Proper transplantation of cyclamen at home. How and when can cyclamen be transplanted? What soil is suitable for cyclamen

Among the variety of indoor plants, there are flowers that are often used as gifts. Receiving a pot with a beautiful flowering bush of cyclamen, violet or anthurium is doubly pleasant: such flowers cannot be compared with a bouquet, because it will quickly wither, and the bush will still for a long time will please the eye, and may even produce “offspring.”

The favorite cyclamen is a herbaceous perennial from the Myrsinaceae family with a very bright and abundant flowering. Its original colorful inflorescences in the form of butterflies with raised wings proudly rise above the foliage on long stalks and form a lush flower cap that is simply impossible to pass by. And the leaves themselves, with their rounded shapes and light patterns on a dark background, are also very decorative. Thanks to its spectacular appearance and long-term (more than 3 months) flowering, cyclamen has long won its place in the hearts of home plant lovers.

Planting and caring for cyclamen seems difficult only at first glance; in fact, this flower feels quite comfortable on windowsills and is able to decorate them more than once with its blooms. The main thing is to know some of the nuances of growing and create it favorable conditions. How to do it correctly, that’s what we’ll talk about today.

Features of planting cyclamen

The root system of the plant differs significantly from the roots of most representatives of indoor pets, which plays one of the main roles not only when planting it, but also in further care behind the flower. Cyclamen is somewhat reminiscent of bulbous crops: its root is a large flattened corm round shape. Its average diameter is about 15 cm, with only one growth point.

When planting an adult cyclamen, the tuber cannot be completely buried in the ground: at least 1/3 of it must remain on the surface. The exception is the European species of plant, in which the roots grow not only in the lower part of the bulb, but also over its entire surface.

The soil for the flower must be light and nutritious. Already sold in the store ready-made substrates specific for this plant. A soil mixture for Saintpaulias is also suitable for him.

If desired, soil suitable for cyclamen can be made independently by mixing in equal parts:

  • leaf soil;
  • sand;
  • turf land;
  • humus.

There is one more nuance on which both the development and future flowering of the plant directly depend. A pot for cyclamen should be chosen with a small volume (of course, taking into account the size of the corm itself).

When choosing a flowerpot, you need to be guided by the fact that from the tuber itself to the walls landing capacity should be no more than 3 cm. Only in such “cramped conditions” will cyclamen soon be able to bloom.

What does cyclamen love and what is it afraid of?

When planning to grow a plant, it is worth considering what it prefers:

  • coolness;
  • fresh air;
  • sufficiently high air humidity;
  • diffuse lighting.

The most comfortable temperature for a flower is up to 20 degrees Celsius, but not lower than 10 degrees. For it to bloom in winter, you need even less - up to 14 degrees Celsius. Frequent ventilation allows the cyclamen to receive an influx of fresh air, especially during the heating season. You can also refresh the bush with regular spraying; in addition, it will raise the humidity and lower the temperature in the room.

When ventilating the room, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a draft - it is detrimental to the flower.

Another important point in caring for cyclamen at home concerns watering. It is best to moisten the soil in a pot using the bottom watering method, lowering the flowerpot into a bowl of water. Keep it there until the substrate is completely saturated with moisture, and top layer won't get wet. Then you should remove the cyclamen and allow the excess water to drain. The liquid from the pan must be drained so that it does not stagnate.

Bottom watering of cyclamen will eliminate the possibility of moisture getting on the top of the corm, as well as directly on the flowers and leaves. If you water the bush directly into the pot, there is a risk of flooding the growing point, and this usually ends in rotting of the tuber and, accordingly, the loss of the entire plant.

You can also water the cyclamen directly into the pan, not forgetting to then drain the excess water from it.

Regarding application, cyclamen is one of those indoor plants, which are better to underfeed than to overfeed.
The flower responds well to complex preparations For flowering plants, especially in liquid form, but the working solution should be prepared strictly following the recommendations for its use, sometimes even reducing its concentration.

The purchased plant does not need fertilizing for the next 2-3 months: usually store-bought soil contains a large amount nutrients, with which the plant is “seasoned” so that it blooms profusely and has a beautiful “marketable” appearance.

How often should I replant the plant?

