Famous people are Taurus according to their horoscope. Famous Taurus: famous personalities under the sign of Taurus, influence of the sign, character traits

Character, lifestyle, career, love of Taurus


Perhaps the Taurus man does not look like the ardent Romeo, but know: despite all his slowness and practicality, you have an extremely romantic nature! And this is not surprising, because Taurus are lovers of beauty, including beautiful people of the opposite sex. Usually, the innate love of beauty and harmony is manifested in a Taurus man in the fact that he first, with the leisurely gourmet, chooses an object of adoration for himself, and then takes care of it the object so devotedly and beautifully that it simply leaves him (that is, you) no other choice.


The Taurus woman is certainly a strong personality, but she is smart enough not to demonstrate this to a man. One can only envy the integrity of her amazing nature. In order to be out of competition, she does not need to rush forward or prove anything to anyone. Her poise, self-confidence, calmness and attentiveness speak for themselves. The world in the eyes of the Taurus woman is stable and harmonious, because it is based on true values. It is for others that the winds blow and the crisis rages, and those around them do not live up to the hopes placed on them. The Taurus woman knows how to accept both the situation and people as they are - with all their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the storms of fate are not afraid of her; therefore, friends and acquaintances are drawn to her like sunflowers to the sun.


Stubborn, persistent, independent Taurus child is the personification of thoroughness and thoughtfulness. He is not prone to impulsive actions: from childhood, he has enough patience to make informed decisions, which he will not back down from under any pressure! For children of this zodiac sign, understanding, trust and love of loved ones is very important. Raised without coercion or orders, a Taurus child grows up to be a hardworking owner, a gentle family man and a sympathetic friend. Taurus baby


Want to attract the affection of a thorough, thoughtful Taurus? It couldn’t be simpler: more specifics, less emotions, complete rejection of gossip and intrigue. Taurus is exactly the person you can approach directly, without beating around the bush and choosing an approach.


Taurus is a very money-oriented and purposeful sign. He knows what he wants to achieve and goes towards his goal without turning back, overcoming all obstacles on his way. His tenacity and ability to work hard make him an indispensable worker who is valued by management. Taurus's responsibility and ability to make decisions over time can help him make a good career in business and manufacturing, as well as in the profession of livestock breeder, farmer, engineer, actor, musician , doctor. However, his career is not his main goal. Taurus needs a high position primarily in order to ensure stability and material wealth.


Cautious and attentive Taurus, having fallen in love, is not in too much of a hurry to reveal his feelings. Love at first sight rarely happens to him. Taurus is used to a rational approach to choosing a partner, so first of all he listens to logic, and then to the call of his heart.


Taurus has a beautiful nervous system and excellent health. He gets sick extremely rarely, but if this happens, then his illnesses are as persistent as he himself - often they drag on seriously and for a long time. Even a common cold for Taurus is fraught with complications and can develop into a sore throat. Another “Achilles heel” of Taurus is associated with his love of tasty food. He may suffer from excess weight and related diseases - from high blood pressure to varicose veins. To avoid this, it is enough for Taurus to be in nature more often and generally lead a more sporty lifestyle.


The symbol of the constellation Taurus (Latin name Taurus) is, of course, a bull. According to legend, the main Olympian god of the ancient Greeks, Zeus, turned into a white bull to kidnap the daughter of the Phoenician king Europa. In the constellation Taurus there are two open star clusters: the Hyades and the Pleiades. The Pleiades are often called the "Seven Sisters". This cluster consists of more than 500 stars, beautifully shrouded in a veil of nebula. With the naked eye from Earth you can see the seven stars of the Pleiades, which resemble the silhouette of a small bucket.


Taurus months: April, May Taurus is the 2nd sign of the Zodiac. The Sun enters the sign of Taurus on April 20 or 21 and leaves this Zodiac sector of the starry sky on May 20 or 21, depending on the year.


Who are you according to your zodiac sign? And according to Chinese horoscope? What about both horoscopes at once? Interestingly, it is the last question that may provide the most accurate answer. The fact is that the Chinese (by year of birth) and Zodiac (by month of birth) horoscopes do not contradict each other at all.

Compatibility horoscope: stars under the zodiac sign Taurus are the most full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Among famous people, who are known all over the world, there are a lot of Taurus people. Celebrities Taurus are different from many other signs and are easy to recognize even by their appearance.

Celebrities Taurus – who are they?

Taurus, like everyone else and people, can be completely different in appearance and different from each other. However, statistics have shown that most Taurus men are stocky and short. Both Taurus men and women have light color faces, sometimes dark hair and a kind look of often brown, but sometimes green eyes.

Their eyes are calm and a little tired. The figure is almost always perfectly proportioned, although slightly plump. They almost always look simple, but also serious, it seems that they are arrogant, but this is just a shell and often this opinion about a person is wrong. Many celebrities born under this sign have skillful hands and a soothing voice, and do not shout or show emotion in public.

But this does not mean that they are the same, and at heart it is Taurus who are very emotional and sensitive, have a huge supply of energy and an unusual sense of humor. Even celebrities who spend a lot of time in public don't show what's on their minds. They skillfully restrain themselves and do not show what they want to hide from prying eyes.

Taurus loves discreet but well-made expensive clothes made from the best fabrics. Even such Taurus celebrities do not like jewelry, a lot of gold and jewelry. They prefer delicate colors, lace and modest but expensive accessories. People often wear clothes in the same style for many years. They feel confident and calm in it.

All Taurus put work first, very rarely enter into love marriages and tolerate those they don’t love for a long time. This is especially true for creative individuals, if they are an actor or singer.

Taurus' character sometimes allows him to be controlled, constantly controlled and pushed around. He does not notice when he is being used and his life energy is being drained because of sincerity, kindness, simplicity of soul and trust. loved one. However, at work he is completely different - persistent and purposeful, which is why he achieves success.

