Kremlin diet: weekly menu for ordinary people. Cardiac surgeon Leo Bockeria approves of the “Kremlin diet”

Protein diets have always been popular - this is the most delicious and easily portable food with the ability to preserve muscle mass and burn fat. One of the most popular and effective diets is the Kremlin diet for weight loss. The name came from the people who complained about the fact of obscurity, but wide popularity among noble persons - officials from the Kremlin. By the way, the Kremlin diet became popular even before the collapse of the USSR, but only in narrow circles.

At first, the principle of nutrition was really kept secret and they only boasted about losing weight. And only a few years later the principle of the diet became available to everyone. But the name “Kremlin” remained, since the recommended products for following the diet were not freely available on store shelves. This fact only secured the name for the overseas diet of astronauts. If no one has encountered the nutrition of the Kremlin diet, the essence and principle can be characterized in one expression - on the diet it is recommended to eat meat and any sausage products. More details about the nutritional principle of the Kremlin diet will be discussed later in the article.

Surprisingly, they say that even excessive consumption meat products promotes weight loss. Fat people like the diet - counting points turns out to be much easier on a full stomach. The menu can include completely different dishes, including even desserts. It is important to take into account the amount of points eaten per day.

The Kremlin diet is a daily calculation of points of consumed dishes. The main condition is not to exceed the recommended number of points. Points are the content in products per 100 g. The essence of the Kremlin diet is to significantly reduce the carbohydrate content in the daily diet. But fats remain in the products, and experts say that the presented fact should not affect weight loss. By the way, lard contains no carbohydrates at all, and pork sausages contain only 2 g.

This is important: the Kremlin diet includes only 4 stages. Their duration depends on the individual characteristics of the person losing weight. You can achieve your desired weight in either a month or a year.

In connection with this fact, experts argue that the Kremlin diet should not be abused. It should also be avoided by people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiac system, or high cholesterol. Despite the warnings, overweight people prefer the Kremlin diet. This is explained by the effectiveness of nutrition - in 2 weeks you can lose up to 10 kg excess weight. Moreover, the lost kilograms do not return even if you return to your previous unhealthy diet - in this case, you can maintain the new weight for a year.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Kremlin diet

The Kremlin diet has its positive and negative sides. The advantages of such nutrition include the following facts:

  • rapid weight loss and long-term weight retention;
  • eliminating skin problems when the cause is excessive carbohydrate consumption;
  • you are allowed to eat to your fill - the absence of hunger prevents breakdowns;
  • The recipes of the Kremlin diet are so varied that they will not allow you to indulge in forbidden foods.

The only negative aspects include the presence of contraindications - not every person can resort to the Kremlin diet. Here people with diabetes, gastritis and other diseases of the digestive tract are distinguished.

Before losing weight on the Kremlin diet with scoring, you should consult with. It is better to additionally undergo a comprehensive examination to exclude diseases related to contraindications.

Stages of the Kremlin diet

A more detailed Kremlin diet is presented as follows:

  • the first stage lasts for 2 weeks, during which you are allowed to consume no more than 20 g of carbohydrates daily;
  • the second stage is intricate - lasts from 4 to 6 weeks, during which 5 more are added weekly to the initial 20 g of carbohydrates - thus reaching 40 g, but if the weight decreases, they are maintained for another 2 weeks with the same number of points (this stage can be extended until reaching desired result);
  • the third stage - lasting no more than 2 weeks - is a way out of the diet, which involves adding another 10 g to 40 g of carbohydrates every week, reaching 60 g;
  • The fourth stage is maintaining the result with daily consumption of 60 g of carbohydrates.

Experts say that 60 g of carbohydrates per day should be consumed daily by a person in order to maintain his slim figure and not cause harm. internal organs– this is the norm not only according to the Kremlin diet.

Exceeding the norm provokes an increase in the fat layer - processed carbohydrates, but not used, form fat cells. If the person who has lost weight continues to exercise further, he can increase daily norm carbohydrates up to 70 g, but taking into account the presence of training at least 3 times a week.

Brief table of the Kremlin diet

Here is a brief table of carbohydrate content in basic foods. The full table of points for the Kremlin diet is presented on the Internet or in books on nutrition. Carbohydrate content can also be found on food labels - the number indicated is the number of points that are taken into account when creating menus.

A short table of the Kremlin diet is as follows:

When following a diet, it is better to find a table with points for ready-made dishes - this will greatly simplify menu planning.

Sample menu for a week for the Kremlin diet

Now you should present a sample menu for the week. The Kremlin diet has an advantage, since the menu for 1 week, day by day, can be compiled independently, taking into account the existing carbohydrate norm of the stage being passed. When making your own recipes using preferred products, it is important to accurately carry out the calculations while preparing the dish. In the future, this will save you from new calculations of the diet and menu as a whole.

The table shows the menu for the first stage of the Kremlin diet for ordinary working people:

Day Eating Recommended dishes and products
Monday Breakfast Boiled eggs in the amount of 2-3 pieces, a cup of tea or coffee without milk and sugar
Dinner Meat solyanka without potatoes to prepare, cucumber and herb salad with a little vegetable oil, herbal tea
Afternoon snack A handful of roasted peanuts
Dinner Chicken fillet, cooked in the oven without oil or steamed, vegetable salad
Tuesday Breakfast Omelet with boiled sausage, coffee without sugar and milk
Dinner A serving of vegetable puree soup, one piece fried chicken, herbal or green tea
Afternoon snack Walnuts – no more than 5 kernels
Dinner Fried piece of meat, a little vegetable salad, a glass of kefir
Wednesday Breakfast Meat sausages (without bread and additives), coffee without sugar and milk
Dinner Mushroom solyanka (can be meat), a portion of vegetable salad with a lot of greens, herbal tea or berry compote without sugar
Afternoon snack Roasted peanuts – a handful no more than 30 g
Dinner Jellied meat, preferably tongue and other offal, carrot salad dressed with lemon juice
Thursday Breakfast Scrambled eggs with cheese, coffee without sugar and milk
Dinner Cabbage soup without using potatoes in cooking
Afternoon snack Nuts are better than walnuts (they have fewer calories and are more beneficial for the body)
Dinner Boiled chicken or turkey fillet, several cucumbers, green tea
Friday Breakfast Omelette of 2 eggs and 100 ml of milk, you can add some pickles, herbal tea or green
Dinner Vegetable soup (mostly celery), boiled ham, tomato salad, coffee without sugar and milk
Afternoon snack Handful of walnuts
Dinner Lamb or pork chop, vegetable salad with seaweed
Saturday Breakfast Boiled sausages with a small piece of cheese, coffee without sugar and milk
Dinner A serving of chicken soup with the addition of a small amount of cabbage, no more than 150 g of mushrooms stewed in low-fat sour cream, herbal tea
Afternoon snack Walnuts – you are allowed to eat up to 40 g of peeled product
Dinner A serving of low-fat cottage cheese - a serving of 200-250 g is allowed, herbal tea
Sunday Breakfast A portion of low-fat cottage cheese, coffee without sugar
Dinner Vegetable cream soup with mushrooms and processed cheese, herbal tea or traditional green tea
Afternoon snack Walnuts, but not more than 30 g of peeled product
Dinner Baked fish (you can take any fish, even fatty ones, just bake without oil or mayonnaise), cauliflower, steamed (portion no more than 150 g), tea

From the above, it becomes clear that the Kremlin diet is quite satisfying, requiring 4 meals - this will not provoke breakdowns.

