Exercises with an expander for women - A set of exercises for athletic ladies. Expander for women

An expander is a type of sports equipment that can be used to create a load on the muscles (due to the return of the applied effort). These simulators come in different directions; they can also have different shapes and be made from different materials(from pipes, tapes and springs).

The expander has everything to help you lose weight, because it forces the muscles to work, and the body to tense and burn calories, as a result of which weight loss occurs.

The advantages of using this simulator are as follows:

  1. Compact - it can be transported from place to place and used both at home and in the gym.
  2. Versatility - with it you can train the whole body and do the most different exercises.
  3. It is suitable for both experienced athletes and people with minimal physical fitness.
  4. You can do both single-component and multi-component exercises with it.
  5. It will help strengthen muscle mass in a fairly short period of time.
  6. Low cost compared to other professional simulators.

Choosing an expander

This simulator has the following varieties:

  1. Carpal. It should be used for arm training.
  2. Brachial– used for training shoulder joints and neck.
  3. Chest– used to perform exercises on chest and back.
  4. Foot– designed for training legs and hips.
  5. Inclined– used for training joints, twisting and bending.

In addition, when choosing this simulator, you should understand what level of preparedness you have. For example, for beginners, devices with minimal resistance (usually yellow in color) are best suited.

Green exercise machines are suitable for intermediate levels, and blue ones for professional athletes.

Operating rules

In order for the training to be effective, you should adhere to the following rules for working with it:

  1. Each exercise must be done ten to fifteen times in two or three approaches.
  2. Before each new approach, you should pause for one minute to restore your breathing.
  3. You need to install such a number of springs on the simulator that you can safely do it in one approach. required quantity exercises.
  4. To truly achieve good result, you should exercise regularly.
  5. The first workouts should not be too exhausting, otherwise you can overload an unprepared body.
  6. If you experience pain in the joints or muscles, you should change the exercise you are performing or take a break from training. It is extremely undesirable to work through pain, otherwise you can damage tendons or muscles.
  7. You should not exercise when you feel bad, so as not to harm yourself.
  8. Like anyone sports simulator, the expander requires careful attention during exercise.
  9. It is better to start training with exercises for the shoulders and chest, and end with hip and arm presses.

Let's start training

Before each workout, you should prepare for it. To do this, it is best to do one of these warm-ups:

  • do push-ups from the floor;
  • rub your palms and make a light one.

Exercises with a shoulder expander

Exercise 1:

  • put your right leg into the handle of the expander and place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • as you exhale, take the pen in right hand and bend it, while straining the muscles of the arms and shoulders;
  • you also need to avoid bending your back and make sure that the exercise machine does not touch the top of your shoulders;
  • as you exhale, you can straighten your arm;
  • repeat the same with the other hand;
  • perform forty times in two approaches.

Exercise 2:

  • slowly place the expander behind your lower back and stand straight;
  • As you inhale, straighten your arms at the elbows, and as you exhale, bend them, while straining the muscles of your arms and shoulders.

Exercise 3:

  • bring the simulator forward with straight arms, palms turned inward;
  • while inhaling, bend your right arm at the elbow and move your left arm straight to the side;
  • as you exhale, bend your arm at the elbow again;
  • do the same with the other hand.

Workouts with expanders for hips and leg muscles

Exercise 1:

  • lie down on the mat, pressing your whole body well to the floor;
  • put your hands behind your head, and bend your legs at the knees and firmly connect them together;
  • As you inhale, squeeze the exercise machine between your knees, and as you exhale, release it;
  • do twenty repetitions in two sets.

Exercise 2:

  • lie on the mat with your back down, raise your legs up without bending them at the knees (after putting an expander on your feet);
  • as you exhale, spread your legs to the side, and as you inhale, bring them together;
  • repeat thirty times in two approaches.

Exercises with a foot expander (with handles)

Exercise 1:

  • grab the handles of the simulator with the upper girth and stand with your feet on the tubes;
  • the face should look straight;
  • while inhaling, squat down and raise your arms up;
  • as you exhale, stand up again;
  • repeat twenty times.

Exercise 2:

  • attach the expander to the wall;
  • turn your back to the wall and move away half a meter, firmly holding the exercise machine with your upper girth;
  • slowly raise your arms to the top;
  • stand on your toes, tense your muscles, then stand completely on your entire foot;
  • repeat forty times in two approaches.