Cyclamen does not grow very quickly, and a young corm can sit in a pot for two years. During this time, it will increase in volume and it will be possible to transplant the cyclamen into a larger pot, at the same time changing the substrate to a fresh one. It is better to replant using the transshipment method, without completely clearing the old soil from the tuber, so as not to damage it. The first feeding after this procedure is done a month later.

Cyclamen should be handled at the end of the dormant period, before it starts to grow, but you don’t need to take a very spacious container, otherwise you may not see the next flowering.

A flowering plant donated or purchased in a store (even if it is absolutely clear that the transport pot for it is small) cannot be replanted - you must wait until it blooms and rests.

How does cyclamen rest?

When the bush finishes flowering and the inflorescences fade, the leaves begin to turn yellow, and over time, only one tuber remains in the pot. Many gardeners think that the plant is lost, and often even throw it away. However, this is completely in vain, because this is how cyclamen prepares for a period of rest.

Fading leaves can be carefully removed without waiting for them to dry out completely. To do this, simply twist the petioles clockwise without using scissors.

Caring for cyclamen during the dormant period is simple:

  • with the beginning of yellowing of the foliage, the frequency of watering begins to be reduced;
  • the pot with the “bare” round tuber remaining in it is moved to a darker place, where it will receive less light, but will not be hot;
  • The hibernating cyclamen is watered occasionally to prevent the soil and corms from completely drying out.

Most often, plants hibernate in winter, when the room is too warm and dry for them, because it is known that cyclamens bloom profusely only in cool and humid conditions, although a spring-summer break is also typical for them.

Flowers rest for three months. This time is enough for them to recover and gain strength before the next abundant flowering.
After the specified time has passed, the pot with the corm is returned to a bright place and watering is resumed. Soon leaves will appear from the bulb, then buds will form and everything will repeat all over again.

Preferred method of reproduction

As already mentioned, the cyclamen corm has only one growth point. True, sometimes there are specimens in which several of them are formed, but this happens very rarely. For this reason, it is almost impossible to obtain a new plant by dividing a tuber, especially since even if it is possible to carry out such a procedure, the divisions take root extremely reluctantly and in most cases die.

The seed method is the most realistic and positive-resulting method of propagating cyclamen.

You can sow seeds at any time of the year, but it is better to start working in early spring. Then the daylight hours are long enough, which makes it possible to provide the seedlings with good lighting and avoid them being stretched out.

Before sowing, it is better to pickle the seeds for disinfection purposes by soaking them in a solution of potassium permanganate. Instead, you can use any growth stimulator.

Fill the seedling container with nutritious soil mixture, make shallow grooves in it and spray them well with a spray bottle. Lay out the prepared seeds, leaving a distance of at least 2 cm between the seeds. Lightly sprinkle the crops with soil and cover the top with film or glass to create greenhouse conditions. They will remain in this form for 12 months until they germinate. At this time, it is necessary to periodically ventilate the greenhouse and spray the soil, and also not allow temperatures to be too high, otherwise the seeds will “fall asleep” instead of germinating.

If after a month the seedlings have not yet hatched, there is no need to rush to throw them away: the seeds of certain varieties of cyclamen can “sit” in the ground for more than 5 months.

When the seeds germinate, the film is removed and the seedlings are grown without it. After the plants have formed a pair of true leaves and their own small nodules, they are picked into separate cups. It is noteworthy that you can plant them in pairs or even 3 pieces, since each young bulb will not need much space.

When picking plants, young corms are completely covered with soil, unlike adult cyclamens.

In such small groups they will “sit” and grow for about six months, after which the bushes are individually transplanted into flowerpots with a volume of no more than 7 cm. The first flowering of young cyclamen can be seen no earlier than 18 months from the moment of sowing the seeds, and some specimens take as long as three years to prepare for this. They can bloom in summer or even winter, depending on the time of sowing and growing conditions.

What kind of soil is needed for cyclamen: composition, acidity, structure. Read in today's article what soil to choose for cyclamen, how to prepare the soil for cyclamen yourself?

Cyclamen- this is a tuberous herbaceous plant. Two main types for home grown– European and Persian cyclamens– have minor differences, which also apply to the planting scheme. For example, the European one is placed partially in the ground - the upper part of the tuber remains above the surface.

