Esoterics conspiracy to salt from debts. Rituals for the quick return of loans and debts

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to use independent conspiracy resolve the issue of debts and influence the scammers, how to force the thief to return what was stolen, and force the debtor to repay his debts. In previous materials, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have already presented rituals for getting rid of troubles and failures associated with the financial sector, and also discussed methods for filling a person’s money channel.

And it also happens that you yourself consciously become a debtor. For example, no cash, and they are needed right now. With magic, it makes no difference who you borrow from: the bank, friends or mother. If you are afraid of refusal, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you what kind of conspiracy is needed to lend money.

A strong conspiracy to find money - a talisman will help bring good luck into your life

But first, I would like to say a little about the currently fashionable money talisman - the scooping spoon. Such money amulet can be made from any material, but preference is still given to silver. But in order for a souvenir to become a money talisman, you need to work hard, reading magical conspiracies to attract money. You can find a scoop spoon in souvenir shops. Or you can take an ordinary coffee spoon, perform a witchcraft ritual with it - and money talisman ready.

To attract wealth into your life, you can even read conspiracy for found money, making a real money magnet out of randomly received bills or coins. But be careful here, because often sorcerers cast spells on money and plant it so that foolish people can take it.

At the end of the article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give you for your reference effective ritual to find a treasure that can be used as a conspiracy to find money on the street. It works on personal strength, and therefore everything depends on how much you are into the ritual of finding money - on your desire and visualization.

A strong conspiracy to get rid of debts - how to buy yourself out of poverty at a crossroads

In the rituals of practical money magic, there are many ways to get out of poverty, get rid of obligations and debts that are pulling you back. Effective various conspiracies getting rid of debts and loans. You can perform a witchcraft ritual using personal power, or through demons or the dead. Magic rituals for debts, with otherworldly entities effective, but it all depends on contact with the Forces.

You can also ask for the Power in your own words to get rid of debts and loans on your own, to buy yourself out of poverty, so that the result will be better than from strong rituals and conspiracies.

However, you still need to work according to established, proven standards and safe rules witchcraft. You can’t last long on inspiration alone and you can’t achieve serious heights in real magic. Well, here, for example, is an effective ritual for paying off debts. Working, tested many times in practice. It's not strong spell to get rid of debts in its pure form, but it really helps to get out of the debt hole, close loans, and influence finding money.
Before you read effective conspiracy from debts, typical for monetary rituals of this type, prepare the following materials:

  • old cup
  • 7 any coins
  • a handful of earth or sand

An independent ritual to get rid of debts should be performed on the waning moon, after sunset. Throw coins into the cup one after another, read the words once for each coin:

“Here is your payment for poverty from me, have fun, poverty from morning to sunset, walk poverty, drink, eat, but don’t touch me, God’s servant (name). Here’s your ransom, here’s your tribute, but leave me alone in poverty, leave me alone forever.”

Throwing all the coins into the cup, pour earth or sand into it, then read the text of the conspiracy against incurring debts 3 times:

“You, poverty, must lie under the ground (sand), but I, not knowing grief, live in joy, make friends with money. So be it."

The cup is immediately taken to a deserted intersection, where it is left with the words: “I bought myself out of poverty, said goodbye to troubles. Exactly!". There is no need for ransom here. However, if before good conspiracy In order to pay off your debts and throw off the burden of lack of money, you do, then you need to pay off. In such rituals, the payoff for unexpectedly finding money is standard: coins, vodka. Someone carries cigarettes, black bread, depending on the experience of a practicing magician, or your personal preferences, but I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise - do not skimp, pay off with the trinity.

This magical ritual of poverty alleviation is very simple.

Despite his exceptional help, it is clear that in this way, in severe, advanced cases, one can only alleviate the fate of a person suffering from debt, but cannot cure it. But, in practical magic, any problem can be solved. There are quite strong conspiracies to get out of debts and loans. In advanced, complex cases, it is good to use wax castings of money negativity. Even better is to work comprehensively with annealing.