Exercise 3:

  • secure the exercise machine to the wall with a clamp, and to the hips with handles;
  • move a short distance;
  • as you exhale, move your left leg back as far as possible without bending it;
  • while inhaling, return it back;
  • repeat this with the other leg.

Reviews from people losing weight

  1. Karina, 23 years old."The expander has become for me good friend, because it was with his help that I managed to tighten my body well and lose eight kilograms! Of course, these activities require some effort and time, but it’s worth it. Excellent universal trainer!
  2. Albina, 34 years old.“I’ve been working out with a leg trainer for two weeks now. I want to say that it’s not at all as easy as I thought, but it really helps me build muscle and lose weight. During this time, my hip size has decreased by five centimeters, even though I only work out three times a week!”
  3. Lina, 48 years old.“It was very difficult for me to exercise on this machine, as it requires really great strength. After practicing on it for three weeks, I gave up this thankless task, because there was simply no effect. I think that regular running will help me lose weight better. overweight than this device."
  4. Anna, 31 years old.“On the advice of a friend who was very enthusiastic about the expander, I decided to try it myself. I used the shoulder option. The first workouts were not easy - my muscles ached, and my whole body felt like it was made of wood (before that I had not played sports at all). Then, gradually I got used to the loads and I even liked it! Now I work with him regularly. So far, in two months of training I’ve lost six kilograms.”.
  5. Vitaly, 36 years old.“I worked out with an expander for almost three months. This was enough for me to bring my body into good shape and lose seven kilograms. Training is not difficult, you just need to do it correctly and regularly. Also, you need to clearly know which problem areas need to be corrected and do exercises specifically on those areas of the body. I personally trained myself, without a coach, and it worked out great for me. The main thing is motivation. Now sometimes I train on the expander just as a hobby.”
  6. Snezhana, 22 years old.“I’ve only been working out on the expander (for the hips) for a week, but I’m already seeing results - the muscles have really started to work. I do twenty bench presses a day in two or three sets, and this is enough for me to really force myself to lose weight. In principle, such training is not difficult, compared to exhausting diets and running (for me personally), so I can safely recommend it, Moreover, in just seven days I have already lost two kilograms!”
  7. Valeria, 25 years old.“For me personally, this simulator seemed ineffective for the following reasons: firstly, it requires a lot of physical strength, and secondly, it takes a very long time to work. I trained on it every other day for two weeks. I did various exercises (for arms, legs, abs), but for some reason I didn’t achieve anything other than muscle pain. Disappointed!

Having analyzed the reviews about this sports device, we can say that people’s opinions about it are very different. Some who have tried it note good efficiency expanders and quick results. Others, on the contrary, talk about the excessive difficulty of training with them and the insufficient effect. Be that as it may, to really lose weight using this method, you should regularly exercise with an expander and make every effort to do so.

  1. If you have diseases of the joints, muscles, heart, as well as after recent injuries, you should not train with an expander, so as not to injure yourself;
  2. It is not recommended to eat immediately before training. It is best to eat an hour before or half an hour after;
  3. It is best to do exercises in warm room where there are no drafts, since part of the training takes place lying on the floor;
  4. To attach expanders to the wall (for some exercises), you should use special sports rivets or ordinary devices that can cope with this task.

An alternative to training with dumbbells and barbells is training with an expander. They do not put stress on the joints, but they work the target muscles well. In addition, such equipment is inexpensive and takes up virtually no space in the house. There are different types of expanders: chest, tape, tubular, wrist, “Eight”, “Butterfly” and others. They allow you to load various muscle groups to a greater or lesser extent: legs, buttocks, back, arms, abs, etc.

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    Advantages of expanders

    Training with expanders can replace exercise classes gym.Compared to dumbbells and barbells, they have several advantages:

    • create a more uniform load throughout the exercise;
    • you can practice anywhere: at home, in the gym, on the street, etc.;
    • it is possible to select the degree of resistance suitable for a specific level of training;
    • take up virtually no storage space;
    • stress the muscles, not the joints.

    Such training is also suitable for beginners who have recently been training, since correct technique in this case it is much easier.

    With the help of these equipment, men will be able to strengthen their muscles and, if desired, even gain muscle mass. For women, classes are useful for losing weight, tightening the skin and getting rid of cellulite. According to reviews, by training with expanders, you can lose 20 and even 30 kg in a year.

