Why weight goes away, but volumes remain the same. The volume is going away, but the weight is standing: rejoice or cry? Secrets of replacing fat with muscle Why volume goes away Weight remains

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At one point, while performing any operation on his mobile device, for example, when trying to take a photo, download a file, or install an application, the user may encounter a “Not enough memory” notification on Android.

The situation is very unpleasant, because you can forget about any further comfortable use of your phone or tablet - the constant pop-up of a message simply will not allow you to work normally.

In this article, we will look at why Android writes insufficient memory and what to do to fix the problem with insufficient space on a mobile device.

Why does Android write "Not enough memory"

Why does the Android system write “Not enough memory”?

Mobile devices - tablets and smartphones, like computers, have data storage devices. But even despite the very large amount of built-in memory in modern mobile devices, it is still not unlimited and can run out. And when this happens, the Android device displays a message that there is not enough space.

What takes up a lot of memory on Android:

  1. Video. Videos in high resolution take up a lot of space;
  2. Photo. 1 conventional photograph takes a lot less space than 1 video, but due to the fact that many, many pictures are taken, this can ultimately lead to memory shortage;
  3. Temporary files. The Android operating system, when running, creates a lot of temporary files that are not needed and most likely will never be needed, but at the same time they take up a lot of space. The situation is similar with applications; they also generate a lot of temporary files. And the more applications, the more garbage will accumulate on the mobile device;
  4. Applications. Installing heavy applications, especially games, can be another reason why Android writes “Not enough memory”;

How to see how much memory is free Android

First of all, you should see how much memory is left on your Android device. To do this you need:

Not enough memory Android: what to do to clean the system

So, we have dealt with the main causes of the problem and you can probably already guess which one is your case. Now let's figure out what to do if Android doesn't write enough memory.

Clean Android memory using an app

The first thing you should do if you don't have enough space on Android is to use a special program to clear memory.

New versions of Android already have an optimization program by default. mobile device. Its shortcut can be found on the desktop of your smartphone or tablet.

If used old version operating system or the application is missing for some other reason, then if the remaining space allows, you should install the application:

How to clear Android memory:

Deleting Android files manually

In some severe cases, Android writes “Not enough space in the device memory” even when trying to install the “Cleanup Wizard” (if it is not a pre-installed program). But the problem is completely solvable.

You can simply delete a certain amount of data from your phone or tablet - erase a couple of video or photo files, delete some application.

Photos and videos can be deleted from the gallery, applications from the list of applications, and heavy files from the file manager, which is labeled “Explorer” on the desktop.

Instructions for deleting application cache:

Transferring data to an SD card or cloud storage

If you don’t want to delete anything, even one tiny photo is worth its weight in gold, then there is a solution for this too: you can transfer the data to an SD card or cloud storage, and put it there at least for the duration of cleaning.

The best option is an SD card. If you don't have it, then it's better to buy an SD card. What's the advantage? Yes, the fact is that, unlike cloud storage, the SD card is always available, no matter whether there is Internet or not. It can be used for quick exchange data always.

Residents of megacities where good internet always available and you can use cloud storage anywhere. Their undeniable advantage is that they are free, you don’t need to buy anything, just access to the Internet. I advise you to use Google Drive, which also has an app.

System reset

With the words “To hell with everything,” you can roll back the phone to factory settings using the “Hard Reset” function. Ever heard the phrase? “Start over from scratch”? For example, in films, or even in life? Yes? Well, the function of resetting the phone to factory settings will help the phone start over with a clean slate.

When performing the Hard Reset function, all settings will be reset and all data will be deleted. All that will remain is a phone with a “bare” operating system.

I probably won’t write about how to activate this function, otherwise I’m afraid that they’ll bombard me. rotten eggs for such advice, especially considering that the audience interested in cleaning the phone is usually not the most experienced users.

Hard Reset is a last resort if all else fails!

Android says not enough memory, although there is space

There are also situations when Android says not enough memory, although there is space on your phone or on a memory card, what should you do in this case?

  1. You can use the old one old-fashioned method And hit the phone hard on the table reboot the device, since it is quite possible that a system failure or error simply occurred;
  2. If the phone, in addition to the built-in memory, also has an SD card, then you should make sure that installing the application or performing any other file transfer operation is carried out exactly where there is free space;
  3. Clear the cache of Google Play and Google Service Framework applications, and remove updates.

