Fortune telling on wax meaning of gnome figures. Find out the future using wax fortune telling

The article contains only the best interpretations and meanings of figures for a given truthful fortune telling on New Year, Christmas and others, holidays and ordinary days.

Fortune telling with wax and water how to do it on Christmas night, Christmastide, Christmas Eve, baptism

As you know, these days fortune-telling is the most plausible; you can easily find out your fate. Best to use church candles. This fortune telling is done late in the evening, when it gets dark. The melted wax is poured with a sharp movement into a container of water. According to the resulting drawing, fate is interpreted.

Wax divination interpretation of figures fish, fetus, embryo, angel, woman, bird, flower

Fish, comfortable life.

A fetus, an embryo - your plans will definitely be realized.

Angel, they will help you from outside in solving the problem.

A woman can be interpreted differently, depending on the situation. Could be a homewrecker or a new friend.

Bird, good sign. Symbolizes calm and tranquility.

A flower for fulfilling wishes.

Wax divination symbols meaning dress, meaning tree, heart, dog, scorpio

A tree speaks of your health if it is large and strong for longevity. If the tree dries out, it will cause disease.

The heart symbolizes love in all its manifestations.

The dog symbolizes friendship and devotion.

Scorpio, there are intrigues behind your back.

Dress for the holiday, fun.

Fortune telling on wax the meanings of the figures child, chicken, rooster, bear, elephant, butterfly, ram, bull

A child, the birth of a new life, a new project at work, in school.

Chicken good mood in everyday life.

The rooster symbolizes family happiness and prosperity.

A bear is a bad sign. Your enemy is stronger than you, smart and decisive.

The elephant symbolizes wisdom.

Butterfly for changes in life.

Ram, perhaps your chosen one is not quite what he wants to seem.

The bull symbolizes stubbornness.

Fortune telling on wax, what does a mushroom, camel, dragon, hedgehog, dolphin, swan, cat, horse, lion, frog mean?

Mushroom for a surprise.

The camel symbolizes hard work.

Dragon, you need willpower to achieve what you want.

The hedgehog speaks of your “prickly” character.

Dolphin, no matter the difficulties, you can handle everything.

Swan, a good sign. Can be interpreted as devotion.

Cat, among your friends there is an insidious person.

Horse, there will be changes in life for the good.

Leo symbolizes strength and reliability.

The frog is waiting for you the right decision.

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Angel. They are waiting for you good news and outside help

Arch. A journey or transition from one stage to another awaits you.

Starting with the letter B

Butterfly. This insect tells you about big and serious changes in your life. Perhaps you will learn a lot of new and unpleasant things about one of your loved ones, encounter betrayal, which will change your attitude towards life.

Drum. The meaning of this figure tells you that now is the time to express your vision of the world, to tell others what you really think.

Tower. An image of recognition from above, a possible increase or favorable assessment of your work

Squirrel. The squirrel speaks of painstaking work that will take you a lot of time. If a squirrel has a nut in its hands, then you will certainly finish the job successfully.

Boot. The shoe speaks of your fatigue, which will only accumulate in the future and can soon lead to unpleasant consequences and breakdowns.

Bouquet. The figure means an approaching celebration, celebration. Noisy and beautiful. You might be getting married, congratulations!

Letters. If the letters are clearly visible, then this is good news, if it is vague, then this is bad news. Letters s a large number objects nearby - money is approaching.

Boomerang. Very soon the consequences of your actions will come out. Be prepared for good and bad, in any case, it had to end somehow.

Bottle. Know in moderation in everything. Excessive excesses can harm you.

Bull. There is danger lurking very close to you, be careful. Perhaps the threat comes from those closest to you.

Starting with the letter B

Cotton wool. A period of loss of strength awaits you; perhaps due to your softness, you will miss a good chance. We advise you not to become limp!

Fan. A little flirting awaits you in the future. The relationship is sweet and simple.

Scales. Your position has become too precarious. Get things in order. But an even more unpleasant sign is the scales with the sword: judgment awaits you.

Fork. Someone is ready to stick a fork in your back. In the future, try to trust only yourself until things calm down.

Grape. The image of grapes means a reward for your efforts. Your talent will be adequately rewarded financially

Padlock. Closed lock warns, be careful. If it is open, then something has already happened and various surprises await you soon.

Balloon. Minor difficulties, but everything is temporary and solvable.

Wolf. Soon you will have to become cool-headed if you want to succeed.

Question mark. There are many questions facing you, but you don't know the answer. Your indecisiveness is to blame.

Volcano or explosion. Something is going to happen that will lead to very serious consequences. But like any natural element, you are already powerless here. Gather your strength and prepare for defense.

Starting with the letter G

Weight. It's time to free yourself from the old load; further movement with it will greatly weaken and hold you back.

Guitar. Complete harmony in your relationship awaits you.

Eye. Expect deception, so you should keep your eyes open and not leave any offer without close attention.

Head. As you wanted, you will receive a promotion, which will imply greater powers. Work hard now to make it finally come true.

Pigeon. State of love, peace, tranquility

Mushroom. Surprise is just around the corner. Get ready for something new, perhaps a new love or a new activity. It won't be like before!

