Subcutaneous mite in chickens. Feather mite in chickens: treatment

While sucking blood from chickens, mites inject poisonous saliva, along with which it can get into the wound.

Paduan chickens will become a real decoration of your poultry yard. Detailed description There are birds of this breed in .

Preventive measures

No treatment will be effective unless taken regularly. preventive measures.

To get rid of ticks faster, you should:

  • periodically change bedding;
  • keep the chicken coop clean;
  • treat feeders and drinkers with boiling water;
  • create a schedule for regular disinfection of the premises. You can treat the poultry house with diesel fuel, and lime has also proven to work well, which is used to whiten the walls and floor;
  • remove cobwebs;
  • carry out inspections of chickens, and if an infected bird is identified, isolate it until it is completely cured.

If you are going to build a new poultry house from wood, then the material can be soaked in hot grease, which contains a substance that repels ticks.

Feather mites or red mites live in unkempt, damp poultry houses with poor ventilation. First, they occupy nests and bedding, after which they move onto the bird’s body. Their bites are very painful and dangerous. When biting a bird, the tick injects poison into the wound, which prevents blood clotting. This creates a painful red lesion.

Fighting methods

There are various chemicals and solutions made to control mites, but many of them have not been tested on chickens and are therefore not recommended for this purpose. It's best to try to fight the tick first natural means.

To prepare the product you will need:

  • 30 ml garlic juice;
  • 300 ml water;
  • teaspoon of any combination of essential oils mint, cumin, lavender, coriander, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaf.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and sprayed on sick chickens every other day for 2-3 weeks. For preventive purposes, this remedy is used once a week. Particular attention should be paid to the area under the wings and around the anus. After spraying the chickens, it is recommended to treat them with diatomaceous earth, rubbing the powder into the feathers and skin. Care must be taken to ensure that dust does not get into the eyes and lungs of the birds.

When treating sick birds to prevent anemia, they should increase their iron intake. Foods containing large amounts of iron include:

  • eggs, seafood, poultry, fish, meat;
  • dandelion greens, beet tops, spinach;
  • kale, broccoli, sweet potatoes;
  • raisins, watermelon, strawberries, kale;
  • molasses, corn, oatmeal, wheat products.

The introduction of these products into the diet of birds promotes their speedy recovery, since when infected, the level of iron in the blood decreases and the immune system weakens.

Adding to drinking water clove fresh garlic or adding garlic powder to food is a good prevention of infection, because ticks cannot tolerate the taste of the blood of those birds that feed on garlic.

The optimal habitat for mites is the litter of damp poultry houses and poorly ventilated areas. When inspecting a chicken coop, it is not that difficult to detect, as there are symptoms that indicate unhealthy birds.

Before searching, find out what chicken mites look like (see photo). Adults reach about 0.7 mm in length, have a flat dark red body, and after drinking blood turn purple. The female is capable of laying up to 20 eggs. They breed from May to October (especially active in warm months and after heavy rains), and are able to go without food for up to 6 months while hibernating.

It is optimal to carry out disinfection once every 30 days. Preventive measures include the above-described use of a mixture of sand and ash.

You need to check all packaging containers delivered from another farm. Metal cages for collecting eggs have a weak spot - these are plastic gaskets. They need to be washed with cleaning agent and hot water. Veterinarians agree that regular prevention is easier than fighting chicken mites.

Mites that attack chicken legs and feathers

Tick ​​prevention for people

A chicken mite found on a person's body will resemble a small ball of dirt stuck to the skin, most often on the leg. If you brush off the “lump”, bite marks will remain. Frequent tick bites can cause allergies or dermatitis, so precautions are needed not only for birds, but also for people who work in the chicken coop. Chickens are cared for in special clothing (rubber boots, thick trousers). Do not neglect overalls, even if you go into the chicken coop for a few minutes.

Chicken mite - male and female

The chicken mite is easy to detect with the naked eye. If you see that the egg production of your laying hens has sharply decreased, it is worth inspecting each bird and the chicken house itself.

