Purifying water in an aquarium (aquarium filters). Aquarium filters - the right choice Internal filter for purifying water in an aquarium

Today we will talk about such a device as an internal aquarium filter. Many people who keep fish at home think that it is enough to throw a little food into the aquarium once a day and that’s where their responsibility for caring for the device and its inhabitants ends. This is far from the truth and with improper care you will see this as soon as possible when the fish begin to float to the top with their belly. Water must be constantly filtered, and fish waste products and various harmful chemicals must be removed in a timely manner. Today we will try together to choose the device that will maximize the life of your pets and make their life as comfortable as possible.

No. 10 – JBL ProCristal i30

Price: 550 rubles

Affordable filter for tiny aquariums from 10 to 40 liters. In an hour, the device circulates up to 200 liters of water, which will be more than enough for small tanks.

In addition to the filter, the kit includes a sponge, an activated carbon cartridge, an air intake, several suction cups and a cable. For efficient work the temperature should not exceed 35 degrees.

It’s clear that you shouldn’t expect unheard-of reliability from such a budget device, but the model’s durability indicators are quite acceptable. Even for a modest amount you can buy a completely useful device. Some users complain that the declared IPX8 protection is disappointing and the device is damaged by moisture, but if you strictly follow the instructions, there should be no problems.

JBL ProCristal i30

No. 9 – Tetra EasyCrystal 600

Price: 600 rubles

Activated carbon will eliminate all unnecessary chemicals, and biosponge and large surface area balls provide high-quality biological treatment. Maintenance of the device is simple - you just need to change the cartridge once a month, which is not difficult even for beginners. Even the suction cups are surprisingly reliable and durable.

Tetra EasyCrystal 600

Lack of aeration and fixed costs new cartridges may scare off some potential buyers, but keeping in mind how much the device costs, it is simply impossible to find a more productive option for the same money.

No. 8 – Hagen Fluval U1

Price: 1400 rubles

An interesting filter for a small aquarium, the volume of which does not exceed 55 liters. Water is supplied using a special system that does not repel fish. Even shrimp and delicate fish will feel great in a tank served with such a device.

There is a compartment for a carbon filter, but you will have to purchase it separately. The productivity of the device reaches impressive figures - 200 liters per hour. The device was assembled in Italy, which has a negative impact on its cost, but a positive effect on its quality.

The lack of chemical cleaning in the absence of a carbon filter is, of course, a minus, but for small aquariums this is not a problem. A good device with good technical capabilities.

No. 7 – AQUAEL TURBO 2000

Price: 2800 rubles

Good option for aquariums with a volume of up to 350 liters. The highest water treatment speed in our top is up to 2000 liters per hour. Moreover, such enviable agility requires only 27 W of electricity.

You can install any filtration blocks and sponges, the direction of water can be easily changed using the ergonomic regulator. Such functionality and efficiency could not go unnoticed, so the device’s inclusion in our top best is not surprising.

But it is not without its drawbacks - the motor gets hot, a rather noticeable low-frequency hum is produced during operation, and due to imperfections in the design, there are possible interruptions in operation. However, the power of the gadget is too tempting to give preference to more stable options.


No. 6 – Dennerle Nano Clean Eckfilter

Price: 2400 rubles

An absolutely silent, tiny and at the same time very efficient aquarium filter. Narrow intake holes and fine-pored tubing make this option ideal for small aquariums containing crustaceans.

The water flow can be adjusted and rotated within 90 degrees. Energy consumption is minimal, which is also important.

The disadvantages are the lack of aeration, as well as not the highest quality suction cups, which quickly lose elasticity - you will have to solve this issue manually. Easy installation and excellent price-quality ratio make this filter a fairly popular model in our country.

Dennerle Nano Clean Eckfilter

No. 5 – Eheim aquaball

Price: 3000 rubles

What makes this filter unique is its spherical head, thanks to which it is possible to direct the flow of water in absolutely any direction. The design consists of a number of compartments that can be washed separately, so that clogging one of them will not affect the operation of the entire filter as a whole.

There is one free compartment that can be filled with any filter substrate that seems optimal to you. The presence of aeration is another definite plus.

There is a standard problem with the suction cups, but this is a minor issue compared to all the advantages of the device. An excellent choice for small tanks from 30 to 60 liters.

No. 4 – Aquael Unifilter 500 UV

Price: 2100 rubles

As the name suggests, this filter is capable of processing up to 500 liters of water in an hour and has a separate ultraviolet module at its disposal.