Pear. Finally, all your efforts will lead to success. Things will end positively.

Starting with the letter D

Door. You are entering a new stage of life, leaving behind the unnecessary.

Tree. A symbol of solidity and fertility. If an oak tree appears, then this speaks of your resilience and self-confidence. Birch is about flexibility, but at the same time the ability to get what you want.

House. The figure of the house means renewal. Perhaps moving to another place or changing jobs.

Rain. It's time to wash away the excess and everything that bothers you. For example, long-standing quarrels and grievances.

Road with a fork. You have a choice, but between good or bad, and between worthy alternatives. The choice will have to be made by you.

Dragon. Strength of spirit is what is required of you. Don't be led by the opinions of others, do what you think is necessary.

Chimney. Your prospects are shrouded in fog, you need to clarify.

Starting with the letter E

Hedgehog. Your causticity and rudeness greatly affects your relationships with others. Try to become softer.

Christmas tree. Surprises await you

Starting with the letter Z

Acorn. It will appear in your head new idea, which can drag on for many years.

Jelly. Your insecurity allows you to be taken advantage of

Starting with the letter Z

Capital letter. Tells you about important person or an object, perhaps an event that plays a big role in your life, but you do not pay enough attention to it.

Lock. A new union is formed, sealed by your promises, agreement or strong feelings

Star. The image of a star gives hope. Your dreams are starting to come true

Umbrella. The figure of an umbrella clearly tells you about problems. A closed umbrella means serious difficulties, an open one means small ones.

Starting with the letter I

Needle. If there are drops near the game, then it’s time to “bleed.” That is, to sacrifice something for a more important goal. If there are no drops, then it is necessary to strengthen relationships with loved ones.

Sparks. Your creativity is important in the future. The old approach will no longer give the desired result.

Starting with the letter K

Fireplace. You are surrounded by warmth and comfort. Only peace and quiet. This is a good sign.

Square. A square is an ideal figure, meaning self-sufficiency, self-confidence and calmness.

Dagger. Be more attentive to your friends. There is a traitor among them.

Bird cage. A cage means that you are trapped by your own prejudices.

Key. The image of a key is close to the image of a door. The difference is that this figure represents opportunity and choice.

Book. New knowledge. Perhaps you will begin training or learn something that was not worth knowing (for example, a secret)

Claws. Someone from your environment is not so friendly at all and can throw out their claws at any moment...

Wheel. You go to new stage. The figure of the wheel symbolizes life cycles.

Bell. Have you heard of the expression "to ring the bell"? Something will happen important event. Two bells - for a wedding.

Ring. Partnership, union, long-term deal, possible wedding.

Comet. A rare and unexpected event will happen very soon.

Ship. Seeing a ship means a journey that will end interestingly.

Basket. Full - gain, empty - loss. A basket is an image of the movement of values ​​from one hand to another.

Box. A gift or surprise awaits you.

Crown. The crown figure tells you about success. You will get a promotion or your project will be successful. This is a good sign, as achievement will be the result of your actions.

Wallet. There is an acquisition waiting for you, we are talking only about material values

Crab. Be careful, the image of a crab speaks of deceitful friends.

Bed. It's definitely time for you to take a break. Rest is what you need now.

Jug. Healthy atmosphere. Circle of close friends or professional collaborators.

Starting with the letter L

Lion. The figure of a lion signifies your strength, which is greater in you than it might seem at first glance.

Ladder. Movement by status. An upward movement is possible, that is, an increase, or maybe a crushing fall if the stairs are poorly visible.

Lines. Straight lines mean that you are purposefully moving towards your goal, wavy lines indicate your doubt and indecision.

Leaves. Leaves are symbols of life and prosperity. Now you live the way you need.

A person or persons. The emotions on the face are important. A smile is fortunate. Anger is a serious problem. An expressionless face means uncertainty.

Boat. Slow action, protracted relationships. Long journey, possibly a business trip.

Starting with the letter M

Car. A short trip, perhaps to visit old friends.

Medal. Your actions will not go unnoticed and encouraged.

Broom. It’s time to decide on the looming problems, to solve what is long overdue.

Hammer. Your opinion is the most correct, fight, stand until the end.

Bridge. Bridges built always lead to new opportunities, new connections and acquaintances.

Hoe. Determination and drive in your heart will help you overcome any difficulties.

Man. A guest is waiting for you, most likely with good news

Fly. External irritation that is difficult to eliminate. The process may slow down.

Ball. You switch from one thing to another too often.

Starting with the letter N

Handcuffs. You are limited by habits and moral values. There may be problems with justice.

Knife. Disagreements will lead to a big quarrel and the end of your union

Scissors. A complete discrepancy in understanding the situation.

Starting with the letter O

Monkey. Someone thinks you are narrow-minded and is making a fool of you.

Cloud. The future is cloudy, problems are possible both in your personal life and in your financial situation.

Window. You need to change your understanding of the problem, as well as your approach to solving it. Don’t be shy to ask for help, maybe someone close to you can tell you a way out of the situation.

Glasses. Something will happen that will radically change your worldview.

