Extrasensory perception. exercises to develop psychic abilities

Sooner or later, every person begins to be interested in the supernatural, unusual things. Then he has a lot of questions. Does he have extrasensory abilities? And how can they be developed? Everyone has different goals - one needs to defeat competitors, the other needs to solve personal problems. The third one just wants fame and money. At the same time, it is important to know that when people begin the difficult path of spiritual improvement, their perception of themselves and the world changes.

The concept of extrasensory perception

There are many methods on how to develop psychic abilities. To start developing in in this direction, it is important to answer main question- What is extrasensory perception? This term most often refers to a type of perception that is inaccessible to ordinary senses and goes far beyond the limits of ordinary human capabilities.

Modern scientists conducting experiments on the brain have found that a person uses only 10% of his potential. But where does the remaining 90% go then? It turns out that many centuries ago people had special knowledge that allowed them to develop the potential inherent in the human mind. From ancient treatises, knowledge has reached our days that the ability to concentrate attention on a specific subject is important in human development.

Concentration on a point

How to develop psychic abilities? The answer to this question has been known for a long time, and one of the proven exercises is “Concentration on a point.” It has several levels of difficulty.

  • In the center of the white sheet you need to draw a black dot. Hang it on the wall, and the distance to the eyes should be at least one meter. Next, you need to sit in front of the drawing and start looking carefully at this point. You can't think about anything but her. There is only a meditating person, period. The main thing in the task is to try to drown out the voice of the fussy mind, to stop thinking about anything other than the object of the exercise. With regular practice, you can master this exercise in a month.
  • The next stage is meditation using the point blue color. As soon as you manage to master this exercise, you should move on to the next one.
  • On a white sheet of paper, 2 black dots are drawn, which are located at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. This is the next stage, which will answer the question of how to develop psychic abilities. You should concentrate on both points at the same time. Since human consciousness cannot capture two objects at once, it must fade into the background and give freedom to the subconscious. Concentrating on two points at once allows you to enter a magical mode of perception and develop unusual abilities.

Preparing to develop abilities

How to develop psychic abilities in yourself for more short term? It is quite possible to do this. Let's look at a few tips for preparing for short-term exercise.

  • First you need to cleanse your thoughts and emotions. We need to get rid of the negative burden that prevents the subconscious from opening up and achieving inner harmony. Meditation can be very helpful for this.
  • You should not tell anyone what type of training you are doing. This must remain secret from outsiders.

  • Special exercises should be performed every day. Since developing psychic abilities on your own is a rather painstaking process, you cannot do without self-discipline. If this is not done regularly, good result you can't expect it.
  • You should use the talents you receive only for good purposes. Otherwise these abilities will disappear.
  • You should also study additional information on extrasensory perception. After all, theory is no less important in this matter than practice.

Exercises with photos

Now let's look at a few practical exercises. They will be useful to anyone who is looking for an answer to the question of how to develop psychic abilities at home.

  • A technique that allows you to learn to feel the human aura. You need to sit straight in a chair and relax. Spread your arms to the sides, place your palms parallel to each other at a distance of about 30 cm, then slowly bring your palms together and spread them apart. There should be a feeling of elasticity and warmth.
  • Next, two photographs are taken, which depict a deceased person and a living one. You should close your eyes and get rid of extraneous experiences and thoughts. Place one hand on the photo and feel the energy emanating from it. Then you should repeat the exercise on another photo.
  • To develop intuition on the days when you do the exercise, you should begin to learn to write with the opposite hand.

Basic rules for success

How to quickly develop psychic abilities? The main thing is to really strive for this, to persistently pursue your goal. To achieve success faster, you should follow a few simple recommendations.

  • Be positive. It is hardly possible to develop psychic abilities if you do not believe in the end result. Therefore, everyone who wants to become a real medium will need confidence and a positive attitude. Doubts will only distract, slowing down the entire process.
  • You should be especially careful about your experiences and feelings during training. You need to keep an eye on every little thing happening around you. After all, this could be a supernatural signal.
  • Record your dreams and visions on paper. It is useful to have a special notebook for this. This way you can track how quickly progress is happening.
  • Imagine various events in your mind's eye as often as possible. Photographs can be used for this purpose. After looking at one picture for a few seconds, you should then close your eyes and try to reproduce it in your imagination.

How to develop psychic abilities: exercise “Through Vision”

This is one of the oldest methods that have come down to our time from our ancestors. It was used to “examine” what was hidden from human sight. To perform this technique, you should sit on a chair so that the wall is at arm's length. Your gaze will be directed at her during the exercise. You should relax and focus on any point located on the wall above eye level. A person has the so-called “third eye” at this level.

