The life line and the mind line form a triangle. Palmistry: the meaning of the triangle on the line of life, heart and mind

In this article we will talk about how to correctly interpret the line of fate in palmistry.

Did you know that palmistry was practiced in the east 5 thousand years ago? Then it was believed that immersion in the destiny of fate could change the life of both the object of fortune telling and the people around him. What role did the line with the intriguing name “line of fate” play in this?

Line of fate in the palm: which hand is it on - photo

This line may be both on the right and left hand. In any case, it will look the same - vertical stripe, crossing the palm approximately in the center.

IMPORTANT: Of course, the center is a rough guide. The beginning of the line may well be shifted slightly to the right or left.

One way or another, start located near the wrist or above it. End You can also look under Saturn’s finger – with your middle finger. Alternatively, the sign of fate may end in the area between the middle and ring fingers or between the middle and index fingers.

Fate line on the right and left hand: what does it mean?

As with the other lines, the mark on the left palm reveals to the viewer potential, which is given at birth. The right palm displays changes, occurring throughout life. At the same time, on the right palm, a changing line of fate is found among those people who are accustomed to leading an active lifestyle and embodying new ideas.

If such a mark clear and smooth This means that its owner clearly understands his goal and strives to achieve it. He can hardly be called a dependent person - such a person is guided only by his thoughts and emotions.

IMPORTANT: This is especially true in the case when the clearly visible line of Saturn goes from the wrist to the middle finger.

A clear line of fate is under the sign of fire - the energy of activity

A weakly expressed mark of fate indicates a person with a soft character, like plasticine. He is terribly afraid of conflicts, preferring to give up his aspirations rather than start a quarrel. However, he keeps his word - such honesty can also serve as a guiding thread in achieving goals.

Twisted Mark reveals a person who is timid in childhood, but stubborn in adulthood.

Please note that How far is Saturn's band from the life line? The further you go, the less dependent the owner of the palm is on the influence of his family. It is also possible that mutual understanding simply did not reign in this family.

IMPORTANT: In any case, restrictions in such a person cause chronic rejection.

Look at this too where exactly does the mark end? We mentioned the middle finger above, but now let's talk about the rest:

  • Around the ring finger– a mark of an optimist and a leader. Such a person will definitely find himself in the fields of pedagogy, accounting, construction, and modeling business.
  • Around the index finger - nature is quite demanding both to itself and to others. She achieves her goals largely thanks to her ability to present herself correctly, communicate competently, and solve a particular problem in an interesting way.

A person with a line of fate going to the index finger knows how to present himself

The absence of a fate line in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

The absence of a fate line does not mean that a person is destined to live an uninteresting, meaningless life. Moreover, Not everyone has this sign.

Most likely the person is simply will not be tied to some clearly limited area of ​​activity. They say about such individuals that they “go with the flow.”

IMPORTANT: There are times when the line appears over time. For example, a person begins to devote himself entirely to some activity, achieving success in it. Then it’s worth taking a closer look at your right palm.

Children on the palm of their hand on the fate line: what does this mean?

Directly on the fate line, a mark about children is extremely rare, occurring mainly on the marriage line. However, it doesn’t hurt to take a closer look - the branches may be an indication of what kind of offspring should be expected.

For example, wide branches, according to palmists, predict boys. Thin ones - girls.

What does a broken line of fate in the palm of your hand mean?

Often a gap at such a mark portends a person some kind of dramatic changes– for example, moving, divorce, illness. But in any case, there is every chance for further rehabilitation and, moreover, for success.

If the strip, despite its intermittency, clear, it means that in front of you is a permanent person with common sense. He is pleasant in communication, and family life not prone to cheating.

IMPORTANT: You can be sure that such a nature is worth relying on.

Take a closer look at break location:

  • If this middle, a person is able to navigate with lightning speed and has common sense. Loves rest, but does not tolerate loneliness well. Quite balanced, but does not like criticism.
  • Several break points along the entire line– a tendency to change surroundings frequently. And this applies even to small things like the location of the furniture. In their personal lives, unfortunately, such people are not very lucky.

A broken line of fate speaks of change.

What does a short line of fate in the palm of your hand mean?

A person with a similar mark is liked by others due to his responsibility, integrity. Moreover, he is quite hardworking– this quality helps to reach unprecedented heights.

Even though sense of justice is heightened, as well as the desire to help, the owner of such a line is not always able to defend the truth.

