Unfavorable planting days in March. March calendar

Every experienced gardener throughout the year he listens to folk signs, and pigweed is no exception.

  • March thunder foreshadows prolonged cold weather.
  • If the snow does not melt in March, then there will be no grass in April.
  • Dense March fogs are a sign of a wet summer.
  • If the melted snow around the trees creates gentle circles, a protracted spring is expected, and if the edges of the circles are steep, then a stormy spring is expected.
  • If the rooks appeared before mid-March, then the summer is likely to be cold.

Watch the weather in March and take into account folk signs when planning gardening work.

Lunar calendar for March 2017: moon phases and zodiac signs

The passage of the moon through the signs of the zodiac according to the lunar calendar for March 2017:

Zodiac signs 2017 March
Aries 1,2, 27 (17.12), 28, 29
Taurus 2 (10.44), 29 (18.49), 30, 31
Twins 4 (13.07), 5, 6, 31 (19.41)
Cancer 6 (15.55), 7,8
Lion 8 (19.47), 9, 10, 11
Virgo 11 (1.08), 12, 13
Scales 13 (8.29), 14, 15
Scorpion 15 (18.12), 16,17, 18
Sagittarius 18 (6.01), 19, 20
Capricorn 20 (18.32), 21, 22, 23
Aquarius 23 (5.29), 24, 25
Fish 25 (13.08), 26, 27

Moon phases according to the lunar calendar for March 2017:

Character of the Moon in period Growing Descending
Period start date and time 5
Moon phase IIIIIIV
Recommendations sowing, weeding, spraying in phases II and IV
planting, watering, fertilizing in phases I and III

Work in the garden and vegetable garden in March

With the onset of spring, be sure to visit your site. Gardening work in March begins with trampling snow under trees, sanitary pruning and preparing grooves to drain excess water when the snow melts. Feed the birds and country house Place mouse bait. For these purposes, you can use the chemicals “Storm”, “Klerat”, “Zernotsin”, “Geldan” or simply make a mixture of cement, sugar and flour in a 1:1:2 ratio. Place it on saucers, add a couple of drops of unrefined sunflower oil and place the “treats” along the baseboards.

An important job in the garden and vegetable garden in March is spraying trees and shrubs against pests wintering on them and under them. To do this, take 700 g of urea, dissolve in cold water(100 g per 10 liters of water), strain and thoroughly spray the entire garden and the soil under the plantings. So highly concentrated mineral fertilizer will disrupt the salt metabolism of pests, penetrating through their chitinous cover, and destroy them. For the garden during the dormant period, such spraying is harmless.

One more necessary work in the garden in March - removal of lichens. If tree trunks are heavily overgrown with mycobiont, then it can be easily destroyed before sap flow begins with a 7-10% solution of ferrous sulfate (1 tsp per 100 ml of water). The trunks can be sprayed or brushed. After 3 days, the lichens themselves will fall off the trunks. During sap flow, such treatment is not recommended - it will burn the buds and cause great damage to the tree or bush, including death.

When starting work in the garden in March, carefully examine the blackcurrant bushes. On the branches at this time, thick swollen buds are clearly visible, populated kidney mite. They must be picked and burned, otherwise, as the buds swell, the pests will come out of them and spread to new buds. If there are a lot of such buds on a branch, then cut and burn the entire branch.

What else to do in March in the garden? Prepare cuttings for grafting. They must be preserved until April - early May. Make holes in a washed but not peeled potato tuber and insert the cuttings into them with the bottom cut. Store the tubers in the refrigerator.

At the beginning of March, you should sow seeds of peppers, eggplants and tall tomatoes for seedlings, if you did not have time to do this at the end of February. We will have to speed up the emergence of seedlings, for which we need to increase the soil temperature. Peppers will sprout on the 8-10th day if the soil temperature is 28-32°C, and eggplants and tomatoes at the same temperature will sprout on the 6-7th and 4-5th days, respectively. With more low temperatures shoots are delayed for several days. When sowing seeds in March, the temperature cannot be increased above 40-42 °C, since planting material may die. If the soil temperature is below 20 °C, peppers and eggplants may not sprout at all, and tomatoes will appear only after 15-17 days.

