Personnel reserve in the company. Formation of personnel reserve

Many companies have experience in creating a personnel reserve. But he is not always successful. If the company cannot offer the reservist attractive conditions, it may happen that he leaves the company. Therefore, before creating a personnel reserve, it is necessary to think through all measures to motivate employees: material motivation, career ladder, development program, etc. On the one hand, enrollment in the personnel reserve in itself is already a good motivation, because the employee understands that he is highly valued. But a month, six months, a year will pass, and he is still in the same position with the same salary, but with increased self-esteem. In the end, unsatisfied ambitions will force him to find another company where he can realize himself. The personnel reserve is an entire system in the creation of which the entire company must participate, otherwise there may be a threat of “leakage of valuable personnel.”

Everyone needs a “gold reserve”

Every manager wants his company to have at least good, and preferably the best, employees. You can only select best employees(which sounds almost fantastic), or find employees with high potential and raise them to the required level. It is for this purpose that the company’s personnel reserve is created.

There is no doubt that in every company it is necessary to highlight and additionally reward the most valuable and effective employees. There are employees who support entire areas of activity and the work of departments, and there are those who accompany their activities, and whose replacement is unlikely to be noticeable. We will turn our attention to the category of valuable and highly effective employees of the company.

The very concept of “personnel reserve” is known to the absolute majority, and it seems completely clear why it is needed. The main goals of creating a personnel reserve, as a rule, are:

  • Meeting business needs for qualified personnel;
  • Reducing staff turnover (more precisely, the turnover of the most valuable employees);
  • Increasing motivation for professional activities;
  • Creating conditions for professional and career growth of the best employees.

Also, some managers want to use the personnel reserve to achieve continuity in the team, i.e. maintaining experience, leadership style, values, etc.

What is a personnel reserve?

The personnel reserve is the company's employees who have development potential and are planned for horizontal and vertical moves to specific positions (this is the so-called operational personnel reserve).

However, if the tasks of creating a personnel reserve are somewhat broader than internal selection, then the definition of a personnel reserve also needs to be expanded.

The personnel reserve is closely related to the company’s personnel assessment system and therefore must be fully consistent with it.

In one of the large companies where I was involved in personnel assessment, the fulfillment of professional tasks and potential were taken as the main criteria for assessing personnel. Therefore, the definition of the personnel reserve was as follows:

personnel reserve is employees whose level of professional task performance and potential exceeds the requirements for the positions they occupy.

There is also a category of employees who are valuable to the company, but for whom there is no specific position at the moment. They also need to be highlighted and further motivated. They may well become leaders of new projects or new directions.

In addition to the above, the personnel reserve may include successors to managers if the company is working in this direction.

The only thing left to do is to create a scheme for working with the personnel reserve.

IN in this case she looks like this.

Diagram 1. Scheme of work with the personnel reserve.

As you can see in the diagram, we must have a plan for introducing new positions before adding employees to the talent pool. Those. Each manager must first provide us with information about planned vacancies in his department and the requirements.

How do employees get into the personnel reserve?

Before the assessment begins, a plan for introducing new positions/opening new projects is formed.

Then the personnel assessment itself is carried out, during which employees are identified who, obviously, have already grown beyond their position, or have high potential to perform more complex functional duties, or have expressed a desire to work in related departments, etc.

Having identified such a group of people, we turn to the plan for introducing new positions and select suitable people for the planned vacancies.

The manager in whose department a new vacancy will open or will be implemented new project, conducts interviews with an employee applying for inclusion in the personnel reserve to determine whether he meets the requirements of the position. Based on the results of the interview, the employee is either included in the reserve for a specific position, or transferred to the reserve without specifying a specific position.

No more than three employees can apply for one position/project management. One employee can apply for no more than two positions.

Employees who have received high scores based on the results of the annual assessment, and for whom none of the proposed positions for personnel reserve employees was suitable. These employees may apply for a specific position in the event of the unplanned introduction of new positions or the vacancy of existing positions.

Also, based on the results of the employee assessment, each manager must select two successors from among his direct subordinates. However, problems may arise here: the manager may not have two subordinates (ridiculous, but this is not uncommon in large companies), or they may not be suitable as his successors. This decision is at the discretion of the manager.

Successor is a person who has the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform functional responsibilities manager in case of his absence (both temporary absence and dismissal/relocation to another position). Successors can and should delegate certain functional responsibilities. The best employees of the unit based on the results of the annual assessment can apply for the position of successor.

So, in our personnel reserve, three groups of employees have formed: with a specific position, without a specific position, and successors to managers. Confusion may already arise: can an employee belong to several categories, because we select the best to fill vacancies, and the manager also selects these best to train successors. Therefore, it is necessary to register everything possible options. And, of course, the employee must decide for himself what is more important, more interesting, etc. But the identification of a separate category “successors of the manager” is quite rare. There should be no difficulties with the other two categories.

There were long discussions about reservists without specifying a specific position. The main question was: if we don’t have a position, why would we spend money and time on these employees. However, in the end, managers came to the conclusion that these employees need to be further motivated and retained in the company, because their potential is high and can be effectively used.

Because in the company as separate direction Since the work was allocated to successors of managers, it turned out that most of those who were included in the reserve without specifying a specific position were promoted to the rank of successors. But still, we cannot plan everyone for leadership positions, if only because not everyone can and wants to be leaders.

Reservists, indicating a specific position, can be divided into several subgroups:

  • reserve for top positions (rather an exception, since this position is most often selected personally by the CEO and mainly for his own reasons);
  • middle management reserve;
  • reserve of specialists (the main category with which it is necessary to work, because for them there is the largest number of training programs, they are easily replaceable, there are wider opportunities for their career. These are future heads of departments, managers, project managers, etc. .).

After being enrolled in the personnel reserve, the employee, together with the manager, draws up his professional development plan.

The plan for employees enrolled in the personnel reserve indicating the position must be agreed upon with the manager in whose department the position/project is planned to be opened, and he also monitors the implementation of the plan.

For employees who are enrolled in the personnel reserve without specifying a position, a plan is drawn up aimed at developing general management skills or professional development important qualities. Work with this category is carried out individually by the immediate supervisor (compensation packages, delegation of some tasks, training, etc.).

A professional development plan is also drawn up for the manager's successors. Based on the results of the implementation of the professional development plan, a decision is made on appointment to a position or retention/dismissal of an employee from the personnel reserve.

To determine the employee's readiness for appointment to a new position, the manager may decide to conduct an additional assessment.

This interaction scheme was built in the company after personnel certification was replaced by an annual personnel assessment procedure.

Based on the results of personnel certification, the company's personnel reserve was also formed. But the statistics turned out to be deplorable.

Learning from mistakes

Several years ago, the company in question made an attempt to maintain a unified personnel reserve database, but this did not lead to anything: the company could not offer them anything specific and people gradually began to quit. But it is not economically feasible to develop them, train them, come up with special positions for them, just so that they develop.

As a result, a significant part (34.7%) of employees enrolled in the reserve quit, only 16.5% of those enrolled were transferred to planned positions (data are shown in Diagram 2).

Diagram 2.

It turned out that the employees were selected from total number and were enrolled in the personnel reserve after a rather stressful and time-consuming certification procedure, but the result was negative.

Development plans were written literally out of thin air, because... This was done by managers, and they, as a rule, do not like to devote their time to such work. No money was allocated for employee development and therefore managers had a rather meager list of what they could offer reservists: self-education, corporate training training center(which trains everyone, and you don’t have to be a reservist to get there), etc.

When vacancies opened, they were filled by employees who were not in the personnel reserve (every manager wants to see the people he needs in his team). An employee could remain in the personnel reserve for as long as desired.

