Born on November 21 characteristics. Birth number for a man

People born on November 21, the day of the transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius, are more open and sociable than most other Scorpios. The humor, optimism and lightheartedness characteristic of Sagittarius soften the serious and gloomy nature of Scorpio. Sagittarius adds a philosophical attitude to life that is sometimes missing from the goal-oriented mind of Scorpio. Fellow zodiac signs delve into the souls of people, and you seek knowledge and wisdom, hoping to discover the meaning of life.

Those born on November 21 are complex and secretive, and therefore not easy to understand; even people who have known them for a long time have difficulty understanding them intrinsic motivation. You seem flexible and progressive until someone decides to put one of your favorite theories to the test. Once you have a strong opinion about something, you can be extremely stubborn about it. An intelligent and witty conversationalist, you love to share thoughts and information with others.

Possessing enterprise and courage, you love to travel, especially to dangerous, unusual, exotic places. Your character is similar to that of a sports champion, whose tenacity and competitive instinct allows him to overcome obstacles and win.

In close relationships, you experience a conflict between Scorpio's desire for devotion and fidelity and the innate tendency to flirt and independence inherited from Sagittarius. However, having created an alliance with a person you really love, you will be faithful to him.


On this day, secretive, uncommunicative, cunning natures are born. They have few friends, but many ill-wishers. In life, they will have to create everything through hard work, overcoming many obstacles, without support. You will have to rely only on yourself and your strengths. But if their desire to be happy is strong, then they will be able to survive and create for themselves the living conditions they strive for, having achieved well-being.

Birthday Mystery

Those born on November 21 have a well-developed sense of beauty, which is manifested in everything: in posture, gestures, manners, elegant and perfected ideas and the fruits of their labor. Those born on this day are keenly interested in everything new that arises in society, without devoting too much time to old-fashioned trends. At the same time, they are able to instantly appreciate the beauty of forgotten concepts that can be revived and given a modern twist. Thus, those born on November 21 will reconstruct centuries-old traditions with undoubted benefit for society. However, they may have serious conflicts with the older generation (most often with their parents), who are not able to understand the essence of what they are doing.

Those born on November 21 are often convinced that they must prove to their enemies and the whole world that their views are correct - even if it takes whole life. In their youth, those born on November 21 often commit serious mistakes. In the first twenty-eight years of their earthly existence, they may be characterized by self-destructive rebellion, dissipation, and lack of purpose (especially in comparison to friends and colleagues). And yet, at the same time, they undoubtedly have a sense of self-worth, which allows them to learn from the mistakes they have made.

Unfortunately, there is a danger that those born on this day, under a hail of blows from fate, can become mentally callous people. Those of them whose elegance is purely physical become, with age, more refined and graceful on the outside and completely alien to the emotions in the soul; those whose elegance is rather purely intellectual in nature gradually develop pragmatism, being interested only in ideas that can bring at least some significant practical benefit. Both strive to avoid any external manifestation of their weaknesses and will never resort to actions that are potentially fraught with defeat or failure.

Trying to avoid the blows of fate, those born on November 21 sometimes lose their enthusiasm, creativity and childish playfulness. In their quest for perfection and success, they often become inaccessible to random joys and fun, forgetting their simple past, and this sometimes threatens a serious nervous breakdown. Those born on November 21 are involved in all world processes, but may neglect a deep knowledge of their own personality. It is very important that at the beginning of their fifties (i.e. in the middle of life) they finally realize their place in the world. To do this, you need to “become transparent,” that is, free yourself from fears and inertia. If, after many years of hard work, they still manage to achieve physical and intellectual perfection, then it makes sense to learn to be a child again and regain at least a little of their former defenselessness. Only in this way can you achieve harmony between your inner world and the surrounding reality, giving yourself hope for lasting success.


Those born on November 21 are very sensitive to their environment and therefore often suffer from allergic diseases; in addition, they are emotionally unstable and have a low threshold of irritability. Their mental health often worries relatives and friends, since those born on November 21 often become depressed, like to engage in self-flagellation and are upset due to lack of attention from others. They will benefit from physical activities in a group, for example, walking together on weekends, swimming and team events sports For those born on this day, it is extremely important to have a regular sex life, but those who do not have a regular partner should be wary of sexually transmitted diseases. Women born on November 21 should be regularly examined by a gynecologist, and men in adulthood should have their prostate gland checked.

Express yourself. Constant equanimity is of little use. Follow the bright and creative principles of your personality. Self-pity is poison.

Compatibility horoscope: November 21, the zodiac sign of Scorpio or Sagittarius is the most full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Those born on November 21 are sociable and open. They are not like other representatives of their sign. They are practically uncharacteristic of secrecy and deceit. Such people often say what I think. Unfortunately, this does not always work in their favor.

Those born on November 21 hate lies. They have a keen sense of falsehood and are well versed in shades of flattery. For those born on November 21, the true feelings and intentions of the opponent are valuable. They do not give in to provocations and know how to emerge victorious from different situations. In communication, those born on November 21 use diplomatic schemes and techniques. It is very difficult for them to refuse. The representatives of the sign themselves are fluent in the ability to say “no”.

What is the zodiac sign on November 21

November 21 is the transition day from Scorpio to Sagittarius. Scorpios born on this day are carefree, optimistic, and have a subtle sense of humor. They differ from other representatives of their sign in being less gloomy. Scorpios born on November 21 are not inclined to complain about life. Self-examination is also alien to them.