Built-in memory is not enough Android

At the end of the article, if you still have some questions or unclear points, I advise you to watch the video, which clearly explains and shows what to do if the amount of built-in memory is insufficient in Android.

I hope this article was useful and now you know what to do if applications are not installed and the Android system says “not enough memory space” on your phone or tablet.

Sometimes, to lose weight, you need to gain a little weight. Suddenly? But it's true! Why does this happen and is it worth worrying about every gram gained on a diet, says MedAboutMe.

What is heavier - muscle or fat?

On the path to ideal weight, muscle mass plays a huge role - the more it is, the more actively fat is burned. Muscle is heavier than fat, which is why when active activities sports, and therefore growth muscle mass, first there is an increase, and only then the weight goes down.

Therefore, there is definitely no point in worrying that following a diet and being active does not give the expected results. Even if the scale arrow does not move or even goes up a little, the quality of the body improves. The following signs indicate this.

You wake up easier and feel more alert

Poor nutrition and excess weight always affect the quality of sleep. A person has difficulty falling asleep and sleeps restlessly. Fatty and heavy foods eaten at night cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and increase gas formation. Correcting the diet and proper weight loss relieves all unpleasant symptoms, the person losing weight gets a quality night's rest, and therefore wakes up cheerful and active.

The clock is striking 12!

The less sleep you get, the harder it is for you to lose weight. Lack of sleep disrupts hormonal balance. The body produces less of the hormone leptin, which makes you feel full, and more of ghrelin, which makes you hungry. Scientists joke: adequate sleep is the most effective and cheapest remedy against obesity.

Energy flows out of you

Healthy changes in lifestyle quickly produce results and can be seen even in small things. If you notice that routine work has become easier, you have more time to do and can climb to the 5th floor without the usual shortness of breath, you can rest assured that you are losing weight! No need to stop! Keep going towards your dream figure!

Uncontrollable outbreaks of hunger disappeared

A pleasant warmth in the stomach after a meal and a long feeling of fullness is another victory on the way to a wonderful goal - losing weight and gaining health. A well-designed diet eliminates outbreaks of uncontrollable hunger, and the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates provides energy without overloading gastrointestinal tract. A person eats freely between meals and always, at any time of the day, feels like an A+.

Right on target!

Fat cells live for about 7 years. When one cell dies, a new one grows to replace it. If a person decides to undergo liposuction, removing excess fat from the body using a special device, the body compensates for the loss of fat cells in other areas.

You drink more clean water

Many people confuse the feelings of thirst and hunger, but those who embark on the path of losing weight quickly learn to distinguish between similar symptoms. Timely quenching of thirst “kills” false appetite. At the same time, a high-quality drinking regime promotes rapid weight loss. Healthy body requires more water, and if you feel its call, you lose weight!

Do you like healthy food? If sweet pastries, fast food and high-calorie sauces from the supermarket are replaced by healthy products, this leads not only to weight loss, but also to “cleansing” the taste buds. A person begins to distinguish new shades of taste. Those notes that previously seemed weak to him are revealed brightly - in their entirety.

This is why proper food, which was previously perceived as boring and bland, begins to be liked. The fewer artificial flavor enhancers in food, the better you experience the true taste of foods and dishes.

Shall we have a snack?

According to the University of Minnesota, blue-collar workers are the most indiscriminate people when it comes to food choices. They choose unhealthy snacks to satisfy their hunger faster.

You started eating less

Losing weight by healthy products devoid of dangerous food additives and appetite whetters, does not “deceive” the taste buds and does not provoke appetite and the desire to eat another plate. You eat when your body needs to refuel. And it is this moderation in food that allows you to lose weight. Reward yourself for success - you are moving in the right direction!

Clothes have become looser

If your waist has become thinner and your hip circumference is smaller, don’t even doubt that your weight loss is going according to plan. Your figure becomes more harmonious and soon new pleasant changes await you - the health of your skin, hair and nails will improve.

Remember me!

A study by Swiss scientists showed that the memory of women who lost weight over 6 months was better than that of those who did not. And all because there is a connection between obesity and memory impairment.

Do you want to train?

Paradoxically, a person who is losing weight has “more” time in the day than everyone else. And all because the work in his hands goes smoothly and goes well, he can do everything, problems are solved almost with lightning speed. He becomes motivated to exercise, he enthusiastically does 50 squats and is also thinking about going for a run in the park? You don't need to think, you need to act! Your weight loss plan is working, don't stop!