Reflections on what kind of land is needed for cyclamen appear when necessary propagate, transplant or plant cyclamen after the purchase. Flowering and dormant period plants differ from usual flowers - when cyclamen goes into retirement. The soil mixture for cyclamen is selected based on the needs of the plant. For example, cyclamen does not like waterlogging, which means you need to choose a substrate so that the water does not stagnate for a long time. The structure of the earth should be loose, that is, have drainage properties, but at the same time provide nutrition to the cyclamen.

What kind of soil is needed for cyclamen:

  • Moderately nutritious.
  • Loose.
  • Purchase option: universal, for cyclamen, for flowering ones.
  • Slightly acidic, neutral, or slightly alkaline.
  • WITH drainage layer at the bottom.

Note: the cyclamen tuber should not come into contact with drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. For example, if a grower lays a 1 cm layer of pebbles on the bottom, then on top there must be a 1-2 cm layer of earth, or even more, then a cyclamen tuber, which is partially or completely covered with earth.

Homemade land for cyclamen

You can prepare soil for cyclamen at home. To do this you need the following set of ingredients , which are mixed in the specified proportions.

Composition of soil for cyclamen:

  • 2 parts leaf soil.
  • 1 part peat.
  • 1 part of coniferous land.
  • 5 parts sand.

If desired, you can add the prepared soil mixture add perlite, vermiculite , or use the base composition.

How to prepare soil for cyclamen step by step:

  1. Steam the sand and cool.
  2. Treat the inside of the pot. Wipe dry.
  3. Place drainage on the bottom: pebbles, perlite, vermiculite, broken brick etc.
  4. Mix the main ingredients for soil mixture. Treat with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. Dry.
  5. Place 2/3 of the resulting substrate on the drainage layer.
  6. Place the processed (if necessary) cyclamen tuber.
  7. Sprinkle with the remaining soil, leaving part of the tuber above the surface.

How to care for cyclamen after transplantation?

Replanting cyclamen carried out before or after flowering. The rest period during which the procedure was performed is adjusted to necessary criteria for this period, described in the article linked above. Standard Content at night +15° C, without drafts, V daytime rest period +20 ° C, diffused lighting, ventilation and prevention of drafts, poor moisture.

Note: cyclamen does not like not only drafts, but also stale air, tobacco smoke, other external influences, and after transplantation the plant is especially sensitive, so you have to more carefully control the “cleanliness” of the space where the transplanted plant is located.

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The reason for the popularity of cyclamen is the marvelous appearance of the plant with basal dark green leaves with gray-silver patterns, on top of which drooping flowers bloom on tall peduncles. The length of the petioles is 30 cm. The originality of the flower depends on what species it belongs to. Among them there are representatives with a pointed flower, curved back, with fringed petals, etc.

It differs not only appearance flower, but also its color. Breeders have developed hybrids with flowers that are snow-white, pinkish, dark red, burgundy or purple. Flowering duration is up to 3.5 months. If you provide them with cool conditions when growing, flowering will last from mid-October to the end of March (read about when and how long flowering lasts and what to do with cyclamen after it has bloomed).

The importance of the right substrate

Not all gardeners follow soil recommendations. They believe that the type of substrate is not important. You can take garden soil and the plant will grow. They are wrong, since its fate depends on which substrate is chosen. Soil is the main material that affects the growth and flowering of the plant planted in it.

What kind of soil is needed?

It's important to know which soil will do plant. Cyclamen grows well in slightly alkaline soil. Experienced gardeners claim that cyclamen is also suitable for slightly acidic and neutral soils. There is some truth in their words.

The composition of the earthen mixture can be any with the only condition: when it dries, it should not shrink, and the water in it should not stagnate.

Preparing soil at home

Required Ingredients

When preparing the soil mixture for cyclamen, add coarse sand and perlite to it in a layer of 0.3-0.5 cm. Above the substrate there should be a layer of small pebbles: gravel, small pebbles, granite with a size of 0.5-1 cm.

Reference! It is not always convenient to prepare soil for cyclamens at home. Increasingly, they are buying universal, special soil for cyclamen or flowering plants in flower shop. Good manufacturer– Seliger Agro.

