Audio CD “True self-love. What is true Self-Love? Truth and Lies! True self love

The right attitude towards yourself, true Self-Love is one of the foundations of happiness, strength and success for any person, in any business! Everyone writes about it successful people, business trainers and psychologists, but not everyone is given self-love and self-esteem easily! Self-love is the basis of positive and invulnerable self-esteem, because when a person does not love himself, and even worse, when he hates and despises, he will not even mentally give himself the right to happiness, success, or well-being.

There is a saying - “More than other people, we dislike and punish only ourselves!”. And until we truly love ourselves, we will not see any happiness, no success, no inner joy and satisfaction from life!

But there are a lot of misconceptions floating around in the minds and hearts of people about what Self-Love is! Often selfishness, greed and meanness are called self-love, just like indulging and justifying one’s bad habits, which slowly kill vices and weaknesses.

Briefly about people's misconceptions! So many people have a distorted understanding of self-love! Alone– they love only their body and they please it, without thinking about how theirs feels! Other– they cultivate and love only their Ego and its desires, and they live to satisfy these desires, being, in fact, their slave! Still others– they don’t love anything about themselves at all – not the soul, not the body, nothing! They believe that they need to suffer and thereby constantly destroy themselves, living in a state of self-flagellation and despondency.

Briefly about self-love! Self Love- this is the desire for yourself the maximum Good, true! Wishing good for your Soul, your body and your Destiny!

How to distinguish what will be self-love and what will not? Ask yourself a question - will my Soul be happy from this or will it oppress and kill it? Look at everything from the point of view. Souls and you can't go wrong!

And now about everything in more detail!

What cannot be self-love! Basic Misconceptions!

1. Selfishness – living at the expense of others! Unless of course you want to live your life as a leech or a bug! Your soul definitely doesn’t need this, incl. finding supposedly “happiness” at the expense of the suffering of other people (business on vices, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.). Personal wealth - at the expense of the poverty of others. All this cripples, and does not make her happy. Selfishness is not self-love! Egoists are unhappy and lonely people at heart!

2. Do whatever I want! I want to shoot up - I shoot up! I want to drink and drink! I want to smoke - I smoke! I do what I want! I want to be lazy - I’m lazy! I want to be rude, beat, rape, lie, steal, frame, throw, etc. – I don’t deny myself anything! What is this Self-Love? Or is it killing yourself and destroying your destiny, as well as causing harm to others in various ways? Serving all your desires in a row is not self-love, it is slavery!

3. The desire to see only the good in yourself and not the desire to see the bad! In other words – Self-deception! Positive thinking is not ignoring your problems and shortcomings, but quickly solving them in a positive state and disposition of the Spirit. Disadvantages will not disappear on their own - they need to be removed, problems must be solved, advantages must be created. If evil lives in a person - vice, weakness, negative emotions, if you push them even deeper into yourself and don’t remove them, then sooner or later they will burst! An honest look into oneself, identifying and eliminating shortcomings, and replacing them with corresponding advantages - this is Personality Development!

4. Pleasing only your body and ignoring the interests of your Soul, and vice versa! When a person is busy only with his external beauty, the shape of his body, his well-being and development, but the soul remains poor, yearns and suffers. When the Soul and its aspirations - no one wants to hear. The other side of the coin– when a person goes headlong into spirituality, into meditation and stops taking care of his body and outside life. You have been given a body - be kind and take good care of it! You were given life - live it with dignity too!

5. ! As one of my friends says, “the word stings, and when a person feels sorry for himself, he sticks this sting into himself!” Complaining makes a person weak, indulges in suffering rather than solving the problem. True Self-Love is when a person makes himself strong and spends energy on quickly solving a problem that has arisen, and not on feeling sorry for himself, groaning, aahing and lamenting, showing others how poor and unhappy he is! This will not add dignity to a person!

What is self-dislike?

In essence, this is when a person does not desire the Good for himself, that is, he desires! More details:

1. Various kinds, manifested and subconscious self-hatred– all this is an act of human self-destruction! These are big shortcomings that you need to say goodbye to as quickly as possible! Answers in subsequent articles.