Starting with the letter P

Tent. This figure has two meanings. Either you sign up for some kind of adventure, or someone is hiding something from you.

Coat. Your relationship will be over.

Parachute. You will finally emerge from this situation with dignity, but it will be the result of luck.

Spider. Expect good news related to money.

Hourglass. You have little time to solve important matters. Time is ticking, time is running out.

Pyramid. This figure means the need to hide secrets and secrets, which is contrary to your desires, as it dooms you to constant questions and excessive attention from those who want to know the secret.

Horseshoe. This symbol is familiar to everyone; it means good luck.

Gun. A serious quarrel that will affect all participants.

Egg stand. Little worries, little problems - all this is in the past. A simple solution was found.

Package. A gift, news or something unexpected awaits you

Bird or birds. Birds are messengers of news, good and bad. But the news may not appear soon, but the news itself has already appeared, or will appear in the near future.

Bee. Hard work that will keep you busy. But the ending will be pleasant.

Starting with the letter R

Child. Perhaps it means the child itself. IN general case this is the beginning of a new business.

Horns have two meanings. Possible betrayal loved one, and perhaps an event is approaching that will greatly affect you and lead you off the road.

Hand. An open palm means your partner is faithful and honest with you, a hand folded into a fist means a quarrel.

Fish. Now you are in your environment. But this is also your weakness; if you are taken out of your usual foundations, you will find yourself defenseless.

Starting with the letter C

Airplane. Long journey, serious worries

Lamp (lamp). Teaching is light. Seeing a lamp or lamp means new knowledge. Perhaps you will become aware of some secret.

Candle. An important period in your life, filled with success.

Heart. Strong love, duty and real, full of feelings and emotions.

Crescent moon. A new period of your life, we are talking about a short period, temporary.

Rocks. Serious difficulties have arisen in front of you that may lead you astray.

Shell. Something happened, but something good. Wait for good news.

Dog. A devoted friend who may need help or your support.

Owl. Severe illness, illness, failure.

Sun. Good luck will shine on you, joy, success and happiness await you. But only while it shines for you (not in the literal sense).

Spiral. You have fallen for scammers.

Arrow. Wait for a message with bad news.

Cup. This is not the best period of your life. You will be easily vulnerable and subject to stress.

Chair. You will receive a new position at work.

Steps. Steps tell us about success and advancement.

Feet. You can no longer put off making decisions, make your choice now.

Starting with the letter T

Telephone. You are not yet ready to say what you think to your face.

Axe. You have a little less than impossible task ahead of you. Solving it will not be easy, you will have to make every effort.

Cake. There's a celebration coming up very soon, you're invited.

Shamrock. Luck and success await you.

Starting with the letter U

Magnifying glass. Time to think about details and little things. Perhaps it's time to hand over the order, but before that, put it in order.

Index finger. What he points out is the most important detail interpretation.

Snail. Be reasonable, take your time, and think about every decision.

Ear. The image of an ear means that you should listen to what people around you say; there is a lot of truth in their words.

Starting with the letter F

Torch. The light leads you in complete darkness to knowledge and new sacraments.

Flag. Someone is encroaching on your property, be careful!

Fruits. Life in abundance and security.

Vane. Your psyche reacts too seriously to the opinions of others, you should stand your ground more firmly

Starting with the letter X

Bread. This image speaks of your fertility, you will have many good ideas.

The letter X. It’s also a cross, and it means that it’s time to curtail some activity before it leads you to tragedy.

Starting with the letter C

Church. Means commitment, oath. Inheritance, experience, repentance are also possible.

Numbers. The numbers indicate the time period. One - very soon, 9 - very soon.

Starting with the letter H

Watch. A bad sign. Your time is very limited, appreciate every minute. We are not necessarily talking about death, perhaps it means a short time frame

Cup. It means the fullness of your being. If the cup is upside down, then this period ends, and your relationship with your loved one may end.

The turtle is a symbol of wisdom and prudence. The future is already predetermined, all that remains is to adapt.

Starting with the letter Sh

Cap. The image of the hat means shelter. Your secrets are well protected.

Starting with the letter Ш

Pike. Like the image of a fish, it says that you are in your element. But at the same time you are a predatory fish. Pike is the image of a manager, a leader. If only the image of a pike appeared to you, it means that you are not a predator, but a threat has appeared in your element. If the pike came with other objects, then you are the threat.

Starting with the letter E

Starting with the letter I

Apple. Someone will try to seduce you, an apple is a symbol of temptation, a trap.

Egg. New plans, ideas, goals.

Anchor. Perhaps this is a journey, or perhaps this is a signal that it is time to drop anchor, stop at one thing.

Gate. Congratulations! Some pleasant surprise awaits you.

Stone. The figure of a stone of uncertain shape always symbolizes a problem.

Ditch. A ditch that may appear in different types- from a yawning abyss to a swampy pit means that a person blames others (everyone except himself) for the troubles and misfortunes that befell him.

Pocket. A pocket shape indicates financial problems.

Map. Road, geographical map or atlas means that you are looking for your calling in life. An unclear form, but indicating the direction in which clarification should be sought.

