Textile cargo slings for general purposes. Textile loop slings

According to the unified international DIN standard, EN standards, load-lifting polyester tape for textile slings is marked with the same color all over the world, depending on its load-carrying capacity. Sling with a lifting capacity of 1.0 tons - must be purple, lifting capacity 2 tons. – green, capacity 3.0 tons. – yellow, etc. Slings with a lifting capacity of 10.0 tons. and above - always orange and nothing else!

White slings means that the slings are disposable (one way sling), life cycle which are designed for 2 – 5 loading operations. Such slings are classified as packaging material, which accompanies the slung cargo throughout the entire period of its transshipment and transportation from the Seller to the Buyer. After unloading the cargo at the final destination, such slings must be removed and disposed of.

Therefore, if you are offered to sell slings of some other colors, think carefully!

2. What is the narrowest/widest tape used for sewing slings and what is the maximum load capacity of tape slings?

For sewing lifting belt slings, tapes in the following widths are used: 30 – 300 mm. Naturally, the narrower the tape, the less carrying capacity of the sling will be. Typically, the width of the tape is 30 - 50 mm is monochromatic and painted in purple, as stated in clause 1 this section. Accordingly, the tape 60 - 65 mm is two-tone and will be green, the tape width 85 – 100 mm– three-tone, yellow, etc.

When using orange tape with a maximum width of 300 mm, you can sew a sling with a lifting capacity of 25.0 tons.

3. Do textile slings stretch?

Yes. Since textile slings are synthetic and made from polyester fibers, they are slightly stretchable. Question: how much? The stretch can be considered minimal, since with a working load on the sling, its elongation does not exceed 3% and not visually noticeable.

4. What is the safety margin of a textile sling?

Manufacturers can use weaving machines to produce ribbons of varying widths and tensile strengths. Accordingly, in the world there are slings with safety margins 5:1, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1 . In Ukraine, it is legally permitted to manufacture and operate slings on a synthetic basis with a safety margin of at least 7:1 . In some countries this threshold is lower.

In essence, the safety factor means the ratio of the breaking load of the sling to the working load. Those. lifting capacity sling 3.0 tons will break at a critical load of at least 21.0 tons.

It is definitely worth noting that when speaking in general about tape textile slings and breaking loads, we always mean slings that are sewn with a conventional ring, i.e. in two layers of tape according to a specific algorithm.

Attention! If you are offered single-layer slings, to put it mildly, you are being deceived!

5. What are the restrictions on the use of textile slings?

Textile slings cannot be used in hot industries. Near the springs high temperatures the lines may melt. However, such slings are not susceptible to exposure to ultraviolet radiation and direct sunlight.

Also, textile slings are not recommended for slinging loads with sharp edges, since under load the sling can be seriously deformed, which can lead to complete rupture of the sling. At the same time, there are a lot of protective covers, overlays, and corners that protect the slings from cuts and, if installed correctly, will significantly protect the slings from increased wear.

6. How do you know when it’s time to take the sling out of service? Tell us about the culling rules/norms?

Safety regulations require slingers to inspect slings before using them. During continuous operation, slings must be rejected regularly, and the inspection results must be recorded in a log. Engineering personnel responsible for maintaining lifting mechanisms in working order must inspect lifting slings every 10 days. When slings are rarely used, inspection is carried out immediately before use.

When inspecting slings, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the tapes, hooks, hangers, locking devices, carabiner clips and places of their attachment.

If any of the following defects are present, textile slings manufactured in accordance with the standards DSTU-EN 1492-1:2014 or TUU 29.2-21674530:011-2006 must be immediately removed from service or replaced, because their subsequent operation is unsafe:

