DIY bath bombs: step-by-step recipes with photos and videos. DIY bath bomb (fizzy balls)

You've probably seen them in stores. natural cosmetics. Bright, fragrant and... quite expensive. You can pamper yourself much more in a budget way, if you organize a home spa yourself. Make your own bubble bath bombs! You can add your favorite aromatic oils, flower petals, sea salt and much more, creating a unique product that you can use not only for yourself, but also give as a gift to your friends.

How to make a bath bomb

To make a homemade bomb, you will need thin disposable gloves, a large bowl, a spray bottle with cool water, a sieve, and molds - they can be either round or any other. Muffin tins, cookie tins, or regular egg cartons are quite suitable. Additionally, you will need these ingredients for the base:

    250 g baking soda

    100 gr citric acid

    5−7 ml vegetable oil

Additional Ingredients:

    10 ml aroma oil

    food coloring

    Is everything ready? You can start making bombs! The size can be any - it is better to start with small ones so that they keep their shape and do not fall apart. So, first, sift the soda so that there are no lumps. Mix it in a large bowl with citric acid.

    Now add oil - aroma oil and a little vegetable oil (it can be anything - olive, for example). Stir quickly to prevent the mixture from sizzling.

    Now it's time for the food coloring - add a little at a time and mix thoroughly until you reach the desired color.

    Sprinkle the resulting mixture with water. The consistency should be such that you can form something with your hands, but still quite crumbly.

    Fill the molds and leave to dry for 6-8 hours in a dry, warm place. Ready! It is advisable to use them fresh and not store them for too long.

Bath Bomb Recipes

What oils, dyes, salts and other ingredients can be added to the classic recipe? We offer several combinations:

    Lavender + sea salt. To create this beautiful and fragrant bomb you will need 20 drops of lavender oil, 1 tbsp. dried lavender leaves (if available), 1 tbsp. sea ​​salt and 2 tbsp. jojoba oils. Don't forget a pinch of lilac dye!

    Rose with cocoa butter. A real gift for romantics! Ideal for taking a bath together. By the way, you can make such a bath product in the shape of a heart. You will need 50 ml cocoa butter, 10 drops rose oil and 5 drops ylang-ylang oil. And also pink food coloring.

    Honey and lemongrass. A gentle product that also takes care of the skin! To create it you will need 10-15 drops of lemongrass oil, a little hard, dense honey and a handful oatmeal for decoration. Additionally, you can add a couple of tablespoons of milk powder. It will turn out very fragrant!

Greetings, dear friends!
Today we will talk about maintaining personal hygiene and how to make an ordinary action an especially pleasant and interesting procedure. Most children enjoy bath time because it relaxes them and relieves stress. After this procedure I sleep well. And washing can be turned from a hygienic procedure into an exciting game. And children's bath bombs will help us with this.

Of course, every child receives his first ablution immediately after birth. And in the future, taking a bath becomes a regular daily ritual. Hot water, soap and a washcloth already perfectly cleanse the skin. So what are bombs and why are they needed in the bath? The fragrant balls received such a formidable name because of their shape and ability to “explode” - dissolve with hissing and gurgling.

This is a nice addition that makes bathing a fun and rewarding experience. Of course, children love to watch how, after lowering the ball into hot water, it begins to geyser, foam and hiss. If the fizzy drink contains dyes, the foam will be colored delicate color, A essential oils and flavorings will give a delicious smell.

Bombs or geysers can be divided into two groups.

According to the effect on the central nervous system

  • calming;
  • stimulating.

While calming fizzy drinks are recommended for excitable, anxious and emotionally unstable children who are prone to irritability. They will also help children with sleep disorders. In contrast, stimulating and invigorating ones are good for slow, inactive children. Suitable for those who find it difficult to concentrate.

According to production method

  • industrial ones, which can be bought in a store;
  • self made– made by craftswomen taking into account all your wishes;
  • homemade - made with your own hands.

Let's talk about why bath bombs are useful or harmful. If you buy balls in a store, you may encounter that the composition will contain various chemical additives: surfactants, dyes, flavors, preservatives. Surfactants are added to make the geyser foam more intensely, dyes give the bath bomb a pleasant color, fragrances give it a delicious smell, and preservatives help it be stored for a long time.

