I want to gain weight at home. What foods should a girl eat to gain weight?

Proper nutrition necessary not only for losing weight, but also for gaining muscle mass. Contrary to popular belief, you shouldn't eat everything in sight thinking that it will help you build bigger muscles faster. Proteins are needed to restore them after destruction during training. In addition, you will need to replenish lost energy by consuming carbohydrates. Otherwise due to lack nutrients the muscles will begin to break down.

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    Basic nutrition rules for gaining muscle mass

    To build muscle, you need to eat right. In this case, you must take into account your body type. There are three of them: ectomorphic, mesomorphic, endomorphic. In short, ectomorphs are naturally thin people, mesomorphs are harmoniously built and have correct proportions, endomorphs are overweight with a high percentage of fat.

    Ectomorphs usually want to gain weight. Men with this body type try to gain weight and become bigger. Women often want to enlarge their buttocks to make their shape more attractive. But it’s worth considering that this won’t be possible to do quickly, since ectomorphs have difficulty gaining muscle mass.

    You will not be able to achieve results if you eat incorrectly. Mesomorphs and endomorphs gain weight more easily, not only due to muscles, but also due to fat. Therefore, people with this body type will have to carefully monitor their diet.

    For beginner boys and girls who are involved in strength training less than six months, do not worry too much about nutrition. It is enough for the diet to be balanced. Gaining muscle mass will go very quickly anyway. But more experienced athletes cannot do without knowledge of the basic rules of nutrition.

    Teenagers should not engage in serious strength training, since their bodies are not fully formed. And building muscle leads to changes in hormonal levels.

    How to build muscle mass - training program for men and women, menu, sports nutrition

    Calorie content

    The determining parameter when planning meals for weight gain is the daily calorie intake.

    The main thing to remember is that you should eat in a calorie surplus to grow muscles.

    To understand how much food this will require, you need to calculate basic calorie content. This number tells you how many calories you need to maintain your weight at the same level. The calculation is easy to do using the formula:

    Basic daily caloric intake = body weight (kg) x 30

    It is believed that to gain weight, the resulting value must be increased by 500 kcal. But exact value will depend on the body type: endomorphs are recommended to add 20%, mesomorphs - about 30%, and ectomorphs - 40% or a little more.

    BJU ratio

    Having decided on the calorie content, you need to correctly distribute the shares that will fall on proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The diet must contain all these nutrients in sufficient quantities.

    To gain muscle mass, you should adhere to the following BZHU ratio:

    • 50-60% carbohydrates;
    • 20–30% proteins;
    • 10–20% fat.

    For muscle growth, proteins are the most important, as they act as a kind of building material. You also need to make sure there are enough carbohydrates in your diet. They form carbohydrate reserves - glycogen. During training, it becomes depleted. If you do not replenish it in time, the body will begin to burn muscles.

    Depending on your body type, it is necessary to adhere to the following standards for the consumption of these nutrients.

    For example, an ectomorph weighing 60 kg needs to consume 240–300 g of carbohydrates and 120–150 g of protein daily. The remaining calories should come from fat. On average, their daily intake is 1.5-2 g per kilogram of weight.

    Meal frequency

    Then you should determine your meal schedule throughout the day. This parameter will depend on the metabolic rate. Typically, ectomorphs digest food much faster than mesomorphs and especially endomorphs.

    Optimal meal frequency for different types physique.

    It is necessary to eat so often so that the body never feels hungry. After all, as soon as this happens, he will try to get rid of muscles, which require much greater energy expenditure than fat mass.

    Most meals should be solid and complete. Only one or two of them can be replaced with sports nutrition. This will allow you to get all the nutrients your body needs.

    Suitable Products

    Now you need to figure out what foods you should eat to gain quality muscle mass.

    The lists will be the same for both men and women.

    It is also worth remembering that you should not drink water half an hour before and after meals. This will interfere with the normal absorption of food.


    Sources of protein are the following products:

    • meat (especially chicken breast, turkey, veal);
    • fish and seafood (tuna, salmon, cod, squid, shrimp);
    • legumes (beans, red lentils, chickpeas);
    • cottage cheese;
    • dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese);
    • eggs.

    Dairy products should have a small percentage of fat, especially if they are consumed before or after training, or in the morning. After all, at this time it is required that protein be absorbed quickly, and fats reduce the rate of its absorption.


    Carbohydrates, which serve as a source of energy for the body, are divided into simple (fast) and complex (slow). The former are absorbed very quickly and are often stored as fat deposits. The latter nourish the body for a long time.

    • sweets, confectionery;
    • sugar;
    • white bread;
    • various preserves, jams, etc.;
    • sweet fruits and vegetables (bananas, apples, etc.).