Immediately after the first loop of seedlings appears, the container with seedlings should be placed on the window and the temperature should be checked: during the day it should not be higher than 16-18 °C, and at night - about 12-14 °C. After a week, both day and night temperatures should be increased by 4-6 °C. Such a temporary early decrease in temperature stops the growth of the subcotyledon and prevents strong elongation of seedlings at the initial stage of development. But do not forget that when planting seeds in March, a decrease in temperature below 8 ° C leads to an early disease of tomatoes with late blight, as well as to the appearance of faceted (double) flowers, which must be picked off at the bud stage (it is abnormally large). From such flowers grows an ugly fruit, consisting of several fused together. You cannot take seeds from such tomatoes, since they also produce plants with faceted flowers.

If you already have sprouts of peppers, tomatoes and eggplants, then do not forget that you should start feeding them as soon as the cotyledon leaves unfold and the plants switch to their own root nutrition, you should not wait for real leaves to appear. Fertilizing should be combined with watering, that is, water the plants not with water, but with a weak fertilizer solution. Uniflor-rost for eggplant and tomato seedlings and Uniflor-bud for peppers are best suited for this. 1 tsp is enough. drug per 5 liters of water. Note that these solutions can be stored indefinitely. Water the seedlings sparingly, keeping the soil only slightly moist.

Important! Common mistake Many gardeners and vegetable gardeners, when sowing seedlings in March, end up with excessive watering, which leads to the death of roots due to lack of oxygen, acidification of the soil and the appearance of small fruit flies, Drosophila, which feed on plant rot.

At the same time, the seedlings need good lighting, otherwise leaves will be laid at the growth point and the buds will be postponed to a later date, which, naturally, will lead to a delay in fruiting. Fluorescent lamps located 5-7 cm above the plants are ideal. As the seedlings grow, the lamps are raised so that this distance is maintained. It should be noted here that a long day is harmful to pepper, since it is a crop short day. Therefore, the backlight should be turned on for 7-8 hours. But eggplants and tomatoes are long-day plants, and they require backlighting for 11-12 hours a day. If they are all placed together, then you will have to cover the pepper with a black cloth after 8 hours of illumination.

After planting the seedlings in March, when the tomatoes have their first true leaf, even before picking (the first transplant), the soil should be carefully watered with a weak copper solution. The easiest way is to use HOM (copper chloride), since it can be diluted in cold water and in any container, including metal. Dilute 1 tsp. without top of powder in 10 liters of water (0.05% solution). The solution can stand indefinitely. Systematically water tomato seedlings with it instead of water once every 2 weeks. This will significantly increase your plant resistance to late blight. This feeding is also useful for eggplants, since they also suffer from late blight, although to a lesser extent than tomatoes. Pepper is not susceptible to this disease, but feeding it with copper will not harm it, since seedlings are usually grown on peat soils, and peat does not contain copper.

Also in March you need to sow root and petiole celery seeds for seedlings. To do this, take yogurt cups, fill them 3/4 with soil, add snow, compact it and sow 3 celery seeds directly on the snow. The celery seeds are clearly visible on it. They, like all other very small seeds, are not covered with soil from above. When the snow melts, they will be slightly drawn into the ground. After sowing, cover the cups with film or glass and place them on the windowsill right next to the glass. Celery is a cold-resistant crop; the seeds will hatch at 2-4 °C and sprout at 6-7 °C. When the shoots appear, the film can be removed. As soon as the sprouts form 1-2 true leaves, leave one of the strongest plants in each glass, cut the rest at the soil level with nail scissors. In the future, lightly cover the plants with soil, otherwise they will fall.

Check the onions and discard any diseased ones. And place those bulbs that have begun to grow, close to each other, in a shallow container with a small amount of slightly moistened soil or sand and place in a bright place. In a couple of weeks you will have young greens. You can do the same with sprouting garlic.

At the end of March, winter sowing can be done. In our region, it is better to do this in March rather than in the fall. Of course, the beds are prepared for such sowing in the fall. And they even make furrows on them. At the same time, prepare a bag of dry soil and leave it on the veranda. Sweep the snow from the garden bed and shed it well hot water from the kettle along the furrows. Sprinkle the furrows with ash and sow seeds in them, then cover them with 2 cm of soil and cover them with snow.

Sowing flower seeds in March

Check gladioli bulbs, dahlia tubers. Cut off all diseased parts to a clean cloth, smear the sections with green paint and store them again.

