Selecting the volume of the hydraulic tank. Stabilizing water pressure or how a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems can help with this

To create an even and constant flow of water in private water supply systems, hydraulic accumulators, pressure or expansion tanks. These devices smooth out pressure surges during operation (on/off) pumping equipment or parsing the resource by consumers.

The reservoir of such a tank is divided into two compartments by a powerful and elastic membrane. Water enters one compartment (lower) through a fitting with a filter. The other part of the total tank capacity (upper) is filled with air. Work begins by turning on the pump. An increase in pressure in the network provokes the injection of liquid into the lower compartment, and the membrane begins to stretch. When the pressure drops, it squeezes the water back. This is how destructive shocks of water in pressure pipes and components are smoothed out.

Video review - Operating principle of the hydraulic accumulator

A special relay unit automatically turns off the pump when the pressure tank is completely full. And for some time the energy of the membrane does not allow the pressure to decrease. When the accumulator is empty, the pump starts again. Such an arrangement saves the water-pumping unit from short-term and frequent starts/shutdowns. This reduces the wear rate of its parts. For everything to work correctly, pressure tank The capacity must correspond to the volume of required water collection. Normally, the tank must accommodate from a quarter to half the displacement that the pipes are capable of passing per minute.

A correctly selected volume of the device ensures that it operates at a frequency of five to fifteen times per hour. In this operating mode, it is extremely necessary to use a reliable and elastic membrane that can withstand heavy loads.

Since hydraulic accumulators operate in household systems water supply, the material from which they are made must be non-toxic, approved for use in contact with clean drinking water.

The water entering hydraulic accumulators for water supply mainly comes from underground wells or wells. Hence its saturation with oxygen, which is released during the operation of the system, accumulating in the membrane. For this, most modern devices this type is located on the top of the body safety valve, bleeding air if necessary. As a rule, hydraulic accumulators are used on cold water supply lines, therefore temperature regime, in which they are used, is more gentle.

It is advisable to install such a pressure element before the water supply circuit begins to branch. Best place– immediately after the water supply pipe enters the premises. It also wouldn’t hurt to install a check valve. Especially if one is not included in the pump. In addition, it is recommended to install a pressure gauge to monitor the pressure created.

Installation of equipment in the water supply system

Hydraulic accumulators come in vertical and horizontal version. Choose from them the one that fits more compactly in the allotted space. The installation position is selected as high as possible. This makes it easier for the whole scheme to function. The fact is that by raising the unit to a height of, for example, 5 m, we get a water column that “helps” the working membrane with an additional pressure of ½ atmosphere.

Devices such as hydraulic accumulators for water supply are auxiliary devices for cold and hot water supply systems. They provide the water pressure necessary for the functioning of the main line. The operation of such systems reduces the number of pump starts and reduces the likelihood of water hammer. They also contain a certain supply of water, which will be important during a power outage.

How to choose?

You need to choose hydraulic accumulators for water supply, taking into account the volume of water that the system uses. According to their configuration, they are divided into two types:

  • vertical, the main advantage is that they take up less space;
  • horizontal, are more convenient than hydraulic accumulators of the first type, since they have mounts for installing an external pump.

Also important when choosing a hydraulic accumulator is the question of its volume. A tank with a small volume will make the pump start more often. Such devices of small volume are also subject to frequent pressure surges within the system. A large tank will allow you to store enough water.

Particular attention should be paid to the frequent switching on of the pump. Due to frequent switching on, it overheats, which, accordingly, significantly reduces its service life.

However, here you can pay attention to the choice of the pump itself. Submersible pumps are limited to 20-30 starts per hour, but external ones are not so picky about frequent starts, so they work great with small-volume tanks.

The subjective factor responsible for right choice the size of the hydraulic accumulator is an approximate calculation of how many times the pump will turn on within an hour. Or how many people will simultaneously use water in a room using the water supply system. Today, there is a patented method for calculating the volume of a hydraulic accumulator, which was developed by Italian engineers. It is intended directly for private houses with sewerage, bathrooms and other equipment that consumes a sufficient amount of water.

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Very often we are faced with questions about which accumulator tank would be best to use in the water supply system of a private home. This is not a question that can be answered quickly. There are many aspects to pay attention to.