To do this, take a white piece of paper and walk with it where there are any cracks or irregularities. If small gray dots remain on the paper, these are mites. In a warm, dry chicken coop they may be active and you will see them moving. In winter they move, for example, near the warmth of a light bulb.

Fighting methods

So, if you have already found mites on your laying hens and in the chicken coop, you should immediately take measures to get rid of them.

But this is only the beginning, because the main work needs to be done in the room itself.

So, first, it is important to clean the chicken coop from all dirt and temporarily move the birds to another place. The most right decision To remove ticks, this is heat treatment.

Also, for prevention, from time to time the chicken room can be sprayed with diesel fuel, and the walls and floor can be lubricated with white lime.

You can treat the room with a special preparation - eco-fleece, but it is not enough for a long time, and it is advisable to repeat the procedure after 15 days. By the way, you can spray the bird itself with it. It is good to treat chickens with Sevin powder or pyrethrum.

There are also some very effective way struggle is ash. Moreover, the method is very simple, since the chickens themselves will take preventive baths. To do this, place a trough with a mixture of ash and sand in equal parts on the walking area or in the enclosure. Just make sure that the mixture is dry and not exposed to rain.

The optimal habitat for mites is the litter of damp poultry houses and poorly ventilated areas. When inspecting a chicken coop, it is not that difficult to detect, as there are symptoms that indicate unhealthy birds.

Before searching, find out what chicken mites look like (see photo). Adults reach about 0.7 mm in length, have a flat dark red body, and after drinking blood turn purple. The female is capable of laying up to 20 eggs. They breed from May to October (especially active in warm months and after heavy rains), and are able to go without food for up to 6 months while hibernating.

It settles on the feet of chickens, in feather follicles and pouches, and lives in the subcutaneous folds of the epidermis. In addition to living on the body of birds, the chicken mite can settle on any surface in the poultry house.

  • insects are noticeable on walls, under perches and in cracks between floorboards;
  • an infected bird's appetite decreases, activity decreases, and itching appears, which is manifested by chickens plucking feathers;
  • the amount of time hens and chicks spend in sand baths increases;
  • chickens do not want to enter the poultry house and begin to build new nests;
  • the livestock begins to lay eggs in reduced quantities;
  • chickens infested with feather mites begin to lag behind in development, young animals significantly reduce the intensity of weight gain;
  • featherless bald spots appear on the birds' skin, the quality of the feather itself becomes noticeably worse, and ulcers and scratches become noticeable.
  • frequent coughing attacks;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased feeling of thirst.

Chicken mites can be recognized on birds by visual inspection - on feathers and skin small red or black dots are noticeable. In this case:

It is important to remember that even in empty room They are able to live for a whole year without food. If there's red in sight chicken mite there are no chickens or other domestic or wild birds, it will attack domestic and wild mammals, including humans. Ticks in chickens are carriers of very dangerous diseases - plague, spirochetosis, cholera, Newcastle disease, avian tuberculosis, tick paralysis, Q fever and many viruses.

In addition to disturbing birds' nighttime rest and sucking their blood, red chicken mites can burrow into the nasal cavity, ear canal, larynx and trachea. As a result, the bird weakens; in laying hens, egg production decreases by up to 40%, sometimes more.

When cutting a carcass dead chicken it is clear that the subcutaneous fat layer of the bird is practically absent, and small hemorrhages are observed in the neck, wings and back.

Previously, the fight against chicken mites was carried out mainly through organochlorine preparations, and you can still find similar advice in old manuals. But now they are prohibited, so it is advisable to treat chicken mites with several drugs.

Ideally, the chicken coop should be treated with ivermectin agents (Vetamectin, Brovarmectin) in combination with pyrethroid agents (Neostomazan, Ektosan, Butox, Sebacil, Bayofly pur-on, Neocidol, Blotik, etc.). Treatment of chicken mites should be carried out with insecticide-acaracid powder or powder (Ektosan-powder, Insectin, Stomaksim, Paravet, etc.

There are also aerosol preparations for treating chicken coops against mites, but such treatment is usually more expensive than solutions.

