Detailed horoscope Libra the water snake.

The snake represents one of the most controversial signs of the Eastern esoteric system. In 2016, all the duality of the Snake’s appearance will manifest itself, figuratively speaking, in maximum concentration. That is, today the Snake is gentle and insightful, and tomorrow it is cold and distant. Will it be easy for such an “individual”? Not at all, but this is not a reason to be upset or give up. The Year of the Fire Monkey for the Snake will be exceptional, bright, and in many ways a turning point. Representatives of this sign will change the fates of those around them with one word, practically with one thought. Yes, this is a monstrous responsibility, and therefore in the coming year the Snakes need to be collected and as objective as possible. In the field of work and finances, you will have to sacrifice something, perhaps we are talking about forced dismissal good employee. However, you will understand perfectly well that this is really necessary and the “game” that you get in the end will definitely be “worth the candle.” Don't doubt your decisions and try not to take the problems of your immediate circle to heart. Coolness is vital for you and your business, so you have no right to sentimentality. But at home, in the family circle, you can relax and, as they say, give free rein to your emotions. Just don’t “take it out” on your loved ones. If you feel the need to throw out energy, sprint a couple of circles around the house. If such an option is not acceptable to you for ethical reasons, then excuse me, you will not see harmony. Horoscope for 2016 for the Water Snake (1953, 2013) The Water Snake in the year of the Fire Monkey will be in a rather unusual state for it. The fact is that representatives of this sign are characterized by constant search, research, solving all sorts of riddles, often of an esoteric nature. So in 2016, many Water Snakes will find themselves literally a couple of steps away from the goal of their research, to which they may have devoted many years. Of course, this primarily applies to professional scientists, who may now be undergoing quite serious career changes. For Water Snakes who have their own business, the coming year will not be particularly difficult, but it will not be as calm and straightforward as we would like. Therefore, immediately prepare for the fact that you will still have to “work your brains” in order to achieve what you want. In the field love relationship everything will be calm and natural. Perhaps you will start a new relationship that will reveal a lot to you.

Horoscope for 2016 for the Wood Snake (1965) The Wood Snake, being an ideal administrator, can count on a promotion in 2016. You will probably be able to quickly prove your competence to others and occupy a high status in the hierarchy of your organization. If we are talking about own business, then there is no point in proving anything to anyone, because the Wood Snake’s success may be a little lower, because she always needs to “show off”, this is one of her main life incentives. Do not hesitate to give advice if they ask you for help, and do not be cunning, say everything that a person really needs. Don't try to keep some "trick" for yourself. This doesn't really make sense (think for yourself why). But in the sphere of love relationships, resourcefulness will be very useful to you. And here the situation can develop in two ways: either you break off your current relationship, or learn to harmonize them with your new “hobbies”; another option is hardly possible.

Horoscope for 2016 for the Fire Snake (1977) The Fire Snake, among other “Snakes,” is the most open and straightforward. This excellent quality for the year of the Fire Monkey. Therefore, do not even think about being a hypocrite and playing a double game with someone. Even if you are convinced otherwise, remain yourself and under no circumstances bend to the circumstances. You know how to act fairly, so in the areas of work and finance you do not strive to solve the problem radically. First, think everything over and make the most objective, honest decision possible. Even if someone disagrees with him, take advantage of your position and stop the slander. In love affairs, also do not allow equivocations; demand impeccable straightforwardness from your other half. Then the relationship will become harmonious and will fully satisfy your internal requirements. Otherwise, try not to put too much pressure on others, because not everyone is as capable as you of telling the truth to the face of the first person they meet.

Horoscope for 2016 for the Earth Snake (1989) They say that fortune loves to smile on the Earth Snake. 2016 will prove whether this statement is true, and at the moment it is difficult to say unambiguously how the situation will be resolved. One thing is certain: in the field of work and finance, the Earth Snake will have to seriously try to choose a new goal for itself, when at the beginning of the Year of the Fire Monkey it suddenly turns out that all its current tasks... have already been solved! Be especially alert to new trends that may throw you off track. Do not try to follow your colleagues and business partners in taking part in events that seem quite adventurous to you personally. But in love affairs, committing a couple of “madness” will be very useful. This will allow you and your significant other not only to diversify your relationship, but also to transform it into a fundamentally new level. Time will tell how fun and positive it will be.