If the pump is weak, then you should choose a larger water tank. If 3 to 5 people live in a house, the accumulator must have a capacity of at least 150 liters. The advantages of a large capacity are obvious; a large tank will work like a battery. The pump will fill it slowly and when, for example, we take a shower or use a tap, there will not be a large pressure drop.

The disadvantage of this solution is watering, where, as a rule, the tap needs to be opened for longer. When all the water is poured out of the tank, the pressure will drop sharply. Quantity and speed of water supplied directly from the pump low power can not only complicate the process, but also reduce watering time.

If the pump is well selected, not too big and not too small, we can assume that the larger the accumulator tank, the better it will be for the pump, it will work less often, plus the comfort of using the water supply system will increase.

Pay attention! The minimum volume of the hydraulic accumulator in the house is 150 liters, thanks to this the pump will not turn on too often and there will not be too much pressure fluctuation in the home water supply network.

If you buy a very large hydraulic accumulator (300 l), then the pump will work longer, but will operate less often, this leads to more long term pump service and reduces energy consumption.

IN home system Water supply is also very important pressure reducer. The pump always operates within a certain pressure range, for example 2 to 4 bar. Some people are confused by this state of affairs, because under the shower the water immediately flows strongly and over time the flow weakens. In such cases, an additional pressure reducer will help. Just before the water enters home network install a pressure reducer with a pressure gauge. It is enough to set the pressure gauge to 2 bar and we will have constant pressure in the tap. This increases the comfort of using water.

The question still remains, which tank to choose: with or without a membrane?

Which hydraulic accumulator should you choose: with a membrane or a regular one?

Many argue that it would be better to buy a galvanized tank without a diaphragm because the diaphragm may burst, and this additional costs for repairs. Others prefer hydraulic accumulators with a diaphragm, because this prevents air from getting into the water, and, despite the same capacity, there is more water in such a tank until the pump is turned on.

For those who want to make an appropriate decision, we have prepared a selection. Disadvantages and advantages of both tanks.

Advantages of a hydraulic accumulator without a membrane:

  • due to the absence of a diaphragm, the hydraulic accumulator is less vulnerable;

Disadvantages of a hydraulic accumulator without a membrane:

  • air dissolves in water because it is not separated by a membrane - after a while the tank needs to be replenished with air;
  • more frequent checking of the air pressure in the tank.

Advantages of a hydraulic accumulator with a membrane

  • the membrane is a kind of air barrier - there is no need for frequent air pumping;
  • the tank does not require maintenance (it is enough to check the air pressure in the tank once a year).

Disadvantages of a hydraulic accumulator with a membrane

  • the membrane may burst. However, the tanks, which can be purchased on the website, have a thick membrane that is very strong, does not crack and is characterized by a long service life. Also in the store's assortment you will find other tanks for home use.
Hydraulic accumulator with membrane photo

As you can see, both solutions have their disadvantages and advantages, so everyone must decide for themselves what they need. Analyzing the possibilities and needs of the house, it will be easy to make a decision. We wish you success!

Hydraulic accumulator tank ( or hydraulic accumulator) is a water container with an elastic rubber membrane in the shape of a pear, located inside and hermetically connected to metal body hydraulic tank with a flange having threaded connection for connection to the water supply network. The space between the metal body of the accumulator and the membrane is filled with air, the pressure of which is 1.5-2 bar. Hydraulic accumulator tanks are used to soften hydraulic shocks and maintain constant pressure both in domestic and industrial installations. After all, it is the hydraulic accumulator that provides pressure in the water supply system when the pump is turned off. I have already talked about the use of a hydraulic accumulator in the composition. Let us dwell in more detail on the design of the hydraulic accumulator and the principle of its operation. So…

The hydraulic accumulator consists of a housing with a rubber membrane, a flange, a nipple for pumping air into the cavity, an air release valve, a fitting for attaching the membrane, etc.

What is the principle of operation of a hydraulic accumulator?