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board of the online publication “AtmAgro. Agroindustrial Bulletin”

Red chicken mite

To treat bites on the body of chickens, antiseptic solutions and wound-healing ointments of plant origin are used. Among veterinary products:

  • Sevin powder, used externally to treat feathers in the treatment of feather mites, the norm is 15 grams per 1 head, in case of massive infestation, it is treated in several stages, repeating the treatment after 5-10 days;
  • Ecoflix oily solution for spraying, used in courses (2 times with an interval of 10 days);
  • pyrethrum is an insecticidal preparation for external processing feather cover, safe for birds and people;
  • aerosol extrasol-M for spraying, allows you to remove insects in 2 courses, carried out with an interval of 10 days;
  • Ectomine emulsion solution, diluted with water for bathing poultry, is effective against red chicken mites on poultry. It is necessary to carry out 2 times with an interval of 2 weeks;
  • liquid cyperil with a concentration of 5%, used for spraying on the body and legs of birds and in the chicken coop, the working solution is prepared with water in a ratio of 1:3, in the recommended concentration it is safe for people.

To treat acarimorphic feather and red chicken mites on the legs of chickens, birch tar is often used, which is heated to a temperature of at least 40 ° C and placed on the chicken feet to the level of the hock joint. Birch tar can also be used to treat affected surfaces on the paws of chickens by applying with a soft brush at intervals of 7 days. An effective treatment for chicken feet is a mixture of birch tar and kerosene, taken in equal proportions.

To disinfect the poultry house use:

  • cyodrine at a concentration of 0.5%;
  • dicresol at a concentration of 0.25%;
  • neozzidol at a concentration of 0.25-0.5%;
  • karbofos;
  • chlorophos.

When infected with ticks poultry treatment of the poultry house is repeated 2-3 times at intervals of 3-6 days.

But this treatment will only help get rid of ticks temporarily, and the main work must be done indoors. First of all, if you need to get rid of ticks quickly, then the birds need to be moved to another location as quickly as possible. Most the best option the chicken coop will be heat treated.

Take a few buckets of water and boil them. In order for the treatment of chickens to be most effective and the ticks no longer leave their bites on the legs, neck and under the wings, it is necessary to treat the entire room with boiling water - both the walls and the floor. All old things, along with bedding and straw, are thrown away, and new perches will also need to be built.

In order to drive out ticks, it is quite possible to use eco-fleece. This drug is also no less effective, but they need to treat the room at least twice a month. In addition, chicken can also be treated with eco-fleece. In addition, chickens can be treated with products such as Pyrethrum and Sevin.

Another popular method of fighting ticks is ash. It should be noted that this method is one of the simplest, since the chickens themselves can be treated. Where you walk them, you need to put a trough (as in the photo), in which there will be a mixture of ash and sand in proportions 1:1. Chickens will take what are called baths and this will help protect them from ticks. The only thing you need to watch out for is that the basin with the mixture does not get exposed to rain.

There are several on the market chemical solutions and drugs to combat mites, but most of them have not been tested on chickens, so experienced owners do not recommend immediately resorting to their use. Better try first complex treatment natural means.

Spray the coop and roosts with the mixture for several days in a row. next line-up: 2 glasses of water, 1 glass vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid. This mixture will help kill ticks. Shake the product well before use so it separates. The chicken coop should be treated at least 1-2 times a week for several weeks in parallel with the treatment of the chickens. This 100% natural spray homemade Helps get rid of mites in the chicken coop

