We are looking for: Help of the Mother of God. How the Mother of God helps our contemporaries

This article is dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos - the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. Here you will find icons and prayers with Her image, and also learn about miracles! The Most Holy Theotokos - Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ. Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, amazing miracles are performed, people receive comfort in their sorrows, and sincere faith helps them overcome life’s difficulties. About the great glory of the Most Holy Theotokos, about the Intercessor of all people - in this article.

In Your Assumption you did not leave peace...

From the troparion

Truly so! So many miracles were created by the Mother of God! How many miraculous icons She glorified in our land! And it is not in vain that we see Her icon in every Orthodox home. And bishops wear a panagia on their chests (which in Greek means “Most Holy”), and this testifies to the Orthodoxy of our faith. And in general, in all services we certainly remember the Mother of God in the Mother of God. And how many Her holidays are there in a year! How many icons are there in churches! We know all this well.

But most of all, we believe Her own words, which She herself spoke about Herself to the righteous Elizabeth: Behold... they will please Me in my birth(Luke 1:48).

And it came true and is coming true.

And we will glorify the Most Pure Mother of God. Her greatest glory is that She was honored to be the Mother of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ! And for this alone she became “the most honest cherub and the most glorious seraphim without comparison.”

But we will cite here at least a few of Her miracles in our Russian country, where we so diligently honor our Intercessor. Let us first of all remember the miracles from Her glorified icons, which we know for sure.

Holy Mother of God. Iconography

Patriarch Nikon ordered a copy to be made for Moscow. Now it is in the Resurrection Church in Sokolniki. Another copy was made for the same Patriarch Nikon, for the Valdai Monastery. The memory is honored three times a year: on Athos and here - on Tuesday of Easter week; October 13 - in Moscow; February 12 - in Valdai.

In 1383, she appeared within Novgorod, in the city of Tikhvin. Here a church was built for her in the name of the Dormition of the Mother of God. During the German invasion (1941 - 1945) it was taken out and was located in Riga. Now she has been returned.

Here are the most important icons revered in Russia. And, without any doubt, miracles were created everywhere from them. I will write about some here, although they are less known.

Holy Mother of God. Miraculous icons

Up to 400 miraculous icons of the Mother of God are also known in Russia. In conclusion, let's remember the local icon . It was “brought by the Don Cossacks, who came to the aid of Grand Duke Dimitri Ivanovich Donskoy, and mounted on a pole like a banner” when the prince fought against the Tatar Khan Mamai (1380). After the defeat of the Tatars, she was taken to Moscow. Then in 1591 the Crimean Tatars attacked Moscow and were driven away. At the place where the Russians met the Crimeans, the Donskoy Monastery was created, where the image of the Don Mother of God was placed. She's a copy Smolensk icon"Hodegetria". Its copies are still revered to this day. Holiday August 19th.

And how many thousands of miraculous intercessions are known to Her? Orthodox people by ourselves and from others! And how many, truly a sea, of unknown miracles to us!

How many of Her deeds are there that only She, the Zeal Intercessor, the All-Singing Mother, knows about!

Let us tell you a few cases from modern life, known to us personally or borrowed from unknown books and manuscripts, or told to us by others.

In the life of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, which I read among the manuscripts of the Optina Hermitage, the following supernatural event is described.

Saint Tikhon, then living in the Zadonsk Monastery, was attacked by the temptation of melancholy: this happens, by God’s permission, with saints. And he had a spiritual friend in the city of Yelets (this is about thirty miles from the monastery). The saint wrote him a letter, asking him to come and visit him in his sorrow. It was Great Lent, shortly before the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. My friend’s name was Kuzma, but I don’t remember his last name now: I think it was Chebotarev. In Yelets, he served as a clerk (this was a judicial rank in the old days). In addition, he was the head of the temple, and the “Entrance”, Passion and Easter were approaching: busy times.

Having received the letter, Kuzma, a faithful admirer of Saint Tikhon, without thinking for long, decided to hit the road. But at this time there was ice in the suburban river (I think the Khoper), which flows into the Don. However, this did not frighten Kuzma: he went from ice floe to ice floe, with faith in the saint. And he arrived at the monastery.

Saint Tikhon, seeing him, thought: is this a ghost? - to arrive in such a muddy place! But he said: “May God rise again,” and they calmed down. The conversation began. At this time, a fisherman came to them and offered, through the cell attendant, to buy ide from him. The saint first thought: now Lent; fish, except for the Annunciation and the Entry into Jerusalem, is not allowed by the charter; and then he said: “We will have an entrance, but Kuzma will no longer be there!”