When water enters under pressure from a well or borehole, the membrane connected to the water supply increases in volume. Accordingly, the volume of air located between the metal walls of the hydraulic tank and the membrane begins to decrease, thereby creating even greater pressure. As soon as the set pressure level is reached, the pressure switch opens the contacts for supplying electricity to the pump and it turns off. What happens? The air located between the membrane and the accumulator body presses under pressure onto the “bulb” of water located inside. When you open the water supply tap, pressurized air pressing on the membrane will push water out of the hydraulic tank to your tap. In this case, as water is consumed in the membrane, the pressure pumped up by the pump will drop. And as soon as it drops to established level, the contacts on the pressure switch will close again and the pump will start working again. Thus, in the hydraulic accumulator, both water and air are always in working condition, separated from each other by a rubber membrane. It is worth noting that the air pressure in the accumulator cavity may decrease during operation. It is recommended to check the air pressure in the hydraulic tank once a year if there is no water in it. If it is less than normal, you can pump it up through the nipple using a simple car pump. It is also worth keeping in mind that water never completely fills the entire volume of the accumulator. The actual volume of water in it depends on a number of parameters: the shape of the accumulator, the initial air pressure in it, geometric shape and elasticity of the diaphragm, specified upper and lower limits of the pressure switch, etc.

Hydraulic accumulators, depending on the method of their installation, can be horizontal or vertical. Which hydraulic accumulator is better to choose? If the dimensions of the room allow, then you should pay attention to how the air accumulated inside the rubber membrane is removed. The thing is that dissolved air is always present in the water in the water supply system. And over time, this air is released from the water and accumulates, forming air jams at various places in the system. To remove air pockets, the design of large-volume hydraulic accumulators (100 liters or more) additionally provides a fitting on which a valve is installed, through which the air accumulated in the system is periodically released. For vertical type hydraulic accumulators with a capacity of 100 liters or more, all the air accumulates in the upper part and is removed using this air vent valve. In horizontal hydraulic accumulators, air can be removed using an additional section of pipeline, which consists of ball valve, air outlet nipple and drain into the sewer. Hydraulic accumulators with a small volume do not have such a fitting. Their choice is justified only by the convenience of the layout in small room. Removing the air that accumulates in them is only possible with periodic complete emptying.

How to choose a hydraulic accumulator? Calculation of accumulator volume

— to avoid excessively frequent pump activation;

— to maintain pressure in the system when the pump is turned off;

- for some water reserve;

— to compensate for peak values ​​during water consumption.

It is worth noting that the closer to the pump you install the hydraulic tank, the better it will work. For example, if you install a pump in the basement and place the first hydraulic accumulator next to it, and throw the second one into the attic, then the volume of water in the second hydraulic tank will be less, since the water pressure will be lower at the attic level. If you install both accumulators on the ground floor, then their filling will be almost the same.

The choice of a hydraulic accumulator from the point of view of using it to provide a reserve of a certain amount of water in the event of a power outage depends on what kind of reserve you need.

How to choose a hydraulic accumulator to avoid frequent activation of the pump? As you know, it is not recommended to turn on the pump more than once per minute. In household systems, as a rule, pumps with a capacity of approximately 30 l/min (1.8 m 3 / h) are used. Taking into account the fact that water in the hydraulic accumulator occupies approximately 50% of the volume (the rest is air under pressure), a hydraulic accumulator with a volume of 60–80 liters can easily cope with this task.

When choosing a hydraulic accumulator from the point of view of compensating for peak values ​​during water consumption, it is necessary to consider some flow characteristics of water consumption points in the home:

— toilet – 1.3 l/min;

— shower – 8-10 l/min;

- kitchen sink - 8.4 l/min.

Let's say that we have two toilets, and all of the above points simultaneously consume water. The total volume is approximately 20 liters. Considering the percentage of water filling in the hydraulic tank and the fact that pump manufacturers allow no more than thirty pump starts per hour, a volume of 60–80 liters in our example for the tank will be quite enough.

How to calculate the air pressure in a hydraulic accumulator?

What air pressure should be initially in the accumulator? If it is installed in your basement, then the minimum pressure value can be easily calculated. To do this, we take the height in meters from the top point of the water supply system to the basement. For example, for a two-story house this is about 6–7 meters. Then we add 6 to this number and divide by 10. As a result, we get the value we need in atmospheres. So, for example, for two storey building the calculated value of the minimum air pressure in the accumulator is (7 + 6) / 10 = 1.3 atmospheres. If the pressure in the accumulator is less than this value, then water from it will not flow to the second floor. These values ​​should also not be overestimated, otherwise there will simply be no water in the hydraulic tank. The air pressure set by manufacturers is usually 1.5 atm, but it may also happen that the pressure in the hydraulic accumulator you purchased will be different. Therefore, immediately after purchase, you should check the air pressure inside the hydraulic accumulator using an ordinary pressure gauge, connecting it to the hydraulic tank nipple, and, if necessary, increase the pressure using a car pump. When using a hydraulic tank in combination with a pump, the air pressure in it must be the same as the value of the lower limit for turning on the pump. And we talked about what the lower and upper limits are (the limits for turning the pump on and off, respectively) and how they are regulated in the article about.