If natural dyes, such as saffron, were used in production, then such a product will not cause any harm. But more often in industry they use chemical compounds, and this is not very good for the baby’s delicate skin. However, artificial flavors and fragrances may cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, carefully study the composition when choosing a bathing product.

A bath bomb is more useful if it is made at home, because you select its composition entirely from natural and healthy ingredients, taking into account the needs of your child. Undoubtedly, the process of making a bomb with your own hands together with children will become not only an entertaining, but also an educational pastime.


The main ingredients of any pop are regular baking soda and citric acid. Of course, any housewife has these components in her kitchen, since they are often used in cooking. Almost always cheap and available. The action of the geyser is based on the fact that a dry mixture of sodium bicarbonate and acid, when it gets into the water, reacts and begins to spin, bubble and hiss. This softens the water. “Limonka” is a good natural antioxidant, and the properties of soda to relieve itching and inflammation have long been known. In addition to the main components, you can add:

  • powdered milk or cream
  • sea ​​salt
  • flower petals or ground dried flowers
  • emollients and essential oils
  • spices
  • cosmetic clay
  • vitamins

How to do it yourself

Of course, the manufacturing process is simple and accessible even to an older child. There is only one component that needs to be prepared without the presence of children, citric acid. To do this, grind its crystals using a coffee grinder into a homogeneous powder. Of course, it is better to do this with a mask or respirator, because the smallest particles can irritate the respiratory tract. So, everything is ready, you can start. There are three manufacturing methods: with the addition of water, with the addition of alcohol and using a spray bottle. The basic ratio of acid and soda is 1:2, i.e. For 1 tablespoon of lemon you need to take 2 tablespoons. sodium bicarbonate.

Basic rules

  • mixing utensils must be well wiped;
  • It is better to work with gloves, because... high humidity hands can cause a reaction of the main ingredients with each other;
  • You can take any mold - a yogurt cup, a silicone baking mold, a mold from a children's sand set;
  • Thoroughly mix the dry parts first, then add the liquid ones, rubbing well;
  • compact the mixture very tightly;
  • remove from molds after at least 4 hours;
  • do not store for a long time, it is better to use immediately; storage in a dry place, well wrapped in film, is allowed;

The properties of bath bombs depend on the additional components included. Add essential oils and herbs based on your child's preferences, desired effect, and taking into account possible allergic reactions. If your baby has diathesis or bronchial asthma, it is better to avoid using ethers completely.


As an illustration, here are several recipes for children's bath bombs, many of which you can easily make from scrap materials.


Promotes relaxation and calms due to the menthol contained in mint. Undoubtedly, it gives peace and improves sleep. First, mix all the dry ingredients, add base oil to them and grind the mixture well. If it remains crumbly, add a few drops of water, rubbing thoroughly and quickly to avoid a reaction. At the end, add a drop of peppermint essential oil. Then press tightly into the mold and let dry.

  • 1 tablespoon sea salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. citric acid;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sodium bicarbonate;
  • 1/3 teaspoon of base oil (olive, grape, castor);
  • ground dry mint;
  • a few drops of green food coloring;
  • 2-3 drops of mint essential oil.


It is good because it softens and nourishes the skin. The principle of its manufacture is the same as in the previous case.
Take citric acid and soda in a ratio of 1 to 2, add one tablespoon to them. powdered milk or cream and one tbsp. cocoa. After this, stir well, add base oil and a few drops of vitamin E.


Of course, it stimulates activity and gives a joyful mood. Add 1 tbsp to the main mixture. cornstarch and then 1/3 tsp. base and a few drops of orange and sweet tangerine essential oils. Saffron will give a bright orange pleasant color if you use it as a natural dye. If desired, add 2-3 drops. cinnamon essential oil. The combination of cinnamon and citrus produces a warm, sweet, bright aroma.