    Complex carbohydrates can be obtained from:

    • buckwheat;
    • rice;
    • durum pasta;
    • whole grain bread;
    • vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkins, etc.);
    • peas, beans, lentils, beans.

    Simple carbohydrates are often called bad. But this is not always the case. You can consume them without the threat of gaining fat immediately after training, when glycogen reserves are depleted. In this case, fast carbohydrates are simply necessary to block catabolic processes and prevent muscle destruction.


    Fats are also essential for the normal functioning of the body. They are responsible for maintaining healthy hair and nails, making the skin elastic and directly affecting the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, fats contain essential amino acids involved in protein synthesis.

    All fats are usually divided into saturated and polyunsaturated. Moreover, the former are considered harmful, and the latter are considered beneficial. But both are necessary for muscle growth.

    Saturated fats are found in:

    • milk, cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
    • fried meat, bacon;
    • lard

    Such fats are needed for the effective production of the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for building muscles.

    Polyunsaturated fats can be obtained from the following foods:

    • fish (salmon, tuna, trout);
    • nuts;
    • fish oil;
    • vegetable oils (linseed, corn, olive);
    • avocado;
    • sesame;
    • sunflower seeds.

    It is worth considering that fats should make up only 10–15% of the daily diet. After all, 1 g of fat after decomposition releases 9 kcal. At the same time, 1 g of protein or carbohydrates is only 4 kcal.

    Sports nutrition

    To gain muscle mass faster, you should take sports supplements. They are necessary, since it is not always possible to eat with the required frequency. In addition, the nutrients obtained from sports nutrition are absorbed much better.

    The regimen for taking sports supplements for different body types is presented in the table.

    If you take supplements according to this scheme, the body will be provided with all the necessary nutrients. As a result, the muscles will grow faster.

    Menu for the week

    Taking into account all the above rules, you can create a diet for weight gain. The table shows sample menu for a week.

    Meal time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
    8:00 (breakfast)Cottage cheese, low-fat yogurtScrambled eggs, appleOatmealOmelet with baconCottage cheese, bananaRice porridge with low-fat milkBoiled eggs, fruit
    11:00 (second breakfast)OatmealBoiled eggsCornflakesCottage cheeseMuesli, appleOatmealCottage cheese
    14:00 (lunch)Buckwheat with tunaBrown rice with chicken breastPasta, beef tongueVegetable stew with meatPotatoes with turkey baked in the ovenBuckwheat, vegetable salad, chicken cutletsBrown rice with steamed fish and lemon
    16:30 (snack)Protein
    19:30 (dinner)Rice with turkeyBuckwheat with chicken cutletsRice with vegetables and fish baked in foilBeef with Brussels sproutsBuckwheat, steamed fish, vegetable saladVegetable stew with meatBaked chicken, vegetables
    22:00 (snack before bed)Casein protein or low-fat cottage cheese

    It must be remembered that the result will depend not only on nutrition, but also on training. Also, to gain muscle, you need proper rest and healthy sleep for 7–8 hours daily.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

    I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

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People are in an endless battle with being overweight. There are a lot of tips and tricks on the topic of losing weight. There is much less information on how to gain weight for a skinny guy or girl. I will pay a little attention to this issue.

I offer several useful tips on weight gain at home.

  1. Adjust your diet. Follow a “reverse diet” of increasing your calorie intake to gain weight.
  2. This does not mean that you will have to abuse fatty foods and watch TV all day long with a pack of chips in your hands. Eat healthier by increasing your portion size.
  3. Choose foods that are high in calories. If you drink milk, buy it with 3.5-6% fat content.
  4. For breakfast, prepare porridge with milk and butter.
  5. To gain weight, include flour, fried and baked foods in your diet.
  6. Eat more fruits. Peaches, bananas, and apricots are suitable. Have small snacks between meals. They will cheer you up and charge your body with energy.
  7. Are you interested in increasing muscle mass and not growing a “beer belly”? Go to the gym. Correct program exercise, several sessions a week, will help you gain several kilograms of muscle tissue.

The key to rapid weight gain is a high-calorie diet, healthy image life, strength exercises, healthy sleep.

Men gain weight by building muscle mass. This is not easy to do. First, consult your doctor, because changing your lifestyle can cause unpleasant consequences.

  1. Main building material- protein. You can increase your body weight by consuming protein foods. There is a lot of protein in meat, fish, vegetables, dairy products, eggs.
  2. To gain weight, you need energy, which the body produces from carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates increase body fat; they are found in sugar, ice cream, and sweets.
  3. The growth of muscle mass is ensured by complex carbohydrates contained in vegetables and grains. Include similar foods in your diet.
  4. If the body does not work correctly, you will have to forget about weight gain. Its coordinated work directly depends on the amount of consumed microelements and vitamins contained in milk, vegetables, fruits and meat.
  5. Normal functioning of the body is impossible without fats. Nutritionists recommend vegetable oil, dairy products and sea fish. From fatty meat It's better to refuse.
  6. Intense training will help you gain weight quickly. It is better to use the services of a professional trainer to create a program. Exercise at least three times a week. Increase the load gradually.
  7. After each workout, give your body a rest. Don't exercise every day. Sleep about 8 hours a day.