A country estate, as a rule, does not have a central water supply. In this case, the source of water is a well or well, from where the liquid is pumped into the home water supply system using a pump.

Water consumption is not a constant value. Sometimes you need to draw a glass of water from the tap, and other times you need to fill the bathtub. In both cases, when the tap is opened, the water pressure in the system will drop and the pump will turn on, but if the pump runs for 10 minutes for a bathroom, then 5 seconds will be enough for a glass of water. And if you need to draw several glasses of water at intervals of half a minute, the pump will turn on for each of them - this mode of operation is unacceptable for an electric motor and it quickly breaks down. To prevent this from happening, a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems is built into the pipeline.

A hydraulic accumulator in a private home will help avoid problems with water supply Source

Purpose and principle of operation

The main task that falls on hydraulic tanks for water supply systems is to accumulate a certain volume of liquid and release it into the water supply system when the pressure in the pipes drops. Thus, the system has a supply of water and when the taps are opened briefly (to fill the kettle with water or rinse your hands), the pump does not work, since the water comes from the hydraulic tank.

As a result, the main principle of operation of a hydraulic accumulator in a water supply system is to reduce the number of on/off switches of the water pump, and therefore increase its service life.

Structurally, the hydraulic tank is a sealed hollow metal cylinder. Inside there is a membrane, also called a “pear,” made of special rubber - butyl or synthetic ethylene-propylene rubber. These materials are durable, meet all sanitary and hygienic requirements and are resistant to bacteria. The membrane divides the cavity into two parts, in one of which water accumulates. The second is occupied by compressed air, which pushes water from the hydraulic tank into the system when the tap is opened.

The device consists of a hollow cylinder and a flexible membrane inside Source

The hydraulic accumulator operates cyclically:

  1. When the water pressure in the system decreases (when water has already been selected from the hydraulic tank), the pressure sensor is triggered and the pump starts to supply water.
  2. The “pear” is filled with water, its volume increases. The air is compressed, the pressure in the tank increases.
  3. The pressure switch gives a signal and the pump stops working.
  4. When water is consumed, the pressure switch is activated again and the cycle repeats.

Beginning and end of the hydraulic accumulator operating cycle Source

Advantages of installing a hydraulic tank

There are a number of reasons why a hydraulic accumulator is needed in a water supply system:

  1. The main task is that thanks to the hydraulic accumulator, starting and stopping the pump occurs less frequently. The engine does not overheat and does not fail longer.
  2. In addition to creating a supply of water, the storage tank softens hydraulic shocks in the water supply system. The air contained inside the cylinder reduces pressure drops in the pipeline due to its ability to compress. As a result, all elements of the system wear out less.
  3. During a power outage, a reserve supply of water remains in the hydraulic tank, which is important in case of frequent power outages.

Types of structures and their structure

Depending on the pump used and location pumping station, hydraulic accumulators of horizontal and vertical installation are used in everyday life.

These types of molding allow them to fit into the space of any technical room. The unit must be installed with ease of maintenance in mind. It is necessary to provide access for repairs and, if necessary, drainage of water.

Vertical and horizontal hydraulic accumulators will fit into any room Source

It is most rational to connect horizontal hydraulic tanks to external pumps, and vertical ones to submersible ones, but in any case, the final decision must be made on the spot, depending on the parameters of the entire system.

In operation of the units fundamental differences No. The difference is in the method of bleeding off excess air that accumulates during operation in plumbing system. When large volumes of water pass through the storage tank, dissolved air is released from it. It can create air pockets and impede the system's operation.

In designs with a vertical cylinder, the hole with the valve is located in the upper part of the unit, because air collects at the top of the cylinder. Horizontal hydraulic tanks usually do not have such a device. Required additional installation pipeline from a ball valve, drain tube and nipple.

