Moving to another apartment to start with. How to properly organize an apartment move to another city? Preparing packaging material

You will need

  • Cardboard boxes, tape, marker, notepad, packing ropes, polystyrene balls, wrapping paper, packing rags, screwdriver or screwdriver, stationery knife.


Decide whether you will use the services of a moving company and, if so, to what extent. Usually, it is reasonable to resort to the services of professionals if, if you have available funds, there is sorely not enough time to carefully consider all the details. Managers of the moving company will control all stages: the process of preparing for the move, the transportation itself, and even the final stage of the move, which consists of installing furniture and large cargo in the new location.

Get rid of those whose transportation to a new location makes no sense. Having decided on the date of transportation, order the transport with which it is more convenient for you to move. You can load all your property at once, down to the smallest detail, or you can move things in small parts. It all depends on the volume and dimensions of the belongings being transported, as well as on the remoteness of the moving location. Naturally, intercity transportation is considered the largest.

Pack the items you are transporting. All of them, excluding household appliances and furniture, it is more convenient to transport in cardboard boxes. To make it easier to navigate a huge number of boxes in a new location, it is necessary to think over a system for marking them. There are several ways to solve this issue. You can complete the boxes and label them in accordance with the purpose of the items they contain, for example, “books”, “papers”, “dishes”, “ winter clothes" Or you can mark the boxes according to the principle of the room for which these things are intended, for example, “bathroom”, “kitchen”, etc. It is better to fold and label essential items separately, so that these boxes are immediately noticeable.

Prepare your furniture for moving. The smartest thing to do is to take apart everything that can be taken apart. In this case, the furniture takes up less volume and, in addition, does not deform. This applies to most cabinet furniture, and if desired, built-in furniture can also be dismantled. All fittings are carefully removed, assembled, packaged and attached to the parts of the disassembled furniture or also marked. If cabinets, shelves and chests of drawers are transported assembled, then remove protruding and removable parts from them - handles, shelves, etc. The boxes are usually removed or sealed tightly with tape, and the same is done with the doors. Special attention it is worth paying attention to glass furniture parts.

For the umpteenth time, I wanted to leave a comment on someone else’s post, but I got so carried away that I wrote so much text that I had to put it in my post.

How many times have I moved

We also had to pack containers to move thousands of kilometers from Chukotka to Central Asia, from Asia to the Urals. There were also a lot of moves over short distances and within the same city.
Every time everything was carefully packed (even for a 10 km journey), since I always felt very, very sorry for the furniture, dishes and all my things. Each scratch upset me greatly, since it was unknown when the item would be replaced with a new one.

So, I will describe my experience.

1. To pack the “move” I needed: cardboard boxes different sizes, bags of different sizes and huge ones for things (can also be found in the construction market for pennies), thick oilcloth (bought by the meter at the construction market), tape, rope, old newspapers/wrapping paper/cardboard (for interlayer), marker (chalk, pencil - for marks on furniture).

Why a marker? Because it is most convenient for them to leave marks on cardboard, tape, bags, oilcloth - on all packaging surfaces.
I wrote numbers on each box with a marker and wrote down in detail what was in each box in a notebook. You don’t have to write it down, but I can tell you from experience that you won’t unpack all the boxes at once, sometimes things continue to live in boxes on the mezzanine or in the garage, and even in the first days of moving, finding an item, breaking all the boxes, is a lot of time and nerves. So I advise you not to be lazy. It is also sometimes useful to use a marker to indicate on the box where the top is.

For example, I labeled boxes with kitchen utensils “Kitchen 1, kitchen 2,” etc. You can also abbreviate them as “K1.” When unloaded, these boxes immediately rushed into the kitchen.

I also started preparing for the move a couple of months before. I started by looking for boxes, both large and small. I walked around the nearby shops and stalls, they often display boxes there, and didn’t hesitate to ask (organized removal of cardboard is not provided everywhere). She gave my husband and son tasks to do: on the way home, it was mandatory to grab a couple of boxes, because we needed them - the sea.
Of course, you can buy boxes, now many large markets provide this, but!!! I needed so many boxes that I was not ready to part with a certain amount of money for purchased boxes.

3. It’s convenient to pack things (winter and others, bedding, etc.) in large bags, we’ll also draw numbers on them, I somehow ignored this moment, and I had to suffer, since our things were unpacked for a month or more, and I I often had to rummage through several bags until I found what I needed
Another tip: if you unpack things right away, then when packing, put everything in bags, and if not, then you need to separately put winter things that are required now, etc.