A powerful conspiracy to pay off debts - through 3 graves for a good life

A magical ritual to pay off debts, strong, 100% working. But, as with any independent ritual for money, there are pitfalls. So, let's talk about everything in order. Firstly, you need to understand that this is cleaning, and not work to attract big and fast money. Work is going on at three graves, and the main thing here is to get along with the dead. And that’s precisely what witchcraft power, experience and intelligence are required for.
A strong spell to get rid of debts and loans, of course, does not literally write off your debts. The ritual works as a cleansing of closed paths; reserves open up for the performer, due to which he gets the opportunity to change his financial situation. Work at full capacity magic ritual for good luck in money matters, starts in about 2 months. For some, it may unwind earlier.

To perform a cemetery ritual in order to get out of debt, you need the following:

  • new knife
  • cup with honey
  • 7 nickels

They do a money ritual for debts on their own, on 3 personalized graves. It is clear that you need to look for graves with your name, or with the name of someone to whom an effective ritual for attracting money through 3 graves for a good life is addressed. Do a strong ritual on Friday. And, since this is a cleansing, the moon should be waning. At the first grave, stick the knife vertically into the ground up to the hilt, and read the words of the conspiracy for debts:

“I’m tied with shackles, but tied in a noose, my life is ruined, so it’s turned crookedly, now I ask the dead man, now I close it with a knife, what’s knitted, now it’s cut, the noose is trimmed, so my life is straightened forever. A knife for the dead, yellow rye for me, and a golden field. Amen".

Bow low to the grave.
You need to bury a bowl of honey on the second grave. Use a container with a lid. When digging in, you need to read the second strong conspiracy to get out of debt:

“Sorrowful, since it is let down, everything is washed with a salty tear, the dead will now bless everything with honey, the bitterness will snow, and the tear will dry up, my fate will now be matched with the sweetness of honey, like the dead with honor, and with sweetness for me. Amen".

Bow to the grave.
On the third grave you need to bury 7 nickels, and at the same time read the spell text for debt relief:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

“The seven-nickel coin is now buried, because it was accepted by the dead, since it is accepted, then my fate is blessed, so, let it be enjoyed by luck, my life is golden, and crowned with whim. Amen".

Bow to the third grave.

And leave according to the rules, without looking back. If everything is done correctly, then a very strong conspiracy to get out of debt will show its results, and life will become different. There is no need to leave anything on the graves, but the owner of the cemetery must purchase it!

Let's look at how the conspiracy to get rid of debts works through 3 graves

In the black ritual, in order to find good luck, a practicing magician makes a request to the dead to remove obstacles in life and for positive changes. That is why a magical ritual is performed not on the waxing, but on the waning moon. Before opening paths, it is necessary

  • clean out the negativity
  • remove damage
  • remove the evil eye,
  • remove obstacles

It's logical. But, if a practicing magician perceives this effect not only as an effective ritual and conspiracy to get rid of debts, but also as work to attract finance, then it is permissible to perform it on the waxing moon. But not before the cleaning is done.
I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, consider it advisable to do this: magical cleansing on the waning moon. Including cleansing from financial failures and closing paths. On the first lunar day, on the waxing day, carry out witchcraft rituals to fill the money channel.
I, magician Sergei Artgrom, repeat: the strongest ritual for getting rid of constant lack of money on 3 graves is really working, and works well for novice magicians. It works great during stagnation in life, shows a noticeable and, most importantly, stable result when you need to attract luck and fortune. If you think of it as opening a path, that's exactly how it works. If you treat this work as a conspiracy to get rid of debts and attract wealth, it really attracts money. If you are making a conspiracy specifically to attract money, then after the ceremony is performed, do not forget to secure it, i.e. put a lock on your work so that things don’t get ruined ahead of schedule.

And here is a very subtle point. A matter of perception. If you look at this cemetery creation as a strong conspiracy to get out of debt, then there is no need for fastening here. But it is imperative to install protection on your financial channel after you have cleared out all the negativity. But, first check with diagnostics whether all negative programs have been removed, so as not to accidentally put under protection some old family stealer money luck. Diagnostics are also needed before conducting a cemetery ritual to get rid of money problems. It is best to do it in combination; the ritual really gives a stable cash income, and goes well with other conspiracies for good luck in the financial sphere. But it happens that this magical ritual is simply not suitable for a person. And then you may not receive wealth, but even lose any sources of monetary income.
In general, from experience, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend this powerful conspiracy to pay off debts, carried out on the waning moon. It works very well as a transfer of failures in business and complete lack of money. There is simple and expressive symbolism here. It’s not for nothing that the hangman’s rope is mentioned. To remove the stranglehold of a corrupted life, the performer gives the ghoul a knife. Then the second and third graves work on the purchase, which the magician leaves - this is honey and 7 nickels. Before starting a ritual for good luck with money on your own, purchasing for the cemetery Hosts is mandatory. Of course, too.

