Carbohydrate diet - what not to eat. We create a menu for the week on a low-carb diet - prohibited and permitted foods, healthy recipes and other weight loss tricks

Low-carbohydrate foods include the bulk of vegetables, fruits (with some exceptions), fish and meat, but at the same time, the classification of food groups is rather ambiguous; each of them contains products with high and low carbohydrate content. For example, the average amount of carbohydrates in vegetables is 5%, while potatoes have as much as 16% carbohydrates. When creating a diet, you should carefully check each product you include for the percentage of carbohydrates.

Meat- contains from 0 to 2% carbohydrates, but when preparing a diet, it should be taken into account that many types of meat have high fat content, so the diet should include meat products made from lean meats. These include poultry, rabbit, veal and lean beef, offal (heart, lungs, liver). You should be especially careful when eating sausages; they often contain soy or starch as a meat substitute, so boiled sausages and frankfurters should never be classified as low-carbohydrate products.

Vegetables- almost all products included in this group have a low carbohydrate content, with the exception of potatoes and green peas, they can only be used in small quantities as part of first courses.

Fruits- in their total mass, fruits can be safely classified as low-carbohydrate products, however, with some exceptions. Grapes, persimmons, red currants, and melon have a high carbohydrate content in this group.

Fish and seafood- beautiful dietary product for a low-carb diet, is easily absorbed by the body and is quite low in calories.

Bird- one of the most suitable foods for nutrition during weight loss, it contains high-quality animal protein and at the same time has low content carbohydrate.

Dairy products- can also be used in a low-calorie diet, but you should only take low-fat products such as cottage cheese, milk, kefirs and yoghurts.

Low carb foods: meat, poultry, eggs

Meat, poultry, eggsCarbohydrates (arbitrary units) per 100 g of product
Beef, veal, lamb, pork0
Goose, duck, rabbit, chicken0
Meat in breadcrumbs5
Meat with flour sauce6
Beef liver0
Chicken liver1,5
Beef sausages1,5
Pork sausages2
Milk sausages1,5
Sausagefrom 0.5
Doctor's sausage1,5
Pork tongue, beef tongue0
Pork feet0
Eggs in any form (piece)0,5

Low carbohydrate foods: fish, seafood

Low carb foods. Fruits and vegetables.

Most vegetables are low in carbohydrates. The most useful of them: lettuce leaves, green beans, asparagus, all types of cabbage, especially broccoli and cabbage. But some vegetables are not low-carb. When following these diets, you should stay away from potatoes, peas, parsnips and carrots.

Most fruits are good for the body, but contain a lot of carbohydrates. High level fructose in fruits makes them cross off the list of foods allowed on low-carb diets. Raspberries, rhubarb and blueberries have the lowest levels of fructose, so they are allowed in some cases.

The main source of energy in the body is carbohydrates. Without them, a person feels tired, depressed, and loses concentration. But there are also positive aspects: weight is lost quickly. Without a sufficient supply of carbohydrates, the body is forced to use its own reserves, that is, fats. This is not the only purpose for which restrictions are introduced into the diet. For some diseases they are vital.


Diet features and indications

Low-carbohydrate diets are the basis of cutting - a special system that allows you to quickly gain body shape, expressiveness, reduce the percentage of body fat and increase lean mass. This type of nutrition is often practiced by professional athletes and fitness instructors. If the diet is used for the purpose of weight loss, it has different rules and many nuances. Most often, these are entire systems aimed at quickly burning fat, securing and maintaining weight.

Indications for a low-carb diet:

  • overweight;
  • sport mode;
  • diabetes mellitus

The lack of carbohydrates in the diet affects not only appearance, weight, but also blood composition. Following a diet normalizes sugar levels, improves the patient’s condition, and is also indicated for predisposition to diabetes.

Pros of low-carb systems

The main advantage of low-carb systems is rapid weight loss. With a competent approach and strict adherence to the rules, weight loss cannot be avoided, and it is the fat that will go away. This diet is chosen by obese people aimed at getting rid of a large number of kilograms.

Other advantages:

  1. Satisfaction. The absence of sugar does not lead to fluctuations in blood glucose levels, and the diet mainly consists of protein foods, which promote rapid satiety and help control appetite.
  2. A varied diet. Low-carb diets allow foods different groups in any combination.
  3. Normalization of insulin levels. Reducing this substance accelerates fat burning.
  4. Indefiniteness. You can follow a low-carbohydrate diet for a long time until the desired result is achieved, but not less than a week.

Need to know: With a minimal intake of carbohydrates, the body produces ketone bodies. These substances not only suppress hunger and reduce appetite, but also contribute to the production of additional energy.

Dangers and contraindications to the diet

Everyone wants to lose weight quickly, tasty and easily. Sometimes this desire is so strong that a person does not think about the consequences. In fact, a low-carb diet is one of the most dangerous weight loss systems. There can be no talk of any balance. A large amount of protein puts a strong strain on the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, and the endocrine system suffers. Insufficient fiber intake causes severe constipation, which should not be tolerated.

Main contraindications:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic constipation;
  • period breastfeeding;
  • heart and vascular diseases.

In some cases, an imbalance of substances entering the body leads to hormonal imbalances. There may be problems with hair, nails, and skin caused by a lack of vitamins. If you have any chronic diseases, you need to consult a doctor first.

Video: Tatyana Rybakova about low-carb weight loss

How much weight can you lose?

In the first days of a low-carb diet, water will be lost from the body, so weight loss can be very large. In 3 days they lose up to 3 kg. Further results will be more modest. From the second week, the process of burning fat and converting it into energy will begin. This is why the diet cannot be short. The minimum weight loss per month is 5-7 kg, provided that all rules are strictly followed. If you initially have a large body weight, you can get rid of 10-15 kg.