Aster seeds must be planted at the end of March, otherwise the seedlings will become very long.

In mid-March, sow petunia, snapdragon, nemesia, crystal chamomile and other long-growing flowers with small seeds, but place the containers with them in a warm place.

Also in March, seeds of flowers such as marigolds and asters are sown; they need to be sprinkled with 1.5 cm of soil. Compact the soil with a spoon. Cover with film and place in a warm place. Pre-steam the soil for asters or water them thoroughly with a solution of “Fitosporin” to destroy the spores of the fungus that causes the blackleg. In the future, when picking seedlings, the new soil should also be spilled with Fitosporin or HOM.

22.02.2019 12 110

Lunar sowing calendar for March 2019

With the beginning of spring, gardeners and gardeners have a significant increase in work, both on the site and at home. It is necessary to sort and prepare seeds, take care of greenhouses and create favorable conditions for young seedlings. Naturally, organizing the work process can cause a number of difficulties, especially for young and inexperienced summer residents. That is why during the planting season it is recommended to use the advice provided by the gardener’s lunar sowing calendar for March 2019.

What gardening jobs should you not forget about in March?

The list of “March” works is quite extensive. The quantity of harvest and the health of crops will depend on the quality of implementation of many of them. First of all, you need to remember the following steps:

  • Be sure to plant young seedlings of peppers, tomatoes and eggplants in separate cups. This measure will allow you to get healthy root system and will greatly facilitate the transplant process in the future. Remember that immediately after transplanting the crop, you should not expose it to the sun for 24 hours;
  • sow a second batch of tomatoes, which will later be used for canning. Also, do not forget to sow flower seedlings for replanting in open ground;
  • to get early greens, you can sow dill, parsley and lettuce in special boxes on the windowsill;
  • check the gladioli bulbs after wintering and get rid of any sick or damaged ones. Also, do not forget to carefully examine the dahlia tubers. Place healthy roots in boxes with damp sawdust. If the sawdust dries out quickly, moisten it with a spray bottle a couple of times a week, but make sure that it is not very wet;
  • Sort through the potatoes that have been set aside for planting. Dispose of rotten tubers, and healthy ones thin layer put it in boxes and take it out into the sunlight;
  • inspect the indoor plants. With the onset of March, many of them began to actively grow and require replanting;
  • Sort through the seeds you purchased earlier and check them for germination. If necessary, purchase the missing seeds. It is best to take products from different manufacturers.

Despite the fact that there is still snow in March and frosts are possible, nevertheless, you should not forget about inspecting the garden plot.

Favorable days in March 2019

You can understand which days are the best to start gardening work by looking at a special table. Despite the fact that the given dates are advisory in nature, most experienced summer residents are happy to adhere to them. Indeed, plants planted in different times, may not only have differences in development, but also in yield. This is due to the influence of the Moon on our planet and all life on it. So, let's figure out when it's best to do planting and other work in March, and when you should abandon them.

  • Favorable days - 8-12, 15-19.
  • Neutral days - 22, 23, 24, 29.
  • Not favorable days - 5, 6, 7, 21.

Below is a table that outlines the favorable and unfavorable days for each individual crop.

You can be guided by the data given in this table, or you can build your schedule depending on the availability of free time or personal desire.

Lunar sowing calendar for March 2019 for gardeners and gardeners

What to do at the dacha in March?

The first trip to the dacha in March should begin with a careful inspection of the trees and shrubs. In general, a list of important garden work may look like this:

  • If there is too much snow on the branches, be sure to shake it off. Otherwise, heavy wet snow can damage plant branches, leaving you without a harvest;
  • if you see damage on the branches or trunk, be sure to lubricate these areas with garden varnish;
  • trample the snow firmly near the trunks. This measure will significantly complicate the approach of rodents to the bark of shrubs and trees;
  • With the onset of spring, rodents begin to actively reproduce, which is why you need to place traps or spread rodent poison on the site. In this case, you need to act as carefully as possible so as not to harm other animals;
  • Dig grooves in advance to drain water. Pay special attention to places where it usually accumulates;
  • If the snow on the beds with strawberries and wild strawberries has melted, bring it from other parts of the garden. This way you will protect the plants from unexpected frosts.

Work in March is quite varied, everything must be taken into account important points and don't miss a single point. With the help of the lunar sowing calendar, you can correctly distribute your time. The tips given in it will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced gardeners.