  • The tag on the sling is torn/missing technical information;
  • The details/information about the sling are not readable on the tag;
  • The presence of nodes on the load-bearing body of the sling;
  • Presence of transverse cuts or tears in the tape;
  • The presence of longitudinal cuts or tears in the tape, the total length of which exceeds 10% of the total length of the sling tape;
  • Presence of single longitudinal tears/cuts more than 50 mm long;
  • The presence of local delaminations of sling strips with a total length of more than 0.5 m on one extreme or two or more internal seams(when three or more seam lines are torn);
  • The presence of local delamination of sling tapes in places where the edges of the tape are sealed for a length of more than 0.2 m on one extreme or two or more internal seams (when three or more seam lines are torn).
  • The presence of peeling of the edge of the tape or stitching of the tapes at the loop for a length of more than 10% of the length of the seal (stitching) of the ends of the tapes;
  • The presence of surface thread breaks with a total length of more than 10% of the tape width caused by mechanical impact(friction) on the sharp edges of the load;
  • Presence of damage to the belts from exposure to chemicals in the form of acids, alkalis, solvents, petroleum products, etc. the total length is more than 10% of the width and/or length of the sling.
  • Presence of single damage caused by chemical substances longer than 50 mm;
  • The presence of bulging of threads from the sling tape at a distance of more than 10% of the tape width;
  • The presence of through holes with a diameter of more than 10% of the width of the tape from the impact of sharp objects;
  • The presence of burnt through holes with a diameter of more than 10% of the width of the sling strip from exposure to splashes of molten metal or the presence of more than three holes with a distance between them of less than 10% of the strip width, regardless of the diameter of the holes;
  • Presence of belt contamination with petroleum products, resins, paints, cement, soil, etc. more than 50% of the sling length;
  • The presence of delaminations in the structural threads of the sling tapes.

On the rigging elements of a textile sling (links, hooks, hangers) the following is unacceptable:

  • Cracks of any size, delamination, tears and hairlines;
  • Surface wear. The presence of dents, which led to a decrease in the cross-sectional area of ​​the sling element by 10% or more;
  • Deformations leading to a change in the dimensions of the sling element by more than 3%;
  • Damage to the fastenings of rigging elements and threaded connections;
Attention! Repairing a textile sling is not possible and is strictly prohibited.

7. How can we protect textile slings and extend their service life?

SKIF INVEST LLC offers a range of rubber pads, plastic corner protectors, PVC covers of various widths, with which you can significantly extend the service life of your textile slings. The managers of our company will help you select the appropriate accessories. However, we hope for your understanding that slings are still consumables and they cannot be eternal.

8. How to determine the load capacity of textile slings?

The load capacity of textile slings can be determined in several ways:

  • According to the color of the lifting belt, from which they are sewn (we talked about this in more detail in paragraph 1 of this section);
  • By the number of black stripes on the tape, from which they are sewn (1 line = 1 ton);
  • According to the information on the sling tag, which is sewn into one of the loops of the sling;
  • According to the load capacity marking on the body of the sling itself, which the SKIF INVEST company additionally applies in a special way. By the way, let’s say that it is this additional marking that visually distinguishes the slings produced by our company from other manufacturers. We are the only ones on the market who apply such markings and do it free of charge.
  • According to the width of the tape, if you have in front of you a fairly worn sling that has long lost the above identification signs.

9. Does the load capacity of a textile sling vary depending on the slinging method?

Yes, of course it changes. When slinging loads, it is advisable for the slinger to know and take into account the decreasing/increasing coefficients for changing the load-carrying capacity of the slings. For example, when slinging a load “in a girth”, the load capacity of the sling doubles, and when slinging “in a noose” it decreases by 20%. Also, it is worth noting that all this applies equally to working with rope slings.

You can find out more clearly about the dependence of the load-carrying capacity of slings on the slinging method at the end of the page on our website.

10. Is there any technical information on the textile sling?

According to international standards EN 1492-1 and EN 1492-2, each textile sling, whether tape or round, must have a PVC tag sewn into one of its loops - a tag with technical information. The tag must indicate the following information: type (design) of the sling, its load capacity, production and testing dates, manufacturer or its trademark, serial number according to the manufacturer’s accounting system, compliance standard. Also, the tag may contain additional and non- mandatory information: sling length, sketches of slinging methods with coefficients, material from which the sling is made, etc.

