Which tool companies are considered professional? How to distinguish and which one to choose

When choosing a power tool, most ordinary consumers have no idea what the differences are between professional and household sets.

In this regard, such people often end up with nameless drills at home with the inscription “Professional”, which cost up to 1000 rubles and fail after a few months, while a truly branded tool, although without fashionable inscriptions, can serve faithfully far from one year.

Color coding is intended to make the choice easier. For example, Bosch produces professional tool in blue, and the green tool is positioned as a household one.

However, since not every manufacturer resorts to such techniques, you should understand in more detail how professional and household tools differ.

Choosing a professional power tool

First of all, it should be noted that a professional power tool, regardless of the specifics of use, is intended for long-term and professional performance of its functions. Here we are talking not only about durability, but also about the ability of the device to work without interruption for several hours every day. An amateur instrument works no more than two hours. It follows that the first quality that distinguishes a professional instrument from an amateur one is its high survivability and reliability. This is achieved by using more reliable designs. For example, the place of a bushing or sliding bearing installed in an amateur tool is taken by a closed ball or roller bearing in a professional one.

Professional power tools have a body made of high-quality plastic, often reinforced. If the product is metal, then it is alloyed and heat-treated steel. Household tools, as a rule, do not have any additional treatments.

Differences are observed in the lubrication system. If bearings closed type work for years without losing a drop of lubricant, then other bearings even with regular care It will fail much earlier, since the lubricant simply flows out of them when the temperature of the device increases.

The professional instrument contains such useful feature, as a “soft start”, which protects the device from excessive voltage when turned on. In addition, there is most often a mode automatic shutdown when overheated.

Included with the professional tool are release clutches, which help when the working tool gets jammed. There is also dust protection, moisture protection, etc.

Naturally, more expensive tools can boast better ergonomic qualities, which are manifested in a comfortable handle, pleasant-to-touch materials, and conveniently located buttons. Such devices are capable of operating under almost any temperature conditions.

And the last thing is the variety of attachments. If the tool is professional, then you can always find a variety of attachments for the most different needs. Household options, unfortunately, do not offer such variety.

That's all. Thank you for your attention. Choose only professional power tools!

If the question arises as to which tools are now the most in demand, then the answer may be clear. Corded electric drills have become the most commonly used. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to visit several stores that provide dozens of options for models for sale. But how to choose a drill yourself?

Variations of another type of technical device are more modest. There should be no surprise, since drills are universal means, used in every home. With the help of such devices you can drill brick, wood, concrete, tighten fasteners and stir mortars. That is why we can conclude that the drill can be used anywhere and at any time.

It is important to know that with the help of such wonderful modern devices you can carry out grinding work of any complexity. In this matter, it is advisable to contact professionals or consultants in stores.

The difference between rotary hammers and drills

Before choosing a drill and settling on a specific type, some begin to doubt whether they need more: a drill or a hammer drill. That is why it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the differences and similarities of these devices for work.

Many of today's manufacturers of construction equipment provide types of impact drills. With the help of such devices it is possible to perform such work as:

  • production of holes of various diameters in materials of different production;
  • turning screws;
  • turning out self-tapping screws.

Hammer drills have the ability to drill holes in harder material and chisel if necessary.

Based on such similar performance characteristics, we can conclude that a rotary hammer is much more profitable than a drill, but there are also many advantages negative qualities. The main disadvantage is the price. The cost of rotary hammers is many times higher than that of drills. Rotary hammers do not have the ability to attach conventional drills, which are often needed for work and repair. In such cases, you have to resort to using adapters, which can be found in the standard package when purchasing this device. The use of an adapter significantly increases the length of the hammer drill, which can also create additional vibration, which affects the durability of the equipment and ease of use. The exception is those hammer drills that come complete with replaceable cartridges. But in cases where the maximum amount of work using the drilling function is not needed, you can choose an impact drill.

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Separation of tools into household and professional types

Each technical device is divided into household and professional use. Professional devices are needed in order to perform many hours of voluminous work every day. To create such equipment, high-quality material is used, and at a much higher level than for household appliances, which, accordingly, affects its reliability.