2. Avoidance of vices and bad habits– also self-destruction! Vices corrupt and destroy the Soul! Bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol addiction, etc. - they kill both body and soul! It is difficult to call a person who kills himself reasonable; such a person actually wishes harm to himself!

3. Indulgence in negative desires and weaknesses! By weakness: being lazy, oversleeping, skipping, not doing anything - instead of working, fulfilling your promises and your duty with honor. According to your wishes: shout, lash out, hit, be rude - instead of decent behavior. All this also leads to direct destruction of yourself and your destiny, namely, negative karmic consequences, destruction of reputation, corresponding negative attitude of other people towards you, and other negative consequences.

4. Giving up oneself, one’s goals, one’s dignity! When, for example, a person made a mistake, could not forgive himself and gave up on himself - he began to purposefully destroy himself. Or the person believed others that he was bad. worthless, that he is a nonentity, etc. And man betrays Himself! Further, a person slides through fate to the very bottom and inevitably suffers.

5. Outright cruelty to yourself! When a person kills all the bright feelings for himself, and simply, stupidly uses himself and the potential of his soul, squeezes it out, punishes, etc. Such an attitude will also never lead to Goodness or Happiness.

What is true Self-Love!

Self-love is manifested in worthy care of your Soul and body, and this is also the responsible construction of your Destiny! Let's consider all the components of Self-Love, everything it consists of:

1. Develop your Soul and Body! Development is purification, revelation of one’s potential and constant growth strength. Lead yourself towards ideals and dignity - so that all the best and noblest qualities are revealed in your soul and all possible earthly blessings are available to you in life. As the sages say - “To desire Good means to desire Development!”. To affirm the Good in oneself (to cultivate virtues, virtues, talents) and to destroy Evil (vices, weaknesses, negativity) - this is Development, this is true love to yourself!

2. Take care of yourself as if you were your best friend. This means feeling for yourself, first of all. towards your Soul - bright and warm feelings. Direct Light and Joy from the heart to yourself, soul and body. This means appreciating all the best that is in you as a Person - respecting yourself, knowing your worth, feeling your inner Dignity! Be grateful to your soul for its potential, for everything beautiful that is in it. Accept yourself completely as you are - with all your strengths and weaknesses. Caring is incl. achieving maximum well-being, comfort, beauty and harmony in your life.

3. Be able to forgive yourself! Don't be cruel to yourself, but give yourself the right to make mistakes. Don't be your own executioner. The reasons for mistakes and sins committed - of course, need to be comprehended and eliminated, where necessary - apologize, but never destroy yourself, make it a rule - “Only Light for yourself!”. Read more about how to forgive yourself -


Everything good in life begins with self-love. This audio tune will help you remember your true, Divine nature, change your attitude towards yourself, and therefore improve your life in all its manifestations! Lack of self-love is the cause of many failures, illnesses, poverty and tragedies. Learning to love ourselves in the true sense means fulfilling what we are born on Earth for. And if you think we have a different task, think again. Only through self-love will you open a channel of love for everything that is in the Universe. Only by forgiving yourself will you accept others. Only by loving yourself will you learn to remain in joy, in harmony, in nirvana without conditions... And only then will you be able to serve the world in the true sense. By loving ourselves, we become an inexhaustible source of love, we are enriched with love, which we can spread in every word, in every thought, in every action. We recommend this program to everyone, you can never get enough of it... You can listen to this program again and again, in different periods life, because every time life will reveal new blocks, fears and claims to ourselves, since we are masters of creating them. We recommend listening to this program again at least once a year, in difficult life situations. It will always help you, try it! This program will be cheaper than all the others in our catalog, since we consider it the most important, the most important and we want it to be available to people. Enjoy mastering the true, pristine, fundamental sense of acceptance and self-love here and now!