Video tips

Effective ways to gain weight for a thin girl

Almost all girls, dreaming of a slim figure, are interested in methods of dealing with extra pounds. Some, on the contrary, want to gain a few kilograms.

I offer proven instructions.

  1. Start eating more. Include white bread, sweets, flour products, potatoes and honey in your diet. Don't forget about protein foods - eggs, fish, meat.
  2. Before your meal, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice. Drink an average of 2.5 liters of fluid throughout the day.
  3. Go to the gym or work on your body at home.
  4. Eat about 5 times. Have snacks between breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
  5. Chew your food thoroughly and rest a little after the meal to allow your body to absorb the food. Buy a vitamin complex at the pharmacy.
  6. Increase portion sizes, add new dishes. If you ate regular porridge for breakfast, make a sandwich with sausage in addition. Over time, a woman’s body will get used to increased portions.
  7. Bad habits slow down your metabolism. Give up alcohol and cigarettes. Sometimes you can treat yourself non-alcoholic beer.
  8. Stress burns calories. If you really want to gain weight, get rid of stress and bad emotions.
  9. Special attention take time to sleep. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.
  10. Seek help from a nutritionist. He will create a special menu for weight gain.

Is it possible to gain weight in a week?

Many people are surprised when they hear that someone wants to gain weight. There is nothing surprising. For example, some athletes have to increase their weight in order to compete.

  1. To increase weight and maintain energy, reduce activity. During physical and intense mental work, calories are quickly consumed.
  2. If you can't imagine life without sports, reduce the amount of training. If you study 4 times a week, reduce the number of lessons to three.
  3. Train only the main muscle groups. You will have to forget about jumping and aerobic exercise for a while, they require a lot of energy.


  1. Strengthen your nutrition by choosing protein foods. Dairy products and meat dishes will be a wonderful “fuel” for the body.
  2. Divide your meals into 5 meals with small snacks.
  3. For breakfast, eat porridge with milk and sandwiches. For lunch - a plate of rich borscht, some boiled meat or a few cutlets with mashed potatoes. For dinner, make baked chicken and pasta.
  4. To increase the calorie content of low-calorie dishes, add a little milk or grated cheese. Season salads with rich sour cream.
  5. For an afternoon snack, cottage cheese with yogurt, fermented baked milk or sandwiches are suitable. You can eat some jerky, nuts or protein bars.
  6. Overeating is not recommended. This will help your stomach cope with the stress.
  7. Don't eat at night. Eat two hours before bedtime. Otherwise, the gained kilograms will become fat, which is not easy to remove.

The key to successfully solving a problem is the correct and healthy eating, increased rest and rational exercise.

Getting better without an enhanced diet is extremely problematic. But not everyone can freely switch to five meals a day, eating only soups, cutlets, milk porridges and sandwiches.

  1. To increase weight, perform special physical exercises and use sports supplements. Visit a fitness trainer and create a training program and sports nutrition together.
  2. Stick to it proper routine eating. An hour before training, consume a serving of carbohydrates and drink a glass of protein shake.
  3. After physical activity eat sweet yogurt or a few bananas. So replenish your glycogen reserves. Half an hour after class, it is recommended to eat some protein food.
  4. Be sure to count calories. Body weight will increase if you eat a little more calories every day.
  5. When calculating, take into account energy costs for working out in the gym, preparing for exams, doing housework, and so on. There is no need to calculate to perfect accuracy. Record your most energy-intensive activities.
  6. If you don’t have time to go to the gym, and the thought of a normal weight doesn’t leave you, eat more and move less. At the same time, there is no need to consume kilograms of fried and fatty foods, sweets, pickles and smoked foods. Eat a balanced and nutritious diet.
  7. Sleep on average 8 hours a day.
  8. Most often, impressionable and nervous people. Try to achieve peace of mind. Walking and walking will help with this.

Most people wonder how to reset overweight, but there are only a few of those who are interested in how to quickly gain weight at home. Why do people generally feel the need to gain weight? Most often this is due to illness and professional requirements for athletes. If you fall into this category of people, then our article will be very useful for you.

Not everyone can boast of an ideal figure. Some people have to spend their entire lives trying to lose weight, while others have to gain weight. And if an overweight person has many health problems, he also has vitality, energy, thanks to which he lives.

