention! Some hardware systems are equipped with adjusting screws for an asterisk key, and not for a standard hexagon. If necessary, it is better to buy such a key in advance.

When touched in the middle part

In this case, the sash needs to be moved closer to the hinges.

Usually this procedure is enough for the sash to stop clinging to the frame.

Pressure adjustment

The pressing force of the door leaf to the frame is adjusted using locking elements. They are located on the sash itself. Most fittings are equipped with locking elements in the form of eccentrics. Rotate them using pliers or an adjusting wrench until the pressure is optimal.

To achieve greater efficiency, before the adjustment process, read the corresponding diagrams in the instructions or on the website of the hardware manufacturer.

Pressure adjustment

It is usually recommended to adjust the pressure twice a year: in the winter, set a tighter pressure, in the summer - looser.

Handle adjustment

This is the simplest task that you can easily complete in short time. A common problem with handles is that they become loose over time.

Handle adjustment

  1. Rotate the plastic cap at the base of the pen 90 degrees.
  2. Tighten the exposed screws with a screwdriver. Do this carefully so as not to damage the pen body.
  3. If the play does not disappear after tightening the screws, this may indicate a crack in the handle body. In this case, the handle needs to be replaced.

Preventative measures for problems

It is very important to be able to correctly adjust balcony doors in case of problems. But it’s even more useful to know how to prevent these problems, or at least make sure you encounter them as little as possible.

  1. When choosing windows and balcony doors made of metal-plastic profiles, pay attention to the characteristics of the fittings. They must exactly match the weight of the door leaf. Most fitting systems from modern manufacturers allow the installation of sashes weighing up to 130 kg. Usually this is enough.
  2. The so-called microlift, or sagging compensator, will help prevent the sash from sagging due to its own weight. This detail is necessary for heavy door leaves with large dimensions or with a two-chamber package. The design of this element can be different: from a small lever on the side of the sash to a roller on its lower part.
  3. Install an opening limiter - a special support rail. This will help prevent the sash from jamming and sagging.

In addition, it will be useful to check the installation of the door. Please pay attention to the following parameters:

  • how tightly the door is pressed against the frame profile around the perimeter;
  • whether there is a vertical displacement of the sash;
  • How static is the door leaf when in the open position.

If the installation of the plastic balcony door was carried out correctly, then you may need adjustment very soon.

Video about the process of adjusting a plastic balcony door

Using our advice, you will protect yourself from unnecessary financial expenses. Share with us your experience in adjusting PVC doors. Good luck to you!

Plastic windows have long been firmly established in almost every home. Along with windows, it has become popular to glaze the exit to the balcony, and accordingly the concept of a plastic balcony door has appeared. It must be said that a balcony block is reliable and beautiful only for the first few years.

Photo 1. Balcony block

Problems with balcony blocks

The whole problem with these designs is that over time the plastic door sags. And this is not surprising, because it is a fairly heavy structure. Of course, the fittings used on balcony doors are designed for such loads, but nevertheless you need to monitor them. If you let things take their course, it will gradually blow through the cracks formed during the sagging process. In this regard, it would be useful to find out what to do in this case.


To resolve the problem, you can call a specialist from any company that deals with installation. plastic windows. In this case, you will have to wait a few days for him, since they have working hours, and also pay for this service. There is another option. You can do everything yourself.

Photo 2. Instructions

Photo 2 clearly shows the entire operating procedure. Using one or another pressure lever, you yourself will eliminate the gap through which the wind blows.

Prevention of sagging

Your balcony door will sag sooner or later, however, adhering to some simple rules, you can delay this unpleasant moment. Since all problems begin from the fact that the fittings cannot withstand the weight of plastic and double-glazed windows, it is advisable not to tilt the door for a long time. If you want to ventilate the room, then open the window, because it is much easier. Lubricate and tighten periodically all moving parts of the fittings. Such simple prevention will increase the service life of your balcony block.

Photo 3. Folding mechanism

Independent debugging of fittings

To save money and time, it is better to master do-it-yourself repair loops If the door is blowing or does not close tightly, it is recommended next order actions:

  • Understand what the problem is. It's very easy to do. Open the door and very carefully inspect the rubber seal and determine the direction of the displacement that has occurred. It is very easy to find out: the elastic band will be crushed and moved;
  • To be able to shift the upper corner of the door to the left or right, you must have a 4 mm V-shaped hexagon on hand. Then you need to remove the plastic plug from the loop and tighten them. The sash position is adjusted by turning the key clockwise or in the opposite direction around the lower hinge;
  • To carry out such manipulations with bottom corner, it is necessary to perform similar actions;
  • In the case where damage to the seal occurs from below, it is necessary to slightly lift the sash. To do this, you need to tighten the bottom loop with a hexagon. Accordingly, if the seal is damaged at the top, you need to tighten the top hinge;
  • If the case is serious and adjusting the hinges does not work desired result, drastic methods will be required. Remove the glazing beads and place one or more plastic gaskets between the glass unit and the profile. Proceed with caution as doing anything wrong will void the door's warranty;
  • If you have read all our recommendations, but are still afraid to do a facelift yourself, then call a specialist. When he arrives, try to remember all his manipulations and, if possible, learn the secrets of his craft in order to subsequently carry out repairs on your own.