And he ordered the cell attendant to buy fish and cook the fish soup, and serve the fish separately. He did just that. We started having lunch. Kuzma suddenly began to cry bitterly. Tikhon Zadonsky asks him about this. And then he himself took a spoon and drank a few spoons of fish soup: “You see, I’m eating it too.” But he continues to cry. The saint asks him: what's the matter? Then Kuzma said the following.

When I (writing on his behalf) was still a boy, the monastery had an archimandrite as abbot (I don’t remember his name now). He there was a good monk; I constantly read the akathist to the Mother of God. But he suffered from a terrible vice - binge drinking. When this passed, he again repented and prayed to the Mother of God. During one of these attacks, the abbot died. The brethren then did not dare to bury him according to the statutory rite, as if he had died in sin, and they sent to Voronezh to the bishop to ask how to bury him. But the bishop at that time left for the city of Ostrogozhsk. The monks went there. The bishop allowed it. Let's go back; We returned on the third day. They began to prepare the deceased for the funeral service. And suddenly he came to life. "I, seems to be dead? - the abbot asks those around him. “It’s already three days,” they answer him. Then he said the following. “When I died, there was a trial against me. And I was sentenced to punishment. And when I was released somewhere, I heard a voice: “For the prayers of My Mother, she returns to life for repentance.”

Saint Tikhon commanded him not to tell this to anyone else. And the archimandrite lived for another forty days, repented, prayed, and exactly forty days later he died completely.

From the now deceased Archbishop F. I heard a story about the following event. In the city of Yalta (in Crimea) there lived a widow; she had one son, still a little boy, his mother’s only consolation. Suddenly he falls ill; doctors are powerless. And the mother, in grief, rushes to the icon of the Mother of God with an ardent plea to leave her son alive. After this, in a subtle sleep, the Intercessor appears to her and asks: “Do you guarantee that you will raise him as he still is?” - “I guarantee, I guarantee!”

The child survived.

It's time for teaching. The boy at school began to play pranks and become more and more deteriorating. No amount of requests or persuasion from the mother helped. And one day, seeing her helplessness, she turned to the Mother of God with these words:

Forgive me, Lady: I ​​cannot cope with my son and fulfill my promise to You. And if he doesn’t improve, then take him.

Soon after this, the boy went for a ride, and at a turn the horse turned sharply, fell and was killed. He was brought to his mother already deceased.

And this time she did not ask for anything - and there was nothing to ask for - she did not murmur or cry inconsolably, for she believed the Mother of God that this was better.

From the book “The Pilgrim’s Tales” I had to read about the effect of the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary.”

One young man’s mother taught him to read this prayer on every occasion. When he grew up, he wondered: is there any benefit to him from this?

And in a dream his spiritual leader appears to him and explains to him:

Do you remember how the horses went crazy at the market?
And you would have been killed. Are you still alive? - And he brought him several similar cases of possible death, from which he was saved by the Mother of God for reading “Theotokos.” And the young man calmed down and began to fulfill the covenant given to him as before.

But I know of a number of cases when the Mother of God saves even without prayer, by Her mercy, at least for faith alone... And, moreover, in a completely unexpected way!

Personally, I witnessed a miracle from the icon of the Mother of God. When I was still a hieromonk, I was invited to a poor house to serve a prayer service before the icon of the Mother of God, from which a light liquid - oil - was constantly flowing from behind.

Indeed, I saw an icon, about 8 x 6 inches in size, under which cotton wool was constantly placed, into which the liquid from the back of the icon was absorbed: it was oily. Cotton wool was distributed to believers ordinary people, without any disclosure. I served a prayer service. And I don’t know what happened after.

I also saw an updated icon; it was small in size, 5x4 inches. All at once, from the top corner of the right side to the left, it was completely light; the other half is dark.

I consider the redemption of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God in Paris to be a miracle. A Jewish reseller took this icon from Russia. It was an exact copy of the Moscow Iverskaya: the same huge size - about two arshins in height and five quarters wide, the same script and not dark, but, according to an expert, written in the middle of the 18th century.

The owner asked 12 thousand francs for it (this was in 1931 - 1932, when francs were still valuable). He didn’t even turn to our Patriarchal Church: it was poor, located in the basement; there were about 100 people; employees received no income; near the door there was a box where volunteers put leftover bread; small coins were put into the mug; the people were all workers; the food was so meager that potatoes in soup seemed like a luxury to us; Often poor people spent the night with us. We huddled at the top, under the roof.

