What does the name Tatyana mean in Greek? Tatyana in love and marriage: compatibility with male names

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka. There is so much unusual, interesting, mysterious content in this name. Therefore, we propose to understand in detail the meaning of the name, behavior and character of the fair sex.

The meaning of the name Tatyana, the character of the girl

Recently, fewer and fewer girls have been born and are called Tatyana. And this is bad, because before the name was sung by great writers. For example, A.S. Pushkin praised Tatyana Larina.

Tatyana - the meaning of the name

What does a girl's name mean?

Little Tanyas try to direct the attention of others to themselves, resorting to various techniques. Remembering the lines of A. Barto’s famous poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly,” it becomes clear that a loud roar helps to achieve the goal.

Practicality, integrity and having one’s own opinion are the main characteristics of little Tatiana. Leadership qualities are visible in childhood proven by words and deeds.

As a child they are inquisitive and active. They will not have to be forced to attend sports and art clubs.

The girls do well academically. Educational material They learn quickly and easily, but interest in the new business quickly disappears. They don't finish things they start. My childhood dream was to learn acting.

Character of a woman

As they mature, they become active, confident and determined women. Swiftness in action leads to trouble, but faith in a happy destiny does not allow you to despair.

Gray everyday life has a detrimental effect on the psycho-emotional state. Every day they try to diversify their lives by traveling, acting as an organizer of events, visiting exhibitions, cinemas and theaters.

For women named Tatyana, it is important not only to flirt, but also to win the heart of the opposite sex. They give warmth, care, tenderness and love endlessly.

All is well in the professional element. In a team there is a leader who is able to organize work correctly. Suitable professions- teacher, actress, singer, administrator, TV presenter, journalist.

Name days according to the church calendar

Women named Tatyana are honored 11 times a year. One of the listed dates falls on the day of the Angel. In autumn: September 14 and 23, October 3, 11 and 21. In winter - December 3 and 23, January 18 and 25. In summer - July 17.

Tanya - compatibility with male names

Strong feelings with Boris, Gleb, Dmitry, Egor, Makar, Nikolai, Trofim. A good marriage with Arkady, Boris, Vadim, Gennady, Vsevolod, Gleb, Egor, Dmitry, Makar, Miron, Nikolai, Eduard, Eric. Unsuccessful alliance with Albert, Arthur, Georgy, Oleg, Savely, Stanislav, Yaroslav.

The patroness of all students is Tatyana. This article will allow you to get to know this owner of a strong character better.

Origin of the name Tatyana

It came from Ancient Greece, and translated means “founder”, “mistress”, “establisher”. According to another version, it came from the name of the Sabine king “Tatius”. In the 18th century it was more common among peasants. In the nobility, the name was “resurrected” thanks to Tatyana Larina from “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin. And in the 70s of the 20th century, 12% of newborn girls were called this way.

The meaning of the name Tatyana. Childhood years

Little Tanya's behavior largely depends on her mood. She is very emotional, but will never allow herself to be offended. From an early age, Tatyana was practical; every step she took was carefully thought out. In the company of friends, she wants to be a leader and constantly strives for this. She tries to make her life more eventful and not boring, so during her school years she attends various sections. Most often she prefers dancing. Parents need to teach her discipline very early, since the girl is very active and fickle.

Characteristics of the name Tatyana

There is no sentimentality in Tatyana's character.

She knows exactly what she wants from life and confidently moves towards her goal. She is bossy and stubborn and never admits defeat. The meaning of the name Tatyana also reveals her as a despotic nature. She can easily offend a person even with a small phrase, and she does it unnoticed by herself. However, a highly developed sense of humor helps to avoid many conflicts. Tatyana never regrets the misdeeds she has committed and does not try to correct the situation. Among friends and relatives she behaves relaxed and freely, prefers male company, in which she becomes more feminine and soft. Tatyana has a highly developed intuition, she often listens to it. If desired, she can persuade and impose a personal opinion on any person.