Taurus often earn a lot of money and their goal is to use it correctly. They believe that money is for pleasure. Many Taurus stars have been spotted more than once among those who live their lives, although Taurus are also very fond of doing charity work.

Famous historical figures - Taurus

Prominent historical figures of Taurus are:

– Pope John Paul II,

– Honore de Balzac,

All of them had creative talents, extraordinary and attractive appearance, and many of them had students and successors who followed their ideas and worshiped them. Such Taurus are truly excellent representatives of their zodiac sign. For example, Honore de Balzac created books that are still read today; in them he described the sublime feelings of people and different destinies. In his works one can feel the writer’s special sensuality, kindness and simplicity.

Famous Taurus – actors, singers

Any company probably has promising employees who, of course, were born under the sign of Taurus. Just like many people, in the first couples they did not stand out from the crowd, everyone considered them mediocre and no one paid attention. This is the peculiarity of Taurus, thanks to which he quickly and reliably occupies promising positions and becomes a famous person.

Famous Taurus, like all ordinary ones, have a deceptive appearance and are very difficult to reveal. Some Taurus are very romantic and write poems and stories, but despite this, they are always rational and grounded. Almost all famous Taurus people show deep respect for their family and ancestors. Even if they have reached the heights of glory, important issue they come to them for advice.

Young people who have already achieved a lot in life are very respectful of old people. By the way, many people born under this zodiac sign achieve success even before the age of 28-30. Despite the fact that in childhood they are considered sickly, downtrodden and weak children, at the age of 80-90 they feel excellent and look much younger than their peers.

If such a person can control himself and begins to enjoy life, get plenty of rest, often be in the fresh air and constantly make himself and others happy, he will have many great-grandchildren. Some say that Taurus people love solitude, but in fact this is complete nonsense, since there are so many celebrities with this sign that one can draw the opposite conclusion - they adore company, especially when they are loved and idolized.

All of the above actors are excellent representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign. They always stand out from the crowd due to their appearance. Men are very graceful and attractive, and women are fiery and charming. Such actors often appear not only in films, but also in advertisements for erotic lingerie, cosmetics, etc.

For example, in 2006, George Clooney was named Sexiest Man Alive by People weekly. He is the only one out of a million men who has received this title twice. Hundreds of thousands of not only women, but also men agreed with this opinion. After all, Clooney is truly an idol of beauty, sexuality and at the same time masculinity.

Such famous Taurus often get creative professions, and they are also pioneers, scientists and excellent detectives. Among them are:

Taurus – celebrities (actors, musicians, writers, politicians)

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Taurus should focus on accessories. Gold jewelry or gold jewelry will certainly attract the Rooster's attention. In addition, the golden color brings good luck. They are allowed any experiments, so colors and their combinations in a festive outfit can be the most daring. However, people of this sign are not characterized by self-centered antics and bright clothes; therefore, when choosing a New Year's outfit, it is better to stay in moderation. In jewelry you should pay attention to large hoop earrings.

Due to the fact that Taurus’s character is not at all simple, it is worth preparing for constant clashes with others. It is recommended to restrain your temper, because people do not like it, it is better to take up a new business and devote all your energy to it. After all, this year promises to be favorable and promising for Taurus in terms of professional activities. Many new ideas will appear in business and you need to try to implement them, because they can contribute to career growth.

In order to meet their soulmate, Taurus needs to get out of the house. An acquaintance can happen almost anywhere: while traveling, on vacation, on a business trip.

Taurus are famous sissies and couch potatoes. Representatives of this zodiac sign will undoubtedly win the competition for the title of the laziest zodiac sign.

However, get Taurus interested in something interesting, for example, a computer game, and you won’t find a more tireless conqueror in the entire Universe!

Fragrant talismans for those born under zodiac sign Taurus

The hardworking and purposeful zodiac sign Taurus, who sometimes lacks the luck and ease of being that others boast about! It is not easy to achieve everything only with your own labor, so get yourself a small, simple talisman or amulet - some kind of craft made from sandalwood. The precious aroma of sandalwood repels illnesses and attracts money, strengthens mental strength, enlightens thoughts, lifts spirits and gives extraordinary ease of imagination. And when your soul is light, any work can be done and does not tire you.

Taurus grows well in cherries, cabbage, potatoes, beets, celery, plums, black currants, and apple trees. Not his plants: raspberries, sunflowers, tomatoes, leeks, pumpkin.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign for Taurus

Taurus (lat. Taurus) is a typical representative of the Earth element - warm, passionate, female sign, more than others, feeling the vibrations of Venus. All earthly pleasures are of paramount importance for Taurus - incorrigible hedonists, they are connoisseurs of good wine, the best cigars, delicious food and dear. The main traits of Taurus are conservatism, practicality, common sense, the desire for financial stability, comfort, luxury. Taurus will never risk their well-being for the sake of an idea, a dream, a ghostly goal - this is one of the most stable and reasonable signs of the zodiac constellation, and therefore among its representatives most often there are financiers, bankers, and politicians. Taurus women often prefer the role of guardians of the hearth and dear lovers, taking advantage of their natural attractiveness and cultivating a love of pleasure.

A clear, logical, orderly world is very comfortable for Taurus - in a state of stability and order they achieve great success. Extravagance and innovation are destructive for Taurus - they reject any manifestation of the slightest discomfort. Distinguished by tenacity, stubbornness and willpower, Taurus is ready to listen only to himself - it is difficult to convince him, break him, or force him to act against his principles. At the same time, Taurus is the sign most dependent on sexual life - in love and sex there is no more passionate and sensual partner.