There are no air release devices in storage tanks with a capacity of up to 100 liters. Excess gas is removed after the water is completely drained.

Water is drained using a standard inlet tap Source

Why you need to know how to select a hydraulic tank

In order for the equipment to function well and provide water to the residents of the house, you need not only to know what a hydraulic accumulator is for water supply systems, but also how to choose it correctly.

If the storage volume is insufficient, the pump will work in enhanced mode in order to provide the necessary pressure in the network.

If the volume of the hydraulic tank is excessive, there will be no such problem; in addition, there will always be a certain volume of water in the tank, which can be used, for example, in the event of a power outage. But you shouldn’t chase the size, because the main purpose of the equipment is to maintain pressure to distribute liquid in the network. And to store water, you can choose another, less expensive tank, for example, made of plastic.

Each item has its own purpose - storing water “in reserve” is better handled by ordinary plastic container Source

Calculation of the optimal volume of the hydraulic tank

A correctly selected hydraulic tank volume will allow:

  • ensure sufficient water consumption,
  • optimal use of pumping equipment,
  • extend the service life of the drive and system elements.

There are several ways to select a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems and calculate the required storage volume.

Italian engineers have developed a calculation method UNI 8192. Selection is carried out according to three parameters: maximum water flow, the number of permissible pump starts per hour and the water supply height.

If the need for water supply is small, for example, for a family of 2-3 people living in one-story house, the volume of the hydraulic tank can not be calculated. A 24-liter container will be enough.

For houses with more floors and with a considerable number of water consumption points, a calculation should be made.

Right size hydraulic tank can be selected only based on calculations Source

It is carried out according to the scheme:

  • The tables determine the total coefficients of water consumption depending on the equipment used.
  • Calculated maximum flow water. For example, when working together the soul, cistern and the tap in the kitchen this figure will be 30 l/min (Qmax).
  • The estimated number of pump starts per hour (for comfortable operation) is taken as a=15. With more intensive work, the hydraulic tank membrane oscillates too frequently, which leads to its premature destruction. In addition, the pump’s performance does not make it possible to completely fill the reservoir with water. During continuous operation, the pump overheats and fails faster.
  • The next important value is the maximum and minimum pressure to activate the relay. For two-story houses these values ​​are 3 bar and 1.5 bar respectively (Pmax and Pmin). The initial gas pressure in the setting P0=1.3 bar is included in the calculation.
  • The required volume is determined by the formula: V=16.5 x Qmax x Pmax x Pmin /(a x (Pmax-Pmin)x P0)=16.5x30x3x1.5/(15x(3-1.5)x1.3)=76 l.

The closest in value is a tank with a volume of 80 liters.

A hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems with such a capacity will allow meeting the water supply needs of residents of a 2-story building with three water collection points operating simultaneously.

Video description

Do you need extra capacity?

The additional volume of water stored in the hydraulic tank does not affect its operation. The main function of the unit is to maintain pressure in the water supply network.

If a significant supply of water is needed, it is easier and much cheaper to integrate a plastic reserve tank into the system. Therefore, when selecting equipment, it makes no sense to purchase a hydraulic accumulator with a reserve.

When the need for water supply increases, for example, when the number of residents or the amount of water consumed increases household appliances, you can additionally install another small volume hydraulic tank. Their performance is cumulative. The installation location of the additional hydraulic tank does not play an important role.

If necessary, several hydraulic tanks can be installed in the system Source

Calculation of pressure in the accumulator

In order for the equipment to operate efficiently and meet the needs of the residents of the house, the pressure in the hydraulic tank must be excessive.

In order for water to flow to the upper point of analysis, the air pressure in the cylinder must be greater than the hydrostatic pressure created by a column of liquid with a height from the lower to the upper point of water consumption. For example, for a two-story building this value is equal to P min = 0.7 bar (10 m = 1 bar). Height difference in in this case about 7 m.

For stable operation, a difference of 0.5-0.6 bar is required between the pressures at the lower and upper points.

Thus, the nominal pressure in the accumulator Рnom = 0.6 + 0.7 = 1.3 bar

The factory settings provide the required pressure of 1.5-2 bar, which is optimal for the operation of the accumulator. To monitor it, a tonometer is built into the device.

