What names are suitable for Valeria. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Valeria

What does the name Valeria mean:
This name is literally translated into Russian as - to be healthy.

Origin of the name Valeria:
This name most likely has Latin roots.

Character conveyed by the name Valery:

In the character of young Valeria one can already quite feel the influence of a certain mischievous boyishness. Still, whatever you say, boys are often called this sonorous name. And therefore, Valeria is especially characterized by determination, a certain cheerfulness, and sometimes she can simply be completely unpredictable.

From early childhood, Valeria often stands out among most of her peers with a certain restlessness of nature. Valeria, as a rule, has a sparkling sense of humor, and therefore she can often be seen overly cheerful, joking and even laughing loudly, but this state of hers can easily change if you fail to please her in some way. Valeria is quite quick-tempered and unusually excitable. She will be able to show her unusually capricious character, almost becoming angry over a trifle, which may seem to her a sufficient reason for an unusually significant offense. And this fully reveals the vulnerability of her strong character, as well as her unpredictability. Many may simply be amazed by the combination of such absolutely contradictory properties in her almost masculine character.

Valeria really appreciates in people the ability to listen and, most importantly, to hear. And therefore, she often feels comfortable and cozy in the company of older, fairly calm people who can really listen to her carefully.

Her complex and rather contradictory character will not give her the opportunity to equally and realistically evaluate the events happening around her, and the people around her. Depending on her own mood, almost the same events and actions can be assessed by her in completely different ways. Her desires are also very changeable. However, if you can find Valeria the right approach and show sufficient tolerance for some of the flaws in her character, then in her always pleasant face it will be quite possible to find a good, kind and faithful comrade. But her somewhat wary attitude towards this life and people in general can be explained by the unusually subtle sensitivity of her strong nature. And this can also introduce certain difficulties into her relationships with the opposite sex. As a rule, Valeria's gentlemen very often cannot find the strength and patience for all her whims, which can often lead to a breakup. And every new break in relations with a man is a severe blow for Valeria. But, as we know, time heals wounds, and Valeria will very soon begin to charm a completely new boyfriend.

But family life Valeria, as a rule, is always full of surprises. And if suddenly family scandals could lead to her divorce from her husband, then Valeria will never tire of denigrating her ex-husband, until she can get married again.

For your baby - important stage in the lives of young parents. Each name carries information that in one way or another influences a person’s life and behavior. In this article we will tell you about female name Valeria, his origin, as well as his strengths and weaknesses.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

This name has Roman roots - it comes from the ancient family Valerius, which translated means “strong in spirit”, “strong”. Turning to historical data, it became known that in Ancient Rome there were generic nicknames both Valerianus and Valeriana - they can be translated as “belonging to or included in the Valeriev family.”

When is the name day

Angel Valeria's Day according to church Orthodox calendar falls on June 20 - on this day the memory of the great martyrs Kaleria (Valeria), Maria and Kyriacia of Palestine is revered. In the 4th century AD, the holy martyrs converted to Christianity and spent all their time praying to the Lord, but the ruler persuaded them to the pagan faith and tried to force them to pray to idols through torture. Until their last breath, the brave girls did not betray their faith and died in agony.

There is another patron of this name - Queen Valeria, daughter of Queen Alexandra. The fate of the young queen was also unhappy - in the 3rd century AD, the local ruler Maximian wooed Valeria. But the girl did not want to marry a cruel warrior who glorified paganism and forced her to renounce the Christian faith. Then the rejected emperor sent Queen Valeria into exile, where the girl spent many years. Upon returning to hometown Valeria faced a cruel execution for remaining true to her faith.

Short and diminutive form

The name Valeria has the following diminutive variants: Lera, Lerochka, Valerie, Val, Lerunya, Lerushka, Lerok.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

No matter where you are in the world and no matter what language you speak, this name is pronounced almost the same everywhere:

  1. On English: Valerie - Valerie;
  2. On Spanish: Valeria - Valeria;
  3. On German: Valerie - Valerie;
  4. On Czech language: Valerie - Valeria;
  5. In Belarusian: Valeriya - Valeria.
  6. In Ukrainian: Valeria - Valeria.
  7. On Polish language: Waleria - Valeria.

Did you know? The following patronymics go well with this name: Maksimovna, Alekseevna, Timurovna, Vitalievna and Alexandrovna.

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

This name rewards its bearer with an eccentric and impulsive character. From childhood, inconstancy and capriciousness are manifested, which are not always understandable to adults. She is sociable and always open to new acquaintances, while in the company she is always the center of attention.