Promotes relaxation and rest, and also relieves anxiety and normalizes sleep.
Mix soda and lemon as in the first recipe, then add a tablespoon of sea salt, tsp. milk powder, half a tsp. castor oil, a few drops of lavender ether, 1-2 parts of blue food or cosmetic coloring.

In order to make multi-colored geysers, you need to prepare a mixture of several colors and pour them into the mold in layers or in random order. Use crushed dried flowers, cocoa or coffee, rose petals, saffron if you want to get variety. Do not add coloring components if your plans are for a dye-free bomb. As a result, it will be dazzling white!


Sometimes it happens that during the cooking process, when adding water, the mixture immediately begins to sizzle. Then add the liquid drop by drop, trying to rub thoroughly. For this purpose, you can moisten the mixture from a spray bottle. However, you should not get carried away, otherwise the soda will react with the acid. And unfortunately, all the work will be in vain. Be careful, because the humidity should be such that the pulp is easily compacted and does not crumble.

You can be absolutely sure that your little one will love helping you make pops. Moreover, swimming with them will become his favorite pastime. However, we must not forget that although sea salt, oils and soda are good for the skin, it is not recommended to use such products every day. Once every 2 weeks is enough. You should throw a ball or figurine into hot water, only then will it work and reveal its properties fully. Keep in mind that you need to take such a bath at the end of washing. After all hygiene procedures with soap are completed.

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My acquaintance with bath bombs began with one women's forum for young mothers! There, a girl I knew described how she managed to find time to soak in the bathroom, having previously dropped flavor bomb!

My acquaintance with bath bombs began with one women's forum for young mothers! There, a girl I knew described how she managed to find time to soak in the bathtub, having previously thrown a fragrant bomb into it! I asked around, found out and understood! In our city, bath bombs are not sold! No problem! Not on sale, there is a way out! I made my own bath bombs and didn’t regret it!

A little about bombs! Lately, bath bombs have been gaining popularity! Otherwise they are called geysers. Bombs are a recipe made from certain ingredients in certain proportions and mixed together! When dropped into water, the bombs become effervescent, bubbling and then dissolve. This is due to the content of soda and citric acid in the bombs. In addition, oils, various extracts, sea salt have a beneficial effect on the skin and well-being.

How to make a bath bomb at home

Taking a bath is always pleasant, but having previously dissolved a bomb in it is doubly pleasant! So, watch the tutorial on how to make a bath bomb.

Bath bomb recipe and materials needed:

  1. Baking soda - 10 tablespoons;
  2. Citric acid – 5 tablespoons;
  3. Sea salt – 2 tablespoons;
  4. Food coloring;
  5. Essential oil (to your taste) - about 20 drops;
  6. Fatty oil (preferably olive) - 1 teaspoon (no more);
  7. 1 tablespoon cream (dry);
  8. Chopped dried or natural herbs;
  9. Glass container;
  10. Gloves;
  11. Bomb molds (you can use ice molds)

Let's start by making sure to wear gloves! Then in a glass bowl, mix citric acid and soda until smooth. Add food coloring, any color and sea salt.

Add essential and fatty oils. Then add dry cream and chopped herbs. Stir the mixture until smooth. A properly mixed mixture will stick together well. If it is crumbly, then you need to add a little water. But don't overdo it! A reaction may begin. If hissing begins, then you need to add a little acid and soda.

From the resulting mixture we make a ball of a future bath bomb.

Then you need to compact the mixture tightly into the molds. For bomb molds, you can use tennis balls cut in half, as well as children's toys and egg cells.

All this needs to be left to dry! After 15 - 20 minutes, carefully remove the bombs from the mold. Properly made bath bombs are easy to remove and will not crumble in your hands.

Everything is ready! On the eve of Women's Day, I was already puzzled by the question of what to give my friends on March 8th! And I already know exactly what I will give! The gift will be - DIY bath bombs! They will definitely like it, I know women's nature!

Video: making a heart-shaped bomb

In this video, Yulia Mordvinova, a master of handmade soap and cosmetics, shows a master class on making a heart-shaped bath bomb.