Rules for safe weight loss

The diet in no case implies the complete exclusion of carbohydrates from the diet. They are reduced to 50 g. In some systems to 30 g. For type 2 diabetes maximum quantity carbohydrates is 130 units, which is 26% with an average daily intake of 2000 kcal.

Basic rules:

  1. Fats cannot be excluded along with carbohydrates. They must enter the body, but in small quantities. It is advisable to choose healthy oils (linseed, olive, coconut) or nuts (25 g per day is enough). Fats are also found in dairy products.
  2. Sugar is completely excluded. This rule applies to all its types: honey, fruit syrups, molasses.
  3. All grains are excluded, except low-carbohydrate types. Today you can buy special pasta and shiitake rice.
  4. A low-carb diet should be accompanied by the use of vitamins from day one. Otherwise, the body will quickly react to the lack of substances.
  5. Breakfast should be mandatory; it should be made with protein. If you have no appetite, you can take boiled chicken, egg, yogurt or cottage cheese with you.
  6. Be sure to consume fiber. It is found in vegetables. You can additionally introduce bran into your diet.

Important: The main rule is less carbohydrates. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the portion size, you can eat to your heart’s content, and losing weight will be comfortable.

Water balance

You need to drink a lot of water. Excess protein will disintegrate and must be removed. On low-carb diets, especially in the first days, the body begins to quickly lose fluid, volumes go away along with it, the numbers on the scales make you happy and force you to move forward. Supplies need to be replenished. Very often, a person who is losing weight feels very thirsty, which makes him wake up at night. This is fine.

You need to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid per day. Tea, coffee, chicory, hibiscus are allowed, but this should mainly be clean water without gas. It is advisable not to combine drinking with meals, so as not to complicate the work of the stomach.

List of approved products

The low-carb diet has an extensive list of foods. You can use them to prepare various first and second courses, salads, and snacks. It is not recommended to fry food in oil. Fats are used in small quantities only for seasoning dishes.

Main diet products:

  1. Meat, poultry. Lean varieties of beef, turkey, rabbit, and goose are welcome. You can eat lean pork and duck, but not often.
  2. Fish and seafood. All types are used, including fatty varieties.
  3. Eggs. If there are problems with cholesterol levels or blood vessels, then only proteins are consumed.
  4. Vegetables. You can eat all types except potatoes, carrots and corn, as they contain starch and sugars. It is advisable to give preference to green fruits: cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage of all types, peppers, green beans. Jerusalem artichoke is allowed.
  5. Fruits. Only green apples and grapefruits are allowed. All other fruits and berries are excluded from the diet, as they are a source of carbohydrates.
  6. Juices. You can only have vegetables, but in small quantities.

Cereal products are prohibited. But you can use bran, the daily amount is up to 30 g. Plant fiber will prevent constipation, improve intestinal function and help remove fat molecules from the body.

List of prohibited products

Carbohydrates - large group products, not just sugar. And if some of them can sometimes be introduced into the diet, then there are some that need to be completely abandoned. Even a small amount will negatively affect the weight loss process.

Prohibited products:

  • trans fats, margarines;
  • oils with a high concentration of omega-6 (soybean, corn, rapeseed, sunflower);
  • artificial sweeteners;
  • grains with gluten.

Chips, sausages, and canned food are prohibited, except those that are cooked in their own juice and do not contain fat. It is advisable to refuse any semi-finished products, even those with approved ingredients. Often the manufacturer is cunning and adds flavor enhancers and other substances that increase appetite. After eating a store-bought cutlet or sausage, the likelihood of breaking your diet is much higher.

Menu options

The most accurate way to determine carbohydrates is by individual counting. But the process is tedious, requiring time, concentration, weighing portions and calculating the composition. It is much easier to follow a developed menu for a low-carb diet. Below sample menu for 3 days. If you adhere to such a nutrition system, it will be impossible to exceed the norm.

First day

Breakfast: scrambled eggs, coffee
Lunch: Ryazhenka
Dinner: cabbage soup with beef from permitted vegetables, cutlet
Afternoon snack: apple, cheese
Dinner: chicken cutlets, fresh cucumbers

Second day

Breakfast: cottage cheese with herbs, coffee
Lunch: egg and green onion salad with sour cream
Dinner: salad with squid and cabbage, baked eggplant
Afternoon snack: green apple
Dinner: steamed fish, permitted vegetables

Third day

Breakfast: egg white omelette, coffee
Lunch: cottage cheese or grapefruit
Dinner: fish soup without potatoes, vegetable salad
Afternoon snack: natural yogurt
Dinner: stewed cabbage, greens

Video: Low Carb Recipes

Competent exit, retention of results

A low-carb diet does not fail. The slightest deviation from the diet can lead to prolonged stagnation. Your weight will stop falling, which will undermine your morale. It is equally important to terminate the system correctly and maintain the result. In some diets (the Dukan diet, for example) there are special phases for this; they are calculated individually, depending on the number of kilograms lost. But you can do it easier.

How to get off a low carb diet:

  1. The system cannot be stopped immediately. The transition to a nutritious diet should be gradual. Every day the amount of carbohydrates increases by 5 units.
  2. For the first two months after stopping the system, it is recommended to calculate your daily caloric intake.
  3. To consolidate the result, you can give up carbohydrates once a week and follow the diet menu.

If you stop the system abruptly, arrange a belly festival, treat yourself to fast carbohydrates, then the weight will begin to return rapidly. It will be difficult to stop the process. Therefore, you need to prepare for the system in advance and prepare for a long-term change in your diet. Perhaps for some, this particular diet will be the first step towards proper nutrition.