Which conspiracy to choose to lend money?

I want to offer you white conspiracy to give a loan, read it before taking out a loan from a bank. You can practice an effective spell not only for this occasion, but in general, if necessary, to borrow money in a difficult situation. It is done through Christian Forces, the performer addresses them.

And here is this white conspiracy to lend money. You need to wear a handkerchief under your armpit for 3 days. When you come to ask for a loan of money, wipe your face with this handkerchief on the threshold and mentally say:

“Lord, my God Christ, my angel brought a request. My Lord, You said: ask, and it will be given.” Amen".

A strong conspiracy to return stolen money

To force a thief to return what he stole, you need to take the old one. rusty knife, read the plot to return stolen money 3 times so that your breath touches the blade of the knife. After which, take the enchanted knife to the cemetery and stick it in the registered grave of the thief or debtor. Leave, as always, according to the rules. I note that this independent conspiracy to return money will help you take back your money not only from an unscrupulous client or boss, but also from scammers, who, in fact, are also thieves.

Read the words of the text of a strong conspiracy to get your money back:

“The dog barks, the pig digs, the wind blows, sparks fly, the locks creak, they don’t close. The sharp knives became dull, became covered with dirt, and the slave (name) felt dryness, aching, melancholy, yawning. Hands are taken away, eyes cannot see, ears cannot hear, hair is falling out, teeth are rotting. Someone else's goods are of no use, my word is locked, no one will open the lock, the dog will faithfully guard. Amen".

How to find money on the street - a warlock spell for treasure

Probably each of you would like to have the ability to often find money on the road. In the arsenal of black magic there are also such effective conspiracies that help to find treasures. That is, treasures in the literal sense, well, and that money that, so to speak, is in bad shape. For example, you can use an effective spell to gain the ability to find money on the street.

Get up before dawn. IN left hand take a burning candle and read the words of the conspiracy to find money 7 times:

“I will get up with the dawn, I will walk with the early sun along the hills and ravines, along the hills and steeps. I will find a huge stone, and under that stone lie gold, jewelry, clear stones, cast silver, cast pearls. I will roll away that stone like a feather and take what lies under it, and I will take for myself the good silver and all the yachts with clear pearls along with gold. Whoever laid the treasure dreamed about me (name) that I would come in the morning with the sun and I would take everything that was allotted. Shine quickly, the sun is clear. Show me the way to the treasure, to the strong and heavy stone. For me, he will be a feather, a light sliver. Dawn, clear dawn, show me the path to the golden treasure that lies in places unknown to me, behind a hill, behind a hill in the middle of a valley. Wind, wind, blow quickly, mark the path for me to the treasure myself, so that I can find the treasure, like my home in the middle of the night. And you are a strong pebble, make way, fall down, let me take the treasure, like rye from a great field. I am going on a path and I will find that treasured treasure that was laid for me by a hand unknown to me. Goy."

Many people are mired in debt and simply don’t know how to get out of it. Some people have the opposite problem: they gave people money, but no one is in a hurry to return it. In this case there is one effective way- read the plot against debts. It is important to carry out the ritual only with full confidence in a positive result. Thanks to this, circumstances will be created in which a person will be able to cope with all problems in a short period of time.

Conspiracy to get rid of debts

It is best to perform rituals with water, as it is believed that it takes away all problems, including those of a material nature. There are several similar rituals:

You need to go to a river or stream and, looking at the water, say the following words:

“A flock of fish is like a flock of birds - multi-colored, different-eyed. It floats, it flows away, it runs towards the end of the world. So my duty carries me towards a cliff, rushes towards the abyss. Swallow the fish, the water will absorb it. The bird will scatter its wings and tear it with its claws. The water is fast, the banks are full. My debts are with the water, with the fish, far from me, from this shore.”

