What does the name Efrosinya mean for a girl? Other famous namesakes of Euphrosyne

What does the name Efrosinya mean?
This name literally translates as joy.

Origin of the name Euphrosyne:
This name is of Greek origin.

Character conveyed by the name Euphrosyne:

Since early childhood, Efrosinya does not like to sit without doing anything, she is always strong and emotional, her energy is almost always in full swing. However, it is Homework, which mother always does, Euphrosyne does not attract her at all, she simply does not love her. She, of course, would rather, say, help her father somewhere in the garage or with a shovel in the garden. Many girls with such a sonorous unusual name Some inclinations towards all the exact sciences, and even technology, appear, almost like a boy. This may also explain her special love for reading; she is not a humanist at all, but the exact sciences always attract her more. In addition, as a rule, she is friends only with boys, trying to keep up with them in almost everything. Later, having entered the institute, Efrosinya began to study seriously from the very first courses scientific work, and after college almost always goes to graduate school.

Euphrosyne often possesses almost all the qualities that a good, competent scientist must possess. And to her incredible ability to find original solutions and easily defend her new point of view, incredible commitment can often be added. However, it should be noted that Euphrosyne’s qualities in everyday life and in her work environment differ quite seriously from each other. So in ordinary life, Euphrosyne is noisy, very sociable, and can often even be stubborn. However, if it suddenly comes to finding a solution to any serious scientific issue, then rest assured that Euphrosyne will always show maximum composure or attention, and she will listen to a colleague or simply her interlocutor with unusual attention and, of course, will always conduct the conversation very correctly. Euphrosyne, as a rule, has very few friends, since she may have practically no time left for such friendly communication. And she is also unlikely to be able to devote too much time to all household chores and worries, since she is almost always completely occupied with her scientific activities. Quite often, women with this wonderful name may not start a family at all.

Euphrosyne often does not enter into any long-term relationships at all, as she incredibly values ​​her absolute independence. Short, practically non-binding, easy connections may well suit her.

Euphrosyne always remains cheerful and unusually energetic even in old age. As a rule, she does not consider it necessary to retire, but often works as long as she has enough strength. But Efrosinya is almost not involved in raising her grandchildren, and she helps her children very little.

Meaning of the name Euphrosinia: This name for a girl means “joyful”, “well-meaning”.

Origin of the name Euphrosyne: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Frosya, Frosyusha.

What does the name Euphrosinia mean? Methodical and hard working. Possible professions: architect, broker, bank employee, software developer. Frosya prefers men's company. She is bored with everyday life, so she would rather earn money while leaving her husband to do the housework.

Angel Euphrosyne Day: The name Euphrosinia celebrates name days twice a year:

  • June 5 (May 23) – Venerable Euphrosyne, Princess of Polotsk.
  • October 8 (September 25) – Venerable Euphrosyne, eighteen years old, in men's clothing went secretly from my parents monastery in Egypt and under a man’s name she labored there for thirty-eight years; died in 445

Signs: On Euphrosyne, June 5, the mass appearance of gadflies means the harvest of cucumbers. In many places, hemp is sown on this day: “Hemp is in this field and look at the rowan tree - if the color is in circles, then the hemp is in debt!”


  • Zodiac – Gemini
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Color - gray-blue
  • Auspicious tree - rowan
  • Treasured plant - hemp
  • The patron of the name is the gadfly
  • Talisman stone – rock crystal

Characteristics of the name Euphrosinia

Positive features: Sensitivity, high intuition, determination, devotion, creative talent. The woman named Euphrosyne is an extraordinary person, very different from her friends in her seriousness. She Euphrosyne attaches great importance to the depth of feelings and high spirituality. She is persistent and determined and achieves a lot in life thanks to these qualities.

Negative features: The name Euphrosyne gives excessive enthusiasm, amorousness, fanaticism, and reluctance to obey generally accepted norms of behavior. For the sake of achieving what Euphrosyne has planned, much does not matter to her: someone bearing the name Euphrosyne can give up a lot, even close people.

Character of the name Euphrosyne: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Euphrosyne? A girl with this name can devote herself to any business - thanks to her hard work, perseverance, and ability to get along with people, she will achieve success everywhere. A woman named Euphrosyne is smart, knows how to handle money, and is difficult to fool, although she has no cunning in the everyday, mundane sense of the word. A girl named Euphrosinia has kind hearted and, despite his overly strong character, evokes deep sympathy among those around him. She Euphrosyne is little susceptible to the influence of others, but she herself is capable of having a very beneficial effect on people.