Horoscope for 2016 for the Metal Snake (1941, 2001) In 2016, the Metal Snake will have to fight for its “place in the sun.” Probably, in terms of business, a whole host of competitors will suddenly appear in front of you, and even though objectively none of them will be equal to you, they may well “overwhelm” you with numbers. Therefore, from the very first months of the Year of the Fire Monkey, mobilize all your resources. Do not allow information “leaks” and severely punish the guilty. Now half measures will be disastrous for your business. If you don’t work for yourself, be a little less proactive, but definitely be as attentive as possible. In terms of the sensory-emotional sphere, your hypertrophied sensitivity will be very useful. Don't hesitate to empathize with those who need it. And don't be afraid of your own feelings. The world is not static, and in fact, almost all changes lead to the better.

The eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Snake zodiac sign is generalized astrological forecast events for 2016 typical for all representatives of your zodiac sign. For a more accurate representation of the upcoming events of 2016, it is necessary to draw up a personal horoscope for 2016.

Year of birth: 1929,1941,1953,1965,1977,1989, 2001, 2013

What awaits the Snake in 2016?

In 2016 you will have to show your best best qualities- wisdom and caution. From the very beginning of the year, establish yourself as a first-class specialist in any professional field that you master.

Love horoscope of the Snake for 2016 of the Monkey

Your strictness and exactingness can cause enormous dissatisfaction not only among your work team, but also among your loved ones. Therefore, this period will be a difficult time in the sphere of love relationships. In the fall you will be able to demonstrate all your talents and skills. You should clearly delineate your working hours and spend more time in the fresh air, and even better, do it with family members.

In the sphere of personal relationships in 2016, all representatives of the Snake sign can expect a lot good news. Single Snakes have every chance to say goodbye to their bachelor status. You can meet your life partner and love. The main thing is not to create systematic quarrels and not to hurt your loved one. Married couples can expect a new addition to their family. However, if you do not learn to listen and take into account the opinion of your partner, then he will simply disappear from your life.

The touchy, vulnerable Snake will be accompanied all year by the feeling that she is not loved and is not reciprocated. With obsessive demands for love, you will only aggravate the situation; the chosen one will begin to move away, unable to withstand the onslaught. Special care and patience will be required for those of you who are married. The crisis will come at the beginning of autumn, but not out of nowhere, but thanks to the quarrels and scenes of jealousy you provoke. You think that you deserve better, so take up the task of creating this better, instead of spoiling what you already have with various kinds of accusations, reproaches and suspicions - usually groundless. And most importantly, first of all, learn to love and respect yourself, your body.

Career of the Snake in the Year of the Monkey 2016

Your success in 2016 depends on your behavior in previous years. You need to learn to be friends with your colleagues, and if all this works out for you, then you will receive a new impetus in your work, and new projects will help show your hidden talents. Plan your budget carefully - and your financial condition in the year of the red Fire Monkey will correspond to your desired level of comfort.

During the winter and spring months, you will feel a lot of strength and may decide that the time has come for achievements. However, it is not recommended to rush - there is a danger of getting into trouble and not achieving what you want. Calmness and concentration will bear much more fruit: it will be possible to strengthen your claim for a promotion. Closer to autumn, you will be able to receive a lucrative job offer or a substantial increase in salary.

It is recommended from the very beginning of the year to engage in self-development, take advanced training courses and fill gaps in education, and maybe master new disciplines - this will be useful in the future. No interruptions in financial revenues are expected. However, you shouldn’t waste money - this year you’d better work to preserve your capital. Avoid large investments - most likely, they will not pay off and may lead to the need to take out a loan.

Health of the Snake in the Year of the Monkey 2016

Monitor your health carefully, as it is possible that you will miss something important for yourself when you fall ill. If this happens, contact a specialist immediately. Take care of correct mode nutrition and healthy sleep. Staying active throughout the year will help you maintain a regular intake of healthy foods.

In the summer, the vigilance that had fallen asleep must be brought back to combat readiness- stay away from bodies of water, be extremely careful on the roads and spend less time driving.

At the end of the year you will have the opportunity to have a good rest - be sure to take advantage of it, you will really need to get rid of stress.