    Types of expanders

    In sports equipment stores you can purchase various types of expanders: spring, tubular, tape and others.

    Some of them are suitable for working individual muscle groups. Others are universal. With them you can perform exercises for all muscle groups.


    The chest or shoulder expander is very popular among men. It is equipped with handles and metal springs that create resistance when stretched.

    Elastic rubber tubes can be installed instead of springs.

    With manual expanders it is very convenient to perform exercises on the muscles of the back, chest and shoulder girdle. They provide a range of motion that cannot be achieved when exercising with dumbbells or a barbell.


    Resistance bands are great for developing lower body muscles. They have different degrees of resistance and differ in color.

    With the help of such tapes you can quickly pump up your legs and buttocks. In addition, you can perform exercises on your arms and shoulders.


    A variation of the tubular simulator is the “Figure Eight”. It received this name for its similarity to the figure. The projectile has handles on the sides, making it easy to use.

    This expander is mainly used to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.


    The Butterfly trainer is a structure with a spring in the middle and two levers extending from it.

    With its help it is very convenient to perform exercises for the buttocks, thighs, arms and abs.

    Skier's expander

    For swimmers, skiers and people recovering from injury, a device made from rubber bands and handles is perfect.

    Such a simulator is often attached to a wall, door or crossbar. It allows you to perform exercises on almost all muscle groups.

    Bubnovsky's expander

    The Bubnovsky expander is considered universal. It is named after the doctor who came up with this design for the rehabilitation of patients. Now the projectile is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also to improve physical fitness by healthy people.

    The exercise machine consists of rubber bands with varying degrees of resistance. For convenience, they can be equipped with handles, cuffs and carabiners, with which the projectile can be mounted on a wall or door handle.


    To develop the muscles of the forearms, you can use a wrist expander. This is usually a donut made of hard rubber that needs to be squeezed with a brush. You can start with the lowest resistance and gradually increase the load.

    Hand expanders

    Such loads are necessary for athletes who lift heavy weights to strengthen their grip. In addition, the classes will benefit people who write a lot (schoolchildren, students, office workers, etc.).

    To improve blood circulation and the condition of the body as a whole, you can use equipment with massage spikes.

    Massage expanders

    Hand expanders can be made not only in the form of circles, but also in the form of pliers. In this case, the resistance will be provided by the spring.

    Spring hand expander

    Effective exercises

    To lose weight and strengthen muscles, you need to perform exercises with expanders for all muscle groups. You should select equipment based on your goals and level of physical fitness.

    You can achieve results only if you practice regularly. To lose weight, you should train 3-4 times a week with high intensity and low resistance. To develop muscles, you will need to do 1-2 workouts per week for each muscle group.

    Legs and buttocks

    Many women set the main goal of training at home to strengthen their legs and buttocks. You can make them slim and fit by doing exercises with expanders. For these purposes, tape and tube projectiles made of rubber, as well as “Butterfly”, “Eight” and the Bubnovsky simulator are best suited.

    There are several most effective exercises allowing you to achieve results in the shortest possible time.

    Squats with bands or tubular expander

    The best exercise to strengthen your hips and glutes is squats. At home, they can be performed with a mini rubber band, which must be worn above the knees.

    When squatting, you should spread your knees to the sides, overcoming the resistance of the expander. The back should remain straight and the body perpendicular to the floor. At the lowest point, the lower back should not “peck”, and the pelvis should twist. It is also important to ensure that your knees do not extend beyond your toes.

    You can also squat with a tubular expander equipped with handles. It should be long enough to perform the exercise comfortably.

    Correct technique:

    • place your feet wider than your shoulders, point your toes out to the sides by about 45 degrees;
    • press the rubber band firmly to the floor with your feet;
    • clasp the handles with your palms and raise them to shoulder level;
    • while inhaling, squat down, moving your pelvis back until it is parallel to the floor;
    • At the lowest point, tighten your buttocks and, exhaling, return to the starting position.

    On the way up, the muscles of the legs and butt will have to overcome the resistance of the rubber. At the same time knee joints and the lower back will not receive unnecessary stress.

    You need to select the resistance level individually. At first, you can squat without additional equipment to learn the correct technique. Over time, you should increase the load using stiffer expanders.