Taurus men are solid and calm, conservative and not different in temperament. But if you piss off this imperturbable man, his rage will know no bounds - there is no worse sign in anger! The Taurus man does not have powerful energy, he does not gush with ideas, he is somewhat lazy and passive, but he is able to provide material comfort, take on all the worries about the family and the woman he loves, and become a reliable support and partner. Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. They prefer equal relationships, and once married, they rarely get divorced.


Taurus are one of the most beautiful women zodiac constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and the desire to be the center of attention. They often become the soul of the company, without claiming unconditional leadership.

The Taurus woman is a sensual rather than an intellectual specimen, but in everyday life she is extremely wise - it is rare that a woman can so skillfully force a man to shower her with luxury and expensive gifts. At the same time, a significant proportion of strong and powerful Taurus women are those who choose a passive and comfortable partner, ready to carry her in his arms and fulfill all her desires. The easiest way to conquer a Taurus woman who is fluent in the art of flirting is with classic techniques - expensive gifts, romantic dates and the desire to achieve her at any cost. At the same time, the Taurus woman is pathologically jealous and cannot stand even the slightest hint of rivalry. With age, she becomes domineering, slow to rise, and pathologically susceptible to luxury.


The best alliances for Taurus are with other representatives of the Earth element - Virgos and Capricorns. All three are stable, serious, not looking for casual relationships, loving sensual pleasures and comfort. At the same time, relations with the representative of the Earth sign - Libra - do not work out - the more brutal and strong Taurus is irritated by the superficiality and refinement of the partner. A controversial but passionate union is possible with Scorpio.

After 30, Taurus change their priorities and philosophical views, and therefore options for their rapprochement with fire signs- Gemini and Aries. Gemini brings intelligence into the life of practical Taurus, but Gemini's frivolity and inconstancy can destroy harmony. A union with Aries can add powerful power to Taurus vital energy, however, it is mostly based on sex rather than on common interests. An irreconcilable and selfish union awaits Taurus and Leo, but the rarest option is a relationship with Sagittarius.


Sigmund Freud, Al Pacino, George Clooney, David Beckham, Robert Pattinson, William Shakespeare, Honoré de Balzac, Nicolo Machiavelli.

Catherine II, Audrey Hepburn, Penelope Cruz, Linda Evangelista, Jessica Alba, Michelle Pfeiffer, Uma Thurman.

which star is under the zodiac sign Taurus

Here's something else I found:

Andre Agassi, Honore de Balzac, David Beckham, Tony Blair, Bono, James Brown, Pierce Brosnan, Mikhail Bulgakov, Georgy Vitsin, Marina Vladi, Andrei Voznesensky, Yaroslav Hasek, Salvador Dali, Jerome Klapka Jerome, Alexander Druz, Linda Evangelista, Elizaveta II, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Robert Zemeckis, Immanuel Kant, Philip Kirkorov, George Clooney, Ivan Kulibin, Pierre Curie, Vladimir Lenin, Vladislav Listyev, George Lucas, Karl Marx, Samuel Morse, Jack Nicholson, Bulat Okudzhava, John Paul II, Al Pacino , Simon Petlyura, Michele Placido, Michelle Pfeiffer, Francis Skaryna, Benjamin Spock, Galina Starovoitova, Rabindranath Tagore, Stevie Wonder, Sigmund Freud, Omar Khayyam, Ho Chi Minh, Saddam Hussein, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Yuri Shevchuk, William Shakespeare, Cher, Yuri Yakovlev.

Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer (1889)

Harold Lloyd, actor, comedian (1893)

Vyacheslav Fetisov, hockey player (1958)

Carmen Electra, American actress and singer (1972)

stars under the zodiac sign Taurus

But no, it seems half of the “principles” say that Taurus are couch potatoes and gluttons. In fact, we are very kind, and we don’t feel sorry for anything, but in return we don’t want a knife in the back, but the same kindness. All reviews in full.

The purest truth about the romanticism of Taurus men! I'm not just a romantic, but a piercing romantic

All reviews in full.

Hello, please tell me how you managed to be with a Taurus for 10 years. I’ve been trying to build a relationship for a year, but nothing (rare, but strange meetings. Rare SMS. No gifts, but it helps. All reviews in full.

You know, I had a Taurus man, he cheated on me: / but now I also met a Taurus and this is an unrealistic similarity with this compatibility, they are different.

All reviews in full.

Lenin is a calf, not Stalin

All reviews in full.



I met a Cancer, I myself am a Pisces, but Cancer is not the same, Taurus are very good and kind, they make you jealous, but they are strong and soft, in short, be happy :) All reviews in full.

but if he is a Taurus and she is a Scorpio, then there can be a relationship between them and how long will it last? All full reviews.

Stupidity. let the old sofa and old wallpaper. but the WHOLE WORLD is to learn, see, touch, trample. All reviews in full.

I simply have not had a happier friendship than with my Taurus friend. There are a lot of unpleasant moments, but we are both happy. Isn't this the main thing? There is no need to believe stupid horoscopes, I am convinced of this. All reviews in full.

I'm a Cancer, he's a Taurus. And I can say that if I fell in love, then I simply cannot hide my feelings! I’m terribly jealous of him, and he constantly provokes me, on purpose. He likes to confirm my feelings with jealousy)). All reviews in full.

Andrey, start, act, as they say, in reverse, completely ignore her, or switch to a friend or sister, and you won’t have to wait long, he’ll come crawling. True, crayfish. Confirmed All reviews in full.

I want a buffalo like this. !

All reviews in full.

That's it. I’m an Aquarius and I’m thinking about how to leave and have been married continuously for half a year. All reviews in full.

I read the women’s comments, it even became funny) I don’t argue that my Aries girl also gets the “ram” in places, but after weighty arguments everything falls into place) Normal Taurus and Aries couples are not. All reviews in full.