The meaning of the name Tatyana. Marriage and family

Tatyana loves to be surrounded by men, so she can change partners quite often. In this way she asserts herself. He chooses his wife strong man, but constantly tries to subdue him. However, if this happens, she will completely lose interest in him. In her family one can observe a constant war of characters. Tatyana loves her children very much, but for them she is a strict mother. She good housewife, loves cooking and canning. Material stability is important to her; “paradise in a hut” is unacceptable for Tatyana. She is jealous, but skillfully hides it. With age, it becomes calmer and more tolerant, which only strengthens the family.

The meaning of the name Tatyana. Job

Thanks to her strong character and determination, she can do good career. However, in her role as a boss, Tatyana will overly control her subordinates, so working under her can be difficult. It is worth noting that she has many talents and often finds her calling on stage. Tatyana can make a good artist.

The story about such an extraordinary girl as Tatyana should begin... with Natasha Rostova. Few people know that this heroine has her own real prototype. The great Tolstoy relied heavily on the character of the writer Tatyana Kuzminskaya when creating his immortal creation, which became a classic not only of Russian but also of world literature.
Why did the popular writer like her so much? Everything becomes clearer if you get a little acquainted with the meaning and secret origin of the name Tatyana. And it is useful for future parents to know how the meaning of the name Tanya influences the character and fate of the girl. It is no secret that the most important word in a person’s life largely determines one’s personality traits. We'll talk about this in more detail below.

Initially, the origin of the name Tatyana is associated with the male form of Tatiya. But as often happens, the female version of the name took on a life of its own. Today we can say for sure that when translated into Russian the word means “organizer”, “founder” and even “mistress”. It is no coincidence that the main university of the country - that same Moscow State University - is named in honor of Lomonosov, but it was opened (established) precisely on Tatiana's day in honor of the holy martyr Tatiana of Rome.

In the varieties of the name, you can pay attention to the sweetest, most affectionate forms: Tanechka, Tanya, Tanyusha, Tatyanka, Tanyushka. In common parlance they also like to call her Tanyukha, Tata Tasha and even Tusya. But ultimately, only she herself can choose how to properly call the bearer of the name.

Signs, talismans, patrons

When choosing a name for a girl or simply studying the nature of the girl Tatiana, it is useful to pay attention to the meaning and also to those signs and heavenly patrons that have a beneficial effect on her life. It is no secret that any word, as a certain set of frequencies and sounds, has its own connection with certain talismans. And to penetrate deeper into these secrets, you just need to know about some of the signs that patronize Tanya:

  1. Among the zodiac signs, the most influential is the mysterious, serious and very organized Capricorn. Astrologers call representatives of this sign the most responsible people who do not give up halfway, are punctual and always respect the limits of decency. Capricorns do not go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules; for them, agreement and certainty are the basis of relationships. Improvisation, irrepressible creativity and sudden changes in events are unlikely to please Tatyana. She believes that everything should go as usual because this is the normal order of things. That’s why our heroine is a talented organizer, a girl with the makings of a leader. Her opinion is respected because she knows what she is talking about. That is why Tanya achieves success in life.
  2. And in the sky, Tanya is patronized by the planet Mars, which personifies confrontations and even wars. But in the case of our heroine, this energy takes on more stable, constructive forms. In life, Tanya quite persistently and consistently defends her position. She rarely doubts herself, and if she has already decided the issue, she is unlikely to step back. And Tatyana surrounds herself with people who are persistent and courageous. That is why among her friends there are many representatives of the stronger sex who sincerely respect this unusual girl.
  3. The colors of luck for this lady are shades of crimson - the color autumn leaves, decorating the forest with unusual combinations. This color represents a person’s belonging to a noble family, his high position, which he can occupy thanks to his aspirations.
  4. IN flora patronizes clover - a symbol of rare luck, that very happy occasion that can change the course of events overnight. A favorable tree for Tanya is elm.
  5. And in the animal world, the gopher brings good luck.
  6. The ruby ​​is considered the talisman stone that protects Tatiana throughout her life. This gem symbolizes wisdom, prudence and honesty. Ruby attunes the energy of courage - thanks to its beneficial effects, a person can decide to take difficult actions, but at the same time make a balanced, thoughtful decision.