Video: About the dangers of eating low carbohydrates

As the name suggests, a low-carbohydrate diet is characterized by a decrease in consumption of the prescribed amount, thereby leading the body to lose excess weight. There are many examples of such diets: the popular, high-fat Atkins diet - all of them are based on low carbohydrate consumption, which reduces the release of insulin into the blood and thereby promotes active breakdown. Most likely, it is not worth saying that giving up sweets, flour, various fruits, sweets and chocolate will promote weight loss and help you effectively get rid of extra pounds. Namely, they are simple, or in other words, fast carbohydrates. The diet, which will be discussed further, is aimed at reducing their consumption.

The essence and benefits of a low-carb diet

To understand the very essence of the diet, it is important to distinguish how simple carbohydrates differ from complex ones. The fact is that “simple” or “fast” carbohydrates have the ability to be absorbed very quickly and converted into body fat. “Slow” carbohydrates, or as they are also called “complex” carbohydrates, tend to be absorbed at a slow pace, charging the body with vigor and energy, due to which a person does not feel hungry for a long time and is able to lose a much larger number of calories than he acquired with a portion of food.

Simple carbohydrates include: a variety of baked goods, sweets, smoked delicacies, fatty and flour foods. The use of these products is strictly prohibited. Complex carbohydrates include various grains and all vegetables. But a low-carb diet allows the consumption of vegetables and only small amounts of grains and some fruits.

Low-carb diets can be of two types: slow and hard. The first ones are designed for gradual weight loss. Moreover, subsequently, if you adhere to certain norms in your diet, it is quite possible to avoid re-gaining unnecessary pounds. Strict diets are intended mainly for athletes. Often used by bodybuilders for cutting, so using it a simple person can lead to rapid uncontrolled weight gain.

The main advantage of a low-carb diet is that with its help you can painlessly, without suffering from a constant feeling of hunger, lose a decent amount of kilograms permanently. But you shouldn’t expect quick results. This is a long-term, controlled process that will help the body avoid unnecessary potential harm. One that is usually accompanied by various “starvation” diets. And in general, such a diet can subsequently become a nutritional system, the basis for a daily diet.

The benefits of a low-carb diet include:

  • it does not require incredible costs, since it uses exclusively healthy and affordable dishes;
  • for diabetes mellitus, such a diet helps restore the lipid spectrum and normalizes blood levels, but such a diet can only be used under the supervision of a specialist;
  • The diet is unbalanced, but you can safely stick to it long time, or you can make it a way of life, positioning it as a special nutrition system;
  • it is quite in demand among athletes, as it helps burn fat without affecting muscle mass, and it also charges you with energy for a long time.

Contraindications and disadvantages of a low-carb diet

No matter how wonderful the system is, it has both advantages and disadvantages. In addition, a low-carbohydrate diet has a number of contraindications:

  • It is not recommended to use this diet in children and adolescence, since the lack of carbohydrates in the developing body is fraught with unpleasant health consequences;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, you should also not resort to such a weight loss system, since for pregnant women the health of the fetus is a priority, so in principle they should not go on diets;
  • If you have health problems, you must consult a specialist before going on a diet.

When following the principles of a low-carbohydrate diet, you should remember that eating protein foods every day can lead to undesirable consequences in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, as well as to a heavy load on the kidneys. This usually occurs due to a deficiency in the body, which enters the body in small quantities with such a diet.

Glucose deficiency is undoubtedly also one of the disadvantages of a low-carbohydrate diet. This primarily affects mental activity; memory deterioration and slow reaction speed are often noted. It is especially difficult for lovers of sweets to come to terms with such a diet. A large percentage of those who quit dieting are precisely among such people.

Also, protein foods are rich in protein, which can accumulate in the body, and the absence of healthy foods on the menu can cause problems in the intestines. With a high content in the diet, the body begins to produce ketone bodies. They, in turn, are able to flush fat from the body, but at the same time they can also catch useful substances, which are necessary for the normal and coordinated functioning of important organs and systems. This can often lead to weakness, dizziness and bouts of insomnia. In this case, you need to consult a doctor; most likely, this method of losing weight is not for you.

Since a low-carb diet limits the consumption of some healthy vegetables, the body may not get enough required quantity vitamins and minerals, so the use of additional vitamin complexes at this time is encouraged.

Authorized Products

The basis of the menu for a low-carbohydrate diet should be protein foods with a small addition of fats and carbohydrates. The following products are allowed to be used:

  • lean meat and lean fish;
  • eggs;
  • low-fat fermented milk and dairy products;
  • mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • various vegetables, if possible excluding potatoes, legumes, as well as olives;
  • limited amount of fruit, with the exception of grapes and bananas, as they are quite large;
  • offal;
  • dried fruits and nuts;
  • buckwheat, oat bran or brown rice in limited quantities;
  • various greens.

Prohibited Products

Foods prohibited on a low-carb diet include:

  • rich vegetables and grains: potatoes, white rice, pasta of any kind;
  • bread and various products made from it;
  • sweet confectionery;
  • smoked sausages and other delicacies;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup and other fatty sauces;
  • sugar in any form;
  • grapes and bananas, which are rich in ;
  • fruit juices and compotes;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Nutritionists vying with each other insist on banning fatty foods and replacing them with low-fat analogues, but reviews from numerous adherents and supporters of this method of losing weight indicate the opposite. They calmly adhered to this diet and lost weight by eating certain types of fatty sausages and meat. You just need to eat them in moderation, without overdoing it.