IMPORTANT: It also happens that the line of fate is short due to the fact that it begins approximately in the middle of the palm, and not near the wrist. This means that the implementation of plans will occur in the second half of life. Perhaps their early implementation will be hindered by the influence of relatives or simple laziness.

The line of fate bifurcates at the beginning, in the middle, at the end on the right and left hands: what does this mean?

Usually a bifurcated fate line is a sign that a person has every chance succeed in several areas. If the sign is located on the left palm, then, accordingly, such an ability is given in the form of potential. Ate on the right– the man began to realize his aspirations.

Fork at the beginning or end of the fate line, as a rule, shows freedom in choice. There will come a time when a person will have to stand at a crossroads and make a decision. This decision will change your entire life.

Fork on the fate line at the beginning or at the end - freedom of choice

If at the same time at the end of the line a sign similar to a trident is formed This means that a person will be able to combine business with pleasure. He will always be able to achieve success without sacrificing anything.

Now look to the middle of Saturn's band:

  • If a branch occurs up, This means that a person will be able to recover from some damage. For example, to get rich or get a step higher in career ladder.
  • Branch down– you should exercise caution, as there is a high risk of losing what you have acquired.

IMPORTANT: The branch is both up and down - life will resemble a swing. You will have to put in a lot of effort to stay afloat.

The branches of the fate line both up and down are a sign that life will resemble a swing

What does a triangle mean on the fate line on the right and left hand?

Extremely auspicious sign, allowing its owner boldly rush into the fight for a bright future. If you put in enough effort, you can get the result that you previously only dreamed of.

Recipe for success - determination, perseverance, clear mind, logic. Without this, life will remain the same.

For people with military career The triangle on the fate line has a special meaning. As a rule, it promises successful career advancement, as well as good luck in military operations, if they take place.

What does a square on the fate line mean on the right and left hand?

This is also a very reassuring sign - it is reassuring that the person has protection. Therefore, you can breathe a sigh of relief - you can’t expect any steps from your enemies.

However, the square will not indicate from whom to expect protection. Any options are possible - relatives, friends, loved ones.

IMPORTANT: It is especially good if such a sign is distinguishable among people related to creativity. Most likely, they will have a reliable patron. Another interpretation is finding a muse, inspiration.

If an accident occurs to the owner of the square, he will certainly will be able to extricate himself with minimal losses. Or losses will bypass such a person altogether.

The meaning of intersections of the line of fate with the line of life, mind, health, heart, head, Mercury

Even if a person has both rare lines on one palm - both the mark of fate and the mark health (Mercury)- they run parallel.

As for the rest, it is quite possible to cross the lines of Saturn with them. For example, with the line of the mind (head)- this foreshadows career growth, positive stability at work. Such growth will occur thanks to the stubbornness, risk-taking, intelligence, prudence and impetuosity of the owner of the palm.

The intersection of the fate line with the head line is a sign of good luck

Intersection with heart line It can happen both in people who are persistent and firmly moving towards their goal, as well as in suspicious and sentimental individuals. But even the suspicious owner of such a combination will turn out to be a tough nut to crack if circumstances require it.

IMPORTANT: It is not even recommended to argue, let alone convince such people. No matter how strange their goal may be, the arguments of others simply will not be taken into account.

The line of fate crosses the line of the heart - a sign of stubborn people

Intersection with life line available at the darlings of fate. Whatever obstacles life has in store, they will definitely overcome everything thanks to their intelligence. Whatever conditions are created, they will survive. They are one hundred percent materialists and do not have an ounce of superstition.

It also happens that the Saturn mark crosses both a sign of the head and a sign of the heart. Palmists believe that segment to the intersection with the head sign symbolizes the first 35 years of life, to the heart sign– age up to 49 years, and the segment after the heart line– later age. Focusing on this division, one can understand when a person should expect major changes.

The line of fate on the hand begins and ends, or connects with the line of life, mind, heart, head: what does this mean?

Connecting lines fate and life indicate that the formation of a person was largely influenced by his family. And the beliefs that were once invested by this family are still relevant today.

IMPORTANT: However, this does not mean at all that the person you are looking for will be unhappy. Quite the contrary.

And perhaps the influence of the family will be that some family business will have to be continued. It is possible that it is close people who will help give a start to the endeavors of the owner of the lines.

The line of fate connecting to the line of life is a sign of affection for the family

Connection with the sign of the head (mind) – promise of reward for effort. Man is destined to face serious difficulties. However, if he does not give up and demonstrates all his qualities to the fullest, the reward will not be long in coming. Most likely this will happen in adulthood.