Playing card. A card or deck of cards indicates that a person is fickle and contradictory in his actions. This form has a more serious meaning for a man than for a woman.

Kangaroo. Indicates family problems. It is difficult to explain how they can be solved and what they are connected with.

Dagger. It differs from a knife in that it has a curved blade and means danger. Someone you know is preparing to stab you in the back!

Brick. A brick or bricks symbolize creative impulse and the ability to carry out plans (not necessarily in practice). Bricks in the form of a pile or wall are a good omen.

Whale. This person thinks a lot about himself (considers himself an important person). His main problem is that he does little and talks a lot. A person is overwhelmed by doubts and uncertainty.

Cell. A cage, especially a bird cage, means serious obstacles and difficulties that await you. When the cage door is closed, these problems cannot be solved immediately; when it is open, the problems can be solved, but with great difficulty. If the cage door is closed and you see a figure inside, then the situation is very serious!

Clown. The clown form implies a party or other social outing that can affect your life (if it hasn't already).

Key. You are given a convenient opportunity. New perspectives are opening up before you. Take just the first step and all doors will open before you.

Book. The book symbolizes trials or obstacles in life that you must undergo. The basic explanation of fortune telling depends on the state of the book: a closed book means difficult trials during the day (in the past or future), while an open book means that a person will successfully cope with difficulties encountered now and in the future. If the book is something special (the Bible, a dictionary, a cookbook, etc.), then the interpretation will depend on its content.

Carpet. This form means that someone is waiting for an opportunity to “pull the rug out from under your feet,” that is, to cause trouble.

Goat. You will be involved in a love affair, even though it will take place far from where you are now.

Wheel. Success awaits you. You will cope with troubles. This is always a good sign.

Bell. Surprise! Unexpected news will bring changes to your life!
Column (pillar). A column is usually a sign of progress, achievements, and increased social status.

Ring. Basically the ring signifies marriage. The ring is torn. Divorce or separation.

Comet. Unique shape, difficult to recognize. It represents a star and a trail of sparks trailing behind it. The comet foretells an unexpected guest who can make fundamental changes in your life.

Envelope. This is usually good news that will impact your life.
Groom (court). The groom always foreshadows divorce! We don't know how you will be connected to it: whether it will be you yourself or you will be the reason for someone else's divorce, but it is clear that this divorce will affect your life.

Spear. The spear shape means an accident, illness or difficulty, but on a small scale. The problem can be easily solved without the help of others.

Hoof. A wonderful sign. The hoof protects against evil and dark forces. Financial success, good health and a guarantee that you will overcome your problems.

Ship. The shape symbolizes good news.

Basket. This means that you are about to receive a gift that has more practical value than monetary value.

Box. Difficulties in love relationships. If the lid is open, then the problems can be resolved. It can be very difficult to distinguish a box from a package, a jug, etc.

Rocker. This form implies your tendency to control the actions of others, to subordinate them to your will.

Crown. Important form. There is a tendency towards the supernatural and mysterious. There is nothing wrong with this; let your natural abilities determine the area of ​​development of interests. You or someone close to you will get sick.

Cat. Evil tongues spread gossip behind your back. These people cannot be trusted.
Cat. Important sign. Betrayal, betrayal. This form means that you are being betrayed, committing treachery, but who exactly is doing this is unknown.

Wallet. If you see a closed wallet, you must beware of your enemies. If the wallet is open, then this is a sign that you need to believe in own strength, and then you can get rid of all the troubles yourself.

Bed. Always means that you are hiding your true feelings and problems behind a mask of indifference. This sign has nothing to do with sexual problems.

Crocodile. Beware! Don't play tricks on others, because next time it might end badly for you.

Rabbit. The rabbit, unlike the hare, has short ears. It means that you must show courage and be the first to “strike.”

Circle. The circle (or ring) that appears leads to a love affair or marriage. A closed circle symbolizes success in love, wedding, reconciliation with a lover, etc. A broken circle means some problems in this area of ​​relationships. A circle with a small dot in the center (similar to the breast sign described above) means that you are expecting the birth of a baby soon.

Wings. Wings that appear in pairs mean important news that you will learn in the near future.

Rat. The figure of a rat always means dangers awaiting you.

Roof. Financial problems for you and people close to you. It should be noted that the roof shape appears only separately from the house. If the roof appears along with the house, then this is a sign of stability and security.

Jug. A jug representing glass vessel, can be perceived as a call for help from a loved one. This cry is sometimes invisible. Very important sign, since a person help seeker, is in serious trouble. Symbolizes people who defend your interests (in the past or future, but not in the present!).

Grasshopper. Information, news or an unexpected letter will radically change your way of life.

Doll. The doll means that you are feeling guilty. The explanation of fortune telling depends on your gender. If you are a woman, then you experience a feeling of guilt associated with an unfulfilled duty towards your parents. For a man, guilt is associated mainly with past failures in love. The doll is always connected with the past, but never with the future.

Fist. Threat, anger.

Chicken. A positive sign that protects home or family.

Bush. The bush means new perspectives opening up before you.

Kitchen. The kitchen, whatever it is, means major conflicts in your family.