The point here is that you cannot openly show your feelings to cancer. Rakinis do not like those who are dependent on them. If a man “melts” and becomes dependent, they immediately become ice and begin to distance themselves. All reviews in full.

Well, at least someone isn’t pouring honey into their ears about Scorpio + Taurus = Passion, happiness and love. True, your position is not reasoned; sometimes something about Taurus also begins to repel me. For example, their sad. All reviews in full.

All word for word.

Actually, I broke up with such a girl; they are not always suitable for living together. Yes, if you come across the past, then in general violent jealousy overtakes you at times. Horoscopes don't lie. All reviews in full.

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“Julia, my husband and I had a consultation with you on the issue of childbirth. Thank you for the warnings, everything helped us a lot, we laid out straws where we could. My daughter was born, I would like to have a consultation about her, but there is no way to get out yet, but from now on only to you! »

Born under the sign of Taurus

Celebrities Taurus

The founder and central figure of National Socialism, founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, leader (Führer) of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (1921-1945), Reich Chancellor of Germany (1933-1945), Fuhrer of Germany (1934-1945), supreme commander armed forces Germany (from December 19, 1941) in World War II.

Legendary American actor, director and producer.

Russian and American writer, poet, translator, literary critic and entomologist.

German philosopher, founder of German classical philosophy, standing on the verge of the Enlightenment and Romanticism eras.

French fashion designer, who largely determined the look of high fashion in the 1980s and 1990s, president of his own fashion house and company Jean Paul Gaultier S.A.

American singer and actress, who also achieved success as a composer, director, producer and political activist. Winner of two Oscars in the categories “Best Actress” and “Best Original Song”, as well as Emmy, Grammy and Golden Globe awards.

American actress, winner of the Oscar in the category “Best Supporting Actress” (for the film “Cold Mountain”, 2003).

Outstanding Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the USSR (1976). Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1979) and Russia (1970, 1994).

American theater and film actor, director.

Russian politician, deputy

Chairman of the State Duma

(from 2000 to 2011), founder and chairman

Russia (LDPR), member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. He participated in the elections of the President of Russia 5 times (1991, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012).

Canadian actress of Serbo-Croatian descent, best known for her role as detective Kate Beckett in the television series Castle.

Chinese film actor, wushu master. Winner of the Hong Kong Film Awards in the category “Best Actor” for his role as General Pan Qing-Yun in the film “Generals” (2007).

American actress and model of Croatian origin.

American actor, producer and model. He is best known for his roles as Tyler Gage in Step Up, John Tyree in Dear John, and Mark Aquila in The Eagle of the Ninth Legion.

American actor. He became famous for his role as Clark Kent in the television series Smallville (since 2001). He also starred in such films as “The Fog” (2005), the comedy “Cheaper by the Dozen” (2003) and its sequel “Cheaper by the Dozen 2” (2005).

Brazilian-American actress, known for her roles in such films as: “The Faculty”, “The Fast and the Furious”, “Fast and Furious 4”, “Fast and Furious 5”, “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning”. She currently plays the role of Elena Ramos in the television series Dallas.

Soviet and Russian actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1978). He is best known for his role as Experienced from the trinity Coward, Dunce and Experienced in a series of Soviet film comedies by Leonid Gaidai.

American actress and model.

Spanish film actress and model.

American actor and comedian.

Italian automaker and

founder of the Lamborghini company.

French actor, leader of the world parkour movement.

Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, Honored Artist of Russia (1992), People's Artist of Russia (2006).

American film actress, three times nominated for an Oscar. Winner of the Golden Globe and BAFTA awards.

American actress. She is known largely for her work in Quentin Tarantino’s films: “Pulp Fiction” and “Kill Bill.”

American actress, screenwriter, director, producer, model and singer.

Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer and producer. People's Artist of Russia (2008).

Soviet and Russian musician, actor,

radio and television presenter, honored

artist of Russia (1999), racing driver, master

Russian sports of international class,

President of Marussia Motors, Director of the Engineering Department of the Marussia Formula 1 team.

Russian musician who is a keyboard player, backing vocalist, composer and arranger for the group PLAZMA.

American actor and wrestler, also known as The Rock.

Russian theater and film actress.

English footballer, French midfielder

Paris Saint-Germain club. Throughout

career played for Manchester United clubs,

and Los Angeles Galaxy, and also defended the colors

England team, in which he is

record holder for the number of matches played

among field players. Particularly famous

with his high skills in taking set pieces and free kicks.

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1984).

Russian politician and entrepreneur,

billionaire, president of private investment

Foundation Group ONEXIM, President of the Union

Russian biathletes. Founder and Chairman

party "Civic Platform". In June - September

2011 Chairman of the Right Cause party.

in which he took 3rd place (2nd place in Moscow and St. Petersburg), receiving almost 8% of the votes.

Many people believe that Taurus women are monogamous, not only in relationships with men, but also in their everyday habits and preferences. Let's see if this is true using the examples of the most beautiful Taurus women in the world.

Penelope Cruz Sanchez(born April 28, 1974) is a Spanish film actress and model.

Penelope began her acting career in 1991 on television. She went on to build a successful film career, starring in more than fifty films, including Open Your Eyes, Hill and Valley, The Girl of Your Dreams, The Woman on Top, Cocaine and Vanilla Sky.

In addition to her acting career, Cruz actively works in the modeling business, being a model for famous brands. She also regularly donates money to charities in countries and participates in the fight against AIDS.

Today, Penelope is happily married and is completely devoted to this relationship. According to Penelope herself, she is ready to do anything for the sake of her beloved man. And these are not just words. Like any Taurus woman, she is inexhaustible in love, and is ready to sacrifice a lot just to have her loved one next to her.