  • Birds are treated with any approved insecticides. The procedure is carried out twice, observing a weekly interval. They use the powders “Sevin” (no more than 15 g per bird) and “Pyrethrum” (made from chamomile flowers), as well as the new generation insecticide “Ecofleece”. Feathers should be spilled with powders, and birds and the chicken coop should be sprayed with aerosols.
  • Good reviews for spray with permethrin EU: birds and premises are sprayed with a 0.005% solution, protection is valid for 9 weeks.
  • A proven method of fighting chicken mites is a mixture of sand and ash. It is poured into basins and left in the poultry yard for the birds to wallow in. For our ancestors, wood ash served as an analogue of washing powder. The contents of the cans should be changed. The procedure is repeated after 14 days. The mixture should not get wet.
  • Effective method treatment of chicken mites - treating floors and walls with boiling water is also recommended blowtorch or flame.
  • If possible, get rid of old things. Replace the wooden perches, the ticks get stuck in the micro-cracks, and getting them out is extremely problematic.
  • Quartz lamps are considered an advanced method of prevention. They are used on poultry farms.
  • Preparations containing chlorinated hydrocarbons are prohibited against chicken mites, since the active substance accumulates in eggs and meat.

How to get rid of chicken mites in the chicken coop and on the chicken?

The primary measure to control ticks is regular inspection of birds from late spring to early autumn. Timely cleaning of droppings, replacement of old bedding is necessary, do not forget to sweep away cobwebs and pour boiling water over drinking bowls and feeders, cleaning them. The walking area is sprinkled with sand and kept dry. It is recommended to place it in a well-lit place.

It is optimal to carry out disinfection once every 30 days. Preventive measures include the above-described use of a mixture of sand and ash.

You need to check all packaging containers delivered from another farm. Metal cages for collecting eggs have a weak spot - these are plastic gaskets. They need to be washed with cleaning agent and hot water. Veterinarians agree that regular prevention is easier than fighting chicken mites.

A chicken mite found on a person's body will resemble a small ball of dirt stuck to the skin, most often on the leg. If you brush off the “lump”, bite marks will remain. Frequent tick bites can cause allergies or dermatitis, so precautions are needed not only for birds, but also for people who work in the chicken coop.


A good preventative against chicken mites is regular disinfection, which is repeated every month, treating the room itself and the cages where the birds live. Machine oils and diesel fuel are often used as disinfectants. Poultry litter must be cleaned or replaced monthly.

  • bunches of wormwood are hung in the chicken coop and added to the grass bedding;
  • A spray is made from garlic, for which 30 grams of crushed garlic is diluted in 1.5 glasses of water; for effectiveness, bay leaf, cloves, lemon balm and lavender are mixed in; they should be used to treat the feather cover of birds and internal structures premises;
  • plant tops are laid out on the floor.

What are these measures?

  • constantly maintaining cleanliness in the room;
  • periodic replacement of bedding;
  • removing the resulting cobwebs;
  • disinfection of the premises, as well as equipment located inside it, or treating it with boiling water;
  • You can also use diesel fuel as a treatment agent, and to prevent the appearance of insects, the floor and walls of the room can be treated with white lime;
  • regular cleaning of drinkers and feeders;
  • periodic inspection of the bird and isolation of infected individuals from the rest of the brood.

Where to look for decent fleas. Sticky fleas attach to the skin and trail onto the birds' heads. Unlike northern ticks or scaled ticks, these fleas can thrive on other animals, including dogs, cats, horses and people. Female fighting fleas forcefully spew eggs into environment. The larvae develop in the soil around poultry farms.

The behavior of poultry can also determine whether there is a problem. Chickens stop laying eggs or do not lay eggs as often as they should. In addition, the bird becomes very nervous. You may notice that chickens are constantly itching, because red mite bites cause severe itching and discomfort.

An additional symptom worth noting is a peculiar cough. Such sounds, as well as frequent chest wheezing, are characteristic of feather mite infestation.

In order to clean the room where poultry live, you can use one of the effective traditional methods. You can fight ticks high temperature. Heat treatment is carried out using boiling water. To do this, you need to boil several buckets of water and scald everything in the chicken coop with boiling water.

One of the effective preventive folk methods is ordinary ash. You can use it to prepare a bird bath. That is, ash is poured into the container, which must be mixed with sand. The bathtub is placed in a clearing where chickens usually roam. When there is a problem such as mites and fleas, poultry will come and bathe in the ash to clean their feathers and skin. It is important to place the container in a place where rainwater will not enter it.

