What does the name Kirill mean and its meaning? Saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius

Every woman, having learned about her pregnancy, begins to come up with a name for her future baby. If a boy is expected, then it wouldn’t hurt to find out what the name Kirill means?

Origin of the name Kirill: the name itself is Russian, Christian, but the roots are Greek.

The meaning of the name Kirill for a boy: translated from different languages The name Kirill means: “sun”, “master”, “lord”, “lord”.

The name Cyril in foreign languages: Cyril, Kirel, Cyril, Cirillo.

Feminine derivative of the name Kirill: .

Zodiac: Capricorn.

Patronizing planet: Saturn.

Kirill's color: scarlet, amber, cobalt.

Talisman: precious blue sapphire.

Plant as a source of energy for a person named Kirill: corn, cacti, fir.

Animal: arctic fox, seal.

A child named Kirill has a thirst for knowledge from early childhood. Little boy asks his mother an endless series of questions every day and tirelessly provides answers about everything in the world. It is curiosity that is the main thing for Kirill in childhood. In order to quench his thirst for knowledge, the child goes to the library and absorbs all the books there indiscriminately. Sometimes he himself does not fully understand the material he is studying.

Kiryusha behaves politely and respectfully with strangers. His parents will never have to blush for him. Mothers of other babies often cite him as an example to their children. This is why Kirill’s peers sometimes dislike him, and he himself grows up slightly arrogant, loves and values ​​himself excessively.

In his youth, Kirya is distinguished by his sexuality and outstanding intelligence. Character young man with the name Kirill is strong-willed: it is not easy to argue with him, he is confident that he is right, sometimes he goes ahead.

The secret of the name Cyril lies in its main features. This is curiosity and ambition. Sometimes, having learned something bad, he regrets his curiosity. But more often it helps Kiryusha to move forward, to move at an enviable speed along career ladder, have success with the opposite sex and a lot of money. This man is overly self-confident, proud, puts himself first both in his career (which is good) and in love. He knows how to impress others with his appearance, and likes to “show off” his colleagues. People often envy him, thinking that Kirill is doing great both at home and at work.

The interpretation of the name Kirill suggests that he is very susceptible to flattery and praise. He loves a woman to sing his praises, praise him and honor him. Although he himself is often not worthy of such exaltation, he invests little and rarely in relationships.

The fate of all Kirills is different. It depends on what will eventually begin to dominate in it. For example, a man named Kirill has a high chance of becoming an egoist in adulthood, since everyone has praised and encouraged him since childhood.

The behavior of this man is sometimes unpredictable. In similar situations, he can behave in completely polar ways. This often amuses his friends and acquaintances and baffles his beloved women.

In relationships with the opposite sex, a person named Kirill always relies solely on himself and his own feelings: he will not be embarrassed by his parents’ objections about his new chosen one or the laughter of his friends because of her non-standard appearance. Not shy about his feelings, romantic, sincere - all this is Kirill. The meaning of the name also implies objectivism and steely self-confidence.

Decoding it numerological horoscope often speaks of high intuition (almost feminine). But Kirill prefers to rely on reason.

Sensitive to little things and various subtleties In communication, Kirya loves to analyze his own behavior and the behavior of the people around him. His beloved woman will more than once be faced with the fact that her man “withdrew into himself” for a long time. There is no need to worry: this only means that Kirill needs to be alone with himself. This is how men named Kirill restore their biofield and direct the energy of the body in the right direction.

What does the name Kirill mean? This is a person with highly moral principles who will never violate them. If this does happen, he will reproach himself for this for many years.

At work and in training, Kirya shows excellent results. He quickly learns everything new, possessing an excellent memory and the art of communicating with strangers.

He begins his sexual life very early and wants to try a lot. By the time of marriage, a man named Kirill has usually already “walked up” and strives to remain faithful to his wife and love her alone. He almost always marries a woman with a strong, strong-willed character: he chooses a soul mate “to match” himself. Kirill's wife should become the unspoken head of the family and gently guide her husband in his affairs and endeavors.