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From Sagittarius, Scorpios inherited a philosophical view of life. Such people can become thinkers. Although more often they are implemented in more prosaic activities. Scorpio is faithful to his chosen cause, as well as to his beliefs and principles.

Diseases of those born on November 21

On November 21, people are born who are more sensitive to their environment than others. Their weak point is the immune system. Scorpios born on November 21 often suffer from allergic diseases. Climate change gives only short-term results.

As soon as the adaptation period passes, Scorpio’s body begins to react to new allergens. Treating allergies yourself is extremely dangerous. Scorpios are advised to get support professional specialists in a health care program.

Work and career of those born on November 21

Scorpio is a conflicted personality. Those born on November 21 most often conflict with the older generation. The best solution The issue will be separate accommodation, independent household management.

Is something going wrong in life?

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Horoscope by date of birth – November 21

People born on the day of the transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius are more open and sociable than most other Scorpios. The humor, optimism and lightheartedness characteristic of Sagittarius soften the serious and gloomy nature of Scorpio. Sagittarius adds a philosophical attitude to life that is sometimes missing from the goal-oriented mind of Scorpio. Fellow zodiac signs delve into the souls of people, and you seek knowledge and wisdom, hoping to discover the meaning of life.

Those born on November 21 have a well-developed sense of beauty, which is manifested in everything: in posture, gestures, manners, elegant and perfected ideas and the fruits of their labor. Those born on this day are keenly interested in everything new that arises in society, without devoting too much time to old-fashioned trends. At the same time, they are able to instantly appreciate the beauty of forgotten concepts that can be revived and given a modern twist. Thus, those born on November 21 will reconstruct centuries-old traditions with undoubted benefit for society. However, they may have serious conflicts with the older generation (most often with their parents), who are not able to understand the essence of what they are doing. Those born on November 21 are often convinced that they must prove to their enemies and the whole world that their views are correct - even if this proof takes a lifetime. In their youth, those born on November 21 often make serious mistakes. In the first twenty-eight years of their earthly existence, they may be characterized by self-destructive rebellion, dissipation, and lack of purpose (especially in comparison to friends and colleagues). And yet, at the same time, they undoubtedly have a sense of self-worth, which allows them to learn from the mistakes they have made. Unfortunately, there is a danger that those born on this day, under a hail of blows from fate, can become mentally callous people. Those of them whose elegance is purely physical become, with age, more refined and graceful on the outside and completely alien to the emotions in the soul; those whose elegance is rather purely intellectual in nature gradually develop pragmatism, being interested only in ideas that can bring at least some significant practical benefit. Both strive to avoid any external manifestation of their weaknesses and will never resort to actions that are potentially fraught with defeat or failure. Trying to avoid the blows of fate, those born on November 21 sometimes lose their enthusiasm, creativity and childish playfulness. In their quest for perfection and success, they often become inaccessible to random joys and fun, forgetting their simple past, and this sometimes threatens a serious nervous breakdown.

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November 21 Zodiac sign – woman and man, child

Not everyone is ready to demonstrate leadership qualities, much less bear all their weight on their shoulders with dignity, but this is exactly what this person is capable of. He is a born leader and leader, loves, and most importantly knows how to lead and almost never uses this advantage for selfish purposes.

If this person reaches the leadership chair, he is unlikely to become arrogant, because he knows for sure that he deserves it like no one else.

Whether a man or a woman of the Scorpio zodiac sign, born on an autumn day on November 21, having taken a leadership position, they will continue to work hard and will in no case stop there.

As a boss, this person is quite strict but also fair; by his example, he energizes the team in which he works for new achievements; his subordinates respect him, first of all, for his objectivity, efficiency and impartiality.

He will skillfully and objectively distribute responsibilities in the work team; he cannot have priority workers or favorites; everyone will have to prove their professional suitability through professionalism and dedication.

This active person, and it doesn’t matter who he is, a man or a woman of the zodiac sign Scorpio, born on an autumn day on November 21, is always attracted by something new, unknown and progressive, as well as mysterious, mystical and unknown.

Among the likely future specialties that may be of interest to this person are the following professions - almost any creative profession, as well as an archaeologist, investigator, astrologer, surgeon, designer and others not associated with monotony.

We can say with confidence that no matter what specialty this person chooses, he will find himself in any field, will be able to demonstrate his abilities and reveal his talents, he will certainly achieve positive results, and high results, will reach career heights.

Woman and man November 21 Zodiac sign Scorpio

Representatives of the zodiac Scorpio are among the most mystical and somewhat mysterious of all signs. In the Western horoscope, a child, and subsequently a man and a woman, born on November 21, are presented as a very strong and resilient sign of the Zodiac, which has a huge energy reserve.

Symbolically, the sign of Scorpio can be compared to the mythical Phoenix bird, which is reborn from the ashes over and over again. Likewise, this sign is perfectly adapted to harsh realities and is able to quickly recover even after very difficult trials.

The personality of this person is contradictory and represents a big bundle of mysteries, often his own doubts and passions tear him apart, he is forced to spend too much energy forces to fight with oneself.

Scorpio Pros - The Positive Side

The undoubted advantages of this personality include the breadth and progressiveness of his views, the ability to act decisively and effectively, quickly learn everything new, and persistently pursue his goal.

This person uses the slightest favorable opportunity to express himself and achieve some positive result.