You're in a great mood

Faithful companions excess weight and unhealthy obesity - loss of strength and bad mood. Sometimes they lead a person to depression, when it becomes impossible to lose weight without the help of a psychologist. A person who manages to overcome a pessimistic attitude at the start will certainly receive drive and positivity at the finish. What can I say - even halfway through the journey he feels joyful and can charge others with energy.

Sex or gym?

The results of a survey in England showed that more than 75% of the fair sex have sex not for pleasure, but in order to lose weight.

Expert commentaryMikhail Podkolzin, PhD, ecologist

You can’t rely only on what the scales show. They illustrate a single picture. How much weight does a person have? This is the wrong question. Or rather, there will be an answer to it. What does a person have? What does it consist of? The answer is obvious - from bones, flesh, tissue and other useful things. And the weight shows the total mass of them all, but with different proportions.

As soon as you step on the scale it shows general parameter. Or it could be that you weighed yourself for a week. Imagine - you are on a diet that coaches give to athletes. In this case, you only train, no work, family or other worries. Accordingly, you will not receive a chocolate bar, a cake with friends, or any other “delicious” treat. And the weight will reflect the true dynamics.

But people are not without weaknesses. Sandwich, extra bottle of water. Fat disappears, volumes decrease, muscles strengthen. But 2-3 kg of excess weight gained by accident will always be there. Therefore, you need to focus on strength indicators, body size, general well-being, and how clothes fit.

And finally, the answer to standard question- what to do? Very simple. Strict control over what we snack on and what we drink. A sandwich + pizza in the evening without lunch is not the same as lunch + afternoon snack + dinner. The set of calories is almost the same, but the value is completely different. Therefore, it is worth controlling these things and gradually the scales will go down.

Expert commentaryRoman Evgenievich Malkov, sports medicine doctor, nutritionist

Concept healthy weight loss is to lose fat, not muscle mass. Most diets can't do the job. This problem is successfully solved by a cyclic diet and EMS training.

The first month on a diet should be aimed at strengthening muscles. It is necessary to regain those muscles that were lost during previous attempts to lose weight. Additionally, we lose muscle mass all the time due to the natural aging process. All this leads to a slowdown in metabolism and a decrease in daily calorie needs. This is one of the reasons why losing weight becomes more difficult as you age.

Muscle is heavier than fat. For this reason, if you are losing weight in a healthy way, the scale may stay the same or even show weight gain. I explain to my patients that this is a sign of healthy weight loss, not to worry and to continue with the program. The lack of change in volumes should be a concern. Regular waist and hip measurements should be taken to assess progress. Bioimpedance diagnostics of body composition also helps.

Nutritionists are not specialists in the field of fitness and sports. Therefore, their recommendations for physical activity are insufficient. As a rule, nutritionists recommend “eating less and moving more”: walking, swimming, or running more. Such exercises are classified as aerobic, and very often aggravate the loss of muscle mass against the background of a calorie deficit.

How to lose weight correctly? First of all, you need to pay attention to your muscles and try to increase muscle mass. Aerobic exercise does not help with muscle gain like strength training. For this reason I recommend doing strength exercises, practice EMS training. These two types physical activity stimulate protein synthesis in muscles as effectively as possible and lead to muscle mass gain.

4 kg of muscle mass will not make you a bodybuilder, but it will help you become a more athletic person, increase your metabolic rate, improve your quality of life, and only after that should you concentrate on burning fat through aerobic exercise!

Most girls use scales to indicate their slimness: they say, 50 kg is normal, but 53 is already too much.

But, focusing on such an indicator, you miss the nuance of the body structure. After all, the same half-centner can look completely different!

Weight games

What's heavier: a pound of muscle or a pound of fat?)

Okay, the weight is the same. But in terms of volumes it will be different sizes! Here's a good example for comparison:

As is known, muscles are heavier. Therefore, even a small increase in muscle mass can give you an increase of 1-2 kg. But at the same time you look much fitter and slimmer!

But fat – light, but “lush”. Fat cells fill with fatty acids and swell. By increasing in volume, they make us visually larger and thicker, although this may not affect our weight as much.

Strength training and muscles

If you regularly exercise in gym, then it is natural that your muscles become denser and larger. Accordingly, body weight may increase slightly. Although, with a calorie deficit, whatever one may say, the increase will be small.