CELEBRITIES BORN IN THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE Stars: Kim Basinger, Bob Dylan, Greta Garbo, Audrey Hepburn, Liz Hurley, Brad Pitt, Brooke Shields, Oprah Winfrey

Zodiac Stone: Opal

Totem plant: Passion flower

Best time: from 9 to 11 am

Season: Spring

Favorable colors: brown, gold, green

Horoscope for the Snake for 2016 Year of the Monkey
What awaits the wise Snake in 2016? As one would expect - success, and success in everything. You will easily start relationships with the opposite sex, make a career, and earn money. The Fire Monkey will make your life bright and varied. It may be difficult for you to get used to such a serious turn in your life, but in the end you will appreciate them. 2016 is clearly not the time for the Snake to hibernate. Although it will be difficult, the Snake will find an elegant and unexpected solution that will surprise everyone. The year will be swift, the cycle of events will pick up the Snake and spin it in a Viennese waltz of events. But sooner or later the Snake will be able to adapt. Fortunately, in 2015 the Snake accumulated enough strength to enter a new life period. The main thing is to maintain the condition nervous system in balance, not only to work, but also to rest. Including meditating and immersing yourself in the contemplation of beauty. Unstable emotional state may lead to undesirable consequences. As a result, self-esteem will suffer, and Snakes do not like this at all. And if in an impulse you unreasonably offend someone, then you will have to apologize, which will also create stressful situation. So it’s time to remember fat Carlson - Calm, just calm!

But if we talk about preserving and increasing capital, then it is better to consider purchasing real estate. Any other investment may turn out to be unnecessarily risky, if not a failure. So beware of trading in stock markets and options.

But you shouldn’t refuse to help your loved ones. The Snake is one of those signs to whom the stars recommend lending money, but within reasonable limits. It's better not to waste it on all sorts of trinkets. And at the end of the year, don’t skimp and relax with your family, especially since you’ll have money.

And in general, spend more time with your family and loved ones. Otherwise you will be left alone. Remember that relationships need to be worked on. And not only to your partner, but also to you. And working on relationships is not about nagging and moralizing, but about support, communication, and spending time together. Grumbling and endless complaints about a difficult life are of no interest to anyone. So throw off the universal melancholy! Smile, enjoy life, the more life makes you happy!

Horoscope for the Snake woman for 2016
The Snake woman will be surrounded by fans in 2016, which will offend her regular partner. It would seem that you are trying for him. Go to the gym and spa, to a beauty salon and buy beautiful clothes. But he doesn’t appreciate it! Do not rush to become despondent, and especially do not dribble on your brain. Just pay more attention to those who are truly dear to you.

Horoscope for the Snake man for 2016
Remember that success awaits you this year. But not thanks to, but in spite of. The Snake man will advance along career ladder, save and increase finances, but without the patronage of the Monkey. Therefore, be patient and courageous, get ready for a desperate struggle, and then you will be amazed at how varied success can be.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Snake
In 2016, you shouldn’t show your character. Remember that wisdom is a characteristic trait of your sign. Avoid infighting and scandals. Otherwise, your love boat will not withstand the barrage of emotions and will sink. But if you show gentleness, care, and understanding, then you will live in harmony with yourself and with your partner.

Career horoscope for the Snake for 2016
Developed intuition, intelligence and excellent memory will help Snakes achieve success this year. Provided that the Snake wants to make the appropriate efforts. Your efforts must be clearly expressed, because the Monkey will not help you. At the same time, you should not boast, you should not humiliate your neighbor. Just do your job, move forward and then you will achieve a lot and be able to maintain the result.

Finance horoscope for the Snake for 2016
In 2016, the Snake needs to think over a strategy for getting rich. You should not invest anywhere, you should not waste money and take loans. Work, spend wisely, help your loved ones wisely, and don’t take unnecessary risks. In 2016, the Snake remains without the protection of the mistress of the year, so rely only on yourself, and not on blind luck.

Health horoscope for the Snake for 2016
Alcohol can cause problems with the cardiovascular system. So give up libations and communication with the green serpent. Then you don't need to worry about your health. In general, the recommendations are simple: don’t be nervous and don’t push yourself too hard.

In 2016, those born in the year of the Snake will have to show special caution and caution in order to avoid the troubles that the tricky Monkey, the patroness of this year, is preparing for them. Throughout the year, both pleasant moments and troubles await the Snake. You shouldn’t be too upset about this, because after the black stripe there is always a white one. All conflict and problem situations will be easily resolved. The only thing that is required from representatives of this sign is a timely response and making the right, wise decision. All actions of the Snake in the year of the Fire Monkey must be carefully thought out and analyzed. You can't do anything rashly.

At the beginning of 2016, Snakes will have to clear their environment of unnecessary people who make their lives much more difficult. When making any decision, you need to be firm and bear responsibility for all the consequences. Remember, “he who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne.” All the Snake’s risks this year will be justified, just don’t get too carried away and get excited, otherwise luck will turn away from you.