The most favorable days of March according to the Lunar calendar sowing calendar gardener and gardener for March: 1-3, 11, 12, 20, 22, 29-31

In March, a gardener has a lot to do. Winter is leaving, and step by step we are reclaiming space from it: we warm up the beds, set up a nursery on the windowsill, lay out potatoes and dahlias for germination. This is the period of sowing seeds for growing seedlings in the house and the beginning of a new season in the garden.

Work in the garden Lunar calendar gardener in March 2017

In March, you can prune berry bushes and fruit trees if you did not have time to do this in the fall. The work must be completed before the sap flows and the buds begin to swell. After trimming the wound, be sure to lubricate it with “Rannet” or garden varnish, you can use oil paint. This procedure can be combined with the preparation of cuttings for spring grafting of fruit crops.

Strip tree trunks and large branches of dead bark. Disinfect and treat winter damage with garden varnish: frost holes, cracks, rot, rodent damage. To protect against sunburn Apply garden whitewash if you did not have time to whitewash the trees in the fall or the whitewash was washed away during the winter. You can wrap the lower part of the barrel with white non-woven material.

When the sun is very hot and the ground is still frozen, there is a risk of conifers, boxwoods, and rhododendrons burning. Rake mulch and litter from the tree trunks, water the plants with warm water in several stages until the water melts the soil and is easily absorbed. To protect coniferous plants from sunburn, wrap them in burlap, leaving air vents.

When warm, sunny weather sets in, ventilate heat-loving plants under shelters: roses, grapes, hydrangeas, clematis, tree peonies.

In late winter or early spring, fill the greenhouse with snow. This will help create a supply of useful snow moisture before planting, activate beneficial soil microflora, and restore the balance of temperature and air humidity. Before planting the plants, the greenhouse must be thoroughly washed inside and out.

In garden beds, do not wait for the snow to melt before stretching the film over greenhouses, tunnel shelters and warm ridges. Regardless of the weather, it is better to arrive before the end of March. Under the film, the snow will melt and the earth will warm up faster - this will give you the opportunity to sow cabbage, lettuce, radish, arugula on prepared beds in April and get early harvest green crops: radishes, dill, lettuce, Chinese cabbage.

Deadlines for gardening in March according to the 2017 Lunar Sowing Calendar

  • sanitary pruning of ornamental trees and shrubs: 13-14, 18-19, 27-28;
  • do not trim:6-7, 25-26 ;
  • treatment of plants against pests and diseases:

What to sow for seedlings in March?

March is the main month for any gardener, the time for sowing seedlings of vegetable (peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, celery) and flower crops.

Favorable days for sowing seedlings according to the 2017 Lunar Sowing Calendar

  • tall varieties of peppers, early ripening varieties tomatoes, eggplants: from 6-7, 29-31 March;
  • early varieties cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers and melons: from March 25 - until mid-April;
  • spinach, salads, Chinese cabbage, mustard, dill, radishes and early carrots- V southern regions can be sown in heated greenhouses from the second half of March;
  • watermelons: 16-17;
  • eggplant: 6-7;
  • legumes: 31;
  • roots: 13
  • cabbage: 2-3, 20, 22, 29-30;
  • cucumbers: 1, 6-7, 29-31;
  • pepper: 6-7;
  • tomatoes (tomatoes): 6-7;
  • forcing and sowing greenery: 7, 22
  • flowers: 4-5, 20, 22, 31.
  • You cannot sow seedlings: 15-17, 21, 23-27!

If these dates do not coincide with the sowing dates or your capabilities, then all vegetable crops can still be sown in other conditionally favorable days which will be in March: 2-3, 11, 20, 22

Favorable days for working with seedlings in March according to the Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and florists

  • pinching, pinching tops, shaping bushes of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers: 13-14, 18-19, 27-28;
  • watering: any day except 4-5, 13-14;
  • application of complex fertilizing: 4-5, 9, 13-16, 18-21, 23-28;
  • 4-5, 31 can be fed with dry fertilizer;
  • treatments against ground pests and diseases: 2-3, 8-9, 18-21, 23-24, 29-30.