Euphrosyne and her personal life

Compatible with male names: Favorable marriage union named with Anton, Bogdan, Gavrila, Vasily, Gleb, Ermil, Ignat. The name Euphrosyne is also combined with Seraphim, Yaroslav. Unsuccessful relationships of the name can develop with Budimir, Vsevolod, Grigory, Ilya, Konstantin, Philip.

Love and marriage of Euphrosyne: A girl with this name has success with the opposite sex. She Euphrosyne is surrounded by admirers, but is in no hurry to get married. A later family union is more successful than a marriage in youth.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: If love relationship and family problems will not occupy Euphrosyne’s strength, then she can achieve significant success in art, social activities, scientific research in the field of psychology, history, natural sciences, will receive corresponding degrees and awards.

Euphrosyne’s business and career: Success in business and money matters is possible only in the second half of life.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Euphrosinia: Euphrosyne’s health is good, but it can be undermined by excessive physical or mental stress and nervous overstrain. After 40 years, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, arthritis, and varicose veins are likely.

The fate of Euphrosyne in history

What does the name Euphrosinia mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Euphrosyne (Predslava) (born around 1100, died between 1173 and 1175) - daughter of the Prince of Polotsk Svyatoslav-George Vseslavich. As a young girl, Euphrosyne renounced earthly blessings and, secretly leaving home, took tonsure without the consent of her parents. I was busy copying holy books. When Euphrosyne in her region became a sign of Orthodoxy and the Russian people, Catholics and Uniates falsified the tradition and gave Euphrosyne the appearance of a devout Catholic.
  2. Euphrosyne of Alexandria (5th century) - reverend; memory 25 September 15 February. Originally from Alexandria; At the age of 18, she left her parents’ home and entered a monastery under the name of the eunuch Izmaragd.
  3. Euphrosyne of Suzdal (1212 - September 25, 1250), Princess of Chernigov
  4. Euphrosyne of Polotsk (1110-1173) - princess; saint of the Russian Church.
  5. Euphrosyne of Moscow, in the world name Evdokia Dmitrievna (1353-1407) - wife of Dmitry Donskoy; saint of the Russian Church. Efrosinya Fedorova is the mistress of Tsarevich Alexei.
  6. Efrosinya Staritskaya (? - 1569) - princess, née Khovanskaya, wife of Andrei Ivanovich, Prince Staritsky, saint of the Russian Church.
  7. Euphrosyne is the stepmother of the Byzantine Emperor Theophilus, who organized a brides' show in the empire, at which Blessed Theodora was chosen as her stepson's wife.
  8. Euphrosyne Kolyupanovskaya (c. 1758-1855) - Princess Vyazemskaya, who left the imperial court and became a holy fool.
  9. Euphrosyne is the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VI and his first wife Maria of Amnia.
  10. Efrosinia Yaroslavna - daughter of Yaroslav Osmomysl, wife of Igor, Prince of Novgorod-Seversky. The so-called “Yaroslavna’s lament” - a poetic part of the book “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”

Although the name Euphrosyne is considered traditionally Slavic, in fact it is not. Its origins relate to the ancient Greek name Euphrosyune, and its meaning is interpreted as “joy” or “cheerfulness”.

Character Traits

The origin of the name Euphrosyne determines the character of its owner, who can easily be called a “thing in itself.” This is a committed, extremely collected and creative person in finding solutions to problems, sensitive, purposeful and persistent, with high level intuition, which, however, she rarely uses.

Since childhood, the girl has not looked for easy ways. Therefore, often, even in adult life, the chosen path forces her to give up a lot - loved ones, loved ones, family. But she does not hesitate to take this step. We can say that the characteristic of the name Euphrosyne is a description of a creatively gifted, spiritual and very extraordinary woman, a little conservative and wanting the usual course of things not to be disturbed.

The secret of the name Euphrosyne hides a devoted personality, capable of being completely faithful to those ideas that seem correct to her and to her like-minded people. Frosya has many friends, she is a wonderful, reliable friend with whom it is always interesting. But he selects his social circle extremely carefully, using the “trial and error” method, carefully collecting information about his friends. She prefers not to enter into open conflict with those who are not on her list of friends, being able to show enviable diplomacy and tact. She is also careful in money matters; as a rule, she spends money not only on herself, but also on projects that seem important to her. True, Euphrosyne is reluctant to part with the money.

Her character with negative side manifested by excessive falling in love, the ability to get carried away by something to the point of fanaticism and an unwillingness to live according to established rules and standards.