Then you need to look at the wall vaguely, without concentrating on anything for about 20 minutes. You should try not to blink. After that, you should try to “see” the same point, but from the opposite side of the wall, looking at it as if through it. You should also spend about 20 minutes on this. The exercise should be performed every day.

Technique “Vision of the Aura”

Advice on how to develop psychic abilities is easy for anyone to follow. To independently train these skills, it is useful to train in closely examining your own eyelids, as well as the contours of objects.

To do this, relax your body, close your eyes and relax. Then you should begin to carefully examine the blurry outlines on the “black screen” of your eyelids for about 10 minutes. It is best to perform this technique in the morning, immediately after sleep, or before going to bed.

How can you develop your psychic abilities even more? 9 days after this workout, you can complicate it by starting the second part. As in the first case, you should relax, closing your eyelids a little. Start looking closely at the contours of any object in the room. It is useful to carry out this exercise in semi-darkness. Bright light will interfere with the vision of the aura. After such training, you can develop your ability to see the human aura, determine the properties of a person’s character, his thoughts.

Methodology for the development of extrasensory hearing

This exercise allows you to develop a sensitive ear. Almost all people try to protect themselves from extraneous sounds before going to bed. The point of the exercise is that you should concentrate on a sound for several minutes in order to determine its source. For example, it could be the barking of a dog, or the meowing of a cat. Having heard such sounds, you should try to determine the sex of the animal and its color. If people's voices are heard, their gender, appearance, and clothing should be determined. Execution this exercise allows you to gain control over the world of sounds that penetrate the unconscious.

Development of the sense of smell

This exercise is aimed at developing olfactory abilities, which should also be well developed in a psychic. To perform the technique, you should sit down, relax, and try to identify the surrounding smells. Then think about what is their source, mentally try to imagine them. If you train constantly, the results can be truly shocking. The technique allows you to detect odors that were previously ignored.

Using these exercises to develop supernatural abilities, you can not only expand your perception, but also learn to find a way out of the most difficult situations. The main thing is to remember that unusual abilities should be used only for the benefit of people. They cannot be used for the sake of enrichment or harm.

Extrasensory perception. Exercises to develop psychic abilities

One of the blog readers asked me to write an article about what extrasensory perception is and give several exercises to develop sensitivity to energies.

First, let's give a definition, extrasensory perception- this is the ability to feel different energies, come into contact with them and receive necessary information without using the usual senses - hearing, vision, touch, smell, vestibular apparatus.

Extrasensory perception, a special type of magic- it has its own laws and in most cases is capable of breaking the laws of ordinary magic.

Extrasensory perception includes telepathy, telekinesis, dowsing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, psionics, empathy, the creation of illusions, various energy practices and some other systems. I call these systems, since these are subtypes of extrasensory perception and are implemented using special systematic approaches.

There are three ways to become psychics.

These are the methods:

Independent development of extrasensory abilities through training;

Development of abilities due to injury or stressful situations;

Innate skills.

I don’t think there’s any need to explain the first two points, but I’ll say the third one. Every person has extrasensory abilities from birth, this is inherent in us from our birth, from the creation of the world.

In Orthodoxy, it is believed that man was endowed with many abilities when he was in Eden, but as a result of the Fall, man became very distant from God and because of this, over time he lost many of his spiritual abilities. And magic is just a way to regain these abilities using a harsh method.

This is the difference between extrasensory perception and magic, the first is natural to us, and magic is a science with the help of which it influences the world.

Another thing is that some people from birth have clearly expressed abilities, the reasons for this are not known to us, but such people play a special role in the world. They have a great responsibility, because having such power you can do a lot of bad things all over the world.

In fact, extrasensory perception has not been properly studied, although many scientists have worked on it - there are no clear explanations. Now there are many movements that aim to develop these abilities and many people are interested in them.

But you should know that this is a dangerous activity. Without proper guidance, you can do a lot of harm to yourself. I had to communicate with people who went crazy from such activities.

How to develop these abilities in yourself.

Extrasensory abilities are activated by the slightest effort, if it is directed in the right direction. And you yourself, probably, have more than once noticed glimpses of intuition, premonitions of some events - and noticed that when you begin to listen to your intuition, it works even better. This happens all the time, but not everyone notices it or doesn’t want to notice it, and as a result, the abilities will remain hidden.

Huge strengths and possibilities are hidden in man. Man is a powerful being, in whom the forces of the spiritual and energetic side of the universe are embedded; he is capable of not only penetrating these spheres - but also managing them.