We emphasize that according to the same EN standards, the color of the tag is also regulated. To everyone synthetic material(polypropylene, polyester, polyamide) from which textile slings are allowed to be made has its own tag color. In our case, we make slings from polyester tape and sew in a tag of the appropriate blue color. The SKIF INVEST company is probably the only enterprise in Ukraine that strictly adheres to this requirement.

11. How are the sling loops protected from increased wear?

In the standard version, we additionally cover the loops (goons) of textile slings with a special protective fabric.

12. Is it possible to increase the load capacity of textile slings without increasing the width of the belt?

Yes, it is possible, but no more than 2 times. This is achieved by sewing the sling not in two layers, but in four. In other words, if you need a sling with a lifting capacity of 4.0 tons, but for some reason you are not satisfied with the standard 120 mm sling width, we will make a sling from a 2-ton tape with a width of 60 mm, but it will be sewn in four layer. Our managers will advise you in more detail about this.

13. I'm afraid to buy textile slings. Can you convince me of my fears?

We understand your doubts. Indeed, looking at a textile sling, it is sometimes difficult to believe that a textile tape can withstand significant loads. However, we want to assure you that synthetic slings are much more effective than their direct competitor - rope slings. The advantages of textile slings are obvious:

  • slings have low own weight;
  • the slings are compact and easy to fold;
  • resistant to geometric deformations, do not have spring properties;
  • resistant to most chemicals and does not rust;
  • are not traumatic, unlike rope slings, since they do not have protruding sharp ends;
  • have the largest safety factor of 7:1 compared to other types of slings.

It is thanks to the properties described above that textile slings have been the most popular type of slings all over the world for several decades.

14. Is the textile sling repairable?

No. Such slings have a stitched construction made of whole piece the tape and, unfortunately, if it is damaged (cut, puncture, delamination, etc.), it is extremely unsafe to repair, let alone work with, such a sling.


RD 220-14-98

1.20. The owner of lifting machines or a specialized organization must develop methods for tying parts and assemblies of machines moved by lifting machines during their installation, dismantling and repair, indicating the devices used, as well as methods for safely tilting loads when such an operation is performed using a lifting machine .


2.1. Owners of lifting machines and removable lifting devices are obliged to ensure that they are kept in good condition and safe conditions work by ensuring proper inspection, supervision and maintenance in accordance with safety regulations.

2.2. The engineering and technical worker for supervision of the safe operation of lifting machines is obliged to supervise the technical condition and safe operation lifting cranes, removable lifting devices and take measures to prevent violations of safety rules.

2.3. The engineering and technical worker responsible for maintaining lifting machines in good condition is obliged to ensure that removable lifting devices are also maintained in good condition by conducting periodic inspections and systematic monitoring of the correct maintenance of a logbook and inspection of textile tape slings ().

2.4. The person responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes is obliged to prevent the use of removable lifting devices that are unmarked, faulty, or not appropriate for the load capacity and nature of the load.

2.5. Slingers must be appointed to hook, strap (sling) and hang the load on the hook of a lifting machine in accordance with the requirements of safety rules.

2.6. Owners of lifting machines and operating organizations must develop methods for proper slinging and hooking of loads, which slingers must be trained to use. A graphic representation of methods for slinging and hooking loads should be handed out to slingers and crane operators or posted at work sites.

2.7. The owner of lifting machines or a specialized organization must develop methods for tying parts and assemblies of machines moved by lifting machines during their installation, dismantling and repair, indicating the lifting devices used, as well as methods for safely slinging loads when such an operation is carried out using a lifting machine. cars.

2.8. Lifting machines and removable lifting devices that have not passed inspection and technical certification are not allowed to work. Faulty load-handling devices, as well as devices that do not have tags (stamps), should not be located in the work areas.

2.9. Loading and unloading operations and storage of cargo at bases, warehouses, sites must be carried out according to technological maps, which indicate a list of used load-handling devices and graphic images (diagrams) of cargo slinging.

2.10. Loads must be slinged in accordance with slinging diagrams. To sling a load intended for lifting, slings must be used that correspond to the weight and nature of the load being lifted, taking into account the number of branches and their angle of inclination; slings general purpose should be selected so that the angle between the branches does not exceed 90°.