A tonometer is necessary to monitor the pressure in the hydraulic tank Source

If the pressure parameter deviates downward, it can be corrected by pumping air car pump, for which a nipple is provided in the device body.

Installation, testing, connection

Simply installing a hydraulic tank is not a difficult task - the more pressing problem is usually the correct choice of volume and operating pressure, so it is better if all the work is carried out by specialists.

First of all, a location for installation is selected, which must meet the following requirements:

  • vibration and noise from operating equipment do not disturb residents,
  • there is sufficient space for maintenance and repair of the hydraulic tank,
  • provided reliable support on a flat and strictly horizontal base.

During installation, shock-absorbing rubber pads are used, which partially dampen vibration.

To install the hydraulic tank it is necessary solid foundation Source

The hydraulic accumulator is connected to the water supply system in the following order:

  • A level area is being prepared for solid foundation, For example, concrete floor basement
  • The hydraulic tank is installed on the base using special gaskets.
  • Control measurements of pressure in the cylinder are carried out in a non-working state. It must be at least 1.5 bar (atm). This is the factory setting. At insufficient pressure You can use a car pump.
  • A fitting with five outlets is installed on the accumulator pipe.
  • The water pump is connected alternately, water pipe, pressure gauge and pressure switch to the outlets of the fitting.

To reduce vibration, flexible adapters are used. They are installed in the area where the unit is connected to the water supply. Make sure that the adapter's clearance is not less than the diameter of the connected pipe.

Video description

Connecting the pump to the hydraulic tank is shown in the video:

  • The hydraulic tank is filled with water and checked for leaks. If necessary, additional sealing of threaded connections is carried out.

Water must be poured into the tank very slowly to avoid rupture of the membrane. During long-term storage, the “pear” may stick together; with gradual filling, the flexible form will smoothly straighten out.

  • The power supply is connected and the pressure switch is adjusted according to the instructions for the equipment.

When using submersible pump needs to be installed check valve. It prevents water from flowing back into the well.

Connection diagram of the hydraulic accumulator to the elements of the water supply network Source

Popular models

When purchasing a hydraulic accumulator, the buyer pays main attention to the volume of the cylinder. Today, models with a capacity from 10 liters to 200 liters are produced and used in everyday life.

According to a survey of the Russian Internet audience, the most popular are hydraulic tanks with a volume of 76-100 l, 11-25 l and 26-50. For summer cottages Drives up to 10 liters are often purchased. Vertical installation is a priority.

Usually, which hydraulic accumulator to buy for water supply systems is chosen simply based on the price-quality ratio. Manufacturers offer models that combine various components and decent quality reasonable price. The ranking of manufacturers is as follows: Reflex, Jeelex, Wester, UNIPUMP, CIMM.


A hydraulic accumulator is a necessary element for the water supply system of a private home, which will ensure long-term operation of the pump and uninterrupted water supply. So that the device lasts a long time and does not require frequent repairs, it must be correctly selected and installed correctly, for which it is recommended to use the services of competent specialists. Having figured out what a hydraulic accumulator is needed for, you can plan its installation and look for good specialists who will do everything at the highest level.

If you live in a private household, you cannot do without running water. Just installing pipes is not enough: to stabilize the operation of the water supply system, it is necessary to install a hydraulic accumulator (also known as a hydraulic tank). To correctly select a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems, you need to consider:

  • volume of the hydraulic tank;
  • type of construction;
  • pump performance;
  • model cost.

Keep in mind that low cost is not always an indicator of poor quality.

Selection of accumulator volume

There is a simple one, without complex formulas calculation, a way to calculate the volume of a hydraulic accumulator for water supply to a private house by the number of water points, taking into account the pump performance:

  • up to 3 points, the pump operates with a capacity of 2 m3/hour - a hydraulic tank with a capacity of up to 24 l is sufficient - this is an option for small country houses with accommodation for 1-2 people;
  • up to 8, pump - 3.5 m3/hour - 50 (such a device will satisfy the needs of 2-3 people permanently residing in the house);
  • more than 10, pump - 5 m3/hour - 100 (up to 8 residents - that is, a hundred-liter hydraulic tank is quite enough for a large family, if the number of residents is more, a tank of 100 liters or more is purchased).

