The influence of healthy sleep on the human body. What influences our dreams? Lack of sleep - consequences, effects on the body

During sleep, a person does not age, but the brain analyzes, sorts and “digests” the latest events that have occurred in our lives. It is thanks to this activity that we see dreams and can find in them answers to the questions that tormented us. Creative people often shared that the plots of their future books, poems, images of paintings, technical designs came to them precisely in a dream. Everyone knows the example of how D. Mendeleev dreamed periodic table elements.

The influence of sleep on human life

The duration of sleep is individual for each person. For some, a couple of hours a day is enough to get enough sleep, while others feel exhausted if they get less than 8-9 hours of sleep. Napoleon believed that it was necessary to spend “four hours for a man to sleep, five for a woman, and six - only an idiot can sleep,” and Leonardo Da Vinci, in order to be available for new ideas at any time of the day, slept only 15 minutes every 3-4 hours. In contrast, Einstein set aside 12 hours a day for sleep.

One thing is undeniable: sleep is essential. Lack of sleep clearly affects a person’s life. Due to constant lack of sleep physical body become sluggish, the skin loses tone and elasticity, blue circles appear under the eyes, chronic diseases worsen. Primary instincts can clearly manifest themselves - for example, you constantly want to eat. This is due to the fact that a person needs energy for life, and sleep, as one of its main sources, is selected. And the body is looking for other ways to replenish its strength.

With a lack of sleep, emotions of restlessness, suspiciousness, irritability, fear, anxiety appear, and obsessions are possible. The person loses a sense of reality and the ability to concentrate. In this state it can be controlled. It is necessary to treat sleep with care, adhering to a certain regime. After all, he is the protector of our health.

About dreams and their varieties

It is believed that those who go to bed before twelve at night retain youth and beauty much longer. Therefore, sleep before midnight is called the sleep of beauty, and after midnight - the sleep of health.

Sleep has its alternating phases of slow and fast sleep. During REM sleep, the brain processes information received during the day. During this phase, a person dreams and, if he is awakened, he will clearly talk about what he dreamed. Scientists say that everyone dreams, just not everyone remembers them.

In the middle of the last century, it was believed that normal people see black and white dreams, and those who are prone to schizophrenia or are on the verge of madness see colored dreams. But since over time, according to statistics, the percentage of people who see colored dreams has constantly increased, scientists had to change their point of view.

At the moment, according to some studies, there is a direct relationship between the ability to see and remember dreams and the development of intelligence. It is also generally accepted that everyone dreams in color, it’s just that for some they are not brightly colored. The more emotional a person is and the more active his lifestyle, the more vividly he dreams. You can also draw the opposite conclusion, if you have bright and colorful dreams, but it seems that nothing interesting is happening in life, you should look around and change your attitude towards what is happening.

It is believed that the dream of a person blind from birth consists of smells, sounds, tactile and taste sensations.

How to interpret your dream?

In ancient cultures, they believed that dreams were sent to humans by the gods, and only priests, shamans or oracles could decipher them. Scientific interest in dreams began in late XIX and the beginning of the 20th centuries. The impetus for it was the development of psychology, physiology and philosophy. The works of S. Freud became a real revolution in decoding dreams. His main support was that dreams are desires released into freedom, mainly sexual, which are suppressed by a person in real life. Even if in a dream a person saw a vase of flowers or a child walking along the road, the professor’s interpretation still had sexual overtones.

Should you take your dreams seriously? Should we believe the dream books or Talmuds of S. Freud? Most likely, the best interpreter of your dream can be the one who dreamed it. When deciphering the information received, it is worth relying not only on the symbolic images that a person saw in a dream, but also on what he was thinking about the day before, what experiences and events preceded the dream in his real life. Is the dream caused by stress? It is also worth paying attention to external factors, because, for example, a person may have nightmares due to the fact that he sleeps in a poorly ventilated room, i.e. feels physical discomfort.

According to statistics, there are a number of dreams that all people see without exception: teeth falling out, falling from a height, flying, failing exams, death of a person, persecution, situations at school or at work, etc.

It is also believed that in a dream a person more often experiences negative emotions(feelings of anxiety, fear, etc.) than positive ones. Although, perhaps, as in real life, positive, easy emotions require more effort and skill to maintain than those that are uncomfortable and painful.

Greetings to you, many respected parties to a healthy lifestyle! This year we've been talking about how sleep affects health. And also be sure to write down point by point how you need to sleep. It goes without saying that everything has links to . Although we, in general, have already talked about the benefits of sleep. And our post-yang chi-ta-te-li could with the pra-vi-la-mi sleep oz-na-ko-m-sya. But on the topic of how sleep affects health, scientific research is regularly coming out, with which it may be useful -let's go. Moreover, repetition is the mother of learning! Therefore, let's just deal with what has become known about dreams in recent times.