Since we consider enrollment in the reserve as a method of motivation, we need to understand that it has its limits. The employee has already been told that he is “the chosen one”, his motivation has increased for some time, his expectations and self-esteem have increased, and he is quite rightly dissatisfied if his status or material reward does not change in any way. And soon this employee, dissatisfied with his status, begins to look for another company.

As a result, such disappointing statistics were obtained, and work with the personnel reserve was stopped.

After changing the personnel evaluation system, the HR director decided to resume work with the personnel reserve, because it was necessary to motivate employees.

The first question that was posed by the assessment specialists was financial: how much money the company is willing to allocate (and whether it is even willing to pay for this “pleasure”).

Development options for reservists were significantly expanded: external training, internships, closer interaction with the manager were included, independent projects etc. depending on the position.

And most importantly, work with the personnel reserve was completely controlled by personnel assessment specialists. They had to collect information not only about vacancies and employees who were included in the reserve, but also monitor the quality and timeliness of writing development plans and their implementation. The movement of the personnel reserve was also monitored and it was controlled that a reservist would fill the opening vacancy (if he applied for it, of course). Periodic assessments of the competencies of reservists were carried out so that the dynamics of development were visible, while the assessment methods became more complex.That. work with the personnel reserve became transparent and clearly controlled, which undoubtedly led to a positive result.

However, it is worth recognizing that although inclusion in the personnel reserve is more of a non-material motivation, without finance this work will not bring any results. If the company is not ready to allocate funds for the selection and development of the best employees, then there is no need to engage in the formation of a personnel reserve. Otherwise, the consequences may be exactly the opposite of expectations.

Work with the personnel reserve affects the entire company. Every leader must take part in it and understand why this is all necessary. It is impossible to control everything, and total control is unlikely - best way motivation. Therefore, we have to carry out constant educational work with managers and overcome resistance, because It is the manager’s position that has the greatest influence on the development of his employees.

Professionals are the face of the company. When they leave the company, they take away their knowledge and connections and transfer them to direct competitors. Therefore, it is necessary to keep them in the company and maintain the idea of ​​continuity.

On the one hand, the concept of a personnel reserve is not something new and advanced for Russia - at state-owned enterprises back in Soviet times there was a form of annual reporting that reflected the state of work with the personnel reserve. On the other hand, we can say with confidence that at present, systematic work with the group of “reservists” at state enterprises is not carried out, and if it is carried out, it is of a declarative nature, since “reservists” do not always have the opportunity to take the position in which they are in reserve. they have been there for many years.

In large Russian non-state companies, the creation of a personnel reserve is due to several reasons. The main reason is competition between companies for high-quality specialists, which leads to the risk of untimely filling of a vacancy in the event of a key employee leaving.

General theoretical and practical aspects personnel reserve management are reflected in the works of: Batygina B.S., Veresov N.N., Vesnin V.R., Vikhansky O.S., Genkin B.M., Devyatko I.F., Dyatlova V.V., Egorshina A.P., Zhuravleva P.V., Morozova A.V., Naumova A.I., Ogonesyan I.A., Odegova Yu.G., Ponomareva I.P., Travina V.V., Utkina E. .A. etc.

1. The essence and tasks of the personnel reserve

One of the elements of career management is the selection of specialists into the management personnel reserve. Currently, the ability to identify and successfully train potential leaders for leadership positions is today the most important factor in competitive success. But not all modern organizations effectively manage this process; many still solve the problem of succession promptly at the time of release of a certain key position. This event gives employees the opportunity to feel that the organization's management considers them candidates for vacant positions and contributes to the emergence of a motive of self-esteem.

In this regard, the main efforts in personnel policy are concentrated on creating a well-trained reserve of candidates for the positions of leaders of the new formation, capable of mastering new site work and ensure effective solutions to the challenges they face. Systematic work on managing the personnel reserve requires significant expenses from managers. But those organizations that have learned to manage this process receive a tremendous return on the time and money invested in working with the reserve, in the form of a painless change of generations, preserving traditions and introducing new approaches and solutions.

At the same time, the emphasis is on creating a reserve not of “generally” prepared candidates, but of managers of a very specific type and level of management, taking into account new approaches to organizing the work of government structures and the economic management apparatus.

The presence of a personnel reserve makes it possible to prepare candidates for newly created and vacant positions in advance on a planned basis, according to a scientifically and practically sound program, to effectively organize training and internships for specialists included in the reserve, and to use them rationally for various directions and levels in the management system.

Personnel reserve for promotion - This is a contingent of employees from among line and functional managers, specialists who have passed professional selection and have (are undergoing) special management training or internship (for those who do not have sufficient management experience).

Young specialists are included in the management reserve after two years of work, during which they must improve in the specialty acquired at the educational institution and demonstrate organizational skills.

The personnel reserve must reflect all levels of management. Each employee enrolled in the reserve must know what position he is being trained for. The reserve is considered optimal when there are at least two people for each managerial position.

The main criteria for selection into the personnel reserve are: level of education, work experience, state of health, age, consent of the candidate to occupy a vacant position.

In terms of its qualitative and quantitative composition, the reserve of management personnel must correspond to the existing organizational and staffing structures, taking into account the prospects for their development. A reserve is created for all positions of managers performing management functions at a specific level without exception.

The formation of the reserve is carried out on the basis of the conclusions of certification commissions, based on an objective comprehensive assessment of information about the business and personal qualities of candidates for leadership positions. At the same time, the conclusions of such commissions should be based on an analysis of the specific results of the professional activities of specialists achieved at various stages of their work in the management system. Particular attention is paid to the level of professional and general educational training, organizational and analytical abilities, a sense of responsibility for work results, determination, the ability to justify and make independent, responsible decisions. When nominating to the reserve, the results of assessing the candidates’ knowledge acquired during their training in the advanced training system, conclusions based on the results of internships, tests, etc., as well as physical condition and ability to withstand additional loads are taken into account.

The most significant groups of personnel for the company are subject to reservation first. Such employees can be represented in all categories - from top managers to workers. Considering the general demographic situation, the most dangerous for large industrial enterprises There may be problems with highly skilled workers, which are further aggravated by problems of labor migration. Therefore, today, significant attention needs to be paid not only to the search for top managers, but also to the training of middle and lower-level managers (foremen, managers), as well as to develop a system of in-house training that will raise the prestige of blue-collar professions. If we talk about the classification of categories of workers, we can conditionally divide the categories of reservists into five large groups:

1) top managers;

2) middle managers (including engineering and technical workers);

3) lower-level managers;

4) production workers (or basic);

The principles for forming a personnel reserve are the following:

The principle of the relevance of the reserve - the need to fill positions must be real.

The principle of candidate compliance with the position and type of reserve - requirements for the candidate’s qualifications when working in a certain position.

The principle of a candidate’s prospects is a focus on professional growth, level of education, age, length of service and work experience, previous career growth, health (although the law prohibits sorting candidates based on health). You should also take into account professional requirements and the personality characteristics of the candidate.

Sources of personnel reserve for leadership positions can be:

senior staff of the apparatus, subsidiaries;

chief and leading specialists;

specialists with appropriate education and a positive professional reputation;

young specialists who have successfully completed an internship.

The first level of the personnel reserve is all specialists of the enterprise, the next level is deputy managers of various ranks. The main reserve is managers of various ranks.

For successful work with a personnel reserve, first of all, it is necessary for the management of the company to understand the goals and objectives when creating it, to understand that this component of work with personnel can be largely costly and not bring visible dividends in a short time. It is necessary for it to understand that the personnel reserve is a long-term investment in personnel, which bears fruit only with a painstaking and careful attitude to the principles and tasks of its formation.