It must be taken into account that main task hydraulic accumulator - not accumulation drinking water, there is no need to overpay for a device that is too large (unused water will stagnate and lose its drinking qualities). Sufficient reserve in case of unexpected overruns - 10-15% of the total capacity. Calculate the approximate consumption from all water points and multiply by 2 (liquid occupies about half the volume of the product). If you consume 40 liters per day and want to have plenty of water, you need a hydraulic accumulator with a capacity of not 80, but 100.

Popular models and approximate prices

Let short review at prices for models from well-known companies will help you choose a hydraulic accumulator for water supply to a private home. The following brands are popular in the hydraulic tank market:

  1. Aquabright production Russian company Jemix (hydraulic tank 80 l - about 3500 rubles, 100 - 4400 rubles);
  2. Jeelex (“JILEX”) is also a domestic brand (an 80-liter tank will cost 4,400 rubles, a 100-liter tank will cost 5,700, information from the manufacturer’s official website).
  3. UNIPUMP- Russian manufacturer, collaborating with the Italian supplier Italtecnica. The cost of an 80 l hydraulic accumulator is from 4438 to 5260 rubles, 100 - from 5690 to 7442.
  4. Reflex- German brand, an 80-liter tank costs from 8 thousand rubles, a 100-liter tank costs from 10 thousand rubles.
  5. Belamos is a Russian company of pumping equipment, 80 l - 4385 rubles, 100 - 5030.
  6. Wester is a brand owned by the Impulse group of companies, which has connections with suppliers from Europe and the USA. An 80-liter hydraulic tank can be purchased at a price of 3,910 rubles, a 100-liter one - from 7,108.
  7. Zilmet is an Italian company, apparently the most expensive brand - the cost of a 60-liter hydraulic tank with a replaceable membrane is 27,420 rubles, 100 - 43,965.

Do not purchase suspiciously cheap batteries from unknown manufacturers - they will not last long. Pay attention to the official website of the manufacturer: a serious company must have it in the national or international registration zone - look at the first-level domain name (com, ru, it, etc.). The brand must be “transparent” - there is information about the manufacturer, address, photo and video materials of production. If there is no normal website, there is no such brand, the products are manufactured at a third-party enterprise and the customer’s markers are “molded” onto them.

Hydraulic tank type

When deciding how to choose a hydraulic accumulator for the water supply systems of your home, keep in mind that for ease of placement and installation in private homes, manufacturers have developed two types of hydraulic tanks: horizontal and vertical. Keep in mind that it is important not only to install the device indoors, but also to maintain the device in the future: it must be freely accessible.

There is no critical difference between horizontal and vertical models. As a rule, at the top or side of the device there is a valve or valve for pumping and bleeding air, and at the bottom there is a fitting for connecting to the water supply system. A hydraulic tank of less than 50 liters will have to be completely drained to bleed off excess air.

Based on the design of the internal reservoir, hydraulic accumulators are produced:

  • with fixed membrane;
  • with a rubber balloon (aka pear);
  • with removable membrane.

Products with a built-in membrane are cheaper and quite reliable, but keep in mind: if the rubber of the internal reservoir is damaged, you will have to change the device. In tanks with a bulb and a replaceable membrane, it is enough to replace the tank. The easiest way to replace it is in devices with a cylinder: remove the flange, take out the damaged cylinder, and install a new one.

Food grade rubber, as a membrane material, differs in properties:

  • natural rubber has high elasticity, but low resistance to water diffusion (swells greatly), and can withstand temperatures from 0 to +50°C (today it is almost never found as a material for membranes);
  • artificial butyl is not as elastic, but “lives” longer and can withstand a wider temperature range: from -10 to +100°C;
  • artificial rubber made from ethylene propylene has the most long term operation and is very reliable, able to withstand from -50 to +130°C (if the instructions for the hydraulic tank contain information that it is made of EPDM rubber, this is the most reliable option).


A reasonable choice of hydraulic accumulator will avoid many difficulties and save your budget - it will extend the life of the pump and mixers, provide reliable operation household appliances. Do not chase volume and determine in advance a place to install the hydraulic tank that is suitable in area and height. Please note that tanks for water systems are usually blue, for thermal ones - red. If the tank suddenly turns chrome, green or another color, it is better to clarify what it is intended for.