    Swing your legs

    You can work the gluteal muscles in isolation using leg swings. Expanders will help create additional load.

    With fitness bands, you can do leg abductions from a standing position. In this case, the gluteus maximus muscle will work. During the execution, it is important to keep the body motionless so as not to make it easier for the target muscle groups to work.

    To develop the gluteus medius muscle, you need to do leg abductions to the sides. This exercise can be performed standing or lying down. The pace of execution should be slow so that you can feel the work of the gluteal muscles.

    With the Eight expander, you can perform leg swings in the knee-elbow position.

    Technique step by step:

    • stand in a knee-elbow position, resting your straight arms on the floor;
    • press one end of the expander with the knee of your left leg;
    • put the free handle on the foot of the right foot;
    • as you exhale, straighten your right leg back, straining your buttocks;
    • hold at the end point and return to the starting position, but do not lower your knee to the floor to maintain tension.

    Leg swing with figure eight

    The same movement can be done using a tubular expander.

    Leg swings with a rubber band

    Folding "Butterflies"

    To strengthen the inner surface of your legs, you can perform leg abductions lying on your side with a Butterfly expander.


    • lie on your right side and bend your legs slightly;
    • install the expander between the knees so that the lock is directed towards the feet;
    • as you exhale, squeeze them with the force of your left leg;
    • then slowly open your knees.

    The main thing is to perform the movement under control, feeling the tension in the muscles of the butt and inner surface hips.

    You can squeeze the “Butterfly” while lying on your back. In this case, the buttocks and muscles of the inner surface of the legs will also be involved.


    • lie on your back and bend your legs;
    • fix the expander between your knees with the lock facing you;
    • as you exhale, squeeze your legs as much as possible;
    • hold in this position for a couple of seconds;
    • then slowly return to the starting position.

    Only the target muscles should work. You cannot raise your head and upper back, straining your cervical spine.


    It is important for both women and men to strengthen their back muscles. This will allow you to maintain correct posture for a long time and protect you from injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

    Bands and tubular expanders are good for developing back muscles.

    Belt pull

    To strengthen the muscles of the lower and middle back, you can perform rows while seated. Expanders will help increase the effectiveness of the exercise.


    • sit on the floor and stretch your legs;
    • secure the rubber cord to your feet;
    • grasp the handles and straighten your arms;
    • as you exhale, bring your shoulder blades together and pull the expander towards your stomach;
    • elbows should go along the body, not to the sides;
    • at the end point you need to linger and feel the tension of the back muscles;
    • then return to the starting position.

    You can replace the rubber band with an elastic band. In addition, you can use the Bubnovsky simulator attached to a wall or door handle.

    To shift the load to the upper back, you need to do deadlifts with an expander while standing. The technique will be similar. The main thing is to carry out the movement using the force of the back muscles, and not pull the tourniquet with your hands.

    Pull-ups with expander

    An effective exercise to strengthen your back muscles is pull-ups with a rubber band. Depending on your grip, you can work on different parts of it. If you grasp the horizontal bar widely, the latissimus muscles will receive more load. A narrow parallel grip helps to shift the emphasis to the lower and middle back.


    • secure the expander to the horizontal bar by tying a knot;
    • hang on the horizontal bar with your knees bent;
    • put them under an elastic band;
    • as you exhale, pull yourself up and then slowly lower yourself, overcoming resistance.

    To perform this exercise, you need to select a durable expander that can support your body weight.


    For the harmonious development of the body, you need to pay attention to the pectoral muscles.

    For women, this will help lift and tighten their breasts, and for men, emphasize muscle definition.

    Raising hands

    At home, you can do arm raises with a chest expander.


    • stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart;
    • pick up a chest expander with springs or rubber tubes;
    • straighten them in front of you at shoulder level;
    • as you exhale, spread your arms to the sides, feeling the stretch of the pectoral muscles;
    • then bring them together in a controlled manner.

    Instead of a shoulder expander, you can use a Figure Eight or an elastic band.

    Push-ups with an expander

    You can strengthen your pectoral muscles with wide-arm push-ups. You can increase the load using the resistance of the expander.


    • stretch a tape or tube expander across your upper back and press the ends to the floor with your palms;
    • take a lying position;
    • while inhaling, bend your elbows and lower yourself down;
    • Having touched the floor with your chest, you need to return to the starting position.