Also, for successful work, it is necessary to work with the “reservists” to explain the directions (including promising ones) of the company’s activities, its strategy for behavior in the market and create a set of corporate values ​​among the “reservists”. It is advisable to regularly familiarize employees with assessments of the current management system, conduct business games and trainings to create a favorable microclimate in the team, and try to provide reservists with the opportunity to make proposals in the development of a business development strategy.

2. The need to create a personnel reserve

Why is a personnel reserve necessary? Firstly, to ensure continuity of management personnel, preserving the most valuable thing in the organization - its corporate culture; secondly, to prevent possible crisis situations in the organization in the event of the departure of key managers. And thirdly, to stimulate the professional growth of company employees.

These reasons are very compelling. But, paradoxically, for the company’s stability in the market and maintaining continuity of personnel, it is not at all necessary to have a “personnel reserve institution.”

If the personnel service focuses its efforts on creating conditions for the growth of managers, the need for such an institution will no longer exist. Why specifically train reservists when every manager will already have the knowledge and skills necessary for a more responsible position?

The appointment of the head of an organization or structural unit, the promotion of a specialist to a management position should not be carried out spontaneously in connection with an unexpected vacancy in the company, but systematically, on the basis of a smooth replacement of the vacated position of the manager. If the position of president is vacated in a company and it is forced to invite an outside specialist to fill this position, the latter needs from three to six months to familiarize himself with the affairs of the organization, from one to three years to become recognized as “one of our own,” and from two to five years to imbibe the company culture. Employees who previously worked for the company do not have such problems.

The advantage of creating a personnel reserve is to ensure the current, short-term and medium-term needs of the organization for employees to fill key positions, reduce the time and costs of filling vacancies, and systematic and targeted personnel development. Therefore, it is more effective to develop the working career of managers, carried out on a planned basis. If an organization is not able to form an effective reserve of managers from among its employees, then this is already a sign of its weakness and ineffectiveness of its personnel development strategy.

Under personnel reserve understand a group of employees selected for promotion to managerial and key positions based on the results of an assessment of their professional, business and personal qualities, have demonstrated themselves positively in the organization and have undergone appropriate training for these positions.

Depending on the approaches to the formation of management, there are two types of personnel reserve: internal and external.

The internal personnel reserve is formed from company employees. It is divided into

Managerial reserve (vertical vector) - employees capable of a vertical career;

Operational - employees who are capable of occupying leadership positions in the near future (vertical vector)

Strategic - employees potentially capable of fulfilling leadership responsibilities (vertical vector)

Reserve of key specialists (horizontal vector) - employees who demonstrate high professionalism, have unique knowledge, mentoring abilities and an effective horizontal career.

The external personnel reserve is formed from:

Graduates of specialized educational institutions who have successfully completed an internship at the company;

Candidates were interested in HR, but for certain reasons did not come to work for the company at the time of the employment interview; candidates, information about whom was obtained based on monitoring the achievements and career development of key industry specialists.

The advantages of an internal personnel reserve are that the reservist is well acquainted with the organization, its structure, corporate culture, has personal contacts with work colleagues, and is less susceptible to being lured away to other companies. The disadvantages of the internal personnel reserve include the fact that the reservist is not always an authority among colleagues, and sometimes does not show interest in innovation. Often the company fails to find a worthy candidate for inclusion in the reserve, and then managers rely on the vicious principle “even if the bad one is their own.”

The advantage of an external personnel reserve is the ability to select the best specialists from organizations of the region or type of economic activity. The disadvantages include the fact that reservists will need a lot of time to successfully adapt to the organization; significant funds are spent on recruiting a specialist, and they are more likely to be lured away to other companies.

By type of activity there are:

Development reserve is a group of specialists and managers preparing to work in new directions (with diversification of production, development of new products and technologies). They can choose one of two career paths - horizontal or vertical;

Functioning reserve is a group of specialists and managers who must ensure the effective functioning of the organization in the future. These employees are focused on a leadership career.

By time of appointment there are:

Group A - candidates who can be nominated for leadership positions now;

Group B - candidates whose nomination is planned in the next one to three years.

Based on appointment to a position, the following types of reserve are distinguished: successors of specific managers, reserve of managers for promotion.

Successors are usually chosen for managers who have reached the age limit or for those who have the prospect of rapid promotion to a higher position. A promotion reserve is created to replace vacant positions in any department of the company.

The main tasks of forming a personnel reserve:

Identification among the organization’s employees of persons who have the potential to be appointed to a managerial or key position;

Training of persons enrolled in the management reserve for leadership positions;

Ensuring the timely filling of vacant positions of managers from employees who are competent and capable of managerial work;

Attracting younger workers to key positions;

Creating conditions for continuity and sustainability of management of the organization and its divisions.

The formation of a personnel reserve is based on the following principles:

Relevance of the reserve - the need to fill positions must be real;

Compliance of the candidate with the position and type of reserve - requirements for the candidate’s qualifications for a specific position;

The candidate's prospects - orientation towards professional growth, educational requirements, age limit, length of service in the position and career dynamism in general, health status.

In addition, the formation of a personnel reserve must be continuous and flexible in accordance with production requirements, consistent with other areas of work with personnel.

Preparing a personnel reserve is a rather complex process that requires constant attention from the first head of the organization and the personnel service at all stages of the formation of the reserve. The difficulty of forming a reserve of employees lies in the reluctance of the heads of the organization's structural divisions to enroll promising specialists in the reserve due to fears of replacing the best employee with their potential competitor, in determining the optimal number of reservists for the organization, as well as in assessing the potential of candidates for the personnel reserve.

The formation of a personnel reserve should begin with the development of regulations on working with the personnel reserve in the organization. The position should be normative act, which defines the goals, objectives, principles and procedure for working with the personnel reserve.

The regulations define a list of key positions for which the organization wants to have a trained personnel reserve. This list includes, first of all, positions of managers who have an impact on the competitiveness of the organization and the achievement of its strategic goals. The key positions include the positions of the first manager, his deputies, heads of branches and structural divisions. The number and structure of key positions are influenced by the size and specifics of the organization’s activities. In large corporations their number can range from 20 to 250 people.

However, the organization's personnel reserve is not limited only to key management positions at the top and middle levels of management. The effective functioning of enterprises is also facilitated by the inclusion in the personnel reserve of lower-level managers, professionals from leading departments with good training and potential for horizontal career growth.

The stages of the process of forming a reserve of managers in an organization are shown in Fig. 12.3.

To determine the additional need for managers in the context of the organization’s structural divisions and positions, the personnel service, together with the first manager, must analyze in detail the state of use of managers, taking into account age, prospects for professional advancement, personal interests, health status of each of the managers and, on this basis, determine possible deadlines releasing each of them.

If the number of reservists is insufficient, this may complicate the timely replacement of managers who leave the organization. Conversely, an excessive reserve of managers leads to a deterioration in the socio-psychological climate in the workforce, the emergence of conflict situations, and increases staff turnover among reservists, since their expectations regarding a vertical type of career in the organization are not realized.

Rice. 12.3. Stages of the process of forming a reserve of managers in an organization

The determination of the additional need for managers should be carried out on the basis of a balance sheet calculation of the organization’s additional need for specialists and the sources of its provision. This should take into account expected changes in the management scheme, the introduction of new management positions in accordance with the organization’s development strategy, the opening of new divisions, branches, the dynamics of the external environment, and changes in competing firms.

The results of determining the additional need for managers should be reflected in the organization's management succession plans. These plans should contain individually oriented schemes for replacing management positions. Individually oriented schemes are based on standard schemes filling leadership positions.

A typical position chart reflects:

The range of rotation, which is determined using standard models of promotion to a leadership position and models of rotation of managers;

Needs for development of management potential of personnel;

Management Capacity Development Program;

Standard methods for assessing and selecting employees, requirements for the “ideal” manager within the rotation range.