Household tools have their advantages in that they cost much less and weigh less. Among manufacturers there are many who focus specifically on ergonomics and convenience, which is very important for work. Household tools should not be used for more than 4 hours a day, and it is advisable to take a break every 15-20 minutes (to cool the engine).

The difference between professional power tools is that they are manufactured in more developed countries, where employees are allowed to work only with high categories and professionalism at the highest level. Regarding professional equipment, it is worth saying that household power tools and their production lie in less developed areas.

It is important to note that the best professional electric drills and hammer drills are created in Germany.

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What is the difference between professional tools and household ones?

To make it easier for customers to navigate the choice of tools, manufacturers began to mark equipment bodies in different colors and shades.

The main requirements by which a household appliance can be distinguished from a professional one are the choice of rated power, number of revolutions and rotation speed, and the possibility of a maximum diameter for drilling. An equally important point is the adjustment of rotation speeds. Almost every modern device there is a similar function. It is worth noting that the rotation speeds can be controlled by force when pressing the start button.

Two-speed electric drills have significant characteristics. In order to use them more rationally, manufacturers have equipped the devices with a wheel (or another regulator), with which you can fix the power in the desired mode.

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How to choose the right electric drill?

To begin with, you should do definite choice what the power tool is needed for and what functional responsibilities are required. The difference between the functions that may be built-in or not needed at all may depend on what the purchased drill is intended for. External data and the price of equipment can play a big role.

If there is no specific need, you do not need to buy an electric drill, which comes with unnecessary attachments, such as a plane, grinder, circular saw and so on. The presence of an excessive number of built-in functions can affect the quality of the device.

The best option is to use a drill strictly for its intended purpose. For example, a screwdriver should only be used to tighten fasteners on parts. Stop purchasing equipment with many built-in functions if they are all needed for the job and make up approximately 30% of the total volume of actions performed.

It is advisable to buy drills for home use in stores that specialize in selling power tools and can provide a certain number of guarantees. According to statistics, those devices that are purchased on the markets fail almost immediately.

It is advisable to use those devices that do not include absolutely everything that may be required. It is much safer to select everything separately.

Among drills, there are varieties with certain features that should be taken into account when purchasing:

  1. Impact drills. Such tools are used not only for rotational movement, but can also provide certain progressive pressure actions that are needed in order to increase productivity and expand the range of work. When working with fragile materials such as wood, plastic and drywall, the impact functions are disabled.
  2. Angle drills. Such tools are needed to work with hard to reach places And limited space. For example, when drilling surfaces with angles of 90°. As a rule, such devices are used to work on car repairs, furniture, and so on.
  3. Drill-driver. With the help of such a device it is possible to tighten and unscrew screws, screws and self-tapping screws. Basically, such devices have low power and a very compact size. Screwdrivers are used for everyday life, namely for furniture assembly, arranging scenery and so on.
  4. Drill mixer. In addition to the fact that such an electric drill has a drilling function, it has a function designed to stir fluid and liquid materials: mortars, paints, plaster and cement. As a rule, this type of drill does not have an impact function; there is an additional handle for attaching attachments.
  5. Cordless drill. You need to pay most of your attention to power sources. There are two types of drill. Some run on mains power, while others run on a battery (or battery in other words). Autonomous power supply is considered very useful where it is not possible to connect to the network. The disadvantages of such devices are that the duration of use is very short. That is why you have to change the batteries that come with it very often.

It’s worth choosing a drill with the right chuck, among which there are different types.

The use of a traditional chuck (or cam chuck) is done quite often. Fastening in it is done strictly using the keys that come with the kit.

There is a type of quick-release chuck. To secure the drill in in this case, you need to put in a little effort. The quality of such a cartridge is not inferior to a toothed one. But in this version there are two more subtypes: two-sleeve and single-sleeve. The first has a rotating ring and another one above it so that the clamp can be adjusted and loosened as required. Single-sleeve chucks are considered the easiest to use and are used when replacing drills.

which supplies to Russian market a lot of products for both professional and household use. Screwdrivers, drills, hammer drills, grinders, and Bosch milling cutters are popular among customers. Perhaps it is against the backdrop of this popularity that the question of the labeling of the company’s tools very often arises Robert Bosch.