When I fell in love with myself
I realized that melancholy and suffering -
These are just warning signs that
that I am living against my own truth.
Today I know what it's called

When I fell in love with myself
I realized how much you can offend someone,
if I force him to fulfill my own desires,
when the time has not yet come and the person is not yet ready,
especially when that person is me.
Today I call it

When I fell in love with myself
I stopped wishing for another life, and suddenly I saw
that the life that surrounds me now
provides me with every opportunity to grow.
Today I call it

When I fell in love with myself
I realized that under any circumstances
I'm in right place at the right time,
and everything happens at exactly the right moment.
I can always be calm. Now I call it

When I fell in love with myself
I stopped stealing my own time
and dream about big future projects.
Today I only do what
what brings me joy
and makes me happy that I love
and what makes my heart smile.
I do it the way I want and at my own pace.
Today I call it

When I fell in love with myself
I freed myself from everything
what harms my health
food, people, things, situations.
Everything that brought me down and took me away from my own path.
I once called this healthy selfishness.
Today I call it

When I fell in love with myself
I stopped always being right.
And that’s when I started making fewer and fewer mistakes.
Today I realized what it is

When I fell in love with myself
I stopped living in the past and worrying about the future.
Today I live only in the present moment and call it

When I fell in love with myself
I realized that my mind can interfere with me,
that you can even get sick from it.
But when I was able to connect it to my heart,
he immediately became a valuable ally.
Today I call this connection

We no longer need to be afraid of controversy,
confrontations, problems with oneself
and with other people.
Even stars collide, and new worlds are born from their collisions.
Today I know what it is

contained on the disc with the audio tune "True self-love"

1. I am HERE and NOW!
2. I am Love!
3. I am always in the Space of Love!
4. I am a unique Creation of the Creator!
5. I love myself in all my true manifestations!
6. My Divine and human principles manifest themselves harmoniously in my life!
7. I am Divine and human!
8. I realize that I and my ego are different, and I easily manage my ego!
9. I love my true nature, I always show only my true Self!
10. I control my ego easily and consciously!
11. My ego is subordinate to my Higher and true Self, my true nature!
12. I easily distinguish between the voice of the heart and the voice of the ego in myself and in people!
13. My thoughts, feelings, actions, my experience and knowledge, my property and desires are only my manifestations on Earth, but I am free from the influence of all this on my existing beginning!
14. I am free from attachments and live on earth easily and joyfully!
15. I always have and receive everything I need for a creative and joyful life on earth HERE and NOW!
16. I am one with Life and the Creator HERE and NOW!
17. I love myself and people as they are!
18. I know that all people make mistakes, and I easily forgive them! Every person is Divine and human!
19. I consciously accept myself as I am HERE and NOW!
20. I easily recognize the manifestation of my true Higher Self and ego!
21. My Higher Self easily controls my ego!
22. I am aware of my abilities to witness a situation and make wise choices!
23. I manifest my Higher Self more and more every day!
24. I love learning everything new!
25. Love for yourself and others is joy, this is happiness, this is pleasure!
26. I am always and fully responsible for my reaction to a situation, event or behavior of other people!
27. I consciously choose the wise and positive response of witnessing!
28. My Higher Self more and more often controls the choice of my reaction to an event, situation or people’s behavior!
29. I know my true Self through everything that life gives me!
30. I can show the best in myself easily and sincerely!
31. I am a gifted, talented person!
32. I radiate light, love, kindness and understanding in every thought, every word and every action!
33. By loving others, I love myself! By loving myself, I love others!
34. I take care of myself, I develop, I love to learn and explore my inner world!
35. I make decisions by taking care of myself in the truest sense!
36. I am always and in everything open to the energy of love!
37. I think positively about myself!
38. I am aware of my Higher Self! Every moment my level of awareness grows.
39. I let people think whatever they want about me.
40. I allow people to have opinions different from mine.
41. I forgive myself for past mistakes, but I always use my experience wisely.
42. For the mistakes and blunders I have made, I apologize consciously and sincerely.
43. I easily forgive people for their mistakes!
44. I am able to recognize my true needs behind every thought and every feeling that I experience now.
45. I know that I can satisfy all my true needs HERE and NOW in collaboration with the Universe.
46. ​​I and the Supreme Spirit are one!
47. My life is abundant, joyful and happy HERE and NOW!
48. I know that forgiveness is the path to freedom! I forgive easily!
49. I know that gratitude is the path to abundance! I thank you sincerely!
50. I know that my essence is love! I love HERE and NOW!
51. True faith and love grow in me every day!
52. My will is strengthening every day!
53. My level of acceptance of myself, life, people and situations with love and gratitude is growing every day!
54. I radiate true love, and this is reflected in the love people have for me!
55. I eat healthy and enjoy exercising!
56. I wisely listen to the desires of my body!
57. I express my emotions easily and openly in a positive manner!
58. I am easily aware of my emotions and manage them!
59. I am easily aware of my feelings and the source of their origin!
60. I easily recognize thoughts, feelings and emotions generated by my Higher Self and my ego. I follow my Higher Self.
61. I exist outside of time, outside of space, regardless of situations and events! I am whole and self-sufficient!
62. I satisfy my spiritual needs HERE and NOW!
63. I trust my true feelings coming from my heart!
64. I take care of my health wisely and effectively!
65. I love and are loved Divinely, generously, joyfully, wisely and truly!
66. Every moment I know my true Self!
67. My intuition and wisdom are growing every day!