Among his own friends there is such a man - soul of the company, adventurer. They love him, listen to him and go for advice in case of family quarrels.

For successful work a man needs a clear and precise goal to which he must strive. By setting a vague task in front of him, you may not achieve anything: Kirill is sometimes very lazy and does not realize this himself. IN own business can achieve excellent results and big profits. Likes to be first and win. Knows how to behave with colleagues who are one step below him, is patient and independent, proactive and efficient.

Character by time of birth

  • A man born in winter is distinguished by high attentiveness, perseverance and diligence from early childhood. Often he becomes a doctor or paramedic (healing people is the vocation of the “winter” Kirill);
  • “Autumn” Kirya loves technology, cars and sports. There is potential in the field of economics, law and accounting;
  • A boy born in summer has a cheerful disposition, loves to joke and is very charming. Delving into other people's heads is his passion. Will find himself in the field of philosophy, psychology;
  • “Spring” Kirill is often reserved. Getting the word “I love” from such a man is not easy. He is noble and kind, loves to read. Will become an excellent architect, designer or fashion designer.

Today the name Kirill is one of the most popular in Russia. Energetically it is strong and solid name. It sounds clear and unambiguous. By church calendar Cyril celebrates his name day on January 31, the Day of St. Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria.

What does the name Kirill mean?

The meaning of the name Kirill originates in ancient Greece. The name comes from the Greek Cyrus, which means “lord”, “lord”, “master”. It came to Slavic territory during the formation of Christianity. Today, in almost every yard you can meet little Kiryusha.

Boy character

The energy of the name greatly influences the boy’s character. He is calm and balanced, strong and firm. Against this background, a certain carelessness and penchant for adventure are surprising.

Kirill is a cheerful and precocious child. He pleases his teachers and family with his academic success. But by overpraising their son, parents risk significantly weakening the boy’s thirst for knowledge. Kirill's adolescence is difficult. He can be irritable and intolerant of people.

Adult Kirill becomes more flexible and organized. He is constantly developing, improving his knowledge in different areas life. A man, at all costs, tries to become successful and respectable. He likes to earn money, he loves expensive things, exquisite accessories, good cars. Kirill really needs recognition and praise from the people around him.

An analytical mindset forces the owner of this name to choose technical specialties: designer, engineer, programmer, architect.

IN family relationships Kirill is a faithful and flexible husband. He chooses as his wife strong woman, capable of supporting him in difficult moments life. He always avoids family quarrels and loves his children very much.

Astrological characteristics of the name

The astrological sign of the name is Leo. This is the case when the meaning of the name is maximally combined with the characteristics of the zodiac constellation. Kirill is patronized by the brightest star - the Sun. While the sign of Leo is also under solar tutelage. A boy born under the sign of Leo only benefits from this combination. Kirill Lev is a self-sufficient person. He is hardworking, independent, purposeful. At the same time, he is a sensitive and dreamy nature.

The male name Cyril is a form of the ancient Greek name Cyrus, meaning “lord”, “lord”. It came to the territory of our country during the formation of Christianity and quickly became popular. Currently, the name Kirill continues to be common and is even one of the most popular names in Russia.

Characteristics of the name Kirill

The name Kirill clearly has a strong active energy that influences his character, making him moderately calm, balanced, but at the same time cheerful and capable of adventure. IN childhood Kirill is a precocious boy, very inquisitive, active and smiling. He is loved both at home and at school, which often leads to the fact that this praised child begins to become arrogant and inflate his self-esteem. IN adolescence Dealing with Kirill can sometimes be difficult due to his irritability and some intolerance towards people. It is then that he shows the greatest inclination to adventure and can do something risky and unexpected. With age, Kirill becomes more organized and calmer. He is constantly driven by the desire to become better, more successful, he loves to show his intelligence, talent, manners, taste and always expects well-deserved praise. Some Kirills really need support due to their indecisiveness and tendency to go with the flow, so parents and friends of such seemingly timid owners of this name should know that they can really influence Kirill’s ambition and give him courage. When communicating with unfamiliar people, Kirill shows severity and restraint, but he loves gatherings with close people, is always ready to help his friends, and is always interested in them.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Kirill is most suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Leo or Capricorn. Demanding and proud Leo (July 23-August 23) is in many ways similar to Cyril, who under his influence will become a good organizer, creative, energetic and purposeful, but careless with money and sometimes lazy. Capricorn (December 22-January 20) is a more strict sign; it will endow Kirill with great efficiency, modesty, a tendency toward extravagance, sobriety of thought, frugality and the desire to achieve recognition.