In addition to her modeling career, Åkerman appeared in several successful films, where she mainly played comedic supporting roles. And, nevertheless, her dedication on the set is one of the most important distinctive features women of the Taurus sign. Sometimes they are ready to work without sparing themselves just for one role.

For example, in one of her most ambitious works, Malin Åkerman played the main role in the film Watchmen. There she played a superheroine nicknamed “Silk Specter 2”. For this role, Malin had to train for a whole month, six hours a day, to gain sufficient muscle mass for a superheroine.

Berenice Marlowe was born in Paris. Her mother is French, a teacher, and her father is of Cambodian-Chinese descent.

In 2011, Marlowe, unexpectedly for everyone, was cast in the role of a Bond girl in the 23rd film of the Bond series, 007: Skyfall, which was released on October 23, 2012.

According to Marlowe herself, she tried to give her all “to the fullest” in this role. For herself, she set the task of creating the image of not just a beautiful doll - Bond's girlfriend, but a deeply passionate lady, capable of driving both the hero and the villain crazy. Distinguished by the natural, animal sexuality inherent in all ladies of the Taurus sign, Berenice Marlowe tried to embody this image on the silver screen.

Megan Denise Fox(born May 16, 1986) is an American actress and model. She is best known for her role as Mikaela in the Transformers films and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

With such external data, it is not at all necessary to be an actress - every director of a box-office project who invites Megan Fox understands this. She makes money without playing. Her beauty, despite the clear mark of plastic surgeons, is so deafening that even if she had the talent of an actress, her role would have to be narrowed - she would only be fit to play fatal beauties. An updated version of Jolie, Megan is younger, more athletic and graceful in features - her Persian eyes, trembling nose wings and full lips gave the world a new type of absolute predator and vamp, tattooed and uncompromising.

However, wild popularity did not cloud her outlook on life. On the contrary, showing the realism inherent in all Taurus, Megan Fox is trying in every possible way to convey to people information about the other side of fame. The image that she has to conform to does not always coincide with her real worldview. And fans sometimes turn out to be too demanding, wanting to see only her appearance. And therefore she is increasingly moving away from the roles of the “femme fatale”, preferring other, more complex characters.

Alba's film career began at the age of 13 with her appearance in the film "Lost Camp" and the TV series " Secret world Alex Mack" (1994). She became famous thanks to her leading role in the television series “Dark Angel” (2000-2002). Jessica later starred in various films, including Sin City (2005), Fantastic Four (2005), Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer and Good Luck Chuck (2007).

Having an attractive appearance, Jessica Alba sincerely believes that sexuality is normal for a woman. And the search for an ideal partner by searching for new sexual adventures, according to Jessica, is quite natural. Like many women of the Taurus sign, Jessica does not hide her enormous sexual energy, but, on the contrary, uses it for her own purposes, attracting the attention of fans.

She became best known for her participation in the American TV series Glee, where she played the role of Quinn Fabray. People magazine chose her as one of the most beautiful people of 2010.

Women of the Taurus sign are much more courageous in their inner essence than representatives of other signs. And often this helps them both in life and in work. For example, to film one of the episodes of the film “I am Number Four,” she had to fall from a four-story building. But the actress went for it without hesitation, receiving excellent impressions.

At 17, she went to New York, where she began working as a model. This profession, however, did not attract her, and soon she went to Los Angeles in pursuit of her dream - a career as an actress.

At first, Amber starred in television series, and then took on cameo roles in big movies. In 2010, Amber played in the films “The Chamber” by John Carpenter and “Darkness Comes”, and in 2011 - “The Rum Diary”, where Johnny Depp played the main role.

Like many women of the Taurus sign, Amber does not hide her sexual preferences and prefers to talk about them directly and openly. So in 2010, at one of the parties, she clearly declared to everyone present about her love for women. However, a little later, she reconsidered her views on love, having started an affair with actor Johnny Depp.

On television, Annable starred in the 2011 sitcom Top Security before joining the cast of the final season of House. In early 2013, she landed the lead role in the ABC pilot Westside, a modern take on Romeo and Juliet.

Women of the Taurus sign know a lot about good food and are confident that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Odette was no exception to the rule either. She sincerely believes that when a woman is in the kitchen, she has power over a man.

In the 1990s she moved to Naples. Later, the famous director Tinto Brass noticed her and invited her to play the main role in his erotic film “Breaking the Bans,” thanks to which Mayarchuk gained fame.

Actually, exactly how the actress got into the movie is good example rational approach inherent in women of the Taurus sign. They do not miss the opportunities that life gives them. It is known that at the time when Tinto Brass invited Julia to star in his film, although she was already married woman and her husband could well provide for her, she agreed to this role, believing that this would give her a certain independence. It is unknown how her husband reacted to her decision, but it is obvious that, choosing between a quiet family life and the opportunity to highlight her beauty in films, she chose the second option.

(born May 3, 1975) is an American film and television actress, known for her role as Joan Holloway in the television series Mad Men. For this role, the actress received three Emmy Award nominations.

The actress participated in a large number of television series, as a guest in many famous television shows.

In life, Christina is completely different from her heroines, despite the fact that red hair, according to general opinion, usually belongs to “true bitches.” According to her many friends and colleagues on the set, Christina is a wonderful and friendly woman, sometimes suffering, in her own words, from “excessive gullibility.”

Taurus women for the most part have a tendency to be curvy, but, unfortunately, they often suffer because of this. But not Christina, who, on the contrary, is proud of her body. Therefore, one of the reasons for the popularity of Christina Hendricks is her curvaceous figure. She is one of those Hollywood beauties who do not hide their feminine forms, but, on the contrary, try to emphasize them. Perhaps that's why Christina Hendricks is one of the ten "sexiest TV stars."