Therefore, the owner turned to the richest church on Rue Daru. But there he was refused. One naval officer, out of jealousy for the icon, became a mediator for the Jew. After the first church he went to the second, h. monarchical”, on Rue-Odessa, but they refused there too.

Then he came to our Patriarchal Church. But we barely had food. It was impossible to even think about ransom! Looking for an outcome, I remembered an Orthodox Greek woman who was married to a rich Englishman. Maybe they can help? Let's go there. They fed us a good lunch, but they refused to help.

The mediator, a man of great will and faith, unexpectedly asked (probably on the way back from the Greek woman):

Wouldn't they buy your church?

We couldn't even dream about this!..

In the evening I stand in the basement church at a service... And the question in my mind is: “Will someone buy your church?” ...And a fierce struggle began in my soul. - But you’re a believer, aren’t you? - A believer, but...

So make up your mind!
- Hm... hm!..

Just make up your mind! And besides, the Mother of God Herself
will help.

But where will the money come from? 12 thousand!

Just make up your mind!.. Just make up your mind!

And again the questions: am I a believer?

Oh, how difficult it was! I suffered like this for half an hour...

And I decided: I believe! let's buy!

Vespers is over. I immediately went to a Christian woman, and, to my surprise, she gave 2 thousand francs! God! Went to another place - a thousand francs! Then he turned to the parishioners with a request for a monthly subscription - they agreed: some 20, some 10 francs...

We talked with the owner: he is now asking for 6 thousand francs and 6 thousand - for six months in installments. With great effort they collected - to those 3 thousand, another 3 thousand; and they bought the icon... Characteristically: when we came to pick it up, it was standing upside down in a linen cloth (what does he need? He’s a Jew).

It was difficult to buy back for another six months.

And now she is at the Compound in Paris.

Then I was sent to America. There they sent me an exact copy of this Iverskaya. After 14 years, His Holiness the Patriarch summoned me to Riga. I took the icon. Seeing her off, one Orthodox American woman wept bitterly... Holy tears... In Riga, I donated the icon to the cathedral... I still have another, smaller copy. When I was traveling to Rostov, I gave this one to a convent. Before leaving, one praying mantis sold me a third. And now I have it, small in size: 7×5, - Isn’t it a miracle?!

Another living story for me.

In America, in San Francisco, a grandmother lived with her granddaughter. She told me the following incident about herself. While still a girl, she was invited by her friend to take a walk in the forest. Two young men were also invited there. But it soon became clear that they had unclean intentions. Seeing this, the narrator rushed to run wherever she could. And ahead is a deep, steep ravine. She, with the prayer “To the Virgin Mary,” without thinking, jumped and rolled. AND All ended well. But the young man jumped after her and broke his leg.

I don’t remember where, but in my memory, for more than 45 years now, I remember such an event.

At night, probably to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, the drunken monk returned. On the Obvodny Canal he missed the bridge and fell towards the water. One or two more careless turns - and he would have rolled into the water. At this time, the Mother of God appeared (I don’t know, maybe in a dream?) to someone and said: “My servant is in danger: go (there) and save him!”

And the drunkard, for some good deed of his and by the grace of the Heavenly Abbess, was saved from inevitable death and without repentance.

Holy Mother of God. Amazing story

I’ll also tell you an incident with me, a sinner.

At one time, about two years ago, it became difficult for me to work with one employee. And the question arose: should we deal with him truthfully or tolerate him out of love? - I asked for advice. The answer was this: the truth must be with love, and love must be fair.

After that, I finished my work at about three o’clock in the morning and went to bed, and kept thinking about the same thing... I still hadn’t slept at all. And suddenly - it was completely dark - I saw sitting near the table Holy Mother of God, with his head bent to the right side, silent, in such a humble pose that the answer was clear to me: humility!

I asked for advice a second time, describing what I had seen. And I received the answer: to act as the soul tells you. So I did. And soon after that, this employee was forced (by the circumstances of his life, and not by me) to resign.

Here is my meager wreath on the tomb of the Most Pure “Servant of the Lord” (Lk. , 38), “Queen of heaven and earth,” “who does not leave us in our dormition.” Amen.