The secret of the name Valeria lies in her vulnerability. But not everyone can see this side of her personality. A girl with that name perfectly hides her weaknesses from strangers, creating an image of self-confident, impulsive and strong woman. If Lera turned to you for help or cried in front of you, rest assured that you are part of a narrow circle of people dear to her.

Study, professions and career

Valeria finds it easy to study and enjoys learning. But the girl’s wayward character makes itself felt - perseverance and desire to study the subject will manifest itself only when she likes it. It is almost impossible to force Valeria to learn or memorize, since she needs to be truly passionate about something.

Important! Increased impulsiveness and hot temper often lead to the fact that Valeria can inadvertently offend her interlocutor with a sharp statement or barbs. When the emotions subside, Lera feels regret, but is unlikely to apologize.

Sociability and energy will help you achieve success in the trade, tourism business or in other areas related to communication and meeting people. Assertiveness and determination contribute to rapid advancement in career ladder, and Valeria will feel more comfortable in a male team.

Health and hobbies

Adult Valerias usually have strong. But in childhood, little Lera often gets sick, but with age, mainly during the school period, they will get stronger enough, and regular illnesses will become a thing of the past. Diseases of the genitourinary system can often occur, but the diseases occur in mild forms and without complications. There may be problems with excess weight, but regular physical activity and being active will help the girl always be in shape. Increased vulnerability often causes depression and attacks of melancholy, which causes nervous diseases.

Since childhood, my passion for books can be traced. A lively mind and good imagination help Valery plunge headlong into fascinating reading. Watching his mother in the kitchen, he often takes the initiative to help with the preparation of some dish. As she grows up, her interest in cooking does not disappear - Valeria loves to experiment in the kitchen and often pampers her household with prepared delicacies. Lera's hobbies are creative in nature - painting lessons, dancing or theater clubs, which over time can develop into something more than just a hobby.

Love relationships, marriage and compatibility

As a rule, Valerias have an attractive appearance and are surrounded by men. Lera is well aware of the strength of their external beauty and use it when it suits them. The girl is amorous, but she chooses her partners carefully and for a long time. Her strong and strong-willed character often scares off men, but she chooses the best of the best. Often her partner is much older.

In marriage, she is a faithful wife and a good housewife. She prefers a quiet evening with her husband and children to noisy gatherings with friends. She treats children very well; her family often has more than one child. Lera's jealousy will cause discord in the family. At the same time, her impulsiveness and temper will spill out in the form of scandals.

The girl is unlikely to be the first to reconcile, and the resentment will remain in her memory for a long time. If the partner does not have patience and a strong character capable of taming Valeria, then the marriage will not last long. Valeria has good compatibility with the following male names:

  • Evgeniy;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Maxim;
  • Anton;
  • Anatoly;
  • Matvey.
But it’s better not to start a relationship with Kirill, Igor and Zakhar - poor name compatibility predicts constant quarrels and misunderstandings. Most often, girls named Valeria get married several times. The reason may be the girl’s desire to find forgotten passion and emotions in a new man.

Did you know? You can leave your name as a pledge. At least the Kwakiutl Indians, when they borrow, leave it to the lender. Until the debt is repaid, the borrowers are not called by name; it simply does not belong to them.

Decoding the meanings of each letter of the name

Analysis of the letters will help you find out everything about the name Valeria. Let us decipher what is hidden behind each letter in this name.

  • B. This letter in the name bestows ease of communication with others, optimism and cheerfulness. These are passionate natures who put feelings first, but at the same time they do not strive to change life partners.
  • A. The first place in the alphabet represents leadership and perseverance in achieving goals. Throughout their lives, people with this letter in their name strive for self-improvement.
  • L. This letter carries creativity and a love of comfort. People with this letter in their name need to constantly be in search of beauty in the people and things around them.
  • E. Excessive desire to get to the bottom of the matter and find secret meaning in what is said and seen often leads to loneliness and misunderstanding by others. As a counterbalance to these qualities, there is sociability and the ability to easily make acquaintances.
  • R. Conceals patience and perseverance, and also helps to avoid conflicts. But as soon as the conflict that arises affects your interests, you can easily defend your own opinion.
  • I. This letter in the name bestows a certain spirituality and desire for inner harmony. Directness in conversation and honesty often interferes in personal life.
  • Me. People with this letter in their name know their worth and strive in every way to increase their own self-esteem. IN conflict situations They find it difficult to compromise or make concessions. The desire to gain respect in the eyes of others is clearly expressed.
There is another way to find out more information that is hidden in the name - the numerological characteristics of the name Valery. According to numerology, this name corresponds to the number 3, which carries courage and desire for victory, creativity and passion, dedication and optimism.