His potential is almost limitless, he is efficient and ready for his own material well-being work tirelessly.

In life, they are inveterate realists and do not hope for anyone’s help; they are largely lucky, probably due to the fact that they persistently look for options to solve their problem, and do not wait for outside help or some lucky chance.

It's quite strong representative of the zodiac circle, his fortitude and will are elusive, and his compliance with opponents is so elastic and imperceptible that no one suspects his true intentions.

Scorpio is a loving person; he often has the “sin” of love affairs on the side. He is devoted and passionate to his partner, but only if he respects and values ​​him, so he can be trusted, but only for the same reasons.

Cons of Scorpio - the negative side

Despite the versatility of this person, his professionalism, and fanatical attitude towards his work, at some point he becomes superficial and fickle, apathetic and lazy, causing others to doubt his competence.

Such sadness and falling into a depressive state periodically happen to representatives of this sign, which negatively affects their reputation.

It’s good if they endure this period of time calmly, but sometimes it happens that, in his opinion, almost everyone who knows him is to blame for his problems, innocent people often suffer from his anger.

At such moments, Scorpio becomes a complete egoist and cynical person; he can “sting”, insult and even humiliate a person very painfully. It's better to stay away from him and wait until he calms down.

It is worth noting that negative side of these people, which is generally known - at their worst, Scorpios are lazy, indifferent and insidious.

At the slightest opportunity, they try to outwit, deceive, and obtain material benefits at someone else's expense, or through the hands of others.

He can't be trusted financial matters and if you trust in personal matters, just like if you take your word for it, he will definitely not keep his word, and if you trust him with your secret, he will tell you about it at the first opportunity, and even laugh at you.

November 21 Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Scorpio can have harmonious (positive and promising) relationships with: Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo and Pisces.

Representatives of the sign of Scorpio have troubled (average, doubtful, but can develop) relationships: with Libra, Gemini and Taurus.

Complex (unwanted, with increased danger) relationships among the zodiac representatives of Scorpio: with Leo, Aries, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Parents November 21 – Scorpio mom and dad

Mothers are very responsible in the matter of raising their child, they are passionate towards them, strive to completely control their child, which is often not good for their baby, who can grow up without an initiative person, forced to live according to prompts all his life and will not rely on himself and your strength, but on someone.

You should give your child more freedom, let him make decisions on his own as much as possible, communicate with children, thereby he will develop more harmoniously, gain experience on his own, and not from tips, learn from his own and others’ mistakes, of course, if you wish him well .

Child November 21 – children born of Scorpios

From an early age, these children are focused on a specific result, achieving their goals at any cost.

They have diverse talents, they have the most versatile abilities.

These children are distinguished by their activity and initiative, purposefulness and perseverance.

Children born in the zodiac sign of Scorpio on November 21 are sensitive and vulnerable, they try to hide their experiences and emotions from their parents, love them and trust them, and therefore do not want to upset them again.

As he grows up, he tries to take the initiative into his own hands, be responsible for his own affairs, and make decisions alone.

To some extent, the Scorpio child is straightforward, probably because of his rationality and pragmatism, he clearly lacks imagination, and sees mostly only white and black.

This child usually studies at a good average level; he does not have a special thirst for knowledge.

But if he sees a clear benefit, it will not be difficult for him to enter a new, more high level training.

Mysticism, fortune telling, astrology and everything related to mystery, science fiction films, as well as horror films.

Regarding dietary preferences, they prefer spicy food, meat, fish, salads, and use a lot of spices when preparing dishes.

They prefer to play logical and strategic games, those where you need to think, plan, show ingenuity and thinking.

These people don’t like it at all when they are taught, their shortcomings or mistakes are pointed out, their personal freedom is limited, and they are forced to do something they don’t like.

They do not like to share their problems, talk about themselves, their work or personal life, or answer questions that are not subject to general discussion.

They also do not like the company of those people who are higher than him in intellectual level, know more or understand something.

The representative of this zodiac sign does not accept the indifference of others. He treats such people with disdain, prejudice and even aggression.

November 21 - Zodiac Sign

People born on November 21 are more open and sociable than most other Scorpios. The humor, optimism and lightheartedness characteristic of Sagittarius soften the serious and gloomy nature of Scorpio. Sagittarius adds a philosophical attitude to life that is sometimes missing from the goal-oriented mind of Scorpio. Fellow zodiac signs delve into the souls of people, and you seek knowledge and wisdom, hoping to discover the meaning of life.

Those born on November 21 are very sensitive to their environment and therefore often suffer from allergic diseases; in addition, they are emotionally unstable and have a low threshold of irritability. Their mental health often worries relatives and friends, since those born on November 21 often become depressed, like to engage in self-flagellation and are upset due to lack of attention from others. They will benefit from physical activities in a group, for example, walking together on weekends, swimming and team sports. For those born on this day, it is extremely important to have a regular sex life, but those who do not have a regular partner should be wary of sexually transmitted diseases. Women born on November 21 should be regularly examined by a gynecologist, and men in adulthood should have their prostate gland checked.

Those born on November 21 have a well-developed sense of beauty, which is manifested in everything: in posture, gestures, manners, elegant and perfected ideas and the fruits of their labor. Those born on this day are keenly interested in everything new that arises in society, without devoting too much time to old-fashioned trends. At the same time, they are able to instantly appreciate the beauty of forgotten concepts that can be revived and given a modern twist. Thus, those born on November 21 will reconstruct centuries-old traditions with undoubted benefit for society. However, they may have serious conflicts with the older generation (most often with their parents), who are not able to understand the essence of what they are doing. Those born on November 21 are often convinced that they must prove to their enemies and the whole world that their views are correct - even if this proof takes a lifetime.