Energy consumption is simply ridiculous - only 4.4 W, even with non-stop operation per month, using this gadget will cost you about ten rubles. The device does an excellent job of eliminating nitrites and ammonium, mechanical and biological filtration is also at the highest level.

Aquael Unifilter 500 UV

The device supplies oxygen even to great depths, so it is ideal for aquariums containing crustaceans. Reviews online are strictly positive, good universal option, especially considering how much it costs.


Price: 6000 rubles

Internal corner filter designed for biological and mechanical purification. This device is suitable for medium-sized aquariums with a volume not exceeding 200 liters. The adjustable water flow varies from 300 to 720 liters per hour.

The filter design is modular, which means it can be expanded through various improvements. The design is attached to high-quality and reliable suction cups, the nozzle can be rotated 90 degrees.

The active component of cleaning is anaerobic bacteria, which easily cope with organic contaminants. A sponge will deal with mechanical debris. Any of the modules can be removed and easily cleaned.



Price: 4000 rubles

Extremely productive device with a rotating pump and modular design from Eheim. This device is suitable for aquariums with a volume of 160 to 240 liters, the filtration speed is up to 750 liters per hour.

You can additionally install a carbon filter, with it you will get water that is completely ideal for the life of your pets.

Such power is needed if your aquarium is densely populated with fish - their waste products need to be filtered regularly and in a timely manner. The only caveat is that the suction cups weaken over time and become unusable; you need to be ready to replace them.


Price: 9400 rubles

The first line of our review is occupied not just by a filter, but by an entire filtration system under the JUWEL brand. Such a monster can be safely installed in aquariums with a volume of up to five hundred liters, but for tanks less than 350 liters, installing such a powerful device simply seems impractical.

The filter with a volume of 8 liters catches all solid waste and chemical impurities. Removing the active layers is easy, and there is access to the compressor and heater for easy maintenance.

The double-flow cleaning principle, based on different speeds of water movement from above and below, guarantees maximum cleanliness of your aquarium.


Despite its impressive dimensions, the device operates almost silently and the fish do not notice its existence. Its productivity is truly impressive - up to a thousand liters per hour, so best device You simply can’t find one to service a large tank. Deserved first place in our top!

To create a favorable habitat for fish in artificial reservoir, you should decide which is better to buy an aquarium cleaner - an internal filter or an external filter, and to do this, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages, and know what you need to pay attention to when purchasing equipment.

Purifying water and maintaining a normal level of ecological balance is necessary to ensure a comfortable life for fish. Helps eliminate contaminants resulting from uneaten and processed food by underwater inhabitants special equipment– filters for aquariums. Water filtration is carried out by passing contaminated water from the aquarium through fillers that retain contaminants and returning the purified water back to the aquarium. Water pressure and air flow create a normal balance of temperature and oxygen in the water.

When choosing equipment for the home, aquarists strive to purchase a device that purifies water efficiently and quickly, and does not produce a lot of noise. To avoid mistakes when choosing a filter, you need to consider following features equipment:

  • Performance, power;
  • Reliability;
  • Design features, location in the aquarium;
  • Filtering methods;
  • Availability of additional equipment;
  • Price.


Higher performance filters are needed for aquariums if they have:

  • a large number of fish live;
  • contains inhabitants that burrow in the ground;
  • there are fish that need a high oxygen content in the water;
  • contains cold-water fish;
  • there are no aquatic plants or there are few of them;
  • individuals living in the aquarium are large, predatory or carnivorous;
  • if the aquarium is narrow and deep, as a result of which there is poor air flow there.

The power of the filter should ensure a sufficient volume of water pumping: all water should be pumped at least 2 - 4 times per hour, depending on how many inhabitants and plants are in the aquarium.


The filter must work constantly, because beneficial bacteria and microorganisms that decompose waste die very quickly if there is a lack of oxygen; microbes that do not require oxygen (anaerobic) release methane, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia into the aquatic environment, quickly turning the filter into a source of toxic elements. That’s why it’s so important to install reliable, trouble-free equipment.

Design features, location in the aquarium

The location of the filter is considered depending on the capacity of the aquarium and the volume of water being purified. Types of filters by location in the aquarium: internal, external, mounted, bottom.