Lavender bath bomb - a relaxing experience

Recipe ingredients:

  1. Baking soda - 4 tablespoons;
  2. Citric acid - 2 tablespoons;
  3. Sea salt - 1 tablespoon;
  4. Powdered milk - 3 tablespoons;
  5. Wheat germ oil - 2 tablespoons;
  6. Lavender oil - 20 drops;
  7. Crushed dry lavender - 1 tablespoon;

Preparation lavender bath bomb:

  1. First, choose a convenient container for making a bomb. A deep braid will do just fine. Mix baking soda and citric acid. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly with a spoon.
  2. then add milk powder and continue stirring until smooth.
  3. Now slowly (literally drop by drop) pour in the wheat germ oil.
  4. The next step is to continue adding lavender essential oil to the mixture. We also add slowly.
  5. Now we need: lavender herb and sea salt. Mix them into the mixture.
  6. Take a sprayer or pulverizer and spray water little by little, while continuing to stir with a spoon. How to determine if there is enough water? It’s very simple, as soon as the mixture starts to hiss or foam, it means it already has enough water.
  7. It's time to be kids! Do you remember how in childhood they made various molds from sand? If we have already forgotten, then we will remember! Take any small mold and grease the inside with vegetable oil. We put the resulting mixture into it, lightly compact it and place the finished mold on a clean sheet of paper.
  8. Recommended drying time for a lavender bomb: 5-7 hours.

Effervescent bath bomb – “Romance”

Recipe ingredients:

  1. Baking soda - 60 grams;
  2. Citric acid - 60 grams;
  3. Cocoa butter - 60 grams;
  4. Chopped oatmeal (powdered) - 3 tablespoons;
  5. Rose oil (rose essential oil) - 5 drops;
  6. Liquid food coloring - 10 drops;
  7. Liquid bergamot - 10 drops;
  8. Ylang-ylang essential oil - 10 drops;

Preparation effervescent romance for the bath:

  1. Cocoa butter has found its use in cosmetology and skin care products, and it is not surprising because it has many useful properties. It nourishes, tones and moisturizes the skin making it smoother. So, take a piece of cocoa butter and melt it in a water bath in the microwave. If microwave oven If you don’t have one, it doesn’t matter - it can also be heated using a regular radiator.
  2. Cool slightly and gradually add essential oils and liquid food coloring. Mix the resulting slurry thoroughly.
  3. Now add the remaining ingredients: baking soda, citric acid and chopped oatmeal.
  4. Mix the mixture thoroughly with your hands until smooth. If you are an expert in cooking, then you will feel how the consistency will be close to shortcrust pastry.
  5. Transfer the mixture into a mold.
  6. Now we need the future bath bomb to harden. To do this, place the mold in the refrigerator until completely hardened, or place it in freezer. As a rule, 20-30 minutes is enough for this.
  7. Remove the frozen bomb from the mold and wrap it in plastic wrap.

Mineral bath bomb - skin care with the tenderness of roses

Mineral bomb composition:

  1. Baking soda - 200 grams;
  2. Citric acid - 100 grams;
  3. Curry - 10 grams;
  4. Magnesium sulfate - 100 grams (Epsom salt);
  5. Glycerin - 1 tablespoon;
  6. Almond oil - 1 tablespoon;
  7. Rose oil (rose essential oil);
  8. Fresh rose petals;
  9. Running water - 1 dessert spoon;

Step-by-step production mineral bomb:

  1. First we need to mix three dry ingredients: baking soda, citric acid and magnesium sulfate (also known as Epsom salt, sold in pharmacies). Stir the resulting mass thoroughly until smooth, so that there are no lumps.
  2. Carefully add glycerin to the mixture and mix.
  3. Mix both essential oils: almond and rose.
  4. Now, using curry, we color the resulting slurry a light lemon color.
  5. Add water and mix thoroughly. Do not be alarmed when the mass begins to foam slightly and increase, the reaction has begun. How to determine that the mass is as it should be? It’s very simple - squeeze it in your fist, and if it doesn’t crumble, you’ve achieved a dense consistency.
  6. The next step is to decorate the bath bomb with rose petals. If you are using fresh petals, simply place them on the bottom of the mold, and then put the mixture on top, compacting it tightly. If you have dry rose petals, you need to moisten them before arranging them.
  7. Recommended drying time: 48 hours.