Astrologer Alexander Dan

Astrologers are firmly convinced that the period in which a person was born directly determines his character and destiny. That is why every year more and more new books and articles appear that talk about the quality of such influence. However, astronomers do not believe in such nonsense, believing that celestial bodies are not able to have a dramatic impact on the inhabitants of the third planet.

Which version to follow is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But to deny that representatives of one or another zodiac sign have common features appearance, character, behavior and the course of life, is rather meaningless. That is why in this article we propose to find out who they are - the famous Taurus, and what birth under this sign promises.

Main features of appearance

It is impossible to say that all Taurus are alike. However, despite this, it is still possible to identify some common features. For example, men of this sign are characterized by a strong and stocky physique, but they are rarely tall. Also, experts and ordinary observers note that representatives of both sexes necessarily have snow-white, porcelain-like, and matte skin. Natural hair color is in most cases dark: from light brown to black. And the color of the iris is brown, less often green.

In addition, it is important to mention that famous Taurus - both men and women - are distinguished by their radiance, softness of gaze, in which kindness and generosity are clearly visible. Their figure is well built, but some Taurus are overweight. This is due to the fact that representatives of the sign are great lovers of tasty food, which cannot but affect their figure.

Taurus people have refined taste, and this can be seen in the way they dress. They always behave calmly, proudly and confidently, so they seem to many to be arrogant snobs, incapable of showing strong emotions. Although in reality this is not the case. At heart, Taurus are very sensitive and energetic. They love and know how to joke and laugh at themselves. But only those closest know about this. After all, even famous Taurus people do not like to be exposed in public; they keep their personal lives and inner world in secret, not wanting outsiders to intrude on them.

Character traits

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by a certain passivity and control, which many around them take advantage of, directing Taurus where they themselves prefer. But Taurus are very trusting by nature and notice that something is wrong only when the situation reaches its peak - there is almost no vital energy left, the soul is wounded and devastated.

Taurus - good friends They are kind, trusting, sincere, and highly value friendship and family ties. However, at work, both ordinary and famous Taurus people change completely. Their acumen, perseverance, determination and perseverance are the envy of many. Taurus are also very hardworking. And it is thanks to the combination of all the above factors that they achieve success at work, which they put above all else, thereby offending their family.

Life credo

Taurus has a lot of persistence, so they can reach unprecedented heights at work, achieve popularity and recognition. And they earn big earnings, which many Taurus spend on charity. But among the representatives of this zodiac sign there are also many lovers of a beautiful life. They surround themselves with luxury, expensive things, and cannot stand cheap things. That's why they never wear jewelry. But they don’t hang gold on themselves either, preferring to wear one or two jewelry.

Among the famous Taurus there are many people who love their lives. They spend all their earnings on parties, alcohol, and sometimes start dubious or short relationships. Taurus people live, as they say, to the fullest; they take everything from life, believing that the main thing is pleasure, and only for this is it worth earning money.

Strengths of the sign

Each person has his own strengths and weaknesses of character. But astrologers group people into groups and also note some similarities. For Taurus, this is a penchant for creativity, philosophy, and the desire to analyze the course of life. They have a keen sense of beauty, have good intuition, and can even become mediums or healers. But to achieve the latter, it is important for them to learn empathy. Taurus are quite sociable, love good music, and become excellent owners and keepers of the home. They are hardworking and dreamy, distinguished by the gift of realizing beautiful dreams into reality. Many are ordinary and can sense upcoming events. They are very susceptible to others and know how to read people like a book, so they often analyze their words and actions so as not to hurt a person.

Weaknesses of the sign

As we noted earlier, Taurus are very prone to gluttony and highly value everything that gives pleasure. They are terribly jealous, stubborn and lazy. They can wait a long time for the right opportunity and complain to others about their life until it gets better on its own. Taurus is a very temperamental sign, but constantly controls itself, hiding anger and aggression deep inside. At some point he explodes, this results in a scandal over an insignificant trifle. But even then, Taurus continues to keep 70% of their feelings and emotions to themselves.

Taurus people are quite touchy. However, they won’t make any claims right away; they will analyze for a long time whether it seemed to them, whether the person deserves punishment, etc. Also to weaknesses Taurus is greedy and stingy. They like to save not for something, but just for the sake of it.

Taurus Man

Ordinary and confident and calm. They inspire trust, reliability, and women feel protected next to them. They love and, most importantly, know how to cook deliciously, which also attracts the opposite sex. Taurus men quickly cool down even after major quarrel. However, grievances are not forgotten for a very long time and can provoke a scandal when remembered many years later. IN family relationships Taurus is terribly jealous and will not tolerate even a hint of infidelity. But he loves his wife and children, he likes to take care of them, so the Taurus husband and father is simply wonderful.

Work comes first for Taurus. But if his wife manages to create a cozy and comfortable family life for him, he can forget about everything and completely immerse himself in the atmosphere of everyday life. Also, to maintain the location of the Taurus man, it is important to take care of the sensual plane. After all, he must also be completely satisfied in it.

Taurus Woman

Famous Taurus women are not too different from men - representatives of this sign. They are very attractive, sociable, value comfort and create a pleasant atmosphere around them. They love flowers and constantly notice the beauty of nature. They are partial to sweets, so they often suffer from excess weight. However, they do not know how to diet or do physical exercises on their own and prefer to work with a trainer who will help them keep in shape.

The ideal man for a Taurus woman is one who will give a sea of ​​sensual pleasures and sexual harmony. And if the partner succeeds, she will close her eyes to his shortcomings and misdeeds and surround him with warmth and boundless love.

Taurus and Taurus couple

We similarly talked about what men and women are like who were born under the auspices of the constellation Taurus. But many readers probably have a question: “What will happen if they start dating or even start a family?” That is why next we will look at what ordinary and famous couples are like - Taurus and Taurus.