Zodiac sign November 21 – Scorpio

Element of the Sign: Water. Your zodiac sign belongs to the group of Water signs, which are distinguished by the following qualities: inexhaustibility of new ideas, strong will, confidence, caution, self-control, fruitfulness.

Planet Ruler: Pluto. Predetermines the connection with deep mental transformations and processes: death and rebirth, psychoanalysis, deep personality changes, extrasensory gifts. Pluto is favorable for psychotherapists. The planet in exile is Venus. Scorpios can thank her for her suspicion, as well as her confidence in the kind attitude of those around them, in their sincerity.

November 21 is the transition day from Scorpio to Sagittarius. Scorpios born on this day are carefree, optimistic, and have a subtle sense of humor. They differ from other representatives of their sign in being less gloomy. Scorpios born on November 21 are not inclined to complain about life. Self-examination is also alien to them. From Sagittarius, Scorpios inherited a philosophical view of life. Such people can become thinkers. Although more often they are implemented in more prosaic activities. Scorpio is faithful to his chosen cause, as well as to his beliefs and principles.

In their youth, those born on November 21 often make serious mistakes. In the first twenty-eight years of their earthly existence, they may be characterized by self-destructive rebellion, dissipation, and lack of purpose (especially in comparison to friends and colleagues). And yet, at the same time, they undoubtedly have a sense of self-worth, which allows them to learn from the mistakes they have made. Unfortunately, there is a danger that those born on this day, under a hail of blows from fate, can become mentally callous people. Those of them whose elegance is purely physical become, with age, more refined and graceful on the outside and completely alien to the emotions in the soul; those whose elegance is rather purely intellectual in nature gradually develop pragmatism, being interested only in ideas that can bring at least some significant practical benefit.

Both strive to avoid any external manifestation of their weaknesses and will never resort to actions that are potentially fraught with defeat or failure. Trying to avoid the blows of fate, those born on November 21 sometimes lose their enthusiasm, creativity and childish playfulness. In their quest for perfection and success, they often become inaccessible to random joys and fun, forgetting their simple past, and this sometimes threatens a serious nervous breakdown.

Those born on November 21 are involved in all world processes, but may neglect a deep knowledge of their own personality. It is very important that at the beginning of their fifties (i.e. in the middle of life) they finally realize their place in the world. To do this, you need to “become transparent,” that is, free yourself from fears and inertia. If, after many years of hard work, they still manage to achieve physical and intellectual perfection, then it makes sense to learn to be a child again and regain at least a little of their former defenselessness. Only in this way can you achieve harmony between your inner world and the surrounding reality, giving yourself hope for lasting success.

Scorpio man – born on November 21

Men with a birth date of November 21 are different the following properties: such a gentleman is passionate, sexy, intuitive, resilient. Scorpio men easily conquer women with their charisma and charm. Scorpios love to make grand gestures - they do not skimp on gifts and surprises, relationships with them are a real storm of passions and emotions. Scorpio men do not tolerate refusals and do not compromise; they are maximalists, accustomed to getting what they want at any cost. Sometimes this determination borders on obsession.

Scorpio woman – born on November 21

Women born on November 21 have the following traits: such a lady is wise, manipulative, courageous, insightful, self-confident, touchy. Scorpio women are bored of being in stable, even relationships; they constantly need new emotions and experiences, so if her partner does not give her these emotions, she makes a scene or looks for a new object of love. In a relationship, the Scorpio woman expects admiration and unquestioning fulfillment of all her desires. She is used to being the center of attention, she is constantly on the move, easily joins new companies and can support any conversation.

Birthday November 21

People born on November 21 zodiac sign Scorpio cannot tolerate anything old-fashioned. It is very difficult not to notice such persons or to confuse them. They have a not very good trait - to turn society against themselves. The worst thing is that they do this not intentionally. It's all about their innate gloominess and isolation. But sometimes, these individuals pursue only selfish goals, despite the fact that their actions may bring trouble to others. No one wants to make friends with them, but the number of enemies and enemies is growing exponentially.

If you appeared in the light on the day of November 21st, the zodiac sign Scorpio, then be prepared for the fact that your life path will be very difficult. You will gain all knowledge and skills only through your perseverance and work. Also, take into account the fact that the constellation Scorpio, under which you were born, will add to your troubles. But don’t despair, because if you work and hope for the best, the result will not take long to arrive. Those born on November 21 zodiac sign Scorpio will definitely achieve what they want, everything is in your hands. The main thing is not to be afraid of all sorts of obstacles and problems that may arise along the way. Learn to enjoy small victories. Scorpios of this day may well become happy people, you just need to learn to analyze your own mistakes and avoid them in the future.

Those born on November 21 zodiac sign Scorpio, despite all the complexity of their character, have a great advantage over others. They have a keen sense of all new trends and fashion trends. This helps them become competent experts in various advanced technologies. Reaching great heights in modern arts and fashion trends - all this is within the capabilities of people with complex personalities. They can easily become trendsetters or make a breakthrough in science. All this is embedded in them from childhood.