Internal filters are designed simply: a glass design plus a small pump. They contain a filter material (sponge), contaminated water is passed through it, and, purified, is discharged through the upper hole. The filter material is cleaned from time to time and, when worn out, replaced with a new one. Inexpensive internal filters are most often used in home aquariums, enjoying popularity due to their inexpensive price and cleaning efficiency. They should be placed in small, less than 100 liters of water, aquariums. The disadvantage of the device is that it takes up part of the aquarium, thereby reducing its usable area.

The external filter is located not inside the aquarium, but outside it. Contaminated water is sucked into a canister with a filter located near the aquarium, passed through cleaning media, and poured back into the aquarium. The performance of such a filter is much higher than the internal one, as a result of which it is used in larger aquariums. The convenience of such a filter is to preserve the usable space inside the aquarium. The device is also suitable for cleaning very small artificial reservoirs where there is no space for an internal filter.

It is possible to choose an option where the device is mounted on the aquarium, and the filter itself is located in the water - a hinged one, but this reduces the illumination of the aquarium, and also, if it is used, CO2 evaporates, as a result of which hinged filters are not in demand.

Another option suitable for small aquariums is a bottom filter. In this case, at the bottom of the aquarium there are tubes and a filter element - a plate, which is sprinkled with soil on top. Water, rising up through the filtrate and soil, undergoes double purification. This method cleaning prevents soil acidification. The disadvantages of such a filter are low performance and inconvenient installation and maintenance.

Equipment cost

If you consider buying a filter from the point of view of economy, then you can choose an internal filter, because such purifiers are much cheaper than external filters. The most budget-friendly filters are those that only mechanical cleaning water.

Many devices are equipped with additional functions and have various capabilities:

  • carry out comprehensive water treatment (mechanical, chemical and biological treatment);
  • heat water and maintain temperature balance;
  • direct the flow of water in a given direction and create various currents;
  • carry out aeration and UV sterilization of water.

For filters with additional features higher price.

Let's compare the functionality of the internal filter and the external filter, their advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of internal filter devices:

  • devices are inexpensive, the cost forms additional functionality and power characteristics, their average price— 1500 thousand rubles;
  • sufficient performance for quick cleaning water;
  • safety in terms of insurance against water leakage from the aquarium due to breakdown;
  • ease of maintenance: they only require changing the cartridge and washing the sponge;
  • quiet operation - the noise of the motor is muffled by the water in which the device is located;
  • the presence of an aerator in almost all models;
  • small dimensions;
  • easy maintenance, easy operation.

Disadvantages of internal filters:

  • reduces the usable area of ​​the aquarium;
  • not all models are produced chemical cleaning water;
  • short service life due to maximum load during operation;
  • The cartridge volume is small, so frequent cleaning of the filter element is necessary - approximately once a week and once a month cleaning of the internal mechanism (due to prolonged exposure to water, bacterial mucus accumulates on the equipment).

Advantages of external filters:

  • does not take up useful space in the aquarium;
  • convenient cleaning and maintenance of equipment;
  • complex water purification;
  • you can use different filter media;
  • The filter itself is cleaned much less frequently than when using internal ones.

Disadvantages of external filters:

  • noisy operation of some models;
  • volume;
  • the cost is higher than that of internal filters.

Filtration method and filter materials:

  1. Mechanical cleaning (water is driven through a sponge filter, on which food residues, organic matter - waste products of fish, dead parts of aquatic plants - settle).
  2. Chemical cleaning - filtration through aquarium carbon, ion exchange resins (zeolite). Being absorbents, they absorb accumulated harmful substances.
  3. Biological treatment - using biofillers (ceramic balls, rings). Colonies of beneficial bacteria grow on biofillers and carry out biological purification of water.

The most popular and purchased filter models

When choosing equipment for an aquarium, it is difficult to say which company is better to purchase a filter; the market offers many models that have proven themselves well during operation. Below are the most popular models:

Internal filters

ASAP filters have unique design And original design. The upper part of the filter is a glass with filter media, equipped with a sponge, which ensures complete water purification and colonization with beneficial bacteria. The standard sponge can be replaced with a sponge impregnated with a filler that removes excess phosphates.

filter Asap 300


  • high performance;
  • simple maintenance;
  • minimum immersion depth (up to 5 cm);
  • The falling stream of water intensively supplies the water with oxygen.


    not identified.

Aquael Turbo Filter Professional

Turbo offers four models: 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 (the digital value is the maximum indicator of how much water the device can pass through in 1 hour).