2.11. The connections between the hook of the lifting machine and the suspensions, loops and thimbles of the slings must be reliable. The sling suspension must be secured with a hook latch. The mounting loop must be secured with a latch in the hook link of the sling.

2.12. In order to prevent loads from falling during lifting and moving them by cranes, the following slinging rules should be observed:

when tying the load, the slings must be applied without knots or twists;

under sharp corners Metal loads (channel, angle, I-beam) must be supported with pads. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the location of the center of gravity of the load. The sling should be placed under the load in such a way as to prevent it from slipping while lifting the load. The load should be tied in such a way that during its movement it is prevented from falling of its individual parts and a stable position of the load is ensured during movement. To do this, slinging of long loads (poles, pipes) must be done in at least two places;

The ends of the multi-leg sling that are not used for hooking must be strengthened so that when moving the load by crane, the possibility of touching objects encountered on the way is excluded.


3.1. According to the requirements of safety rules, slingers must inspect slings before using them for lifting and moving loads with lifting machines.

3.2. Engineering and technical workers responsible for maintaining lifting machines in good condition, and persons responsible for the safe performance of work with lifting cranes, pipe-laying cranes, load-lifting cranes and other lifting machines, must inspect slings (with the exception of rarely used ones) every 10 days, rarely used removable load-handling devices - before putting them into operation.

3.3. When inspecting slings, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the tapes, hooks, hangers, locking devices, clips, carabiners and places of their attachment.

3.4. In the case of a rarely used sling or after the expiration of the guaranteed storage period, it must be subjected to a strength test with a static load exceeding the rated load by 100% for 10 minutes.


Slings should be stored on shelves made of stainless materials in a clean, dry, ventilated area. They should be kept away from heat sources and avoid contact with chemicals, dense gases, corrosive surfaces, and sources of ultraviolet radiation.

Damaged slings should not be stored together with those suitable for use.

Appendix A

Sling passport form

Permission (license) for
production of sling

№ __________________________

from "__" __________ 200 _____ g.

Name and address of the authority that issued permission to manufacture the sling

(name of sling)


Loading capacity of the sling, t ___________________________________________________

Number normative document(THAT) __________________________________________

Place of the trademark (emblem)
sling manufacturer

Manufacturer and its address __________________________________________

Place for sling drawing
indicating the length of the sling

Weight of the sling, t ______________________________________________________________

Serial number of the sling according to the manufacturer’s system ___________________

Year and month of production of the sling ___________________________________________________

Sling test date ______________________________________________________________

Test results ______________________________________________________________

Warranty period ________________________________________________________________

Conditions under which the sling can be used:

lowest ambient temperature, °C ____________________________

highest ambient temperature, °C ____________________________

Signature of the head of the enterprise -
manufacturer (shop) or supervisor
product control services (QTC)


Notes: 1. The passport must be kept by the owner of the sling at all times.

2. When delivering a batch of slings of the same type, it is allowed to produce one passport for the entire batch. At the same time, it must indicate all the serial numbers of the slings included in this batch.

Guarantees: the manufacturer guarantees compliance of the sling with the technical characteristics given in the passport (subject to the consumer's compliance with storage conditions and operating instructions) for 3 months from the date of commissioning in single-shift operation within the warranty period of storage (12 months from the date of release of the sling ).

Appendix B

Logbook form for recording and inspection of textile tape slings

Download price list

Textile tape slings are universal, durable products for lifting loads. Made from durable polyester material. Load capacity up to 30 tons. They are characterized by a high degree of reliability and are widely used in different areas for carrying and transporting goods.

Last decade textile sling and tensioning straps made of polyester, artificial material increased strength, have made a real revolution in the field of cargo equipment. With a width of 30 to 300 mm and a corresponding load capacity of 0.5 to 15 tons, lightweight, flexible and frost-resistant textile slings are widely used in everyday life.