Alla, hello, I also wanted to join in and write my review of the audio programs.

Firstly, I want to tell you a little about myself. I am a single mother, gave birth to a son without a father, lived in eternal need, worries and the like, and the most important thing is that I got used to the fact that everyone around me helps me and takes pity on me, like they say I’m such a poor thing, but I also agreed.

In general, the day came when I was tired of all this: need, tears, people’s pity and all that stuff. I started studying literature about positivity, this was about five years ago. I've read a lot of books, I have a whole library at home, but no significant changes nothing happened in my life, I was still alone, still the same need, all the same problems and all that. Although from books I learned a very important truth that we ourselves create our reality and our Life through our thoughts.

And last summer, when, apparently, everything was so disgusting that I made up my mind and went to Moscow for a seminar at the A.G. Center. Sviyash on attracting money into your life. And I myself am from Kazakhstan. The seminar was held in a city near Moscow, where the nature is extraordinary, and most importantly, the people are so open, friendly, the trainers conveyed to everyone in a convenient, understandable form in human language what was the cause of these problems and showed ways to solve them. It turns out everything is simple, so simple that it’s even offensive.

Then, I made an appointment for a consultation with A.G. himself. Sviyash. He helped me discover myself even more deeply, understand who I am, and why I need men. And he even, as it seemed to me then, said rudely: “How will men look at you if you don’t love yourself, don’t respect, don’t appreciate, don’t take care of yourself.” And at that time I was really not in at its best- in a T-shirt, in shabby flip-flops, because I was in a foreign city, where no one knows me. In general, he immediately recommended to me the “Success Matrix” program and the “I’m delighted with myself” audio program. These are the most important things you need today, that’s what he told me.

In general, when I arrived home, I immediately ordered the “Success Matrix” and several CDs: “I’m delighted with myself”, “I’m a money magnet”, “I’m organized and productive”, “ Creative thinking and creation", "I am a master of persuasion", "Live easily". I listened to them for several hours a day, several discs in a row.

And this is the result: I changed jobs with a salary of 150% more, in a large prestigious company, I became more confident and independent. Today I am going to live separately from next month with my son, I even began to want this (but before I was afraid of this, afraid of changes, changes in my life, thinking with fear about how I would live, that I wouldn’t be able to cope on my own and etc. And now I am more than sure that I CAN DO EVERYTHING. There is an internally strong confidence in this and a constant expectation of a MIRACLE, BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS in LIFE, JOYFUL EVENTS, men began to look at me, and they look after me beautifully, they always try to give me gifts. compliments, before that I was ashamed to accept them, but now I know that I am worthy of it and accept them with gratitude and joy.