Work in March with indoor plants according to the Lunar calendar 2017

This is the time for planting, replanting, pruning and feeding. indoor plants. First of all, it is necessary to inspect all indoor plants: cut off dry leaves and faded flowers, wash the leaves with warm water or wipe off the dust with a soft cloth, replace or rinse the mulching material. Expanded clay, colored decorative stones, pebbles or shells are washed in warm water With detergent, while small organic materials It is preferable to completely replace with fresh ones.

Water and feed indoor plants more often in March than in winter. It is advisable to spray many crops with warm, separated water and, if possible, arrange warm shower. This will reduce the risk of diseases and damage by pests and improve flowering.

Favorable days for caring for indoor plants in 2017 according to the florist’s Lunar calendar

  • replanting indoor plants: 1-5, 11-12, 20-22, 29-31;
  • landing corms, tubers and bulbs; planting for germination of tubers: callas, dahlias, achimenes, tuberous begonia, gloxinia, caladium, hippeastrum and amaryllis: 2-3;
  • planting and replanting succulents and cacti: 10;
  • watering: any day, except 4-5, 6 (until 16.00), 13-14;
  • complex root and foliar feeding: 3, 7, 15-16, 24-26, 30
  • fertilizing with dry fertilizer: 4-5, 13;
  • treatment against diseases and pests: 3, 8;
  • trimming: 13-14, 18-19, 27-28;
  • cannot be trimmed: 6-7, 25-26
  • cuttings: 11, 20 (dahlias)
  • Cuttings cannot be taken: 6-7, 15 (after 18.00)-16, 25-27.

Photo in the article: Shutterstock/TASS

It is worth saying that using the gardener’s lunar calendar for March 2017 is simply necessary, since the weather middle zone Russia is not always the same and spring comes to us at different times. Experienced summer residents were able to independently adapt to such a climate, thereby obtaining an excellent harvest, even under unknown weather conditions. The lunar calendar describes best tips, which will also help to grow excellent seedlings, and then get from them high level productivity.

The moon influences absolutely all living things, for this reason all types of plants and various crops fall under its influence. For example, on the day of the new moon and full moon, sowing work stops altogether, since if you plant at this time, you will not be able to get a good, rich harvest.

But if the moon has a beneficial effect on the soil, you just need to start planting seeds and transplanting seedlings into the ground. Below we will look at each day for March separately in order to know when it is necessary to plant, on which days it is worth postponing sowing seeds, as well as which dates are suitable for caring for trees and soil.

Fourthly lunar day It’s worth starting to sow some types of seeds, these could be beans, hot peppers, you can plant tomato seeds and spinach in pots. In the morning hours it will be favorable to start pruning branches on fruit trees and shrubs. You can plant seeds of early-varietal cabbage and lettuce.

The fifth lunar day is better suited for planting flower crops; you can plant petunias, as well as fastidious dahlia, Chinese carnation and phlox. It is allowed to sow some species vegetable crops, today you can plant hybrid varieties of tomatoes in the ground, as well as early varieties of bell peppers and eggplants.

On the sixth lunar day, it is better to start forcing greens from root vegetables, this can be onions, garlic, as well as any other rhizomes. It is worth preparing the seeds of tomatoes and cucumbers for planting, on this day the seeds are soaked, leeks and celery are prepared in the same way, and in addition they are prepared early species cauliflower.

This day should be devoted to caring for garden plants, you can also spend time on trees, the seventh lunar day is better suited for sowing leeks, celery, etc. different varieties cauliflower, tomatoes and cucumbers.

If necessary, sanitary treatment of bushes is carried out; at this time, treating trees from harmful insects will be especially effective. If the seeds for planting have already been prepared, then it’s time to plant early varieties of tomatoes in pots; early cauliflower, leeks and hybrid cucumbers are also planted.

The gardener can devote the ninth lunar day to planting various types useful herbs for salads; if necessary, quick-ripening varieties of tomato, bell pepper and hybrid varieties of cucumbers are sown. It is allowed to plant seeds of flowers that have tendrils and curl.

On this day, planting absolutely any type of plant is allowed; the tenth day of the moon is a great time for cutting roses; it is also worth doing chrysanthemums and pelargoniums. If you already have seedlings at home white cabbage, sweet bell peppers and eggplants, you need to pay more attention to the sprouts.