In connection with the automobile boom in our country, a textile sling complete with rigging brackets and hooks of the S320 type appealed to Camel Trophy lovers. When conducting collective leisure activities to overcome off-road conditions, each owner of an SUV has a ribbon tow rope with a lifting capacity of 2 or 3 tons and a length of 5-6 meters in the trunk. With a 7:1 safety factor, this accessory provides reliable towing for almost any vehicle. passenger car. Many fans wildlife install on the power bumper a manual or electric winch with a reeving tow rope assembly. For this purpose, a galvanized rope with a diameter of up to 10 mm with a hook is usually used, or an “endless” cargo belt with a loop at the end is wound onto the winch drum. In addition, textile slings turned out to be indispensable when installing pipes with an insulating coating and during loading and unloading operations of any equipment with a “delicate” surface ( paint coating cars, yachts and boats, etc.)

And thanks to their low wear and ease of adjustment, tie-down straps and textile slings have become universal remedy for securing cargo both outdoors and inside warehouse complexes.

Textile tape slings STP and STK (RD 24-SZK-01-01)
G/p, t
0,5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15
30 30 60 90 120 150 180 240 300 300
Price, rub.
123 142 249 394
169 230 392 618 813 1043 1449 2030 2653
215 318 535 842 1106 1416 1990 2793 3621 4611
261 406 678 1066 1399 1789 2532 3556 4589 5799
308 494 820 1290 1692 2162 3073 4319 5557 6987
354 582 963 1514 1984 2535 3614 5083 6525 8176
400 670 1106 1738 2277 2907 4155 5846 7493 9364
446 758 1249 1962 2570 3280 4696 6609 8461 10552
492 846 1391 2186 2863 3653 5238 7372 9429 11741
539 933 1534 2410 3156 4026 5779 8135 10398 12929
47 88 143 224 293 373 541 763 968 1188
Width, mm
(and color)
Length, m
additional meter

1 The production of slings with a lifting capacity of 0.5t is permissible only for the STP type.

Round-strand textile slings (STPk and STKk)
G/p, t
0,5 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 16 20 25
Price, rub.
163 181 252 303 385 451 593 761 929 1002 1174 1223 - -
281 312 434 521 662 775 1009 1295 1524 1629 1965 2059 2400 2600
399 443 615 739 939 1099 1425 1828 2119 2256 2755 2895 3450 3880
517 574 797 958 1215 1423 1841 2361 2714 2882 3546 3731 4500 5160
634 705 978 1176 1492 1747 2257 2894 3309 3509 4336 4567 5550 6440
752 836 1160 1394 1768 2071 2674 3428 3904 4136 5127 5403 6600 7720
936 1040 1463 1766 2250 2639 3412 4390 4987 5261 6539 6903 7650 9000
988 1098 1523 1831 2321 2719 3506 4494 5094 5390 6708 7075 8700 10280
1106 1229 1704 2049 2598 3043 3922 5027 2688 6017 7498 7911 9750 11560
1224 1360 1886 2268 2875 3367 4338 5561 6283 6644 8289 8747 10800 12840
71 131 181 218 277 324 416 533 595 627 791 836 1050 1280
Length, m
additional meter

It is possible to produce textile circular slings with a lifting capacity of up to 200 tons

Single-branch textile slings (1ST)
G/p, t
0,5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12,5
30 30 60 90 120 150 180 240 300 300
Price, rub.
347 413 638 862 1702 2271 2840
393 474 767 1066 1930 2549 3168 4992 5658 7239
439 535 896 1269 2158 2827 3496 5488 6154 7901
485 596 1025 1472 2386 3105 3824 5984 6650 8563
531 657 1154 1675 2614 3383 4152 6480 7146 9225
577 718 1283 1878 2842 3661 4480 6976 7642 9887
623 779 1412 2081 3070 3939 4808 7472 8138 10549
669 840 1541 2284 3298 4217 5136 7968 8634 11211
715 901 1670 2487 3526 4495 5464 8464 9130 11873
761 962 1799 2690 3754 4773 5792 8960 9626 12535
46 61 129 203 228 278 328 496 496 662
Tape width, mm
Length, m
additional meter

IN basic configuration single-leg slings type 1ST are produced without a metal lifting link type NOR