As for character, then we can say that the person in front of you is straight. She does not tolerate reticence, falsehood, and does not strive to guess the wishes of others. If you want to convey something to such a person, say it directly.

Connecting the fate line with the head line is a reward for efforts

The meaning of connecting the fate line with the heart line similar to the case of a streak of mind - success after a long wait and work. This nature is distinguished by purposefulness and is an excellent strategist. A military career may be recommended.

Unfortunately, during the course of his life, the owner of such a combination will have to rethink the meaning of the people who are nearby many times. Probably some of these people will bring disappointment, pain, and resentment.

IMPORTANT: This alignment is especially relevant in the second half of life.

Cross on the line of fate in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

Unfavorable omen. To a person You will have to go through suffering and experience pain. However, after some time the situation may well return to normal, you just have to be patient.

Failures most often concern careers or relationships with loved ones. However, it If the cross is located at the end of the Saturn line, a person is advised to behave carefully anywhere, as there is a risk of violent death.

A line parallel to the line of fate, 2 lines of fate on the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

The double line of fate is inherent impulsive natures. Even close people sometimes find it difficult to predict the thoughts ripening in the head of the owner of such a sign. As, indeed, to foresee actions that will be committed even in the near future.

However, perhaps there is no point in such a prediction, since the point of view of the object of conversation can change with lightning speed. Today he adheres to one view, and tomorrow – to another. At the moment he has such hobbies, but tomorrow they can easily be replaced by others.

IMPORTANT: If the parallel mark is much smaller than the main one, it means that you have a universal personality in front of you. This is where a variety of interests is beneficial - a person can easily learn new professions.

What does a mole on the palm of your hand mean on the fate line?

Not the best omen - a sign that you will have to face health problems. But by dividing the Saturn line into time intervals in the manner that we described a little earlier, you can understand approximately when you should expect trouble.

If the line of fate is not interrupted after the mole, which means you don’t have to worry too much - the disease will be overcome without serious consequences. But if it's interrupted, It’s better to count on any outcome.

IMPORTANT: The thin line of Saturn coming after the mole is a sign of weakening vital energy.

This is what it is - the line of fate - mysterious, rare, predicting both successes and problems. Try to tune in correctly before fortune telling and if the sign of Saturn tells you about any negativity, do not rush to despair. Remember: the line of fate does not promise, but only warns. And only you have the power to shape your own destiny.

Triangle in palmistry Quite an interesting sign. Everyone wants to know what the triangle sign on the palm means. A triangle sign on the hand is usually a good mark, but the interpretation of the triangle depends on the location on the hand.

What types of triangles are there in the palm of your hand?
In palmistry, there is the concept of a large triangle and a small triangle sign.

First of all, the triangle on the hand symbolizes POWER - and therefore it is very important to pay attention to where the sign is located - so that this force does not turn against you. A free-standing triangle on a hill under the fingers is a sign of a “master” and having learned the meaning of this finger, it will become clear in which area a person can achieve great success.

Large Triangle on the palm consists of the main lines of the hand which are its constituent sides. The large triangle is formed by the lines of the Head, Mercury and the line of Fate. Sometimes the triangle in the palm is incredibly clear and deep, so much so that the remaining lines become invisible. If you meet a person with such a triangle on his hand, it is safe to say that he will achieve great success.

Triangle on the (mind) line of the head in palmistry means the power of knowledge with the help of which the owner of the hand can establish himself in life. The appearance of a triangle on the head line in certain place, indicates a time of insight, uplift in life, and the implementation of a cherished idea into life.

It is important to pay attention to the upper corner of the triangle - in the direction of which finger it points and additional strokes that will reveal the details. For example, if the apex of the triangle is directed towards the ring finger, it means that with the help of your talents, often in art, your plan will be implemented. Women often point out successful marriage.

If the line of the mind is damaged near the triangle, the sign can carry a negative load that destroys thinking and leads to stupor. With additional details, the triangle sign may indicate a blow to the head - since the ligament of the head, on the other hand, is responsible for the physical organ of a person - the head.

Money Triangle on the palm also consists of the main lines of the hand which are its constituent sides, money triangle the so-called sign of wealth, see in the proposed section, is formed by the lines of the Head, Mercury and fate - yes, without brains and luck in fate, there is no way to get by and you can’t earn money.