Practical advice: To stay healthy, obese people should initially reduce their caloric intake by just 30% of their previous diet. The menu will be compiled based on the example given, but with the addition of the number of meat dishes and other products with 0-2 carbohydrate content points. Here it is important to take into account the daily calorie intake and the permissible amount of carbohydrates - the calorie content is gradually reduced, bringing it to the norm of 1300-1500 kcal.

Recipes for the Kremlin diet

The Kremlin diet offers a huge selection of recipes for preparing dishes that can be modified according to your own preferences - of course, you should calculate the points accurately. To the most simple options The following recipes include:

Veal with tomatoes (only 3 points per 100 g of dish)

To prepare, take half a kilo of veal and 2 tomatoes. All are chopped into cubes and placed in a frying pan for stewing. You can add a little onion and garlic, additional seasonings and spices are allowed.

Liver paste

4 points – can be used for sandwiches using special bread. For cooking you will need 200 g of chicken liver. It is stewed in a frying pan with onions and herbs added. The finished liver is scrolled in a meat grinder and only 20 g is added butter.

Bread for the Kremlin diet

8 points – allowed from stage 2 of weight loss. The Kremlin diet has its own recipe for making bread based on bran. To knead the dough, mix 200 g of sour cream with a fat content of 42%, 1 egg, salt and spices to taste. Now in ready mixture add ground bran to a thick consistency. The dough is allowed to rise for 20 minutes and baked in the oven until done.

Coconut cookies

The presented number of products will account for 49 points - calculate how many points are in one cookie. To prepare, mix half a kilo of cottage cheese (18% fat) and 200 g of butter. Add a sweetener to the mixture (about 20 tablets, previously diluted in water or milk). Separately, beat 4 eggs until thick foam with a little lemon juice. Add egg foam, lemon zest and coconut flakes to the resulting curd mixture until a thick dough is formed. Form cookies and place on a baking sheet, pre-greased. Bake for 20 minutes at 180-200 degrees.


The advantages of the Kremlin diet also include the opportunity self-composition recipes and menus are much more interesting than eating already boring dishes. Moreover, menus and recipes are compiled according to your own preferences. As a result, no breakdowns occur, and the prepared dishes turn out to be very tasty. Here, too, recipes can take into account existing allergic reactions to certain foods. For example, if there is an allergy to nuts, they are replaced with another product with a comparable score. The Kremlin diet is not short-term weight loss, but a complete nutrition system designed for life. Errors often occur in calculating the individual amount of carbohydrates consumed. Therefore, when leaving the diet and increasing points, it is necessary to monitor changes in weight - if necessary, the amount of carbohydrates is reduced from the stated ones.

Visual infographic:

What kind of diets have not been developed today to combat excess weight - Japanese, celebrity diets, drinking diets, etc. Not all of them are effective and allow you to consolidate the results, and some are also harmful to health. For the nutritional system to be effective and not harmful to health, it must be protein-rich and low content carbohydrates. The Kremlin diet is exactly that.

The beginning of the Kremlin diet and its principles

Carbohydrates play the role of fuel in the body, which it uses for normal well-being and natural functioning. They also take part in complex processes oxidation of fats and proteins. So that the human body begins to lose overweight, it is necessary to create a deficit of energy provided by incoming food, and force the body to draw this energy from fat reserves. This is only possible by reducing the calorie intake and increasing physical activity.

The sweeter the carbohydrate product, that is, the higher its glycemic index, the more it increases blood glucose levels. This provokes the release of the hormone insulin and the more of it, the slower the weight loss process.

The results of following the Kremlin diet in the photo below are achieved precisely by creating a negative energy balance and maintaining low insulin levels:

When starting active weight loss, you first need to find out how to start the Kremlin diet correctly and without harm to health? It must be said that the nutrition system itself does not prohibit anything, but invites a person losing weight to independently compose his diet based on the amount of carbohydrates in each product. It is clear that the more there are, the stronger the motivation to exclude this product from your menu. Thus, it turns out that the main ones in nutrition are protein products– meat and fish, eggs, sour milk, some vegetables and a small amount of fruit. They contain no carbohydrates at all or contain very small amounts.

If we talk about the features of the Kremlin diet in detail, we must warn you that you will have to give up bread, muffins and pastries, any sweets and cereals, since they contain an extremely high amount of carbohydrates. For ease of calculation, diet developers suggest focusing on the number of points or conventional units in every 100 g of product, which equates to the same amount of carbohydrates. This is the essence of the Kremlin diet.

The weight loss process begins when the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 40 per day. If excess weight exceeds 10 kilograms or more, then the developers of the nutrition system recommend lowering this figure to 20 in the first week, and after 7 days adhere to the above recommendation until the scale needle stops at the cherished number. To stabilize the weight, the number of points per day is increased to 60 and in the future does not exceed, otherwise there will be gain again.

These are the principles of the Kremlin diet that you should adhere to. As can be seen from the information above, this nutritional system is completely balanced and does not force a person losing weight to radically change their preferences and habits.

Pros and cons of the diet on the Kremlin diet

Among its other advantages are:

  • No need to count calories. And although there is a recommendation regarding counting the number of carbohydrates, those who are losing weight will very quickly be able to navigate and understand what exactly the diet should consist of so as not to go beyond the set limits.
  • The abundance of protein foods on the menu ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time, because it takes longer to digest. It is from protein that the skeleton and muscles are built, so those who are losing weight will only lose fat, but muscle mass.
  • The Kremlin diet gives stable results, unlike hard and fast nutrition systems. In a month you can get rid of 5 to 10 or more kilograms of excess weight and this is not the limit.
  • The nutrition system creates new eating habits. A person very quickly understands that this particular diet is balanced and correct, and as a result sticks to it for the rest of his life.
  • The diet does not prohibit the use of salt, spices and seasonings, and various sauces. That is, you won’t have to eat bland and tasteless food with it; the restrictions apply only to sweets.

This concerns the advantages of the Kremlin diet, but there are also disadvantages, which include:

  • Expensiveness, although this is relative, because everyone different level income. But still, dishes made from cereals, flour and other high-carbohydrate products are cheaper than dishes made from natural meat and fish.
  • You need to cook your own food. Of course, the easiest way is to stop by a restaurant or buy some fast food or convenience food on the way home from work. Many suffer from the fact that they do not have the opportunity to eat first courses with bread or boil a side dish for meat. Still, many eating habits will have to be changed, but this will take time, and nerves too.
  • Refusal of sweets. Those with a sweet tooth will not have it easy, but if you want to achieve your goal, then there will be no difficulties in changing your usual diet and the Kremlin diet will seem not to be a diet at all, but a way to solve an urgent problem, and a pleasant and convenient one at that.

Detailed table of calories and carbohydrates in ready-made dishes of the Kremlin diet (with points)

There are many tables of the Kremlin diet indicating carbohydrates in food products that are used in creating menus. However, it is much more convenient when it is possible to know the number of points in a ready-made dish. Then the menu can be compiled much faster, because in Russian cuisine there are many dishes that are used everywhere and deserve wide distribution. It is from such ready-made dishes that the complete table of the Kremlin diet is compiled.