MIRACLES OF THE VIRGIN. APPEARANCE OF THE MOST Pure VIRGIN IN THE TITH CHURCH IN Kyiv IN 2006. In 2006, on Easter, decades after the destruction of the third Council of the Tithes in 1928, we celebrated our first holiday Divine Liturgy in the tabernacle at the Church of the Tithes. And a few days later, on Thursday of Bright Week, the Queen of Heaven appeared in our church immediately after the all-night vigil for the feast of the icon. Life-Giving Spring. When this happened, people were still in the temple. The Most Holy Theotokos entered in a long snow-white robe, with an omophorion covering her head. It was not an ethereal image, not a vision that seemed to someone. Everyone who was in the temple saw Her. She walked like a person in the flesh, the sound of Her steps could be heard. The Most Pure One approached the analogue, on which the only painted icon of the Mother of God of the Tithes that we had at that time was installed. The rest were lithographs. In a small tabernacle, this huge image immediately stood out. She walked up to the icon, stood near it, looked, even bowed her head a little towards it, as a person who is carefully examining something usually does.

During Bright Week, the Royal Doors are open all week. And the Mother of God, walking around the lectern with the icon, entered the altar through the Royal Doors. When She raised Her most pure hands to heaven and began to pray, people fell to the floor in a frenzy and their body and mind passed out (St. Paisius the Svyatogorets said that when the grace of God comes to a person, he is “crushed” or literally “paralyzed” and his bones made as soft as wax). What can we say about the immeasurable grace of the prayer of the Queen of Heaven Herself? Who could stand it, standing a few meters from the place where it ascended? As my spiritual children and parishioners who were at that moment in the temple - and people of different classes - told me later, of different ages, different social levels - they all experienced the same state of being lost (falling out) from reality. Although they looked at Her from different sides: some stood on the right, and others on the left. At this time, I was talking with the clergy and my friends outside after the service. We went out and stood literally ten meters from the temple on the path near the bench. Then I saw out of the corner of my eye that people were lying on the floor, clutching their heads, and I thought, God forbid, something happened. We are in a very special place and at the same time difficult. Entering the temple, we saw that people were rising from the floor, all in tears. The priests came in - and we, too, all stood and cried.

The presence of the Queen of Heaven was felt, Her great ineffable grace, which is difficult for a sinful person to withstand. Even if you tell someone that the Kingdom of Heaven was here yesterday, the person still will not cry. And if he feels it in his heart, then even if he remains silent or says two words, the tears themselves will flow in a stream. This is what happened to us. This greatest, fear-inspiring and awe-inspiring event, the likes of which the history of the Church has not seen for a long time, showed firsthand how important and dear to our Lady the canonical Orthodox Divine service and the offering of a bloodless sacrifice at the place chosen by Her throughout the centuries. After a while, an insight struck me that explained why everything happened right now. The appearance of the Mother of God also marked the most important date in the history of Russian Orthodoxy, 2006 marked exactly 1010 years of the Tithe (10-tin) Church. The temple was built by Byzantine architects in 996. The date of the symbol, the date of exclamation and appeal to our memory was marked by the visit of the Mother of God to Her first stone cathedral. At that very moment, it became clear with utmost clarity that She Herself had brought us back here and blessed us to bring praise and glory to Her Son and our God.

Ten years of the Tithes After this very blessed visit to the Most Pure One, the Tithes icon began to work miracles. All those present saw the Mother of God enter, but no one saw her leave. And we think that She stayed with us. We feel and see this - the brethren and our parishioners - by the many mercies and miracles that are performed among us. In 2016, on Easter, there was an anniversary of this event - ten years since services were resumed at this holy place and ten years since the appearance of the Mother of God. It was providentially right here: Tithe - the first Cathedral of the Most Pure Mother of God in Rus' - the mother of all Russian churches. From here Christianity began to establish itself in our land. This place is holy for all Russian people. All our founders, high priests and fathers served and prayed here, starting from Grand Duke Vladimir, who built the Church of the Tithes in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Byzantine, first metropolitan Kievsky Mikhail; St. Peter Mogila, who considered it an honor to serve here, was the rector of the Tithe Church and initiated its revival after destruction during the Mongol-Tatar invasion. All Russian emperors visited here and tied their royal ribbons around the throne. Many volumes and doctoral dissertations have been written about the spiritual and historical significance of the Tithe Church. Where in the first centuries of Christianity were they ordained to the priesthood and tonsured into monasticism? Where were the bishops? Where else was there such a service under the Byzantine charter? Where did the Greeks serve? Everyone is here, we know it. It is only thanks to the prayers and intercession of the Queen of Heaven that a beautiful temple has now been erected here. She herself keeps us here and takes care of us.