Important! It is very important for Valeria that they listen to her and not interrupt her. You can keep this girl's interest by demonstrating the qualities of an attentive listener.

Name Astrology

  • horse - personifies wisdom and intelligence, in difficult situations helps to accept right decision;
  • Scarab beetle - is a protector from bad thoughts and the evil eye. Helps achieve financial stability and bring good luck into the home.
  • Tree:
    • cherry - cherry flowers symbolize hope and eternal youth;
    • chestnut - improves health and protects against bad events.
  • Stone:
    • pomegranate - is a symbol of passionate love and devoted friendship;
    • emerald - lifts the veil over secrets, activates the gift of clairvoyance.
  • Color:
  • purple - gives its bearer excessive vulnerability and love for philosophical reflection.
  • Number: 8.
  • Element: water.
  • Flower: Peony - represents wealth and joy.
  • Day: Tuesday - on this day it is best for Leram to plan important matters and meetings, but Thursday is best to make it a day of rest and unloading.
  • Name in history: famous and successful people

    There are such people in the world famous people with the name Valeria:

    Now you know that Valeria- multifaceted personalities, and their character has its own negative and positive aspects. If you are currently searching best name with strong energy, then Valeria is what you need.

    The name Lera (Valeria) is the feminine form of the masculine Valery. Accordingly, the value of the first is very close to the characteristics of the second. Translated from Latin - “strong”, “hardy”, “vigorous”, “strong”. This means that the children awarded it should grow up to be real ringleaders.

    It is recognized as very beautiful, and now it is becoming more and more popular, but what character traits does Lera have? We will now find out the meaning of the name.

    It has interesting derivatives: Lerik, Lerunya, Lerunchik, Lerusha, Lerunik, Leka.

    The main Lera are activity, emotionality, straightforwardness, variability. A little girl with this name has been a rather hot-tempered and stubborn person since childhood. Everyone is a little wary of her explosive temperament, but at the same time they also greatly respect Lera for her fairness and perseverance. She tends to achieve what she wants.

    Since childhood, Lerochka has been quite capricious. A girl can “get off on the wrong foot” in the morning and continue to “sulk” about something all day long. Also, the meaning of the name Lera tells us that she can be offended by everyone, withdraw into herself, but after a while her mood can change, and she again becomes smiling and easily makes contact. Therefore, we can say that it is very difficult to be friends with her. But nevertheless, those who make friends with her definitely do not regret it.

    Considering all areas of life, it becomes interesting, what does the name Lera mean for a child at school? This girl copes with her studies quite well, while she sincerely tries to stand out among other children, wants to earn praise and good grade teachers, tries to be the center of attention of others. Perhaps someone may consider her an upstart, which is why Lera sometimes has ill-wishers.

    When communicating with any person, you can think about what is present in his character just from the name? What place does the name Lera have in the temperament of a little girl? In general, she has a rather complex and unpredictable character. She is very persistent, quite demanding of the people around her, and at the same time has incredible self-love. However, despite this, it is also worth noting that Lera is demanding not only of others, but also of herself. If she demands that a person learn to do something difficult, keep in mind that Valeria herself will respond by taking on an equally difficult task.

    If we classify character traits, delving into the question of what the meaning of the name Lera is, we can highlight the following positive characteristics: persistence in business, love of truth, wit, cheerfulness and activity, devotion to loved ones, sincerity. And there is also negative traits: touchiness; jealousy both towards your loved one and towards your friends; moodiness; sometimes harshness in communication even with loved ones.

    TO strangers Lera has a distrustful and cold attitude, but if a person becomes her friend, having withstood all the shortcomings of her character, then it will be difficult to find a more faithful and sympathetic comrade.

    It's no secret that a name determines not only a person's character, but also predetermines his fate. In this article, we invite you to find out everything connected with the name Valeria: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the person named by it. This name was rarely included in popularity ratings, and all because it is derived from male name Valery, therefore, endows his owner with some masculine qualities. We will look at the specific meaning of this name in our article.

    The name Valeria (Lera) has an interesting origin and meaning... and the fate of a child with this name is interesting and quite prosperous

    Origin and meaning of the name Valeria

    The meaning of the name Valeria comes from Latin word"valeo" which means "to be healthy" and "to be strong"

    Meaning of the name Valeria: It comes from the Latin word “valeo” which means “to be healthy” and “to be strong”.

    It is implied that Valeria will be strong in spirit and healthy girl. It is worth noting that this is a very rare name.