The substantiation of the requirements for candidates for each management position of the organization has great value in the process of forming a reserve of managers. Without a clear idea of ​​what competencies and qualities (degree of professional suitability) future managers should have, the organization will not be able to adequately carry out a preliminary recruitment of candidates for the reserve, study and evaluate applicants.

In order to study and evaluate applicants, it is advisable to use professional standards, profiles of professional competence of positions, portraits of ideal managers, professiograms and psychograms. They must contain requirements for organizational abilities, ability to learn and develop, neuropsychic adaptability, stress resistance, communication skills and other personal qualities, knowledge in the field of economics and management, law, psychology, sociology, skills necessary for an employee to work effectively in manager positions.

Among other qualities, abilities and skills, initiative, exactingness, diligence, responsibility, activity, and efficiency play a special role. Personal qualities and intelligence are characterized by systematic analytical thinking, flexibility, the ability to quickly respond to changing situations and decision-making, adherence to principles, the ability to plan and organize work, delegate authority, negotiate, persuade and defend one’s own opinion, style of behavior in conflict situations, etc.

Managers' competency models may contain the following scales of their levels of competency development: level of understanding, basic, average, strong and leadership.

At the same time, the construction of ideal models of strong leaders has not yet yielded tangible results. There are cases when employees with a “good” set of qualities manage directly, and vice versa, strong managers have a “bad” or “mediocre” set of qualities. Therefore, it is proposed to predict the professional suitability of a manager through identifying an effective individual management style. To predict successful management activities, assessing the general ability to become a leader is more important than similar assessments of the qualities and individual abilities of a manager.

Work with the previous set of candidates for the management reserve can be carried out when:

Teaching students in senior years of higher education institutions;

One-year internship and industrial adaptation of young specialists in the company for three years after graduation;

The employee’s work as a manager of a lower management level (foreman, section manager) with the aim of promoting him to the reserve for positions of line or functional managers at the middle management level;

The employee’s work as a mid-level manager of the organization with the aim of promoting him to the reserve for positions of senior management level managers.

To pre-recruit candidates for the management reserve in an organization, the following sources of information can be used:

Materials on the results of industrial adaptation of a young specialist after three years of work in the organization;

Results of periodic ongoing and non-periodic personnel assessments and certifications;

The results of the production activities of the structural unit, which is managed by a candidate for nomination to the reserve of middle or senior management level managers;

Materials of the candidate’s personal file;

Data on education, level of professional training and qualifications, work experience of the candidate for the management reserve;

Results of advanced training or retraining of the candidate;

Reviews of candidates for the reserve from their immediate supervisors, subordinates, work colleagues, heads of related structural divisions, personnel service employees, clients and suppliers, etc.

The formation of a reserve of managers, the study and assessment of applicants should be carried out based on the use of various assessment methods. When assessing the complexity of the work of candidates for the reserve, the technological complexity of the labor process, diversity, complexity of work, independence in performing work, the scale and complexity of management, and additional responsibility are taken into account.

Assessment of the labor results of candidates for the reserve should be carried out based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators. At the same time, they take into account not only the volume of work performed in accordance with current time standards, the quality of work, but also creative activity.

When assessing personnel, predictive, practical and educational methods are used. Prognostic methods assessments of candidates for the reserve require: analysis of documentary materials, conducting structured and unstructured interviews, using various methods of employee assessment, including personnel assessment and certification, questionnaires, classification and ranking, assessments based on a decisive situation, benchmarks, testing, etc.

Thus, the survey method involves the use of a set of questions or statements regarding the personal characteristics, behavioral characteristics and relationships of the candidate for the reserve with other employees, and the like.

Among the prognostic methods special place occupy various methods comparisons, tests and instrumental techniques that determine the general and individual abilities of a reserve candidate for management activities. Carrying out professional selection among candidates for the managerial pool by psychologists or a career consultant allows one to draw a somewhat reasonable conclusion about the compliance of the candidate’s characteristics with the requirements of the future managerial position.

Underestimation in the organization of professional selection leads to the fact that people are sometimes appointed to leadership positions whose psychophysiological and socio-psychological characteristics do not meet the requirements for administrators. There are cases when a young specialist with little ability for management activities has changed his practice in the position of head of a structural unit, failed to direct the efforts of the workforce entrusted to him, does not fulfill plans for the production of products or the provision of services, and cannot eliminate conflict situations and the like. Sooner or later they get rid of such a leader.

At the same time, selecting a specialist for the position of manager who has the necessary abilities for management activities makes it possible in many cases to transform a backward enterprise into an advanced one. Moreover, such changes are achieved not as a result of excessive personal labor efforts, but through the rational organization of production and labor.

However, when using various methods of psychological testing, especially tests to assess the abilities of a candidate for a reserve of managers, their imperfections, in particular their weak predictive ability, should be taken into account. Based on one or two tests, it is impossible to make a reasonable conclusion about the suitability of a specialist for managerial work. To determine professional suitability, a “battery of tests” is needed, which allows you to evaluate a number of qualities or individual abilities of the candidate. Based on this, psychological assessment should complement expert assessments, the desired coincidence of their results. Tests must correct assessments of qualities and abilities obtained through practical and educational methods for assessing the personality of a candidate for the management reserve.

TO practical methods assessments include: assessment of the performance of a candidate appointed to the reserve by the head of a group of workers who perform temporary work and do not have formal assignment organizational structure enterprises; a reservist performing the duties of a manager who is on a business trip, vacation or sick; the results of an internship, the work of an understudy manager, and the like.

Teaching Methods assessments of candidates for the reserve include the use of the following forms of training: consideration of practical situations, group discussions, role-playing games, business games, etc. The assessment of the employee in this case is carried out when he solves specific training tasks provided for by active forms of personnel training.

Essence expert assessment method lies in the fact that experts from among the organization’s top managers and HR specialists evaluate each candidate for the personnel reserve. In some cases, to assess them, an organization can use the services of employees of the Personnel Assessment Center (Assessment Center) or consulting companies. At the same time, it is important that the assessment is carried out on the basis of the results of the application of predictive, practical and educational methods.

This makes it possible to reduce the degree of subjectivity in the assessment of experts when identifying candidates for the reserve of managers. As evidenced by the practice of the Inkom-Real Estate Corporation (Moscow), strict selection is an undoubted PLUS, and from different points of view: the quality of the personnel reserve, its style and the motivation of the participants.

The selection and approval of candidates for the management reserve is carried out by senior managers of the organization with the participation of personnel service employees under conditions of confidentiality. Some companies inform employees that they are included in the management reserve, while others keep this information secret. The advantage of the first approach to forming a reserve of managers is the strengthening of the reservist’s motivation and the ability to organize his targeted preparation for management activities.

Thus, the Regulations on the Presidential Personnel Reserve “New Elite of the Nation” stipulate that information about the Presidential Personnel Reserve, the persons enrolled in it, and vacancies in this reserve are posted on the website of the Official Internet Representation of the President of Ukraine. The management at the place of work of the enrolled employee will inform about the decision. A similar procedure is established by the Typical Procedure for Forming a Personnel Reserve in Local Government Bodies.

A definite advantage of the second approach to forming a personnel reserve is to reduce the likelihood of potential conflicts between the manager and his successor and unnecessary hype around the process of forming a reserve. But significant drawback This approach is due to the lack of opportunity to organize targeted training of reservists. Therefore, its use is inappropriate not only in executive authorities, but also in non-state enterprises and companies.

In the civil service and local government bodies, lists of persons enrolled in the personnel reserve are compiled (add. 5, 6). Similar work is carried out in many organizations in the corporate sector of the economy (add. 7). The lists indicate the position for which a person from the reserve is offered, indicating the name of the unit or position for which the reserve is being formed. This procedure sometimes complicates the relationship between the immediate supervisor and the reservist, and reduces the interest of the heads of structural divisions of organizations in the formation of an effective reserve.