Effective treatment requires treatment of the entire poultry house, paying attention special attention those areas where these mites like to hide. Birds should also be treated with an insecticide that is approved for poultry. Be sure to read and follow all label instructions, including detailed information O protective equipment which the producer should wear, and the possible suppression of meat and egg consumption in infected birds.

Any bloodsuckers, and especially the red feather mite, are very dangerous for poultry. There are certain preventive methods, which are not difficult to implement, but very effective.

The primary measure to control ticks is to regularly inspect birds from late spring to early fall. Timely cleaning of droppings, replacement of old bedding is necessary, do not forget to sweep away cobwebs and pour boiling water over drinking bowls and feeders, cleaning them. The walking area is sprinkled with sand and kept dry. It is recommended to place it in a well-lit place.

Material used from the site

Ash and sand against chicken mites

An effective measure against chicken mites is to place a basin with an ash-sand mixture in equal proportions on the poultry farm. The layer of the mixture should be approximately 20 cm or more. Chickens enjoy wallowing in such a healing bath. It is only important to ensure that the contents of the cans, which should be regularly updated, do not become wet due to precipitation. It is also worth remembering that birds can be carriers of ticks, so you should not allow pigeons or sparrows to be placed under the roof of the chicken coop.

You should not use preparations containing chlorinated hydrocarbons, as the active substances accumulate in meat and eggs.

Signs of mites in chickens

If your chickens have mites, you will probably notice that they are preening their feathers more often and picking at the feathers under the wings and around the anus. Upon closer inspection, you may be able to see tiny red or black specks near the anus, and when inspecting the coop, you may notice red streaks of blood or black flecks on the roost that you can feel when you run your hand across the surface.


It is impossible to see them with the naked eye.

  • Knemidocoptosis – causative agents of leg and body scabies in chickens;
  • Epidermoptosis is the causative agent of gum scabies;
  • Cytoditosis is a tracheal or lung mite.

Larger ones

These are similar in size to fleas and lice.

They drink blood and attack birds only for food, but live and breed in the poultry house.

The female red chicken mite lays up to 20 eggs. Active reproduction of insects occurs from May to October. During the warm season, ticks are most active. During the cold period, insects do not die, since they are able to live up to six months without food, being in a state of suspended animation.

Chicken mites live on the chicken coop litter and in bird's nests, can hide in cracks in the floor and walls. They feel best in a damp, dirty, poorly ventilated area.

No treatment will be effective unless preventative measures are taken regularly.

To get rid of ticks faster, you should:

  • periodically change bedding;
  • keep the chicken coop clean;
  • treat feeders and drinkers with boiling water;
  • create a schedule for regular disinfection of the premises. You can treat the poultry house with diesel fuel, and lime has also proven to work well, which is used to whiten the walls and floor;
  • remove cobwebs;
  • carry out inspections of chickens, and if an infected bird is identified, isolate it until it is completely cured.

If you are going to build a new poultry house from wood, then the material can be soaked in hot grease, which contains a substance that repels ticks.

The main thing in the fight against ticks is not to miss the moment
, and then your livestock will delight with high productivity. All means are available, and preventive measures are not required special knowledge and skills.

Folk remedies for chicken mites

Plants and wood ash have been used for centuries in the fight against chicken mites.

To bathe the birds, containers filled with a sand-ash mixture are placed in the aviary and inside the chicken coop. It is important to ensure that the bathing mixture is always dry. If contaminated, the mixture must be replaced.

Most effective folk remedy from chicken mites - ash.

  • Sagebrush. Bunches of fresh grass are added to the coop bedding and hung on the walls and perches. The grass is changed periodically so that the smell repels ticks.
  • Garlic. Prepare a spray of garlic juice and water. For 300 ml of water, take 30 ml of garlic and add a teaspoon of a mixture of bay leaf, coriander, clove, lavender, and mint oils to the solution. The product is sprayed onto the feather of the bird. Garlic infusion capable of killing ticks in 24 hours.
  • Potato or tomato tops. Lays out on the floor of the chicken coop to repel insects.