Well, in general, I can write a lot more, words cannot say what is happening to me now. Until this moment, I was watching TV and the most terrible programs after which I’m scared to go out into the street, and scared to live, and scared for the children, like how they will live after us, they won’t be able to handle it alone, etc., etc. After audio programs, I stopped watching TV altogether, I go to cinemas and then only to watch comedies or a beautiful novel. After all, “in life you will get what your attention is fixed on.” I have become much calmer, more attentive, kinder, began to smile more often, enjoy life, and most importantly, I always know that all changes and events are for the better, relationships with people have changed to trusting, friendly... "CONTROLLING THE TRAIN OF MY THOUGHTS YOU CONTROL YOUR REALITY" I took this as the motto of my Life, and audio programs help me with this in many ways. And recently I ordered an individual audio program for myself. And I was struck by the fact, during a personal consultation with Alla, how much she feels a person, how much she knows what he needs. For example, I selected affirmations for myself personally. And she asked me several questions, and while thinking about it, I discovered that I was writing not my own desires, but public ones, not what I really want for myself, not about how I want to live, but about how I should live in the eyes of those who surrounds me. Moreover, I am grateful to her for her patience, because this process of thinking and selecting MY affirmations lasted three months. After all, I learned that I am building MY LIFE, and not someone else’s, and now I am sure that every affirmation in my individual program is mine, for me, about me!

And that she will really help me. And in the end, most of the affirmations were discovered with the help of Alla, under her leadership, as if illuminated by her, but in me. And my old old affirmations, which I chose with my intellect, made up only a small part of my program. Alla told me: For several days, walk and try on every thought, try to carry them on yourself and watch your sensations. I never knew how a thought that you are aware of changes your state, your feeling, It was absolutely new experience conscious work with thought. I am very, very grateful to her for this.

And am I noticing now? that I always want to write the letter I with a capital letter, even though it is not located at the beginning of the sentence. Right now I'm listening to True Self-Love and Self-Esteem. It turns out that there are two basic programs, which you need to listen to at the very beginning. As Alla explained to me, the programs I had previously listened to reached my subconscious, but not as quickly as I would like. After all, my sense of self-worth was still low, since I allowed people to do me so bad. And I’ve been listening for the second week now and I’m confident and even happy to want to live separately, on my own, I know I can do anything.

Now today I see a new product for children on the website I already want to order "I was born to be happy" for my son. I am sure she will help him become a full-fledged, joyful and happy child.

After all, it is happiness for parents to see the joyful eyes of their children, and most importantly, to give him confidence in his abilities.

How happy I am that such programs exist, without doing anything, without repeating affirmations to yourself, without forcing yourself, you can just take headphones and just listen to the seas, while working or doing something else, and at the same time - develop as a PERSONALITY, LOVE YOURSELF, RESPECT YOURSELF, VALUE YOURSELF.

After all, we all know that if we love and value ourselves, others will value and love us. We will also love them and forgive them, because we have this love in abundance!

Allochka, thank you so much for real help people who want to change their lives and find audio programs for themselves, the “Success Matrix” created by your company and change before their eyes at rapid speed.
Guldana (Kazakhstan)

July 22, 2010 1:48 AM
I'm having a breakthrough! New opportunities are opening up in all directions! I feel every cell of my body. I am filled with deep, pure love for myself, my soul, my body, the world around me, and the entire Universe! A feeling of increased awareness of all actions and deep fundamental positive changes. Thanks a lot!

July 4, 2010 12:34 AM
I used to feel bad, but after listening to the disc, I learned to manage my feelings and accept myself for who I am. I am gradually coming to life, opening up and being able to accept care from my loved ones. I started dreaming again. The disc helps much more than repeating affirmations, it simply changes me from the inside.

July 2, 2010 8:56 AM
I started listening to the disc in a very broken state, I had neither the desires nor the strength to do anything, the look in the mirror did not bring any satisfaction at all, I saw only shortcomings in it. I only felt disappointment and self-pity; I didn’t want to go outside. The disc helped me pull myself together. Now I understand how I bullied myself with petty niggles, now I see myself as pretty and attractive girl, I am sure that soon a wonderful feeling of complete self-acceptance awaits me.

June 18, 2010 5:53 PM
When I listened to the disc, reality somehow began to change by itself. Here's a simple example: I had several acquaintances with whom I found it unpleasant to communicate, but I kept in touch with them because social factors or by professional issues. So I plucked up the courage and broke off relations with them. You won’t believe how much energy came back to me, I should have done this a long time ago. And when I got rid of these relationships that were weighing me down, a new circle of friends built around me, people with common interests, I won’t give them up to anyone. I am very happy, 100% in love with myself, smile from ear to ear, life is wonderful, thank you!