Being biased towards everything that is outdated or has lost its relevance, they thus find something new and unusual. Scorpios, born on November 21, know how to see the real beauty of things in this world, moreover, they multiply it, thereby making the world more beautiful. People of this day are real aesthetes who know how to appreciate beauty, have perfect taste, and strive for perfection in their work. They succeed in this thanks to their meticulousness and serious attitude to work. They come to their aid with an innate sense of style, the ability to see the final product and the desire to do everything perfectly.

Also, it is worth noting the fact that people born on November 21 under the zodiac sign Scorpio not only appreciate beauty, but also take care of their appearance. You can never take them by surprise because they always look perfect. Starting from the top of their heads and ending with their toes, they carefully work on their image. A beautiful smile, an unsurpassed hairstyle, stylish clothes - it’s all about them! These people believe that in an effort to transform the world, you must first start with yourself. And infect the surrounding society with your good example. It is worth noting that they do it best, because many try to imitate them.

Love and Compatibility

In close relationships, you experience a conflict between Scorpio's desire for devotion and fidelity and the innate tendency to flirt and independence inherited from Sagittarius. However, having created an alliance with a person you really love, you will be faithful to him.

The ideal match for Scorpio would be a representative of the constellation Pisces or Cancer. Pisces - just as sensual, but easily giving up leadership, will become faithful companions, capable of extinguishing the excessive temper of their other half. Cancers, who are ready to give more than they receive, are also suitable for Scorpios, who will appreciate the mystery and nobility of their lover. The most difficult thing for Scorpios will be to build relationships with Aries, Leos and representatives of their sign. Two born leaders will constantly fight for power in a couple, which will sooner or later lead to the end of the romance. No one will want to make concessions or submit. However, in these cases, a short but bright and passionate romance is possible.

Work and Career

Those born on November 21 are sociable and open. They are not like other representatives of their sign. They are practically uncharacteristic of secrecy and deceit. Such people often say what I think. Unfortunately, this does not always work in their favor. Those born on November 21 hate lies. They have a keen sense of falsehood and are well versed in shades of flattery. For those born on November 21, the true feelings and intentions of the opponent are valuable. They do not give in to provocations and know how to emerge victorious from different situations. In communication, those born on November 21 use diplomatic schemes and techniques. It is very difficult for them to refuse. The representatives of the sign themselves are fluent in the ability to say “no”.

Scorpio's success at work depends on the age factor. Thus, up to the age of 30, representatives of the sign are often known as rebels and rebels. They are looking for themselves, trying out various types activities without staying anywhere for long. By the age of thirty, the rebellious soul of Scorpio calms down. Having decided on the choice of field of activity, the representative of the sign puts a lot of effort into professional development.

Health and Diseases

On November 21, people are born who are more sensitive to their environment than others. Their weak point is the immune system. Scorpios born on November 21 often suffer from allergic diseases. Climate change gives only short-term results. As soon as the adaptation period passes, Scorpio’s body begins to react to new allergens. Treating allergies yourself is extremely dangerous. Scorpios are advised to enlist the support of professional specialists in a program to take care of their health.

Fate and Luck

On this day, secretive, uncommunicative, cunning natures are born. They have few friends, but many ill-wishers. In life, they will have to create everything through hard work, overcoming many obstacles, without support. You will have to rely only on yourself and your strengths. But if their desire to be happy is strong, then they will be able to survive and create for themselves the living conditions they strive for, having achieved well-being.

Scorpio is a conflicted personality. Those born on November 21 most often conflict with the older generation. The best solution to the problem would be to live separately and manage your life independently. Express yourself. Follow the bright and creative principles of your personality. Self-pity is poison.

When determining your sign according to the horoscope, it is important not to make a mistake in the transition days from one zodiac constellation to another. For example, not everyone knows which zodiac sign was born on November 21 - Scorpio or Sagittarius. On this day, representatives of the water element are born, who have a complex character and a sense of beauty. It is these Scorpios who are able to surprise others with demonstrative actions.

Description of Scorpios

People born on November 21 are hard to miss. They are distinguished by their innate gloominess and isolation. Scorpios often turn others against them, without even noticing it. But it also happens that in pursuit of selfish goals they bring trouble to others. People rarely hook up with them friendly relations , but they have a large number of enemies.

Individuals who appeared in this world on November 21 will face a difficult life path. Only perseverance and work help them gain new knowledge and skills. Such persons often face all sorts of problems and obstacles, but they should not be afraid of them. They must understand that all difficulties are solvable, but only if they want to act. People born at the end of November you should learn to enjoy small victories. They may well achieve happiness if they analyze their mistakes and avoid them in the future.

People born on the 21st in November have a huge advantage over others: they know how to subtly sense new fashion trends in any area. This ability makes Scorpios competent experts in a variety of advanced technologies. Such natures are also attracted modern views art and fashion industry, where great success awaits them.

Birthday people on November 21 have a great interest in things that are outdated and no longer relevant. It is in antique parts and elements that they find ideas that they transform into something new and beautiful. People born on this day are true connoisseurs of beauty. They have great taste and the pursuit of excellence. Scorpios pay a lot of attention to their appearance. With an innate sense of style, they easily create perfect image which arouses admiration among others.

The list of celebrities born on November 21 amazes with the variety of talented individuals: Björk, Goldie Hawn, Nicolette Sheridan, Harold Ramis, Alexey Veselkin, Oleg Khromenkov, Gennady Karponosov, Tamara Nosova.