Improving the relationship between a reservist and his leader should be facilitated by the formation of a reserve of managers primarily not for a specific position (successors of specific leaders of the organization), but for a position level or a reserve for promotion. At a large enterprise, for example, it is possible to organize group training of lower-level managers for positions of middle-level managers, which allows expanding the rotation of personnel, increasing the mobility and quality of filling vacant management positions, and preparing a reserve for the innovation of structural units in a timely manner.

In organizations, the personnel reserve is formed based on the positions specified in the list of their personnel reserve positions. In particular, the Regulations on the formation of a personnel reserve for civil service It is stipulated that the personnel reserve is formed:

From people's deputies of Ukraine;

Managers and specialists of enterprises, institutions, organizations;

Employees of executive authorities and local governments;

Civil servants who have improved their qualifications have completed an internship or, based on the results of an assessment, are recommended for work in higher positions;

Graduates of higher educational institutions, including those enrolled in educational and professional programs for the preparation of masters of public administration.

For each position of a civil servant, the personnel reserve is formed according to the following calculation: for the position of a manager - at least two people. Private and collective enterprises and corporations resolve this issue at their own discretion, based on their financial capabilities. At the same time, one should proceed from the fact that too large a personnel reserve per position in the organization will unjustifiably increase its costs for the development of managers and talented young specialists. To increase the efficiency of reserve formation at non-state enterprises, it is advisable for the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine to develop methodological recommendations on the formation of a personnel reserve for non-state enterprises.

It is advisable to include persons no older than 30 and 35-40 years old, respectively, into the personnel reserve of the lower and middle levels of management in organizations, and the personnel reserve of the highest management level - up to 50 years. Thus, the Regulations on the Presidential Personnel Reserve “New Elite of the Nation” stipulate that citizens of Ukraine who have not reached forty years of age on the day of submitting documents are allowed to participate in the selection of candidates for this reserve.

In organizations, it is recommended to select candidates for the personnel reserve on a competitive basis, and in some cases the mandatory selection of candidates on a competitive basis is provided for by the relevant regulations. In particular, such a condition is established by the Regulations on the Presidential Personnel Reserve "New Elite of the Nation".

Enrollment in the organization's personnel reserve is approved by order or directive of the head. After approval of the personnel reserve, individual development plans are drawn up for each individual reservist, on the basis of which further work with the personnel reserve is carried out.

The personnel service, together with the heads of the organization’s departments, monitors the training of reservists. Based on its results, the composition of the reserve is revised at the end of the year. For certain reasons, including due to dismissal from work, for health reasons, due to insufficient work to improve the level of qualifications or retraining, individual reservists may be excluded from the reserve. Exclusion from the personnel reserve list is formalized by order or instruction of the head of the organization.

The length of stay of an employee in the reserve at the same position level, as a rule, should not exceed five years. If the appointment of a reservist (who has successfully completed training) to a managerial position is postponed to a later date, then the organization faces the problem of retaining such a reservist, preventing him from being demotivated and moving to another enterprise in order to find a promising job.

Reservists who have not yet been appointed to a new position can be motivated by material incentives, status and labor motivation, in particular by involvement in the development of new projects. It is worth expanding the functional responsibilities of reservists, their areas of responsibility and the level of management decision-making, organizing temporary replacements for managers (during vacation, business trips, illness), establishing bonuses and additional payments to wages, providing for additional social benefits in the enterprise's social package, and the like.

It is also advisable to use such methods of non-material stimulation of reservists as presenting them with certificates, diplomas with honors, declaring gratitude, providing moral support from the leaders of the organization and the like.

The degree of preparedness of a reservist before appointment to a managerial position is determined taking into account the state of the employee’s preparation for management activities, the implementation of an individual development plan, the results of the latest personnel assessment or certification, authority in the team, and the level of his professional maturity. After an employee is appointed to a managerial position, his production adaptation to the new position begins, during which the effectiveness of the formation of the reserve is assessed.

To increase the effectiveness of professional and qualification promotion of managers, it is necessary to ensure that the organization favorable conditions for their industrial adaptation to a new position, provide them with sufficient information about the features of work in this position, communication with managers at a higher level of management, colleagues, peers and subordinates, monitor the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and practical skills that may be needed in new, higher management positions. In this regard, the support of a higher-level manager is important for managers at lower and middle levels of management.

In the context of a global shortage of qualified personnel, the task of forming and managing a personnel reserve becomes relevant for most large companies.

In practice, there are two main approaches to providing an organization with highly qualified personnel using internal reserves:

  • personnel reserve management;
  • talent management.

These approaches aim to:

  • minimize the risk of losses, the occurrence of which is inevitable due to the departure of key employees;
  • make maximum use of the organization’s internal human resources;
  • manage the motivation of promising employees using targeted activities for their professional development and career support.

Work with the personnel reserve should begin from the moment the organization is registered. Risks associated with human resources must be constantly monitored.

The personnel reserve is a group of managers and specialists who have the ability to perform managerial activities, meet the requirements of a position of a particular rank, have been selected and have undergone systematic targeted qualification training.

The presence of a personnel reserve will ensure the replacement of vacant positions in the event of employee dismissal, illness, vacation or business trip. The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out on the basis of professional selection of personnel, the results of certification (assessment) of personnel, the study of personal files of employees, staffing schedules, and career plans of employees.

Working with the personnel reserve in the personnel management system is complex (Fig. 7.1).

When starting to create a personnel reserve, you should conduct an internal RY and report on innovations in the organization. Explain the essence and purpose of the new personnel direction. Explain that from those

Rice. 7.1

personnel reserve

Those who are included in the personnel reserve during the selection process are not expected to achieve immediate professional achievements, but will be given the opportunity and time to develop their knowledge and skills.

The personnel reserve is formed not only within the company - sometimes a candidate is invited from outside. In such a case, a specialist working in another organization knows that he will be invited if the position becomes vacant. An external talent pool requires the employing company to be more attractive to potential employees. Therefore, it is usually used by large companies.

The procedure for forming a personnel reserve and working with it must be regulated and coordinated with other personnel processes. It is advisable to have a personnel reserve provision in the organization. An example of a draft regulation on personnel reserve is presented in Appendix 9.

The regulations on the personnel reserve should provide benefits for reservists and punishment - exclusion from the reserve. The benefits can be very different: increase wages after inclusion in the personnel reserve; financial assistance paid when an employee goes on vacation; improved social package etc. If possible, a bonus should be provided for innovations introduced at the suggestion of reservists or by themselves, as well as non-material incentives.

It is possible to exclude from the reserve for a year or completely either at the personal request of the employee (at his request), for health reasons, or for objective reasons (lack of desire to study, low evaluation results). One more possible reason to exclude a reservist from the composition - the reservist refused to take the vacancy that was offered to him.

Examples of forming a personnel reserve in various companies:

1. A large construction department has developed and adopted a regulation on the formation and work with a personnel reserve. Its structure:

General provisions.

Basic principles of personnel reserve.

The procedure for forming a reserve.

Recruitment and selection of candidates; exclusion from the reserve.

Training of specialists and managers enrolled in the reserve.

Motivating employees for long-term relationships with the organization.

Realization of reserve.

Evaluation of reserve workers.

Final position.