Many girls are scared. They seem to be working out, sweating, eating in moderation, and then bam, plus two kilos! IN in this case looking at weight is stupid.

It would be wiser to take measurements by volume: hips, legs, waist, chest, arms, etc. Record your measurements every two weeks, and then you will see real results.

obese woman measuring her waist with a measuring tape against a white background

In addition, you always have such an indicator as clothes! Yes, yes, it is she who will “tell” whether you have lost or gained weight.

And don’t think that if the weight is on the scale, you are not losing weight due to fat. There are many nuances here.

Weight loss and fat

Fat comes off slowly. To “burn” even a kilogram, we need to spend 7000 kcal.

However, even minus one unfortunate kg from your body - and it is already starting to look different.

While losing weight, water may be retained, fat cells may temporarily fill with fluid, you may gain muscle, etc. So, Don't focus on the scale, look in the mirror.

For comparison, you can make collages - and then enjoy and be motivated by your own results!

When losing weight, it's important to lose fat, not muscle. Therefore, if you adhere to a certain diet and work out in the gym, do not focus on weight!

When your hair is thin, you should not part it straight: there will definitely be no volume. To make any hairstyle look fuller, part your hair on the side - straight or zigzag.

2. Create a light backcomb


Combing, which is done with a regular comb, is a hello from the past. They look unnatural and out of date. There is another way to add volume to your hair using backcombing: use toothbrush. Part your hair and comb the strands next to it only at the very roots. Then move the parting a couple of centimeters to the side, repeat the procedure - and so on several times.

3. Wash your hair only at the roots

Not everyone knows how to really do it. If they are thin, stick correct technique especially important. Apply shampoo and massage your hair, creating a cloud of foam, only at the roots. If you do the same over the entire length of your hair, including the ends, which are dry and brittle, this will dry it out more. The hair will become fluffy, but will look like straw.

4. Do not apply conditioner to the roots of your hair.

There are also subtleties in using an air conditioner. On the contrary, it should not be applied to the roots. The rich texture of this product will weigh down the hair at the roots - accordingly, there will be no talk of volume. In addition, because of this, thin hair will become dirty even faster.

5. Dry your hair upside down

If you want to achieve volume, do not dry your hair by stretching it with a brush from roots to ends. It is better to lower your head down and direct the air flow from the hair dryer to the roots of your hair. This will lift it and make dried hair more voluminous and fluffy.

6. Keep your hair shorter

Long thin hair usually lacks volume: the weight pulls it down. It's a completely different matter - short and medium-length haircuts (above the collarbones). They are easy to style, hold their shape well and retain volume.

7. Layer your haircut

There is a solution for those who do not want to part with length, but still need volume. The main thing is not to cut your hair “along the line”, making a straight cut. In this case, the hairstyle will seem flat, the hair (especially thin) will not be thick, but sparse. At the hairdresser you need to do a multi-layered haircut with graduations. It will look more voluminous both with and without styling.


It is better not to dye thin hair one tone. More complex techniques, such as shatush and balayage, help to use color to emphasize individual strands and thereby visually increase the volume of hair. To enhance the effect, hair after this coloring should be styled with curled ends or waves.

9. Choose the right styling products

Those with fine hair need to pay attention to texture when choosing styling products. Not all of them contribute to volume; some make hair heavier. For example, you should not buy oils and gels. But light sprays, mousses and foams are what you need.

10. Apply styling products in moderation

You need to know when to stop even when using products with a suitable texture. Do not squeeze out a foam ball the size of a tennis ball from the bottle. In such an amount, the styling product will only weigh down the hair and deprive it of volume.


Dry shampoo is a miracle product for those with fine hair. Firstly, as you know, even in half a day they can become greasy and dirty at the roots. If you apply dry shampoo to your roots, it will absorb excess sebum. Secondly, this product lifts the hair at the roots and thickens it. Dry shampoo can also be applied to lengths of hair just to give it volume.

12. Curl your hair

Instead of straightening and smoothing your hair, curl it. Beach waves, like after swimming in sea water, Hollywood curls and lush curls give the desired result.

13. Make it messy

Another styling option is with the effect of deliberate negligence. Slightly tousled hair, loose or tied up, will appear fuller and thicker. By the way, to do this styling, dry shampoos, sprays with sugar or sea salt will come in handy. They help texture the hair.
