What causes bed bugs in the house and what to do in such a situation. Where do bed bugs come from and how to choose a method to get rid of them Where do bed bugs come from in a private home

A video about how to detect bedbugs in the house and how to get rid of them.

Where do they come from?

Also treat local manifestations allergies are recommended by Diazolin and Diphenhydramine. To treat itching and disinfection, it is often used ammonia. Fenistil gel or Rescuer ointment will help alleviate the skin condition.

Effective methods for removing bedbugs

You can remove bedbugs from your apartment yourself if you know which methods and means are more effective specifically in your case.

You can effectively fight bloodsuckers yourself using burning and freezing methods. In winter, furniture is taken out of the home into the cold or the room itself is cooled. Burning out involves heating the apartment using industrial fan heaters, increasing the temperature to 50 degrees Celsius.

It is possible to get rid of bedbugs using a vacuum cleaner or manually. But such destruction requires a lot of time and effort, and it cannot be called particularly effective. You can kill insects yourself with your hands or a vacuum cleaner only in combination with other methods.

If you nevertheless decide to get rid of bedbugs in your apartment on your own, carefully select means for control, follow safety measures, and treat all places where insects are likely to accumulate. After all manipulations, leave the room for a couple of hours with closed windows, then ventilate it and wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

In especially severe cases, if several apartments in the house are simultaneously infested with bedbugs, in order to remove the pests, residents will have to join forces or call a pest control team to all rooms at once. Sanitation specialists exterminate bedbugs using modern effective means, use the latest developments of scientists and act according to instructions, in many cases they give 100% guarantee that will help you get rid of insects.


Among the chemicals used to combat bedbugs, microencapsulated preparations such as Minap 22, Xulat C25, and household chemicals from the GET company are known. They will save you from the repeated destruction of bedbugs that would appear from eggs. Safe for human health.

Products in the form of liquids are also effective in terms of control. Among them are called “Foxid”, “Get”, “Lakterin”, “Primadid”, “Forsyth”, “Insecta Dibrofin”. Most drugs that help get rid of bedbugs in apartment conditions are concentrates and require dilution.

There are also aerosol sprays that can quickly remove uninvited guests. These include “Raid”, “Raptor”, “Dichlorvos”, “Perfos-P”, “Prima-U”. The poison from the cylinder is able to penetrate into all hard-to-reach areas - under furniture, into cracks and splits, to quickly and reliably kill your enemies.

Such traps and other drugs as “Su-zol”, “Insectolan”, “Actellik”, “MINAP-22”, “Phosfolan”, “Neofos-2”, “Clean House”, “Effective Ultra”, “Chlorpirimark” , “Cucaracha”, “Prima-71”, “Empire 20” and some others allow you to effectively fight bedbugs and quickly destroy them. When re-processing, a different drug will help get rid of bedbugs than the one used the first time. Because insects quickly get used to it.

Folk remedies

Humanity has been fighting bedbugs for a long time, as evidenced by wall paintings and ancient manuscripts. Therefore, it is possible to remove insects yourself using traditional methods.

No matter how much we would like to consider bedbugs a relic of the distant past, remaining only in the memories of our grandmothers, and in some places in very marginal apartments, in reality the picture is much more depressing. There is no one particular reason why bedbugs choose a particular apartment. It is enough for them that people live there - their main food. First of all, bedbugs are interested in the resident of the apartment - a person

Bedbugs are very insects small size(3 – 8 mm), very flat, dark yellow or brown with six legs and a proboscis.
On different stages Developmental bugs can have different sizes

In addition to the marks themselves, sensitive people - especially children - may experience a rash and an allergic reaction. Sometimes a person, tossing and turning in his sleep, can crush a bug - then a brown spot will remain on the bed linen. Their regular appearance on your sheets is in itself a reason to think about the presence of bedbugs in the house.
Squashed bedbugs leave spots like this on bed linen

Where do bedbugs hide?

Bedbugs prefer warm places and at the same time hidden from the views of others. First of all, you should check the walls and floors; the risk zone is peeling wallpaper or a hidden area of ​​wallpaper standing nearby furniture, bent floor coverings, carpets, baseboards and spaces underneath.

Bed bugs willingly use your furniture for their own convenience.

If you are convinced that there are bedbugs in the house, and even discovered their homes, then it is time to start eliminating harmful insects. And there are several ways.

It is hardly possible to completely eliminate the possibility of bedbugs appearing in an apartment, but prevention should not be neglected.

All these measures, taken in a timely manner and in combination, will greatly reduce the likelihood of bedbugs appearing in your home.

You can understand that bedbugs have appeared in the house by certain signs:

Features of the structure and activity of insects

The adult insect has a segmented body up to 9 mm in length and 4 mm in width. The color is dark brown. Until the insect has eaten, its body is rounded. When it is full, the body lengthens. The head has the shape of a triangle and a small proboscis, consisting of 2 divisions.

Larvae and young bedbugs are slightly different from adults. They are less noticeable, the body is translucent or pale red. The size is much smaller than that of adult bedbugs. Eggs up to 1 mm in size. It is almost impossible to see them with the naked eye. Thanks to the sticky surface, eggs stick easily to surfaces.