Video: milk bath bomb in action

At the end of the master class, I want to show what has already been written about so much. Of course, about how to use bath bombs and what they do in action! The video shows a wonderful example of a bubbling bomb that spins on the surface while simultaneously releasing healing clay and dried flowers.

I love taking baths and I love bubble baths. They are so pleasant, and the bubbles tickle your skin so gently, it’s like you’re in a mini-jacuzzi.

There is just one thing, they are very expensive in stores, and you don’t want to spend 200, and sometimes 600, rubles for one bath. I found a way out - I started making these bombs myself! Besides, I found my hobby in this, because there is such scope for creativity. And now there is always something to give to friends, relatives and acquaintances 😀

Making bombs is quite easy: you don’t need anything supernatural to create them, everything can be found at home or in nearby stores.

The recipes are quite different, but the main ingredients remain the same - citric acid and soda. It is thanks to their interaction that such a reaction is obtained. We also need a mold, but you can use a regular ping pong ball cut in half, molds for candy and ice, children's sand molds and the like.

Auxiliary components: how to add more volume, mass, usefulness and beauty to bombs

Also, for volume, weight and additional usefulness, you can add dry fillers such as sea salt, sugar, different colors clays, milk powder, starch, oat and rice powder (you can make it yourself), ubtans, Ayurvedic powders, ground teas, coffee, cocoa (I just love the latter, the whole bathroom is filled with an intoxicating aroma). In general, everything that is possible.

You can also add extracts for benefits. They can be dry, in the form of green tea, calendula, lotus, sage. There may be oil, propylene glycol and glycerin.

As I already said, bombs are a space for creativity, so I add everything that catches my eye: sparkles, glitters, bath pearls, rose petals. I also paint them in various colors using ordinary food dyes, soap dyes, mineral pigments. I usually buy all these bells and whistles at Leonardo, or at the nearest craft store.

The recipe for the simplest bomb

But don’t be alarmed, you don’t have to use all this, for a simple bomb you will only need citric acid + soda in a ratio of 2:1, add the rest of the ingredients as much as you want (except for oil, you need to be careful with it and add no more than a tablespoon per 5 tbsp .l soda and 2.5 tbsp citric acid). All! The rest is a flight of fancy.

P.S. Be sure to read the recipe below, where I describe the manufacturing process in great detail.

ATTENTION! Before mixing the ingredients, be sure to wear gloves and preferably a mask with goggles, since citric acid is very volatile and can irritate the mucous membranes.

Now I will share with you the recipe for my most favorite and basic bomb.

  • Soda (5 tablespoons)
  • Citric acid (2.5 tablespoons). Moreover, citric acid should be in powder form, and not in liquid form.
  • Sea salt (1 tablespoon)
  • Some base oil (1 tablespoon). I love using coconut because I love the smell. You can also use olive, peach, and cocoa butter.
  • Essential oil (10 drops). Again, any, to your taste. I usually use tangerine, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, and peppermint oils.

ATTENTION! All containers and utensils you use must be completely dry to avoid causing a premature reaction.

So let's get started. The first step you need to mix citric acid with soda. If you use regular citric acid, then you need to additionally grind it in a coffee grinder (the same can be done with soda, but not necessarily). There is also a special ready-made citric acid for creating bombs, it is much finer, but if you grind it too, the bomb will be molded better. After grinding and mixing the ingredients, you need to wait some time for the “dust” to settle.

The second step add sea salt to the mixture. It should be fine or ground. By the way, sea salt can be with the addition of herbs, colored or some kind of delicious smell. All this will be a plus for our bomb.

On third step First add the base oil and then drop in the essential oil. Mix everything well, the mixture should be easy to mold and look like wet sand.

Basically, that’s it, our mixture is ready. But I also like to add different dyes to give the bomb color. I usually divide the mixture in half, color one part and leave the other white. Also at this step you can add glitter, glitter, dry petals.