Aquael Turbo Filter Professional


  • high performance;
  • does not create noise;
  • complete saturation of water with oxygen even at great depths;
  • high quality filtration - two-level biological: the filter is equipped with a container for any filler and a fine-pored filter sponge that does not require frequent cleaning;
  • equipped with BIOCERAMAX 600 filler, which destroys nitrites and ammonium;
  • the pressure power is adjustable;
  • supports normal level oxygen at great depths;
  • no difficulty in installation and maintenance.


    hinders the development of beneficial microorganisms.

A modern, reliable, very effective device, with increased water purification, equipped with 2 cartridges. The multifunctional filter provides comprehensive filtration, circulation and aeration. Can be used for fresh and sea water. Aleas filters with increased cleaning are available in models with different capacities - it is possible to choose one for any size of the aquarium.

filter Aleas IPF-6200L


  • high performance, low noise and energy efficiency;
  • multi-level biological system filtration and increased volume of filter material;
  • The kit includes a nozzle for aeration.


    expensive model.

Reliable, easy to use, effective AquaEl FAN are popular among aquarists.

filter AquaEl FAN


  • low energy consumption with high performance;
  • original filter material (phenol-free sponge), which is actively populated by bacteria, ensuring complete processing of organic waste and nitrogen compounds, reducing their toxicity.


    noisy during aeration.

The filter is unique in its spherical head: the water flow can be directed in any direction. The design allows you to wash the compartments separately; clogging one does not affect the functionality of the entire filter. The package includes a compartment that can be filled with any filtrate. There is a nozzle for aeration and a “flute” for distributing the flow of water.

Eheim aquaball filter


  • adjustable direction of water flow;
  • ease of maintenance.


    Mounting suction cups are subject to loss of elasticity.

Aqua Szut Super Mini

The compact dimensions of the filter and the performance, which can be adjusted, are capable of providing aeration and purification of water in volumes from 10 to 80 liters.

Aqua Szut Super Mini filter


  • small size;
  • reduced noise level;
  • can work when installed horizontally or vertically;
  • combined cleaning (mechanical and biological);
  • high cleaning efficiency through a sponge cartridge;
  • intensive oxygen saturation thanks to the well-thought-out pump design.


    not identified.

Fluval brand devices have been present on the aquarium equipment market for a long time, having proven themselves high quality. Fluval's best-selling filters are the Fluval 4 Plus line of models. Its high popularity is due to the large range of functions necessary for high-quality filtering. Equipped with a two-element cartridge filled with synthetic sponge plates. The design of the cartridge reduces the possibility of dirt accumulated on the sponge getting into the aquarium when it is removed. Filter maintenance - rinsing the filler and cleaning the rotor and impeller every 2 to 3 months.

Fluval filter


  • modern design;
  • the design of the outlet pipe makes it possible to change the direction of flow of purified water;
  • adjustable device performance;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • presence of an indicator showing when the filter needs to be cleaned


    rapid clogging of filter elements.

Dennerle Nano Clean Eckfilter

Corner filter for small aquariums. It has narrow holes for water intake, which is safe for young individuals.

Dennerle Nano Clean Eckfilter


  • two filter compartments provide high-quality filtration;
  • regulation of the direction of water flow;
  • high performance, energy saving;
  • quiet at work.


  • there are no devices for aeration;
  • suction cups are subject to loss of elasticity.

External filters, best models:

Tetra EX Plus filters, thanks to modern technologies Reliably and safely remove all contaminants from water. Manufacturers present models with varying power and performance.

Tetratec EX 600 Plus

Filter for aquariums 60 – 120 liters. The complete set of this powerful filter ensures quick and easy installation of equipment and high-quality water purification, thanks to five filter elements with fillers. With high power of the mechanism, the equipment operates very quietly.

Tetratec EX 600 Plus filter


  • filter elements are not different complex process cleaning;
  • for starting, a water pumping system is provided;
  • equipped with pressure control valves and adjustable hose connections;
  • There is a pre-filtering function.


    not identified.

Filters of this brand have firmly established themselves in the product market, constantly being updated with new functions. Reliable devices, easy to maintain. Some models have the ability to connect to a computer. Equipped with all accessories for installation and connection. Included: sponges and pads for coarse and fine cleaning, ceramics and filler for biological cleaning.

EHEIM 2073 professional are Eheim's best selling filters. The filter design includes separately filled containers for filter material. There is an independent pumping button. Equipped with original fillers.

Eheim filter


  • high quality at a reasonable price;
  • silent operation;
  • long period of uninterrupted operation;
  • the design feature eliminates the possibility of leakage;
  • the presence of a pre-filter, which is easy to clean and extends the life of the fillers;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • economical energy consumption.


    not identified.