Control methods using chemicals


  • Riapan;
  • Neopine.

The preparations are poured in places where adult bedbugs accumulate, as well as along thresholds, window sills, and under the mattress. Poisonous powders have a quick effect on insects. Their use is not recommended in apartments where there are children or animals.


  • Forsyth;
  • Foxit;

Pay attention! The gel form is safer, the substance is easy to apply to surfaces. The products do not have a strong odor and quickly destroy bedbugs.


  • Raid;
  • Prima-U;
  • Carbosol;
  • Dichlorvos.

Pencils, concentrates for dilution with water and other means are also used against bedbugs. When choosing any chemical product, you must carefully study the instructions. and ensure all safety measures when working with poison.

Rules for processing the premises

  • Remove dishes and food from the chemical treatment area and seal hermetically.
  • Remove all people and animals from the premises. Wear protective equipment (mask, gloves).
  • If there are children in the house, isolate their toys and clothes. Before doing this, check for the presence of insect eggs in them.
  • Find ways to infest an apartment with bedbugs.
  • Thoroughly treat the room with the selected insecticide. Pay special attention to sofas, beds, secluded places (cracks, joints of furniture).
  • After treatment, wash clothes and bedding at high temperature.
  • The room does not need to be cleaned immediately after treatment. After a few hours, wash the working surfaces with a soda solution.

Let's look at the features of using some of the most effective ones in the home.


Broad-spectrum agent. has a pungent aroma that quickly dissipates. A 50% concentrate is diluted with water to obtain a 1.5-2.0% emulsion. Apply evenly to areas where insects accumulate.

How to deal with domestic insects and prevent re-invasion of insects? We have the answer!

Effective folk remedies from cockroaches in the apartment and the rules for their use are described on the page.


Powder safe for humans. It is poured onto surfaces where bedbugs live, as well as in hard-to-reach areas (joints of furniture, cracks).


A drug with a residual effect of about 2 weeks. diluted with water to form a 0.25% emulsion (50 ml per 1m2). After treating the room with the product, you need to ventilate for 30 minutes. Clean the apartment one day after treatment.

Call exterminators

  • sagebrush;
  • tansy;
  • naphthalene;
  • turpentine;
  • kerosene.

Prevention of occurrence

  • Place repellent herbs around the apartment (wormwood, wild rosemary, tansy) or apply a few drops essential oils with a pungent odor on the bed.
  • Systematically clean carpets, furniture, baseboards and floors.
  • Fill gaps and cracks hermetically.
  • When moving, treat furniture, clothing, and bedding with insecticidal preparations.
  • While cleaning, vacuum all hard-to-reach places.
  • Change the bedding once a week and wash it in hot water.
  • Inspect sofas, bedside tables, bookshelves for signs of bedbugs.

It's good to be the only owner of your apartment. But if, one morning, when you go to the mirror, you find a string of red bumps on yourself, and there are blood spots on your bed, most likely you have neighbors. And where do you start scratching your head? And the family is clean and cleans constantly, so let’s figure out where bedbugs come from in the apartment.

Interesting fact: A desert locust swarm can consist of 50 billion insects. Since each locust can eat its own weight in food, in a day this swarm eats four times as much food, by weight, as the entire population of New York City.

Where do they come from?

First thought neighbors! But it’s not so simple; there are many ways for bedbugs to appear:

Bedbugs feel great and move freely not only in private, but also apartment buildings. Here are several ways where insects can appear inside an apartment:

  • From our basements;
  • Through ventilation shafts;
  • Through the window, bedbugs move freely along the outer walls of the house (in warm weather);
  • Through cracks in the walls;
  • Along pipe risers;
  • On our clothes, or the fur of our pets;

Reasons for the appearance of bedbugs after disinfestation

It also happens that after a carefully carried out professional disinfestation, bedbugs may appear. One reason is their eggs. The insecticide used indoors killed the adults, but the nest remained intact. Then perhaps in another week, the young animals will come to you again to feed. The best drugs are those with a long residual effect (prolonged).

The bug is a nocturnal insect, so it can only be discovered by chance and when its population in your home is already large.

  • Red bumps on the body (bugs bite in a line, making 5 - 7 punctures).
  • Bed linen (traces of bloody brown spots) during sleep can crush bedbugs; they are slow, especially when they have drunk blood.
  • In the process of cleaning the apartment, you find black dots (excrement), or chitinous skins shed by them, or dried shells of insects.
  • The smell (if there is a strong cognac smell in the apartment) their population in the apartment is large.
  • Get up at night (the peak of bedbug activity) and check the bed at least one individual you find.

If at least one of the above is detected the listed factors, you should not start slowly fighting aimed at destroying the source of infection. Don't delay starting the war.

Where to look for bedbugs

Places of entry into a house or apartment are:

  • Ventilation shafts.
  • Sockets.
  • Water and heating pipelines.
  • Entrance doors and windows.