Here she is:

Ready meals

First meal

Meat broth

Borscht with potatoes

Okroshka depending on the type of liquid component

Solyanka with meat or mushrooms

Pea soup

Soup with potatoes and barley

Cold beetroot soup or rassolnik

Soup with homemade noodles or rice cereal

Milk-based soup with cabbage

Milk-based soup with noodles

Soup based on milk, semolina and pumpkin

Carrot soup puree consistency

Millet soup with added prunes

Celery soup

Tomato soup

Mushroom soup

Green borscht

Meat dishes

Fried and boiled lamb, beef and pork

The same types of meat, stewed

Balls with added rice

Beefsteak with egg

Pancakes filled with meat

Meatballs with rice filling

Zucchini or bell pepper with rice and meat filling

Minced meat cutlets

Meat in the oven

Dumplings depending on the cooking method

Liver pancakes

Stewed kidneys

Meat roll

Fish in any form

Fish dipped in egg

Escalope and boiled tongue


Liquid from rolled oats

Buckwheat with viscous consistency

From semolina with viscous consistency

Made from sticky rice

Pumpkin porridge

Made from pearl barley and millet with a viscous consistency

Buckwheat krupenik


Any fish, crabs and caviar of any color


Surimi fish sticks

Shrimp, lobster and lobster

Crayfish, kelp and scallop

Canned food

Any fish and sprats in oil

Buryak caviar

Blue caviar

Green pea

Zucchini caviar

Kelp salad

Fish in tomato sauce

Pepper with vegetable filling

Cod fish liver

Tomato paste

Beans in the form of pods

Red beans


Cheese from Holland, the Baltics, Latvia and Russia

Cheese from Adygea

Smoked sausage-shaped cheese


Cheese from Switzerland, Yaroslavl, Roquefort and Cheddar

Vegetable dishes

Vinaigrette and carrot puree

Stuffed cabbage rolls with vegetable filling

Fried blue ones

Potato pancakes and pancakes

Boiled peas

Casserole with cabbage filling

Zucchini depending on the cooking method

Boiled, pickled and fried cabbage

Boiled potatoes

Potatoes with mushrooms

Potatoes baked in sour cream

Mint potatoes

French fries and beet cutlets

Carrot cutlets and pumpkin pancakes

Radish with added oil

Stewed beets

Beetroot with cheese and garlic

Beets stewed with apples

Vegetable stew

Cabbage schnitzel

Muffins and baked goods

Lavash from Armenia and buns

Noodles with added egg

Rye flour flatbreads

Almond cookies

Long-lasting cookies

Oatmeal cookies

Cookies sprinkled with sugar

Gingerbread based on choux pastry

Drying depending on additives

Sweet straw

Crackers "Kirieshki"

Bread "Doctorskie"


Dairy products

Yogurt with berries and fruits

Yoghurts “Miracle”

Condensed milk with sugar

Homemade low-fat cheese

Sweet cheeses depending on fat content

Curd mass depending on fat content

Other dishes

Dumplings depending on the cooking method

Mushrooms in sour cream

Rice casserole

Cheese casserole

Curd noodle maker and boiled pasta

Rice and pancake pudding


From pears and quince

From apricots

From strawberries

From plums and chokeberries

From tangerines

From raspberries

From black currant



With cream and fruit

With curd filling

Winter Cherry, Chocolate Girl and Royal



Mustard based

With mushrooms

With cranberries

Red, onion, pesto and sour cream

From tomatoes

From black currant

From milk

Chocolate candies

Bounty, Mozart, Paradise cocktail

Inspiration, Arriero, Gourmet

Blue and black velvet

Chocolate covered roast

Seafood and Paradise Nut

Teddy Bear and the Tretyakov Gallery

Wonderful evening

Of course, this detailed table of the Kremlin diet does not include all ready-made dishes, but the basic ones that are present in the diet of the majority are available. Using the Kremlin Diet calorie table indicating the number of points in ready-made store-bought products such as cheese or yogurt, it is easy to understand what the total amount will be when preparing any salad, etc.

The effectiveness of the Kremlin diet: how long can you lose weight and how long can you stay on it?

Every person who is losing weight wants to know how many kilograms and how long it will take to lose weight on the Kremlin diet? This will depend on the weight at which the person losing weight starts the diet and what result they want to achieve. As already mentioned, the first week is the most difficult, because the amount of carbohydrates received per day is only 20, but later it increases to 30–40 and the nutritional menu becomes significantly enriched, becomes more varied, but the duration of this stage also increases. One of the most common questions is how long to stay on the Kremlin diet? Experts recommend sticking to it for at least a month and a half.

You should not try to shorten this period; you must remember that the extra pounds did not “stick” to the body overnight, which means you should not try to get rid of them too quickly. Gradually introduce vegetables, nuts, seeds and berries and fruits into your diet. Add no more than 5 points per week and constantly monitor your weight, because if it suddenly starts to grow again, then you need to go back to the beginning of the Kremlin diet. You need to eat regularly, do not starve for more than 4 hours, but also do not overeat. It is very important to drink plenty of fluids - up to 2-3 liters per day.

As soon as there are only a couple of kilograms left until the cherished figure, you can gradually add 10 points per week. The longer this process is, the better, because the person losing weight enters the stage of consolidating the result obtained, which means that ideally it should last for the rest of his life. Through trial and error, you can determine for yourself what amount of carbohydrates per day is normal and does not cause weight gain. Most often, the effectiveness of the Kremlin diet is maintained if you receive no more than 60 cu per day. e.

Harm and contraindications of the Kremlin diet for men and women

Now a person losing weight has an idea of ​​the complete Kremlin diet, which will help him lose weight correctly and safely, but it will not be comprehensive if we do not mention those for whom it is contraindicated. It must be said that there are no differences by gender. The Kremlin diet for men, as for women, will be equally effective. Therefore, people who, for health reasons, cannot exclude carbohydrates from the menu cannot use this diet.

These include:

  • persons with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, colitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, etc. The same applies to kidney and liver diseases;
  • persons with any disease in the acute period;
  • children and adolescents;
  • The Kremlin diet is contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding women;
  • persons after surgery and during recovery from serious illnesses;
  • diabetics;
  • people suffering from cardiovascular diseases;
  • persons with nervous lability and mental disorders.

These are the contraindications for the Kremlin diet. There are fierce debates about its benefits and balance, and today many experts express the opinion that the Kremlin diet does more harm than good. An abundance of fat-rich animal products in the diet invariably leads to increased blood cholesterol levels. As a result, it accumulates in the body, depositing on the walls of arteries, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke and other heart and vascular problems.

Allowed foods on the Kremlin diet (with video)

In addition, it is suggested that in the process of evolution it has turned out that man is more of a vegetarian than a carnivore. Protein food is heavy on the stomach, it is more difficult to digest, increases the load on the gastrointestinal tract, which as a result leads to stagnation and deposits of waste and toxins.

From the video presented, which talks about the Kremlin diet, you can learn that the abundance of high-calorie protein in the diet, which is assigned zero status in the table, leads to the body receiving more calories than it expends, which contradicts the very principles of this nutrition system.