Pros and cons of the name Kirill

What are the positive and negative aspects can be noted in the decision to name the child Kirill? On the one hand, it is sonorous, energetically strong and beautiful name, which sounds great in combination with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has many euphonious abbreviations and diminutive options, such as Kira, Kiryusha, Kirillushka, Kirilchik, Kirchik, Kiryukha, Kiryunya. Kirill’s character also creates more positive than negative emotions, so we can say that this name has no obvious shortcomings.


Kirill’s health is quite good, but he should pay attention to the functioning of the digestive organs and monitor the quality of food consumed from childhood.

Love and family relationships

By marriage, Kirill, as a rule, associates himself with a very strong and powerful woman. He cannot be called a bad husband, since he avoids any conflicts, has no problem responding to his wife’s request to help with the housework, is very faithful, and also madly loves his children.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Kirill shows an analytical mind, so he can easily find himself in the profession of economist, financier, IT specialist, programmer, lawyer, industrialist, designer, engineer, doctor.

Name day

Name day by Orthodox calendar the owner of this name celebrates many times in a year, such as January 31, February 17, March 22, April 3, August 15, October 23 and December 21.

The name has always played an important role in human history and culture. Usually, before the baby is born, parents think about what to name their child. It is necessary to approach the choice responsibly, since it affects the entire future life of a person, as well as his character. For a boy, you can choose a strong and energetic name Kirill.

Origin and interpretation

There are two different versions of the origin of the name. Linguistic scientists have not yet come to a consensus on where the name came from. According to one version, the name Cyril came from ancient Greek Byzantium and “took root” after the Baptism of Rus'. Then full name formed from the shorter one - Cyrus, meaning “lord”. Another version speaks of ancient Persian origin, where it was interpreted as “sun”.

One way or another, the name has a strong energy. It is not for nothing that important personalities were called Kirills: missionaries, preachers, priests and patriarchs.

Characteristics of the name Kirill

The meaning of the name and fate greatly depend on the influence external factors and education. Often the male carrier is an extraordinary and mysterious person. He is unpredictable, often seems friendly and “on board.” But not with everyone, but exclusively with people whom he trusts and knows well.

The boy has been very curious since childhood. Parents constantly hear questions: why, what, how, where? And this applies to everything in the world, so a child, having learned to read, spends his days in the library, absorbing information. At the same time, he may not understand much of what he read.

As a child, he respects strangers. Parents are never ashamed. And mothers and fathers of other children often set Kirill as an example to them. The meaning of a child's name leaves a certain imprint on him - a boy can grow up arrogant and greedy for praise, and other guys do not like him. At the same time, he tries to be the best in everything and approaches any adult tasks responsibly. Kiryusha from the “sliders” is demanding of himself and other people, but outwardly he is calm and balanced.

In adolescence, behind the equanimity lies self-doubt and resentment. A trait that can greatly hinder one’s life is heightened self-esteem. It is very difficult for Kirill to find his place when the situation around him changes. And in the new team he stands apart. Until he knows everyone well, he will not trust. He withdraws into himself and does not make his experiences public, and he can accumulate resentment for years. People won't get anything out of him with banter and force. The approach to Kirill should be only with respect and friendliness.

He can easily become an outcast at school. There are several reasons for this: due to his heightened sense of self-love and justice, he will never let someone write off homework, and if a classmate asks for help with a problem on a test, Kirill will calmly turn away. The desire to be first everywhere will not give a guy positive characteristics among comrades. He loves to defend his point of view and is always confident that he is right. May become short-tempered and irritable. It is better for parents to instill in Kirill a sense of humor from childhood. Thus, he will look at the world with a bit of irony and treat himself and others more simply.