The special thing about extrasensory perception is that you can do everything with your thoughts. The main thing is to believe and obtain the necessary knowledge, since faith must be reasonable. There is a lot of literature now, but I advise you to read literature written from the 90s to 2005, during this period a lot was published good books with real knowledge.

There are many techniques that allow you to develop psychic abilities in a person, almost regardless of his initial level.

Learning extrasensory perception is about learning to perceive the energy plane more subtly and correctly interpret your feelings. As a rule, such signals are clogged with logic, which most people are accustomed to relying entirely on. modern people- and even stereotypes get in the way, we are up to our ears in them.

I won’t give a lot of exercises; I’d rather write articles on the topic of extrasensory perception later.

Psychic hand training opens the outputs of the energy system in the fingers, as well as palms, creates a steady flow between them, the sensitivity of the psychic’s skin to the effects of energy fields increases.

When executing psychic exercises the ability to sense energy fields appears, and it becomes easier to control the flow of energy. In this case, the psychic’s hands work in the mode of transmitting and receiving energy.

The hands of a psychic work as a receiving and transmitting device. The right hand of a right-hander is positive (+), active, the left (-), receiving. For a left-handed person, the opposite is true. The psychic should pay the greatest attention to psychic exercises for his active hand.

Pay special attention to extrasensory training of the very tips of the nail phalanges of the index finger, ring and middle fingers of both hands. Basically, all diagnostics are carried out with these three fingers.

At the beginning of training, when performing extrasensory exercises, try to catch the subtlest changes in the sensations of your fingertips, remember them and improve tactile sensitivity.

Extrasensory sensitivity of the palms below, and they train to sense two signals: determining the field and hypertonic or hypotonic pressure.

Basically, psychic exercises are based on the fact that the palms of the hands move in a circle one above the other.

- One hand is motionless, the other hand makes circular movements relatively different motionless hand clockwise, after the sensitivity improves, the distance between the fingers (palms) should gradually be increased to such a distance at which the sensitivity of the skin is noticeable, then brought together. The connection between hands cannot be lost.

Psychic exercises are done for the left and right hand one by one. The workers are the very tips of the fingers, and pay the most attention to psychic exercises.

When performing psychic exercises, visualize the movement of energy, concentrate special attention to those sensations that arise in your fingertips and palms (warmth, tingling, cold, itching, dips, etc.).

- Keep your palms parallel to each other, commit oscillatory movements forward, backward, to the sides, moving them away and bringing them closer to each other. This exercise produces a feeling of tingling, burning, etc., which indicates the restoration or cleansing of energy channels.

- Imagine holding an orange or blue energy ball between your palms. You increase and decrease this ball by moving and spreading your palms, increasing the speed of hand movement. Then imagine how the ball on one of your palms becomes heavier, feel its heaviness. Switch hands. Do this exercise for 15 minutes, you will feel a magnetic vibration between your palms. Fix this sensation in your body's memory.

In extrasensory perception, to receive best results you need to enter a state of altered consciousness.

It is advisable to do this exercise every day; it is simple, but it will help you quickly develop intuition.

Without exaggeration, we can say that at any time, in any situation, we can arrange testing the power of your intuition.

Before leaving home, ask yourself a question: who will meet first - a man or a woman? Give the answer without hesitation and go outside. When asking a question, listen to your feelings and remember them. Having seen your “answer”, remember what your feelings were and what (who) they signaled.

At the bus stop: which bus (trolleybus, minibus) is suitable next. Give yourself the flight number and wait.

In transport: what color car will overtake you.

At work: if you are involved in negotiations at work, if you have a conversation with your boss, the tax office, etc., ask yourself the question: how will the meeting go, what will the emotional situation be, what will the results be?

Write down your expectations from the negotiations in a notebook in advance. Try to intuitively write down everything in more detail.

When the phone rings, try to quickly answer the questions: is it a man or a woman calling, is it a regular call or a call from someone you haven’t talked to for a long time, or maybe it’s a call from someone you don’t know?

Write down your intuitive expectations about the weather for several days in advance. Write down all the nuances of your expectations. Check the consistency of your predictions with real events.

You can receive answers in the form visual images, you can hear them or “just know.”

Here are 7 extrasensory perception exercises, I am not their author, but I have used them myself and recommend them to you.