  • 2. PJSC NK Rosneft. The personnel reserve program includes systematic work to identify the best, most promising employees, train them and promote them to key management positions. For the company, these are, first of all, opportunities for development and career growth. The program involves the formation of a reserve for positions of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd echelons of management. Reserve for 1st echelon positions - middle managers for target positions of senior managers (vice presidents, heads of structural divisions of the company’s management apparatus, general directors, deputy general directors of subsidiaries and other positions of a similar level). Reserve for positions of the 2nd echelon of management - lower-level managers for target positions of middle managers (heads of oil and gas production departments, workshops, departments, departments and their deputies). Reserve for positions of the 3rd echelon of management - specialists (including young ones) for target positions of lower-level managers.
  • 3. ///^-Director of United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC, formulating the rules of work for creating a personnel reserve, identified six main principles and included them in the regulations on the personnel reserve:
  • 1. The principle of objectivity. The results of professional activity, knowledge, skills, competencies and personal qualities of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve are comprehensively and objectively assessed. The evaluation criteria are developed by a special commission.
  • 2. The principle of equal opportunities. Any company employee can apply to be included in the personnel reserve and participate in the selection competition.
  • 3. The principle of voluntariness. An employee can only enter the personnel reserve voluntarily. Coercion is not allowed.
  • 4. The principle of transparency. Information about the formation of the reserve and work with it is not hidden and is available to all employees.
  • 5. The principle of mobility. An employee who has successfully completed the training program can be promoted and appointed to a position suitable for the level of development of professional and personal competencies at any time and in any department of the company.
  • 6. The principle of personal responsibility. Employees included in the personnel reserve are responsible for self-development and training. The manager who nominated the employee to the personnel reserve is responsible for the success of the subordinate.

Sources for forming a personnel reserve can be:

  • executives of the organization;
  • chief and leading specialists;
  • specialists who have appropriate education and have proven themselves in production activities;
  • young specialists who have successfully completed an internship.

There is a development reserve and a management reserve.

Development reserve is a group of specialists and managers preparing to work in new areas (development of new products and technologies). They can choose one of the career paths - professional or managerial career.

Manager reserve is a group of specialists and managers who in the future should provide effective work organizations. These employees are focused on a leadership career.

When forming a personnel reserve, you should be guided by the following basic principles (Table 7.1).

The work of forming an organization’s personnel reserve consists of several stages (Fig. 7.2).

The executive body of the personnel reserve cannot be just one official or service. It is necessary to create a collegial body (commission), which will include top managers, employees who are experts in their field, as well as the HR director and HR managers. The commission must be approved by order of the head of the organization and work in accordance with its plan on a regular basis, the range of its tasks and functions must be spelled out in some local regulatory document companies.

Principles of forming a personnel reserve

Rice. 7.2.

Commission functions:

  • develop job profiles for which reservists are trained;
  • determine criteria for evaluating candidates, involving managers and employee experts;
  • conduct a selection of candidates themselves and form a list of persons included in the personnel reserve;
  • participate in drawing up plans and programs for training and development (self-training) of reservists;
  • coordinate work on professional training and internship of reservists;
  • participate in the assessment of reservists who have completed training and development under the personnel reserve program;
  • evaluate and select candidates who can be promoted to a more senior position.

Stages of working with the personnel reserve:

I. Analysis of the need for personnel reserve.

II. Recruitment and selection of candidates for the personnel reserve.

III. Formation of the personnel reserve.

IV. Work with personnel reserve.

Let's consider the stages of working with the personnel reserve in more detail. Stage I. Analysis of the need for personnel reserve.

This is a preparatory stage in the formation of a personnel reserve, within which it is necessary to determine:

  • the enterprise’s need for management personnel in the near or longer term (up to five years);
  • the actual number of currently trained reserves at each level, regardless of where the employee enrolled in the reserve was trained;
  • the approximate percentage of individual employees leaving the personnel reserve, for example, due to failure to complete an individual training program in connection with leaving for another city, etc.;
  • the number of executives released as a result of changes in the management structure who can be used for leadership activities in other areas;
  • categories of positions that are basic for creating a reserve for the head of a specific department, differentiation of the reserve depending on the characteristics of the business;
  • Possibility of selecting deputy managers. In this case, the determining factor should be the opinion about their prospects for further career growth in all assessed qualities;
  • personal responsibility of managers for the rational placement of a certain category of personnel. For example, the head of a department should be responsible for the placement of department heads, and the head of the enterprise should be responsible for the placement of department heads.

Stage I. Selection and selection of candidates for the personnel reserve.

Includes a number of interrelated procedures:

  • analysis of documentary data (employee personal card, autobiography, characteristics, certification results, etc.);
  • interview or conversation to identify information of interest (aspirations, needs, motives of behavior, etc.);
  • monitoring employee behavior different situations;
  • evaluation of results labor activity(labor productivity, quality of work performed, performance indicators of tasks by the department being managed) for a certain period (two years were chosen as such a period with an interim performance assessment determined every six months);
  • comparison of the qualities of applicants with the requirements of a position of a particular rank.

The selection of candidates begins with an interview conducted by a personnel service specialist together with the head of the structural unit in which the employee is currently registered. The purpose of the interview is to identify the candidate’s desire to work in the proposed position and whether he has the necessary qualities for this: the ability to plan his work, see his reserves and prospects, solve problems in a short time, level of preparedness, qualifications, etc. Moreover, the employee must be aware in advance of all the requirements presented to him.

If necessary, managers and specialists from other departments with which the employee was functionally interconnected in the process of professional activity are involved in the interview.

When determining the prospects of candidates, it is advisable to set an age limit for certain categories of positions, take into account the time remaining until retirement age, the health status of candidates, time spent in the position, the systematic nature of advanced training, and innovative potential.

The most important criteria to be taken into account when forming a system of employee qualities in the process of creating a personnel reserve:

  • labor motivation (interest in professional problems and creative work, desire to broaden one’s horizons, orientation towards the future, success and achievements, readiness for social conflicts in the interests of workers and the business, to take reasonable risks);
  • professionalism, competence, organizational skills (educational and age qualifications, work experience, level of professional preparedness, independence in decision-making and the ability to implement them, receptivity and ability to innovate, ability to negotiate, argue one’s position, defend it, etc.) ;
  • personal qualities and potential capabilities (intelligence, attentiveness, flexibility, authority, tact, sociability, ability for abstract thinking, emotional stability, motor characteristics, etc.).

This stage ends with certification or another assessment procedure of candidates nominated for the personnel reserve.

The stages of selecting candidates for the personnel reserve are given in Table. 7.2. For example, in one large construction company when including an employee in the personnel reserve, the recommendations of the immediate supervisor are taken into account in the form of a map of candidate evaluation criteria (Table 7.3).

  • 1. Does not have sufficient knowledge (skills, abilities) and does not strive to acquire them.
  • 2. Does not have very deep knowledge (skills, abilities).
  • 3. Has sufficient knowledge (skills, abilities).
  • 4. Has good knowledge (skills, abilities).
  • 5. Has deep knowledge (skills, abilities), and can provide comprehensive advice on many issues.

Mark with (V) according to the candidate's level.

Job title_

Stage III. Formation of the personnel reserve.

Based on the results of the assessment and comparison of candidates, the preliminary reserve list should be clarified and adjusted. In order to optimize work with candidates, the personnel reserve list is compiled in two parts.

  • 1. The operational reserve includes candidates for filling certain key positions who are ready to start work immediately or in the near future (from 1 to 3 months), as well as candidates for positions that will become vacant in the near future (1-2 years) and require specific preparation of candidates.
  • 2. Strategic reserve consists mainly of young employees who have a high professional level and have leadership skills, who in the future will be able to occupy these positions for a period of 5-10 years.