If Kirill likes the learning process, it means that his knowledge in all areas will be extensive. He easily masters both humanitarian and technical disciplines.

Kirill is endowed with a strong-willed character. Thanks to his thirst for knowledge, he can discover his talents early. Sometimes a guy is lazy, but he compensates for this with the ability to finish the job he started. as soon as possible. Here he is greatly helped by his excellent memory, attention to detail, quick orientation in the situation and determination.

Kirill has a wonderful natural talent - to present oneself in better light . He takes care of his appearance, is always neat and dressed to the nines.

The guy is least susceptible to the influence of others, since he has his own point of view everywhere, and is confident that he can win in any argument. And Kirill doesn’t have any difficulties in making decisions: he cares least of all about people’s opinions.

As he becomes a man, he understands himself more and more. He is aware of the strength of his character, but skillfully hides it. However, when required, his hardness comes out, and Kirill easily repels any offenders.

Thanks to the traits of his unshakable character, a man reaches great heights in his career. He always manages to do everything that is required on time, but at the same time he is not in a hurry. Colleagues are often surprised and envious of Kirill’s skills. After all, he is independent and always achieves his goals.

Traits depending on zodiac sign

The date of birth has a great influence on the meaning of the name Kirill for a boy and his fate. So, Representatives of different zodiac signs have their own characteristics:

Professional activities

For Kirill, the meaning of the name, character and fate dictate an energetic climb up the career ladder. He is ambitious and ready to sacrifice a lot for success and money. At the same time, he is distinguished by hard work, independence and patience. Colleagues will begin to respect Kirill, even despite their envy.

A man will make good leader, which will maintain discipline, demand productivity. But he may lack gentleness towards his subordinates - he easily turns into a tyrant.

Kirills often occupy a place in the field of lawyers, financiers, programmers, doctors and designers. If a man has developed communication skills, then he can become an artist.

The influence of a name on health

Since childhood, the child good health. At a conscious age, Kirill continues to take care of him, since he is important to him. appearance. The main weakness is the digestive system. A young man needs to watch his diet.

For a long time and happy life Kirill must learn to part with grievances and negative energy, be more happy.

Relationships and compatibility

When choosing a wife, a man is guided by the impression she creates in society. He chooses with his eyes - he needs a beautiful wife. But it doesn't end there. She must be a strong, wise and delicate woman who will not make a scandal and will not get into her soul once again. It will be easy for Kirill to live with such a wife. He will carry out all household chores unquestioningly, albeit reluctantly.

It is better for a man to connect his life with Margarita, Oksana, Elizaveta, Tatyana, Alla, Elena, Daria, Natalya or Inna. And avoid relationships with Maria, Ksenia, Lyudmila, Yana, Galina, Larisa and Anastasia.

Talisman stones

To soften negative traits character and strengthening the positive ones, Kirill can buy gems that are suitable for him. These are the ones that worth paying attention:

  • Emerald - beautiful gem rich green. It supports mental and physical health, which is important for the secretive Kirill. Has a positive effect on mental abilities: develops memory and thinking.
  • Pyrope - a “fiery” mineral helps to find happiness in love. Supports the circulatory system. Enhances emotionality, which Kirill often lacks.
  • Sapphire is a symbol of wisdom, justice and power. The stone helps to put your thoughts in order and calms you down. It will be useful for teenage Kirill in that it will relieve him of shyness and uncertainty.

Famous people

Many personalities with the name Kirill were born who achieved success in their business. Their names will remain in history:

  • Pletnev and Safonov are Russian theater and film actors.
  • Serebrennikov is a famous director.
  • Razumovsky - count, president of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, last hetman of Ukraine.
  • Meretskov - military leader, Hero and Marshal of the Soviet Union.
  • Bolshakov is a Russian chemist.
  • Shchelkin was a Soviet physicist who specialized in gas detonation.
  • Molchanov is a famous Russian composer.