First exercise. Select an object at eye level at a distance of 1 - 3 meters. The item to start with should be very simple: a book, a pen, a matchbox. Close your eyes and imagine a white, empty, glowing space. Keep a clear image of it in your mind’s eye for 3 to 5 minutes. Then open your eyes and contemplate the object for 3 - 5 minutes. At the same time, do not think about it, but simply look through it, as if you were looking into the distance, trying to take in the subject as a whole. Close your eyes and imagine this object in your mind, placing it in a white luminous space for 3 to 5 minutes. The exercise needs to be done 5 - 8 times, trying to do it calmly, without straining, without any effort of will.

Second exercise. While lying in bed, before going to sleep, close your eyes and imagine a black letter “A” on a white background. Hold the image of the letter in your mind for several minutes. The letter can change in shape, float away, shrink - calmly return it to its original place in original form. The next day, imagine the letter “B” in the same way. Hold the letter in your imagination until the image is clearly captured. At the next stage of this exercise, hold the combinations of the letters “AB”, then “VG” and so on. Then hold three letters in your imagination. Some people immediately manage to keep 5 or more letters on their mental screen. Work further, bring the number of letters held in your imagination to ten. Exercise helps develop concentration, expand the scope of perception, and improve memory.

Third exercise. Imagine a small red square, fix it in your imagination. Now imagine that the square increases in size, its edges diverge to infinity. Now there is a red space in front of you, contemplate it. The next day, do the same experiment with the orange space. Then with yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Once you have mastered this, move on to more complex things. Imagine first the color red, smoothly turning into orange, orange turning into yellow and so on until purple. Then you need to go back from purple. Then imagine red-skinned people walking through a green forest. People's skin gradually becomes orange, yellow - and so on until purple. Then it gradually turns red again.

Fourth exercise. Imagine an apple. Start rotating it clockwise in space. Imagine how it flies out of your head and flies around the room. Place the apple opposite the bridge of your nose and look at it. Carefully try to mentally enter into it, feel yourself in its size and shape. Then fly one meter up from your body in an apple and look at the world from this point. You should see your body below, the walls of the room, the furniture, the close ceiling. This exercise should be done while sitting in a chair or lying on a bed, as involuntary access to the astral world is possible. It is extremely important not to lose control of yourself during the exercise. If you sense something is wrong, open your eyes immediately.

Fifth exercise. Look carefully at any object. Close your eyes, try to see the same object in the same place. Open your eyes, compare the imaginary object with the real one. Close your eyes again. Open. Achieve maximum identity between the physical and the imaginary. As you progress in your studies, the subjects covered should become increasingly difficult. Then start looking at animals and people this way. After fully mastering this exercise, you will be able to look at a person with your eyes closed and see the aura and internal organs his body.

Sixth exercise. Learn to create some mental image in space with your eyes open. For example, imagine that you have a vase with different colors. Try to see her there.

Seventh exercise. Take mental trips. Imagine how you walked around the room, hall, kitchen, went out into the corridor, and returned. Imagine how you leave your house, walk down the street, get on a bus, go to the forest, to the river, swim, and so on.

Useful tips

Become a psychic (or improve your intuition enough to develop the ability to foresight) – it's not as difficult a task as you think. Moreover: this is an interesting process that will allow you to know yourself and learn to live in harmony with the world.

But, as is the case with any new business, developing clairvoyance will require some effort from you, time for training and, of course, appropriate patience. Subject to these simple rules You will soon discover new possibilities in yourself that you could not even dream of before.

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance: five effective exercises

Upgrade your psychic abilities!

Developing your “psychic muscles” is a process that is quite similar to physical training. With regular training, you will achieve results faster than, for example, pumping up your abdominal muscles. Remember: under no circumstances you shouldn't give up in the first weeks of classes, and then you will succeed.

The most difficult thing in this matter is to take the first step and then maintain regularity in training. Usually for beginners The hardest thing is to learn to concentrate. Are you ready to face these challenges? Then let's get started!

Practice One: Develop Your Visualization Ability

All clairvoyants have the strongest ability to visualize. Based on this, it is worth your time to become an excellent visualizer. And the more often you develop this ability in yourself, the easier it will be for you to develop it.

Remember: when they say that clairvoyants see, they mean that they “see” with their inner vision! To be absolutely precise, it's about the third eye– the chakra located just above your eyebrows, between them.

In other words, you learn to see images, pictures and symbols, figuratively speaking, in your head. Receive information and it is possible to see images only then, when your chakra, that is, your third eye, is open. This is why it is extremely important to regularly practice visualizations that help open this chakra.

How to properly develop visualization ability?

It is necessary every day, for a few minutes, to visualize various images, pictures and scenes using your mind's eye. This is a very effective, fun and even relaxing way to develop clairvoyance.