Properties of the zodiac sign

On the transition day from Scorpio to Sagittarius, carefree individuals with a subtle sense of humor are born. They never complain about life's problems and do not engage in self-examination. These persons have a philosophical outlook on life. They make great thinkers, but most often such people choose prosaic activities for self-realization. Scorpios are faithful to their work, as well as to their beliefs and life views.

A child born in the zodiac sign of Scorpio already has a focus on a specific result. He surprises with his activity, initiative and diverse talents, but tries to hide his feelings and bad mood from his parents so as not to upset them. Even in childhood, Scorpios are distinguished by their independence and the ability to make the right decisions.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign:

  • Element - Water. Scorpio is distinguished by a strong will, confidence, caution, self-control and an inexhaustibility of new ideas.
  • Ruling planet - Pluto. Influences deep mental transformations and processes. Favors psychologists and psychotherapists.
  • The planet in exile is Venus. Endows the water sign with suspicion and confidence in the good nature of others.

Individuals born on November 21 are known to make many mistakes in their youth. Such natures are characterized by rebellion, dissipation and lack of specific goals. At the same time, they do not lose their self-esteem, which is an assistant for them in learning lessons from mistakes made.

Representatives of the water element can become callous under the influence of fateful events. People who try to achieve an elegant image, over the years, acquire sophistication and elegance on the outside, but become empty on the inside. And people who pay less attention to appearance develop pragmatism and are only interested in what can bring them practical benefit.

People born in the last month of autumn do not outwardly show their weaknesses. They will never take actions that suggest defeat or failure. These people amaze with their childish playfulness, enthusiasm and creativity, which does not leave them even during the most difficult trials in life.

But sometimes they miss out on the occasional joys and fun while striving for perfection and success. Absence positive emotions can cause serious nervous stress in Scorpios.

On November 21, people appear in this world who often find themselves involved in world processes. Because of this, they forget about deep knowledge of their own personality. For representatives of the element of Water, it is important to realize their place in the world by the middle of their lives. They will achieve this only if they can overcome their fears and laziness.

Qualities of men

Passionate gentlemen are born on November 21st. The male zodiac sign - Scorpio - is distinguished by sexuality, well-developed intuition and endurance. Such individuals are prone to flirting, and therefore are very popular among the fair sex, whose hearts they easily conquer with the help of their charming appearance and refined manners.

Men born in November have few friends, but they are able to attract new people with their charisma. With age they look more and more aristocratic. Scorpios have their own style of clothing and will never wear bad taste.

Such persons often treat others with disdain, but with people with whom they see benefits, they skillfully build diplomatic relations.

A man born under the sign of the water element has no problem winning the attention of the woman he likes. He always gives her expensive gifts and pleasant surprises. Relationships with such a gentleman are full of emotions and a storm of passions. Scorpio rarely compromises and does not tolerate refusals. Such a man is a maximalist who is used to getting what he wants at any cost. To prevent his determination from developing into obsession, he must learn to manage his emotions.

Characteristics of women

Brave and insightful ladies are born on November 21st. The Scorpio woman's zodiac sign characterizes her with wisdom, self-confidence, touchiness and a desire to manipulate people. Such persons love to be the center of attention and achieve this through sociability and natural charm. Unusual Scorpios are versatile personalities, so you can talk to them on any topic. They often limit themselves in fun and joy when they try to make themselves the ideal woman.

In love, a young lady born in November demands admiration from her partner and the fulfillment of her desires. She wants to be the object of her man's adoration so that she can easily manipulate him. Such natures do not like stable relationships that proceed without violent feelings and emotions. If a partner is not able to make their union bright and full of experiences, then Scorpio will leave him or will look for a lover on the side.

Love and compatibility with other signs

In personal relationships, birthday people on November 21 experience a conflict between their tendency to flirt and devotion to their significant other. In life together, Scorpios need freedom and independence, but they do not forget about their partner and children. They try to do everything to maintain family harmony and home comfort.​

Such individuals are idealists and emotional natures. They are obsessed with strong passions and have the risk of undermining their spouse’s trust in themselves. At the same time, sensual people can be good-natured and become a reliable support for their loved ones.

Representatives of the water sign care about their own safety, so they often check on their chosen ones. These people often find themselves surrounded by unusual and strange personalities, which should be sorted out before close relationships begin. Without the desire for power and dark thoughts, people born on November 21 will be able to build a harmonious union.

Which zodiac sign suits Scorpios:

  • Cancer. This union will be ideal, since the signs have common interests, life aspirations and understand each other perfectly. Scorpio Cancer is attracted to mystery, nobility and wealth inner world; he is ready to give leadership in the relationship to his partner.
  • Fish. Another wonderful duet based on the sensuality of both signs guarantees a harmonious life together. Scorpios will be happy to manage dreaming Pisces, who will not make demands on him, but will find reliable support materially and emotionally.

Sometimes representatives of the water element manage to build family life with Taurus or Virgo, who also value stability and mutual assistance in relationships. But their excessive coldness in intimate terms can become an obstacle to development love relationship. Sometimes Scorpios manage to create an alliance with representatives of their sign, but partners rarely make concessions and compromises, so they soon separate. The same fate awaits complex personalities with Aries and Leos, but short-term romances will be distinguished by their brightness and storm of feelings.