Rules for following a low-carb diet

In order for such a diet to proceed as expected and not cause harm to the body, certain rules must be followed:

  • with such a diet, it is necessary to consume as much liquid as possible - more than one and a half liters per day;
  • It is recommended to bake, steam or stew vegetables;
  • With such a system, walking for at least twenty minutes a day or additional physical activity is desirable;
  • In order to correctly compile a daily diet, you should use a table that shows the carbohydrate component of various foods.
Table of carbohydrate content in various products per 100 grams
Alcoholic drinks
Drinks with high content (, and others)
Dry1 USD
(approximately 250 grams)12 USD
(about 60 grams)18 USD
fresh0.1 USD
fresh0.2 USD
, and raw0.5 USD
Fresh, and1 USD
Raw, and1.5 USD
Dried white mushrooms7.5 USD
Dried boletuses13 USD
Dried boletus mushrooms14 USD
Canned food
Any fish
Beet caviar2 USD
canned2.5 USD
pickled3 USD
Tomatoes and4 USD
, eggplant caviar5 USD
canned6.5 USD
Zucchini caviar8.5 USD
Pepper with vegetables11 USD
Sweet canned14.5 USD
19 USD
Beans and other legumes46 USD
49 USD
"Hercules", split peas50 USD
62 USD
And66 USD
67 USD
71 USD
Dairy products
Vegetable oil
Low fat and different types of cheese1 USD
1.3 USD
Low-fat types of cottage cheese1.8 USD
any fat content2.6 USD
Cottage cheese with high fat content2.8 USD
any fat content3 USD
or3.2 USD
no content3.5 USD
any fat content4 USD
Pasteurized and4.7 USD
Yogurt containing sugar8.5 USD
Sweet curd mass15 USD
Sweet cheeses in glaze32 USD
Meat products, poultry
Various types of meat (,), poultry, heart and beef, loin and, steak and various sausages, pork legs
0.5 USD
Chicken liver1.5 USD
Beef sausages, boiled sausage and milk sausages1.5 USD
Pork sausages2 USD
Breaded meat5 USD
Meat in batter6 USD
, sugar-free, mineral
Tomato juice3.5 USD
Carrot juice, with xylitol6 USD
7.5 USD
Grapefruit juice8 USD
Mandarin juice9 USD
Plum juice with pulp11 USD
Cherry juice11.5 USD
Orange juice12 USD
Grape, pomegranate and apricot juice14 USD
Plum juice without pulp16 USD
Pear compote18 USD
Grape and apple compote19 USD
Apricot compote21 USD
Cherry compote24 USD
Vegetables, greens
Daikon1 USD
, 2 USD
Green beans, fresh cucumber, asparagus,3 USD
Onion greens3.5 USD
, 4 USD
, And ,5 USD
Sweet pepper green and red5 USD
celery root,6 USD
, 6.5 USD
, 7 USD
fresh7.5 USD
, 8 USD
, 9 USD
Parsley root10.5 USD
Fresh green peas12 USD
raw16 USD
10 USD
11 USD
And12 USD
, 15 USD
18 USD
And20 USD
25 USD
Seasonings and spices
Red wine vinegar (tablespoon)
Spicy herbs (tablespoon)0.1 USD
and horseradish (tablespoon)0.4 USD
and ground hot pepper(teaspoon)0.5 USD
, tartare (tablespoon)0.5 USD
(tablespoon)0.8 USD
Apple cider vinegar and (tablespoon)1 USD
White wine vinegar (tablespoon)1.5 USD
BBQ sauce (tablespoon)1.8 USD
Vinegar (tablespoon)2.3 USD
Tomato sauce (50 grams)3.5 USD
(tablespoon)4 USD
Cranberry sauce (tablespoon)6.5 USD
Seafood, fish
Frozen, fresh, boiled and smoked fish, And
and fresh seaweed1 USD
fresh2 USD
fresh4 USD
fresh5 USD
Fish in tomato sauce6 USD
fresh7 USD
Breaded fish12 USD
Jam for diabetics3 USD
Jam for diabetics9 USD
Ice cream in chocolate20 USD
Creamy ice cream22 USD
frozen ice25 USD
Almond cake45 USD
Chocolate with nuts48 USD
Sponge cake and dark chocolate50 USD
Chocolates51 USD
Milk and white chocolate54 USD
Halva55 USD
56 USD
Cream cake62 USD
Plain waffles and apple jam65 USD
Apple jam66 USD
Jam, marmalade68 USD
Lollipop70 USD
Strawberry and raspberry jam71 USD
and butter cookies75 USD
Marmalade76 USD
Custard gingerbread77 USD
Pastila and fruit wafers80 USD
Fudge (candy)83 USD
Caramel with filling92 USD
Sugar of different types99 USD
Chicken or meat broth
Goulash soup and green cabbage soup12 USD
Mushroom soup15 USD
Vegetable soup16 USD
Tomato soup17 USD
Pea soup20 USD
And6.5 USD
, And8 USD
8.5 USD
And9 USD
, And9.5 USD
And10 USD
10.5 USD
, 11 USD
11.5 USD
And13 USD
21 USD
45 USD
Dried pears49 USD
53 USD
55 USD
58 USD
21.5 USD

Based on the table, you can create a personal menu, following which you can lose up to 9 kilograms in a week.

The design principle is based on limiting the consumption of foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates:

  • for weight loss – you need to gain up to 40 conventional units per day;
  • to stabilize weight – no more than 60 conventional units;
  • to increase a kilogram – 60 conventional units or more.

Different types of menu for a week on a low-carb diet

An approximate menu for the week can be presented as follows:

  • breakfast – steamed omelet, green or herbal tea;
  • second breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch – mushroom soup, boiled
  • dinner - baked fish.