June 9, 2010 11:20 AM
I thought about what the disc gave me. Previously, I searched for myself, comparing with other people, in search of an answer to the basic question: what is the meaning of my life. It seems to me that the disc helped me accept myself with all my soul and heart, and with this came the confidence that I was moving in the right direction. The meaning of life is a life filled with self-love, and after that comes love for the world around us. It’s so nice to be in this feeling, now it’s an axiom for me, but before the disc it was rare. Thank you
Wonderful disc!

May 25, 2010 11:16 PM
I used to be like a hedgehog in a fog, rushing about in search of myself)))) And now the fog has cleared and the sun is shining, I feel so good) I listen to the CD at work and enjoy life, everything is wonderful))

May 21, 2010 4:17 PM
Wonderful affirmations! The disc pulled me out of a terrible depression. Each affirmation resonates in my soul, and a change in the subconscious changes reality! Everything is brilliant, as always I simply recommend it to everyone!

May 21, 2010 6:34 AM
I chose this disc and listened to it every day at first, now depending on my mood and needs, the reaction is somewhat different from what I expected, I’m a skeptic, but the disc gave me a lot more than I expected! Thank you!

Elena Added: 12/21/2011, at 14:11

I listened to the disc in different options- with or without headphones. At night while sleeping and during the day in the car. I didn’t record daily changes in my diary, but at some point... In the evening I set the alarm clock to an hour later. In the morning I woke up, stretched and slowly began to get ready for work. I opened the closet, chose a dress that was in tune with my state... And gradually I began to understand that I was increasingly living in a state of happiness. But to be happy, I need to get enough sleep and not rush, to live at my own pace. And the whole universe begins to help me in this state.

“True self-love” - How does this phrase make you feel?

Pleasant? Uncomfortable? Do we need to talk about self-love? About true love. by definition of our church is expressed in living for the sake of others. Is it possible to live for the sake of others and be unhappy?

It’s possible, this happens, you put your whole soul into it, but they spat on it. And how not to be disappointed, not to lose heart and move on? At this moment, True Self-Love should help. Yes, exactly to yourself. The second of the main commandments says: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” What if you don’t love yourself? Does that mean you can’t love your neighbor? Not to mention far away.

I was prompted to study this issue by the words of the Father that the soul must show True Love towards the body, must sacrifice itself. For a long time I could not understand how this is and what it means? If the body wants to sleep or eat, then the soul should sacrifice its interests and allow the body to sleep and eat? How to understand these words? And what is True Love in relation to yourself?

The question is very subtle and slippery - it’s easy to slide into two extremes.

One of them is to put yourself at the center of this world, or simply - selfishness, living for yourself with the thought that I am not yet happy enough to give something to other people. Such a person is unlikely to ever begin to live for the sake of others, always believing that he has not yet received enough. When you offer to help such people, they ask: “Who will help me?” And this continues their whole life, they are always missing something.

The attitude towards God (if such people have one) is very similar to the following picture:

For me, the position of the hands is indicative. Condescendingly arrogant in man and begging in God

The second extreme is humiliation of oneself, with the thoughts that I am unworthy of love, that I am a sinner and born to suffer. Imagine that such a person talks about how great it is to live with God, how happy everyone will be in the distant future in the Kingdom of Heaven. Who will believe this?

The truth lies in the middle. I am not the center of this world, I am a part of it, but a very important part, because I was created in the image and likeness of God. God is my Father, He is always next to me, the best and strongest in this Universe. I am a child of God, and I inherit His qualities and do this purposefully - I cultivate absoluteness in myself, develop uniqueness and remain invariably devoted to goodness. Of course there are mistakes and falls along the way, but I keep going.

The people around us often reflect our condition. Those who have been through fundraising and witnessing know this especially well. If people answer: “I don’t need anything,” “I don’t have time,” “Come back later,” and so on, then this is a mirror of my attitude towards what I do. The lack of fire in me prevents other people from burning. “I will spit you out of my mouth because you are neither cold nor hot, but warm.” If a person is neither fish nor fowl, then how can you communicate well with him and do any business? Although you can talk, even about lofty matters, the result will be zero. A person will remain with the thought that he is already good, why do anything else?