Imagine, for example, that you are on stage singing along with your favorite performer during a concert. Or imagine yourself arranging furniture in the house of your dreams on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

More like dreams? That's right. You should start learning visualization with such scenes, as it will be more pleasant and easier for you to imagine them. Regularly visualizing your dreams and other plots, you will contribute to the opening of the third eye, helping to develop clairvoyance abilities. Having trouble with this? Start with simple things.

Visualize numbers and bright colors

Close your eyes. Imagine the number “1” in front of you as clearly and distinctly as possible, “see” it with your in my mind's eye. Try to hold the image of this number for ten seconds, make it stable and clear, and then move on to the number “2”, “3” and so on - up to “10”.

Can't imagine again? Take a brush and bright colors, and then draw a big, bold number “1” on the paper. Don't hold back your imagination be creative. Paint the unit bright yellow and then apply bright red stripes, or blue spots.

Then take a close look at the product of your creativity. 30 seconds or so is enough. And then close your eyes again and repeat the number visualization exercise again. This approach will help your mind's eye begin to visualize. It is also useful to start by imagining beautiful flowers, brightly colored objects.

Development of psychic abilities at home

Practice Two: Play Clairvoyance Games

As a child, did you play games designed to develop human memory? If yes, it will be much easier for you. If not - you should work on your memory. The easiest way to train memory is in game form– no matter how old you are.

The fact is that part of these trainings is working with pictures. An important point in such work is your desire to “see” the corresponding picture with your inner vision. Don't just try to guess: After all, the goal of your studies is to develop “clear vision”. So what are these games?

The first game for developing clairvoyance

Take two identical decks of cards. Choose eight identical pieces from each deck (this is for starters): for example, from six to eight of each suit. Shuffle selected cards from both decks together. Then arrange them neatly, face down, in four rows.

Turn over the cards, trying to find matches (that is, find two sixes of spades, two sevens of clubs, two sixes of hearts, and so on). To begin with turn over no more than two cards at once. The cards are flipped back over regardless of whether you found matching pictures or not.

Your task is not only to remember, but also to try to “see” with your inner eye where the cards of the same suit and value lie. When 16 cards are not enough, add additional cards from both decks, gradually increasing their number. You can also use a set of pictures from the children's game Memory or similar ones with duplicate cards.

Second game for developing clairvoyance

Here's another one interesting game, which will perfectly help develop the “sixth sense”. Ask your friend to place ten objects on the table in a completely random order and leave the room or turn away.

Then walk into the room (or turn around) and look carefully at the table for ten to twenty seconds. Close your eyes and try using mind's eye, imagine each of the objects you saw. Don’t just remember, but “see” each object, its place, size, color.

How to develop clairvoyance abilities during the day

Describe each item, remembering as many details as possible. Then open your eyes, look at the table again and check how you completed the task. This game also forces you to practice visualization, which will certainly help you master it as well.

You can do this same exercise yourself. For example, if you are sitting on a bench in a park, in a new room, or drinking coffee in a cafe, take note of what is around you at the moment. Then close your eyes and try to visualize what you just saw, remembering as many details as possible.

The third game for developing clairvoyance

This is an extremely interesting and extremely useful way for a future clairvoyant to develop their abilities. However, for this you will need so-called Zener cards. We are talking about a deck of cards (or, more precisely, cards), consisting of five repeating patterns. The designs are simple - a square, a star, a cross, a circle and three wavy lines. You can print such cards on a printer.

For this game you will need a partner - without this there is no way. This could be your friend, a close relative, or just a loitering acquaintance who is interested in this kind of experiment.

The main task is to look at this or that drawing, visualize it, and then try to send thoughts about it to your counterpart. The partner's task is feel your vibes and guess the picture. You should also do this procedure in reverse order: then your friend sends you signals, and you try to catch them.

Practice Three: Using a Crystal to Open the Third Eye

For this exercise, you need to have an ordinary transparent quartz crystal, which can be purchased at any souvenir shop. Since ancient times, crystal has been considered attribute of extrasensory perception and esotericism, since it is solid has a unique ability to accumulate different types energy and transform them.

The crystal exercise is a great way to open your third eye. The practice of developing clairvoyance with the help of a crystal is that it should almost always be with you, accumulating your energy(for example, in moments of meditation), and then, at the necessary moment, give you its transformed part.

The ability to relax is the key to developing psychic abilities

Don't let the word "meditation" scare you. Of course, mastery of this practice gives you undeniable advantages in the development of psychic abilities. That's why mastering meditation included separately and important point to the list of exercises necessary for the development of clairvoyance. But more on that a little later.