Return to life The most striking of the miracles that happened soon was the return to life of one servant of God. This was immediately a month after the appearance of the Mother of God. A high-ranking official came to me to negotiate the burial of his mother. A grown man, a little older than me. His mother, whose name was Maria, was in the intensive care unit of an elite hospital and no longer showed any signs of life - breathing was forcibly supported by machines. The question was when to turn them off: the doctors unanimously said that it was impossible to return the woman and gave the family time to agree on a place in the cemetery. One of Maria’s two sons, my friend, we are still friends, was very grieved, cried, reproached himself that his mother died, and he did not have time to say goodbye. He so wanted to do and tell her something else, to repay his filial debt. We only had two candlesticks then. And without wanting it, I don’t know how it happened, I told him: “Take it, put two full candlesticks of candles and pray from the bottom of your heart in your own words - and mom will still live.” He stared at me: “How? She’s practically dead already.” And as if listening to my words from the outside, I repeated again: “He will live yet.” He, oddly enough, believed me and asked: “How much?” "How much do you want?" He blurted out: “Six months is enough for me to say goodbye.” “That means mom will live for another six months.” He went, put two full candlesticks of candles, we prayed and... mom came to life. All our clergy and parishioners know about this. Servant of God Mary, who was then over seventy, returned to life from the “point of no return.” The head doctor and the entire medical staff of the hospital were in shock; it was a colossal shock for everyone. The man actually died, they were preparing to pronounce death. And suddenly she stood up, frightening the nurse. Then I gave Maria unction and we talked. She herself is a teacher, she was the head teacher at a school in Bila Tserkva near Kyiv. Then I came to visit them, the lively one prepared a three-course dinner and fed us. And six months later we buried her. She confessed, took communion, and got ready. Every Sunday her children come to the temple and bring a large bouquet of roses in memory of their mother. This is truly a stunning miracle, but there were many others. We wrote down a whole thick book of them. But there were so many of them that we later stopped recording them.

Come and see For example, an everyday miracle. One pious family, into which a child was born, wanted to change their apartment. Children were afraid to let their parents go far because they were sick and needed care. But it became difficult for them to live together. It’s difficult to change, it’s expensive to pay extra, and there are no opportunities. They came to the temple and explained their grief. We served a prayer service. “Go in peace,” I tell them, “The Mother of God will help.” They went home hopeful, and the next day they received a call: an ideal option had been found in their own house, and they exchanged one of their apartments for two. The parents stayed with the children in the same house. Isn't this a miracle? To a non-believer, this story may seem like a coincidence. But this is impossible. The odds are one in four million. Another story. little child He couldn’t hold his head, he had a terrible disease - his muscles atrophied. Young parents came with this child, we prayed at the miraculous icon. And immediately after the prayer service, the child’s head stopped shaking, his muscles became stronger - the baby was healed. We also healed a man who had suffered from purulent thrombophlebitis for fifteen years. This is a terrible thing: the man could not walk, his legs were rotting alive. He couldn’t get up, all the blood clots were clogged, his legs were black. When we were serving a prayer service, a fog as white as milk suddenly appeared from nowhere and floated through the temple. I looked at it again, but didn’t pay much attention to it. And then, after the prayer service, before our eyes, this seriously ill man got out of the stroller and walked away on his own feet. He is a newcomer, sometimes even now he comes to our services, the brethren see him. After the healing, he then came and thanked the Most Holy Theotokos and us. A man spent fifteen years of his life in a wheelchair. And in fifteen minutes all the wounds on his legs healed.

Another miracle. This incident happened five years ago. A family came to us: a husband, a high-ranking official in Kyiv, and his seriously ill wife. They are rich people, their children are already adults. The man knew that we had miraculous icon and asks: “Father, pray, my wife has the fourth stage of cancer. We were in Germany, spent a lot of money there. The doctors did everything they could, and then they told us to go home. They say, let your wife stay at home with her grandchildren for as long as she can.” left - two, three weeks or a month." My wife was on tranquilizers and strong painkillers. We served a prayer service in front of the Tithe Icon. I tell them: “Ask the Mother of God, She can do anything. Fast, come to confession and communion.” They did it all. Both confessed, repented, and received Holy Communion. The woman was healed completely - and immediately. They then went to Germany to see the same doctors. When the doctors saw her, they were in great shock. The healed woman underwent a complete examination - nothing was found! No signs of illness. The doctors began to ask: “What did you take? Sorry, we thought you were already buried.” They replied: “We prayed in church.” When they heard this, they smiled with understanding, apparently they were already familiar with such exceptions to the rules. They said: “Well, then you don’t have to come to us anymore.” And this couple also often comes with gratitude and prays, and we have been friends ever since. They help us when needed. All our brethren know this man, I cannot say his name, because it is known in the city.