As you know, many power tool manufacturers use an alphanumeric code in their model names. This code allows you to determine the most important parameters of the tool just by its name. This is exactly how Bosch labels its products, but in addition to this, color marking is also used.

Power tool color

So let's start with color. Go to any power tool store (you can also visit our store). What kind of colors can you see on the shelves: blue, green, yellow, orange, red, purple, gray... The variety makes your eyes widen! Some manufacturers only “paint” their products in the colors of their brand, but not all do this. And Bosch is a great example of this. By the color of a power tool you can determine its purpose: blue (dark green) is a professional tool, and light green is a household tool. Simple and clear.

  • For household tools- work no more than 4 hours a day with a 15-minute break every hour
  • For professional tool- work no more than 16 hours a day with a 15-minute break every hour.

Alphanumeric marking

The model names of Bosch power tools contain, as mentioned above, combinations of letters and numbers. Let's define what they mean. To make it more clear, let’s take the name of some hammer drill from our catalog. For example, a Bosch GBH 2-28 DFV rotary hammer (product code - 80892).
So, the marking is GBH 2-28 DFV. The first letter indicates the purpose of the tool:

G- professional, first letter from German word gewerblicher - commercial
P- household, the first letter from the German word persönlichen - personal
A- garden
B,D- measuring

We figured out the first letter: our Bosch GBH 2-28 DFV rotary hammer is for commercial use, that is, professional!

Now let's move on to the following letters (2 and 3 letters), which indicate the type of tool: BH is the designation of a hammer drill. Here is a list of other abbreviations:

B.H.(Bohrhämmer) - hammer drill
S.R.(Schlagbohrschrauber) - screwdriver
SH(Schlaghammer) – jackhammer
W.S.(Winkelschleifer) – angle grinder
S.B.(Schlagbohrmaschinen) – impact drill
B.M.(Bohrmaschinen) – hammerless drill
D.B.(Diamantbohrmaschinen) – diamond drill
EX(Exzenterschleifer) - eccentric sander
SS(Schwingschleifer) - orbital sander
HO(Handhobel) - plane
ST(Stichsägen) - jigsaw
KS(Kreissäge) – circular saw
S.A.(Säbelsäge) – reciprocating saw
OF(Oberfräse) - milling cutter
KF(Kantenfräse) – edge router
AS(Absaugsysteme) – vacuum cleaner
HG(Heißluftgebläse) - thermal blower
KP(Klebepistole) – glue gun
N.A.(Nager) nibblers
S.C.(Scheren) cutting scissors
P.O.(Polierer) – polishing machine
G.S.(Geradschleifer) - straight grinding machine
S.M.(Schleifmaschine) - sharpener
B.S.(Bandschleifer) – belt sander
D.A.(Deltaschleifer) - delta sander
R.L.(Rotationslaser) – rotational laser
LL(Linienlaser) – linear laser
P.L.(Punktlaser) – point laser
OL(Optisches Nivelliergerät) – optical level
MS(Multidetektor seiner) - detector
L.M.(Laser-Entfernungsmesser) – laser rangefinder
W.M.(Winkelmesser) - protractors
N.M.(Neigungsmesser) - levels
FS(Farbsysteme) - spray guns

By analogy, a manual professional router from Bosch will be designated as GOF, and a professional grinder - GWS... Got it? Let's move on!

Usually after three letters there are two numbers separated by a hyphen. They indicate the characteristic parameters of this type of tool. For example, for our Bosch GBH 2-28 DFV hammer drill, code 2-28 indicates the weight and maximum drilling diameter: 2 kilograms and 28 millimeters. On an angle grinder you can find the designation 15-125, which indicates the power and maximum diameter of the disk: 1.5 kW and 125 mm.