Selection procedure for the personnel reserve


1. Creation of a competition commission. Preparation


about personnel reserve

  • 1. An order is issued from the head on the creation of a commission to select candidates for leadership positions, its powers, terms and procedures.
  • 2. The need to create new and fill existing positions that may become vacant is analyzed

N I-service

2. Development of job profiles for which

getting ready

  • 1. Order from the manager to create a working group to develop job profiles, which includes heads of departments and HR specialists.
  • 2. Formulation of requirements for competition participants: level of education, qualifications, age, length of service, experience, specialty, etc.

Line managers, top managers in charge of areas where positions are expected to be filled by reservists

3. Selection of candidates for the personnel reserve

  • 1. The procedure for submitting documents to the commission is determined.
  • 2. The date when the competition will take place, the place and time of the commission’s work is announced.
  • 3. Applications and other documents are accepted in accordance with the developed requirements for candidates.
  • 4. Analysis of applications and applications for the inclusion of employees in the personnel reserve - the questionnaire data is checked against the requirements from the candidates.
  • 5. Interview with candidates.
  • 6. Formation of a list of those admitted to the assessment.
  • 7. Development of materials and organization of assessment.
  • 8. Formation of a list of personnel reserves based on the results of the assessment

Commission for the formation of personnel reserve and work with it


4. Approved

1. A commission protocol is drawn up and a list of personnel reserves is drawn up.

Commission for the formation


2. An order is issued signed by the director approving the reserve list

personnel reserve

th reserve

stov and determining the order, terms and conditions of their training and development.

and working with him

5. Feedback from selection participants

  • 1. The results of the selection are communicated to its participants.
  • 2. Conversations are held with those who successfully passed the selection, information is provided about what and how new reservists should do.
  • 3. Interviews are organized with those who did not pass the selection

N I-service

Table 7.3

Map of criteria for evaluating a candidate for the personnel reserve



The ability to highlight the main thing



Decision Making

Speed ​​of decision making



Information communications,


Using specialist knowledge

Communication skills

Ability to use information sources



Labor efficiency

Loyalty to the organization


Correct behavior

Professional responsibility

An employee can simultaneously be in the operational reserve (as the most acceptable candidate for filling a position at lower levels of management) and in the strategic reserve.

The strategic reserve acts as a kind of motivating factor for employees, helping them to visualize the possibility of their career growth and the amount of effort required for this. In order for the reserve list to be not formal, but effective, a number of requirements must be taken into account when compiling it:

  • positions to be filled are determined in strict accordance with the nomenclature of positions adopted in the organization and staffing table and position depending on the hierarchy of management levels;
  • indicate information about the candidate (last name, first name and patronymic; position held by the employee as of the day the list was compiled, in exact accordance with the entries in employment contract employee and work book, date and number of the appointment order; information about education: its type, what educational institution and when he graduated, specialty in accordance with the entry in the diploma, presence of an academic title or degree; date of birth);
  • indicate the time spent in the reserve (date of enrollment in the personnel reserve);
  • provide conclusions and recommendations of the latest certification, containing an assessment of the candidate’s professional, business and personal qualities and proposals for his career advancement;
  • reflect the results of assessing the candidate’s potential obtained in the process of his study and selection (compliance with formal requirements, possible level of leadership, ability to learn, ability to quickly master theory and practical skills).

The reserve list is compiled by employees of the personnel management service in agreement with the heads of structural divisions, as well as taking into account the results of certification.

The decision on inclusion in the reserve, expressed in the form of an approved list of the personnel reserve and secured by an order for the enterprise, is made by the head of the organization. Exclusion from the list is carried out by the same person taking into account age, health status, unsatisfactory results shown during the period of stay in the reserve.

The optimal period for which a company's reserve list is compiled is two years, in some companies - one year. As necessary (dismissal, decrease in employee performance), you can clarify the composition of the personnel reserve. After the expiration of the two-year period, the personnel reserve list should be reviewed following the specified procedures and updated.

Stage IV. Work with personnel reserve.

The purpose of working with the personnel reserve is to provide the company with qualified management personnel and highly specialized specialists at all levels. As part of the development of a system of training, development, advanced training and retraining of personnel, a section for training the organization’s personnel reserve should be provided. Differences in the structure and composition of the reserve, as well as the initial preparedness of workers, determine the principle of an individual approach when choosing forms and methods of work, their sequence and duration.

The personnel reserve training program consists of the following sections:

  • 1. Theoretical training includes both in-house forms of training and those related to the field of educational institutions and includes:
    • updating and replenishing knowledge on certain issues of science and practice of organizational management;
    • increasing education related to the previous (basic) training of candidates;
    • training in special disciplines necessary to improve management efficiency.

The main form of control is passing tests (tests), carried out once every six months.

  • 2. A special program involves dividing the entire reserve into specialties and training that combines theory with practice, including:
    • business and role-playing games on general technical and special problems;
    • trainings;
    • solving specific production (commercial, technological, etc.) problems by specialty.

The form of control is the development and subsequent defense of specific recommendations for improving the organization and implementation of the organization’s activities.

3. Individual training includes specific tasks to improve the level of knowledge, skills and abilities for each specific specialist enrolled in the personnel reserve, and is to one degree or another based on the first two sections of the program.

Individual training plans are developed by reservists together with their immediate supervisors, coordinated with the personnel management service and approved by a senior manager. For example, an individual plan for an employee holding the position of leading HR specialist is developed by him and the head of HR and approved by the deputy director of the company.

Systematic control over the implementation of individual plans is carried out by the heads of departments and the personnel service employee responsible for the preparation of the reserve. The control results are reflected in the individual training plan and performance evaluation sheet.

To analyze the effectiveness of working with the personnel reserve, a number of qualitative indicators are used (reserve turnover, average term stay in the reserve, successes in training and development programs, etc.), taking into account which will allow timely adjustments to the training of reservists and their optimization.

Let us give an example of a training and development program for a personnel reserve.

The program is based on several fundamental principles:

  • 1. Modern managers must be familiar with management theory and professional management tools that have proven their effectiveness.
  • 2. A modern manager must be able to analyze the situation, establish cause-and-effect relationships and find the right solution.
  • 3. Each of the management concepts and techniques has its own strengths and weaknesses when applied to a specific situation. The manager must foresee the consequences of this application.
  • 4. The purpose of this program is to increase the managerial competence of a group of employees in the organization’s personnel reserve (Table 7.4).

The motivating value of the personnel reserve increases when work with it in the organization is open.

  • Maslova V.M. Personnel management: textbook. M.: Yurayt, 2015.
  • www.treko.rushow_article_1460

Russian business "war for talent" prefers to lead by searching for and attracting qualified specialists from the labor market. Investments in personnel selection and development of an HR brand in some companies prevail over the costs of retaining and developing existing staff. If in a situation of economic growth, competition for talented employees was determined by the size of the offered compensation package, now, the opportunities to “outbid” personnel from competitors have been significantly reduced. It is becoming increasingly difficult to fill vacancies: against the backdrop of a declining working-age population, the proportion of qualified specialists who classify themselves as “self-employed” or “freelancers” is growing. The day is near when “raids” and “battles” for talent will move from the labor market to the rear, to the territory of the enterprise itself. Then the business will need an internal system for training and developing employees. You won’t be able to buy and install it as a production module: it takes time to create. To be prepared for future challenges, companies need to start building such a system now.

Targeted training of highly effective leaders, knowledgeable about the features work of the organization, sharing the values ​​and corporate culture of the company - a necessary condition for the functioning of a modern organization.

Even though personnel reserve only one of the elements talent management cycle, it performs several important HR functions at once. The presence of a personnel reserve at an enterprise not only reduces personnel risks, contributes to the smooth functioning of the company and business development in conditions of personnel shortage in the labor market, but also increases the loyalty, involvement and level of motivation of personnel.