Sera Fil Bioactive

Simple and reliable filters with built-in UV sterilizer. Convenient containers provide easy access and easy maintenance, the ability to high-quality styling filter materials.

Sera Fil Bioactive filter



    not identified.

Aqua Design Amano (ADA) Super Jet Filter ES-600

It occupies the highest rating in the rating of quality aquarium filters. Powerful, high-tech, provides high-quality mechanical, biological and chemical water purification, saturates with oxygen and correctly distributes the flow of water in the aquarium. Housing material – stainless steel. Connected pump reduces harm electromagnetic waves, acting on beneficial microorganisms.

filter Aqua Design Amano (ADA) Super Jet Filter ES-600


  • reliability and durability of equipment;
  • complex filtration (3 methods);
  • creating a favorable ecological environment in the aquarium.


    high cost.

Basic technical specifications aquarium filters
Aquarium volume (l)
Country of manufacture
Internal filters
Aguael Asap 3004.2 W300l/h10-100 Poland
Aquael Turbo 5004.4 W500 l/hup to 150Poland
Aleas IPF-6200L22 W1500l/hup to 400China
AquaEl FAN-2 plusup to 40450 l/h100 - 150 Poland
Eheim aquaball 1806 W650 l/hup to 180Germany
Aqua Szut Super Mini 3603 W360 l/h30 - 80 Poland
Sera Fil Bioactive 13011 W300 l/h130 Germany
Hagen Fluval 4 Plus10 W100 l/h215 Italy
Dennerle Nano Clean Eckfilter.2 W150 l/h18.02.1900 Germany
External filters
Tetratec EX 600 Plus Germany
Eheim 2073 professional1050 l/h1050 l/h180-350 Germany
Aqua Design Amano (ADA) Super Jet Filter ES-600 27 l/min650 Japan

When choosing the right aquarium filter, it is necessary, in addition to taking into account the requirements for the filter, not to lose attention to the individual characteristics of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Proper selection of equipment and proper care of it will provide comfortable living conditions for your pets.

A comfortable living environment is one of the main conditions for the health of pets. In aquarium farming, aqua filters help maintain cleanliness. Before buying them in a store, you need to decide on the size of the aquarium, flora and fauna.

Water in tanks with marine life gets dirty very quickly. This is facilitated by the excrement they secrete and food debris. They are especially dangerous in aquariums with water temperatures of +24...+30 °C, as they very quickly turn into poisons: ammonium, ammonia. To do this, aquarists purchase and install a filter to purify water. It acts on pollution in two stages:

Additionally, for cleaning, a third or half of the tank volume is regularly replaced.

What types of aquarium filters are there?

Each aquarist chooses a water purifier that is suitable specifically for his tank. There are three main criteria by which they can be divided:

  • by type of filtration;
  • by installation method;
  • on the filter element.

By filtration type

They are divided into:

  • Mechanical filters are suitable for small aquariums. They are equipped with a pump that pumps water inside, where it passes through an absorbent sponge that traps dirt. In this way, large contaminants are removed. On top of the pump there is a tube to release filtered water back into the reservoir.
  • Chemical ones purify water through absorbents (the most popular is activated carbon). Absorb harmful impurities. If you do not replace the substance with a new one in time, everything that you have absorbed may be thrown back into the tank.
  • Biofilters (biological) are based on breeding special bacteria in an aquarium that live on a specific substrate (for example, unfired ceramics). With their help, organic waste that releases toxic substances is processed into less dangerous nitrites, and then into nitrates.
  • Combined filters combine several types of filtration into one. For example, coal is added to the mechanical one, and the purification takes place in several stages (through a sponge, then through a substance).

By installation method

There are internal and external.

The first are divided into:

  • Air:
    • A sponge filter consists of a plastic tube that extends to the surface and supplies air to the reservoir, and is also attached to the end of the sponge. When air is supplied, water is sucked in and passes through the cleaning element. It is attached to the wall with suction cups.
    • Bottom is rarely found in everyday life; it is usually used in conjunction with other species. It is attached to the bottom of the aquarium and covered with soil on top, which acts as a cleaner. Consists of plastic pipes, performs bioremediation. Does not allow the substrate to sour. There is a risk of hydrogen sulfide or methane bubbles.
  • Electrical:
    • The mounted one is suitable for small and medium-sized aquariums and combines several types of cleaning. It is attached with suction cups to the wall of the tank so that two thirds are under water. The liquid is dissected as it exits, which avoids strong flow.
    • Filter glass is one of the popular types. Performs bio- and mechanical cleaning. It consists of a body with a lower removable part in the form of a glass, a cleaning sponge and an air supply tube. It is attached with suction cups to the wall of the vessel. Completely hidden by water, on the surface there is only a pipe for supplying air to the aquarium.