However, all those who were able to lose weight with its help are direct confirmation that the diet works. You just need to more carefully and thoughtfully choose the permitted products of the Kremlin diet, and even if they have zero carbohydrate content, this does not mean that they can be eaten in kilograms. After all, the goal is to lose weight, which means that fewer calories should be received than they are consumed. Don't forget about physical activity, which must be present in the life of a losing weight person. Only under such conditions will it be possible to start the process of losing weight, and the result can be consolidated only if the person never returns to the diet he followed before the diet.

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What is the Kremlin diet and how effective is it in losing weight? You will learn about this from our article. We will also talk about a sample menu for the Kremlin diet and share recipes for preparing dishes.

Kremlin diet

Kremlin diet - effective technique nutrition, which allows you to reduce weight up to six kg in eight days and up to 15 kg in 30-45 days.

The essence of the Kremlin diet is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. As a result, the body begins to use body fat and convert them into energy.

When losing weight, you are allowed to eat meat products in any quantity. And this does not interfere with the elimination of excess weight.

Full table of products with points

The table below shows the number of carbohydrate points that certain foods contain. Each product is awarded points based on the number of grams of carbohydrates it contains.

Make up your diet based on the number of food points.

Products, 100 gr.PointsProducts, 100 gr.Points
Bread Cereals
Wheat50 Buckwheat62
Borodinsky40 Buckwheat (done)65
Rizhsky51 "Hercules"50
Rye34 Manna67
Diabetic38 Oatmeal49
Armenian lavash56 Millet66
Grain43 Pearl barley66
Butter buns51 Rice71
Drying68 Barley66
Bagels58 Split peas50
Sweet straw69 Beans46
Rye flatbreads43 Soups (500 gr.)
Creamy crackers66 Chicken and meat broth0
Wheat flour 1st grade67 Vegetable soup16
Wheat flour premium68 Tomato soup17
Sifted rye flour64 Pea soup20
Corn flour70 Mushroom soup15
Soy flour16 Green cabbage soup12
Potato starch79 Goulash12
Corn starch85 Seafood, fish
Egg noodles68 Fresh/frozen river or sea fish0
Pasta69 Boiled fish0
Meat, poultry Smoked fish0
Veal, beef0 Crabs2
Pork, lamb0 Fish in breadcrumbs12
Rabbit0 Fish in tomato6
Geese, ducks0 Oysters7
Chicken0 Mussels5
Meat with flour sauce6 Lobster1
Meat in breadcrumbs5 Squid4
Chicken liver1,5 Shrimps0
Beef liver0 Red caviar0
Heart0 Black caviar0
Steak0 Sea kale1
Milk sausages1,5 Milk
Pork sausages2 Pasteurized milk4,7
Beef sausages1,5 Baked milk4,7
Sausages0 Sour cream3
“Doctor’s” sausage1,5 Cream4
Salo0 Low-fat cottage cheese1,8
Korean0 Fat cottage cheese2,8
Beef tongue, pork tongue0 Diet cottage cheese1
Pork feet0 Sweet curd mass15
One egg of any kind0,5 Kefir, curdled milk3,2
Alcohol Glazed cheese curds32
Dry red wine1 Sweet yogurt8,5
Dry white wine1 Yogurt without sugar3,5
Liqueur 60 gr.18 Different types of cheese0,5-2
Beer 250 gr.12 Butter1,3
Vodka0 Margarine1
Whiskey0 Vegetable oil0
Brandy, cognac0 Table mayonnaise2,6
Tequila0 Mushrooms
Rum0 White1
Vegetables Dried whites7,5
Watermelon9 Fresh milk mushrooms1
Eggplant5 Fresh chanterelles1,5
Swede7 Fresh boletus0,5
Beans5 Fresh honey mushrooms0,5
Green peas12 boletus1,5
Cauliflower5 Dried boletus14
Melon9 Fresh boletus1
White cabbage5 Dried boletus13
Kohlrabi cabbage8 Saffron milk caps0,5
Red cabbage5 Morels0,2
Green beans3 Champignon0,1
Carrot7 Russula1,5
Zucchini4 Canned food
Pumpkin4 Green pea6,5
Chinese radish (daikon)1 Fish0
Tomatoes4 Corn14,5
Red bell pepper5 Beans2,5
Green bell pepper5 Tomatoes4
Radish4 Olives5
Fresh cucumber3 cucumbers3
Parsley (root)10,5 Squash caviar8,5
Parsley (greens)8 Eggplant caviar5
Bulb onions9 Beet caviar2
Leek6,5 Pepper stuffed with vegetables11
Green onions3,5 Tomato paste19
Radish6,5 Salad with seaweed4
Turnip5 Sweets
Leaf salad2 Granulated sugar, refined sugar99
Beet9 Paste80
Celery root6 Honey75
Celery (greens)2 Halva55
Horseradish7,5 Almond cake45
Asparagus3 Sponge cake50
Garlic5 Cream cake62
Cheremsha6 Custard gingerbread77
Potato16 Butter cookies75
Sorrel3 Regular waffles65
Spinach2 Fruit waffles80
Fruits Fruit icecream25
Quince8 Ice cream popsicle20
Apricot9 Ice cream22
A pineapple11,5 Lollipops70
Cherry plum6,5 Milk chocolate54
Orange8 bitter chocolate50
Cherry10 Chocolate with nuts48
Banana21 Chocolate candies51
Pomegranate11 Fudge candies83
Pear9,5 Caramel with filling92
Grapefruit6,5 Marmalade76
Kiwi10 Condensed milk56
Figs11 Apple jam66
Lemon3 Strawberry jam71
Dogwood9 Raspberry jam71
Peach9,5 Jam68
Mandarin8 Apple jam65
Nectarine13 Diabetic jam3
Chokeberry11 Diabetic jam9
Rowan8,5 Berries
Plum9,5 Grape15
Persimmon13 Cowberry8
Dates68 Blackberry4,5
Cherries10,5 Blueberry7
Apples9,5 Cranberry4
Dried apricots55 Strawberry6,5
Raisin66 Raspberries8
Prunes58 Gooseberry9
Dried pear49 Cloudberry6
Dried apples45 Blueberry8
Dried apricots53 Sea ​​buckthorn5
Nuts White currant8
Cedar10 Red Ribes7,5
Peanut15 Black currant7,5
Walnuts12 Fresh rosehip10
Almond11 Dried rose hips21,5
Hazelnut15 Beverages
Cashew25 Mineral water0
Pistachios15 Coffee, tea without sugar0
Coconut20 Apple juice7,5
Pumpkin seeds12 Orange juice12
Sesame seeds20 Grape juice14
Sunflower seeds18 Tomato juice3,5
Spices, seasonings Grapefruit juice8
Cinnamon (1 tsp)0,5 Tangerine juice9
Chili pepper (ground, 1 tsp)0,5 Plum juice16
Apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp)1 Pomegranate juice14
Vinegar (1 tbsp)2,3 Plum juice with pulp11
White wine vinegar (1 tbsp)1,5 Cherry juice11,5
Red wine vinegar (1 tbsp)0 Apricot juice14
Mustard (1 tbsp)0,5 carrot juice6
Capers (1 tbsp)0,4 Apricot compote21
Cranberry sauce (1 tbsp)6,5 Grape compote19
Ginger root (1 tbsp)0,8 Cherry compote24
Ketchup (1 tbsp)4 Pear compote18
Horseradish (1 tbsp)0,4 Apple compote19
Soy sauce (1 tbsp)1 Compote with xylitol6
Sweet and sour sauce (50 gr.)15 Tartar sauce (1 tbsp)0,5
BBQ sauce (1 tbsp)1,8 Spicy herbs (1 tbsp)0,1
Tomato sauce (50 gr.)3,5 Meat gravy (base - broth, 50 g.)3