Weekly menu for weight loss

To lose about 10 extra pounds in a week, you can try this version of the weekly menu:

  • breakfast – cottage cheese with dried fruits;
  • lunch - cabbage soup;
  • dinner - boiled veal.

Menu for a week for diabetes

Separate treatment menu can be used for diabetes:

  • breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese, tea and 2 boiled eggs;
  • second breakfast – 250 grams of yogurt;
  • lunch – legume soup;
  • afternoon snack - orange;
  • dinner – fish baked in the oven with vegetables.

High fat low carbohydrate diet

This diet was invented by Dr. Atkins. It occurs in four phases:

  • first phase – duration 2 weeks, carbohydrate limit of about 20 grams, proteins are allowed in any quantities;
  • the second phase lasts several months, during which you need to gradually increase the amount of carbohydrates consumed;
  • third phase - in order to maintain weight in its current state, it is recommended to increase the rate of available carbohydrates to 10 grams per day;
  • fourth phase - to consolidate the result, you need to consume the same amount of carbohydrates as in the third phase.

Sample menu for athletes

For efficient combustion fat without loss of muscle mass, it is recommended to use approximately the following menu for the week:

  • breakfast - tea, oatmeal;
  • second breakfast – 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, seafood salad, stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - curd pudding;
  • dinner - meat baked in the oven, steamed vegetables, kefir.

Low carb diet for vegetarians

There is a separate diet for those people who do not use meat in their diet. There are some rules for them:

  • Calculation of consumed carbohydrates must be done in this way: 5 grams of carbohydrates per 10 kilograms of weight;
  • meat and fish products should be replaced with soy analogues, beans, and cereals.

Protein diet

Both athletes during the drying period and ordinary people who prefer protein foods:

  • breakfast – tea and 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • second breakfast - crushing nuts;
  • dinner - boiled chicken with stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - kefir or yogurt;
  • dinner - fish cooked in a double boiler.

Recipes for a low-carb diet

To prepare the soup you will need:

  • shrimp – 1 kg;
  • celery;
  • tomato – 1 piece;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • curry;
  • lemon juice.

Peel the shrimp and rinse well, chop the vegetables and herbs finely. Pour the ingredients with water, add a little curry, sprinkle everything with lemon juice and put on the stove.

Beef stew with spinach

To prepare this dish you can use the following recipe:

  • beef – 1 kg;
  • spinach – 400 grams;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • celery root – 200 grams;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs;
  • olive oil;
  • caraway;
  • ginger powder;
  • beef broth – 250 grams.

Fry all the seasonings in oil, gradually add chopped onions and tomatoes. Fry briefly, add beef broth and remaining ingredients. It is best to cut the beef into strips so that cooking takes less time. Cover the dish with a lid and simmer for forty minutes.

Fast carbohydrates, unlike slow ones, are instantly transformed into glucose. If they are not used up in a timely manner, they will begin to be deposited in fat. The consequence of this process is excess weight gain.

But, of course, it is impossible to completely eliminate these substances from the body, since without them it will not be able to function normally. As you know, carbohydrates are responsible for most vital processes.

From now on, a diet that excludes uncontrolled consumption of carbohydrates is considered a system proper nutrition, which is based on products containing large amounts of protein.

This method is completely free of harmful carbohydrates. It is due to this that the human body begins to consume its own fat reserves to obtain the necessary energy.

Protein should predominate in the diet

Thus, the body can take energy from food or from fat, which is specially stored in the body in case a person begins to starve. The main purpose of this rational nutrition is the following - lack of fasting.

You should not completely give up food, as this will subsequently lead to further big problems with health. Besides, extra pounds won't go anywhere.

In order to reduce weight, it is enough to simply limit the consumption of carbohydrates, replacing them with protein foods. The latter, in turn, are known for their nutritional value and benefits.

In addition, one steak or chicken cutlet will give the body a feeling of fullness and fill it with healthy vitamins, minerals, amino acids, as well as macro- and microelements.

But cakes and sweets cannot provide anything other than empty calories and fat. As a result, carbohydrates obtained from them begin to be deposited on the sides.

A low-carbohydrate diet is approved by experts and is considered the most harmless and effective for weight loss. It is also recommended for, since the concentration of this substance in patients is very high. And uncontrolled consumption of carbohydrates can only worsen the situation.

Permitted and prohibited products

As a rule, only from protein foods with the addition of a small amount of carbohydrates.

When eating a low-carbohydrate diet, you can eat the following foods:

  • any (pork, beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, goose, duck, rabbit);
  • offal (kidneys, heart, lungs, brains);
  • (, sour cream, yogurt);
  • (chicken, );
  • nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts);
  • (except legumes, asparagus, potatoes, olives);
  • fruits (no more than two pieces per day: everything except bananas and grapes);
  • low-fat varieties and others;
  • cereals (brown rice, ).

Foods containing fats should also be consumed in small quantities. After the diet does not contain carbohydrates, the body will begin to burn stored fat as vital energy.

Prohibited foods include the following:

  • side dishes containing a large amount of starch (rice, spaghetti, potatoes);
  • any bread;
  • various types of baked goods, including pastries, cakes, cookies, muffins, pizza, burgers;
  • (sweets, chocolate);
  • smoked meats (fish);
  • fatty sauces (, ketchup);
  • (from now on you will have to drink coffee without refined sugar);
  • as mentioned earlier, bananas and grapes will have to be completely excluded from fruits, since they contain a huge amount of sugar, which is a sugar of natural origin;
  • sweet juices from the supermarket, carbonated juices and compotes;

Low Carb Diet Food Chart

If you strictly follow this diet, you should use a specific table in which for any product (per 100 g) the numbers indicated in y are given. e.