    The body must remain straight throughout the entire movement. You cannot raise your pelvis or bend your lower back.


    You can pump up your arms and make them more toned with exercises with an expander.

    The area on the front of the arms is occupied by the biceps, and on the back by the triceps. In order for the body to be harmonious, attention should be paid to the development of both muscles.

    Bicep curls

    Pumping up your biceps is quite simple. It is enough to do arm curls with a rubber band or tubular expander.


    • press the expander to the floor with your feet;
    • grab the handles and lower your arms along the body;
    • as you exhale, bend them so that your forearms almost touch your biceps;
    • At the top point, make a peak contraction and then slowly straighten your arms.

    The elbows should remain stationary so that the biceps do all the work. In addition, you cannot rock your body back and forth.

    Triceps extension

    As women age, their skin begins to sag back surface hands You can cope with this with the help of extensions, which are aimed at developing the triceps.


    • stand up straight, press the expander with your feet to the floor;
    • bend over so that your back is almost parallel to the surface;
    • bend your knees slightly;
    • take the free ends of the expander in your hands and lift them until they are parallel to the floor;
    • as you exhale, fully extend your arms back using your triceps;
    • lingering at the top point, return to the starting position.

    At the same time, you cannot spread your elbows to the sides. You also need to ensure that your back remains straight.


    Expanders can also strengthen your abdominal muscles. With their help you can pump up your abs to six-pack.

    But you should understand that the relief will be noticeable only with a small layer of fat. To do this, you need to follow a diet and do cardio training.

    Crunches with a rubber band

    Crunches with a tubular expander will help pump up your abs.


    • lie on your back;
    • put a tourniquet on your feet and pass it through your head;
    • raise your legs and bend them at the knees;
    • cross your arms behind your head;
    • from this position, raise your upper back without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor;
    • the movement should be carried out due to the tension of the press;
    • then lower back down, overcoming the tension of the cord.

    Under no circumstances should you pull yourself by the neck. If she gets tired during the process, then the exercise is performed incorrectly.

    Leg raises with expander

    You can engage the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle more strongly by lifting your legs with a rubber band.


    • lie down on the mat, secure the apparatus on your feet;
    • take the loose ends in your hands, slightly raise your legs and upper back from the floor;
    • Using your abs, lift your straight legs 90 degrees, pulling on the rubber.

    This exercise should be performed slowly, making sure that only the abdominal muscles are involved in the work. The neck should not strain during the execution.

    Number of approaches and repetitions

    To create a full-fledged training complex from the presented exercises, you need to decide on your goals.

    Women, in order to lose weight and tone muscles, need to choose 1-2 exercises for each muscle group and perform each 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 approaches. Such training should be carried out 3 times a week. They will help you quickly lose weight and strengthen the muscles of the whole body.

    Men who want to achieve muscle definition should perform 8-10 repetitions in 3 sets. In addition, you can work out muscle groups in different days.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

    I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

    But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Today, such expanders are no longer produced, and athletes use rubber equipment. It should be recognized that previously the expander was most often used incorrectly. Many people wanted to gain weight with it. But it is intended primarily for drawing muscles, and to gain weight you need to use dumbbells and barbells. The main advantage of the expander is its compactness.

Safety precautions when working with an expander

As when working with any other sports equipment, training with an expander requires following basic safety rules. When starting training, you should check the equipment for rips and cuts. If at least one defect is found on the rubber shock absorber, then it can no longer be used.

It is important to make sure that the shock absorber is firmly attached to the handles and that it will not come off during training. If you are performing movements that require you to press down on the shock absorber with your foot, always place it in the center of your foot. Also, you should not exercise with this sports equipment without shoes. To make your workouts as effective as possible, you should have several sports equipment designed to work on the muscles of your legs and arms. It is also worth having resistance bands with varying degrees of resistance.

Rules for performing exercises with an expander for women

Each movement should be repeated 15 times, and swings, due to their significantly lower energy intensity, should be repeated 25 times. Beginning athletes should start working with one set of each exercise and carefully monitor the degree of fatigue. If you do not feel muscle pain before starting your next session. That number of sets can be increased by one.

Don't forget about warming up. The expander is a sports equipment and can greatly load the muscles. After completing the main lesson, it is also necessary to do stretching, which in this case will become a hitch. Remember that the body does not perceive a sharp transition from high activity to a state of rest and vice versa.