Thin people have nowhere to get this energy. Therefore they are very weak and powerless. No matter what they do, they cannot gain normal weight in order to live a full life. Why this might happen:

If you have any of the above, you just need to make sure that you really are underweight. This can be done by calculating the body mass index using the formula: weight/height (m2):

  1. If your result is 0-16, this indicates that you have a pronounced lack of body weight. Most likely you have anorexia.
  2. If the result fluctuates between 17-18, then we can talk about underweight, but not pathological.
  3. If the result is 19-25, then your weight is in in good condition. This is the result you need to strive for in order to feel like a healthy person.

All indicators above 25 are coefficients indicating the development of obesity in a person, which must be combated in order to prolong one’s life.

Now let’s look in detail at how to quickly gain weight for a thin person.

How to quickly gain weight for a girl?

A girl needs to have a normal weight and at least a small layer of fat, if, of course, she is going to one day become a mother. So, what does a representative of the fair sex need to do in order to gain the required number of kilograms:

  1. Enrich your diet with bread, sweets, flour products, potatoes and honey. Your diet should also include eggs, meat and fish.
  2. Drink as much fluid as possible throughout the day. Daily norm– at least 2.5 liters.
  3. You should eat at least 5 times a day, between each main meal you need to snack on something very high in calories. In this case, the portions should be large. For example, if you have oatmeal for breakfast, add a sandwich with sausage and butter to it.
  4. Get rid of stressful situations and depressed mood because it does not promote weight gain.
  5. Sleep as much as possible per day - at least 9-10 hours a day.

You can make an appointment with a professional nutritionist who will take into account all your individual characteristics and create the ideal diet for weight gain.

How to quickly gain weight for children?

If a child was born with insufficient body weight, then parents need to devote all their efforts to ensuring that his weight is normalized. Otherwise, the child runs the risk of constantly getting sick, being exposed to various infections and other ailments. We will give you some recommendations on what to do to help your child begin to recover:

  1. The baby is up to 6 months old if he is on breastfeeding, but this is not enough for him, then he needs to add an artificial mixture, which will be prescribed by the pediatrician.
  2. A child under 1 year of age needs to increase the frequency of feedings up to 5 times. In this case, its nutrition should include breast milk, milk formula, porridge and fermented milk products.
  3. A child over 1 year old needs to eat at least 5 times a day. His diet should be balanced and healthy. You can eat sweet foods, but in moderation. It would be more correct to give your child additional probiotics so that his intestines work as they should.

How can a man gain weight quickly?

Men most often gain more muscle mass, rather than weight, in order to gain definition and beautiful body. This is a rather difficult task, but doable if you follow all the necessary recommendations:

  1. First of all, you need to saturate your diet with proteins. They should be 70% of the total nutrition.
  2. A man will need to eat simple carbohydrates - sugar, flour products, because they will give him the necessary energy.
  3. It is imperative to take additional vitamins. They will adjust the functioning of the intestines correctly so that there are no failures when you radically change your diet.
  4. To ensure that calories do not turn into fat, but go into muscles, you definitely need to exercise gym under the guidance of a professional trainer.
  5. To achieve desired result, you need to alternate loads with rest. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to gain weight as quickly and efficiently as possible, then you need to behave this way:

  1. Reduce your activity level to a minimum. After all, everyone knows that intense mental or physical work burns calories. Just relax and try not to do anything.
  2. Fill your diet with protein foods. If you don't exercise, you will quickly gain weight. Eat fish, meat, full-fat milk and cottage cheese with eggs.
  3. In addition to the fact that protein should be present in your diet, you should know what else you need to eat in order to gain weight quickly. We advise you to stick to this menu during the day:
  • For breakfast, eat milk porridge with a sandwich
  • for lunch, cook borscht or soup in rich broth, mashed potatoes with 3 fried cutlets or a piece of meat
  • for dinner, bake chicken and eat it with pasta
  1. Season all your food with fatty sauces, such as sour cream or mayonnaise. This applies mostly to salads.
  2. Be sure to add bananas or sweet yoghurt to your diet. These treats won't be deposited as fat on your thighs, but they will release required quantity glycogen so that you can feel energetic and good.
  3. Achieve peace of mind in order to gain weight, because unnecessary emotions and impressions will not contribute to this. To do this, you may need to do yoga, take sedatives, get plenty of rest and relaxation.
  4. Use folk remedies to gain weight quickly:
  • brew yourself a mixture of pollen and condensed milk - just mix the 2 ingredients in equal proportions and eat 1 tsp every day, which must be washed down with warm water;
  • grind yourself 3 every morning walnuts, mix them with 2 tsp. honey, eat it all, and then wash it down with a glass of beer - in a month you will gain 3 kg in this way;
  • add 1 tbsp to a glass of beer. fat sour cream and 1 tsp. salt - this cocktail will help you gain 3-4 kg in a month.