4. Furniture. This is where everyone decides for themselves how much to disassemble it for transportation. It’s good if the furniture is made of pure wood. We had cabinet furniture. On the one hand, if such furniture is assembled once, then each disassembly and reassembly subsequently affects its stability and strength. On the other hand, if you do not disassemble it, then there is a risk of damage, tearing out entire pieces of chipboard from the furniture at the joints and fastenings, and loosening the furniture.
Here you need to think about how it will be more convenient to transport such furniture, hold it and carry it, lift it.
It is better to pack the fittings from all the disassembled furniture separately (signed) in bags or small boxes, then putting everything in one box. We were the last to take this box out of the apartment, because after all the furniture is loaded, the apartment remains empty and then it becomes clear that some kind of hook or something needs to be unscrewed. All these little things are put into a box with accessories.
If you don’t have furniture assembly diagrams, you can use chalk or pencil to label inside the furniture parts what it belongs to and where it goes.

How we did it: we removed glass and mirror doors, shelves. The shelves were lined with newspapers to protect them from chipping. sometimes with towels, packed separately, several shelves in one package. Also came from glass doors. If the simple doors were not removed, then they were secured with tape to prevent them from swinging open. From the outside, I dressed the furniture in bags made of thick double oilcloth (I simply did not cut the oilcloth lengthwise, but separated the layers and got a bag without a bottom), pulled the bag over the top of the furniture body and secured it with tape. This saved my furniture from chips and scratches. Drawers we took it out to make it easier to move the furniture.

If you are transporting kitchen set, for example, you simply take out everything from the inside along with the shelves (well, you can put light things - clothes, bedding) and seal the doors.
The general rule is to secure doors to furniture and appliances.

5. Upholstered furniture completely wrapped in oilcloth and secured with tape.

6. When sending things and furniture by containers (sea route, railway route, etc.), there are specific features of packing and placing things.

The general principle of packaging is the same.
Features: we do not disassemble furniture (except for mirrors and glass), but on the contrary, we compact things tightly inside the furniture bodies, fill all voids to prevent vibration and ultimately the furniture falling apart). Things in the container are placed as tightly as possible, to the fullest extent. Before closing and sealing the container doors, it is advisable to fasten the crossbars and boards crosswise so that if the doors are accidentally opened (or the container is tilted), your things do not fall out, put pressure on the door, and do not provoke the opening of the doors themselves. No one will collect them; the container may simply be stolen.

It is advisable to line the inside of the container with cardboard or cover it with film, since moisture and sand can penetrate into the cracks. This is what happened to us, after our container traveled from Asia to the Urals, all the things were covered in fine yellow dust, everything had to be washed several times, knocked out, shaken out, and for a long time this sand fell from everywhere
All my preserves arrived very well in boxes in the form of well-lined jars.

7. Flowers are shipped in boxes - this is the safest way for flowers and convenient way. Flower branches in bags break and leaves become wrinkled.

8. Food from the refrigerator.
You can freeze plastic bottles of water in advance. I put the food from the freezer in a large basin or box (or left it directly in the baskets), lined the sides with frozen bottles and covered it with a thick blanket, oilcloth, and wrapped it up. Something also fit in the cooler bag.

After removing furniture from the apartment, it is also often discovered that you forgot to unscrew the curtains or remove the drapes
Keep some more garbage bags + trash bags ready (in the process of packing and taking things out, you will definitely want to throw something away).

It is advisable to schedule the move in the morning so that there is time to lay out the essentials and unpack sleeping place etc. (well, if you are in the same city and need to spend the night in a new apartment).

Here are some tips when moving for those who believe in omens, brownies... or are interested in Feng Shui.

When moving to a new (different) apartment, it is customary to let the cat in first. Moreover, the cat must be its own (domestic), and not a street or neighbor’s one.
Cat after moving to new apartment according to the sign, he will choose one of the “bad” places for himself and sit or lie there for a long time - do not put a bed there, otherwise the sleep will be disturbing and restless. It is believed that this place should be left free, because it should belong to the main “owner” of the house - the brownie.
The brownie monitors cleanliness, protects things, protects the home from fire, and helps the owners. And when moving to a new apartment, the signs recommend inviting your brownie with you and managing another home with you.
How to do this? Inform the brownie of your intention to change apartment and invite him to come with you. After that, put an empty bag for him, and take it with you on the day of moving. Pick up from old apartment broom - perhaps your brownie will ride on this vehicle. Or leave an old slipper (or felt boot, boot) by the stove (fireplace, stove) with the following words: “Brownie, here’s your sleigh, come with us,” and then take this improvised transport for the brownie with you.