Palmistry triangle on the life line quite a dangerous sign. When the life line on the hand passes through a triangle, this is an intervention in the life of a strong element, often fire, a fire that will make its own adjustments at a certain stage of life. A triangle on the life line means to suffer from the elements, but if the triangle stands separately from the line on the Mount of Venus, then the disaster will not cause significant damage. A triangle adjacent to one side on the life line, whose apex is directed towards the thumb, is a sign of good luck in life. Pay attention to the time the triangle is located on the life line - this will indicate in how many years this or that event will occur.

The triangle is one of the most powerful and universal symbols in the world. He is the first of all flat figures in Sacred Geometry. The presence of such a sign on the palm is interpreted by palmists in two ways: for some it is an evil fate, but for others it is a harbinger of a rich and happy life in the future. It also happens that several triangles are drawn on the palm at once. In this case, the person is very lucky.

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      What factors influence the decoding of a symbol?

      For palmists, every small stroke on the surface of the palm is important in its own way. To accurately understand the meaning of a particular figure inscribed on the hand, you need to take into account many factors. When deciphering the triangle, the following points can play a key role:

      • size;
      • location;
      • vertex direction;
      • what lines is it formed by;
      • clarity of lines;
      • type of triangle;
      • the age of the person wearing this sign;
      • on which hand is it located?
      • Which hand should you look for the symbol on?

        The symbol appears on both the right and left hands or on both at the same time. Both hands need to be examined. In palmistry, the right hand (for a right-handed person) carries information about what a person does independently in his life and how his actions influence fate, and the left hand indicates those moments that fate has prepared for him from birth.

        That is, if there is a triangle on the right hand, but it is not observed on the left, we can talk about the bearer of the sign as a strong personality capable of changing his destiny. At the same time, the presence of a triangle only on the left hand (for a right-handed person) indicates that the person has not yet been able to realize the potential inherent in him initially. For a left-handed person, the meaning of the hands changes places.

        The presence of a triangle on the left and right palms indicates that wealth and prosperity await a person.

        The line of fate bifurcates and intersects with the line of life - what does this mean?

        Decoding the meaning of the triangle

        After you have dealt with your hands, you can pay attention to the size of the triangle, appearance and on the lines that form it. The triangle can be small and located in an inconspicuous place under the fingers of the hand, or large and located in its central part. The second case is especially interesting: such a triangle is a money triangle and is also a sign of the imminent acquisition of fame and glory.

        Usually the triangle in the central part is formed by the main lines: heart, mind, life and destiny. Each of these lines contributes to the decoding.

        A person whose triangle formed by three of the listed lines is clear and even will definitely achieve success in life.

        On the line of mind

        If the main side of the triangle is the line of the mind (head), then we can say that a person with such a sign will establish himself in life thanks to his knowledge and innate insight. Such a person has an inquisitive, creative mind.

        If the apex is directed towards the thumb (mount of Venus), then the realization of the individual’s mental abilities and the discovery of talent will occur in art or another creative field.

        In the case when the figure appears on the head line under the Mount of Mercury, discoveries in the field of science await the bearer of the sign. The location of the triangle in other areas of the head line is for the owner a harbinger of receiving material assets(inheritance) from father.

        On the line of life

        A triangle located on this line is quite danger sign. It often foretells fires, natural disasters and other unfavorable events to its owner. You need to pay attention to whether the figure is on the line itself or in close proximity, as well as the age of the owner of the sign.

        The triangle can be located on the inside of the life line, from its outside or adjacent to its base. In all cases, this portends trouble, mostly from fire. These troubles may be minor if the triangle is on the Mount of Venus.

        In palmistry there is age groups risk, more exposed than others to fire-related hazards. These are people in their 30s and 40s. For the former, this is evidenced by the following signs:

        • 4 points on the hills of Apollo and upper Mars;
        • square on the small hill of Mars;
        • cross-shaped mark on the small hill of Mars.

        For the second:

        • broken line of fate;
        • a triangle on the Mount of Venus with the apex pointing downwards (it can be supplemented with a similar figure below the Mount of Apollo).

        This position of the figure is not always a negative sign. When the apex is directed towards the thumb, this is a sign good luck in life. To accurately determine when this or that event will occur, you need to mentally divide the life line into segments and compare which segment the figure is closer to (information about the life line can be found in books on palmistry).