Who among us hasn’t wanted to tell fortunes? Even in the days of Ancient Rus', girls used wax fortune-telling and older people told them the interpretation of wax figures. This tradition is old, but its popularity has not fallen at all today.

Fortune telling with wax was used back in the days of Ancient Rus'. It is still popular today

However, not everyone knows how to tell fortunes with wax, what rituals should be performed on a candle before fortune telling, and even more so, what the resulting patterns should be deciphered.

History of fortune telling

But where did the first fortune tellers using mysterious wax figures appear? This ritual originates from Ancient Egypt and Greece, where wax candles were the first to appear.

In the territory where the Slavs live, fortune telling with wax was most often carried out on Christmas, namely the night before the holiday, and this was done only out of curiosity. But among the Babylonian sorcerers, fortune telling by candles was part of many magical rituals.

How to guess

Before you begin the ritual itself, you need to carefully prepare. For the ritual you will need:

  1. Wax candle. It is advisable not white, since its patterns are harder to see.
  2. Several matches and boxes.
  3. Container with cool water.

For fortune telling, you need to purchase a wax candle, but not white.

Also, your patience and perseverance are a must, since fortune telling with wax can take a lot of time. Since the candle must burn, and the wax, after casting, must completely harden and acquire clear outlines.

When you have collected everything you need for fortune telling with wax, you should clearly formulate the question that interests you. Maybe even write it down on paper. In accordance with the question, you can choose the color of the candle: a red candle - questions about love, a yellow candle - monetary wealth and happiness, use a green candle to find out the state of health and so on.

If you decide to do fortune telling on several aspects of your life, then you should choose several candles of different colors.

How to pour wax correctly?

Before you start pouring wax onto the surface of the water, you should let the candle burn out enough so that as much liquid wax accumulates as possible. If you have a large candle, then you can repeat the wax casting several times to get a more specific question.

Remember that the water should not be very cold, otherwise the wax will harden in drops on the surface of the water and the figures will not come out of the wax well. Use cool water to ensure everything comes out correctly.

When you look at the resulting figures, give free rein to your imagination and look at them from different angles. Take a closer look and analyze what it looks like most, and then watch her interpretation of the figures. But you shouldn’t move your container of water because this can disrupt the entire order and appearance of your symbols!

Know that there can be a large number of interpretations of the interpretations of figures when you perform fortune telling with wax on water and you should not take the interpretation of the patterns directly.

Shape meanings

Top ten figures

Did you see the lampshade? Take a close look at those around you - some of them are lying to your face

  1. Shade. If you think you can see the top of the lamp, then you might want to consider who is around you. Some of those you let too close to you will blatantly lie to your face. Rethink the phrases and actions of some people.
  2. Apricot. If you see a sweet fruit, it means that you are overreacting emotionally to some aspects of your life, thereby aggravating the situation around you.
  3. Bus. Consider this your bus in happy life. Your soul will open up, you will become kind and generous, and you will make the world around you a better place. Mental harmony. However, if this bus had an accident and overturned, then this is a warning from life. You should seriously address your problems, otherwise they will begin to grow by leaps and bounds.
  4. Automobile. The car opens the way to new life. Something will obviously change, but it will only get better. If your state of mind wants to leave the best, then this is a clear sign that you should take care of yourself and change it.
  5. Stork. We all know what this bird carries in its beak – children. And children are a happy marriage. Be prepared to become a happy person.
  6. Shark. It seems that someone has a big grudge against you. This person is quite strong and influential, so you should be on your guard and be ready to give a proper rebuff.
  7. Angel. You have relaxed too much and stopped paying attention to the difficult moments in your life. Maybe we should stop and start changing everything? Take matters into your own hands and change everything.
  8. Arch. The interpretation of this ambiguous sign may vary. It could also be about your uncontrollable character or a wonderful love affair. The main thing is to forget about fear and boldly step into what awaits you. You'll like it.
  9. Butterfly. Ease is what awaits you. What worried you will be left behind, and beautiful Fortune confidently leads you by the hand. Lucky!
  10. Bow. There will be some unpleasant moments and problems. Think what you say.

Second ten figures

  1. Tower. Something unusual and completely new awaits you soon. This can be both success at work and possible internal metamorphoses.
  2. Glass. Doors have opened before you, providing new opportunities. Use them without unnecessary fear.
  3. Bouquet. If you have any business from different areas life, then it’s worth combining them wisely. This will at the same time make your life easier and you won’t get bored.
  4. Vase. You are a vessel for other people's secrets, but you cannot be sure of others. If you entrusted a secret to someone, then this person may spill the beans. It's worth preventing this.
  5. Fan. Possible office romance.
  6. Paddle. After all, it is the oar that controls the direction of the boat. You need to grab hold of it and lead it the way you want.
  7. Nail. There is a person walking around you whom you trust too much in vain. Let's say even more - he is actively using your favor, which in fact he is not worth.
  8. Mountain. Climbing a mountain is never easy. You will also encounter problems that, when solved, will reward you.
  9. Mushroom. A change awaits you, but it is so sudden that you may even be afraid. But it’s not worth it, because everything is for the better.
  10. Door. Fate gives you a chance - don't waste it foolishly.