It is important to understand that initial stage(at least at the stage of interaction with the energy of the crystal) it is enough to remain in a quiet and peaceful environment, try, by relaxing the body, to achieve at least some degree of internal concentration and concentration. And the crystal will help you with this.

Keep your crystal handy at all times

In moments of shallow meditation or relaxation, let your crystal be before your eyes. Before going to bed, it also makes sense to place the crystal at your head, or stare at it for a while, trying to get rid of extraneous thoughts.

It is helpful to carry your crystal in your pocket. Feeling its presence with your hand, you will constantly remember your goal - development of clairvoyance abilities. Feel it, make it your talisman, which will help you in the future to discard extraneous “noise” in the form of unnecessary thoughts and useless information.

How to develop supernatural abilities

Practice Four: Keep a Dream Journal

People with psychic abilities often see very vivid, memorable dreams, filled with deep meaning. But there is also feedback: working with your dreams- This great way development of clairvoyance abilities. Moreover, this is a rather pleasant and tireless activity.

Why are dreams so important to our business? Because it is through our dreams that we communicate with various supernatural entities, regardless of whether you believe in them or not. Perhaps these are angels, the souls of deceased loved ones, and other intangible substances that are difficult for us to understand.

After all, when we sleep, the conscious part of our mind rests. But our subconscious, on the contrary, is activated, traveling through the spiritual worlds, the existence of which we ignore or simply deny in the waking state.

What else is a dream journal for?

The time we spend in sleep is a great opportunity for our subconscious to express itself; do something peculiar astral travel , contact astral entities. What else can our spiritual nature do when our physical body resting?

So, keep your dream journal by your bedside at all times so that you can write down memorable images as soon as we woke up. After a while, you will learn to snatch the most important things from your dreams; find various signs and even symbols by writing them down in a journal.

Some clairvoyants claim that through this practice they were able to record events from their past life! You may not believe in reincarnation, but there is no doubt that you will encounter amazing things, which were previously ignored (or simply forgotten).

Keeping a dream journal is also useful from another point of view: your notes will become a kind of criterion that will allow you to track, how your clairvoyance abilities develop. Agree, there is no better motivation than the one that gives you the opportunity to monitor your own progress in this matter.

Learn to ask questions before bed

Once you feel that your dreams are more than just an incredible combination real events and fantasies(as boring pundits often talk about dreams), move on to the next stage of working with dreams.

Now, before going to bed, try to tune in to a certain image (friend, loved one, your guardian angel), mentally asking him a question that interests you. You may not immediately be able to see the person you want in a dream, much less get an answer to your question.

However, this practice of working with dreams is extremely beneficial for your subconscious and spiritual self. Just show your readiness get the necessary information, demonstrate your openness. The answer may not come in explicit form, so be sure to record the dream in your dream journal for later analysis.

How to become a psychic

Practice Five: Meditate

The time has come for one of the most important practices (and the most difficult to master). But, if you cope with the previous four exercises, then learn the art of meditation. Moreover, this is extremely important for you, as a person seeking to develop the ability to clairvoyance.

But why is meditation so important? The point is that this practice will allow you to clear your mind of unnecessary tinsel; she will strengthen internal vibrations, which will give you the opportunity to feel the subtle spiritual energies of our universe; will teach you to see beyond the boundaries of the material world.

Meditation will help you open your third eye.

Meditation, like visualization, can open your third eye. In principle, any meditative practices sharpen your inner vision. Some are quite difficult to master, as they require you to be able to enter a special mental state, which requires long-term training.

Probably everyone at least once in childhood dreamed of having extrasensory abilities: being able to read minds, move objects with the power of thought, fly or have the gift of clairvoyance.

Perhaps many in early age we noticed the makings of such skills in ourselves, but over the years it remained only in children’s fantasies.

Why are children more intuitive? Can adults develop clairvoyance and psychic abilities? Is this accessible to everyone? Today I will look at these questions in detail.

What are psychic abilities?

Many people do not quite correctly understand this term. Wikipedia, for example, does not define this at all, but only limits itself to extrasensory perception, while making a note that the information contained in the article refers to pseudoscientific theories.

But you and I know the truth :).

Most precise definition psychic (paranormal) abilities will be a person’s ability to influence his surroundings with his thoughts physical reality directly or read various types of information from space directly, bypassing the usual senses.

The paradox is that what is now called pseudoscientific and unproven is actually a natural part of every person.

We come into this world with enormous potential and almost limitless possibilities. Young children are very intuitive and for them to see what we do not see and perceive what we cannot perceive is absolutely normal.