If there are no natural sources nearby, then you can perform the ritual at home. To do this, open the tap with cold water and, without taking your eyes off the flow, it’s worth saying the following spell three times to get rid of debts:

“Drop to drop, stream to stream. Just as it flows quickly and quickly, so the debts float past me. I am clean, washed with water, hidden from debts.”

It is important to carry out rituals on the waning moon, but the time of day does not matter.

Conspiracy to repay debt

To carry out the ritual, you need to take a sheet of paper and write a list of debtors on it. It is best to indicate your name and specific amount. After this, you need to wrap a large stone in this paper, tie it with a rope and throw it into any natural body of water. Try to throw as far as possible. After that, say this spell:

“Let my debts sink to the bottom like a stone, but come to me like air.”

Rituals using food are considered effective. Take any dish or even an ordinary bun and salt everything thoroughly so that it is simply impossible to eat. While doing this, say these words:

“As this food is salty, so everything will be salty for the servant of God (say the name of the debtor). He will not drink water, he will not forget thoughts about duty. I’ll hurry up and return everything I borrowed.”

Then the food must be discreetly dropped off at the debtor’s house.

Credit debts have special properties, because they are usually designed for a long period. During this time, a person can get used to the realization that he will always be a debtor. Such thoughts give rise to negative energy, and it interferes with cash flows who could come to the rescue.

Activating the energy of money

On our own magical actions will not get rid of debts. After the appropriate ceremony, employees of the financial institution will not come to you and hand over documents stating that you no longer need to pay.

Main task money rituals- attracting material resources by activating your energy. But this requires your own efforts.

First of all, tune in to positive changes in life. Don't blame yourself for the current situation, because guilt takes away the energy that is needed to change your life. better side. View debt as a negative but rewarding experience.

Analyze your further actions V in this direction. The best way to do this is with pen and paper. Formulate: what should the situation be like for it to stop bothering you? What specific amount do you need to earn? What needs to be done for this?

Set a time frame for solving the problem in specific units - days, months, weeks. Compose step by step plan actions: write a resume on such and such a date! send it to several employers on such and such a date, meet with a friend who can help, etc.

Be sure to plan your expenses - your purchases, especially large ones, should not be random.

The general principle of spending looks something like this: 50% of all funds are spent on current needs (food, clothing, etc.), 20% on paying off debts or saving, 30% on education, entertainment and additional expenses.

If you yourself are determined to become successful person- magical rituals will definitely help, creating such an environment around you that it will be easy for you to earn money and repay a loan.

When conducting such rituals, certain rules must be followed.

  • First of all, do not contact them for fun. Communication with subtle matters must be respectful so as not to harm yourself.
  • The ritual for getting rid of loans is done on the waning Moon - as in other cases when it is necessary to get rid of something.
  • It is very important that during the ritual your thoughts are pure and your desires do not harm anyone. After the ritual, try not to borrow for a month.
  • Conspiracies for women are most powerful on women's days (they are indicated by the words feminine- Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), conspiracies for men - on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). Do not perform several rituals at the same time or immediately one after another - at least a month should pass between them.

Conspiracies to pay off debts and loans

Key spell

To carry out one of the effective rituals, you will need a long key that has never been used (you can buy it at the appropriate workshop). The ritual should be performed at midnight. Go to an intersection where there are no cars, put the key there and go around it - first three times counterclockwise, then three times clockwise. At the same time, repeat the words:

“The forces around me, have mercy, I pray to you! Forgive my stupidity! Give a second chance. Let it be so!”

After the ceremony, this key should be hung on a ring with the rest of your keys and carried there until you get rid of debts.

To perform another ritual, you will need a white sheet of paper, church candle and a pencil or pen. The ceremony is carried out in the evening, it is better if there is a slight wind outside. Light a candle near the window. On a white piece of paper, write to whom and how much you owe. Burn this leaf over a candle fire and say the words:

“Candle-candle, help me in business, burn all my debts.”

The sheet of paper should burn to ashes, and the resulting ashes should be thrown out the window.