Let's start with the fact that such a union is one of the most ideal. After all, lovers or spouses understand each other perfectly; their views on life, judgments, thoughts and values ​​are almost identical. Thanks to this, the couple is guaranteed a long and happy life. They are both reliable, dreamy and romantic. They love quiet family gatherings more than noisy companies. Their relationship is smooth, calm, there is no place for madness and uncontrollable passion. They trust each other, do not make scenes of jealousy, do not create scandals.

In most cases, such a union arises in early youth, and over the course of many years, people born under the sign of Taurus (famous and ordinary) do not strive for dramatic changes and often simply go with the flow, enjoying mutual love. Taurus formalize their relationship when they become independent and completely provide for themselves. The joyful event will mark the partners’ complete confidence in each other, as well as their financial stability.

Unfortunately, there is no Taurus star couple. But an example of a wonderful friendly union can be the couple Potap and Nastya Kamensky.

The Greatest Taurus in History

If you delve into the centuries, you might be surprised how many famous historical figures were born under the auspices of the zodiac sign being studied. And this once again emphasizes the best qualities and strengths Taurus. Let's consider the great and famous Taurus according to the horoscope:

  1. A man who was known and respected by the entire Soviet country, a revolutionary and politician who bequeathed to us to study throughout our lives - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin-Ulyanov.
  2. One of the most famous and unusual psychoanalysts and psychologists, who wrote many books and treatises. His name speaks for itself. And this is Sigmund Freud.
  3. An amazing and unique actress and model. Her films are adored by many; she is appreciated and loved for her wonderful smile and childlike spontaneity. People want to be like her, because she is Audrey Hepburn.
  4. A mysterious and somewhat strange writer. He gave the world a huge number of unforgettable and thoughtful works, which are still at the peak of popularity. Our compatriot. Mikhail Bulgakov.

Modern Taurus women

Among the representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus there are quite a few:

  • Nastya Kamenskikh;
  • Natalya Podolskaya;
  • Lera Kudryavtseva;
  • Yulia Parshuta;
  • Tanya Tereshina;
  • Dinara Safina;
  • Ksenia Novikova;
  • Anastasia Prikhodko;
  • Masha Rasputina;
  • Victoria Daineko;
  • Adele;
  • Renee Zellweger;
  • Megan Fox;
  • Penelope Cruz;
  • Natalia Oreiro;
  • Kelly Clarkson;
  • Kirsten Dunst;
  • Cate Blanchett;
  • Lily Allen;
  • Uma Thurman;
  • Jessica Alba;
  • Michelle Pfeiffer.

Modern Taurus men

There are many more strong, brave and brutal Taurus on the list. Among them there are also both domestic and foreign celebrities. Let's list them all:

  • Vladimir Zhirinovsky;
  • Danila Kozlovsky;
  • Philip Kirkorov;
  • Nikita Panfilov;
  • Fyodor Bondarchuk;
  • Alexander Maslyakov Jr.;
  • Denis Kosyakov;
  • Potap;
  • Stas Mikhailov;
  • Alexander Pushnoy;
  • Boris Akunin;
  • Igor Denisov;
  • Maxim Martsinkevich;
  • Yaroslav Boyko;
  • Roma Kanga;
  • Leonid Slutsky;
  • Al Pacino;
  • Alexander Ludwig;
  • Chris Brown;
  • David Beckham;
  • Sam Smith;
  • George Clooney;
  • Henry Cavill;
  • Channing Tatum;
  • Tim Roth;
  • Jack Nicholson;
  • Stephen Amell;
  • Pierce Brosnan;
  • Iker Casillas;
  • Jamie Dornan;
  • Robert Pattinson;
  • Enrique Iglesias;
  • James McAvoy;
  • Mark Zuckerberg;
  • Robbie Amell;
  • Dwayne Johnson.

We know the above mentioned very well famous people- According to the horoscope, Taurus, we can safely conclude that it is a great happiness to be born under the auspices of such a zodiac sign.

Fred Astaire

Honore Balzac

Alexander Benois

Johann Brahms

Mikhail Glinka

Salvador Dali

Albrecht Durer

Elizabeth II

Catherine II

Margot Fonteyn

Sigmund Freud

Audrey Hepburn

Oliver Cromwell

Harry Cooper

Vladimir Nabokov


Barbra Streisand

Maria Taglioni

Ella Fitzgerald

Mikhail Fokin

Henry Fonda

Pyotr Tchaikovsky

William Shakespeare

Taurus man

Even if I had fallen off the roof, I wouldn’t have made a peep.

Just don't come too close!

When I disperse, I crush

whatever I can get my hands on.

I wonder what you imagine a Taurus man to be like? Well, firstly, slow, reasonable and cautious and also calm, reasonable, quite down-to-earth and practical to the core. All this is true. And yet, in Taurus there is one more quality that does not follow from all of the above and seems in no way connected with them, but is nevertheless present in him. This is romance.

Does this seem illogical to you? But who said that Taurus obeys only the laws of logic? After all, this strong, courageous sign is patronized by the planet of love and peace - Venus.

Taurus thinks for a long time before starting serious courtship. He will not rush headlong into the pool. But if he decides that you are his chosen one, he will give a hundred points ahead to all your other fans. Every morning a messenger will come to you with a bouquet of flowers until you agree to become the wife of Taurus. He can compose a poem in your honor and send it to you without a signature, of course, in the case when he is firmly confident that you will guess who the sender of the message is. Taurus is a gentle, attentive and caring lover. He will appreciate the aroma of your perfume, the smoothness of your skin and the beauty of your hair. He may not shower you with flowery compliments, but he will certainly find a way to show you how much he appreciates your charms.