But before he talks about how sleep affects health, let’s get to the bottom of how you need to sleep. Because from a practical point of view, this is the most important thing! In view of this, try to follow the following simple rules: (1) sleep every day at the same time, (2) sleep at the same time -si-small-no-the-no-te, (3) before-va-ri-tel-but about-the-wind-ri-wai-te room and (4) you-equal-vai-te temp-pe -ra-tu-ru in a room up to 20–24°C. But if for some reason you are unable to fall asleep normally, then pop-ro-buy: (1) don’t look at blue light before bedtime and (2) medi-ti-ro-vat before going to bed, (3) and also take a hot bath before going to bed, or at least warm up your feet.

What should you not do?

If you don’t get enough sleep every day, you shouldn’t sleep on you -movable. This helps to improve the sleep-wakefulness regime and only ruins your position -nie. Just try to more or less adhere to the norms, and on weekends sleep as much as possible. What is 12–15 hours a day for children, 10–12 hours for teenagers, 7–9 hours for adults, and no less for older people? 6 hours a day. At the same time, try to avoid sleepless nights. Since, as the research suggests, even 1 sleepless night can have a seriously negative impact influence on health.

How to sleep correctly?

How does sleep affect your health?

In the most positive way! Because sleep fulfills a lot of vital functions. What can you learn about in our article about benefits of sleep . But not getting enough sleep can have a very serious impact on your health. For example, lack of sleep correlates with the development of anxiety disorders and dep-res-si . In addition, he pro-s-ts-i-ru-et the pi-sche-in-go-de-de-tion, helping to-s-t-vu-y cop-le-nyu overweight . And also, lack of sleep does not affect sucking the brain , pro-in-ci-ruya development of bo-lez-ni Alts-gay-mer-ra. Well, it goes without saying that the work-ability is not much lower than that of the person ka, from the rest of the time.

Conclusion: you need to sleep adequately and correctly, since you don’t get enough sleep for serious damage to your health and work that-spo-sob-nos-ti. As a result, if a person is not happy because of work, in the long-term he will be able to -the thread of her smaller neck, and not the larger number. It’s just that it won’t work effectively, but not for long. So, show your consciousness and sleep as much as you normally sleep!

What you do while you're awake can actually affect your dreams and how you sleep. We often feel like our dreams are beyond our control. However, newer research has shown that certain behaviors can actually affect your dreams in both good and bad ways. Find out what habits and daytime activities may be affecting your rest and try to change your dreams.
Do you want to learn how to relax better or have sweet dreams? Then listen to these tips:
1.Change your sleeping positions
Your sleeping position can have a significant impact on your dreams. Sleeping on the left side is more likely to result in nightmares, while resting on the right side of the body is associated with more peaceful dreams.
2.Take music lessons
Do you often hear music in your dreams? Researchers at the Sleep Laboratory at the University of Florence have discovered that young people who begin to study music begin to have “musical” dreams.
The study also found that 28 percent of people who dream about music have heard the tune at some point while they are awake.
3.Don't scare yourself
Watching horror movies or reading suspenseful novels before bed can cause your brain to replay its own scary stories.
In fact, any activity immediately preceding sleep can affect dreams, so take a few minutes in the evening to relax and think about something positive before you drift off.
4. Don't go to bed hungry
Feeling hungry while you sleep can reduce the quality of your sleep and wake you up due to low blood sugar. You might even dream of a delicious hamburger or cupcake!
Try eating a light snack before bed, such as a banana, nuts or crackers, to counteract this effect. Avoid fatty and spicy foods, which can lead to stomach upset.
5. Fall asleep to soothing smells and sounds
When you're dozing, strong smells like coffee or breakfast cooking can subconsciously sneak into your dreams. Some odors can cause positive dreams, while others cause negativity. Before bed, light scented candles or freshen the air with a couple of drops of your favorite perfume, and your dreams will be pleasant!

Surround yourself pleasant aromas, such as lavender or lilac, and pleasant sounds, such as the sound of the sea surf. Such environmental cues can influence dreams. In addition, make sure you have a comfortable mattress and a comfortable temperature.
6. Deal with daytime stress
Trying to avoid something or someone during the day, or suppress thoughts? This can lead to dreams that focus on this issue throughout the night, according to the teachings of Sigmund Freud.

Whether it's a work emergency, concerns about physical problems, appearance or relationships, attempts to suppress the issue often move it into dreams. Solve your questions throughout the day to clear your mind.
Maybe, best way to change your dreams are healthy habits and positive, happy thoughts before bed.