Stages of the Kremlin diet

There are 4 main stages of the Kremlin:

  • 1st - duration is 2 weeks. The total amount of carbohydrates consumed per day should not exceed 20 g.
  • 2nd - duration depends on the speed of weight loss, on average 1-1.5 months. During this time, add five grams of carbohydrates per week until the total reaches 40. If after this the weight continues to decrease, move on to the next stage.
  • 3rd - during it, add ten grams of carbohydrates per week. The total amount of carbohydrates consumed per day is no more than 60.
  • 4th - at this time it is important to maintain the weight loss results obtained. Start eating regular foods and try to stick to limited carbohydrate intake.

The most difficult stage is the first. During it, the body gets used to a new diet, learns to expend energy acquired not from food, but from fat deposits.

The first stage menu includes:

  • fish;
  • meat products;
  • eggs;

In this case, you should remove from the diet:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee;
  • granulated sugar;
  • potato;
  • flour products;
  • nuts;
  • fruits.

Kremlin diet menu for 10 days

Important diet rules:

  • Before you start losing weight, make sure you have no serious illnesses;
  • drink at least two liters of water and drinks indicated in the table per day;
  • do not eat later than 18.00.

Menu for 10 days:

  • 1st - for breakfast a mug of coffee, processed cheese and milk sausages. For lunch, unsweetened tea, fried carp, seafood salad. For dinner, kefir, one grapefruit and grilled chicken.
  • 2nd - after waking up, cottage cheese with zero fat content, a mug of tea and hard-boiled eggs. For lunch, a glass of juice, cherry tomato salad and roasted duck. Afternoon snack - walnuts, for dinner a mug of tea, cabbage salad, duck meat.
  • 3rd - after waking up, a mug of tea, cheese and scrambled eggs. For lunch, sliced ​​cucumber, Kalmyk tea and lula kebab. Kiwi for an afternoon snack, tomatoes, a glass of kefir and rabbit meat for dinner.
  • 4th - for breakfast a mug of tea, cabbage salad and boiled sausages. For lunch, mushroom salad, fried lamb, a glass of juice. Grapefruit for lunch, fried fish for dinner, lettuce and a mug of coffee.
  • 5th - after waking up, a glass of milk and cottage cheese with zero fat content. For lunch, tomatoes and cucumber, a mug of tea and fried meat. An orange in the afternoon, and in the evening cheese, vegetable salad, white wine, fried carp and kefir.
  • 6th - immediately after waking up, one slice of sausage, a mug of coffee and scrambled eggs. For lunch, wine, any seafood and freshly cooked roast beef. For an afternoon snack, one tangerine, and for dinner, tomatoes, a glass of milk, and fried rabbit meat.
  • 7th - sausages and eggplant caviar for breakfast, boiled pike perch for lunch, a mug of coffee and lettuce. Peanuts in the afternoon, and in the evening a glass of kefir, boiled beef and fresh white cabbage.
  • 8th - after waking up, unsweetened tea or coffee, boiled sausage and scrambled eggs. For lunch, squid salad, unsweetened tea, pike perch cooked in breadcrumbs. An orange in the afternoon, natural yogurt in the evening, baked chicken breast and one lightly salted cucumber.
  • 9th - for breakfast unsweetened tea, 2 boiled eggs, cottage cheese. For lunch, mushroom salad, fried pork, unsweetened coffee. An apple in the afternoon, and for dinner boiled chicken and cabbage, a mug of tea.
  • 10th - for breakfast a mug of unsweetened tea, boiled eggs - two pieces, cheese. For lunch, sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers, a mug of unsweetened tea or coffee, fried salmon. In the afternoon only olives, in the evening 2 tomatoes, boiled fish, natural yogurt.

Result: up to ten kg.

Kremlin diet menu for 2 weeks

If you decide to stick to the Kremlin diet for 14 days, then in this case you should repeat the menu of the weekly Kremlin diet twice. In this case, weight loss is up to 8-10 kg.

Simple Kremlin diet

This menu is designed for a week, the amount of carbohydrates allowed is 40 points.


  • breakfast - 0.1 kg of cheese, coffee without sugar, 2 eggs;
  • lunch - 0.2 kg of chicken meat, 200 g of cucumber salad, tomato juice;
  • snack - 0.2 kg of cheese;
  • dinner - 0.15 kg of low-fat cottage cheese and a small amount of sour cream.


  • breakfast - tea without granulated sugar, 2 boiled eggs, one sausage;
  • lunch - mushroom soup, 0.1 kg of tomato salad, unsweetened tea;
  • afternoon snack - pumpkin puree;
  • dinner - 0.12 kg low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream.


  • breakfast - unsweetened tea and two-egg omelette;
  • lunch - fried fish, cabbage salad with herbs;
  • snack - apple;
  • dinner - 0.15 kg of shish kebab, unsweetened tea, 2 tomato salad.


  • breakfast - sour cream with cottage cheese, two pieces of sausage;
  • lunch - broth cooked in chicken meat, unsweetened tea, zucchini, 1 egg;
  • snack - tomato or seaweed salad;
  • dinner - meat cooked in sauce in the oven, white wine.


  • breakfast - coffee without granulated sugar, boiled egg and fish;
  • lunch - 0.2 kg of shrimp, tea without sugar, bell pepper with vegetables, meat;
  • afternoon snack - vegetable salad;
  • dinner - meat baked in the oven with tomatoes, tea, bell pepper.


  • breakfast - unsweetened tea, boiled sausage and two eggs;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, a mug of tea, 0.2 kg of pork baked in the oven;
  • afternoon snack - 0.1 kg of cottage cheese with zero fat content;
  • dinner - salad of mussels, boiled shrimp, oysters.


  • breakfast - 220 ml of low-fat milk, two pieces of sausage, omelette;
  • lunch - broth prepared with chicken meat, 0.1 kg of chicken liver, green tea;
  • afternoon snack - natural yogurt;
  • dinner - a glass of wine, vegetable salad, grilled chicken.

Result: up to five kg.

Kremlin diet reviews

Below you will find reviews of those who have lost weight, doctors and photographs of people who followed the Kremlin diet.

Losing weight quickly without deteriorating well-being is the desire of many women. If you follow the “Kremlin” diet correctly and know its features, you can get rid of extra pounds and feel the joy of life again.

Basic rules of the Kremlin diet

Variants of how the system appeared dietary nutrition“Kremlin” and why it is called that, several. The author of the method is still unknown; many experts claim that the diet is based on the Atkins weight loss system. One of the versions about the appearance of the name is that the delicacies included in the list of permitted products (caviar, hard cheeses, sausage and seafood) were available only to the party elite, so the food system began to be called the Kremlin.