The formation of a personnel reserve begins with determining a list of key positions. Key positions are positions that have a particular impact on the company's business results. An employee holding this position has a number of valuable competencies and has significant influence on achieving the goals of the enterprise. As a rule, finding a replacement on the labor market in short terms it may be difficult or impossible for such an employee.

Inclusion in the personnel reserve for such positions implies that candidates have certain personal qualities and adherence to a formal procedure. The personnel reserve is employees with high potential who have the necessary business qualities and competencies that have passed the necessary vocational training and capable of occupying a key position in the short term.

Personnel reserve is also called talent pool or "Talent pool". Create talent pools to stay ahead of the need for employees with the right qualifications in accordance with projected rotation and strategic plans of the enterprise. The personnel reserve acts as an HR conveyor belt, as it implies the advance training of specialists who in the best possible way meet the needs of the enterprise.

It is optimal if 80% of vacancies are filled by promoting and rotating the personnel reserve within the organization and 20% by attracting new employees from the labor market. This ratio allows us to preserve corporate values ​​and knowledge, and at the same time, ensures an “infusion” of fresh knowledge and renewal of the team.

Thanks to new technologies, creating a personnel reserve requires significantly less resources. This work consists of identifying high-potential employees, assessing their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the necessary competencies to occupy a key position. The personnel reserve is part of the company’s HR strategy in the field of talent management, which is implemented through a sequence of steps:

Thus, the personnel reserve is one of the elements of the company’s “talent management” strategy, which is a projection of the overall business strategy.


1. Identification of key positions for the reserve

Principles for allocating key positions:

    criticality of the position - high impact on business results;

    a candidate with the required set of competencies is difficult to find on the labor market, and it takes considerable time to train an employee from among the internal reservists;

In order to identify which positions may become vacant in the near future, it is necessary to conduct an analysis in several areas:

    assess the staffing level of the company’s structural divisions in order to avoid vacancies in management positions;

    analyze risks for employees in key positions (pre-retirement age, low loyalty, inconsistency with the competency model, etc.);

    take into account the company’s plans for business expansion in terms of creating new divisions and positions;

Need to determine optimal quantity reservists for each position, taking into account the risk of dropping out, dismissal of a reservist, etc. Usually this is 2-3 people per position.

2. Development of a profile of key positions (competency models for the position)

Creating a job profile is the first step in recruiting required candidate. The job profile includes:

    detailed description of functionality and key performance indicators;

    corporate competencies (common to the company);

    professional competencies and necessary skills;

    behavioral characteristics and personal competencies (determined by the specifics of this position);

    formal and special requirements.

In developing the profile, along with the HR specialist, department heads and specialists in a particular field should participate, since this model will be used both for candidates when hiring and for assessing existing personnel, planning development and forming career plans.

The use of job profiles (competency models) in personnel management ensures that personnel placement will be carried out in accordance with the professional and personal qualities of employees, and as a result, this will have a positive impact on the growth of business results.

3. Personnel assessment and selection of reservists

When conducting a personnel assessment procedure for selecting candidates for the personnel reserve, the criterion, as a rule, is the presence and manifestation of the necessary basic corporate competencies (for example: leadership, result orientation, customer focus, etc.). Employee assessments are also carried out to identify their potential, existing competencies and skills, as well as to determine their readiness to develop and undergo a training program.

This technique allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the candidate.

Procedure Performance appraisal based on the method of target management. It involves tracking results based on set and completed goals/tasks, fulfillment of quantitative indicators, with comments from a manager or expert. Based on the matrix of employee indicators, the personal performance coefficient is calculated.

Potential (from the Latin potentia - strength, power, opportunity) is a set of human characteristics, his internal reserves, which predict his success in solving new professional problems.

An employee with high potential, or a talented employee, constantly demonstrates high performance results and shows a readiness for development and training, and accordingly, potentially, he is an employee of the personnel reserve.

In management practice, there are a sufficient number of methods for assessing the potential of employees. Assessment centers, professional aptitude tests, surveys and interviews, IQ tests, personality tests, manager assessment, 360 degree method. For an objective result, it is possible to use several methods.

Along with this, in a good way To identify an employee’s potential, all that remains is to monitor him and evaluate his qualities in the appropriate production environment and in a new workplace. This refers to the rotation of candidates across divisions of the company, temporary replacement, which allows assessing abilities for specific types of work. For the same purposes, it is practiced to briefly involve the assessed employee in work in an innovative project group.

At the end of the personnel assessment procedure, methods can be used to nominate candidates for the reserve employee ratings based on one or more criteria, which will simplify the final decision on approval of the list of reservists. The universal criteria will be the “performance” of the employee and his “development potential”. This will help identify those employees who will grow and are capable of becoming successors.

Thus, the concepts of “potential”, “competence” and “talent” move into the realm of measurable quantities. With an automated tool, it becomes possible to fully manage the process of identifying and developing talent.

Automation of personnel assessment and personnel reserve management

4. Training of reservists

The stage includes the development of individual training plans for each employee, taking into account underdeveloped skills and competencies in accordance with the profile of the key position.

The general program may include the preparation of universal (corporate) competencies that are important for any position. The forms of preparation can be any: in the form of seminars, master classes, trainings, etc.

Individual development plan should be aimed at developing the reservist, taking into account his characteristics, weak and strong qualities, and the requirements of the target position. Forms of preparation:

    gaining on-the-job experience;

    assigning new work tasks aimed at employee development;

    participation in development projects;

    work with mentor;

    temporary replacement of a superior manager by a reservist, etc.

During this stage, it is important to monitor the effectiveness of training and timely adjustments to the program. Develop your talented employees so that their potential can be used to meet your business needs.

Typically the training program lasts for a year.

5. Evaluation of results

To determine the degree of readiness of the reservist for appointment to a new position, an additional assessment is necessary. Such an assessment should be carried out in combination:

    assessment of the production results of each reservist;

    changes in professional and managerial competencies in comparison with indicators during selection;

    results of project work.

Based on the results of the assessment, a decision is made about who remains in the personnel reserve and should be encouraged, and who drops out. Such an assessment can be carried out as part of a regular personnel assessment, which is carried out at the stage of inclusion in the personnel reserve.

6. Further work with the personnel reserve (talent pool)

If there are target vacancies:

    consideration of candidates from successful reservists;

    measures for the employee’s entry into a new position.

If there are no vacancies it is necessary to assess personnel risks and take a set of measures to retain reservists. The fact that the training has been successfully completed and the increased potential cannot be used in the previous position can reduce motivation and cause the employee on whom so many resources have been spent to leave the company.

Holding methods:

    assignment of management of any project;

    salary supplement;

    provision of additional benefits;

    appointment as a mentor for less experienced employees;

    temporarily performing the duties of a manager during his absence, for example.

A fairly strong form of retaining reservists can be the employee training and development programs that the company can offer, including inclusion in the personnel reserve for other key positions.

Management support and informal meetings to discuss current and strategic objectives also have a motivating effect.

Work with the personnel reserve affects the entire company. Automation of the processes described above makes it possible to make it regular, transparent, easily controlled and low-cost. Automated system “TopFactor: Talent Management” based on 1C allows you to:

    expanding the employee’s area of ​​responsibility, his functional responsibilities and level of decision-making;

    enterprise personnel reserve management;

    identifying highly effective employees;

    formation of succession plans;

    advanced training of company employees through individual development plans.

Highly potential, talented employees are a determining condition for success in the market. The task of business leaders is not only to identify such employees and create conditions for unleashing their potential, but also to include them in the process of training newcomers.

An employee's effectiveness, motivation, involvement and loyalty are ultimately determined by the conditions that the company creates for him. The driving motives for such people are the desire for professional development and self-realization, performing complex tasks and independence in decision making. This can only be achieved through consistent talent management, which is a necessary condition implementation of strategic goals for any enterprise.