        On the line of fate

        Palmists interpret this arrangement favorably - the owner of the sign will achieve something he had never even dreamed of before if he is decisive, persistent, logical and puts in enough effort. If this person is associated with a military career, he will have good luck in military operations and promotion.

        In other cases, a triangular mark on the fate line foreshadows a sudden improvement in financial condition - money will come from where it is not expected at all. The time of the moment is calculated using the life line.

        The period of unexpected wealth in a person’s life does not last very long, so at this moment it is necessary to properly manage the profit that has come.

        On the line of the heart

        Individuals with a triangular sign on the heart line reason very logically and have common sense, which allows them to correctly assess any situation. Such people enter into relationships with the opposite sex not out of great love, but based on cold calculation. Only after all the pros and cons have been weighed will they take the next step towards a serious relationship.

        A special feature of such individuals is a mathematical mindset. Their career will be connected with the exact sciences. They will find themselves in professorships and scientific specialties.

        If the heart line is very closely intertwined with the triangle, the owner of the sign has an innate tendency to study foreign languages. Such individuals will find themselves in philology and the study of folklore.

        What does body size mean?

        The triangle in the palm can be large or small in size, and in appearance - isosceles, equilateral or rectangular. The great triangle is usually located between the lines of the head, Mercury and life. Bearers of this sign are strong personalities who keep everything under control. This sign is especially positive when its sides are equal to each other, clear, even and without breaks. In this case, the owner’s life will be stable, harmonious and calm.

        The small triangle usually appears in several places or is part of a larger triangle that is crossed by other lines. If at least one small triangle is clear and even, then its owner is a creative and easily learnable person. The beginning of such a triangle can pass through the hills of Saturn and Mercury, which indicates good creative abilities of the individual. Sometimes the sides of the figure resemble a horn or a tulip in shape, which also indicates the presence of inventive talent in the bearer of the sign.

        A small triangle can also be found at the end of the life line. It appears between the lines of fate, life and the upper ring (at the base of the hand). A person with this sign has a strong intuition. If he learns to use it, listen to it and understand its prompts, then success in life will come easily, and the right one will be chosen life path.

        What does the appearance of the figure mean?

        According to external parameters, a triangle can be rectangular, isosceles and equilateral. In each case, the decoding will change.


        • If it is on the stripe of the heart and directed towards the index finger, then a person with such a sign is very sensitive by nature and will become best friend for anyone. He listens a lot, speaks little, has many friends, and rarely reaches heights in his career.
        • If the sign is located on the heart line right hand and points to the middle finger, then the owner is an artistic, strong-willed and aggressive person.
        • If the figure is on the line of the heart of the right hand and its apex is directed towards the ring finger, then its owner is very jealous, often gets angry and irritated over trifles.
        • A similar sign pointing towards the little finger indicates that its owner has a complex character.


        • If its apex is on the line of the heart and directed towards the index finger, then the owner of the sign suffers from loneliness and does not understand well the world around us, closed. He should change his outlook on life in order to make friends.
        • If the apex on the heart line is directed towards the middle finger, then a person with such a mark is selfish and controls others only for his own benefit. His acting skills help him achieve his goal.
        • The direction of the main vertex of the isosceles triangle towards the ring finger indicates the innate ability of the individual to help others. A person with this sign has excellent intuition and will become a good doctor.
        • When the main vertex of the triangle is directed towards the little finger, this indicates the balance and harmony of the bearer of the sign. Such a person knows no obstacles on the way to his cherished dream.


        • An equilateral triangle, which is aimed at the index finger, indicates that the owner of the sign will succeed in everything in life. He is multifaceted and realizes himself in several areas at once. Such a person will never need anything.
        • If an equilateral triangle is on the heart line and points to the middle finger, then this indicates that the person will achieve success in entrepreneurial activity.
        • If the apex of the equilateral triangle is directed towards the ring finger, then the owner of the palm is used to going with the flow and is not going to change anything in his life.
        • When the apex of an equilateral triangle is directed towards the little finger, the bearer of such a sign is a family man. His love for his spouse is for life. With such a person you can live soul to soul.

        Wealth Triangle

        There is a popular rumor among people about the money triangle, which is a harbinger of a rich life. Many people confuse it on the palms with other triangles due to lack of knowledge in palmistry.

        A real money triangle is located at the intersection of the following lines:

    1. 1. The Mercury line is a line of wealth, indicating the commercial abilities of the individual.
    2. 2. The Line of Mind is an indicator of an individual’s thinking abilities, without which large earnings are impossible.
    3. 3. Line of Fate - shows the degree of a person’s commitment to the goal, his capabilities and desire to succeed. It is also considered a career line.