Water spell

Rituals associated with water will help you get rid of credit debts, because its energy helps in solving money problems. Walk up to anyone natural source water, throw a coin at it white and say the words of the conspiracy:

“My payment for debt is quick and full, my head is clear without debt. I drive my debts away from me into the water, and from there they will forever go into the ground. I paid in silver, and I pay only from myself, and not from others. I don’t ask princes and boyars for this. The debt along with the coin is in the water, I throw it in and dissolve it, and the water is absorbed into the ground. Debts for me are forever closed with a word and locked with a coin. Amen".

A similar ritual can be performed at home near an open water tap. You won't need a coin, but the words will sound like this:

“Drop by drop, and a large stream flows into a natural stream. Just as it is fast and swift, so quickly my debts will flow away from me. I will remain clean, washed with natural water, and in the future forever hidden from debt. Amen".

Such rituals will help attract money energy and become a financially independent person. Good luck and prosperity to you!

Today, most people are not able to earn the amount of money that would be enough to purchase real estate, transport, and various household appliances and other things. Therefore, they have to apply to various organizations for a loan or credit to receive funds at interest (banks, financial centers, various credit organizations, and just acquaintances and friends).

But in life there are various force majeure situations in which a person is not able to pay off debts or pay off interest on them. And then people start looking various ways, helping to get out of accumulated debts, up to and including rituals for getting rid of debts using black magic. In this article we will look at what debts are from a magical point of view, and what money magic and its application.

Unpaid debt is an accumulation of negative energy

Debt and its magical concept

When a person is faced with a debt, cannot pay it off or is unable to pay even in parts, he constantly begins to think about how to get out of the situation. Thinking about solving the problem that has arisen and how to repay the debt. Because of this:

  • mood disappears;
  • irritability appears;
  • nothing comes of it, everything falls out of hand;
  • there is a desire to do nothing (not even give money at all) and as a result of this - stress.

From this we conclude that unrepaid debt is an accumulation of negative energy. And in order to get rid of this energy, global changes in life are necessary:

  • new job;
  • increase in earnings;
  • support from family and friends.

The faster these changes occur, the faster a person will begin to repay debts.

People with financial problems often turn to white or black magic for help.. And they try to solve this dilemma with the help of specialists in this field or on their own traditional methods using various information obtained from literary or Internet sources.

Rituals for getting rid of debts using magic

In order for a person to get out of the debt hole, it is necessary, with the help of various magical rituals, to cleanse his energy body of accumulated negative energy. And every time negative energy will increasingly be replaced by positive ones. The result of all this is elation, a desire to work and live.

A ritual to get rid of debts will make sure that money stops leaving you and comes into your hands. And the person will finally be able to get out of debt.

Since ancient times, there have been two types of magic:

  • black magic;
  • white magic.

There are a very large number of rituals for getting rid of debts using magic. Today we will look at the most effective ways.

For the ritual of getting rid of debts, you need to take three red threads

Rituals for getting rid of debts using money magic

There are many options that can help you get out of debt using magical powers.

  1. A talisman for protection against debts and financial holes. Making a debt protection amulet is quite easy. This is done at night, just before bedtime. You need to take three red threads. Weave them with a braid and secure it to a small hook or pin. If a person is in a bad mood, then he is strictly forbidden to perform this ritual. Only required good mood and positive thoughts. When the amulet is ready, it must be placed on right palm and say the right words out loud. A talisman made in this way protects not only a person, but also his home. It must be secured from the inside of the housing above front door. It will prevent negative energy from entering the house. And the red color of the threads will attract financial luck and money into your home. At correct implementation ritual, you will soon see the opportunity to get rid of debts or loans.
  2. Ritual to get rid of debts using a wallet. The ceremony takes place on a full moon. You will need a wallet, but only one that you constantly use. A new one is not suitable, you need a wallet that has already encountered the energy of money. On the full moon, remove absolutely all contents from your wallet. Open your wallet wide and place it on the windowsill overnight. Required condition— the light from the moon should fall on it. This ritual must be performed three nights in a row, and during the day the wallet can be used as usual. This ritual must be performed regularly before each full moon. And when the new moon comes, you need to repeat the procedure, only in this case the wallet should be full, with money.
  3. Ritual for getting rid of debts on the waning moon. There is an ancient very powerful ritual on how to get rid of debts during the waning moon. He uses black magic. At midnight on the waning moon, sit at the table. You need to light a black candle. Take a small piece of paper and write the amount of your debt on it with a black pen. Then drop a little honey on the paper and add a pinch of sugar. Then you need to roll this piece of paper into a small ball. Using a heated knife blade, make a small hole in the candle and insert a paper ball into it. After all this, the candle should burn for 9 minutes. Extinguish it and throw the remains away from your home. A prerequisite is that you need to leave a few drops from the burning candle and the next day, after you leave the house, you need to throw these drops behind you on the road.