Others argue that the technique began to be called that way because of the increased interest of the population in everything related to the lifestyle of party members, that is, it was a kind of marketing ploy.

The diet in question is considered low-carbohydrate; it is imperative to consume large amounts of protein foods. However, you cannot eat this food in unlimited quantities; the optimal daily portion of meat should not exceed the palm of the person losing weight.

Each product is endowed with a value determined by carbohydrate units or, in other words, points. If you do not exceed the daily norm of units during a specific period of weight loss, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds.

Full table of points for the Kremlin

The complete table of the Kremlin diet helps with calculations, in which you can find almost every product and its “cost”.

Products Points Products Points
Fresh fruits and dried fruits
Apricot 9 Dried apricots 51
A pineapple 11,5 Lemon 3
Orange 8 Mandarin 8
Banana 21 Persimmon 13
Figs 11 Apple 9,5
Eggplant 4,5 Radish 3,5
Zucchini 4,5 Salad leaves 2
Potato 16 Beet 9
Corn 20 Asparagus 3
Bulb onions 9 Beans 3
Carrot 7 Cauliflower 4
Tomato 4 Sorrel 3
First meal
Borsch 4 Vegetable soup 16
Pea soup 20 Soup kharcho 5,5
Chicken bouillon 0 Bean soup 7
Solyanka 1,5 Cabbage soup 2
Brynza 0,5 Ice cream popsicle 20
Yogurt 3.2% 3,5 Sour cream 15% 3,6
Kefir 4 Cheese 0,5-2
Butter 1 Dutch cheese 0
Milk 4,8 Cottage cheese 3
Meat, poultry and fish
Steak 1,5 Fish 0
Boiled sausage 0 Pork sausages 2
Turkey 0 Pork chop 0
Doctor's sausage 1,5 Cervelat 0,2
Smoked sausage 0,5 Milk sausages 1,5
Cutlets 13 Shashlik 0
Chicken breast 0 Schnitzel 9
Chicken liver 1,5 Chicken egg 0,5
Side dishes
Buckwheat 62 Rice porridge crumbly 25
Egg noodles 68 Braised cabbage 9
Pasta 20 Barley porridge 66
Second courses
Pancakes 32 Boiled dumplings 13
Vareniki 16 Vegetable stew 10
Stuffed cabbage rolls 7 Curd cheesecakes 18
Roast 10 Meatballs with rice 14
Bagels 58 Doctor's bread 46
Armenian lavash 56 Wheat bread 50
Butter buns 51 Rye bread 34
Nuts and sweets
Peanut 15 Lollipops 70
Apple jam 66 Sugar cookies 74
Regular waffles 65 Sponge cake 63
Walnuts 12 Halva 55
Cashew 25 Chocolate 50
Watermelon 9 Currant 7,5
Raspberries 8 Dried rosehip 21,5
Dry white wine 1 Mineral water 0
Pear compote 18 Tomato juice 3,5
Coffee 0 Tea 0
Pickles, mushrooms and seafood
Porcini mushrooms 1 Table mayonnaise 3
Sauerkraut 5 Pickles 2
Crab sticks 15 Sea kale 1
Shrimps 0,5 Olives 5

The maximum numbers are observed for such items as sweets, jam and dried fruit. Milk and its derivatives, sausages, and hard cheeses have moderate indicators. You can eat fish with different pulps, meat and offal with virtually no danger.

Principles of weight loss according to the system under consideration:

  • Active weight loss occurs if you score no more than 20 points at the initial stage.
  • The kilograms go away if in subsequent periods the diet consists of 40 units.
  • Stability in weight is observed with daily consumption of foods that are generally rated at less than 60 points.
  • If the number exceeds 60, the person begins to gain weight.

It is worth noting that in addition to counting points, you should play sports, but in moderation. This could be walking, swimming in the pool several times a week, cycling, etc. If a person is accustomed to intense exercise, then you can add another + 10-15 units to the established norm.

Kremlin diet - menu options according to points table

In total, the method involves 4 stages of weight loss with different daily points.

First stage

The initial phase of the nutritional system in question usually lasts no more than 14 days. The daily rate of units should not exceed 20 points.

On average, during this period it is possible to get rid of 5 kg, but everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Some people manage to lose almost 10 kg, while others find it difficult to get rid of even 2 kg. In the latter case, the stage can be extended if your health allows.

Second phase

At the second stage, it is allowed to introduce berries, some fruits, seeds and nuts. You definitely need to control your weight: if the results are satisfactory, you are allowed to add 5 points per week. The duration of the phase depends on whether the person losing weight is satisfied with the result achieved (usually 2 weeks). If the kilograms do not go away, or the weight begins to grow again, you should return to the beginning, that is, stage 1.

Third stage

Stage 3 needs to be extended for at least 2 months to consolidate the results obtained. The average number of units per day is 60, but it is worth conducting an individual analysis: is there any harm to the figure with such an amount of carbohydrates eaten.

Fourth stage

At the final stage, you can gradually return to your previous gastronomic habits, but within reason. The stage is designed to maintain weight.

A simple menu of the Kremlin diet for a week

For many women, the first week of the Kremlin diet is the most difficult. These 7 days protein nutrition will show whether the system is effective in a particular case. Recommended number of points per day = 20.

List of prohibited products at this stage:

  • coffee,
  • flour,
  • vegetables containing starch,
  • alcoholic drinks,
  • fruits,
  • everything is sweet.

1 day:

  • In the morning - a piece of cheese, a hot drink, 1 egg, 2 sausages.
  • At lunchtime - salad with mushrooms and any vegetables, chicken bouillon, green tea.
  • After lunch – no more than 220 g of cottage cheese with 0% fat content.
  • In the evening - a glass of kefir, lettuce leaves, grilled salmon or trout.

The total number of points is 19.5.

Day 2:

  • After sleep - rosehip decoction, cottage cheese with 0% fat content + a few tablespoons of sour cream.
  • Lunch option – tea, pickled mushrooms, kharcho soup.
  • Afternoon snack – a glass of natural yoghurt.
  • Dinner option – 2 sausages + stewed cabbage.

On this day, the menu includes 20.5 carbohydrate units.

Day 3:

  • After waking up - 2 slices of hard cheese, fried eggs, black or green tea.
  • At lunchtime - any tea, mushrooms stewed in sour cream, pickle soup.
  • An afternoon snack option is a glass of low-fat milk.
  • In the evening - salad with seaweed + any boiled fish.

Points per day – 21.5.

Day 4:

  • Morning menu - omelet with sausage and hard cheese, black tea.
  • For lunch - herbal broth, pork chop, noodles.
  • After lunch – a few pieces of hard cheese.
  • In the evening - any tea, chicken liver stewed with sour cream, steamed broccoli.

Number of units per day – 20.

Day 5:

  • Breakfast option - tea, fried eggs with tomato slices.
  • For lunch - lettuce leaves, a hot drink, 1 cucumber and a pork chop.
  • After lunch – natural tomato juice.
  • Dinner option - 2 milk sausages, fried squash or zucchini.

Day 5 diet points = 20.5.