Babies still have a very strong connection with past incarnations. There are many stories that if you ask a child who has just learned to say “where are you from?”, you can hear very interesting answers, including information that he could not get in “this world.”

But gradually, over the years, under the influence of many factors, we almost completely lose these unique skills. It’s not that we are losing them, it’s just that the acuity of perception is greatly dulled and everything goes into “sleep mode”. The main blocking factors include:

  • Incorrect upbringing, in which children in the overwhelming majority of cases are not believed when they talk about something that goes beyond traditional ideas, and certainly not helped to develop it;
  • Poor nutrition (which is modern world generally becomes disastrous for humans), lifestyle, poor ecology;
  • Impact of collective consciousness, aggressive information environment, etc.

This list can be continued for a long time, I have outlined only some significant points.

Good news is that everyone, absolutely every person can reveal them and develop them as strongly as possible. Only his own beliefs can prevent this.

What are psychic abilities?

The most popular include:

and many more.

What is meant by the word “Gift of Clairvoyance”

According to Wikipedia this is:

This includes:

  1. Clairaudience - receiving information through the auditory canals (usually the last to open)
  2. Clairvoyance - the perception of visual images inaccessible to normal vision
  3. Clairvoyance is receiving data immediately in the form of knowledge, directly.

When talking about this, you can often hear the word “gift” used. Why is this happening?

This occurs due to a misunderstanding of the nature of this phenomenon.

To put it simply, over a significant part of history people have become accustomed to communicating with the Creator through egregors, and all incoming information was significantly distorted.

Any unique skill or ability was considered a “gift” rather than a natural, integral part of human nature. And they still had to pay for them somehow.

This is one of the manifestations of egregor manipulation - when a person is, as it were, given what he already has, and some actions are expected from him in response. If a person accepts these terms (under acceptance in in this case is understood as a banal awareness of the situation by him and internal agreement with this), then in this case a contract appears - an agreement that imposes (in a negative sense) obligations on the one who accepted it with the presence of sanctions.

Resume: the possession of clairvoyance is not a “gift”, but an integral part of our natural abilities, which simply do not develop and are in an inactive state. No one can give you what is already yours. Do not fall for the tricks of egregors who are only interested in obtaining your energy by any means.

How to develop these abilities in yourself

  1. General recommendations by lifestyle: daily routine, nutrition, physical activity, cleansing, etc., which affect the energy level of the body as a whole, which greatly influences the disclosure of its inherent potential;
  2. Special exercises, regular implementation of which will help develop unique skills (below I will describe in detail the practices that we use in theta-healing technology);
  3. Working with blocking beliefs that prevent the opening of clairvoyance.

The last point is the most important, since without it all efforts may not yield even minimal results.

About the impact they have negative programs you can read it.

I would like to clarify right away: I don’t promise that everyone will “open their third eye” by the end of their training and will begin to “see” like Wolf Messing.

But I can say with confidence that:

  • In 100% of those who completed the training, intuitive perception significantly improves;
  • The trainings provide perhaps the most effective methods of personal transformation at the moment;
  • The skills you develop will stay with you forever.

To this point I refer all advice regarding lifestyle in general.

It's no secret that the higher the body's energy level, the more clearly all the talents and abilities inherent in a person are manifested, incl. intuitive.

To achieve this, I present the main recommendations that, in the shortest possible time, can significantly enhance a person’s energy and improve the quality of life in general:

  1. Nutrition. I do not encourage anyone to become a vegetarian or a raw foodist; this is an eternal subject of dispute between supporters of different teachings, but it is worth noting that a plant-based diet is natural for a person, ideally without heat treatment. Switching to a plant-based diet is a huge step towards cleansing the body and improving the functioning of the digestive system, which gives a sharp increase in vitality.
  2. Sleep and daily routine. I think there is no need to describe the benefits of healthy, full sleep and rest in general. When you don't get enough sleep, especially regularly, it has a very negative impact on your condition.
  3. Exercise and active lifestyle. It is the training that is the simplest. An accessible and familiar energy practice since childhood. For most people interested in spiritual development, this may be unusual to hear. But it is physical activity that can reduce the time to achieve several times desired results. You can start small - light warm-up in the morning and evening walks in the fresh air.
  4. Giving up TV and other factors that “clog” consciousness.

Practical exercises

I suggest doing simple exercises from different Thetahealing® courses that will help develop psychic abilities and clairvoyance:

  1. Pretense

This is a very interesting and useful practice that has practical application.