Before moving in, Feng Shui experts advise making repairs (the same, however, is required by a long-standing Russian tradition). If you start right away major renovation If it doesn't work, at least do some general cleaning. Wipe all surfaces in the house with lightly salted water - it has magical properties and perfectly cleans the space. After moving to a new apartment, Feng Shui strongly recommends repairing all broken things: plumbing and electrical wiring, doors and floors. Once you have moved your things to new home, spend the night there. If for some reason this is not possible, leave instead the clothes you wear at night - pajamas or a nightgown.

Agree, general cleaning and plumbing repairs - this includes common sense, even for non-feng shui lovers.

Happy moving everyone!

It’s not for nothing that people say: “One move is equal to two fires.” Setting up in a new place is a pleasant thing, but very troublesome. Let's figure out how to make this process as easy as possible.


When I moved to last time, then I took five boxes of things to the trash heap,” says St. Petersburg resident Alena M. “When my husband and I started carrying things from the apartment to the truck, we realized that we could throw away as much more.

Moving – great way get rid of junk. Moreover, experts advise conducting an audit of your belongings in two stages. First, throw away everything you obviously don’t need, and then throw away everything you regretted the first time.

If the things are good and you don’t want to take them to the trash heap, try to dispose of them for free through ad sites. But don’t wait more than a week for new owners - otherwise this will greatly slow down your moving process.

Another way to get rid of unwanted items in a useful and fun way is to throw a going away party. Gather your friends and organize a giveaway of your things. At the same time, clear the refrigerator of food.

For representatives of the fair sex, it can be especially sad to part with clothes. The blouse you wore at the disco ten years ago brings back pleasant memories, but you are unlikely to dare to go out in it now. If you have never worn the item in last year- that means you don’t need it.


Many people believe that it is most convenient to pack things in boxes. Actually this is not true. For different types things need different packaging.

Cloth. It will be most convenient to carry jeans, shirts, dresses and other things in trunks or even garbage bags. Yes, it may seem careless, but nothing will happen to your clothes. At most, she will have to be stroked quite a bit after the move. The same principle works with bed linen, towels, bedspreads and other decorative textiles. But it’s better to be careful with shoes. So that she can keep perfect condition, it needs to be stuffed with paper and packed in boxes.

Dishes and breakable items. Plastic containers are best suited for transporting them. You can buy them at IKEA for 150 rubles each. As a rule, they are sold with lids, but these lids do not close tightly. Therefore, it is better to tie the container with ropes or tape during the move.

Books and decorative items. If you haven’t found the courage to throw away the dear photo frame and collection of angels that your mother gave you for the New Year 2008, then boxes will come to your aid. This is where you can pack all the important and not so small things. Don't forget to label what's in each box - this will save you time when you start unpacking them. And if there is something fragile inside, write about it in large letters so that the movers don’t put a five-kilogram suitcase on top.


Moving time – important nuance, if you care about your wallet. Most cargo taxis charge by the hour. The more time you spend on the road, and the longer it takes to load and unload, the more expensive the move will cost you.

The most best time To order a car - in the morning, when there are still no traffic jams on the roads. As a rule, on weekends it is until eleven o'clock in the morning. You need to take your things outside before the truck arrives - this will help you load up faster and go to your new apartment.


Make a box with the things you need first so you don't have to search through different bags and packages. This should include:

Soap and towel


Replacement set of home clothes

Kettle, several glasses

First aid kit

Toilet paper

Everything you need to take a shower. You are unlikely to quickly get to everything that is on the shelves in the bathroom, but on the first day you will definitely want to rinse off. Perhaps even more than once. It’s good if you have shampoo, washcloth and shower gel on hand.

Unload this box first and place it away from your other items.


You need to prepare not only yourself, but also your new apartment for the move. Wash the floors, windows, plumbing fixtures, and furniture that is already there in advance. If possible, bring several stools in advance, otherwise you will not even have a place to sit while the rest of the furniture is being assembled. Before bringing things and furniture into the apartment, cover the floor with film.


If you are moving with furniture, even if you want to, you will not be able to assemble and install it all on the first day. Throw all your energy into the most necessary items: bed (sofa), closet, refrigerator, stove, table.


Collect documents and valuables in a separate box. Transport it yourself, without trusting movers.


Operations Director of the GruzovichkoF company Ilya BERSON:

It is most convenient to distribute things between rooms. Write the names different rooms on the boxes with bright markers different colors– one room, one color. This will help the movers move things around the apartment faster and make unpacking easier for you. This system will save you up to 35% of your total moving time. We transport furniture first, other things after. It should be taken into account that from the very beginning the sleeping places, items from the bathroom, kitchen equipment and dishes. This will help you avoid delaying the move and start living in your new apartment right away.

One of the main problems with moving in big cities is that it is not possible to immediately move into desired point yard Be sure to think about the possibility of a truck entering in advance! The day before moving, ask your neighbors not to park their cars near your front door.