Day 6:

  • After sleep - 2 pieces of ham, 1 egg, no more than 120 g of cottage cheese with 0% fat content.
  • At lunchtime - a hot drink, sauerkraut, a plate of borscht.
  • Afternoon snack – 1 small avocado.
  • In the evening - salad with tomato and cucumber, 200 g of shrimp.

Carbohydrate units of the diet – 19.5.

Day 7:

  • Breakfast – 1 sausage and 1 egg, herbal infusion, squash caviar.
  • Lunch time - hot drink, mushrooms with sour cream, meat-based broth.
  • An afternoon snack option is a glass of fresh milk.
  • For dinner – lettuce leaves + fried or baked breast.

The final day of the week – 20 points.

Kremlin diet for 10 days for the second stage

During this period, you can gradually include foods with low carbohydrate content in the menu. These can be nuts, seeds and berries. The best option– increase carbohydrates every 7 days by 5 units.

The duration of this stage is about 14 days. At the end of the test, the diet should include foods that total no more than 40 points.

It is important to monitor your weight: if it increases, you must return to the very first stage of weight loss of the Kremlin diet. Sample menu for 10 days is given below.

Day 1:

  • Breakfast - any tea, salad with cauliflower, 2 sausages (7 points).
  • Lunch – barbecue, coffee, salad with mushrooms and vegetables, chicken broth soup (5 units).
  • Afternoon snack – no more than 200 g of cottage cheese without sugar (6).
  • Dinner – tea, seaweed salad, 150 g shrimp (4).

Day 2:

  • After sleep – tea + 2 sausages + fried eggplants (7 units).
  • Lunch time - a bowl of vegetable soup, pork chop, cabbage salad (11).
  • After lunch – 10 olives + coffee (2).
  • In the evening – a glass of kefir + 1 tomato + boiled fish (8).

Day 3:

  • For breakfast – any tea + omelet of 3 eggs with grated cheese (3 points).
  • For lunch - tomato and carrot salad, cabbage soup, grilled chicken (10).
  • After lunch – 25 g of peanuts + a glass of any dry wine (5).
  • In the evening - 3 pieces of cheese, lettuce, boiled any fish with red or white flesh (4).

Day 4:

  • After waking up - a few slices of ham, any hot drink, 2 fried eggs, a piece of cheese (5 points).
  • Lunch option – sorrel cabbage soup, salad with any vegetables and mushrooms, steak (8).
  • Afternoon snack – no more than 120 g of cheese + green tea (2).
  • Dinner option – a glass of tea, boiled breast, 1 medium tomato (6).

Day 5:

  • Breakfast option – 3 sausages, a hot drink, no more than 120 g of zucchini caviar (11 units).
  • At lunchtime - cucumber salad, boiled liver, hot drink, about 180 g of breast (9).
  • Afternoon snack option – 1 tomato + 1 small avocado (6).
  • Before going to bed - a glass of kefir and any boiled meat (4).

Day 6:

  • Breakfast option – 2 stuffed eggs with champignons + coffee + 120 g of dietary cottage cheese (5 units).
  • For lunch - lamb kebab, chicken broth, salad with beets and butter (6).
  • After lunch - roasted peanuts, about 40 g (100 g 15 units), any tea (6).
  • In the evening – fried breast, hot drink, boiled cauliflower (5).

Day 7:

  • After sleep - any kind of tea, a piece of cheese, 2 slices of ham, scrambled eggs from 3 eggs (2 units).
  • Lunch option – salad with beets and cabbage, fried chicken fillet, fish soup (16).
  • Afternoon snack – one tangerine (8).
  • Before going to bed - a glass of kefir, lettuce, boiled fish with red flesh (6).

Day 8, 9, 10

The menu of the Kremlin diet on day 8 is similar to the very first. On the 9th day of following the nutritional system in question, you should follow the diet of the second day. The final day - you need to eat according to the menu for 3 days.

Recipes for the Kremlin diet in its final stages

The final stages are the longest period of the diet. On average, it lasts from 1.5 to 3 months. It is recommended to increase the amount of carbohydrate foods consumed from 40 units (at the beginning of the stage) to 60 (at the end). These numbers are enough to prevent you from gaining extra pounds.

All meat and fish dishes can be eaten with a vegetable side dish. Products such as vermicelli, cereals and potatoes cannot be added to hot dishes, only to the first ones. You still can’t indulge in fat-containing foods and all the sweets. Here are several recipe options for this period.

Roast Turkey with Cheese (2 units)

You will need: 1 protein, 70 g of hard cheese, 230 g of poultry. The turkey is cut into cubes, each of which needs to be dipped in protein and sprinkled with cheese. Fry in a small amount of oil until browned, sprinkle with remaining cheese before serving.

Liver pate (4 units)

Ingredients: any greens, 1 onion, about 200 g of liver, 20 g of unsalted butter, favorite spices, a little salt. The liver is stewed with herbs and chopped onions until cooked. The mixture is crushed in a blender, food processor or meat grinder. Everything is thoroughly mixed, spices and salt are added.

Pros and cons of the Kremlin food system

The Kremlin diet, with a varied menu designed for 1 week or more, has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The “advantages” include the following:

  • varied diet;
  • noticeable weight loss;
  • lack of debilitating feelings of hunger;
  • getting rid of skin imperfections associated with carbohydrate consumption.

The disadvantages of losing weight include a strict restriction in the consumption of all sweets and the presence of a fairly large list of contraindications.

The main ones:

  • period of lactation and childbearing;
  • peptic ulcers of the digestive system;
  • renal pathologies;
  • disruption of the proper functioning of the intestines;
  • any forms of diabetes.

Many women and men dream of a slim figure. How to easily lose weight, but not starve? There are many techniques that help you lose weight and feel comfortable while dieting. One such weight loss system is the Kremlin diet or Kremlevka. She represents special way nutrition that will help you lose weight, without excluding fried meat, mayonnaise, sour cream and other protein and fatty foods from your diet. What are the basic principles of the Kremlin diet? How to create a food menu using this method?

Stages of the diet and what foods you can eat

The basic principle of Kremlevka is nutrition with a strict restriction of foods high in carbohydrates. Why do people lose weight following this diet? To understand this point, it is necessary to consider some physiological and chemical processes, occurring in a person when eating food. After eating food, some time passes and it begins to be absorbed by our body. For this process to proceed normally, it must involve carbohydrates, which help break down fats and proteins.

What happens if there are not enough of them in food? With a lack of carbohydrates, proteins and fats do not break down, but they are simply removed from our body. In this case, the body does not receive calories from low-carb foods for vital functions, so it is forced to use up its fat deposits. Hence the conclusion: the less carbohydrates we eat, the faster we lose weight.

A diet based on the above principle will help you remove up to 6 kg of excess weight in 8 days. And by adhering to this nutrition system for 1-1.5 months, you can actually lose 8-15 kg. When compiling a menu, you must use a special calculation system in conventional units. To lose weight, you need to eat no more than 40 USD per day, and to maintain weight at the same level, no more than 60 USD. In the Kremlin diet, 1 USD = 1 g of carbohydrates.