    All three lines should be clear, even and without breaks. In this case, we can talk about the presence of a money triangle in the palm of the hand, which promises the owner prosperity and the ability to earn money. The larger the money triangle, the higher the financial potential of a person.

    A true 100% money triangle is rare. In most cases, its sides are fuzzy and have breaks. As a rule, breaks occur in the corners. There are three options:

    1. 1. When the angle formed by the lines of fate and mind is broken. A person with such a triangle works a lot but earns little. He should value and respect his work more.
    2. 2. When the angle formed by the lines of fate and Mercury is broken. For a person who wears such a sign on their palm, all their money goes to supporting their family, maintaining health and ensuring life.
    3. 3. When the gap is at the intersection of the lines of Mercury and Mind. This is the worst option. In this case, the person has no commercial abilities and his money goes to no one knows where. It doesn’t even matter how much he earns - everything will go anywhere.

    Palmists consider the triangle a unique symbol. Thanks to deciphering the sign, you can avoid troubles, make right choice and change the course of fate in time.

Knowing palmistry well and all its nuances, you can really follow a person’s life. All lines on the hand are individual for each person.

According to palmistry, there are several main lines on the hand - the line of Fate, the line of Life, the line of the Head, and Health. There is also a line of money, sometimes palmists also highlight the line of a businessman.

Palmistry of money is very exciting modern man, since everything in this life is connected with money. Therefore, a person often turns to palmistry to find out what awaits him in the material part of life, what kind of money issue. Palmistry of money will help answer such questions.

The main feature in palmistry of money is the so-called triangle of money. It is located in the very center of a person’s palm. In palmistry of money, using this triangle and money lines, you can determine how much a person needs money, what his current wealth is, what his material future is.


money line

According to palmistry of money, you can judge from the triangle how much wealth this person has. When the triangle of money is barely visible, it is not closed, fuzzy lines - this means that such a person’s money does not stay for a long time, is not saved, and therefore does not multiply.

In addition to the main triangle of money, there are also secondary lines of money in palmistry of money. When thin lines branch off from the line of life, then from them you can trace what kind of future a person has in material terms. When such a line of money is directed towards the index finger on the hand, it means that success awaits the person, he will achieve his goal. Such a person has talent and a specific goal. According to palmistry, such a line of money can also symbolize big money in the life of a given person.

Sometimes a small line of money can end on a hillock called Saturn. This means that there will be money, but you will have to work hard, perhaps it will be monotonous work.
When such a line of money breaks off on the Mount of Mercury, at the little finger, it means that the money that will come to a person will be associated with scientific activity. And when on the hill of Apollo, it is with the help of his talents.

Money on hand

Sometimes it happens that money comes to a person suddenly, unexpectedly. This could be winning a lottery, a casino, a prize, an inheritance, a gift. Such monetary events are also reflected on the hand according to palmistry of money. Eat inner side the line of life, and so it is on it, with the signs of small, barely noticeable triangles, that this very easy money can be traced.

By the location of such triangles, you can determine which life stage money will come to the person. Since the location is connected with the life line.

According to palmistry, the money triangle is located in the center of the palm, in the center of a large triangle. It consists of main lines - on the one hand, this is the line of the Head, on the other, the line of Fate. It is these two lines that form the triangle of money, which you can see in the palm of your hand. This is due to the fact that without fate itself and without effort, there simply won’t be money in a person’s life, which is why these main lines form it.

A triangle that is clearly visible, the bottom line is clear and closed, i.e. forms a real triangle - according to palmistry, this is a lucky sign. When the triangle is clearly visible and, more importantly, it is a closed figure, this means, according to palmistry of money, that such an owner will have success in the material world. His money will increase and also be saved. By the size of the triangle you can see what wealth awaits the owner. Here I would like to note that the size of the triangle, as well as the size of the income, are individual for each person. Everyone determines their own wealth. For some, a million will be enough, but for others, a billion is not enough.

Money triangle

In addition to all of the above, you can also notice money lines or money triangles associated with marriage lines. Sometimes wealth comes with the chosen one. All this can be traced along the lines of marriage.
Sometimes you can see a businessman's line, which may start at the wrist.

When there are such marks on the Sun line, lines that seem to interrupt the main line, this indicates a loss of money. All the so-called money islands, crosses, and other lines in palmistry - all this can tell about a person’s material wealth.