  1. Please note that pills are a very effective, but unsafe way to gain weight quickly. All drugs have many side effects, which mainly affect health internal organs. If you want the process of weight gain to occur as naturally as possible, but quickly, then refuse pills. The same goes for bad habits. If you smoke, you will have to quit this useless activity, because smoking promotes weight loss.

If you follow all the above recommendations, you will be able to gain 10 kg of weight in the shortest possible period of time. Just be extremely careful that you do not store fat, but build muscle mass. The body just needs to acquire shape, and not become saggy and ugly.

Video: “How to gain weight and gain weight quickly?”

Being too thin can be just as frustrating as being too fat. People who have problems gaining weight don't quite understand how to gain weight. natural ways. If you're wondering how to gain weight quickly and healthily, then you should know that there are certain foods and exercises that can increase your daily calorie intake and lean body mass.

You need to gain weight in the same way as to lose it, adhering to a specific and harmonious plan, program or approach. You need to focus on the food you eat, how often you eat, and what exercises you do to build muscle. There is no need to add extra calories through processed and refined foods, as this will not help you gain a healthy weight and will lead to inflammation, low energy and other health problems. Instead, you need to eat nutrient-rich foods that will fuel your body and help you gain health benefits.

Why do people want to get better?

While there is a lot of information about how being overweight or obese can affect your health, it's important to remember that being underweight also comes with health risks. In most cases, being underweight is due to poor diet or unhealthy eating habits. It is extremely difficult for such people to give up their usual lifestyle and gain weight correctly.

Technically, a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5 is considered underweight. That is, if we rely on the data from the body mass index table, a girl 165 cm tall should weigh 51-65 kg in order to have a “normal” weight. A 183 cm tall adult guy would need to weigh between 63.5 and 80 kg to fall into the “normal” weight range.

The most common health risks of being underweight are:

  • weak immune system
  • problems coping with illnesses
  • lack of vitamins
  • developmental problems (mostly in children and adolescents)
  • fertility problems
  • Irregular periods and the risk of developing amenorrhea
  • bone loss
  • anemia
  • kidney disease
  • fatigue and lack of energy
  • thin hair and dry skin

In 2014, the Swiss National Research Group examined the link between underweight and mortality. More than 31,000 subjects aged 25-74 years took part in this study. 3% of them were underweight and 90% of this group were women. Researchers found that skinny people are more at risk of dying from external factors such as an accident or suicide.

These studies show that low body weight not only increases the risk of injury, but also reduces survival after accidents. The study also found a link between low BMI and depression and an increased risk of suicide.

This is why it is extremely important to gain weight if you lack it. Read on to find out how to gain weight quickly and without harming yourself, and what to do if you can’t gain weight.

How to gain weight quickly and safely

Maybe you don't feel well and want to get better so you can become... healthy people, or maybe you are unhappy with your appearance and want to be more prominent?! In any case, there are a few basic tips that will show you how you can gain weight quickly and correctly. Below in the article I outlined how to gain weight at home for women and how to gain weight quickly for men, what you need to do if you can’t gain weight.

1. Add More Healthy Calories

When trying to increase your calorie intake, quality should be more important than quantity. High-calorie fast food or processed foods will not literally add healthy weight to you. Instead, add more to your diet. healthy calories and feel a real surge of energy. Include nuts, seeds, cottage cheese, coconut oil or olive oil in your diet to provide healthy calories and nutrients to your body.

I'm not a fan of counting calories because I think it's better to stick to intuitive eating. However, if you decide to gain weight quickly, I will give you some recommendations on how to calculate required quantity calories. Exact quantity The calories you need to eat to gain weight will depend on your metabolism, age, gender and heredity. General rule weight gain is that you need to eat more calories per day than you burn. The number of calories your body needs each day to function properly is called your total daily energy expenditure. The number of these calories is usually higher for men than for women because men have more muscle mass.

Daily energy expenditure is made up of your basal metabolic rate, which is the number of calories burned at rest (pumping blood, breathing, thermoregulation) and the number of calories burned during exercise. To gain weight you need to eat more number daily energy expenditure. There are special trackers that will help you calculate the number of calories burned per day. If you are a man, then add another 250 extra calories per day, and if you are a woman, then add 125 extra calories per day. Start here and record your progress for the first two weeks. You want to start building muscle, not fat, gaining weight, not getting fat, so stay within my recommended calorie intake.

2. Eat 5 times a day

If you want to know how to get fat quickly, then I can advise you to eat more often. Two or three meals a day will not give you the calories you need. Aim for five meals a day. They should include high-protein foods with complex carbohydrates (instead of refined ones) and healthy fats.