One such conventional unit is equal to 1 g of carbohydrates. Calculating the amount of carbohydrates that are allowed per day is quite simple (to start losing weight, you should gain no more than 39 USD per day).

Even though some of the junk foods have a low y. That is, it is prohibited to eat them during the diet. When the weight reaches the desired level, they can be gradually included in your diet.

The list of products and conventional units for them is as follows:

  • meat, poultry, beef liver – 0;
  • chicken liver – 1.5;
  • any eggs (piece) – 0.6;
  • sausages and sausages – 3;
  • milk sausages and sausage – 1.5;
  • smoked and baked fish – 0;
  • shrimp, red and black caviar – 0;
  • squid – 5;
  • champignons – 0.2;
  • dried mushrooms – 7.5;
  • low-fat – 1.8;
  • fatty cottage cheese – 2.9;
  • yogurt without sugar – 3.4;
  • sweet yogurt – 8.7;
  • kefir, fermented baked milk – 3.1;
  • milk – 4.8;
  • sour cream – 4;
  • cream – 4;
  • butter – 1.1;
  • margarine – 2;
  • – 22;
  • dark chocolate – 50;
  • cookies – 75;
  • – 55;
  • honey – 75;
  • sugar – 98;
  • beans – 46;
  • , dried peas – 50;
  • buckwheat – 65;
  • , – 66;
  • rice – 71;
  • – 69;
  • rye bread – 34.

Menu for the week

As you know, a low-carb diet is not a fast diet. Losing weight takes time. Experts recommend staying on this diet for a month. Only after thirty days can you see the first results of weight loss.

Day one – Monday:

  • breakfast: 200 g of low-fat curd product, herbal tea without refined sugar;
  • dinner: 200 g fish;
  • afternoon snack: apple;
  • dinner: a small portion of buckwheat porridge without oil with chicken or beef.

Day two – Tuesday:

  • breakfast: omelette, two, coffee;
  • dinner: 250 g of boiled beef with vegetables and herbs;
  • afternoon tea: or unsweetened apple, natural yogurt;
  • dinner: mushroom

Day three – Wednesday:

  • breakfast: 150 g cheese, apple, tea;
  • dinner: chicken soup without fat;
  • afternoon snack: low-calorie yogurt;
  • dinner: with meat.

Day four – Thursday:

  • breakfast: buckwheat porridge;
  • dinner: 250 g of beef or any poultry with vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: orange;
  • dinner: rice with fish.

Day five – Friday:

  • breakfast: 100 g cheese, 2 boiled eggs, coffee or tea;
  • dinner: 200 g of beef or pork and vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack: kefir;
  • dinner: stewed vegetables with chicken.

Day six – Saturday:

  • breakfast: 250 g cottage cheese, tea;
  • dinner: meat soup;
  • afternoon snack: fruit;
  • dinner: 150 g baked fish with rice.

Day seven – Sunday:

  • breakfast: buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • dinner: champignon soup;
  • afternoon snack: 1 glass of yogurt and orange;
  • dinner: 200 g boiled pork and vegetable salad.

To achieve best results Experts recommend steaming or using a slow cooker. When frying, use minimum quantity oils The above menu should be used as an example, since if desired, it can be slightly adjusted by selecting recipes to suit your taste.


This article provides recipes for men and women for weight loss that contain virtually no carbohydrates.

Vegetable salad with chicken breast

To prepare it, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon thyme;
  • 1 teaspoon rosemary;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 100 ml.
  • Mix all the spices together and rub the chicken meat with them.

    Place it in a glass container and close it cling film and put it in the refrigerator for two days. Turn the fillets twice a day.

    After the specified time has passed, you need to remove it from the refrigerator, wash off all the spices and leave in cold water for twenty minutes. Next, remove from the water and dry with napkins.

    Now each breast should be wrapped in a linen towel and left to dry for three days. After this period of time has passed, you can enjoy its unique taste and aroma.

    If you wish, after it is ready, hang the meat on strings above the stove, turn on the burner and hood and wait about three hours. After such manipulation it will finally be cooked.

    Useful video

    Low carb recipes in the video:

    Only at first glance, it seems that losing weight on a low-carb diet is boring and monotonous. But in fact, everything is quite the opposite: there are a large number of low-calorie dishes that are no worse than fatty or sweet foods. In addition, such nutrition has its own bonus - the long-awaited loss of excess weight. The most important thing is to follow the recommendations of experts and eliminate carbohydrates from your diet.

    Most nutritionists agree that the bulk of excess weight is formed due to the intake of large amounts of carbohydrates into the body. This mainly applies to simple carbohydrates, which are found in sweets, baked goods and fruits. In this article we will talk about. This technique will appeal to meat lovers. This is due to the fact that most of the diet will consist of food rich in proteins.