The rubber shock absorber must always be taut when performing movements. If the rubber sags, then you are not loading the muscles, but are simply wasting time. It is possible that you need a more rigid sports equipment.

A set of exercises with an expander for women

Leg training exercises

  • Exercise 1- Squats: legs are at the level of the shoulder joints, and hands are at the shoulders. To make it more convenient to work, the shock absorber should be placed behind your hands. Inhaling, begin to lower yourself until your thigh is parallel to the ground. As you exhale, begin to stand up. This is a fairly simple movement, but thanks to a certain positioning of the hands, the load on the leg muscles increases significantly. Beginner athletes can place their hands on their waist.
  • Exercise 2- Lunges: one leg is one step ahead of the other. The shock absorber is located under the forward leg, and the arms with the expander are located near the shoulder joints. Begin to bend your knee joints. It is very important that the knee joint of the supporting leg always remains in line with the foot, and the thigh is parallel to the ground.

Exercises for training the back muscles

  • Exercise 1- Seated waist row: Sit on the mat and, holding the shock absorber in your hands, wrap it around your feet. The elbow and knee joints should be slightly bent, and the palms should be directed inward. Bend your elbows, pulling your arms towards you. It is important to ensure that your back is straight and there is a natural arch in your lower back.
  • Exercise 2- Rows, standing: attach the expander to a gymnastics wall or table (if you train at home) at the level of the elbow joints. Move away from the wall (table) to such a distance that the shock absorber is slightly stretched. Exhaling, pull the handles of the projectile towards you, while simultaneously spreading your elbow joints and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Return to the starting position while inhaling.

Exercise for training the chest muscles

  • Exercise 1- Forward arm press: Grab the middle of the resistance band with your arm bent behind your back. Both handles of the projectile should be in the second hand, which is located in the shoulder area. Begin to straighten your arm forward in a straight line. The extreme point of the trajectory is at the level of the middle of the chest.
  • Exercise 2- Triceps curl: the starting position is similar to the previous movement. The only difference is the position of the second hand, which holds both handles of the projectile - it is located behind the head. Begin to straighten your elbow joint, working only with your triceps.
How to train with an expander yourself, watch this video:

Losing weight is never easy, especially when getting rid of extra pounds required in a relatively short time. Fortunately for millions of women around the world, an expander was invented - a simple and effective exercise machine, indispensable both for losing weight and maintaining the body in good shape.


For elaboration different groups muscles are used different models. Therefore, depending on the tasks, expanders are divided into the following types:

  • Carpals

In the form of a rubber torus, ball, “pincers” or “scissors” on springs. Designed for training fingers (all at once or separately), hand muscles, and strengthening forearms.

  • Breasts

They train the back, shoulder girdle, and chest. They are latex cords or stretching springs with plastic (metal) handles.

  • Foot

Stretchable latex (rubber) tapes with foot fixation cuffs.

  • Expander butterfly

Indeed, it looks like a butterfly - with two plastic handles, which are spread apart, and a spring hidden in a round plastic case. Ideal for training inside hips

  • Tape (harness)

It is made of latex, very soft, so it does not cut into the body. Universal for working out legs, back, chest, arms. Characteristic feature– difference between handles and cuffs.

  • Skier's expander

Ski expander Plastep 3.6 m triple elastic band

Universal, suitable for training all muscle groups. It consists of rubber bands with several cuffs. The number of tapes varies from 1 to 5. They can be rigidly attached to the wall bars or horizontal bars.

Please note. When choosing a model, look at the color. Green or yellow means weak resistance (just for beginners). Orange – average, black, blue, red – maximum.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The main advantage of expanders is that you can start exercising at almost any age. No sportsmanship or skills required. For women it will become an indispensable assistant, if you need to quickly lose weight and pump up your figure for the spring-summer season. With its help, you can develop your chest muscles (making your bust visually fuller), pump up your buttocks and strengthen your inner thighs.

The disadvantages mainly apply to low-budget models. They are the ones that can fail. If broken, a torn tourniquet (or spring) may leave bruises, although minor. Some inexpensive models cannot adjust the load.