Last step– put the mixture into molds (or into ball halves). Try to add more mixture to one half so that your bomb does not collapse when separated. The two halves need to be tightly fastened together and left to dry and fasten for several hours or even a whole day. It is better to dry in a cool place, but not in a warm place (tested from personal experience).

These bombs should be stored in a dry place (never in the bathroom), the shelf life is several years.

Possible manufacturing errors

  1. The bomb breaks or is covered in cracks

All due to the fact that you did not fasten the mass well. Next time you need to add more oil, or grind the baking soda and citric acid thoroughly (if you haven’t done this before).

  1. The mixture falls out (leaks out) from the mold

You do it in a too humid room, or on wet dishes, or water got in by accident. The solution is to put it in the refrigerator or freezer.

  1. During drying, the bomb flattens or becomes deformed.

If you don’t succeed the first time, or if some difficulties arise, don’t worry, everything will come with experience. At the beginning, I encountered all the problems that I described, and subsequently I got better at it and now everything turns out perfect every time. And you will succeed. Good luck to you!

What could be more pleasant after a hard day than taking a warm, fragrant bath? Do-it-yourself bath bombs will help turn this process into a real SPA procedure.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

DIY bath bombs: beneficial properties

In purchased products they are often used chemical components, dyes and technical soda. Collectively, they can cause irritation or dryness of the skin, allergic reactions, or leave white coating. Therefore, it is best to learn how to make them yourself from natural ingredients and start creating.

The main components included in composition are:

  • Baking soda is an ingredient that any housewife has at home. It softens the water, removing its hardness. As a result, the skin will peel less;
  • citric acid. It is the most basic among all components. It is thanks to it and soda that the bomb hisses and blows bubbles;
  • potato starch. Alternatively, cornstarch can be used;
  • oil. Wheat germ oil is best as it is the lightest. The oil is added so that the mixture of aromatic substances envelops the skin and softens it after taking a bath;
  • finely ground sea salt. A large one will do, but you will still need to grind it yourself;
  • essential oils. They fill the air with aromas, relax and promote healing of the skin: all kinds of cuts, scratches, cracks, and also easily relieve the inflammatory process. Citrus oils and ylang-ylang not only provide an invigorating effect, but are also powerful aphrodisiacs.

All ingredients are added step by step, stirring each time. DIY bath bombs are an ideal way to prevent acute respiratory infections at home. Read the master class technologies below.

DIY bath bombs: making recipes

There are two simple classic recipes for making balls:

  1. dry;
  2. water.

It's up to you to decide how to make the balls. Some people like bombs made with water, while others prefer the dry version. To determine, we recommend doing both first.

For the dry method you will need:

  • four l. soda;
  • two l. citric acid;
  • eight l. table salt;
  • two l. cosmetic oil, which is necessary for the mixture to become plastic and knead well;
  • ten drops of essential oil.

All components are scooped out with a tablespoon. Each time you add a new ingredient, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed. When kneading is completed, place the workpiece in the mold and compact it. It must be closed. For complete drying you need to wait at least 6 hours. It is important to maintain all proportions. To prepare these cosmetic products, you cannot do without baking soda. It is thanks to it and citric acid that the “explosive” effect is obtained. Soda balls in combination with oils do not dry the skin, but rather saturate it with useful minerals, so do not be afraid to take a soda bath.

IN composition of the second cooking method water includes:

  • two tablespoons of soda;
  • one l. citric acid;
  • one l. salt;
  • 0.5 l. cosmetic oil;
  • eight drops of essential oil;
  • water in the sprayer.

The cooking process is the same as in the first option. The only difference is that during kneading the mixture needs to be sprinkled with water two or three times. You must stir very quickly so that the bomb does not “explode”.

Don't be afraid to get creative and add different ingredients to the mix. Cocoa balls will add subtle chocolate notes to the body, and with dyes they will make the color of the water pleasant for relaxation. If you don’t want your body to be covered in a film of vegetable oils after a spa treatment, you can replace them with baby oil. You can do without essential oil, just like without a foaming agent. If the first is used to saturate the air with aromas, then the second is simply for fun.

Very often, DIY bath bombs are made according to starch-free recipes, although this is absolutely unjustified. Cooking methods with the addition of starch and foaming agent are discussed below.