Which method is better?

By applying the listed methods to get rid of debts, you will receive a powerful energy boost that will allow you to take right decisions, manage finances correctly and short time pay off debts.

A person who wants to turn to magic for help must decide for himself which method to use.

Use powerful witchcraft using a black candle, or resort to white magic by making a talisman or casting a spell on your wallet.

Any ritual will have a more powerful effect and power if a special conspiracy is read when using them.

But before using it, it is better to consult with a specialist in this field, because it happens that as a result of the influence of magic on a person, the returnee may suffer serious losses.

There is no need to wait for instant action from any rituals performed in order to pay off debts and loans. They need to be repeated regularly and carried out under certain conditions (full moon, new moon, etc.). Magic, as a means of solving financial problems, is a rather serious thing, so its use should be treated with great caution and only after consultation with people knowledgeable in this matter.

How to use magic to get rid of lack of money - this is main topic of this material. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about this today. The magical problem of lack of money and poverty, and how to get rid of it? This is the most burning question of our compatriots, who came to the need for witchcraft rituals with the motivation to improve their lives.

What to do if you are tired of lack of money?

The cause of poverty and financial failures should not always be sought in damage caused or other magical influence to poverty. However, this problem does exist. And any witchcraft, as you know, can be removed by a real magician. Magical cleansing from damage to poverty, and then strong conspiracies against lack of money will help you change your own life, or the lives of people close to you.

But what to do if failures are not related to the damage caused to a person due to lack of money?

These could be some personal characteristics:

  • drunkenness,
  • uncertainty,
  • idleness,
  • banal laziness and so on.

These aspects can also be influenced through magical rituals. There are independent conspiracies,

  • to make a slacker work,
  • free an alcoholic from addiction,
  • With the help of magic you can strengthen your character,
  • remove complexities,
  • drive away the "cockroaches".

This is a complex work that may include magical rituals to relieve lack of money per person, for the influx of money, stabilization of financial situation and attract good luck.

You can try to correct an undesirable situation with the help of prayer for lack of money and debts if a person has a connection with, or if he is simply afraid to turn to the egregors of black magic. In real witchcraft there are always a lot of options. And, be that as it may, practical magic has been and remains a powerful instrument of influence on the world around us personality, and the situations in which it (the personality) finds itself. Here is a good, in my opinion, ritual for constant lack of money, a working one that has positive reviews.

Independent ritual against bad luck and lack of money in the cemetery

The ritual to overcome complete lack of money in the family should be done on full moon. On the night of the full moon, go to the cemetery. Take your wallet with money with you. You need to find a stick in the cemetery and approach the old tree. Hit the tree trunk three times with this stick, hold the wallet in your hand, and read the words of the conspiracy against lack of money and poverty:

“The dead will not rise from the grave, and money will not leave me forever, but just as the graveyard is filled with the dead, so my wallet is replenished with money. Yes, everything will come true, as long as everything is not forgotten on Judgment Day. Amen".

When independent conspiracy against failure and lack of money was read, throw the stick and leave without looking back. Perform a magical ritual according to the rules of cemetery witchcraft. It doesn’t matter which tree you choose for the ritual to get rid of debts and lack of money. But before carrying out the conspiracy, you should make a purchase to the owner of the cemetery. IN in this case make a cash purchase.

How to relieve yourself of lack of money and attract good luck

As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, has already repeatedly said what to do if you are tired of lack of money, clarification of the situation begins with diagnosis. First, the causes of the problem are identified, after which the practicing magician selects rituals to eliminate the causes of lack of money and bad luck. Ritual magical cleansing is done - warlock or runic. It is possible to combine the witchcraft rituals of these two ancient magical traditions, since the Dark Forces, egregor world of the dead and Runes do not conflict with each other.