Name day

The well-known Tatiana's day is not the only one among name days. Tanya can remember her heavenly patrons much more often:

  • January 18;
  • February 8;
  • July 17;
  • September 14 and 23;
  • October 3, 11 and 21;
  • December 3 and 23.


The legendary Tatyana's Day (January 25), which also became the day of Russian students, has its own signs. For example, if the weather is sunny, spring will come early, and the birds will arrive very soon. If it snows, you can expect a rainy summer.

The character and fate of Tatyana

In the meaning of the name Tatyana you can see quite a lot of traits that are usually considered masculine. This lady is confident in herself, prefers to plan every event, relies only on specific circumstances and generally does not like to reveal her feelings. Tanya is unlikely to succumb to an emotional impulse and make some important decision. She loves to think logically, and sometimes it seems that her main way of understanding the world is to create a rational scheme with finding all the unknowns.

Be that as it may, one can really only envy Tanya. She is smart, responsible, moves towards any goal slowly but surely. Tatyana doesn’t understand why there’s a rush and fuss. After all, any business takes time, and it is impossible to solve anything in a couple of days. Those around her may even reproach her for being too cautious and slow. And they will be all the more surprised when the girl finally makes up her mind and takes such an important step that her life can be safely divided into before and after.

Indeed, Tanya plans every event. And if she has set a specific goal, she will go towards it, no matter what. She doesn't know what mood swings or a moment of weakness are. In any case, this does not affect matters in any way. The horizon is always clear, and our heroine’s plane calmly follows its course, shining in the rays of the rising Sun.

On the other hand, such a life attitude predetermines another interesting quality of Tatyana’s personality, which is largely reflected in her fate. She is tactful, polite, as if she listens to her interlocutors with pleasure. But he acts exclusively in accordance with his own will. You will never make this stubborn woman change her mind. And this is not at all connected with harmfulness - Tatyana is quite negotiable. She just thought through everything so well, calculated every little detail so carefully, that she simply couldn’t understand why something needed to be added to a brilliantly designed scheme.

Of course, each quality has both advantages and disadvantages. After all, life is not a black and white TV. In fact, all our days are filled with a mixture of different events. And the most interesting thing is that negative situations can have positive consequences over time. It is quite possible that Tatyana’s logic is based precisely on these principles. This girl is confident in herself, she knows that the Sun is always hiding behind the clouds. That’s why Tanechka is an incorrigible optimist. And her cheerfulness is of a special nature: our heroine does not wear rose-colored glasses, she can easily explain why everything will be fine. Apparently Tanya just checked this too.


It is important for Tanya to keep in mind that her responsible, organized approach to life sometimes leads to some selfishness, even stubbornness. This is not a matter of some bad qualities or lack of upbringing. It’s just that Tanya is used to pulling all the blankets on herself, not relying too much on those around her. This often works, but everything needs to be done delicately, right? Listening to friends, relatives, friends is not at all shameful. But to act without taking into account their good advice is not quite the right position. Don't forget that intelligence is good, but two is better.

Tatyana in love and marriage: compatibility with male names

Tanya can hardly be called an amorous, impulsive girl. Of course, who wasn’t into it when they were young? But even in the sweet state of love euphoria, this girl keeps her head cold. And despite all the men's promises, oaths in eternal love and just beautiful eyes, she is still capable of practical reasoning.

There is no pettiness or self-interest in Tatyana, she is far from the idea of ​​living at someone else's expense and enjoying idleness. On the contrary, this lady is looking for a wife, rather, an ally, a faithful associate who will help realize a common cause. Tanya wants to achieve a lot from life - she is driven by different motives, but if you express them in one word, you get something like “be better”, “be ahead”.

That is why our heroine approaches the choice of a soul mate in highest degree thoroughly. Fleeting hobbies, hasty decisions and frivolous decisions are alien to her. Everything needs to be done with sense, feeling, arrangement - and nothing else.