Two-branch textile slings (2ST)
G/p, t
1,4 2,8 4,2 5,6 7 8,4 11,2 14
30 60 90 120 150 180 240 300
Price, rub.
1016 1178 1880
1196 1407 2226 3796 5366 6796 10045
1376 1636 2572 4234 5926 7456 11027 16081
1556 1865 2918 4672 6486 8116 12009 17401
1736 2094 3264 5110 7046 8776 12991 18721
1916 2323 3610 5548 7606 9436 13973 20041
2096 2552 3956 5986 8166 10096 14955 21361
2276 2781 4302 6424 8726 10756 15937 22681
2456 3010 4648 6862 9286 11416 16919 24001
2636 3239 4994 7300 9846 12076 17901 25321
180 229 346 438 560 660 982 1320
Tape width, mm
Length, m
additional meter
Three-leg textile slings (3ST)
G/p, t
2,1 4,2 6,3 8,4 10 12,6 16,8 21
30 60 90 120 150 180 240 300
Price, rub.
2150 3010 4694 6031
2222 3310 5147 6714 8015 9316 16849 19289
2294 3610 5600 7397 8842 10287 18312 20752
2366 3910 6053 8080 9669 11258 19775 22215
2438 4210 6506 8763 10496 12229 21238 23678
2510 4510 6959 9446 11323 13200 22701 25141
2582 4810 7412 10129 12150 14171 24164 26604
2654 5110 7865 10812 12977 15142 25627 28067
2726 5410 8318 11495 13804 16113 27090 29530
72 300 453 683 827 971 1463 1463
Tape width, mm
Length, m
additional meter
Tape width, mm Length 2, m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 additional meter

2 It is possible to produce any length with an accuracy of 0.1 m.




1. Designation:

2. Load capacity, t:

3. Length, m:

4. Weight, kg:

5. Serial number:

6. Date of release and testing:

7. Test result: pass

8. Temperature, deg C: -80 +100

Date of sale: MP: Quantity: pcs



3.1 When using slings, you should be guided by the “Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes” (PB 10-382-00).

3.2 Owners of removable lifting devices are required to ensure that they are kept in good condition and safe working conditions by organizing proper inspection, supervision and maintenance in accordance with the requirements of safety regulations.

3.3 Before starting work, slings are subject to visual inspection.

3.4 Removable load-handling devices that have not passed inspection and technical certification are not allowed to work.

3.5 Loads must be slinged in accordance with safe slinging schemes. To sling a load intended for lifting, slings must be used that correspond to the weight and nature of the load being lifted, taking into account the number of branches and their angle of inclination; general purpose slings should be selected so that the angle between the branches does not exceed 120 °.

3.6 The connection of the lifting machine hook with the suspensions and sling loops must be reliable. The sling suspension must be secured with a hook lock.

3.7 In order to prevent loads from falling during lifting and moving them by cranes, the following slinging rules should be observed:

when tying the load, the slings must be applied without knots or twists;

It is necessary to place pads under sharp corners of loads. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the location of the center of gravity of the load;

the sling should be placed under the load in such a way as to prevent the possibility of it slipping while lifting the load;

The load must be tied in such a way that during its movement, the fall of its individual parts is prevented and a stable position of the load is ensured during movement. To do this, slinging of long loads (pillars, pipes) must be done in at least two places;

the ends of the multi-branch sling that are not used for hooking must be strengthened so that when moving the load by crane, the possibility of touching objects encountered along the way is excluded;

on the cargo reloaded with slings, in places of contact with the slings there should be no nicks or sharp edges that could damage the sling tape. The radius of the edges is not allowed to be less than the thickness of the sling tape;

the working surfaces of the hook of the lifting machine must prevent damage to the sling, have no sharp edges, the radius of curvature of the surface in direct contact with the sling must be at least 0.75 of the load-bearing width of the sling;

It is prohibited to use slings to move loads when removal from under them involves friction of slings sandwiched between the load and other surfaces, as well as to pull slings out from under the load;

slings must be protected from the influence of harmful factors of the transported cargo (for example: acid, alkali, solvent, molten substances);

It is prohibited to move products heated above 100°C;

it is prohibited to place the places where the tapes are stitched directly on the load-handling device;

when working with slings, jerks and impacts of loads should be avoided;

Forced drying of slings by any means is not allowed.