When ordering, please describe the size, volume and approximate weight of the item as accurately as possible. This will help to assign correct type cars and avoid delays.

Our company often encounters the ingenuity of people moving. Some people living in a 4-room apartment move all their things into two rooms and order a move for 2 room apartment, hoping to save money. But in fact, this means that our movers, who know how to assess the volume of transportation at a glance, will immediately understand that these things were in four rooms, and not in two. This will cause big problems both with the price and with the moving time.


Efforts when moving will help to significantly reduce vacuum bags - they will significantly reduce the volume of pillows, blankets, and outerwear. The cost of one package is from 130 rubles.

If you have children and animals, it is better to give them to your family on moving day. This will allow you to avoid distractions and unpack your essentials faster.

Take a photo of the rear view of your equipment so that you can see where which wiring is connected.

Moving is always associated with disorder, even chaos, the usual course of life is disrupted, and things are sent from their rightful shelves to cardboard boxes, in which they will then stand in a new place for weeks, waiting for you to finally unpack them. Our simple tips will help you move quickly, organizedly and without unnecessary stress.

Don't take with you what you don't need

Moving is a great chance to finally get rid of a bunch of junk. Throw something away, give something to friends, have a sale, but don't carry all this load with you.

Label the boxes

Assign each room in the new apartment its own color, for example, the kitchen is red, the living room is green. Mark these colors on your plan.
When packing, stick a piece of colored paper on each box that matches the color of the room where the items from that box will be placed. It's very simple: bring the box into the room where you need to unpack it, and nothing will be lost. By the way, if your friends help you, it will also be very easy for them to explain the principle of operation.

Order in everything

Instead of writing down the contents of each box, make one big table with the box number and what's in it. Be sure to write this number on each side of the box.
It all seems very complicated. In fact, you will be surprised how much easier this system will make your move. If you need something urgently in the middle of the packing process, you can easily find it and then put it back where you got it. I'm not even talking about how easy it will be to unpack things in a new place.

Celebrate what's most important

Additionally mark boxes with items that you will need in the first days after moving (bath accessories, dishes) with bright tape. Now you will know what to unpack first. After all, there is simply not enough strength to do everything at once.

Eating without effort

Don't worry about cooking while moving. Do very simple dishes, for the preparation of which you will need a maximum of one pan. Use disposable tableware. This way you won’t have to be distracted by washing it and you will avoid a mess.

If you organize everything correctly, your move will be easy, without unnecessary worries and nerves. Good luck!

How to quickly organize a move

A popular saying aptly says that a crossing is like two fires. If we continue the analogy, then every person faced with this task also wants to put out two “fireplaces” - to move both inexpensively and as quickly as possible. Today we’ll talk about the second part - how to make moving easier and reduce the time spent on it.

This short article will share numerous secrets and life hacks that the “Lucky Everyone” team has accumulated over three years and which our users have shared.

A few simple steps will help you save not only time on moving, but also your precious nerves:

  1. Make sure you have the necessary packaging in advance: moving boxes, large thick bags, garbage bags. If you are unable to obtain them yourself, be sure to tell the carrier that you need them. Boxes can easily be obtained at any grocery store near your home by asking the seller about it - most often they are simply thrown out onto the street, otherwise they will serve the cause.

  2. Calculate in advance exactly how many boxes and packaging material you need. Order twice as much!

  3. Place your order for your move at least a few days before your planned date. Then the “Lucky Everyone” team will be able to find you maximum quantity proposals, and you will have time to discuss with the carriers all the nuances of transportation and achieve maximum savings.

  4. Pack wisely! You should not take boxes that are too large - then they will become absolutely unliftable and risk not being able to bear the load. Also, combine things wisely - wrap fragile items in a blanket, small items in shoes, etc.

  5. Compose detailed list things and find the strength to get rid of those that are no longer needed or have served their purpose. Before moving, sort your clothes by season and put items that are no longer needed in separate boxes. The same applies to other items (it is unlikely that you will need a sled anytime soon if you are planning your move in July).

  6. Mark the rooms of the new apartment with colored sticky notes in advance. For example, hang on front door kitchen piece of paper pink color. Then attach papers of the same colors to the boxes with kitchen utensils. Now movers will easily understand which boxes need to be taken to which rooms. We do this with all rooms: bedroom - green, living room - blue, toilet - red and then according to your taste.

  7. Label, label and label again. It seems simple, but rarely does anyone follow this advice. When preparing for a move, time becomes catastrophically short, everything falls out of your hands and out of your head, so it is not surprising that in a week the contents of many boxes will be comparable to Pandora’s Box for you. Do your future self a big favor and write in advance on each box what we will be transporting: personal utensils, things, furniture parts, souvenirs, clothes.

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