If you turn to black magic, you should know what the powerful do rituals for lack of money on the waning moon, while runic rituals do not depend on the state of the moon. In black magic, work is also tied to lunar energy. This is not the case in Runes; there are other energy sources.
If a person and his family long time living in lack of money and poverty, barely making ends meet, people must be checked for the presence. In this case, the algorithm of work is clear: a series of purges from damage due to bad luck, strong protection, magical work with personality, rituals to attract money and good luck. But the problem of constant lack of money and bad luck may turn out to be more serious. The old one may come out generational damage to poverty with deep strong roots.

One of the signs of the damage caused by poverty and bad luck can be considered: financial failures, lack of money, material dependence of several families and generations related by family. Ordinary conspiracies against lack of money and poverty are unlikely to help here. What to do in this case? There are strong rituals of black magic that allow you to overcome complete lack of money. First of all, you need to remove the damage, cleanse the entire family from the damage to poverty and failure. This is serious work that requires time and effort. But, it's worth it. But first you need to unwind everything, and think about how best to do it.

There may be another problem of constant lack of money, but also related to relatives. It happens that people do not practice witchcraft, do not cast spells on poverty, but they have such destructive energy that any negative wishes are immediately realized. And first of all, this affects the family’s finances. These people are real black holes where light drowns, where well-being and joy disappear. Such energetically vampire channels need to be cut off and magical protection. As long as there are such people next to you, poverty will not go away from your life, nor orthodox prayer from lack of money, nor black conspiracies from bad luck and poverty will give the desired result.

How to get rid of debts and lack of money - onion spell

An independent ritual to remove lack of money is done on the personal strength of the performer. In powerful black magic rituals there are many transfers of personal power that work great. Obviously, a powerful, old curse on debts and constant lack of money cannot be removed using a proven ritual, but in the complex, transferring one’s poverty works well. The independent ritual is simple and schematically correct: shabby clothes symbolize what the performer is suffering from, and the bow symbolizes tears, poverty, problems. Problems are drowned in water, and old clothes, or a scrap from them, are used here as a binding. So, the accents are placed correctly. The principle of magically transferring your lack of money is one and universal.

So, here is a magical ritual on how to get rid of poverty and lack of money.

To make a transfer you must have:

  • any worn out clothes
  • onion

Take the clothes with which you will make this transfer. A scrap from it will also do.
Wrap the onion in a rag, ring the bundle three times, and throw it into the river.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Here are the words of an independent conspiracy for the waning moon from lack of money:

“Dashing beggar, don’t touch me, witch (name), be quiet, swim away on the water, don’t invite me with you. Lie under the snag, don’t hold me, hold the clawed crayfish, the white-faced fool. So that I don’t wear rags, don’t be poor forever, so that I don’t shed tears and don’t eat bitter onions, so that I don’t count every penny and hoard rags. The wave carries you away, I am rich and free. I send poverty away, I close the words. Key, tongue, lock. Amen, amen, amen."

This real ritual, like other home spells of magical translation, is not just a theoretical recommendation on how to get rid of failures and lack of money. This is a practical work ritual, a real opportunity to remove negativity.

An ordinary miracle - the power of magic to get rid of lack of money

Unlike the previous ritual for getting rid of lack of money, which is done on the waning moon, in this independent ritual the moon is not important. The conspiracy against poverty and poverty is good, despite its simplicity. Do not throw away the cup after the ceremony, but leave it for subsequent manipulations of the result. There is nothing wrong with this, because you are not dumping negativity on the cup. This is a simple conspiracy against lack of money, so that there is always prosperity and joy in the house. I won't say that this is strong ritual from constant lack of money. Rather, it is like a talisman for the home against poverty and misery. The ritual is effective, without a doubt, despite its apparent simplicity.
“Malanya went out to the outskirts early in the morning, cried and sobbed, did not know how to calm down, spoke in all directions, made complaints. I give her my troubles, I don’t want to bear them anymore. Let her carry my troubles far, far, across the ocean, beyond, to the very ends of the earth. Let my house be full; there will be bread and porridge in it. Everyone in the house, nothing out. I, the witch (name), am the mistress of this house, and it cannot be any other way. There are locks on all my words. So be it."

After that right hand take a cup and drink the contents to the last drop.