If there is no inspiration in what you are doing, then ask God in prayer for inspiration or do something that will awaken you from within. In 2003 in Volgograd, I had a very difficult time and God supported me through the song of the Evanescence group “Wake me up inside.” Every time I felt that it would be much easier to lie down and die than to move forward, this song started playing, and it really “woke me up inside” and I moved on.

Self-love is also expressed in the fact that I don’t do things that destroy me. Not in order to live up to some amazing time that will come “someday.” Not to be healthy for yourself. People are drawn to happy and healthy people, self-confident. It is very difficult to play, and even more difficult to believe in inauthentic happy feelings. You need to love yourself in order to inspire others to better life. Don’t be afraid to be attentive to your life, food, gait, posture, the presence of a smile on your face, your general spiritual and physical state.

Self-love manifests itself in healthy eating, proper sleep, brushing your teeth, doing a little physical exercise. God does not require extreme actions from us, He asks us to become happy. This is the best testimony. It is impossible to testify for God and be unhappy. The prophets of the past went into the desert and lived in deprivation. Now this may cause surprise, but very rarely - the desire to follow and live such a life. The era of settlement means that we must live “like everyone else,” an “ordinary life,” but at the same time do religious practice every moment of your life. It is a long journey, but it is a thorough one and it is naturally passed on to children.

True Father showed an example of True Self-Love. In Hungnam, prisoners were given a glass of water. If Father drank it all - after hard work in which he had to shed a lot of sweat, then this would be an example of false self-love. He left half a glass of water and washed his body so that it remained healthy and the Father could continue to serve God.

He went to prison without sparing himself, saying that he would show how the son of God should behave in prison. Also an example of true self-love. The father did not complain or be offended by God, he knew that everything he was going through was bringing the construction of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth closer. Therefore, Father constantly challenged himself. If he did this only for the sake of his own greatness or growth for the sake of growth, then it would be false love.

Without becoming happy ourselves, we are unlikely to be able to make other people happy. They will not believe that living with God is better than living without Him if they do not see sincere happiness in us and in our families.

Be happy on your path to the Kingdom of Love!

God bless you and your families!

Not everyone can answer the question of what love is, and sometimes they don’t even try to ask themselves this question.

What is true love

True love embodies:

  1. Mercy
  2. Empathy for others
  3. Patience
  4. Compliance
  5. The ability to forgive

The diseases from which our body suffers are the result of erroneous thoughts and actions, but love is the best remedy against ailments, this is a weapon that is able to defeat any evil, overcome any obstacles and make life better.

True love- this is the source of energy due to which everything lives and reproduces on earth. This is a powerful, positive energy of incredible strength.

True love and its basic feelings

The main components of the feeling of love are:

  • Calm
  • Harmony
  • Pleasure
  • Happiness
  • Inner freedom of man

This magnificent multifaceted feeling descended to people from God or, to put it differently, from the Universal Mind.

How to recognize true love and enter into a love union

True love manifests itself only in those moments when our feelings, thoughts and actions are united!

“You are my love! Life is not good for me without you!”  - a man says to a woman in the morning... Unfortunately, in the evening he can forget about what was said and go to another. Words about love and true love are two different things.

Words that are not supported by feelings and actions do not bring anyone any benefit or happiness..

Those who fall in love with lightning speed (love at first sight) are often unlucky, because such love flares up like a match, and, like a match, fades out at the first breath of the breeze. Rapid love and sexual attraction are not capable of creating a stable long-term marriage union.

Before entering into marriage, a person must clearly understand why he is doing this: in order to be with a person and enjoy it, or in order to give birth and raise children. It’s rare that young spouses think about this. They get married, have children, and then get divorced because the man cannot become a good father or the woman does not suit the man as the mother of the child. In such a situation, spouses often look for the emotions they need on the side.

When concluding a marriage, it is necessary to focus not only on mutual attraction, but also to use your mind. It’s worth thinking about everything and realizing what this marriage is for, what’s good in a partner, how long you can be with each other.

You can find out whether this is the right person, whether you are connected by true love, whether you will feel good together, for example: go to the store with him and try to choose something together.