Due to characteristic features, which can be seen in the meaning of the name Tanya, arises very important question about who our heroine might marry. To do this, you need to pay attention to compatibility with male names. Tanechka has the greatest strength of feelings with the following representatives:

  • Boris;
  • Robert;
  • Egor;
  • Gleb;
  • Dmitry;
  • Svyatoslav;
  • Nikolai;
  • Ilya;
  • Gennady;
  • Arseny;
  • Edward;
  • Joseph.

But relationships with these men will be less successful:

  • Georgy;
  • Demyan;
  • Arthur;
  • Anton;
  • Oleg;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Georgy;
  • Vladislav;
  • Plato.

Tatiana's professions

Tatyana can try herself in almost any field. However, her organizational talents will quickly require implementation, and therefore it is better for our heroine to focus on the opportunity career growth and achieving command positions. Tanechka will cope with her duties perfectly, because her hard work and responsibility can only be envied.

A girl can try herself in own business, however, it is important to keep in mind that you must sincerely like the matter. Tanya just can’t fake it and do work just for the money. She needs to feel useful - therefore, even with a large profit, she will not be able to do uninteresting things for a long time.

Famous Tatianas

Among the famous Tatianas you can find not only real women, but also literary characters. Everyone knows Tatyana Larina, Tanechka, who cries loudly, Tanya Sabaneeva from “The Wild Dog Dingo”. Well, there are even more famous talented girls called Tatyanas. These are Tatyana Vasilyeva, Doronina, Dogileva, Peltzer, Lioznova and many others.

A majestic, intelligent and incredibly responsible girl is a combination of the best human qualities that are relevant at all times. This is what she is - the unforgettable Tatyana.

“Tatiana bakes a loaf, beats rugs on the river, and leads a round dance,” says the Russian folk proverb. Indeed, the woman named Tatyana is a jack of all trades. What other qualities is Tatyana endowed with, how her fate will turn out, which of the men can make her happy - in detail in our article.

How the name came about

Historians believe that the meaning of the name Tatyana is associated with the legendary Sabine king Titus Tatius, ruler of the city of Kures. All the men who belonged to his family were called Tatian, which meant “lord from the Tatia family,” and the women, accordingly, were called Tatians.

According to another version, Tatiana has Roman roots and is translated from Latin as “organizer” or “mistress.” In Rus', the name was most common in the 18th century, although already as Tatyana. Moreover, they called this not only the children of nobles, but also little peasant women.

By the beginning of the 19th century, it lost popularity and was revived again only after the publication of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Eugene Onegin”, where, as everyone knows, main character name is Tatyana. These days, this name is more common among older and middle-aged women.

Shortened name options

The owner of the name Tatyana is briefly called Tanya. And there are a lot of affectionate and diminutive nicknames. These are Tatyanka, Tanyusha, Tanechka, Tanyurka, Tanyusha, Tanyuta, Tanyukha.

Some Tatianas like it when they are told Tata. Hence various options: Tatka, Tatusya, Tatulya, Tatunya, Tatochka. There are even more exotic forms - Tusya, Tasha, Tulya, Tunya.

Name in different languages

It is interesting that in foreign countries the name Tatyana is considered originally Russian. Moreover, most often women are simply called Tanya, considering this name to be an independent unit. It is most popular in the USA and Germany.

But among the Slavic peoples, girls are still given the name Tatyana, although with some interpretations.

In Sweden, Denmark or Finland, you can hear a woman being addressed as Tanya. Moreover, this is not a mistake in pronunciation, but the real name recorded in the passport.

In Orthodoxy

In the history of Christianity there were several saints and martyrs who bore the name Tatyana. But the most famous is Tatiana of Rome, whose life is worth telling.

Holy Martyr Tatiana

The girl was born and raised in a family where the holy faith was revered. Although her father was a famous Roman citizen and was elected consul several times, there were always icons in the house and conversations about Jesus. Having been imbued with Christianity from an early age, Tatiana decided to maintain chastity and direct all her strength to serving God and the church. She was appointed deaconess to one of the cathedrals, where she devoted all her time to caring for the suffering and sick.