And the most common sources:

  • Purchased clothes
  • Used furniture
  • Travel backpacks and bags

Bedbugs don't like to stay hungry for long, so they travel with you. They travel long distances with you short time. Appearance in the apartment house bug, carries with it various troubles, such as: lack of rash, allergies, rashes, nervous feelings and irritability. It has also been established that pathogens of diseases such as hepatitis B virus, typhus, and fever can persist in the insect’s body. Bedbugs are slow, so their nests are located near our resting place: sofas and beds, bedside furniture. Carpets, paintings – back side. Gaps in the floor and baseboards, places under the window sill and heating panels. Sockets, switches and electronics.

From the parent Internet forum: - Help! The child ate a cockroach! I won’t describe under what circumstances - I overlooked it. I only managed to pull the cockroach legs out of my mouth. What will happen now?
Answer: - The cockroach definitely cannot be saved. All!

Folk remedies for insect control.

  1. You should prepare an emulsion from ten milliliters of ordinary turpentine, with the addition of one hundred milliliters of water. Add about fifteen milliliters of kerosene and no more than forty grams of green soap to the resulting liquid to obtain an emulsion.
  2. about twenty grams of phenol are mixed with three grams of salicylic acid, to which about forty milliliters of turpentine are then added.
    Process discovered areas until complete destruction.

Mechanical processing procedures:

  • Process thoroughly with a vacuum cleaner (it is believed that a powerful vacuum cleaner is capable of collecting larvae, bedbugs and eggs); after processing, the package should be disposed of, ideally burned.
  • Treatment with boiling water or steam (it is believed that at +50 o C both large individuals and larvae with eggs die).
  • Freezing at – 20 o C for 12 hours (when upholstered furniture It’s commonplace to take it outside in winter, but this is more suitable for private houses).
  • Dryers (suitable for disinfecting clothes and children's toys).

Modern chemicals.

Among chemical agents, the most popular are those based on chlorophos, karbofos, cypermethrin, etc.
At the moment, their list is very wide. Available in the form of aerosols, gel, insecticidal chalk, concentrate water based.

  • Insecticides such as aerosols are convenient to use.
  • Water based concentrate,
    • Sealing gaps and cracks in sewer and water pipes.
    • Cover the ventilation ducts with fine mesh.
    • Go through and throw away unnecessary things (they live in such rubble).
    • Check things, from the bags that came with you to the furniture you bought on hand.
    • You can place bunches of wormwood or tansy in the ventilation, there are many, change them every two weeks. Also treat the areas with dust.
    • Treat the entrance door frame.
    • If you suspect that bedbugs may appear from your neighbors, take preventive measures.
    • If all else fails, call.

    If you have already encountered this problem and have experience, please share in the comments below. Perhaps your experience will help someone make the right decision.

    Happiness to you and your home.

The first priority is to solve the question of where they come from. bed bugs. Then it is advisable to think about how to get rid of them. If you follow the reverse pattern, these insects will appear in the apartment more than once, after some time. This means that in order to avoid causing inconvenience, it is recommended to block the source of their occurrence. Define external signs Photos will help pests.

In order to get rid of pests of this type forever, it is necessary to consider all possible ways of their entry into the living space. Common options:

Insects hide where people sleep, under beds, in wardrobes, under carpets, behind baseboards, in the crevices of furniture and mattresses

Habitats and lifestyle

In the absence of food, the bug goes into suspended animation for 10-12 months

Places in the apartment where bedbugs live:

  • The area next to the bed. The area of ​​action of insects covers the bed (sheet, blanket, pillow), mattress (outside in the folds of the fabric, inside behind the upholstery), legs and internal structures bed/sofa.
  • There are other places in the apartment suitable for nesting: wallpaper that has come off the wall, cracks in the floor/wall, furniture ceilings, cabinet drawers, folds of linen and clothes.
  • Insects take refuge behind paintings, clocks, inside household appliances, under the carpets.
  • Bedbug nests can be found on fastening areas inside furniture and sockets.

Their main feature is being awake at night. Most often, bedbugs attack humans between 3 and 6 am. If you suddenly turn on the lights at home, you can notice insects, since they do not move fast enough to escape in this time.

A female, penetrating into a house, can increase the insect population to a huge number, as she lays up to 500 eggs during her life. In this case, a one-time insemination by a male is sufficient. When there are few bedbugs, they can hide in small areas: folds in a mattress or blanket.

Pest eggs and larvae, light color- nymph

Preventive measures for their occurrence

In the photo you can see what a bedbug nest looks like: it is a cluster of insects located on different periods development. Here you can also find eggs, husks, and excrement. If there are few bedbugs, they successfully hide in clothes, small folds of linen, and mattresses. To detect them, you will have to carefully examine the things, for which you should remove the mattress cover and pillowcases.

One of the main signs of their vital activity: excrement (small black balls) and husks.

All these measures will help prevent the penetration of parasites from neighbors. If the apartment is sufficiently infested and bedbugs are poisoned, eliminating the paths of their movement will not allow them to leave the premises. The same applies to cases when neighbors use chemicals to control pests, after which the risk increases that insects will crawl to another area.