3.8 To eliminate possible sparking from the slings accumulating from friction against part of the load, the following methods are used:

treatment with the drug “Antistatic” (frequency of treatment according to the instructions for use of the drug);

braiding metal threads or tapes (at least two) with a cross-section of at least 0.5 mm2 each;

enclosing the tape in a cover made of cotton fabric.


4.1 According to the requirements of the Safety Rules, slingers must inspect slings before using them for lifting and moving loads with lifting machines.

4.2 Engineering and technical workers responsible for maintaining lifting machines in good condition and persons responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes and other lifting machines must inspect slings (except for rarely used ones) - every 10 days, and rarely used removable lifting devices - before releasing them to work.

4.3 When inspecting slings, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the straps, hooks, hangers, locking devices, carabiner clips and places of their fastenings.

4.4 Slings with:

knots on the load-bearing belts of slings;

transverse cuts or tears in the tape;

longitudinal cuts or tears of the tape, the total length of which exceeds 10% of the total length of the sling tape or single tears with a length of more than 50 mm;

local delamination of the sling tapes, except for places where the edges of the tapes are sealed for a total length of more than 0.5 m on one outer seam or two or more internal seams (when three or more seam lines are torn);

local delamination of sling tapes in the place where the edges of the tape are sealed for a length of more than 0.2 m on one of the outer or two or more internal seams (when three or more seam lines are torn), as well as peeling of the edge of the tape or stitching of tapes at a loop for a length of more than 10 % of the length of the sealing (stitching) of the ends of the tapes;

surface breaks of belt threads with a total length of more than 10% of the belt width, caused by mechanical action (friction) against the sharp edges of the load;

damage to belts from exposure to chemicals (acid, alkali, solvents, petroleum products, etc.) with a total length of more than 10% of the width and length of the sling or individual damage of more than 10% of the width and length of more than 50 mm;

bulging of threads from a sling tape with a diameter of more than 10% of the tape width, including through holes with a diameter of more than 10% of the tape width from the impact of sharp objects;

burnt through through holes on the sling tape from the effects of splashes of molten metal with a diameter of more than 10% of the width of the tape or more than three holes with a distance between them of less than 10% of the width of the tape, regardless of the diameter of the holes;

belt contamination (petroleum products, resins, paints, cement, soil, etc.) more than 50% of the sling length;

delamination of tape threads.

4.5 Repairing the sling is prohibited

4.6 Rejection of rings, loops, staples, pendants, clips, carbines, links and others metal elements sling

Not allowed:

wear of the surface of elements or local dents leading to a decrease in cross-sectional area by 10% or more;

the presence of residual deformations leading to a change in the original size of the element by more than 3%;

damage to threaded connections and other fasteners.

4.6. The results of inspection of textile tape slings must be recorded in a special journal in accordance with the Safety Rules.


5.1 Slings should be stored in a well-ventilated room at a temperature from -30°C to +30°C with a relative humidity of no more than 80%, placing them on stands, away from heat sources, no closer than 0.2 m, avoiding contact with chemicals, fire, corrosive surfaces, protecting from direct sunlight and other sources ultraviolet radiation. Before placing the lanyard for storage, it should be inspected for any damage that may have occurred during use. Storing damaged slings is not recommended.

5.2. It is prohibited to store petroleum products and flammable substances in the rooms where slings are stored.

5.3 Transportation of slings after packaging can be carried out by any means of transport under conditions that ensure their safety in accordance with the standards and requirements of this instruction


6.1 The sling is tested with a static load exceeding the load capacity by 1.25 times for three minutes.

6.2 The manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation of the sling for one month from the date of commissioning, but not more than 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that the consumer complies with the storage and operating conditions.

6.3 The warranty does not cover damage resulting from normal wear and tear, poor care, misuse or neglect, or resulting from unauthorized tampering with the device.