Another miracle of healing that happened a month and a half ago. The small child suffered from urolithiasis and was awaiting a complex operation. It’s hard to imagine, but he was found to have stones that could not be broken through by an ultrasonic crusher. On the eve of the operation he was brought to us. We served a prayer service, prayed, asked the Mother of God for help, and anointed our tummy with myrrh. After this, the child was taken to the hospital. Before the operation, a control ultrasound is required. They did an examination: and there was nothing from the previous stones, clean kidneys, not even sand. This is only a small fraction of the miracles that happen to us through the prayers of the Mother of God. There are no gates in our monastery, since we are located in an archaeological zone, next to the foundation of the ancient Cathedral of the Most Pure One, built by Grand Duke Vladimir. But our goalkeeper is the Queen of Heaven Herself, and the novices are angels of God who help us a lot. Otherwise, it is impossible to stand here for 24 hours (in ancient pre-Christian times there was a pagan temple on this site. According to the words of the Apostle: “Where sin abounded, grace abounded there (Rom. 5:20)." Pagan Satanists tried to burn our monastery and poured gasoline on the miraculous icon The Queen of Heaven threw a Molotov cocktail at the holy image. The fire in the temple was so bad that everything around was charred, the plastic air conditioners melted and hung from the wall like a wet rag. And the icons, like the relics, remained unharmed, only the reliquary was slightly damaged at the edges. This is a great and terrible miracle. It once again shows that the Tithe Church is a symbolic place of absolute great grace. I do not convince anyone.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

On July 21, the Orthodox world celebrates the 435th anniversary of the discovery of one of the most revered shrines - the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In 1904, criminals stole this miraculous image from the Bogoroditsky Monastery. He has not been found yet. In 2005, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II gave Kazan one of the most famous copies of the icon, kept in the Vatican.

Answering questions from journalists about the miraculous power of the list of the Kazan Icon, Alexy II said that after some time he would definitely make himself known...

On the eve of the 435th anniversary of the discovery of the shrine, the AiF-Kazan correspondent went to the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross of the Bogoroditsky Monastery.

It turned out that the deacon of the cathedral knows most about the affairs of the Kazan IconFather Kharlampy. It is he who is responsible for all mail arriving at the monastery.

The Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated twice a year - on July 21, in memory of the appearance of the icon in Kazan, and on November 4, in gratitude for the deliverance of Moscow and all of Russia from the Polish intervention in 1612. The first description of the miracles revealed by the Kazan Icon was the healing of two blind men , who participated in the procession of transferring the found face to the temple, were made by Patriarch Hermogenes in 1594, 15 years after the discovery of the shrine. And by 1903, documented evidence of salvations and healings that occurred through prayer to the glorified image already occupied more than one hundred pages.

Last year, an announcement appeared in the church asking those who had received “special grace-filled help from the Kazan Miracle-Working Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary” to respond. But the monastery had received letters of gratitude before.

“The icon is behind armored glass, so it is impossible to hang crosses and other gifts on it, as is customary among Christians,” says Father Harlampiy. - However, the image constantly receives gifts. Parishioners bring gold and silver crosses and chains to the church shop, sometimes putting them in the donation box. I find notes and letters there glorifying the Mother of God. People put photos of children she helped in their letters.”

Father Kharlampy says that you can ask the Mother of God for intercession even without knowing the prayers. It is enough to say: “Most Holy Theotokos, save us!” or pray in your own words. The main thing is that it is not just a reading of words, but a sincere prayer.

Judging by the letters, the most people turn to the miraculous different people, with different aspirations - from the most serious to the most banal problems. At the monastery, the AiF-Kazan correspondent was provided with four letters about the miracles of the Kazan icon. In fact, there are tens of times more such letters.

Holy Cross Cathedral of the Mother of God Monastery Photo: www.kazan-mitropolia.ru

Got me out of debt

The most recent evidence is a letter that arrived at the monastery this year, immediately after Antipascha.