Execution order:

  • Select the person whose information you want to read. It can be anyone, but for the purity of the experiment and in order not to violate personal boundaries, it is better to ask one of your friends or relatives to be your “guinea pig” for a little bit :)
  • Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes and say to yourself or out loud: “I’m pretending that I am... (Vasya, Masha, Kolya...)”
  • After that, imagine that you look like this person, or are simply in his clothes, it’s not so important. Focus on your feelings and thoughts
  • Note any information that comes: experiences, sensations of your own body, each of its parts, emotions, desires. The more details you can note, the more accurate the overall picture and result will be.
  • When you finish, say: “I stopped pretending...”. You can imagine that you are bathed in snow-white light, so that no other people's emotions remain.
  • Share the information you received with the person you scanned.

Even beginners at this get 70% - 80%

  1. Room

This is an interesting exercise that will help develop visualization, and also teach you not to get lost in space - for some this happens after long practice.

Execution rules:

  • With your eyes closed, mentally pay attention to the upper left corner of the room;
  • Next, without losing attention to it, move your inner gaze to the upper right;
  • Then also to the lower left, then to the right.
  • In the same way, focus on the corners behind you, also not forgetting about those that you paid attention to before
  • When you are done with all the corners, mentally connect the opposite corners with lines, focusing on the point where the lines intersect.
  • Become aware of yourself in this room.
  1. Guessing cards

This will require a partner.

Execution order:

  • Your partner takes out any card from the deck without showing you;
  • Then he mentally sends the image of this card to you in the area of ​​​​the third eye (ajna chakra);
  • Your task, focusing your attention in the area of ​​the 3rd eye, is to “count” the transmitted images;
  • After you go through 5 - 10 cards, switch roles.
  1. Reading an item

In the society of Magicians, a very definite explanation for the term “magic” is accepted. This is the science of changing the world around us with the help of the willpower of the Magician. Many people have a desire to touch the mysterious and unknown. Often they do not know where to start to become part of the magical world.

Rice. Effective exercises for the development of extrasensory abilities

Magic is the art of working with consciousness. The first thing every person interested in superpowers should learn is attention management. Attention is an instrument of consciousness.

The very first quality on the spiral of development of Mages is extrasensory perception. This is the basis. To read information from an object, the magician focuses his attention on it. Therefore, in order to comprehend the basics of extrasensory perception, you should start with.

The exercise is simple and accessible to absolutely everyone. You need to draw a black dot on a piece of paper. It should be of a size that will be comfortable for the eyes and perception, so that you can see it without straining. You need to hang a piece of paper with a dot in front of you at eye level. Exactly on the level. If you place the sheet higher or lower, this will create unnecessary tension. Next, you should start concentrating on the point. But it’s not easy to look at it with the vision that we use in everyday life. You need to imagine a ray of attention emanating from the space between the eyebrows (the so-called third eye), and pin the point with this attention. It is the attention that needs to be concentrated, not the vision.

After some time, all sorts of practices may appear. visual effects with this point. They have nothing to do with practice. The goal of this practice is to enter a slightly altered state of consciousness, in which the surrounding world becomes unfixed.

The point of this exercise is to learn to fix attention on one object. That is, in ordinary life, a person’s attention rushes from object to object, holding the world as a person is accustomed to seeing it. With the correct concentration of attention on the black dot, the world should, as it were, dissolve and disappear. This is the effect of absorption of attention by only one object.

The next stage of this exercise is touching the point with attention. This is a very strange feeling - as if you are touching a point, but not with your hands, but with your attention. You feel it. This practice is necessary for the development of psychic abilities. Working with a dot is safe because it does not carry any information. In the future, when working with other objects, it will be easy for you to feel how and how deeply you need to concentrate your attention to achieve certain goals.

After mastering this practice, you can move on to a more complex exercise. This . There is only one way to see something that is not there - to imagine this object. In this case, you do not need to imagine this point on the retina of your eye. You also don't have to think about it. Attention is accustomed to clinging to objects. And in the case of a white point, the object must be created. All you need to do is concentrate your attention in the space in front of you.

Choose a distance of approximately 30-40 cm from yourself, namely from the head, at forehead level. That is, you need to concentrate your attention on a straight beam extending forward from the point between the eyebrows, and imagine a white dot at the end of this beam. Attention should not wander in different directions. The eyes should be turned off in this exercise. See not with your eyes, but with your attention.

At the right approach a white dot will be visible. But not visually. It will seem to appear inside your head. When you concentrate your attention on an object, energy begins to accumulate. And with a certain amount of this energy, it begins to glow. At first you can see a dot of any other color, but the goal of the practice is the white dot.

05.03.2014 26529 +46