To make loose soil for cyclamen, take:

  • Store-bought substrate.
  • Perlite.
  • Sand.
  • Needles.

Before preparing the ground, treat the substrate with a solution of potassium permanganate. The solution used for processing should be pinkish. For ten liters of water add 1.5-2 grams of dry potassium permanganate powder. Preliminary preparation sand is subjected to in addition to impregnation with potassium permanganate. It will be treated in a steam or water bath for half an hour. When adding pine needles, take forest and not rotted ones. Otherwise, it will rot, become covered with fungus and contribute to the rotting of the plant in the pot.

The resulting mixture is calcined in the oven for an hour. Sometimes this procedure is omitted, making do with only treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate. Calcination – best way save cyclamen from the development of fungal diseases.


  • 4 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 tsp sand;
  • 2 hours of turf;
  • 0.5 tsp pine needles.

The right pot

A pot for cyclamen is selected by purchasing a plant at a flower shop. A new one is bought when it is replanted or propagated. When choosing the right one, take into account the age of the plant. If the age is one year, the optimal diameter of the container is seven centimeters. Two-year-old cyclamen is transplanted into a container with a diameter of 14 cm. It is not recommended to sharply increase the size of the pot. Otherwise, the soil will oxidize. To prevent waterlogging of the soil in the future, the bottom is pierced, i.e. make drainage holes.

A transplant is not always necessary. It is recommended to carry it out after purchasing a new flower. In the flower shop it grows in a special substrate so that there are no problems when transporting it from abroad. In the future it interferes good flowering and plant growth. When the tuber grows greatly and it becomes obvious that the plant is cramped in the pot, it is important to replant it. If you delay, the roots will grow too much and they will not have enough nutrition to meet all their needs.

If desired, every gardener can cope with a cyclamen transplant. You don't have to do anything special The main thing is to strictly follow the steps listed below:

Important! When transplanting cyclamen from one pot to another, be careful not to damage the fragile roots. If injury occurs, the bulb will not take root. and will die.

Watering and fertilizing

It depends on after the transplant whether cyclamen will be accepted or not. It comes down to timely watering and fertilizing with the right fertilizers. In the first month they are rarely watered. It is better to pour water into the pan so as not to soak the tuber on top with water and contribute to its rotting. Use settled water for irrigation room temperature. A month later, the cyclamens are fed with fertilizer.

Never deviate from the recommendations given by experienced gardeners. If this happens, the cyclamen will disappear or bloom later than expected. After one month, water it as the soil dries out and only with the beginning of flowering more abundantly than before. Overwatering is not permissible, as it contributes to the development of diseases in the flower.

Read in detail about how to properly water cyclamen, and from there you will learn how and what to feed the plant.


The type of soil chosen for cyclamen determines whether it will quickly acclimatize to new conditions and bloom. They don’t take the first soil they can get their hands on to replant it. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that pests will not appear.

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They call it differently alpine violet or a junkie. Flower growers love this plant for beautiful flowers and variety of varieties. It can be grown both at home, in a pot, and in open ground. You can find cyclamen in almost any part of the world. This perennial, so if you care for it properly, you can enjoy beautiful flowers year after year.

Despite the large number, only two are most often used for growing at home - Persian and European. The choice is made in their favor because they have beautiful bright inflorescences that appear even in winter.

How to plant - optimal conditions and time

A beautiful flower begins with correct landing . The most favorable time The period for growing violets is considered to be from February to March.

Attention! In an apartment, it is not necessary to plant at this particular time; the seeds will sprout in any month.

What conditions does cyclamen need to please you with flowers?

  • The room should be well ventilated and sufficiently light and, ideally, sunny.
  • The flower really doesn’t like drafts, but low temperatures he doesn’t care, he feels great even at 11 degrees.
  • One of the most important criteria beautiful plant The soil is loose, so don’t forget about it if you want to achieve results.
  • Much, she does not tolerate drought well. When the plant blooms, it is necessary to water more often, but you should make sure that water does not stagnate, as the roots may begin to rot.

It is important to prepare the soil that will be suitable for cyclamen. Since this plant loves air, the soil should be quite loose. Easy enough to do.