Soon the ruler of Rome changed and Mark Alexander Severus ascended the throne. Since the new emperor was only sixteen years old, his mentor Ulpian, who was considered worst enemy and a persecutor of Christians. Many champions of the true faith were executed, others were forever imprisoned. Tatiana did not escape this fate either. She was tortured for several months, forcing her to renounce Jesus and worship the Roman gods. But the courageous woman endured all the torment with honor, which inflamed her enemies even more.

Tradition says that Ulpian ordered the deaconess Tatiana to be thrown into a cage with a hungry, angry tiger. But when he saw his victim, the evil beast purred like a kitten and began to lick her hands. Then the woman was thrown into the fire, but she also came out of it alive and unharmed. Seeing that torture only strengthened the deaconess, Ulpian sentenced her to death: Saint Tatiana’s head was cut off. At the same time, her father was killed for raising his daughter in the true faith.

The name of the martyr Tatiana of Rome is venerated on January 25 (January 12, old style). Interestingly, there is another story connected with this day.

Patroness of Students

It was on January 25, 1755 that the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna put her signature on the decree establishing a university in Moscow. Since then, Tatyana's day has become a holiday for students.

Rumor has it that His Serene Highness Prince Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, who most advocated for the opening of this educational institution, specially brought documents for signature on January 25 in order to perpetuate the memory of his mother Tatyana Petrovna.

Be that as it may, students have a lot of signs associated with Tatyana’s day. Since it falls during the winter session, candles are lit in the church for Tatyana for successfully passing the exams. They also pray to this saint to give strength to the body and to heal from various ailments.

Name day

In addition to the day of remembrance of the Roman martyr in Orthodox calendar Several more dates are noted on which Tatiana is venerated. These are February 23, March 14, July 21 and September 3.

Tatyana can consider the date that is closest to and after her real birthday to be the day of her guardian angel.

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka...

It is noteworthy that many celebrities named Tatyana connected their lives with art and became actresses, writers, directors or singers. Let's remember these wonderful women.

  1. Tatyana Mikhailovna Lioznova (1924–2011) - Soviet and Russian director, People's Artist of the RSFSR, famous for her films “Carnival”, “We, the Undersigned” and, of course, “17 Moments of Spring”.
  2. Tatyana Vitalievna Ustinova (born 1968) – writer, screenwriter, author of detective novels.
  3. Tatyana Ivanovna Peltzer (1904–1992) - Russian and Soviet actress, People's Artist of the USSR.
  4. Tatyana Kirillovna Okunevskaya (1914–2002) is a Russian and Soviet actress, known for the films “Pyshka” and “Ballet Star”.
  5. Tatyana Lvovna Piletskaya (born 1928) is a Soviet actress, remembered for her role as Tanya in the film “Different Fates.”
  6. Tatyana Georgievna Konyukhova (born 1931) is a Soviet actress.
  7. Tatyana Viktorovna Polyachenko (born 1960) is a Russian writer, known under the pseudonym Polina Dashkova.
  8. Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya (born 1951) is a Russian writer and television journalist.
  9. Tatyana Vasilievna Doronina (born 1933) - People's Artist of the USSR, chief director of the Gorky Moscow Art Theater.
  10. Tatyana Evgenievna Samoilova (1934–2014) is a Soviet actress who played the role of Anna Karenina in the film of the same name.
  11. Tatyana Grigorievna Vasilyeva (born 1947) is a Russian actress, People's Artist of Russia.
  12. Tatyana Anatolyevna Dogileva (born 1957) is a Soviet actress.
  13. Tatyana Borisovna Lyutaeva (born 1965) is a Russian actress.

Let's add another wonderful TV presenter " Good night, kids" Tatyana Vedeneeva, singers Tatyana Ovsienko and Tatyana Bulanova, poetess Tatyana Snezhina.

There is also a lot in sports famous Tatyanas– figure skaters Tatyana Navka, Tatyana Volosozhar, Tatyana Novik, Honored Coach of the USSR Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova. And also Tatyana Gonobobleva and Tatyana Sarycheva - volleyball players, Tatyana Lebedeva - track and field athlete and many, many others.