External ones include canister and irrigated. In the first case, the container is placed outside, two tubes are inserted into the reservoir to capture dirty water and supply clean water. Provides all types of filtration. Additionally, it is equipped with heating and disinfection using ultraviolet light.

In irrigated areas, bioremediation is used. Inside the vessel there are special bio-balls on which bacteria are located. As water passes through, they clean it and release it back. Suitable for professional aquarists only.

By filter element type

Cleaning materials are divided into mechanical and biological. The first include sponges and absorbents. The second includes bacteria and peat. Sponges are the most common cleaning element and are present in many types of aqua filters. Small and large pores trap dirt and the water comes out clean. During the cleansing process, bacteria appear on them, which contribute to the transformation of toxic substances. The sponge should be washed once every two weeks.

Activated carbon is rarely used. It cleans better than a sponge, but it needs to be changed constantly. If it is not replaced in a timely manner, it may burst and throw everything that has accumulated back into the water. This will lead to the death of the inhabitants.

To breed nitrite bacteria, biological multiporous ceramics are used. Colonies quickly form on it, and cleaning is more efficient. Best in tandem with a mechanical cleaner.

Granulated peat is used to create the effect natural conditions and weak oxidation of water.

How to choose the right filter

To select the optimal filter, consider:

  • the displacement of the aquarium, the number of inhabitants and the frequency of feedings - internal ones are suitable for small and medium-sized ones, external ones are suitable for large ones;
  • purifier performance - how many liters of water it can pump in an hour (for example, for a 50 liter tank, a power of 150 l/h is sufficient);
  • type of filler;
  • price.

Internal filters are suitable for tanks with a capacity of up to 200 l. In rare cases, if they develop high speed, they are used in aquariums with a volume of up to 500 liters. Basically, for larger ones they use external ones. They purify water from contaminants more powerfully and efficiently. In addition, they do not take up space in the aquarium. The level of hum depends on the model and manufacturer - silent, noisy, vibrating.

If the aquarium is custom-made and has non-standard sizes, then during assembly the master must think in advance where the filter element will be installed.

View Model Description Price, rub.
Domestic Used in tanks with a capacity of 300 to 500 liters. Work intensity 1000 l/h. Inside the plastic case is a compressor and cleaning materials: sponge and carbon. Creates two flows: the upper one is fast, for collecting water and cleaning large solid waste, the lower one is slow, for passing through the absorbent and bacteria. There is enough space in the housing to accommodate a heater. Attached to the wall using the included adhesive. 9000 - 11000
A housing with a rotating pump for water supply, flows are directed from bottom to top. Inside there is a substrate included in the kit. Develops a speed of 750 l/h, suitable for containers of 160-250 l. Attaches to the wall with suction cups. 4500 - 6000
Filter with a capacity of 300-720 l/h, thanks to which flows can be increased or decreased, and a rotating nozzle. Cleaning elements - sponge and bacteria. Used in vessels up to 200 l. 4000 - 6000
AQUAEL Turbo 2000 h.max 1.9 m