The last letters usually indicate additional functionality of the tool. However, standard capabilities are usually not specified. Here are some codes for the last letters in the markings: Bosch tool:

A– (Absaugeinheit) built-in dust removal system
B– (bügel) yoke handle
C– (Constant-Electronic) rotation speed stabilization system when the load increases
D– (Drehstopp zum Meißeln) rotation lock
E– (Elektronik) rotation speed adjustment
F– (Futter) replaceable drill chuck
H– (Handgriff) straight handle
I– (Intellegent) starting current limitation, protection against unintentional switching on and jamming during operation (KickBack stop), new housing fixation (LVI)
J– starting current limitations
L– (Leistungsstark) increased power or performance
P– (Pendelung) the presence of a pendulum
R– (Revers) reverse, switching direction of rotation
T– (Torque-Control) torque adjustment
V– (Vibration-Control) special system for protection against vibration
X– circle braking system (Bosch Brake-System)

Thus, our Bosch GBH 2-28 DFV rotary hammer has the following additional features: D - rotation lock, F - replaceable drill chuck, V - vibration protection. Some functionality is not indicated, since it is standard for similar hammer drills...

Well, that’s all we wanted to tell you about the labeling of Bosch products. We hope the information was useful!

Users of the site prefer to renovate apartments and build houses themselves. In order for the repair to be high-quality, and the construction of the house not to turn into a long-term construction project, reliable assistants are needed - different types of power tools. Many companies have a line of professional and amateur tools. We will tell you what a home master needs in our material.

You will learn the answers to the following questions:

  • What is the difference between an amateur instrument and a professional one?
  • What features of a power tool should you know before purchasing it?
  • Does a home craftsman need professional devices?
  • At what stage of work is it necessary to switch from an amateur device to a professional one?
  • Which basic set everyone should have home handyman

Main selection criteria

When thinking about purchasing a power tool, first of all, you need to decide on the scope of work. Hanging a chandelier or a picture in an apartment is one thing, but it’s a completely different matter when you have to build a cottage. If you hang a picture using conventional drill, then when building a cottage you will need a whole arsenal of mechanical assistants.

All types of power tools can be divided into battery-powered and electrically powered. It is also customary to divide it into amateur and professional.

Company specialist "AllTools" Alexander Dubov:

– Models of amateur and professional power tools differ significantly in price. The cost is influenced by the service life, reliability and functionality.

Two drills perform one task - drilling holes. But a professional drill is designed for long-term use throughout the entire working day. This is achieved through better cooling or the presence of overheating protection.

Such a drill may have electronic speed control, several speeds, and a function soft start, maintaining constant speed under load.

Reliability, functionality and performance determine the class of the tool and affect its cost.

Company power tool expert BoschVasily Ivanov :

– Professional tools are designed to work on construction sites and in difficult conditions. It has increased resource and wear resistance. If frequent use is expected, then it is better to choose a professional one. If not frequent, then amateur.

When choosing a tool, you should pay attention to the fastening of the equipment, how quickly it changes, whether additional tools to replace it. Convenient location of controls and ergonomics are important.

Master Consultant hypermarket OBI Khodynskoye Pole Evgeny Babichev:

– A professional tool, unlike an amateur one, has better cooling, dust protection, a stronger body and higher quality parts. For example, a professional angle grinder has a metal bearing, while an amateur angle grinder has a plastic bushing.

The main differences between an amateur instrument and a professional one:

1. Working time:

  • professional – 200 hours/month;
  • amateur – no more than 20 hours/month.

2. Operating mode:

  • professional – 40 minutes of work, 10 minutes of rest; designed for use no more than eight hours a day;
  • amateur – 10 minutes of work, 10 minutes of rest; Designed for use no more than five hours per week.

Evgeny Babichev:

– To understand what tool you need, first of all, you need to determine for what work and in what mode it will be used.

As an example, let’s take a professional and amateur drill/driver from two different manufacturers and consider their technical characteristics.

Characteristics of a professional cordless drill/driver:

  • Battery charging time – 1 hour;
  • torque – 30N/m;
  • The set includes two rechargeable batteries;
  • can screw a self-tapping screw measuring 4.2x150 into wood without pre-drilling;
  • can work non-stop.

Characteristics of an amateur cordless drill/driver:

  • Battery charging time – from 3 to 5 hours;
  • torque – 11N/m;
  • One battery is included;
  • can screw a self-tapping screw measuring 4.2x65 into wood without pre-drilling;
  • You cannot work non-stop.