Also, money palmistry can tell you whether a person will generally have a lot of money on hand in life. It is enough to compare the phalanx on the little finger. The lower one should be the length of the other two phalanges. By this sign, specialist palmists will immediately determine whether a person will ever have big money.

With the help of palmistry of money, this ancient science, you can reveal secrets related to money, you can find out whether you will win big, or perhaps you will simply have a successful career or open your own business. All this can be read on the palm using palmistry of money.


Any mark on the palm is deciphered as important sign coming changes. A triangle in the palm of your hand can promise a lot of joy or sorrow, financial stability or failure in personal affairs.

Where the witch’s triangle is located on the hand determines how quickly a person will gain happiness and independence. How will a triangle on the right hand help and how to interpret it correctly?

Palmistry for divination of the future

How to see and interpret a large triangle in the palm of your hand? The triangle sign on the palm is always taken into account, regardless of its location and size. Any patterns - stars, circles or squares are important tips and guidelines for further fortune telling. In palmistry, as a science with an incredible number of theories and assumptions, every line on the hand has its own meaning. The triangle pattern at the vertices of the lines is considered first, because such a symbol can change a person’s whole life.

Individual clear and shallow lines form multiple patterns. The location of individual figures near the main lines is important. During life, the shape of the palms and the characteristic pattern may partially change, but cardinal changes do not occur. All the lines that form a single human path can affect the hands and phalanges of the fingers. If the lines form solid figures, it will be easier to see the future of a man or woman. There are several types of shapes on the finger or palm that you need to pay attention to special attention. What does a figure mean, and is there a difference between similar figures?

Symbol on thumb or in the center of the palm - two different signs having nothing in common. The connection, not visible to every person, between the pattern on the palms and the life of the individual was first noticed back in ancient india. For palmistry, based on Buddhism, the theory of transmigration of souls and karmic debt, any marks on the hands are important. On the finger, ribs of the palms and hands - any symbol is a hint for a person. Indicates his purpose, calling and talents.

Money and the financial sphere concern people of different statuses and occupations. Money triangles are a clear sign that a person will find his own calling, bringing tangible income. The line that shows the success and strength of a person throughout life - the Head, in combination with the figure, speaks of the well-being of a man or woman. There are several types of triangular shapes that reach up to the index or ring finger, as well as dropped triangles. Very great value has a way of interpretation different characters. What does a triangle pattern mean?

Triangle - a symbol of change

On the palm, the money triangle is located on the line of Life, Heart or Head, or by connecting several fundamental boundaries. Crosses and other symbols are common, especially on hills. There are small triangles in the center of the palm - this is constant growth and spiritual improvement. There are patterns on the finger (thumb, ring or index) and mean mental alertness and intellectual inclinations in a man or woman of different ages. If there is a figure on the thumb, it means that the person has well-developed intuition.

There are several types of figures that can appear on the hand:

  • big;
  • small;
  • irregular shape (triangle elongated or pulled to one vertex).

Three lines form a large triangle at once - Mind, Fate and Health. Considering the third line (hepatic) is always difficult, because it does not appear in every person. The health line characterizes good image life, comfort and prosperity, and in combination with two significant lines, it promises its owner financial stability. A person with a health line can survive and overcome any troubles in life.

A small triangle is formed from the lines of Head, Health and Destiny.

A sign of good luck that speaks of great success. The figure denotes the intellectual inclinations of a person. They will help you earn money and accumulate capital. The presence of two triangles at once - large and small - indicates wealth that a man or woman can only dream of. An educated figure that looks like an irregular triangle speaks of difficulties in work and a constant need for money. The presence of moles will help place emphasis in fortune telling. Which triangle is more important?

A mark in the center of the palm indicates wealth. A triangle is formed from several lines that intersect or intersect. In order for a money triangle to form, the intersections of the lines of Mind, Fate and an additional auxiliary line are necessary. In a large size, such a triangle is a sign of permanent wealth and prosperity. The owner of such a triangle will never need money. Correct cash flow will surround the house and workplace such a person.

Triangle location

A fork in the line of the Mind, which is responsible for the enrichment of a man or woman, indicates difficulties in achieving set goals. A difference that is not immediately noticeable to the common man, is obvious to a professional palmist. Completely different situations are prerequisites for wealth and the opportunity to obtain the desired financial stability. Most often, such a triangle is formed in the middle of the palm. The life and fate of such a person can present many surprises, and not always good ones.