Place where the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was found Photo: sobory.ru

“For more than a year, a financial problem hung over me like the sword of Damocles. At work, I was owed a large amount of money, which I, in turn, owed to my friend - 282 thousand rubles. My soul was sick, nothing made me happy. It seemed like this problem would never be resolved. I begged for help. I stood around the service, listened to the guide, and didn’t even notice how time flew by. I left with joy, with a calm soul. And on April 29, they told me that a decision had been made to return the entire debt to me, and I was able to pay off my friend. I immediately went to the monastery and thanked the icon. My soul sang. I know: my problem is just a nuisance compared to the troubles of other people. After all, all my loved ones are alive and well. I am grateful to the chance that brought me to the holy icon. I’m sure everything worked out well for a reason. My prayers were heard through the holy icon and thanks to faith.”

Gave it to the winner

“In 2011, I came to Krasnodar from Kazan, where I went to services at the Bogoroditsky Monastery. I was 34 years old when I first became pregnant, but my husband and I didn’t have long to rejoice. In the second month, the ultrasound doctor said: “Your fetus is frozen, there is no heartbeat. Urgent cleaning is needed, otherwise it will be fatal.” Swallowing back tears, I went to the hospital. There, the obstetrician-gynecologist sadly shook her head and confirmed the terrible diagnosis. I was given full anesthesia, and the doctors got to work. I woke up already in the ward. A little long-awaited man lived inside me for 6 whole weeks, and he was gone! The painful thoughts were interrupted by a telephone call. “Do you know what day it is today? “The day of the appearance of the Miracle Worker,” my husband consoled me. - I was in the temple for a festive service. And at home I will read the akathist and pray for you. The Mother of God will definitely help us.” Before discharge, I was sent for an ultrasound. The doctor looked at the screen for a long time. “Why does the card say that you are after cleaning? - he finally said. “Your child is alive, nothing happened to him.” A minute later the ultrasound room was filled with doctors. “In 30 years of work, I have never seen anything like this,” said the manager. - It looks like your child hid in a muscle while cleaning. It feels like someone hid it.” It was clear to us WHO first gave life to our child and then hid him. During pregnancy, doctors told me that I might be born a freak, disabled, and offered to get rid of the child. But my husband and I decided to pray and believe in a miracle. Kazan relatives more than once ordered a magpie for me in the church and even sent me a consecrated icon. Nine months later, a daughter was born. Of all the children in the maternity hospital, she had the highest health score on the Apgar scale (every newborn is given this rating in the first minutes of life based on 5 indicators). We named our daughter Daria. This name means "Gift of God" and "Victorious". She, through the power of God, won the battle for life.”

Photo: AiF-Kazan / Photo by Maria Zvereva

Overcame distances

“Just a year and a half before these events, I stood at the site where the icon was found. The windows of my ex looked at me in silence like empty eye sockets. convent. I often came here and prayed about everything and, of course, about the structure of my personal life. By the age of 33, I had everything I aspired to. Rare education, creative promising work. Only family was missing. A friend advised me to pray to the great shrine of our city. And the miracle was not long in coming. Soon we met my future husband, got married, and left for his city. At the wedding, the priest blessed us with an icon. Now it stands in our prayer corner. The miraculous protection did not leave me even at a distance of 2 thousand km.”

Defended in battle

“At the beginning of 2007, my son received a summons from the military registration and enlistment office. I, like any mother, was very worried about him, I was afraid that he would end up in a disadvantaged unit. I really wanted him to join the Navy, like his father. Yes, and I, having left for my husband in Severomorsk, worked in the naval unit. Because of this, I believed that there was better discipline and more order. After receiving the summons, I went to the monastery and prayed to the Mother of God for a son. And the miracle happened. My son ended up in the Northern Fleet, although his health is poor. Surprisingly, nothing is indicated in the “health” column on my son’s military ID... But the miracles didn’t end there. After studying, my son was sent to serve in the Black Sea Fleet. He participated in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict as a peacekeeper, took part in a naval battle in 2008, and received gratitude for this from the President of Russia. He returned home safe and sound."

Date of publication or update 11/01/2017

  • Miraculous icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary - table of contents.
  • Fast and high-quality replacement of risers in apartments in Samara.
  • “Deliverer from troubles” miraculous icon of the Mother of God

    "They preach Your help

    and Your Love, Mother"

    I recently learned about this case from my close friends. This happened in 1985. As often happens, the wife was a believer, went to church, and prayed at home. And the husband was an unbeliever.