Therefore, amateur devices will have to be stopped more often to cool or recharge. This can significantly increase the time of repair or construction, while a professional tool will allow you to complete the same amount of work in a shorter period of time.

When to switch from a amateur device to a professional one

Buying an expensive professional tool is a responsible step for a home craftsman.

Opinion of a forum member with a nickname Roracotta:

– It all depends on personal needs and preferences. If a person is no longer satisfied with an amateur instrument, then he acquires a professional one. I know several great craftsmen who have amateur tools, and this does not affect the quality of their work. It is not profitable for a home master to immediately purchase professional devices. I recommend that you first get better at it, and as your skill and experience grow, you will understand whether it is necessary to purchase a professional instrument.

Vasily Ivanov:

– In my opinion, a professional tool is necessary if a person is professionally engaged in repair or construction.

Alexander Dubov:

– It’s difficult to define a clear line. If you use a drill every six months to drill a couple of holes in the wall to hang a shelf, then it is irrational to buy a professional tool.

In some cases, a home craftsman should purchase so-called multitools - tools that perform several operations: from grinding and cleaning surfaces to cutting workpieces. Their capabilities depend on the set of equipment. One such tool can replace at least two – a grinder and a saw.

Also, before purchasing a device, you should consider what tasks will need to be solved in a year. If over time you will need to work with the tool more often and more intensively, then it makes sense to spend a little more money Today. Then you won’t have to spend money on buying another, more functional model again.

Alexander Dubov:

– An amateur model is not as functional as a professional one and may not withstand heavy loads. If you have to use a drill to build plasterboard partitions, finishing the facade of a house with siding or in large-scale construction, and the work will be carried out every day, for several weeks in a row, then you can immediately think about buying a professional-class model.

Regardless of whether the model is amateur or professional, it must be of high quality and reliable!

What should be in a home master's arsenal?

Although the home workshop can be equipped almost endlessly, there is a basic set that any DIYer should have.

Alexander Dubov:

– The home craftsman’s arsenal can vary significantly depending on the tasks he faces. This could be renovation of an apartment or construction of a private house or cottage. Many people work in a garage or garage, where they need not only tools, but also devices for organizing the workplace and personal protective equipment.

Here is what is most in demand in everyday life:

1. Drill – necessary for drilling holes in wood, metal or plastic.

2. Cordless screwdriver - indispensable for assembly work, where there are many threaded connections.

Particularly convenient when there is no electricity. A universal option can become a cordless drill-driver, which can not only tighten fasteners, but also drill holes.

3. Impact drill or a hammer drill are needed to make holes in concrete and other solid substrates.

If you only need to make a few holes in concrete, then you can get by with just a hammer drill.

If you plan large-scale work on drilling brick, concrete or dismantling work (chipping tiles from walls, etc.), it is better to take a hammer drill.

4. Grinder (angle grinder) – necessary for cutting metal and stone (concrete, brick, ceramic tiles).

You can install a peeling or grinding wheel for cleaning and polishing various surfaces.

5. Jigsaw – necessary for figure cutting wood, plywood and laminate.

You must also have a set of hand tools.

Alexander Dubov:

– To perform various types of work, a universal kit is suitable, which may include: a hammer, pliers, screwdrivers, wrenches and many attachments.

For specific tasks there are carpentry, plumbing and automotive kits.

FORUMHOUSE contains all the information. The topic of our form contains the most complete set of professional information. Read about when working with these devices. Find the answer to the question, what kind of power tool?

Every home handyman and qualified specialist has a set electric tool, which may include a screwdriver, grinder, drill, hammer drill, jigsaw, etc. If you decide to add new devices to your arsenal, but don’t know which company to choose so as not to overpay and be satisfied with the performance of the tool, we recommend that you carefully read this material. For site readers, we have prepared a rating of the best power tool manufacturers in 2017. We immediately draw your attention to the fact that the list will be compiled according to the principle of starting from the highest quality, but expensive brands to budget ones.

For industrial purposes

Anyone who has dealt with Festool tools is unlikely to speak poorly of their reliability. We personally worked with a disk router, with which we successfully milled aluminum composite slabs for more than a year. Perfect quality of work, nothing to complain about. Otherwise, power tools are prohibitively expensive, so they are only suitable for industrial purposes, construction business, where it will quickly recoup its value.