How to make your own bubbling bath bombs?

DIY bubbling bath bombs are not only an exciting sight, but also an amazing antidepressant. They saturate the water with useful elements, and the skin - pleasant aroma. For the fizzy balls you will need:

  • baking soda;
  • citric acid;
  • sea ​​or table salt;
  • olive oil;
  • essential oil for aroma;
  • mold.

Pour 4 tablespoons of baking soda into a plate. Add 2 tablespoons of citric acid. Mix these substances thoroughly, preferably rubbing together. They are the ones who will provide the “explosive” effect. Add 2 tablespoons of sea salt, the same amount of olive oil and stir again. Add 10 drops of essential oil. You can take any at your discretion. The most commonly used oil is lavender.

The end result should be a mixture that resembles wet sand. Place the mixture into molds, pressing it thoroughly. After 15 minutes, remove the bomb from the mold and leave it for 6-8 hours to dry.

To make the future ball acquire a certain color, you can add food coloring. For beauty, beads, sparkles or special pearls are added. Using a sizzling antidepressant will turn an ordinary bath into a fragrant SPA pleasure, and the sparkling water will instantly lift your spirits.

If you prefer to take a bubble bath, then add 30 grams when mixing the salt balls. cosmetic raw materials “Lush foam”. Foam balls are ready!

How to make DIY bath bombs for kids?

DIY bath bombs for children are something unimaginable and exciting, especially their “explosive” effect. When preparing a fragrant ball for a child, it is important to consider many nuances:

  • never use technical soda;
  • do not use dyes.

The recipe is quite simple:

  • take 120 gr. baking soda;
  • add 60 gr. citric acid and the same amount of starch;
  • add 3 teaspoons of sea salt;
  • liquid vegetable oil replace with Johnson's Baby or solid oil, previously melted in a water bath (2 tsp);
  • add 1/3 tsp. water and 5 drops of lavender oil.

Fill the molds more tightly with the mixture. An ideal option would be children's molds in the form of funny animals.

Making a mold for bombs with your own hands

A do-it-yourself mold for bath bombs can be either rubber or plastic. Today the market is full various options in the shape of a ball, square, snowflake, heart, egg.

They all stand big money. You can save money and use it as an alternative:

  • regular silicone cookie or ice molds;
  • plastic wrap from Kinder Joy;
  • paper molds for baking cupcakes.

How to pack your own bath bombs?

Probably every needlewoman has wondered how to pack bath bombs with her own hands.

  • the most in a simple way is packaging the product in cling film or shrink film. This should be done by pressing tightly to the edges. The products are quite fragile, so try not to damage them. Select the largest one on the hairdryer temperature regime and go through the entire workpiece. You can stick your own logo on the reverse side;
  • You can present such a gift in a transparent bag decorated with a bow;
  • if there are several balls, they can be put in a beautiful glass jar. You can place a beautiful piece of fabric on top of the lid and press it to the lid with threads;
  • Bombs neatly folded in a box will look original. In this case, each product must first be placed in a paper muffin tin.

Making your own New Year's bath bombs

New Year's bombs will help you plunge into the world of magic and while away the hours until the New Year. Each of us associates the winter holidays with the smell of Christmas trees and citruses. It is these essential oils that should be used during the preparation of the mixture. Pine, spruce, cedar and juniper oils are ideal. In addition to relaxation, pine oils have:

  • calming;
  • invigorating;
  • refreshing effect.

DIY New Year's bath bombs completely relax the body and can be used to calm the mind after hard mental work. The additional scent of citrus will add a festive touch.

How to make your own aromatherapy bath bombs?

Do-it-yourself aromatic bath bombs can carve out moments of pleasure and peace from the drabness of everyday life. Making simple and at the same time beautiful balls with your own hands is much nicer and more economical. It is known that the oils that make up the balls not only saturate the room with aroma, but are also characterized healing properties in relation to skin. It is enough to add just 10-20 drops to any bomb recipe. For those with dry skin, olive oil and sesame oil. To combat oily skin, it is better to use coconut or almond oil.