The name Kirill says a lot. The origin and meaning gives an eloquent description of the character of a man. An unconventional, mysterious, strong personality is extremely ambitious and demanding. However, the quality young man largely depend on upbringing and environment.

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Short and diminutive options: Kirilka, Kira, Kirya, Kiryusha, Kiryukha, Kirunya.

Patronymics: Kirillovich, Kirillovna; colloquial form: Kirilych.

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Cyril, Belarusian Kiril, Bulgarian Kiril, Hungarian Cyril, Spanish Cirilo, German Kirill, Polish Cyril, Romanian Cyril, Ukrainian Kiril, Finnish Cyril, French Cyril, Italian Cirillo, Croatian Cyril, Czech Cyril

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport - Kirill

Origin of the name "Kirill"

Translated from Greek language The name Kirill means “little gentleman, barchuk.”

The name day falls on January 31, when St. Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, who zealously defended the faith from heretics and suffered persecution in the 4th century, is commemorated, as well as on September 19, the day of the Hieromartyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortyn, who was beheaded for the faith of Christ.

This name gives its owner strength and firmness, but at the same time tension, which is sometimes unnecessary. True, Kirill is usually too closed to be aggressive and show strength openly. But in general he is prone to irritability, which grows in him under any difficulties. This is especially noticeable in adolescence, when young Kirill still does not know how to properly control himself. IN in good condition he is calm and cheerful, but is always ready to stand up for himself and respond blow to blow, and this is clearly felt.

Little Kirill is very inquisitive, and the big one is an inveterate debater who cannot be convinced, even if he is clearly wrong. He is quite selfish, trying both in enmity and in friendship to simultaneously achieve his own goals, understandable only to him. He often won’t even begin to communicate with people who are inconvenient or unnecessary for his business.

Kirill not beech. He loves companies, especially fun and interesting ones, but he tries to keep to himself and always reserves the right to rebel and leave as soon as he doesn’t like something. In his mature years, he is quite balanced, but since this costs Kirill a lot of effort, he often lashes out at his family. Only her own strong character can save Kirill’s wife from the tediousness inherent in this man. Having received a rebuff, Kirill begins to seek relief for his bad character in work or with another woman.

Kirill is a good worker who will easily achieve significant success in his career. He is able to work hard, independently and patiently, does not neglect the little things, and also knows how to position himself correctly in the work team. However, in order for this person’s life to be truly good, he needs to fight his irritability and excessive tension, which can often serve him badly.

Kirill will go to great lengths to achieve wealth and fame. Success in life attracts him so much and sharpens his stubbornness so much that Kirill is ready to make any effort just to achieve everything he dreams of.

Kirill's main weak point is his heightened pride and lack of plasticity. Conflict situations with his participation this leads to an aggravation and a painful explosion. It seems to people that scandal is a native environment for such a person, but this is not so. Sometimes the mark left by a quarrel in his soul is so deep that Kirill experiences the insult for years. True, Kirill most likely will not look for a renewal of the confrontation. Those around him may think that this is peacefulness, but this is how the deep wound inflicted on Kirill’s pride is manifested.

It would be best if parents noticed these qualities of Kirill in time and built into his upbringing a sufficient sense of humor that would allow Kirill to relate more easily to himself and others. If this does not happen, Kirill seeks reassurance in cynicism, which is not at all the best solution for people of his type.

When communicating with Kirill, you must respect his independence and achievements. You should not think that this seemingly calm person can be influenced by force or ridicule. This will cause an explosion that will seem sudden to an insufficiently perceptive person, but in fact matured slowly. However, an explosion can be avoided by switching the conversation to a topic where Kirill feels competent. Then you will receive respect and friendliness from him instead of irritation and hostility.

Horoscope named after "Kirill"

The name Cyril, which gives the bearer stubbornness, is under the patronage of Capricorn. Kirill's planet is Saturn. His treasured plant is the crocus, and his patron tree is the fir. The totem of all Kirills is the deer. The color of this name is dark yellow, and a yellow sapphire can be an excellent talisman and gift for Kirill.

Name compatibility

The strongest feelings will be evoked in Kirill by a girl named Angela,