    That is why you should not lose sight of the name Valeria, the origin and meaning of which endow the owner with fortitude and good health.

    What kind of character might Valeria have?

    The characteristics of the name Valery are based on the influence of the planet Mercury.

    Vu nature is very complex and contradictory. It's almost impossible to please her. All her friends and relatives should carefully monitor their intonations during a conversation with Valeria, since she is a very suspicious and touchy girl. Any offense to Victoria is accompanied by scandals, raised words and other unpleasant components on her part. She will remember the offense for a long time, and then completely unexpectedly forgive it.

    In relationships with men, Valeria is even more capricious and inconsistent. Valeria usually has experience from several marriages. Her first marriage is usually a trial one and the most unsuccessful. Not every man can tolerate his wife’s excessive suspiciousness. She is incredibly jealous and will be jealous even with a fleeting glance from her husband at a woman passing by.

    V. is fond of traveling, loves to pamper himself in beauty salons, because he cares about his external attractiveness. Wouldn't mind working out at gym or a fitness salon, but of all types physical activity She prefers yoga and Pilates. And this is correct, since it is important for Valeria to be able to disconnect from the hustle and bustle.

    More often, V. is successful in sales and high-risk investments. But in fact, Valeria does not strive to devote her life to work. The main goal of any unmarried Valeria is to find a worthy and wealthy candidate for a husband. And they succeed! V.'s mother will be demanding and not inclined to spoil her children. She will be more of a child in the family than her own children.

    In general, Valeria will not suffer from any serious or chronic diseases. It is characterized by certain diseases nervous system and anorexia, that is, severe weight loss. It is worth paying a lot of attention to nutrition and daily routine. For V. it is vital to get enough sleep.

    The main character of a child named Valeria, depending on the time of year of his birth:

    • Spring is a capricious and fickle girl, she is very artistic, so success awaits her as an actress or model.
    • summer - will attract attention, both through actions and external transformation. She will make a good organizer or leader.
    • autumn - will be a more predictable and balanced girl.
    • winter - will be a domineering and emotional girl, work in the field of finance and securities, since the love of money will become her very first love.

    What fate awaits Valeria?

    In many ways, the characteristics of the name Valeria determine the character and destiny of a person. Knowing your destiny, you can change it

    Now we will consider what impact the name Valeria can have on a person’s life; the meaning of the name and the fate of a person are inextricably linked with each other. The name Valeria endows its owner with fickle, eccentric character traits.

    Valeria's fate will not be the most enviable. She will experience many disappointments throughout her life. There is a high risk that property will be stolen from her home.

    At the first communication with V., he pushes him away. Therefore, she will have very few friends from childhood. Valeria will practically not maintain relations even with her parents.

    When communicating with Valeria, it is important to be a patient person, because, despite all the shortcomings, in the end she can become a loyal and reliable friend for life.

    V. will have a wealth of experience living with different men. She is constantly searching for the one ideal man, which doesn't exist. In fact, as soon as Valeria meets a good-natured and understanding man with a good sense of humor, she will quickly appropriate him for herself. With such a man, V. is capable of becoming a happy wife. She will love her children, but raise them in strictness.

    It is very difficult for a capricious girl with an unstable psyche to realize herself in her career. But Valeria will succeed. And even if she does not reach any outstanding heights and achievements, she will be able to earn good money to meet the needs of her family.

    In old age, V. will finally calm down, she will no longer make people emotional, she will not suspect them of something and make trouble. Valeria will become a very serious grandmother who will raise her grandchildren in the same way as her children: in severity and discipline.

    What will the child named Valeria be like?

    The character of a child named Valeria can range from capricious and fickle to balanced and predictable.

    Let's consider the characteristics and character traits of a child named Valeria; the meaning of the name for a girl will be reflected in her main character traits.

    Little V. will be overly touchy and capricious. She will demand increased attention to her needs. Therefore, it is possible that little Valeria will need strict discipline and special education.

    Valeria's school years will be marked by protest. Diligence and perseverance are unfamiliar to her. She will quietly sit through each lesson, minding her own business, or be overly active in arguments with teachers. Only hobby groups can captivate a girl and awaken in her a desire to work on herself.

    In adolescence, V. will be able to curb her rebellious nature a little, but in general, she will remain true to herself and her desires. It will be difficult for her in any team, but as a loner she can achieve success. Valeria will begin to be interested in young people who will also not lose sight of the cheerful and charming girl. Early pregnancy is possible.