In the year of the Monkey, representatives of this sign are recommended to go around everything sharp corners and not provoke new conflicts. If you feel hopeless, then this is the time to “lower the gas” and take your mind off all the problems. The solution will come by itself. A trip or vacation at one of the resorts will help relieve stress from numerical problems.

At the beginning of 2016, representatives of the Snake sign will have to analyze all their mistakes and achievements of the past year in order to draw certain conclusions and only then make plans for the future. Depending on the relationship with colleagues, the Serpent’s career will develop. If the working relationship was extremely damaged, then, most likely, the career will not work out in this team, and vice versa. Snakes will have to choose for themselves on what principle they will continue to organize their professional sphere of life and bear full responsibility for their choice. It is important to adhere to a clear sequence and be logical in your actions.

To achieve success in the professional field, Snakes should learn to be part of a team, because only together can they achieve good results.

strong changes in financially there is no sign for the Snakes this year. Most likely, everything will remain as is. In the summer, representatives of this sign will have good luck and will have the opportunity to invest capital in a profitable business. But do not forget that any investment is a risk. Before making any decisions, you need to think it over and calculate everything thoroughly, so as not to be left with nothing later.

2016 is an extremely unfavorable period for new debts, loans and major acquisitions. All this can drive you into a hole of debt, from which it will take years to get out.

In the year of the Fire Monkey, most lonely representatives of the Snake zodiac sign will find their happiness. The new relationship will be strong and stable. It is important to be reasonable and not rush to conclusions. Learn to understand people so you don't get disappointed later.

In 2016, Snakes should devote more time to their family and relatives, compromise, respect the decisions and choices of loved ones. In a relationship with your soulmate, the main thing is to listen and trust. You shouldn’t dictate who needs to live and how. Accept her for who she is. After all, it's your choice.

In mid-autumn, Snakes will have to remember their chronic diseases, which will make themselves felt again. To avoid relapses, throughout the year you need to be attentive to your health, refuse bad habits and start eating right.

At the beginning of autumn, it is better to carry out wellness treatments in some sanatorium. This will add a little variety to your everyday life and improve your health.

The snake is often immersed in its own world; sometimes it does not notice the impression it makes on others. Because of this, she is considered unsociable and selfish, although in reality this is not the case. The snake appreciates everything beautiful, is well versed in art, loves to get acquainted with interesting people. Representatives of this sign often surround themselves with exquisite things, value expensive gifts and are not ready to be content with little.

This is a very calculating sign; they feel danger at the level of intuition and are always ready for critical moments. Sometimes this irritates them, they can fall into unjustified anger, however, their mood quickly returns to normal.

What awaits the Snake in 2016

A year to be especially careful. Any situation can bring both victory and defeat. Throughout the entire period, good events will be replaced by bad ones, and it is very important not to worry too much about this. Moreover, serious conflict situations should not arise. Moreover, the solution to any problems is quite easy and quick, the main thing is to take it on time right decision. And for it to be truly true, you should not rely only on yourself. Consult with friends and relatives, look at the situation from a different angle.

It’s worth doing a little philosophy and learning to analyze what is happening. You may have to get rid of a person in your environment who often provokes conflicts with you. Do not be afraid to defend your point of view, so as not to be considered cowardly.

During this period, the snake will want to hide and wait for more favorable times. Well, it's time for a lull. This is the period when you shouldn’t rush ahead. If you reach a dead end, the best solution is a vacation or a long trip.

Horoscope for a man

This type of man is characterized by sentimentality and excessive charm. He is very pleasant to talk to, it’s easy to talk to him, you can joke with him and at the same time find complete mutual understanding. But main mistake Snake men - he really likes to surround himself with extra people who not only take up his time, but are also capable of plotting intrigues. In the year of the Red Monkey, it is worth conducting an audit of your friends and acquaintances and taking a closer look at them. Perhaps someone, under the guise of a friend, is creating trouble for you.

Great year to achieve your goals. If the Snake man decides to do something large-scale at the beginning of the year, the stars will help him in this. True, sometimes the Snake will have to fight for his ideas and perhaps sting someone severely. But if you don’t insist on your own, then you can lose your authority.

Good year for new acquaintances and for long trips. It is also a crucial period for the future - it is at this time that the Snake man can clearly decide how to further build his life. Moreover, some decisions can be very drastic and radically change fate.

Horoscope for a woman

The Snake Woman always arouses interest in society with her beauty and originality. She knows how to behave in any society with great dignity, she is always elegantly dressed, elegant, and this attracts people to her. True, she herself has a rather poor understanding of human characters and often surrounds herself with unworthy people.