The triangle on the line of Fate or Head predetermines the financial component of a person’s life.

Unusual triangle shapes can be considered separately, regardless of other patterns. An atypical triangle (witch triangle) is formed from the line of Life, Fate and a bracelet on the wrist. Such a symbol enhances the trait of Fate and shows a person his true purpose. People with an amazing future are born with such a triangle on their hand. They are destined for a great destiny. Several triangles on the hand symbolize dramatic changes at any stage of a person’s life.

Lucky people can see a triangle on the arm of any size adjacent to the hand. Such figures are extremely rare. It will not be possible to read the sign in a negative way. The triangle on the right hand does not affect the fate of a man or woman, it only indicates inclinations and hidden talents. Why is a lowered triangle on the Head line dangerous? A mark that goes in the opposite direction from the Heart line indicates irreconcilable contradictions in the soul of the individual. The greater the difference between the line and the top of the figure, the harder it will be for their owner. A triangle of straight lines in the palm is a kind of characteristic of a person’s inherent characteristics from birth.

What does the triangle sign mean on the palm that is not the main one? Each person has his own dominant hand, in most cases it is the right. If the palm of a left-hander is being interpreted, then considering the right hand is not so important. For a triangle on the line of the Mind, the size does not matter much; the clarity of the lines is more important. Any breaks or dots turn the positive meaning of the triangle on the head line into a bad omen. Moles promise many unexpected improvements in the quality of life.

The borders of the triangle adjacent to the line of the Heart are considered as an omen of a marriage of convenience or a relationship based only on benefit. People with a logical approach to life can consider the figure on their hand. Professional palmists decipher the figures, but even an ordinary person can recognize the basic symbols hidden in the lines on the palm. A triangle on the hand is in most cases a positive sign that you should not worry about.

What does the triangle predict in the near future?

Palmistry is a difficult science. There are many myths and superstitions associated with it. Line explanations are carried out not only by experienced people, but also by beginners who are trying to understand their own destiny. The witch's triangle is another clue, located in the middle of the palm or on the fingers. A figure torn in half (literally dividing the basic pattern into two parts) speaks of the duality of human nature. About his desire not only to earn more, but also to develop. Broken lines of the palm that affect the wrist or phalanges of the fingers are an alarming sign warning of difficulties and dangers.

Finding a special pattern on the palm is not as easy as it might seem. The sign on the hand can be pierced with several additional patterns or lines at once. It may contain unimportant clarifications or extraneous lines. Simple sequential steps will help you read the sign on your palm (on any hand):

  1. Selecting a pattern. Which hand should you use to guess? The figure can be seen on the palm of both the main and extra hand. The sign will indicate the future if you choose the palm that is involved in most processes in a person’s life. The sign on the active hand is a display of all the actions of a man or woman.
  2. The patterns found on the right hand speak of the qualities that a person was able to develop in himself. There can be two or more signs on the right or left palm at once. They should be interpreted by size, starting with the largest.
  3. If the sign appears on a passive hand, then there is no need to talk about correct and successful implementation. Such a person is indecisive and timid, he fails to achieve his goals or change his own destiny.

Photos or diagrams of the location of the main symbols show how the signs are located and with the help of what additional symbols they can be read. Does the figure mean wealth or not? The mark on the mound (patron: Mercury or Venus) of the left or right hand has a special meaning for each person. Palmistry presupposes the individual's talents, but is unable to realize them. With any line you can understand internal fears and mental blocks that are difficult to explain.

Triangles between the little finger (part of the top) and the index finger mean the strong, strong-willed character of the owner of the design. Palmistry explains the very essence of a person, and not his individual features. With the line of Heart and Life crossed into a single pattern, the personality finds harmony, finds ways to earn money and grow. The position of the top of the figure is an exact reference point indicating the positive or negative meaning of the entire symbol.

Between the little finger and the index finger there are several tubercles that are responsible for a person’s well-being, for his social and personal life. The triangle does not always mean only positive changes; sometimes the line is associated with many trials that befell a person’s fate. Palmistry helps an individual understand himself, regardless of social status or capabilities. A triangle of lines on an active or passive palm will help you understand yourself.

Palmistry, its basic postulates and grounding (a method of connecting to energy flow, capable of improving the quality of life) will make it difficult to see the future, but also to understand the mistakes made in the past. A line from any vertex of a pointed figure always points in the right direction for the individual.