Eat small portions throughout the day and more often, which will ease digestion and prevent bloating and lethargy after meals. Plus, you can consume more calories without feeling overfull as you would with three meals. At first it may seem like you are eating too much, but your body will get used to it over time and adapt to this routine. You can even indulge in a cocktail with your meal.

It seems to me that you will even allow yourself to have a snack before bed. And I'm sure you've heard about not eating a few hours before bed, but that's not the case. Our bodies work hard throughout the night to recover, so a little protein or carbohydrate boost can't hurt, especially if you want to gain weight.

3. Eat healthy snacks

Healthy snacks between meals will increase the number of calories consumed per day and provide the body with an additional source of protein and carbohydrates to stay alert and get better. Healthy snacks I include include ajeel, vegetables and hummus, yogurt with probiotics, seeds, nuts and berries, hard-boiled eggs and gluten-free crackers with peanut and almond butter. You can snack on fruits as they improve cognitive function and emotional state, reduce anxiety levels and increase energy. All of these factors contribute to weight gain.

Don't forget to count everything you eat during snacks. Don't choose foods with empty calories for snacks. Instead, use your snack as great opportunity Get more protein and healthy fats from your meals throughout the day.

4. Move more

You're probably thinking that you shouldn't exercise while you're gaining weight to avoid losing it again. But exercises like yoga, explosive training, and strength training can help you build muscle and gain a healthy weight. Getting better does not mean gaining excess body fat and having a host of health problems, such as high cholesterol or triglyceride levels, high blood pressure and insulin resistance. The best way to gain weight quickly is to gain muscle mass, for this you need to exercise at least 5 times a week.

How to gain weight correctly: what to eat to gain weight, and what is better to exclude

If you want to build muscle and gain weight naturally, then you need to make adjustments to your diet. Throw away all foods that do not contain all the essential nutrients to maintain hormone balance, vital important functions body, energy and muscle growth. Opt for the most wholesome, healthy and organic food that will give your body the necessary macronutrients: fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Foods that will help you gain weight quickly:

  • Healthy fats: There are two types of healthy fats that will help you gain weight and muscle mass. Omega-9 fatty acids are a type of unsaturated fat found in vegetables and animal fat. The benefits of these fatty acids are increased physical activity and greater energy reserves. The best sources of omega-9 fatty acids are avocados, olive oil, almonds and macadamia nuts. The short-chain fatty acids found in butter and coconut oil are also good for muscle growth and weight gain, and they don't get stored as fat in the body. Food rich in omega-3 fatty acids is also important, so eat more egg yolks, walnuts, chia and flax seeds, and salmon.
  • Pure protein: To determine the dose of protein for weight gain, then you need to take your normal weight and eat the same number of grams of protein per day. That is, if your weight is 73 kg, then you should only have 73 grams of protein per day. Try to get those grams of protein from healthy food sources such as beef, salmon, chicken and turkey, and eggs. Animals, poultry and fish should be raised in conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat. High-quality protein powders can be used to meet your daily protein requirement. I recommend using whey protein or bone broth for this purpose.
  • Carbohydrates: To gain weight quickly, I recommend eating more gluten-free carbohydrates by adding them to side dishes, salads, and between-meal snacks. Research shows that combining protein with carbohydrates produces a greater anabolic response than consuming protein alone. The best sources of carbohydrates are root vegetables, which contain complex carbohydrates and important nutrients. Starchy vegetables like yams, russet potatoes, and sweet potatoes provide fiber, nutrients, and complex carbohydrates without a little sugar. Gluten-free grains are also a good choice, as they prevent bloating and give you an energy boost. Not bad options grains are brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat and non-GMO polenta. Fruits count too good source carbohydrates. Eat bananas, apples, mangoes and berries.

Foods that are best not to eat when gaining weight:

  • White sugar: The truth is that sugar is bad for you and will literally destroy your body if you eat too much of it. White refined sugar leads to cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, leaky gut syndrome, diabetes, fatigue and unhealthy weight gain. Avoid foods with added sugar, various sweeteners and sugary drinks.
  • Refined carbohydrates: Food with the addition of refined carbohydrates can hardly even be called food. It has no nutrients. This food acts like an injection of sugar directly into a vein. It releases insulin, which turns sugar into stored fat instead of giving the body energy to build muscle. Refined carbohydrates negatively affect cholesterol, insulin and triglyceride levels in the blood. Stay away from white breads, pasta, white rice, baked goods, cereals and refined grains.
  • Hydrogenated fats: They contain trans fats, which interfere with normal cellular metabolism and are linked to a host of health problems, including heart disease, digestive disorders and high cholesterol. These rancid oils, such as vegetable, soybean, canola, and corn, inhibit muscle recovery after exercise, interfere with healthy weight gain, and cause inflammation.