Have you looked at the door? Fate gives you a chance to change your life - don't miss it!

Third ten figures

  1. Tree. You are strong enough in spirit and persistent to solve all your problems.
  2. House. The family hearth and the success surrounding it in all endeavors.
  3. Bug. Be careful with new acquaintances, apparently some of them have bad plans for you.
  4. Fence. It looks like you have obstacles in achieving your goals. Everything can be easily solved if you change your approach.
  5. Embryo. The conception of new affairs and a new stage of your affairs. Your ideas are right, go for them.
  6. Star. You plucked a star from the sky: happiness, mutual sympathy, joy, fulfillment of dreams - all this is waiting for you around the corner.
  7. Snake. Meeting a snake in ordinary life is not a very pleasant occurrence, but such a wax figure speaks of danger. Be careful.
  8. Needle. You are too trusting of the people around you, protect your back - they are aiming knives at it.
  9. Stone. Your passion is too impractical, wastes energy and money.
  10. Lightning. Don't go on a revelry, because such fun will end in tears.

Fourth ten figures

  1. Drops. If you once put a lot of effort into something, but did not receive the proper return, then this symbol indicates that you will soon get it back in full.
  2. Brick. The relationship that begins will be strong and reliable, but it will take a lot of effort to build it.
  3. Comet. Old enemies will soon make themselves known, preparing for a big war.
  4. Cat. IN in this case A cat is a symbol of hypocrisy, lies, and flexibility in communication. Possible betrayals from those people from whom you did not expect this at all.
  5. Circle. Soon your affairs will be completed successfully. You can start making new plans.
  6. Lamp. Look inside yourself: what helps you move forward? Inspired by this idea, continue to firmly pursue your goals.
  7. Lion. This animal speaks of your inner potential. You can achieve any goal.
  8. Face. You good man, who can come to the aid of his people at any moment. A figure of friendship, mutual understanding, trust.
  9. Spoon. Expect guests, maybe even distant relatives. Also, this symbol very clearly characterizes the fortuneteller as an economic and hospitable owner of the house.
  10. Broom. Don't be afraid to change the world around you, be determined. Everything will change for the better.

If you manage to see a broom, it’s time for a change! The main thing is to be determined!

Fifth ten figures

  1. Bridge. No matter what your situation is, the best solution will meet problems halfway and talk about solving them, rather than work on his own. It will be easier for you.
  2. Fire. A bright symbol that is most often used for particularly fiery relationships, ardent human nature. The main thing in this situation is to be extremely vigilant so that this fire does not burn everything that is dear to you.
  3. Rooster. Just as in nature a rooster speaks of the dawn, so a wax figure speaks of the beginning of new good events.
  4. Train. If in your business it seems to you that absolutely all efforts were wasted, then know that you are at your goal. A couple more persistent blows and you will achieve what you want.
  5. Spring. You should not make harsh decisions; you should objectively assess situations so as not to do anything stupid.
  6. Bird. There will be some news, wait for the messenger.
  7. Bubbles. Everyone loves bubbles. They are associated with childhood, sincere joy in life. Everything will be fine in your life, this symbol confirms this.
  8. Child. You will open some kind of business project that will please you with the results.
  9. Rose. Cupid is carefully watching you and waiting for the right moment to shoot at you.
  10. Mouth. Pay attention to public opinion - it is not always wrong.

Sixth ten figures

  1. Hand. If the brush is extended in a friendly manner, then this is a sign of friendship. If the wax figure symbolizes a fist, then you should pay attention to what kind of relationship you have, especially conflict situations.
  2. Fish. You have some wise patron. Listen to what he says and make decisions accordingly.
  3. Boot. Something in your life will change, but you can’t say exactly what. Act according to the situation.
  4. Candle. Someone kindly illuminates the secrets of the world for you.
  5. Scorpion. This is a symbol of cruelty. Take it as a warning about possible access to unwanted networks.
  6. Elephant. The elephant demonstrates excellent health and a small warning to lovers of active activities. Don't overwork yourself.
  7. Table. Do your paperwork. It doesn't matter whether these paperwork items are family bills or important work documents. No one will do this except you.
  8. Snail. Life is telling you that you are too indecisive. Stop procrastinating, and then everything will come back to you a hundredfold.
  9. Ear. Strange unexpected events await you just around the corner. Be vigilant and careful.
  10. Bread. This symbol depicts prosperity in the home and indicates that you are an exemplary family man.

Bread is a symbol denoting wealth in the family

Five Basic Shapes

  1. Flower. Flowers are always good. More happy moments will be added to your life and everything will sparkle with new bright colors.
  2. Turtle. Accept what awaits you. You can't change anything.
  3. Member. If you are pregnant, then this is a sign that you are having a boy. IN general affairs A stranger is waiting for you to help you sort out your problems.
  4. Ball. The ball indicates that you are in excellent control of your affairs. Keep moving confidently towards your goal, you will be pleasantly surprised.
  5. Apple. The more the symbol resembles a real living apple, the better your affairs are. IN general outline, an apple is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. If the apple is somehow crooked, then it is a forbidden fruit. Don't give in to stupid temptations.