By the way, the first place along with Festul is shared by Protool, whose instrument is also expensive, but of high quality!

American manufacturer of high quality tools. The business card of this company is black and red colors. As with Festul, you will have to pay a premium for a reliable American power tool, but it's worth it. There are quite a lot of devices in the line interesting models, which you will not find from other manufacturers.


Hilti closes our ranking of the best manufacturers of industrial tools. Both consumables and power tools have high quality, but also at an appropriate price. We haven’t personally come across Hilti, but judging by the reviews on the Internet, the products are completely worth the money and it makes sense to buy them only for earning money, one might say even for business.

For professionals

The first place in this class is rightly occupied by the Japanese manufacturer of power tools - the company Makita, which has been confidently leading the Russian market for quite a long time. The reason for this is excellent reliability and at the same time reasonable price. A wide range of products allows you to choose the right tool not only for professional use, but also for domestic needs (periodic repairs).


Another fairly well-known manufacturer that specializes not only in power tools, but also in general household appliances. The Bosch company, by the way, is also one of.

Returning to the tool, I would like to note that for professional purposes you need to choose devices blue, which are specifically designed for long-term use. In addition, blue screwdrivers, hammer drills, etc. have higher technical characteristics. In terms of reliability and price, Bosch tools are optimal, so we recommend choosing them for the job.

The American company DeWalt was included in our rating because... In terms of reliability, power tools from this manufacturer have proven themselves to be positive side. The only reason why you won’t find yellow-and-black screwdrivers and hammer drills everywhere is because of their higher cost, although it is completely justified.

Still, if you want to choose a quality tool for the job, pick up a model from DeWalt and any other Japanese analogue for comparison. You will feel the result yourself.

A brand no less recognizable on the Russian instrument market. German quality and reasonable price (slightly above average) have won the hearts of many professional installers. Still, due to its higher cost, Metabo loses to its competitors, because technical characteristics products are not better than Bosch or Makita, but nevertheless, everyone has their own preferences.

If you get a good Metabo screwdriver or hammer drill at a discount, you can buy it with confidence. The quality is guaranteed, as you can verify by reading the relevant reviews on thematic forums.

Another Japanese power tool manufacturer that should definitely be included in the ranking the best companies for professional use. Please note that recently there have been many negative reviews regarding the quality of Hitachi tools, as well as problems with manufacturer warranty workshops.

We can’t say anything about this; we’ve personally been using Hitachi for several years now and have no complaints about the work. Moreover, our Hitachi DS12DVF3 screwdriver has already fallen about a dozen times and, thanks to its rubberized body, is still alive, even the handle is not cracked. That’s why we strongly recommend it to those who have decided.

Also among the best manufacturers of professional power tools are brands such as AEG and Kress, but due to the fact that they are in little demand, and we ourselves have not used them, it is difficult to say anything definite. If you have experience and opinions about these brands, you can tell us in detail about them in the comments below the post, or on ours.

For home craftsmen


Yes, we were not mistaken, Bosch was included in yet another rating - power tools for home use. Screwdrivers, drills, etc. green ones are much cheaper and at the same time better than alternative budget products. If you need accessories for home repairs, we recommend paying a little extra and buying Bosch rather than products from other inexpensive manufacturers, which we discuss below.

Every year, the domestic manufacturer of power tools raises its quality bar by more high level. Even on the popular Yandex.Market you can find many models from Interskol with a rating of 5 out of 5, with a lot of positive reviews not only from jacks of all trades, but also from specialists. At relatively budget price Interskol's quality is average, so if you don't find a suitable Bosch, you can support the Russian manufacturer.

We recommend using these two brands of semi-professional power tools for home use, because... We are confident in quality. There are also budget brands Bort, BLACK & DECKER, Ryobi, Skil and Zubr (Russia), but there are too many negative reviews regarding the quality of this product, so we do not want to advise you on it. You can, of course, come across really successful models that last for several years, but this is rather an exception, so see for yourself.

Here we have provided a list of the best power tool manufacturers in 2017. We hope you liked our rating and it helped you in choosing the right company for own conditions applications!