Taurus does not like to throw money away, but he likes to see you beautiful, and he will be happy to give you exquisite outfits and expensive furs. The Taurus soul is characterized by sentimentality, and it doesn’t cost him anything to give the old flower girl from whom he buys flowers for your boutonniere an amount several times higher than the cost of the bouquet, just because she somehow reminds him of his mother.

Taurus is extremely sensitive to music, it excites him and puts him in a lyrical mood. He definitely has a favorite tune that reminds him of you.

If everything that has been said to you is still not enough to prove the romanticism of his nature, I will give a few more examples. For your birthday, Taurus will give you several beautiful and expensive porcelain and silver trinkets that you have long dreamed of; for Christmas, they will shower you with gifts no worse than Santa Claus himself. It will offer you moonlight swimming, walks and picnics in the most picturesque corners of the forest. February 14, Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day), will inundate you with humorous poems and passionate messages. If Taurus is courting, then this is real courtship, maintained in the best traditions. He will invite you to lunch in a luxurious restaurant with dim lights and soft music. Taurus will remember for the rest of his life the day he first met you and many other small intimate dates that you yourself have long forgotten about. Well, now have I convinced you?

Taurus is not a groundless dreamer, like Aquarius, not a heartthrob, like Leo, and not a creator of castles in the air in pink clouds - Aries. Having chosen you as his wife, he will first present you with a plan of the house in which you will live for approval. This house will not look like an Aries castle, but it will be real, solid and reliably insured. With a Taurus husband, you won’t have to worry about anything, your future will be in good hands, and a few years later you yourself, laughing, will remember the pink castles in the air and passionate sighs under the moon of your former admirers. A Taurus husband is a reliable acquisition, and you will never regret it in your life.

Taurus builds his well-being with his own hands, gradually, without being distracted by trifles and without hoping for illusory luck. But real success comes to him, and the state of affairs is such that he can afford himself and his wife the luxury of a winter vacation somewhere in Florida or other exotic places.

But, of course, like all people, Taurus has shortcomings. Taurus will not tolerate a rude, assertive woman next to him. That is why you must develop gentleness and forbearance. Don’t even think about expressing your opinion in front of everyone, much less interfering in disputes when your Taurus husband is next to you. He prefers to play the first violin, while you are destined for the role of accompaniment. In private, he will be happy to listen to your opinion, but God forbid you speak publicly. This is fraught with serious consequences. If Taurus is a primitive type, he will simply cause a scandal for you. If he belongs to more refined natures, he will punish you with silence and sit like a stone statue all evening, causing surprised glances from those gathered. You will be ready to fall through the ground.

Of course, you will try your best to get him out of this state, but it will not be easy. An angry Taurus will not cool down immediately. And all because you interrupted his monologue with some stupid phrase. If your husband then decisively takes up his coat to go home, the best thing is to follow his example and try to beg his forgiveness on the way home. You should not involve your acquaintances, relatives or friends in a quarrel. Not only will this not help, but it will anger Taurus even more. It is better to resolve the conflict yourself and try to avoid such mistakes in the future.

Taurus is patient, but he will not allow a ring to be inserted into his nose. The bull also does not like jealous women who cling to him like a drowning man clinging to a straw. He is attracted to graceful, feminine, playful women who will constantly keep him on his toes and intrigued. But at the same time, a woman should know when to stop and not overdo it. Taurus will watch with delight the impression his lady makes in society, but only as long as she is prudent enough and does not deal a blow to his male pride. There is nothing in the world that Taurus would not do for his beloved.

Taurus has an amazing feature. In love, he loses caution and prudence. No advice from friends and relatives can shake his decision, even if everyone unanimously assures him that the object of his passion is not a match for him.

Taurus, the owner of the Earth sign, is more suitable for wives with the signs of Earth and Water than of Fire and Air. But even in this case there are happy unions- after all, as you know, opposites converge. Financial problems for Taurus are almost non-existent. Given his attitude towards money, even if he does not become a millionaire, he will at least have a stable and strong position.

Taurus loves country walks, sports, fishing and hiking, and enjoys growing flowers and gardening. He prefers books of an adventure nature and biographies of great conquerors to refined literary genres and philosophical treatises.

Taurus - a real man in everything. He loves well-prepared home-cooked food and does not tolerate any canned food or sandwiches. This is why you should get yourself a good cookbook. But don't think that he wants to turn you into a cook. He will be happy to take you to good restaurant or on a visit (provided that the food there is good). He himself will never mess around in the kitchen, except for the sake of a joke.

Taurus is an attentive, loving, caring father. From childhood, he teaches the child to love and respect property. The Taurus father is very self-possessed. He never gets angry with a child if he shows insufficient progress in his studies, the main thing is that he follows the right path. It may seem to you that Taurus pays too much attention to the material aspect and lavishes his children with gifts. But he also spares neither time nor emotions for the children, and if necessary, he will show firmness. In general, the Taurus father is a gift of fate, except for those periods when he falls into a rage, which, however, is extremely rare.

Taurus pamper their wives, buying them clothes, perfumes and trinkets, while not forgetting about the decor and products. Taurus people love luxury and can afford it.

Taurus works a lot and therefore needs good rest. Make sure he gets enough rest, otherwise it will make him irritable. Never nag him for being slow. This is akin to waving a red rag in front of a bull. Taurus lives according to his own schedule and rushing him is not only useless, but also unsafe. Taurus loves to receive guests in his own home, but these should be people close to him in spirit. Taurus avoids large noisy companies.

He also cannot stand loud sounds (be it people's voices, radio or TV), disorder and chaos, scattered things. Let quiet music, beauty and comfort reign in your home. Try to be a real woman and you won't find best husband. No one can surround you with such affection, attention and love, and if you take into account the stability and strength of his financial position, then what else can a woman dream of?