Each practitioner who is involved in casting the future and fortune telling on wax has his own theory on how to tell fortunes correctly and how to decipher the meanings of figures.

After fortune telling, it is important to carefully examine the pattern of frozen wax. After all, sometimes a figure does not have clear shapes, and then it can be interpreted in different ways. Good luck and perseverance in your endeavors.

You can tell fortunes with wax alone or in a large group. For some, this is simple entertainment, but if you correctly interpret the meaning of the resulting figures, then the veil hiding the future will be lifted. You can also find out the answer to your question. There are many ways to tell fortunes using wax. The most popular is the classic method with candles and water, but other options also give reliable predictions.

Time for fortune telling

The reliability of the result depends on the period chosen for fortune telling. Although you can cast a spell at any time, it is best to do it on New Year's Eve, Christmas or Christmastide. Wax figures are usually considered as a prediction for the whole year, but to solve complex issues using this method is also suitable. The time for the procedure should be chosen later; it is advisable to guess closer to midnight with candles lit and the electricity turned off, so that nothing interferes with the correct fall of the shadows, which are of paramount importance in the prediction.

You should rely only on your own vision when deciphering. You should not show the result to someone before the picture has formed in your head. Outside influences can lead a person astray.

To work you will need:

  • beeswax or candles made from it;
  • small basin or wide plate;
  • holy water (you can also use plain water);
  • matches.

You should not use paraffin candles for casting, but use a lighter to light them or melt the wax. The burning of matches unevenly affects the melting and leaves a corresponding aroma in the air, which is an important attribute of fortune telling. And although paraffin has similar properties to wax, it is not suitable for predicting the future. It can be used as entertainment for such fortune telling, but the results obtained do not need to be taken seriously. Only real wax produced by bees can give a correct prediction.

If you can’t find real wax candles, it’s better to make them yourself.

To do this, you need to buy wax at a pharmacy or in stores selling beekeeping products. Purchase wicks from craft departments. Melt the wax into metal utensils on fire and pour onto a previously prepared thick cloth in the shape of a rectangle 10-15 cm long, 2-3 cm wide. As soon as the product cools a little and becomes plastic, you need to put the wick in the middle of the rectangle along the length, the size of the wick should be 1 cm longer forms. Then you should carefully roll the candle, making sure that the wick remains in the middle. The joint must be scorched with a match so that it melts and closes into an even seam.

When all the necessary attributes are ready, you can begin fortune telling. Most convenient way everyone chooses for themselves.

Classic way

You need to pour holy water into the prepared container, light a candle and tilt it over the surface of the water so that drops of wax fall freely onto the surface. The tilt angle must be kept in the region of 40-45 degrees relative to the plane.

When half of the candle burns out, you need to blow out the fire and take the resulting figure out of the water, carefully examine it from all sides. The first association that comes to mind is what needs to be interpreted.


If you don’t have a ready-made candle, you can cast wax using the following method:

  • A small piece of wax corresponding to its volume is placed in a tablespoon.
  • A plate of holy water is placed in front of the fortuneteller.
  • You need to hold the spoon over the flame so that the wax melts.
  • The melted mass should be poured onto the surface of the water.

The interpretation of the resulting figure is carried out in the same way as with the classical method of fortune telling.

Wax and its shadow

This method allows you to get the most full interpretation result. Holy water is not used in this case.

You need to take a flat plate, two large candles and one small one, sit at the table opposite a flat wall. Large candles are placed to the right and left of the plate in candlesticks or stacks. When they are lit, you should light the wick of the small one and drop from it into the center of the plate a sufficient amount of wax to firmly set it in the resulting puddle.

While it is burning, you need to observe its flame and mentally ask a question of interest. The fortune telling process can take from half an hour to 1-2 hours, but the result is worth the time spent.

When the candle on the plate burns completely and the wax hardens, you can begin the interpretation. The resulting figure predicts the near future, and the answer to the question of interest will be reflected in the shadow on the wall. To do this, you need to carefully separate the figure from the bottom of the plate, take it in right hand. The shadow displayed on the wall will be the answer to asked question.

Interpretation of the figures seen

People's imagination is limitless, because in the resulting figures you can even see the faces of loved ones and acquaintances, symbols or inscriptions. If during the process of fortune telling a person asks a certain question, then intuition will definitely tell you how to interpret the resulting image. When fortune telling for the future it is customary to use classical meanings. A person can see many different outlines, but it is believed that one needs to decipher what he sees using 12 main symbols that can be displayed.