    You will find for yourself useful information, the meaning of the name Valeria, how to interpret, historical facts and where the name Valeria (Lera) came from.

    The meaning of the name Valeria

    Lera is a girl with a very contradictory character. On the one hand, she is smiling and friendly, but on the other, she is quick-tempered and persistent. All this depends on the dictionary interpretation of the name - “health”, “youth”, “strength”.

    Short form

    Lerych, Valera, Lerka, Lerochka, Lerusya, Ler, Lera, Lerochka, Valerik.

    History of appearance

    IN Slavic languages there are very few native names - all of them are mainly borrowed. The name Lera has Byzantine roots. “Valerie” in translation means “health”, “strength of spirit”. By the way, in other languages ​​it can also sound like Valeria or Valerie.

    Name day and patrons of Valeria

    Nothing will tell you about Lerochka better than her church characteristics. Psychological portrait girls can be compiled based on data from Orthodoxy, or more precisely, by studying the main saints standing behind the backs of girls with that name.

    Positive aspects of Valeria

    This is a rather meek and gentle lady, and therefore she is not alien to manifestations of maternal and marital love. The meaning of the name Valeria provides the girl with good health and wonderful appearance. This is a punchy person. Having set a goal, she will do everything to achieve it.

    Negative sides of Valeria

    Lerochka seems like a sweetheart only at first glance. Unfortunately, she can be quite aggressive. For example, she gets angry if someone doesn't act the way she wants. We have already found out what the name Valeria means. The strength of spirit inherent in a girl’s name often does not allow her to be flexible and accommodating.

    Characteristics of Valeria

    At any family feast there will always be a child who gathers all the children around him and attracts the attention of many adults with his loud voice. Lerka could definitely be such a child! The meaning of the name Valeria gives her such qualities as activity, initiative, and energy. At a young age, she does everything at once. For example, he participates in a theater group, dances and creates beaded figures. All these activities leave an imprint on her character and bring new meanings to what the name Valeria means.

    The woman so named lives for the moment. She tries to fill every moment with something joyful and interesting. However, at the same time, Lerchik also remembers the future: she often has a large amount in her account, saved “for a rainy day.” The meaning of the name Valeria implies practicality mixed with ease.

    Unfortunately, Valeria also has negative traits. You absolutely can't make her angry! When angry, she turns into a very formidable person, not noticing anyone but herself. She doesn’t know how to argue, and therefore, as if remembering what the name Valeria means, she puts pressure on her interlocutor. She almost never gets to the point of breaking dishes. Most often, Lera harbors a grudge and, when the opportunity arises, strikes back at the offender.

    Compatibility of the name Valeria with male names

    So, it’s better for a lady with that name not to approach Ignat and Kirill at all. Also, an alliance with Ilya, Sergei, Matvey, Igor and Yuliy will not be very favorable. The meaning of the name Valeria is best combined with Artem, Joseph, Gennady, Ruslan and Yuri. Perfect couple It will work out with Denis and Daniil.

    Family and Love of Valeria

    Family life for a person with this name seems something natural. Valeria is used to constantly being in a relationship: starting with adolescence She's definitely going to meet someone. This is a sensitive, understanding and incredibly economical woman! By the way, such people get married very quickly. She gets along well with children. What does the name Valeria mean in everyday matters? She loves order very much and demands cleanliness from her loved ones. Sometimes this can reach the point of despotism.

    Valeria's profession

    In her work, Lerku can be compared to a hardworking bee. Ideally, she wants to get paid for what she loves, but at first the woman is not ashamed of “non-prestigious” work that is not accepted by society. She, unlike many, does not stay in temporary work - the meaning of the name Valeria does not allow it. She does everything possible to get the perfect position.


    The girl is born healthy: rosy cheeks and a ringing laugh are all with her. We already know what the name Valeria means, and therefore we can say for sure that in life such a girl is rarely bothered by any illnesses. However, problems related to self-care cannot be ruled out. If she does not think about the health of her skin and body in time, she may lose the resources given to her by nature.

    Valeria's career

    This woman suffers from the so-called “excellent student syndrome.” For her, moving up the career ladder is natural need. Fortunately, the method of walking over heads is alien to her. However, to get what she wants, she may begin to put pressure on her superiors.

    Great Valeria and what the name Valeria means

    Barsova (opera theater artist), Kudryavtseva (showwoman), Guy Germanika (director), Zaklunnaya (actress), Kozlova (singer), Gudym (gymnast), Lukyanova (model). Each of these women achieved advancement in their careers through honest and hard work. It is their biographies that will help you better understand what the name Valeria means.