This year, the Snake woman may be surrounded by a person who will use her for selfish purposes. It could cause a serious blow to her reputation. You should be more careful about making new acquaintances.

The year is favorable for implementation of new ideas in art and creativity, all the assigned tasks will be easily achievable and can lead representatives of this sign to the pinnacle of success. Ladies born under this sign will do a lot of charity work and philanthropy, and this will give them great satisfaction.

Also good time For fortifications family relations . This year you should pay more attention to your parents, as well as children. Leave your career plans for 2016, devote it entirely to your family, and you will reap excellent results.

Love horoscope for 2016

This year, lonely Snakes will say goodbye to their independent status and find a long-awaited partner. Marriages concluded this year will be easy, reliable and very romantic. At the same time, the family promises to be large and friendly.

A huge minus of the Snake is the desire to make numerous connections. They are not always justified - some acquaintances, in addition to devouring your energy, do not bring anything positive into your life. It is also worth learning tolerance - the Snake tries to remake everyone around him, even those people who are not particularly important to her. Because of this it is possible frequent quarrels, misunderstandings and conflicts. You need to learn to give in so as not to shed bitter tears later. The snake is afraid of appearing weak, so it often insists on its own even in situations where it is clearly wrong. Then she herself suffers because of her stubbornness.

Worth adding to romantic relationship more lightness and flirtation. Don't take life and relationships too seriously and you will be less disappointed.

Money horoscope for 2016

Representatives of this sign will not be much interested in money until the end of summer. It is then that a very tempting offer will be received to contribute personal funds to a certain financial project. At first glance, it promises excellent and quick returns. But it is worth carefully studying all the nuances. If at least something alarms you, give up this idea - it may well turn into an ordinary scam. The risk of losing your investment is quite high.

In general, the stars are positioned in such a way that the Snake needs to be very careful with money throughout the year. You could simply be robbed, you could accidentally lose your wallet or expensive items. The same applies to your investments - the bank to which you entrust funds may burst, and the investment will not bring the expected income. It’s better to spend what you earn right away this year. But at the same time, if you lack a certain amount, you should not borrow - you can ruin the relationship with your counterpart, since you will not be able to pay off your debts quickly.

No matter how much effort the Snake makes to earn more, it will not be able to jump higher than its level in the year of the Monkey.

Career horoscope

The year when it is time to harvest the fruits. If earlier the Snake poisoned her colleagues at work with poison, then this year the boomerang will return to her with a vengeance. If representatives of this sign were tactful and wise enough, then you shouldn’t expect any pitfalls in relationships with colleagues.

Either the Snake will plunge into an atmosphere of hostility at work, or it will receive a new impetus for development and self-realization. Moreover, the wise Snake can offer many new ideas and take on their implementation herself. The more diligence the Snake shows in the workplace, the more her superiors will appreciate her. But remember - Success can only be achieved in a team. Individual projects during this period are unlikely to be feasible, but collective ones will lead to unconditional victory.

At the end of the year, the Snake may be set up, showing it in an unfavorable light. But the Snake will not silently swallow this insult - it will take revenge sharply and cunningly, and thereby demonstrate that it cannot be underestimated. Perhaps this will lead to a cooling of relationships between colleagues, but it will elevate you in the eyes of your superiors.

Health horoscope for 2016

Already at the beginning of spring, the Snake may face the fact that it will have to undergo a full medical examination. The prognosis for this sign is unfavorable - you may be diagnosed with a tumor that can only be removed surgically. Do not delay making decisions for too long so as not to trigger the disease. Don't rely on folk remedies, it is better to entrust your health to official medicine.

There is a high risk of injury at the end of the year. related to transport. Be especially careful on the road, and if you drive a car, follow all the rules. It is better to avoid long trips and travel during this period.

It would be a good idea to take a course of herbs and tinctures that will strengthen your immune system. Representatives of this sign may lack certain vitamins in their bodies, which will contribute to frequent colds. In general, it is extremely important to be extremely careful about any ailment, because for some Snakes this may be a harbinger of a serious illness. However, if treatment is started on time, the outcome will be quite favorable.

Famous people who were born under the sign of the Snake:

Nikolai Nekrasov, Greta Garbo, Alexander Radishchev, Jacqueline Kennedy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexander Kerensky, Audrey Hepburn, Johann Goethe, Yasser Arafat, Heinrich Heine, Tony Blair, Kim Basinger, Alfred Nobel, Brad Pitt, Pablo Picasso.