Interests and hobbies

Efrosinya has been very mobile and active since childhood, loves sports, prefers swimming, tennis, basketball, and mountaineering. She also enjoys working in the garden or making something in her father’s garage. She is interested in computers and can sit for hours on compiling a program or hacking mailbox girlfriends. But the girl does not do this out of idle curiosity - she simply likes the state of scientific research. That is why she begins to get interested in writing complex written works and essays from school, and after university she often goes to graduate school.

Profession and business

Efrosinya is able to realize herself in research activities, in the field of psychology and pedagogy. She may become interested in history or natural sciences, achieving significant success in this field, including awards and academic degrees. Her character allows her to find herself in art and social and political life, and in 9 cases out of 10 Efrosinya becomes an excellent specialist, ending with such a “fat point” her internal search and formation of herself as an individual.

As for material independence and success in business, they “come” to Frosa only after 30 years, after the “name” is already working for her. But, as a rule, it does not achieve significant results in the financial and economic sphere.


The beautiful name Euphrosyne is usually associated with a healthy, mentally stable girl who is not prone to colds. But health can be undermined by excessive loads and work overexertion. As she ages, she may suffer from musculoskeletal problems, arthritis, or varicose veins. But cheerfulness and energy remain with her throughout her life, so this woman often works in retirement.

Sex and love

Love for Euphrosyne - natural need and necessity, therefore she treats her partner with maternal care and tenderness, which is sometimes not always appropriate. Sometimes a girl crosses the line that separates the desire to help from obsessive servility. At the same time, she is convinced of her correctness and demands a reciprocal attitude, admiration and gratitude. Being without a man for a long time, she feels vulnerable and abandoned, self-doubt and spiritual doubts come over her. But Euphrosyne values ​​independence and prefers free, short relationships based on sex.

Not being very emotional by nature, she prefers to “not strain” in bed, shifting the initiative to her partner. Always chooses beautiful young people from his peers.

Family and marriage

Euphrosyne has that charm that attracts many men to her. She has no shortage of admirers, but she gets married late. Although the meaning of the name characterizes her as a joyful and cheerful personality, family life Such a woman is not always successful: often the girl is doomed to misunderstanding on the part of her household. But the later she binds herself to family obligations, the more successful her marriage is. If Frosya falls in love, she becomes a faithful wife, who will need time to get used to marriage and the idea that she now needs to sacrifice something.

Efrosinya does not like housework; it is difficult to call her a good housewife. She pays little attention to the children, does not help them in life, and it is impossible to force her to sit for an extra couple of hours with her grandchildren. A woman often prefers loneliness. The only exception is the “autumn” homely owner of this name, who can become simply an excellent housewife.

"fun", "joy"

Origin of the name Euphrosyne

This is the name of one of the three Charites in Greek mythology - the goddesses of fun and joy.

Characteristics of the name Euphrosyne

very energetic and emotional girl. She does not like housework; she would rather work in the garden or even with tools with her father. She studies well in all natural disciplines, and considers the humanities unnecessary. He is only friends with boys. Has been drawn to science since childhood. She makes a wonderful scientist. She is smart, diligent, has the ability to look at a problem in her own way and find original solution. Euphrosyne is very obligatory. In ordinary life, she is a sociable, noisy woman, sometimes stubborn. It's not easy to get along with her. She is demanding and picky, both to herself and to others. As a rule, he devotes himself entirely scientific activity and is practically not interested in anything else. She is very independent, but if she truly loves, she will become a faithful wife. Until old age he retains vigor and ability to work.

Famous personalities: Efrosinya Savelyevna Zenkova - head of the underground Komsomol organization in Belarus during the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union.


The famous Orthodox saint, the Venerable Euphrosyne of Polotsk, was the daughter of the Polotsk prince George Vseslavich and his wife Sophia. Since childhood, she was fond of prayer and reading books. At the age of 12, when her parents decided to marry her off, she ran away to the monastery where her aunt, Abbess Romanova, lived and asked to be tonsured as a nun. For several years Saint Euphrosyne was busy rewriting the holy books. Then she founded the Spaso-Euphrosinieva Church near Polotsk. convent. And she went to venerate the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Saint Euphrosyne died in Jerusalem in 1173. Her incorruptible relics were transferred to Kyiv to the Theodosius Cave, where they are now located.

The desire to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main life priorities. Your clothes are always unconventional and correspond to the “latest trends.” However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: “It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead.” Clothing should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your advantages, and not create them. Again, they are guided by the mind, and a flashy appearance does not in any way indicate its presence.

Compatibility of the name Frosya, manifestation in love

Frosya, logical conclusion romantic relationships for you is marriage, creating a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances. And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external shine and ostentatious “beauty,” there will always be someone who will appreciate them.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your life positions. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.