    The essence of a low-carb diet is simple. Fast carbohydrates are excluded from the diet; complex carbohydrates, in turn, are significantly reduced in consumption, and their place is taken by protein and fatty foods. This technique has several basic principles:

    1. Even with a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates, the body receives exactly as much as is needed for the normal functioning of all systems. Thanks to this, the figure becomes slimmer without compromising health.
    2. Quantity carbohydrate food should be halved. For example, if a person with an average build consumes about 100 grams of these organic substances per day, then during a low-carbohydrate diet their consumption should be reduced to 50 grams. Proponents of hypocarbohydrate diets recommend reducing this figure to 30 grams per day.
    3. Thanks to a large amount, the body will become slimmer, but the muscles will remain normal. Only the fat layers disappear, which is a definite plus for any person.
    4. In any case, the body must receive glucose in a certain amount. Otherwise, he will begin to extract it from the muscle fibers.
    5. You cannot stick to a low-carb diet for longer than expected. A large amount of protein consumed has negative impact on the functioning of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.
    6. Before you start a diet, you need to prepare yourself psychologically. There are many examples when a person began to follow this method for losing weight, made many mistakes, became disappointed in himself and stopped any actions. You need to emotionally attune yourself to subsequent prohibitions and restrictions on your favorite delicacies.
    7. A common mistake most dieters make is eating few vegetables. You can't remove them from your diet completely. This can lead not only to a deterioration in overall well-being, but also to a stressful situation that ends in an uncontrollable exit from the diet.
    8. Not many people can tell the difference healthy fats from harmful ones. In order to avoid getting into such a situation, you need to know what you can’t eat on a low-carb diet, and what, on the contrary, is recommended.
    9. You need to consume a significant amount of fiber. Often these plant fibers are completely forgotten. But thanks to them, it is possible to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and neutralize the harmful effects of protein on it. It is found in fresh vegetables and fruits.
    10. You definitely need to change your daily routine. Diet alone will not give the desired result if a person leads sedentary image life. Even if the work involves staying in one place, you need to do light jogging in the mornings and evenings and don’t forget about morning exercises. You also need to walk more in the fresh air.
    11. In order not to introduce your body into stressful situation and maintain psychological balance, you need to constantly come up with new dishes from permitted products. All nutritionists recommend maintaining a varied diet. Monotonous food can lead to psychological denial of the chosen technique.
    12. For the result to appear, all restrictions must be strictly observed. Due to the lack of carbohydrates in the body, thoughts will arise on a psychological level to eat something sweet. However, this cannot be allowed. Even in small quantities.

    For greater effect, you must follow a number of rules regarding a low-carbohydrate diet:

    1. The most important condition of this technique is compliance with the daily proportion of BZHU. It is equivalent to the following numbers: proteins 50%, fats – 30%, carbohydrates – 20%.
    2. Portions must be multi-component. For example, for breakfast you need to eat not only proteins, but also add a certain part fiber with fats.
    3. – the key to success. You can't overeat. Portions should leave a slight feeling of hunger. It will disappear a few minutes after eating food.
    4. Half an hour before breakfast you need to drink a glass warm water. The last meal should be taken 3 hours before bedtime.
    5. Fruits and berries saturated with glucose must be replaced with less saturated representatives.
    6. Daily fluid intake should not be less than 2 liters of water. However, there is no need to force drink. Liquid is consumed only when the body needs it.
    7. The diet should not contain sweets, baked goods, flour, processed foods and carbonated drinks (mineral water is an exception).
    8. Always use, which can be found on the Internet or in some cookbooks.
    9. The energy value of foods consumed per day should not exceed. This amount needs to be divided into three main meals and two snacks. Thus, the following nutrition scheme will be obtained: 300 (breakfast) + 150 (lunch) + 300 (lunch) + 150 (afternoon snack) + 300 (dinner) = 1200.

    Pros and cons

    In order to truly appreciate this technique, you need to understand its strengths and weaknesses.


    1. If you build your daily diet correctly, the body will not experience hungry moments. The body will receive a sufficient amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates.
    2. A huge advantage of this technique is that it...
    3. If you adhere to the BJU proportion - 40-40-20 or 40-30-30, you can use this diet constantly. It will not contain so much protein that the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract will suffer.
    4. It is equally effective for both men and women.
    5. This diet is very often used by people. With proper distribution of food, you can exercise actively without feeling weak. At the same time it will increase muscle mass and the percentage of subcutaneous fat decreases.


    1. Large amounts of protein can cause bowel problems and dehydration.
    2. This diet is not suitable for people engaged in activities related to mental work. A small amount of carbohydrates disrupts thought processes.
    3. No need to wait quick results from this technique. Usually, to achieve a significant effect, you need to stick to it for 30-90 days.

    Indications for following the diet

    Firstly, this technique is ideal for people visiting gym. Secondly, it is recommended for people suffering from excess weight. When it is reduced by 10%, the risk of developing various diseases is significantly reduced, and general condition the body returns to normal. Thirdly, the diet is recommended for people with diabetes. However, it is advisable to choose products after first consulting with your doctor.


    To purposefully go to desired result, you need to know the diet menu for a low-carb diet:

    Day of the week Eating Approximate menu
    Monday 1 Casserole based on cottage cheese and eggs, one tomato, two lettuce leaves
    2 Freshly squeezed carrot juice, apple
    3 Stewed white fish, bread, green bean salad with cucumbers and onions
    4 Grapefruit
    5 Boiled brown rice, stewed carrots with cabbage and pieces of chicken breast
    Tuesday 1 Grain cottage cheese with less fat content, green tea no sugar, apple
    2 Salad of arugula, parsley, cucumber and tomato, dressing vegetable oil
    3 Boiled beef, salad with herbs and garlic
    4 Handful of nuts
    5 Vegetable soup, boiled chicken breast, broccoli and celery
    Wednesday 1 Omelette of ten quail eggs, lightly fried champignons with onions, sprinkle everything with parsley or dill
    2 Lettuce leaves with Chinese cabbage under olive oil
    3 Seafood, seaweed
    4 Freshly squeezed, one pear
    5 White fish baked in the oven, salad onions, cucumbers and tomatoes
    Thursday 1 3 soft-boiled eggs, a slice of hard cheese, green hour
    2 Shrimp, lettuce, tomato and celery salad
    3 Chicken breast stewed with beans, radish, beet and garlic salad
    4 Walnuts
    5 Boiled turkey, stewed cauliflower with broccoli, slice of hard cheese
    Friday 1 Cottage cheese with dried apricots, herbal infusion, half a grapefruit
    2 Boiled egg, two slices of cheese, a glass of kefir
    3 Beef baked with vegetables
    4 Handful of almonds
    5 Grilled vegetables, seafood
    Saturday 1 A glass of yogurt, a steamed three-egg omelette, dried fruits
    2 Fruit salad of half an apple, one kiwi and ½ part orange
    3 Soup with chicken pieces, carrots and onions, boiled halibut
    4 Pear and some cashews
    5 Brown rice, shrimp and mussels
    6 A glass of freshly squeezed juice
    Sunday 1 Boiled buckwheat porridge with milk, a slice of cheese
    2 Dried fruits
    3 Fish stew with vegetables
    4 A glass of yoghurt, one piece of toast and a slice of cheese
    5 Grilled carp, salad with cauliflower, onions and green beans
    6 A glass of kefir