The eleventh day of the moon should be devoted to cuttings of such flower crops as roses and chrysanthemums, but you will have to postpone replanting any garden crops and flowers that bloom beautifully with large buds. This day is perfect for planting new trees and shrubs, but if there are already mature trees on the site, it is necessary to trim their crowns and shoots.

This day is worth spending in the front garden, it’s worth starting with planting flowers, right now it’s important to plant dahlias, gladioli and irises so that flower plants bloomed on time. You should not schedule the planting of fruit and stone fruit trees and shrubs on the twelfth lunar day; this also applies to any types of vegetable crops. Permission to carry out processing garden plants from harmful insects, as well as loosen the soil for the beds.

If it is warm and sunny outside, you are allowed to ventilate the roses a little; all heat-loving and perennial plants on the site. On this day, it is ideal to start planting flower crops, for example, start planting gladioli, irises and dahlias. You should not start planting seeds or trees, as they will not take root well in a new place, the same goes for picking. You can plant them.

If the weather is warm and dry enough, you can remove the cover from perennial plants that love warmth, you can also remove the tying from raspberry bushes and cut off unnecessary shoots. It is allowed to plant head lettuce.

You can prepare beds for early seedlings, greenhouses are created, there is no need to start replanting ornamental plants, and it is also better not to replant garden vegetable crops. You can devote the sixteenth lunar day to landing fruit trees And berry bushes, if necessary, it is worth trimming the crown and branches of already mature plants.

If you carry out cuttings today, the roots will begin to appear much faster; the beds are also covered with film to create greenhouses for seedlings. It is better not to assign serious tasks to this time, that is, not to plant trees and bushes; it is recommended to devote your time to cultivating the soil and removing pests.

The seventeenth lunar day is suitable for planting root crops in the ground; cuttings can be carried out so that the cuttings take root faster. When the ground warms up enough, you can plant root and tuber crops in open ground, these could be radishes and turnips.

As advised landing calendar for March 2017, today is worth dedicating your working hours By planting and sowing flowers that grow for several years in a row, they will quickly develop their root system and also produce more seeds in the future. If by this time the ground is already warm enough, it is worth planting tuberous plants, as well as radishes and turnips.

Sowing work on the nineteenth lunar day is carried out only with medicinal plants, in addition, it is allowed to carry out cuttings of small ornamental shrubs. On this day it is worth planting turnips or radishes, other types of crops should not be planted on these lunar days, it is better not to deal with young seedlings of bushes and trees now, but it is allowed to plant mature plants.

On this day it is allowed to produce radishes and turnips; it is not forbidden to plant root vegetables, onions and rhizomes for germinating greens. It is not recommended to deal with tree seedlings on such days, but it is quite possible to graft already mature bushes and fruit trees.

The twenty-first lunar day is suitable for planting useful plants, it can be anise, hops, as well as motherwort or aloe herbs. On this day, it is worth planning to hill up the soil and weed the beds, you can water the plants and treat the trees against harmful insects.

You can begin preparing greenhouse beds for planting early seedlings on them, but this is only allowed if all the snow has already melted. It is worthwhile to start loosening the soil, hilling the created beds and watering perennial plants.

The twenty-second lunar day should also be devoted to creating greenhouse shelters for young seedlings, but today it is allowed to continue planting root crops. Tuberous vegetables will also sprout well on this lunar day, but it is better to avoid planting new flowers in the ground.

It is worth conducting a thorough inspection of raspberry and currant bushes; if there are dry branches damaged by pests, they must be completely removed and burned. Flower seeds are not planted at this time, but planting root crops and tubers will come in handy.

You should not start planting new flower crops, especially since today is a great day for planting turnips, beets, potatoes, as well as radishes and other types of root crops.

It’s better not to do planting work, but you can spend time hanging birdhouses and fertilizing the soil. In addition, it is allowed to control pests, remove weeds and trim old tree branches.

These lunar days are not suitable for sowing or planting new vegetables or flowers, but it is worth spending your time creating birdhouses, caring for trees, pruning old branches and creating a crown. In addition, this will successfully combat weeds and harmful insects.

You can start planting root crops in open ground; today it is better to plant onion species; if the weather is already warm enough and the soil has warmed up, then they begin to plant grown vegetable seedlings. It’s worth taking care of all the berry bushes and starting sowing celery and radishes.