Sometimes it happens that a man initially marries without love, but understanding that the woman will be a good wife and mother. In such cases, love very often comes as gratitude for mutual understanding and warm relationships in the family. This is the kind of love that is long-lasting and real.

True love of parents

The true love of parents for their baby involves accepting him for who he is.. Provided that we fully accept our child, we do not strive to protect him from everything in the world, trying to impose our opinion on everything, giving unnecessary advice to him, telling him how to live.

We must value the child not as an extension of ourselves and the realization of our plans and aspirations, but as an independent person with his own character, ideas, aspirations and the right to make mistakes and learn from life. You should only give small hints, but never force you to live by your own rules. Unfortunately, a child is often forced to do something that is alien to him, for example, in choosing a profession. After this, a born musician becomes a mediocre lawyer, which does not bring him happiness.

You should always remember that children often come to us for karmic punishment. And in a situation where we are angry with children, we express our dissatisfaction, trying to direct them to the right direction- this is purely our problem, which has nothing to do with the child, because he will always consider himself to be right, and not you.

In fact, true love for a child is true happiness and pleasure, it is joy that knows no boundaries, peace and inner harmony. However, it is not so easy to achieve such feelings and love a child with all your soul.

Often parents are overly worried about the child, trying to lay straws on him - after all, the child, of course, will fall, and with a straw the pain will not be so severe. By such actions, parents create a lot of problems for their children.

After all, if a child does not agree with his parents, he resists them, gets angry and worries, and these unpleasant emotions lead to the accumulation of negative energy near him. In such a situation, the child may begin to serve the forces of evil. It is also possible that he is not taking the path that was prepared for him and that his mother and father would have wished.

Often parents commit such actions, say such words that lead to the fact that Higher Powers take the life of their child in order to make such parents understand that they are not Gods, but above them there is someone who determines the life of everyone in this world.

How to achieve the love of others and understand true love

  • There is one important point, which we often forget: we should never be stingy in showing love from ourselves.
  • It is important, when you have feelings for a person, to think about him, and not about yourself. You need to understand what is best for him and do it. We are talking not only about the relationship between husband and wife, but also about any human relationship, because only true love for others is a direct path to happiness and harmony.

Always remember this simple rule, and you will realize how much warmth and kindness towards people can give you in return.

In any situation and at any time, people around you will feel the positive energy emanating from you. They will see you as a real person, and will feel the positive feelings that you “breathe” and share with everyone, radiating love for all living things that are around you.

The ability to hear and understand, to sympathize with another person is inherent in everyone on this planet. The ability to remove fear, anger, anxiety, envy, greed, rage from your soul, as well as the ability to fill your heart with true love for others and give it to everyone who needs it so much, without skimping on emotions, is in each of us.

But, unfortunately, not everyone is able to recognize these valuable qualities in themselves and bring the light and harmony of pure love into this world. To understand love, you must first of all fight your shortcomings, becoming better and kinder to others.

Audio CD “True self-love” - contains 71 positive statements. Thanks to this disc, self-esteem rises. Building a strong foundation happy life. This disc will allow you to forever change your attitude towards yourself - and therefore improve your life. Everything good in life begins with self-love.

The audio technology we offer is easy to use, effective and completely environmentally friendly! Its value is confirmed by results scientific research and 20 years of experience in various countries peace.

This CD contains positive statements such as: “I love myself in all my true manifestations! My thoughts, feelings, actions, my experience and knowledge, my property and desires are only my manifestation on Earth, but I am free from the influence of all this on my existing beginning! I always have and receive everything I need for a creative and joyful life on Earth - Here and Now! I love myself and people as they are! I know that all people make mistakes, and I forgive them easily! I am aware of my abilities to witness a situation and make wise choices! I love learning everything new! Love for yourself and others is joy, this is happiness, this is pleasure! I am a gifted, talented person! I radiate light, love, kindness and understanding in every thought, every word and every action! My intuition and wisdom are growing every day!” The disc contains attitudes towards self-acceptance. We are building a powerful foundation for a happy life.

Everything good in life begins with self-love. Thanks to this disc, self-esteem rises. This disc will allow you to forever change your attitude towards yourself - and therefore improve your life.