Photo 4. Adjustment process

When to make adjustments

Don't wait for your door to sag completely. It is much easier to fix a problem when it is in its infancy, otherwise you risk breaking the balcony sash. In order to determine whether adjustment is needed or not, it is enough to perform simple manipulations.

Take a piece of paper and place it on the frame, then close the door and pull the sheet. Such actions must be done along the entire perimeter of the frame. Pay attention to the force with which you have to pull the sheet out of the frame. In the place where it slides out too easily and quickly, it blows with 100% guarantee.

Photo 5. Plastic door

Another simple method will help identify the sagging problem in its infancy. Close the door and trace the outline using a simple pencil. Now open the door and see if the door moves relative to the frame. If not, then everything is in order, if yes, then adjustment is necessary.


Please note that preventing sagging of a balcony door is simple and understandable for everyone. By following our recommendations, your balcony will last a long time, which means you will save money and nerves.

Currently, plastic is one of the most practical materials. Wood is considered environmentally friendly pure material, but at the same time difficult to care for, moreover, wooden structures difficult to adjust after they sag and lose their properties over time.

In order not to be afraid that one day the balcony door simply won’t close, or, on the contrary, will slam shut so that it cannot be opened, modern building owners install plastic balcony doors that can always be adjusted.

When does a door need adjustment?

As a rule, it is impossible to say the exact date or time that is optimal for adjusting the structure. This usually happens closer to the cold season. In summer, the door is often open, so the fittings may become loose, and then adjustment will be required.

You should think about how to bring your door back to normal if the following signs appear:

  • Draft
  • A crack appeared in the glass unit
  • The handle is difficult to turn or, on the contrary, rotates too easily.

Do it yourself or call a professional?

The answer to this question is ambiguous, since on the one hand, a reliable master always knows his business, especially if he is an employee of a company that door block installed. But sometimes it happens that it is better to take everything into your own hands. Experts say that coping with such a task on your own is quite possible and there is nothing wrong with it. The main thing is to take necessary tools and get down to business.

What tools are needed?

Before you begin the adjustment process, you should make sure that you have everything you need for this at home. The set is simple, but without it the matter will not get off the ground.

For this type of work you will need:

  • Pliers
  • Hex screwdrivers
  • Roulette
  • Flat and Phillips screwdrivers
  • PVC gaskets

Adjustment directions

If you have everything you need ready, you can begin the adjustment process. This can be done: vertically, horizontally or frontally.

Adjustment screws are easy to see when removed decorative panel. To do this, you need to open the balcony door and use a 3 mm hex key.

Instructions for adjustment directions

Horizontal is the movement of the door leaf to the right or left. Most often it is used when the door stops closing smoothly, and this is due to temperature changes outside - either thaw or frost affect the structure. In order to adjust the door, the hexagon is inserted into the side adjusting screw, which is located in the side surface of the lower hinge. Simple actions the screw is tightened, so the sash is attracted to the hinge.

The vertical direction is when the door hits the threshold or when dents appear on the seal at the top or bottom. Here, for adjustment, you will need various screwdrivers - these are both 5 and 2.5 millimeter hexagons, and a regular flat-head screwdriver. To displace the main locking plate, you will need a Phillips screwdriver, which every owner has.

And the last direction is frontal. This is a more complicated procedure. It is necessary to remove the glazing beads that regulate the glass unit. Then, gaskets will need to be inserted between the glass unit and the plastic. This is not an easy task, since you need to choose the right thickness and size. Therefore, generalists often resort to this type of adjustment. They can both work on doors and adjust sliding aluminum windows if they are installed on your balcony.

Does it close tightly?

You can do this yourself using regular sheet paper Absolutely anyone will do. It is inserted between the sash and the frame. If you need to apply force to pull out the sheet, then everything is in order with your design and it does not require repair or adjustment. If the sheet that you inserted comes out easily, then a gap has formed and the door needs to be adjusted.

If you have done a simple test with paper and it shows that you need to intervene to keep the winter cold, then you need to purchase the necessary tools. They are sold anywhere hardware store. There are such kits in companies that install windows and doors; you can call them and ask the manager. The tools may not be in specialized stores, for example, in departments where they sell bicycles, you can always find sets of hexagons. They cost 400-500 rubles and will always come in handy around the house.

Specific problems

What to do if, for example, a double-glazed window is warped and comes out of the seal?

This happens on one edge of the sash and is visually noticeable. Experts advise removing glazing beads from the frame. This can be done with a sharp object, for example, a knife or spatula. You should not be afraid of damaging the glazing bead; PVC is known for its flexibility, this will avoid deformation. Now you can center the glass unit and insert plastic spacers (their thickness allows you to adjust). Now the glazing beads need to be returned to their place. Here you will need a rubber hammer, which will allow you to drive them back in without damaging the structure.

If condensation appears, does this mean that the door is faulty and requires adjustment?

Condensation occurs when there is not enough ventilation in the room. Plastic structures quite dense and not blown from the outside. In Soviet times wooden frames There were cracks that were sealed with cotton wool for the winter. This is not the case with PVC. So if your balcony block is located next to the battery, you can put a special one under it supply valve. The door should be installed with a micro-ventilation function; it will open a few centimeters and air will penetrate into the room. You can also use a door comb to secure the door and allow air to circulate. All these devices do not require additional care, function for a long time and can be easily adjusted at home without a specialist.