Worth doing shading coniferous plants, it is also recommended to plant on permanent place growth of onions and garlic, you can start planting some seedlings, but provided that the air temperature at night is high enough and the soil has warmed up. If possible, begin planting celery, radishes and turnips in the ground. These lunar days are perfect for grafting and pruning the crowns of fruit trees.

It is better not to replant plants in the ground, and in general you will have to abandon sowing seeds; picking will have a negative impact on the condition of the seedlings. It would be good to start preparing the soil, for this purpose the soil is loosened and fertilizers are applied.

Old plants are removed from the garden; sowing and replanting are prohibited.

Roses and heat-loving plants are ventilated, cabbage and lettuce are planted in the beds.

Lettuce and cabbage seeds are planted, and flower crops begin to be sowed - phlox, dahlia, Chinese carnation.

You can plant some flower seeds, but you should avoid planting vegetable crops.

Let's look at the planting calendar for March 2017, taking into account climatic conditions north, the seeds of which crops make sense to sow for seedlings in the first calendar month of spring.

It is quite natural that the timing of planting seedlings depends on many factors: weather conditions, location of the garden, availability of greenhouses. If the greenhouses are heated, then the timing will be completely different than for unheated ones.

The start date for sowing seeds for seedlings depends on the timing of planting, since it seems possible to grow the harvest of most vegetable crops in the northern regions only through seedlings.

Practice shows that you can start planting seedlings in open ground or an unheated greenhouse only after the threat of return frosts has passed. The Swedes call them quite poetically “Steel (iron) nights” (Järn nätter). They usually occur in the first ten days of June.

I tried to compile the lunar landing calendar for March 2017 myself, taking into account the following factors:

  • desired age of seedlings at the time of planting
  • Moon phase
  • the sign through which the Moon passes when work begins.

At the beginning of March, it is worth sowing seeds only of large-fruited indeterminate varieties of tomatoes that require more long time for development. From the very first days of emergence, they should be provided with good lighting.

It should be noted that the duration of illumination for peppers is 8 hours, since they are short-day plants. Eggplants and tomatoes should be illuminated for 12 hours. Typically, seedlings of these crops are grown together, so after eight hours of illumination, the peppers should be shaded.

The lamps are located at a distance of 15 - 20 cm above the seedlings, as they grow, the lighting must be gradually raised, maintaining a given distance.

Although March is significantly ahead of February in terms of the number of sunny days, March seedlings should be supplemented with light. Under such conditions, March seedlings are usually of better quality than February ones.

Let's “walk” through the Lunar calendar of March 2017. Let me remind you that the following zodiac signs are considered fertile: Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

The waxing moon phase occurs in the first ten days of the month. which favors the development of plants that bear fruit with their above-ground part.

  • March 2, 3 are favorable days (the Moon will be in the sign of Taurus) for sowing seeds of petiole celery, lettuce, cabbage, and late-ripening large-fruited varieties of pepper.
  • March 6 (after 12 Moscow time), 7, 8 (before 19.45 Moscow time) - The Moon will pass through the Zodiac sign Cancer. These days are very suitable for planting seeds of strawberries, fennel, and peppers.
  • On March 12, the Full Moon will occur, from now until March 28 (New Moon phase) the Moon will be waning.
  • March 13 - 17, 20 - 22, 25 - 26 are favorable days, the Moon will successively pass through the fertile signs Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Then it will be possible to sow seeds of bulbous crops and root celery.

After passing the New Moon phase, favorable days will come again for planting crops that bear fruit above the surface of the earth.

  • March 29, 30 - you can plant seeds of lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants as the growing Moon will pass through the fertile sign of Taurus.

Those gardeners who do not pay attention to the Lunar sowing calendar can be guided by the approximate dates for the start of sowing seeds:

  • salads, strawberries, celery, large-fruited peppers - first ten days of the month
  • early ripening peppers, tomatoes, eggplants - second, third ten days of the month.

In the northern regions, snow remains on the fields until the beginning of May. It is clear that there is no need to rush into sowing early ripening crops. From the text of the article it is clear that the planting calendar for March 2017 for the northern regions is not “stressful” - there are only so many types of vegetable crops that can be sown.

However, I am sure that most of us will have to solve the problem of placing all the seedlings under additional lighting. So I have already prepared bags with seeds of 8 varieties of peppers and 12 varieties of tomatoes. It's interesting to try them all! All that remains is to wish us all a successful start to the new sowing season.

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