Frameless cleaner, installed in large, densely populated aquariums up to 350 liters. Develops maximum speed 2000 l/h. Sponges and bioceramics, included in the package, do an excellent job of purifying water. The direction of flow can be changed. If necessary, purchase an additional housing. Among the disadvantages: it creates a hum, the sponge must be cut for the body, otherwise a vacuum is created and throughput is hampered. 2000 - 4000
Low-power filter with a speed of 150 l/h, for containers no more than 40 l, including shrimp and crustacean inhabitants. A sponge with fine pores copes with solid and organic waste. When rinsing, it is recommended to use water from the reservoir. The outlet rotates, which allows you to regulate the flow of water. 1000 - 3000
Consists of two chambers and a nozzle rotating 180°. It has the ability of air intake and self-cleaning. Compact, placed in the corner of the aquarium, attached to suction cups. Used for tanks up to 100 l. Intensity 300-600 l/h. 1000 – 2000
External The filter is a 6-liter canister with a speed of 660 l/h, it carries out all types of cleaning and also dissolves oxygen. The design is designed so that water does not load the pump when entering, which contributes to long service life. One of the disadvantages is that standard sockets require an adapter device that reduces the voltage from 220 to 100 W. Installed for vessels no more than 45 cm high. 60000 – 65000
For containers from 240 to 600 l. Water processing rate 1250 l/h. Safe for inhabitants, retains all contaminants, anaerobic bacteria act. 20000 – 22000
Medium vessels up to 300 l, intensity 900 l/h. The prefilter crushes large particles, while the main unit retains them. There is no provision for cleaning from feces and vegetation particles. Size 7.5 l. 8000 – 11000
A housing containing a pump, 4 containers with different fillers (sponge, ceramics, non-woven fabric, zeolite) and tubes with valves for input and output. Installed for medium containers 120-250 l. Power 800 l/h. 5000 – 6000
Contains 5 filter materials for comprehensive cleaning (expanded clay rings, sponge, carbon, fibrous cloth and bio-balls). Develops a speed of up to 600 l/h, used for tanks with a capacity of 60-120 l. Adjustable water flow. Equipped with a hose and drain pipe. 4000 – 7000

Advantages and disadvantages of filters

Beginning aquarists choose submersible filters for their small tanks. Such cleaners have a number of advantages:

  • safe - eliminate the possibility of leaks;
  • reliable - in practice, breakdowns rarely occur, they usually last the entire period, according to the instructions, without repair;
  • easy to maintain - the cleaning element is a sponge, which is periodically washed with plain water;
  • budgetary;
  • silent.

In addition to advantages, they have disadvantages:

  • take up space in the aquarium;
  • suitable for small and medium tanks;
  • Poorly purify water from contaminants due to the inability to combine different filter elements.

Professionals who maintain large and deep aquariums prefer to choose external filters. They also have a number of positive and negative aspects.

  • purify water using a comprehensive method;
  • don't load appearance reservoir;
  • develop a high circulation rate.
  • require extra space outside the aquarium;
  • make noise and vibration;
  • are expensive.

An aquarium is an imitation of a natural reservoir, but any tank has limited area, therefore, harmful substances inevitably form inside the vessel in the form of fish waste, food debris, etc. Aquarium filters that can efficiently and safely purify the water and mix the water layers, creating a current, will help get rid of toxins. Devices are divided into different types, so it is important for every owner of a pond with fish to know how to choose a filter for an aquarium.

Before choosing filters for aquariums, you should learn about the types of devices and selection criteria. There are cleaners for artificial reservoirs different types, differ in the principle of labor and filler.

Based on the type of filtering, three categories are recognized:

  • Mechanical type - these aquarium filters purify the liquid in the tank using a material in the pores of which impurities settle, and purified water comes out of the device. A sponge or fishing line is usually used as filler.
  • Biological type - these are filters for an aquarium, inside of which there are bacteria that purify the water from toxic elements.
  • Chemical type - filters water using a special filler - activated carbon. The liquid, passing through the device, gets rid of ammonia and unpleasant aroma. The chemical filtration method is considered one of the most effective.

According to the installation method, filtration devices are divided into four types:

DIY filtration

If it is not possible to purchase a branded purifier, then you can build a homemade external filter yourself. For production you will need:

  • round plastic canister;
  • flexible transparent hoses;
  • three ordinary flower pots;
  • an electric pump whose power is selected depending on the volume of the reservoir;
  • synthetic winterizer, foam rubber;
  • two fittings with a valve;
  • ceramic or carbon filler.

How to make an aquarium filter with your own hands:

  1. A hole is made in the lower part of the round canister with a knife, and a fitting is inserted into the resulting hole. Two holes are also made in the lid of the vessel using a knife or other sharp object: the first for the valve, the second for the electric pump, which is connected to the structure with inside using a fitting for this purpose. The joints are carefully and carefully fixed with silicone to avoid leaks and unforeseen situations in the future.
  2. Now we need to work on the filter cassettes - they are made from flower pots. The top half of each pot is cut off and small holes are made in the bottom. All three pots are filled with different filter materials: the first with padding polyester, the second with coal, and the third with foam rubber.
  3. The final stage is fixing the hoses to the outlet and inlet valves. Before you start attaching the pipes, you should carefully measure the length of the hoses so that they fit the home tank. The attachment points of the hoses are fixed with silicone, which must dry for at least 24 hours, otherwise it will fall off and water will seep into the joints.
  4. The homemade external filter is ready, all that remains is to check the structure for leaks. A plastic vessel, which acts as a body, is filled with liquid and left for 24 hours. If there are no leaks, the device is installed in the desired location and connected.