    This is an approximate low-carb diet menu for a week, which is suitable for both men and women. Ingredients can be changed to add variety to each week. It is worth remembering to maintain proportions and limit daily calorie intake.

    Cooking should be done by boiling, stewing, baking and steaming. These processing methods retain the greatest amount of useful components in products, reducing the overall calorie content of the dish.

    Products consumed during the diet

    They can be divided into two main groups. One of them will concern what can be eaten, the second will indicate prohibited foods.


    • vegetables in any form;
    • sunflower seeds;
    • various nuts (except fried);
    • veal, turkey, beef, chicken, rabbit;
    • sea ​​fish (high in unsaturated fatty acids);
    • shrimp, mussels, squid;
    • any low-fat dairy products;
    • quail and chicken eggs;
    • occasionally you can eat brown rice or boiled buckwheat;
    • mushrooms;
    • fruits containing the least amount of glucose.

    Prohibited foods on a low-carb diet:

    • potatoes, lentils, corn, peas;
    • baked goods and any flour products;
    • pasta;
    • sausages, semi-finished products;
    • mayonnaise;
    • sweets (sweets, cakes, chocolate);
    • alcohol;
    • honey, jam;
    • grape.

    Other foods should be consumed carefully, checking the calorie and carbohydrate content tables.


    To eat a varied diet, you need to know low-carb recipes. The more you know, the better for your body.

    Meat with cheese

    A dish intended for an evening meal. To prepare it you will need half a kilogram of lean beef, 150 grams of hard cheese, 4 tomatoes, 2 onions, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 3 cloves of garlic, salt, chicken egg, 1 teaspoon mustard, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, black pepper, seasoning for meat dishes.


    1. First you need to prepare the sauce for the meat. To do this you need to mix raw egg with vegetable oil, mustard, 3 cloves of garlic and beat in a blender until smooth.
    2. Add lemon juice, salt and pepper (to taste). Beat again. The sauce is ready. Place it in the refrigerator for 4 hours
    3. Next you need to prepare the meat. Rinse it under running water, clean off bones, greasy streaks and spittle. Cut into pieces 3 cm thick.
    4. Beat off the resulting pieces.
    5. Pour soy sauce into a deep plate, add pepper and meat seasoning. Mix thoroughly. Place the meat into the resulting mixture. Leave it there for 3 hours.
    6. While the meat is marinating, you need to finely chop the onion and tomatoes. Grind the cheese on a fine grater.
    7. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the meat on it so that the pieces stand vertically and there is free space between them.
    8. Place onion rings and tomatoes in the free spaces. Pour homemade sauce over all pieces of meat and vegetables and sprinkle cheese on top.
    9. Bake in the oven for 90 minutes. Temperature – 200 degrees.

    Fish cutlets

    To prepare, you will need half a kilogram of white fish fillet (sea fish), 200 grams of chicken fillet, 2 onions, carrots, dill, parsley, salt.


    1. First of all, you need to thoroughly rinse the fish and chicken fillet under running water. After that, pass them through a meat grinder and add onions to them.
    2. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Add it to the minced meat. Season the resulting mixture with salt and pepper. Chop the greens with chalk and add them there. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
    3. The minced meat should stand for half an hour in the refrigerator.
    4. When time has passed, you can take it out and make cutlets.
    5. They are steamed.

    Omelet-based rolls

    For this dish you will need chicken or turkey fillet, champignons, 3 eggs, half a glass of milk (skimmed), parsley, dill, 1 tomato, salt, onion.


    1. First you need to cook the turkey fillet. Cut it into small pieces.
    2. Pour the eggs into a deep plate, add milk. Chop the greens and add to the mixture. Beat everything with a spoon, fork or blender.
    3. Finely chop the tomatoes and add them to the future omelet. Add salt.
    4. Fry the omelette in a frying pan.
    5. While it is frying, you need to fry the chopped onion with the champignons.
    6. Place the fried mixture of onions and mushrooms on the prepared omelette. Add meat. Roll the omelette to make a roll.

    Great breakfast dish.

    Rich soup

    Interesting hearty and healthy dish. To prepare it you will need 1 kilogram of chicken fillet, 3 liters of water, salt, 500 grams of champignons, processed cheese - 150 grams, herbs to taste.


    1. Boil 3 liters of water in a large saucepan. Add salt, add chicken fillet and bring the liquid to a boil.
    2. Remove the chicken from the pan, cut into medium pieces, and place back in the pan.
    3. Finely chop the champignons and add them to the broth.
    4. Add processed cheese to the water, cook over low heat until it melts.
    5. Wait until the soup has cooled and blend all ingredients using a blender. You should get a homogeneous consistency.
    6. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs to taste.