Mix two parts of steamed soil with one part of the Tulip soil mixture or something similar, add a little river soil so that the soil becomes less dense.

You also need to choose a pot correct size, it should not be very large so that the liquid does not stagnate, this will have a bad effect on the roots of the plant.

The size of the pot depends on the age of the plant:

  • For small flowers, a pot with a diameter of up to six centimeters is enough.
  • If the cyclamen is a year and a half old, then no more than eight centimeters.
  • The plant is older than three years - the diameter of the pot can be up to 15 centimeters.

Preparing the pot:

  1. Be sure to make a hole in the bottom of the pot.
  2. Lay pebbles or expanded clay down to avoid the formation of excess moisture.

When the pot and soil are ready, you can proceed directly to planting the cyclamen. It's easy to do. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions.

How to plant cyclamen correctly:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the seeds. Soak the seeds for about 10-12 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or specialized preparations, for example, Epin.
  2. Make a furrow in the soil about a centimeter deep and water it generously.
  3. The seeds should be placed at a distance of three centimeters from each other.
  4. Sprinkle soil on top and cover with a jar or film.

While maintaining favorable temperature regime(about 20 degrees) the seeds germinate in about a month or two.

Now that the first green shoots have appeared, you need to move the flower to a well-lit place and remove the film. But you must try to avoid direct sun rays. As soon as a couple of leaves appear, you can transplant the seedlings into pots. 2-3 pieces each, completely covering the tubers with soil.

After about six months, you can transplant the flowers into larger pots, but at the same time you need to add them only 2/3. It is very important that the soil is loose; success depends on this.

How to plant at home?

Care after transplant

You need to understand that even if you transplanted the plant correctly, but did not provide proper care afterwards, the fragile flower may die or die.

As already mentioned, watering is very important for cyclamen, especially when it blooms (read about how to properly water cyclamen). It is best if you water through a tray, that is, pour water into a saucer, but if for some reason the watering is from above, then try not to touch the tuber and pour water from the side, carefully watching to ensure that water does not stagnate.

The plant will thank you if the air around it is well humidified, arm yourself with a spray bottle and spray around the pot, without getting on the leaves.

Do not neglect fertilizers, especially during the growing season; it is recommended about 2 times a month. Best suited for cyclamen liquid fertilizers. You can use the same ones as when planting. To enrich the soil, half a cap is enough; you need to add it to two liters of water and let it brew. It is advisable to use warm water. You should fertilize the soil after replanting no earlier than the first shoots appear.

Advice! Choose fertilizers that do not contain chlorine or its content is minimal, because mineral salts can harm cyclamen.

Details about secrets proper care for cyclamen at home, you can find out.
Thus, it can be said that, following simple rules, you can easily and quickly grow cyclamen, which will delight you with beautiful flowers for a long time.

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  • It should be not only regular, but also moderate.
  • If this plant is watered abundantly, it may rot, which will lead to its death.
  • When watering this plant, you must ensure that moisture does not get on such parts of the flower as: leaves, buds, etc.
  • That is why it is necessary to water the plant not from above, but using a tray. This will allow the plant to take as much moisture as it needs.

In order for this plant to take root well, it must be grown in moderately heated rooms. The room temperature should be in the range from 12 to 15 degrees. If this plant is placed in drafts, it may die. If the room temperature is above 15 degrees, then natural moisture will be enough for him.

When caring for cyclamen, it is necessary not only to provide it optimal conditions, but also monitor its appearance as carefully as possible.

If, after transplanting this plant, wilted leaves appear on it, then they must be removed without fail. In this case, it is strictly prohibited to use scissors. It is necessary to pull out the foliage with short rotational movements.

If the cyclamen was transplanted before the dormant period, then its leaves will certainly dry out. This is not something to be afraid of. Cyclamen must be placed in a cool place. At the end of the dormant period, the leaves must be removed from the cyclamen.

Plant nutrition:

  • Fertilizer is a very important component of caring for this plant.
  • By applying fertilizers, you can ensure cyclamen not only proper, but also full flowering.
  • To carry out this action, mineral fertilizers are often used.
  • During dormancy, this plant does not need fertilizer.

When conducting correct transplantation, as well as proper care for it, you can ensure proper growth and development of cyclamen.

More information can be found in the video.