Exercises for gaining weight

If you're wondering how you can gain weight quickly by doing exercise, then it comes down to choosing the right exercises that will help you build muscle without burning too many calories. To start, limit the amount of aerobic exercise you do. Cardio exercise burns a lot of calories and works against you, so instead of going for a long run, take a walk to work up an appetite. Or better yet, do explosive training, which consists of performing the exercises for 30-60 seconds at a maximum and resting for 30-60 seconds. Explosive training at home will help you both gain weight quickly and build muscle mass. You can do squats, high jumps and stretches to get your heart pumping.

You can take up strength training, which involves lifting weights and strength-training exercises such as CrossFit, yoga, or barre. When lifting weights, perform 6 to 12 repetitions, 5 days a week, for an hour. This will help you gain weight through muscle mass.

Research published in Sports Medicine Reports shows that the world's inactive adults lose between 3 and 8% of their muscle mass every 10 years. A 10-week course of resistance training can increase muscle mass, physical performance, cognitive abilities, improve cardiovascular function and increase bone mineral density. Strength training reduces the discomfort of arthritis, lower back pain and prevents the aging of skeletal muscles.

Do you want to know how women can gain weight quickly? Forget all the speculation that strength training is only for men. Research shows that they improve a woman's physical, emotional, intellectual, and social well-being. Strength or resistance training helps women and men build muscle mass, maintain their strength, and improve their flexibility and mobility.

What not to do when gaining weight: healthy weight vs. unhealthy weight

Here's the most common mistake people make when trying to gain weight quickly - they eat tons of food that has a lot of calories but little nutrition. Think about how you will feel after a few days of your efforts: tired, bloated, swollen, unable to concentrate on anything, sleep or exercise. The list goes on.

Habit is, of course, good, but it is better to choose foods that are rich in nutrients, fresh, unprocessed, organic and in their natural form.

A healthy weight comes from:

  • Organic, high quality protein
  • Healthy fats
  • Unrefined complex carbohydrates
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Nutritious, high-protein cocktails
  • Freshly squeezed juice from fruits and vegetables
  • Eating small meals frequently
  • High protein snacks between meals
  • 7-9 hours of sleep per night
  • Lack of stress
  • Strength exercises with elements of light cardio

Unhealthy weight comes from:

  • Processed, refined or packaged foods
  • Refined, white and artificial sugar
  • Sweet drinks
  • Alcohol
  • 1-2 meals per day in large portions
  • Fast food (french fries and baked goods)
  • Sleep less than 7 hours per night
  • Stress
  • Sedentary lifestyle

How to maintain the weight you've gained

If you've had problems gaining weight in the past, then you'll likely have to work to keep it off again. If you go back to your old eating habits and stop exercising, then the weight you struggled to gain will disappear before your eyes.

To maintain the pounds you gain on the scale, continue to eat more calories than you burn in a day. Eat small meals more often to avoid overeating and prevent bloating. Use snacks to get more calories and nutrients from your food. I'm a big fan of all kinds of cocktails, and I recommend it to you. Add Protein Powder to Your Diet high quality, kefir or probiotic yogurt, leafy greens, avocado, fruit, coconut or almond milk. This will give you an extra boost of protein, carbs and healthy fats.

Keep moving, do strength training with light cardio. This will ensure that the muscles remain the same.


  • Do you want to gain weight quickly? To do this, you need to make several changes in your lifestyle and diet to start gaining weight correctly and without harm to your health. Increase your healthy calories, eat 5 times a day, snack between meals, and exercise to build muscle.
  • To gain weight quickly, you need to eat high-quality protein, healthy fatty acids including omega-3 and omega-9, and complex carbohydrates from starchy vegetables and gluten-free grains.
  • Limit your cardio if you're trying to gain weight and do strength training instead. This will help you build muscle mass and achieve the desired weight gain.
  • Don't indulge in empty calories in an attempt to gain weight - this will lead to health problems such as high cholesterol and insulin resistance. Choose foods carefully, giving preference to healthy and nutritious foods that will give you a tremendous boost of energy and help your body work like a clock.

Some women find it as difficult to gain weight as it is for most women to lose weight. However, there are many safe and effective ways gain 0.5–1 kg per week. Large portions and more nutritious meals are enough quick way add extra calories to your regular diet. Aim for high-calorie foods rich in... useful substances. Don't forget to make other changes to your lifestyle: add more sports exercises- this will help you gain the necessary weight faster.


Change your eating habits

    Consume 500 more calories per day. As a rule, you can gain 0.5–1 kg per week without difficulty or harm to your health. To reach this goal, add an additional 500 calories to your daily diet. The best way The way to do this is to eat more nutrient-rich foods.