The Kremlin diet is a diet that contains minimal carbohydrates. And here high-calorie foods with a high content of protein and fat in the diet of a person losing weight according to this system are present in abundance. This ensures that when following this diet, a person will feel comfortable and not feel hungry. This means that losing weight will be easy and stress-free. You can eat according to this system at any time of the day, but overeating at night is not recommended. What products are allowed to be used to create the menu for this diet?

Fish, meat, eggs, mushrooms, cheese are the basis of food in the Kremlin. The menu can include dishes from pork, poultry, beef, seafood, fish different varieties. It is recommended to eat meat in such a way as not to combine it in one meal with carbohydrate foods (potatoes, cereals, bread). Cottage cheese, nuts, vegetable oil, milk, sour cream, mayonnaise, vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, zucchini, daikon) that contain few carbohydrates, dry wines, whiskey, vodka, unsweetened tea - all this is allowed to eat and drink while following this diet .

You can eat hard cheeses and sausages (preferably without dyes or chemical additives). What can't you eat during the Kremlin diet? The main rule is not to include foods rich in carbohydrates in your diet. This means that fruits, berries, vegetables rich in carbohydrates, pasta, spaghetti, sweets, baked goods, beer, sugary drinks, wines and other foods that contain a lot of sugar should not be included in the menu of those losing weight at the Kremlin.

The Kremlin diet consists of 4 stages:

  1. First stage The diet lasts 14 days. At this time, the daily diet is compiled so that the amount of carbohydrates in it is no more than 20 c.u. To do this, exclude flour, fruits, sweets, and starchy vegetables from the menu. But meat, eggs, fish, cheese, and butter are allowed. During this period, losing weight on the Kremlin diet, some can lose 10 kg, while others can lose 1.5 kg.
  2. From this time on, additional carbohydrates are gradually added to the diet. They add 5 USD per week. The maximum daily dose of carbohydrates that you can afford at this stage is 40 USD. It is important to eat in moderation, not to overeat or starve. In this case, you need to control your weight using scales. If the weight starts to increase, then you need to return to the daily carbohydrate intake of 20 USD. and repeat the first step. And when you have almost achieved the desired result (another 2 kg remains to be removed), then proceed to stage 3.
  3. It is recommended to follow this diet period for 2-3 months until you completely lose excess weight. The amount of carbohydrates is increased by 10 USD per week. It is advisable to extend this process over a long period of time, because this will help you achieve weight loss faster. At this stage, you should understand what the ideal daily dose of carbohydrates is for you to maintain your desired weight. It is worth considering that for most people the maximum daily dose is 60 USD.
  4. Stick to your daily carbohydrate intake at all times. However, sometimes you have the right to eat a cake or other high-carbohydrate dish. The main thing is not to return to old habits.

Sample menu of the Kremlin diet for 10 days

While losing weight on the Kremlin diet, you will not feel a debilitating feeling of hunger, because your diet will be filled with high-calorie dishes with a minimum content of carbohydrates. This ensures that the process of losing excess weight will take place without stress and nervous tension. If you follow this nutrition system, you need to drink up to 2 liters of water. The Kremlin diet menu for 10 days, which is presented below, will help you quickly lose weight.

Diet day

4 sausages (3), cauliflower salad (5), green or black unsweetened tea (0)

a plate of soup with onions and herbs in chicken broth (250 g) (5), shish kebab (lamb) (0), vegetable salad with mushrooms (6), coffee (0)

200 g unsweetened cottage cheese (6)

shrimp (2), 200 g fried sea/river fish (0), tea (0)

omelette made from 4 eggs, cheese (3), tea

a bowl of celery soup (250 g) (8), carrot salad (7), escalope (0), a glass of dry wine

peanuts up to 30 g (5 c.u.)

boiled sea/river fish (0), lettuce (4), glass of dry wine (2), cheese (1),

fried eggplants (5), 3 sausages (0), unsweetened tea (0)

vegetable soup up to 250 g (6), salad with chopped cabbage (5), pork chop (0), unsweetened coffee (0)

10 pieces olives (2)

Boiled sea/river fish (0), tomato (6), up to 200 ml kefir (6)

fried eggs (2 eggs + chopped ham) (1), hard cheese (1), tea/coffee

150 g salad with mushrooms (champignons) and vegetables, (6), soup with celery 250 g (8), beefsteak (0), tea

cheese about 200 g

small 1 tomato (6), boiled chicken (0), tea

cottage cheese 150 grams (5), 2 pcs. boiled eggs stuffed with fried mushrooms (1), tea

beetroot salad with vegetable oil (7), chicken broth (5), lula kebab (lamb) (0), tea

roasted peanuts 30 g (5)

100 cauliflower (boiled) (5), fried chicken breast (0), tea

100 g freshly prepared zucchini/store-bought caviar (8), 4 sausages (3), tea

200 g boiled chicken (0), boiled liver (6), cucumber salad (3), tea

avocado 1 pc. (5)

tomato (6), 200 g boiled meat, (0), 200 g kefir (10)

fried eggs (eggs + ham) (1), hard cheese (1), green/black tea

fish soup with any fish (5), 250 g of chicken fried in a pan (5), beetroot and cabbage salad (6)


boiled sea fish (0), salad dressing (2), kefir 1 tbsp.

food is the same as the menu for day 1

food is the same as the menu for 2 days

food is the same as the 3 days menu

How to use the Kremlin points table

To correctly create a menu for the Kremlin diet, it is convenient to use a table with data on the carbohydrate content of different products. Having such information, it is easy to choose food for the day that would be nutritious and contain required amount carbohydrates. The table below shows the carbohydrate content per 100 g of product.

Full table of points for ready meals

The list below will help you navigate and see which products are completely unsuitable for the Kremlin diet menu for the first week. For example, sweets cannot be eaten because they contain more than 20 c.u. White bread contains 48 cu per 100 g, so it is not recommended at the first stage. There are only 2 c.u. in cheeses. in 100 g, in an egg - 0.5 cu, so these products are more suitable for the diet of those losing weight. But yogurt, which contains 16 c.u. in 100 g, it is better not to choose it on the menu for period 1, but sometimes it is appropriate to include it in the diet in periods 3 and 4 of the diet.

Recipes for every day

The low-carb foods you select from the table make it easy to create nutritious and delicious meals. By consuming them, you can lose weight without discomfort or hunger. Try to make your menu varied. You should not give up vegetables completely, because this will have a negative impact on your health. Below are recipes for dishes that are great for eating while following the Kremlin diet.

Creole soup

To prepare meat soup you will need the following ingredients: 200 g chicken, 25 g rice, 40 g onion, 20 g bell pepper, 1 tomato, salt, ground black pepper, celery, 50 g butter, herbs. Trim the poultry meat from the bones, on which to cook the broth. Fry chicken pieces with bell pepper and onions. Then add the prepared broth to the meat and cook until tender. Add cooked rice, chopped tomato and herbs.


To prepare this simple delicious dish take 4 egg whites, ½ glass of milk, 30 g of cheese, a little butter, salt, tomato, herbs. Beat the egg whites with milk with a mixer or fork. Add some salt. Grease a baking dish with butter and pour the whipped mixture onto it. Place tomato slices, herbs and grated cheese on top. Bake in the oven or microwave. In reviews, those who have lost weight on the Kremlin diet say that this dish is perfect for breakfast.

Photos before and after weight loss