Training rules

In order for classes to be as effective and safe as possible, it is important to follow the following rules:

Rule 1. It's better to practice in the morning

It is in the early morning hours (before 10 am) that the speed of all metabolic processes in the body is the highest. This means that fat burns faster, and muscles, on the contrary, acquire the desired relief.

Rule 2. Warm-up is required before training

If you do not plan to immediately compete at the Olympic Games, it is enough to run in place for 7-10 minutes, do 6-8 side bends and 10-12 squats.

Rule 3. Put on your shoes

If a rubber band wraps around an unprotected foot, it can cause a cramp.

Rule 4. To lose weight you need to do more sets and repetitions

On average, each exercise is performed 15-20 times for 4-5 approaches with a break of 2-3 minutes between them. Women need to “lean” on lighter weights with a large number of approaches, training not strength, but endurance.

Rule 5. Don't forget about contraindications

It should be noted that absolute contraindications are diagnosed:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology;
  • late stages of varicose veins.

You should not exercise if you have chronic skin diseases in the acute stage and in the midst of colds at elevated temperatures. You should be careful if you have a tendency to form spider veins (weak capillaries). In case of any doubt, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Exercise sets

For breast slimming

  • With shoulder expander

Just stretch your arms with the machine straight in front of you and spread them to maximum tension.

  • With a "butterfly"

Raise the expander above your head (not high) so that the head looks down and move it up and down over a small amplitude, squeezing and unclenching with force.

  • Again with the "butterfly"

The exercise machine should be positioned in front of you so that the round cap looks directly at the chin, and its handles point towards the floor. Next, you need to put your hands on the handles and begin to squeeze, overcoming resistance.

  • With ribbon

The tape is wound behind the back, where it stretches, then carefully returns to its original position.

If you additionally want to work the muscles of your arms and shoulders, use a special one.

For belly slimming

Abdominal exercises are best performed with a foot expander:

  • Exercise 1

Fasten the cuffs to the feet. Taking the machine by the handles and bending your elbows, you need to slowly lower your legs and lean forward, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. During the first approach there should be 8-10 such swings, in the future their number should be increased.

  • Exercise 2

The cuffs are attached to the feet, the middle of the tape is thrown over the neck, and the body is tilted. From this position you need to slowly, with effort, straighten up.

The effect can be seen after 1-2 months.

For best result use others.

For slimming thighs and buttocks

  • For buttocks with soft tape

Tie a ribbon around your legs. Grab the back of the chair and swing to the side and back. You can do the same swings, but with a leg trainer, simply by attaching the cuffs to your feet.

  • For feet

Swings are also effective here, but from a lying position. You need to lie down on the mat, tie a tape around your legs and lift them with effort.

  • Half squats

Stand in the middle of the band, grasping its edges, and squat forcefully.

  • For hips

Classic exercise with a butterfly. Sit on the edge of a chair with a straight back, placing the “butterfly” between your thighs with the plastic head down. Then 15-20 times in a row with an effort to bring and spread the knees. In this case, it is advisable to hold the butterfly in the folded position for at least 5-10 seconds. You can complicate the exercise by performing it not on a chair, but sitting directly on a gymnastic mat (without support). This will also work the abdominal muscles.

The same exercise can be performed while lying on your side. The machine should be placed between the thighs with the plastic “core” facing up.

They will help enhance the desired effect.

For slimming your hands

In their simplest form, hand expanders look like dense rings or balls made of natural rubber or latex with a load of 5 to 25 kg. They can be smooth or “with pimples”. If possible, it is recommended to purchase the latter, since the “pimples” during exercise additionally create a massage effect and affect the nerve endings and acupuncture points on the fingertips.

Training with hand expanders is essential for your fingers and hands and helps prevent the development of carpal tunnel syndrome - chronic pain in the wrist that can develop from working with a computer for a long time or from playing musical instruments.

In general they are included in general complex exercises for weight loss, as they additionally strengthen your arms.

Exercising with a manual expander is not difficult. First, to slightly warm up the muscles, you need to rub your palms until you feel light heat. Then clasp your fingers and make a “wave” several times. Then squeeze the expander in your palm 10-12 times in a row (at least 2 seconds). The same for the other hand.

In the first week, the exercise should be done once a day. In weeks 2 and 3, gradually increase the number of compressions to 20-25 times, and the number of approaches to 2-3 per day. You need to start with an expander of the lowest rigidity and gradually move to medium and, finally, to maximum. Choosing the right one should not be very difficult, since they are often sold in sets of 3 pieces (of different hardness).