Career and suitable professions

People with a birth date of November 21 are distinguished by their sociability and openness. They do not like flattering and deceitful individuals and can easily reveal their selfish goals.

In addition, such natures can sense the intentions of their opponents, which helps them choose the right decision in the current situation and achieve success. Scorpios do not react to provocations, so they emerge victorious in any case.

In the professional sphere, such persons are helped by diplomatic schemes and techniques. Their instructions are carried out unquestioningly, and the representatives of the water element themselves do not allow anyone to control them. These individuals are characterized by hard work and reliability. If desired, they quickly climb to the upper steps career ladder, in which charisma and strict discipline help them.

  • Business. The desire to manage the business process often spurs Scorpios to become businessmen. They know how to negotiate, achieve personal gain and find loopholes to make big profits.
  • Media. The businesslike nature of the water sign will help him realize himself in publishing, advertising, and journalism.
  • Teaching. Such individuals are distinguished by their eloquence, so it will not be difficult for them to attract the attention of people of younger generations, to whom they can explain everything in an accessible language.
  • Creation. November 21st birthday people have many talents that they can explore through writing, design, painting or acting.

Scorpios often take part in politics., social reforms or charity. Usually they try to choose the type of activity that will bring them more income.

Before the age of 30, such natures manage to change many jobs. They even change their field of activity until they find the most suitable option for themselves. In adulthood, these individuals, having decided on a profession, make every effort for career growth.

Health Features

People celebrating their birthday on November 21 are sensitive to factors environment. They often suffer from allergic diseases due to a weak immune system. A positive, but short-term result of solving the problem can be achieved with climate change. After adapting to new conditions, the body of these individuals again reacts to new allergens. Astrologers recommend that Scorpios avoid self-medication and give preference to the support of allergists.

People born in autumn are also characterized by emotional instability. If they are tormented by lack of attention, then they become depressed. Evening walks in the fresh air, meetings with friends and, of course, happy personal relationships will help them maintain internal balance.

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The appearance of Scorpios is deceptive: they look calm and “cold”, but their heart is a real volcano of passions. They know how to control themselves and hide their true feelings.

For example, Hilary Clinton - God only knows what feelings overwhelmed this woman when the whole of America was discussing her personal life, but she managed to save face and make an excellent career in politics! The character of Scorpio helped her in this. Representatives of the sign are intelligent, witty, resourceful and love to get to the bottom of the true causes of the phenomena occurring around them. Scorpios love to bring everything they undertake to its logical conclusion. Their truly iron will and determination help them in this: they are not one of those who will listen to advice and hesitate for a long time when choosing right decision. Moreover, you will never know exactly what is on a Scorpio’s mind: they usually confront others with fait accomplis. Scorpios combine “ice and fire”; they are emotional, ambitious, but cold-blooded and remain calm in any situation. Scorpio will not talk too much, not only about himself, but also in principle: he cannot be called a godsend for a spy. A black car, a classic suit with some discreet but eye-catching detail, a calm look, expensive but not pretentious jewelry- Scorpio is in front of you! Friends and family Scorpios are not the type to quickly sign up new acquaintances as friends: the trust of the representatives of the sign must be earned. Those who manage to do this will gain a witty, loyal and calm boyfriend or girlfriend. Scorpios tend to turn a blind eye to the many shortcomings of their loved ones and forgive small insults, but they have a certain threshold, upon crossing which a person is deprived of their support forever. Anyone who truly hurts them will never regain their trust and affection. The family can always rely on their Scorpio: no one will solve problems better and faster than him. Scorpio will always support their loved ones, no matter what happens (even if the relationship with them is not ideal). Career and money Scorpios are excellent managers. They very skillfully manage all the resources that come at their disposal. The admiration of others is not as important to them as the impressive result of their efforts. Representatives of the sign perform well in scientific work, as well as in medicine: Scorpios can work with concentration and passion, delve into details, get to the bottom of the causes of phenomena occurring around them. For Scorpios, the atmosphere in the team is very important. They will not enjoy their work if they do not respect their colleagues and management. But in fact, Scorpios are better off leading other people themselves! In addition to a career as a top manager, representatives of the sign can achieve a lot by choosing a profession, scientist, detective, psychologist, researcher, crisis manager, police officer. Scorpios are not inclined to waste money; moreover, they can strictly limit themselves if they need to accumulate a certain amount to achieve a specific goal. They are familiar with the concept of “financial discipline.” It is very important for Scorpios to know that there are funds in their account - the prospect of being left without money scares them, but they know what to do to prevent this from happening. Before spending any amount, they always weigh everything carefully. Love and sex Scorpio is the sexiest sign of the Zodiac. No one compares to his passion. At the same time, representatives of the sign approach sex and the search for partners seriously: both the intelligence and moral qualities (especially honesty and decency) of the object of sympathy are important to them. The way to a Scorpio's heart is not through the stomach or excellent physical shape, but through interesting conversations and observations of the behavior of the future partner. Scorpios are very jealous, and it is with them that the same “fatal love” that is described in books and films is possible. When entering into a relationship with them, you should not tune in to an easy, unburdensome romance. Health
The most sensitive and vulnerable parts of the Scorpio body are the genitals, bladder, and rectum. Planet
Scorpio's planet is Pluto. This planet also represents conception, birth, death, slow growth, regeneration, anonymity and phobias. Colors
dark red and burgundy. Gemstone
opal Lucky numbers
2, 7, 9Compatibility
Scorpios get along well with Pisces and Cancers Opposite
Taurus The best gift
Something sentimental, clothes (especially some sexy ones), popular science books They love
The truth scientific facts, old friends, worthy opponents They don't like
Deception, passive people when others find out their plans Where to go on vacation?
Norway, Syria Strengths
Passion, resourcefulness, courage, ability to remain faithful Weaknesses
Jealousy, secrecy, rancor What's the charm?
Piercing, deep gaze, muscular body Better environment
Scorpios thrive in any situation that involves strong feelings and passion. Famous people born under the sign of Scorpio: Christopher Columbus, Indira Gandhi, Auguste Rodin, Ivan Turgenev, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Pablo Picasso, Arkady Raikin, Nikolai Karachentsov, Roman Viktyuk, Bill Gates, Julia Roberts, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Dmitry Dibrov, Lolita Milyavskaya, Eldar Ryazanov, Maya Plisetskaya, Hilary Clinton .Order, and you will open the door to your inner world, learn everything about your character and temperament. It will become clearer to you who you can trust and who you need to be wary of. Using your horoscope, you will be able to assess your career opportunities, learn the best professions for you, how to find love, and build relationships. Or