Is it really the same Tatyana?

The woman who bears this name has a very contradictory character. On the one hand, she is decisive and purposeful, on the other hand, she is soft, flexible and easy to make concessions. Let's trace the fate of our heroine from early childhood.


Independence and self-sufficiency are what distinguishes little Tanya from other children. She does not like to live by orders and often acts only out of a sense of contradiction. Moreover, they cannot always be called correct.

Having learned early to dress, comb her hair, and make the bed, Tatyanka will constantly do this only herself, not allowing her elders to help. She loves to perform homework and enjoys preparing dinners and baking pies with her mother.

Studying at school is easy for Tanyusha, especially humanitarian subjects. She is also good at mathematics and physics, but does not pay enough attention to them, because she is sure in advance that these sciences will not be useful to her.

Tanechka is a sociable girl. She has many friends with whom she easily gets along and just as easily separates. But there are one or two friends whose relationships will last for many years. By the way, most often Tanya’s parents consider these girls unsuitable for their daughter and try to resist friendship. However, Tanya, as usual, acts in her own way. If the parents insist, then the obstinate girl will prefer to break off relations with her mother and father, and not with her friends.

As a result, most parents begin to follow their daughter’s lead, not prohibiting practically anything, which allows the girl to twist the ropes out of them even more. Tanyusha can, without asking permission, go out for the whole evening, linger for a long time after a movie, or go away with friends for several days. At the same time, she is absolutely not bothered by the fact that mom and dad will worry and cut off the phones of hospitals and morgues.

Our heroine also chooses her profession herself, regardless of the opinions of her family and friends. Moreover, as a rule, it stops at those educational institutions, where it is very difficult to enter. Therefore, she will most likely become a student only in the second or third year, but precisely at the university that she preferred to the others.


Possessing a decisive character, our heroine is quite capable of becoming a leader. At the same time, she will strive to ensure that everyone strictly follows her instructions, and will not tolerate amateur behavior from her subordinates. And those who try to do things their own way are pulled back and, without mincing words, put in their place.

Tatyana prefers to work in a male team, because she herself has many qualities inherent in the stronger sex. She considers most women to be “clowns” who are incapable of making serious decisions.

In addition, in every lady she latently feels a rival, capable of transferring male attention to herself, which is intended only for her, our Tatyana. She perceives the lack of interest on the part of gentlemen very painfully.

With age, Tanya's character smooths out a little, she becomes more tolerant and begins to listen to the opinions of others. She no longer behaves so harshly with her subordinates, she delves into their problems and often tries to help.

Tatyana loves and knows how to dress beautifully and therefore looks elegant even in her old age. She does not allow herself to be pretentious in her outfits and carefully follows all the latest fashion trends. Prefers to have one or two expensive, stylish dresses instead of a whole wardrobe of cheap and tasteless ones.

Love affairs

Tanyusha begins to fall in love very early. Long before she graduates from school, she is already quite experienced in intimate relationships individual. Moreover, as in the case of her friends, the gentlemen she comes across are not the best. And since the girl does not listen to the opinions of her parents, she learns all the delights of adult life only through her own mistakes.

Using the experience accumulated during her school years, Tanya in her youth improves in the art of love and reaches considerable heights. In bed, she prefers to dominate, leaving the man the role of an enthusiastic fulfiller of all her desires. Moreover, only strong and extraordinary personalities fall into her sphere of interest, since she is excited to win a victory over such gentlemen.

Tanya is very jealous and does not want to share her man with anyone. If she liked a married man, she may well break up the family. At the same time, our heroine herself is not distinguished by fidelity and is capable of dating several fans at once.


Having had plenty of fun, Tanechka decides that it’s time to get married and begins to look for the right candidate. After all, the husband must be a match for her, that is, have a position and, more importantly, solid financial support.

Having identified a suitable specimen, Tatyana transforms before her eyes. She becomes flirtatious, charming and tries in every possible way to earn the favor of her gentleman. And since our heroine has a considerable artistic gift (it’s enough to remember all famous namesakes), then she succeeds quite well.