    And when his wife picked up the Gospel to read the obligatory chapter before going to bed, he usually reproached her. One day he destroyed all Orthodox books. And a month later, a misfortune happened to him - he was paralyzed (the entire right side was affected). The doctors could not help, time passed, and there was no improvement. Finally, his wife persuaded him to call the priest into the house and receive communion. After this, the husband said: “Now I can’t atone for my sins...” The wife replied: “Let’s pray together!”

    The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the only holiday in honor of the blessed and pious Virgin Mary. It is on this day that prayers addressed to Her gain strength. Mother of God During her life, she acquired the gift of intercession before the Lord, praying and asking for all who needed Her intercession.

    Every year, on August 28, all Christians celebrate a majestic holiday - the day of veneration of the Ever-Virgin. Any believer knows that God tirelessly fights against the forces of evil, giving people the help of Saints, each of whom has his own role.

    The clergy say that on this day you can ask the Mother of God for anything your soul desires. Just put your sincerity and virtue into your prayers. However, the intercession of the Mother of God is a holy reward. The Mother of God helps only those who are faithful to Her Son and are not stingy with words of gratitude. Thank the Lord for the prescribed opportunities, luck and success in worldly affairs, and everything will be rewarded to you threefold.

    What to ask the Most Holy Theotokos on the day of Her Assumption

    With ecstasy in your heart and sincerity in your words, you can rely on the help of the Heavenly Lady, praying to Her for protection, health, calm, measured and happy life. It will not be superfluous if, before prayer, you tell the Mother of God about all your anxieties, hesitations and trials. Open your soul to the Pious Virgin and She will not turn away from you and your request, listening to every word with the deepest sensitivity and love.

    People's memory knows of cases of miracles occurring to people praying near the icons of the Mother of God on the day of Her Dormition. The Mother of God also helps with advice, coming in dreams or sending angels to help. After all, on her deathbed, Ever-Virgin vowed to remain the helper and comforter of every Christian.

    Prayers for help and protection

    Already during her lifetime, the Mother of God was awarded the blessing of God and trusted in Him for everyone in need of Her compassion and protection. The Virgin Mary was granted an extraordinary approach to the Kingdom of Heaven after Her Ascension. She left the world not only in the name of a blissful meeting with the Son, but also in order to protect sinful souls with prayers before Him. Presenting herself to the apostles on the third day after death, the Mother of God said: “Rejoice, for I am with you all day and night!”.

    The Ever-Virgin lived on earth and she knows about all the litigations, trials and tribulations of the world. During her life, She endured a lot of torment and suffering. That is why people turn to Her, seeing in her an example of true faith and disobedience to evil.

    Every sinful act on earth causes Her pain, just as our sorrows find compassion in Her heart. The First Mother will not leave without supervision and her help more than one person who lives with love in her heart for the Lord. One should address the Mother of God majestically.

    Prayer to the Mother of God for protection:

    “Soften our hearts, Holy Mother of God. Let all our misfortunes burn in the fire, and let the tightness in our souls leave our hearts. We look at Your face, share Your suffering and trust in Your mercy. We will be horrified by Your fate, but we will rejoice in Your strength and strength of spirit. Forgive our cruelty; only You have the power to pacify it. O Great Lady, lift up our prayers to the Lord and pray for us before Him for our sinful deeds. Deliver us from sudden death and all evil. Illuminate our minds and guide us to salvation. We trust in hope in the name of the Kingdom of Heaven in the hands of the Lord, Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit. Amen."

    Prayer to the Mother of God for help:

    “We sing to Thy mercy, O Holy Mother God's! Do not turn away from our prayers, but deliver us from troubles and misfortunes. The only Reading and Blessed Mother of God Save us! You, long-suffering Mother of God, exceeding in faith and suffering all those living on earth. Hear and do not leave us in difficult moments, keep us under the cover of Your mercy and compassion. Only next to You do we find refuge and warm intercession in the darkness of hell. Only You have permission to turn to Your Son and beg Him for our salvation and transition to the Kingdom of Heaven, where we will sing and glorify Your Son, His Father and You, the Lady of the world forever and ever. Amen."

    There are countless prayers to the Mother of God, but only on the day of her Assumption two of them predominate. Begin the memorial service to the Most Pure Virgin with these prayer words, not forgetting gratitude. Our Lady will be imbued with love, sensitivity and affection towards you, answering all your requests. We wish you peace in your soul and strong faith. Take care of yourself, be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and