If your birthday falls on any of these numbers, including November 21, then according to the laws of zodiac astrology and the system based on Chaldean numerology, you are under the influence of Jupiter and Mars in zodiac sign Scorpio, second house of the water trine. November 30 corresponds to the sign of Sagittarius; the corresponding persons of the number “3” have a characteristic slightly different from the one given, and it will be discussed separately.

The main traits and characteristics of your character are described in the general section dedicated to persons born in November.

The combination of Jupiter and Mars in this part of the Zodiac is a very powerful combination that, if used properly, can provide you with success and prosperity in any chosen field.

You will be quite confident in yourself and your abilities. This quality alone will serve you well, because sooner or later great power and responsibility will fall on your shoulders.

In your youth you will have to overcome many obstacles on your way. To the number possible problems This may include the loss of close relatives or the loss of one’s well-being.

However, these trials can be characterized by the proverb “there would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.” They will teach you from an early age what responsibility is. If you look back in your adult years, you will see that the burden of worries invariably lay on your childhood shoulders, and you always had to “keep an eye on someone.” The further you went, the heavier the burden of responsibility became, and you had to be, in some way, the “head of the family.”

Naturally, at first such a burden is very heavy, it is even possible that because of it you had to postpone the implementation of some of your life plans. But by and large, these kinds of tests are necessary, because, ultimately, they form the character and type of personality, which can rightfully be defined as “the child of Jupiter and Mars in the sign of Scorpio.”

Whether you are a man or a woman, you will always be aware of your superiority over others, but this will never give you a vain feeling of selfish joy.

Deep down in your soul, you will always be aware that you were born for great things, and you only need a happy chance for this destiny to come true.

That is why you will never shy away from difficult, responsible tasks that may need to be completed. You will be offered to become the secretary of your club - and you will become one, then the presidency of your club will follow, and so on...

If you are a woman, then the nature of your behavior will be similar - both at work and at home.

I especially wanted to note weaknesses and shortcomings, because even the best of us are not without them. It is possible that events will develop in which you take on too much responsibility on your shoulders, and such overexertion will lead to a breakdown. It is possible that you will develop an overly authoritative, dictatorial style of leadership and, as a result, you may have problems with your subordinates and employees. Because of this lack, you can make enemies for yourself and generally experience a lot of bitterness and disappointment in life.

And if you suddenly fail, all you have to do is return to your “roots,” admit your guilt and start all over again, knowing that you will find enough strength within yourself to overcome your shortcomings.

If you were born on November 30th, being the first person of the number "3" under the sign of Sagittarius in the House of positive Jupiter, you can also rightfully expect that your efforts in life will be rewarded and you will achieve success.

Financial situation

Wherever fate takes you, you can “make money.” The danger is that if you pick up the tug too hard, you will become overtired, get sick, and, as a result of this breakdown, temporarily drop out of the race.


If we talk about health, then only you yourself can answer the question of whether you can withstand it or whether you will not break down, shouldering excessive work and responsibility. For your peace of mind, it should be noted that from a health point of view you were born under one of the most prosperous signs of the Zodiac.

In your case, the cause of illness can only be prolonged anxiety or grief, but if you get sick, you will be sick for a long time.

In older years, there may be heart ailments, high blood pressure and constant headaches. However, your health, as well as your illnesses, depends only on you - do not work too hard, eat simple food and sleep as much as possible.

Your most important dates and numbers associated with a number of numbers "3" and "9" of each month, but these numbers are of paramount importance in November, December, late February, March, April and May. Try to time your plans and business meetings on the 3rd, 9th, 12th, 18th, 21st, 27th and 30th.

To enhance your magnetic influence, you should wear, at least in detail, clothing in the colors of your two main planets, namely:

  • Jupiter - all shades of mauve, violet and purple;
  • Mars - all shades of crimson, red and pink.

Yours lucky stones- amethyst, all violet and purple stones, as well as turquoise and all blue stones.

More important years your life - 3, 9, 12, 18, 21, 27, 30, 36, 48, 54, 57, 63, 66, 72 and 75.

You will be attracted to people whose birth dates fall on the series of numbers “3” and “9”, that is, on the 3rd, 9th, 12th, 18th, 27th and 30th of each month.