Figure Wax Shadow
Angel A harbinger of change for the better, all things will go well. The time has come to profit from the work done. You need to be more attentive to yourself, only self-organization and control will contribute to the fulfillment of desires; without personal efforts, the results of the work are unlikely to satisfy the fortuneteller The answer is positive, luck will accompany the fortuneteller in everything, but you need to strictly manage the process and take the initiative. The desired will come true, but the form of execution may differ significantly from the expected result
Damn or smooth circle This sign is related to love and family relations. It shows the cool attitude of the chosen one towards the fortuneteller. Don't count on serious relationship with your lover in the coming year. This is a time of stagnation and movement in a circle, no successful or negative changes are expected The wish is unlikely to come true. This sign often appears as an answer to the question of marriage if it is not destined for in the near future. Don't be upset when you see a pancake. This is how the universe takes the fortuneteller away from the wrong person
Tree or rabbit The tree seen shows the presence of enormous strength in a person. The fortuneteller will be able to achieve great success for short time, but this will require some effort. With great desire and hard work, everything will turn out well. If, when turned over, the figure resembles a rabbit, the symbol indicates the need to defend one’s point of view. The sign warns of the fortuneteller’s shyness, which must be combated The meaning is interpreted depending on the direction of the tree branches or the rabbit's ears. Downward ones mean a negative answer to the question, near sorrows and sorrows, and upward ones predict happiness and good luck
House Such a figure promises family happiness and prosperity for the coming year. True and simple joys await man. For those who do not have their own home, this sign predicts their acquisition. If you plan to buy a house, then this period is the best to implement your plans The sign predicts an imminent celebration. If the wish concerned a wedding, it means it will take place soon. In relation to other matters, the house promises good luck and happiness, prosperity and contentment in everything, true friends
Star Symbol of happiness and prosperity. Such a sign can rarely be seen in cast figures, but if the drops of wax formed into a five-pointed star, the fortuneteller can only envy. All affairs and undertakings will work out in the best possible way. Nothing can darken the life of a person who received this symbol as a result of fortune telling Such a shadow does not provide a clear answer to the question asked. The star predicts a quick acquaintance with the other half, but the fortuneteller needs to be very careful not to miss this moment. The sign is considered a positive sign, but indicates to a person about many options for the development of events. The choice of the appropriate path depends only on the fortuneteller himself
Snake or curved stripe The cast snake symbolizes the wisdom and strength of the fortuneteller, but also warns of the danger that threatens him. This sign shows an enemy lurking somewhere nearby. A person needs to be very careful in communication; he should not trust anyone with his secrets and plans in order to exclude the possibility negative impact from the outside Bad sign. This picture does not bode well; the answer to the question asked is negative. You need to behave very carefully with people. The snake indicates that a traitor or an evil rival is lurking in the fortuneteller’s surroundings
Ring or circle with a hole in the center This sign speaks of an imminent wedding for a single person, but for family people the ring symbolizes a vicious circle. Don't be upset if things are bad now. In this case, healers advise breaking the ring and melting the wax again, and then pouring it out the window. The symbol is a positive answer to the question of marriage or marriage, but if a person was interested in the outcome of some matter, then one should not count on luck, only hard work will help solve pressing problems
Cross An evil symbol. The cross means the death of a loved one in the coming year The sign of the cross seen in the shadow gives a negative answer to the question asked. This is a sign of future failures and illnesses; the fortuneteller should be patient and prepare for the worst outcome in all matters
Shell or cave One of the most undesirable signs. If a shell (cave) is cast, you need to firmly face failures. The coming year promises to be difficult and sad. This symbol brings troubles, insults and separations, but those who endure all the tests will definitely be rewarded The cave (shell) reflected on the wall symbolizes the collapse of hopes. The wish will not come true, so you should not put effort into making it come true. Anyone who sees this sign should cool down their ardor and take a passive position in all matters. Any initiative will only lead to negative consequences, so no need to tempt fate. The fortuneteller needs to spend the near future rethinking life values, and not direct energy to obtaining material benefits
Horseshoe or semicircle This symbol of good luck in a wax image promises complete luck in all matters and endeavors. There is no need to put plans aside, because the most successful period for achievements has come. Fate puts real magic into the hands of the fortuneteller. Whatever a person undertakes in the coming year will work out in the best way, so you need to use this chance. It is advisable to keep the cast horseshoe and carry it with you as a talisman. To prevent it from breaking, you need to wrap it in thick foil in several layers and not part with it for the next year, and then hang it over front door horns up. This position means a full cup, so the fortuneteller’s house will be filled with happiness and prosperity An arc resembling a horseshoe symbolizes the fulfillment of all desires. This sign portends good luck and wealth, and also brings happiness and love to a person’s destiny. Away with doubts and indecision, the fortuneteller needs to immediately begin implementing all the planned tasks, because the dreamed horseshoe indicates their positive outcome
Candle A figure resembling a candle indicates a person’s dreaminess. This symbol does not promise drastic changes in life, but those who receive such a sign should think about their idle lifestyle, become more serious and reasonable The dream will not come true. The candle in this case means an unfavorable outcome in business caused by an accident. Unexpected troubles will occur in the life of a fortuneteller, so it is worth seriously preparing for them so that a sudden blow of fate does not knock a person out of the usual rhythm of life
Egg Such a figure symbolizes beneficial beginnings and the birth of something new in life. This sign indicates a successful combination of circumstances. Married women such a symbol predicts an early pregnancy. If the birth of a child is not planned, then you should be very careful about the process of contraception. The reflection of an egg in the shadows on the wall gives a positive answer to the fortuneteller’s question. The sign symbolizes the emergence of new ideas and a favorable outcome in their implementation. Therefore, you should not be afraid of failures, everything will work out in the best way.