Filters in an aquarium perform important functions, without which comfortable living for fish and other residents is impossible. A purifier for artificial reservoirs is selected based on the size of the aquarium, the power of the device and the type of filler, and you can also make the device yourself, following simple recommendations. The main thing is not to forget to check the operation of the filter and take care of the device.

Choosing a filter for an aquarium

Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and the care of companion animals. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. Works at the same animal clinic in his hometown more than 20 years.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

If you have an aquarium, you need to keep it clean. Fish require clean and healthy water to live a normal life. Leftover food, fish waste and overgrown algae increase the pH level of the water, which is unsafe for the inhabitants of the aquarium. There are various ways cleaning aquarium water.


Aquarium installation

    Don't rush to clear muddy water. It often happens that muddy water settles and brightens on its own. Often water becomes cloudy due to the presence of various microorganisms in it, such as bacteria, protozoa, unicellular and multicellular organisms. These microorganisms appear due to the presence of fish, food and waste from the inhabitants of the aquarium. Usually aquarium water reaches normal condition and clears in about a week.

    Add beneficial bacteria to the water. By doing so, you will improve the natural processes that occur in the aquarium. Beneficial bacteria can be added to the aquarium in two ways. You can purchase a pack of bacteria or aquarium soil with bacteria already on it at a pet store. You can also transfer various objects (pebbles, stones, wooden objects or filter pad) from the old aquarium to the new one that already have beneficial bacteria on them.

    Place suitable live plants in the aquarium. Another way to keep the water clean is to add live plants to your aquarium. Such plants are covered with beneficial bacteria, and they also participate in the process of water purification. They can be purchased at your local pet store.

    Find out if you are using the right filter. There are different filters that are designed for different purposes. The water may become cloudy because you are using the wrong filter. The choice of filter depends on the number of fish and type of aquarium, as well as whether it contains live or artificial plants.

    • Aquarium filters come in three types. Mechanical filters remove particles from water by forcing water through a material on which dirt particles settle. Biological filters use bacteria that convert toxic substances into less harmful ones. In chemical filters, toxins and harmful substances are removed from water through chemical reactions.
  1. Stock your aquarium carefully. Do not put too many fish in the aquarium as this can cause health problems and make the aquarium more difficult to clean. Try to have about four liters of water for every 2.5 centimeters of fish length.

Purifying muddy water

    Look for signs of a bacterial bloom. After changes to the aquarium, such as changing large amounts of water, completely cleaning and treating the fish, bacterial blooms may occur. If this is what caused the water to become cloudy, you should be patient. After a few days, the bacterial balance will be established, after which the water should clear on its own.

    Check the filters. The water may become cloudy due to faulty filters. The filtration system contains bacteria that absorb waste products, such as ammonia, and purify the water. If the filters fail, bacteria will accumulate in the water, making it cloudy.

    Adapt the aquarium to accommodate additional fish. If you recently added a new fish to the aquarium, make the necessary changes. For example, if the new fish are larger than the old ones, this may be too much for the filtration system to handle. In this case, change the filter system or reduce the number of fish in the aquarium.

    Try not to overfeed your fish. Excess feed can cause cloudy water. Fish should be fed in moderation. Give them a little food once a day and 1-2 days a week don't feed them at all.

    Add decorations to your aquarium with caution. Sometimes the water becomes cloudy due to the decorations. Before placing decorations in the aquarium, wash them thoroughly. Check all decorations to make sure they are suitable for your aquarium and purchased from a reputable pet store.

    • Make sure that the decorations do not dissolve, disappear, soften, fall apart or change color.
  1. Control algae growth. Green algae develops on the walls of aquariums, and sometimes on the decorations inside them. You can scrape off the algae during routine water changes. Using a soft plastic scraper, carefully remove algae in one area, then rinse the tool and repeat the procedure. Rinse the scraper under a clean running water from the tap.

  • In most cases, cloudy water will clear up on its own. Just be patient.
  • Don't overcrowd your aquarium with decorations, otherwise it will be difficult to clean.
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions when installing aquarium filters and pumps.
  • May be required general cleaning aquarium with replacement of all water and cleaning of gravel, filters, decorations and walls. Undertake such cleaning only if other methods have not helped.
  • Decaying organic matter often causes bacterial blooms and cloudy water. Check if all the inhabitants of the aquarium are alive and well.