    Increase your portion sizes. Take a second serving or just immediately give yourself a little more than usual. If you find it difficult to eat more, try not snacking before meals to work up your appetite.

    • If you find it difficult to eat double portions, try increasing your portions gradually. Start with an extra scoop of rice or add some extra sweet potatoes to your plate. Over time, make larger and larger portions.
  1. If you don't like large portions, try eating small portions more often. For some people, large portions are generally unacceptable. Instead of increasing your portion size, try eating 6 meals a day (with small portions).

    • Make it a habit to eat every 3-4 hours after you wake up.
  2. Do not drink water 30 minutes before meals. Liquid fills your stomach, making it harder for you to eat large portion. Eat first and then drink water.

  3. Treat yourself to a snack before bed. If you eat something small before bed, your body won't have time to burn those calories. In addition, the body can build muscle mass during sleep. By snacking before bed, you provide the nutrients you need to build muscle while you sleep.

    • If you have a sweet tooth, save it for dinner and eat it before bed. You can eat some fruit, a serving of ice cream, or a few pieces of chocolate.
    • If you really like delicious, filling meals, eat a bowl of macaroni and cheese or cheese crackers.
  4. Before eating, try to work up an appetite. There are many ways to get hungry before eating. These simple tricks will help you eat more. Listed below are some simple ways increase appetite:

    • Walk a little before eating. Exercise will help you get hungry.
    • Prepare a dish that you really love. Make your favorite dish so you can eat it all.
    • Prepare a dish according to a new recipe. This way, you will be excited to try it.
    • Eat in a calm, comfortable atmosphere. If you are constantly in a hurry or distracted, you will not be able to eat much.

    Choose the right food and drink

    1. Choose foods that are high in calories and rich in nutrients. Food instant cooking and other processed foods are high in calories, but they are "empty" calories because these foods do not contain enough nutrients. Nutritious foods are high in calories, as well as healthy fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

      • For grains, you can choose whole wheat products and black bread. Bran, whole grain bread and sprouted wheat are also great options.
      • As for fruits, you should give preference to bananas, pineapples, raisins, dried fruits and avocados. In general, you'll want to choose starchy fruits over those that are high in water and liquid (like oranges or watermelon) because starchy fruits contain more calories and nutrients.
      • For vegetables, try eating more peas, corn, potatoes and pumpkin. Like fruits, vegetables rich in starch are better than those rich in liquid.
      • Dairy products include cheese, ice cream, frozen yogurt and whole milk.
    2. Target three main food groups. When you eat, you shouldn't give preference to just one type of food. Include in your diet (and every meal) a few different groups products. This way, you will increase your calorie intake by eating more.

      • For example, you shouldn't just eat toast. Try spreading peanut butter on it and adding sliced ​​bananas on top. Or slice and sprinkle avocado on top and pour yourself a glass of kefir.
      • If you love eggs in the morning, try scrambling and frying them with peppers and sausage.
      • Instead of just eating a carton of yogurt, top it with berries and granola.
    3. If you have trouble eating solid foods, try drinking them. Sometimes it's hard to force yourself to eat something extra. Try drinking high-calorie drinks between meals if you can't stand solid snacks. You can try the following:

      • smoothies made from whole fruits, vegetables and yogurt;
      • freshly squeezed juice from real fruits is rich in vitamins and fiber;
      • milk, milkshakes, protein shakes are also great options.
    4. Add a few extra ingredients to your food. You can grind up high-calorie, nutritious foods and add them to your favorite meals to help you consume more calories without feeling like you're overeating. Here are some great ways:

      • add milk powder to drinks, soups, stews and sauces;
      • add some nuts or cereal to the salad;
      • add some ground flaxseeds to your salad, cereal, or smoothie;
      • sprinkle some cheese on a casserole, scrambled eggs, soup, salad or sandwich;
      • spread a little butter or nut butter (you can use creamy processed cheese) on toast, crackers or rolls.
    5. Cook more dishes with butter and cheese. Cooked in sunflower and butter food enriches the body with additional calories without increasing the amount of food eaten. TO healthy fats applies:

      • olive oil, which contains 119 calories per 15 ml;
      • canola oil, which contains 120 calories per 15 ml;
      • coconut oil, containing 117 calories per 15 ml;
      • butter, containing 102 calories per 15 ml.
    6. If you want to build muscle mass, eat more protein foods. Muscle weighs more than fat, which means that building muscle mass is great way gain weight (without excess fat). Proteins are needed by the body to build muscle.

      • Lean meat and eggs are excellent sources of protein. Other sources of protein for vegetarians include peas, nuts, hummus and beans.
      • Protein bars and protein shakes are great snacks. They are rich not only in proteins, but also in nutrients.