Surprisingly, Tanya, the wife, has nothing in common with the Tatyana who exists at work. This is a caring, soft woman who loves family comfort and skillfully creates it. Her house is never cluttered and always smells delicious of pies.

True, leadership habits sometimes appear, and Tatyana tries to shout at her household. But the husband himself is not averse to giving orders, since he also has a strong character. But children are afraid of their domineering mother and try not to contradict her.

IN family life our Tanya is a practical person. She always makes supplies, makes sure that all equipment is in good working order, and initiates repairs. Subject to availability summer cottage she leads there too perfect order and grows many beautiful flowers.

Name compatibility

Taking a strict approach to choosing her soulmate, Tatyana can turn to the help of astrologers or horoscopes. Here are the male names they recommend:

Perhaps, thanks to such advisers, Tatyanas very rarely get divorced, living with one man until a very old age.


Quite often, a child given the name Tanya is born premature or with low weight. Her parents are concerned that she cries often and doesn't eat well.

Tanyusha will have to go through almost all childhood illnesses. In addition, she catches colds very easily, and with high temperature and all sorts of complications. She should dress warmly and not be in drafts.

Health problems will continue into adulthood. These may be metabolic disorders, gynecological diseases, allergies.

Tatyana, whose personal life has not taken place, is susceptible to severe nervous breakdowns and depression. Moreover, in special cases it can lead to alcohol dependence or drug addiction.

The worst thing is that our heroine is absolutely indifferent to her health and does not like to visit doctors. She prefers to be treated with home methods, which are not always effective.


Having loved reading since childhood, Tanya adheres to this habit until old age. It is interesting that, strong and independent in life, she is attracted to “tearful” women’s novels. She watches television series with interest, especially if they are filmed in the genre of melodrama.

Tanya loves to travel, and she goes not only to distant lands. Together with her husband and children, she makes forays into the country or just out of town. A monotonous life within four walls is not for our heroine.

As already mentioned, Tatyana enjoys cooking, trying to come up with original dishes and surprise her family. She loves to receive guests, especially those who will admire her talents.

Basic character traits

To make sure that a woman named Tatyana is a versatile and contradictory person, let’s bring together all the qualities that are inherent in her.

This is the kind of heroine we got: a self-sufficient, self-confident leader, but gentle, caring and loving wife and mother. And if our Tatyana is able, combining these features, to find “ golden mean“, then her life will undoubtedly be very happy.

The first version of the origin of the name Tatyana is a modified male name Tatius, which was worn by King Titus Tatius, who captured the Capitoline Hill. This name has no translation, and the beginning of the spread of male and female versions of this name can be associated with the desire of people to imitate those in power. However, the very fact of the existence of King Titus Tatius is questioned by historians: some researchers are inclined to consider him and his exploits a legend.

Church tradition connects this name with another legendary Roman: Saint Tatiana (Tatiana of Rome), who centuries later, by chance, became the patroness of students. This noble and pious girl did many good deeds and, thanks to her faith, pacified a hungry lion. She is revered as a martyr both in and in Catholicism.

Greek version

There is also a more down-to-earth version of the origin of this name, according to which it is not associated with great historical figures, but is formed from ancient Greek verb"tatto". This word can be translated as “to determine”, “to appoint”. This means that Tatyana is the ruler, organizer, founder, or a little differently - appointed, appointed.

Slavic motifs

In the name Tatyana one can see the Latin root “tato”, which passed into the Old Church Slavonic language in the meaning of “father”, “dad”. In this case, the name can be translated as father's or father's. It is worth noting here that it was her father who introduced Tatiana of Rome to Christianity.

Sometimes this beautiful name is traced back to another Old Slavonic word: “thief.” It means thief, kidnapper, swindler. But this interpretation is completely wrong. The Proto-Slavic root of the name and the word is most likely the same, but “thief” received its meaning much later than girls began to be called Tatians. IN Church calendar(Saints) this name is enshrined in memory of the holy martyr and has nothing to do with a “bad word.” In addition, in Russia this name was initially widespread not among the people, but among educated, noble people, nobles.