Another type of wrist expanders - on a spring, similar to pliers with steel or plastic handles - are intended for those who are sufficiently trained. These are already “serious” models with a load of up to 40 kg or more. They not only work on the fingers and wrists, but also “work out” the shoulder girdle. It is worth purchasing a model with a built-in repetition counter.

Loads for women in this case should not exceed 25 kg. It is recommended to start with 5 kg, having previously warmed up the muscles with an “introductory” workout on rubber expander. You need to squeeze the “pincers” 10-15 times in a row in 3-4 approaches. The break between approaches is at least 3 minutes. Exercise no more than 3-4 times a week.

Training according to Bubnovsky

The famous doctor Sergei Bubnovsky is the inventor of kinesitherapy.

This is a method for the speedy rehabilitation of patients suffering from serious fractures, diseases of the joints and spine. Bubnovsky’s “signature” therapeutic gymnastics includes, among other things, exercises with an expander. Needed for the prevention of scoliosis, osteochondrosis, helps relieve discomfort during VSD and tension headaches. In addition, the complex is effective for weight loss. A skier's expander is used for training.

Therapeutic exercises with an expander include the following exercises:

  • Option 1

One end is securely mounted at a low height on the wall. Sit opposite and, taking it by the second handle, pull it towards you. The back should be straight. This works not only the arm muscles, but also the entire shoulder girdle.

  • Option 2
  • Option 3

Done with ribbon. Take it by both handles, stepping on the middle of the tape. Bend over so that it is as tight as possible, and then slowly, with effort, straighten up, overcoming the tension. The back muscles are also used to the maximum here.

Repeat - 7-10 times in 1 approach, gradually increasing to 15-20. It is optimal to combine with push-ups, side leg swings and lifting dumbbells in front of you and to your sides.

Of course, for a truly pronounced and lasting effect, exercises with an expander should be combined with healthy eating and principles of healthy lifestyle.

As an alternative to an expander, you can consider:

Popular sports equipment for home use is an expander (rubber and spring). Lightweight, small-sized equipment allows you to comprehensively strengthen all the muscles of the body. Exercises with an expander for men and women stimulate muscle pumping and help burn excess weight.

Depending on the type of design and load, several types of expanders have been developed:

Each type of sports equipment must be used correctly.

Exercises using the Bubnovsky method

Bubnovsky's exercises allow you to short terms eliminate the symptoms of spinal hernia, osteochondrosis, as well as:

  • curvature of the spine;
  • disc displacement;
  • pain of unknown etiology;
  • increase endurance;
  • strengthen the elasticity of muscles and ligaments.

Exercises with an expander for women involve the use of a tape apparatus.


Effective exercises with a leg expander

A set of measures allows you to pump up the calf muscle, lower leg, and strengthen the ankle area.

List of exercises:

Exercises for the buttocks

Exercises with an expander for women are performed with a rubber band to tighten the shape and improve appearance.


Back exercises

Exercises with an expander are aimed at eliminating back pain in women, are suitable for improving posture, and solving spinal diseases.


Exercises for the pectoral muscles

For training, choose a special shoulder spring expander.

Set of exercises:

Abdominal exercises with a band expander

The tape expander allows you to pump up the muscles of the upper and lower press, improve the condition of the waist.

List of exercises:

A set of exercises for hands

The complex is suitable for pumping deltoid muscles, biceps, triceps:

Exercises with an expander for the inner thighs

Sit sitting on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place the expander between your legs, pointing it towards your torso. Pull your arms behind your straight back, connect and separate your knees, straining the spring. Perform the exercise 20-30 times in 4 sets with an interval of 2 minutes.

Expander “butterfly”: a complex for the whole body

Exercises are performed in strict order:

Figure eight expander: complex for the whole body

Exercises “8” with an expander for women consist of next steps:

Complex with a “skier” expander for women

Exercises for training with a “skier” expander consist of the following actions:

Expert advice: choosing an expander and safety precautions during exercise

When choosing an expander, you must follow the recommendations of experts:

  1. The spring stiffness must be suitable, so before purchasing, test the model, do a few simple exercises for tension, compression.
  2. Choose a model with adjustable power and a set of springs.
  3. Compact models allow you to take the expander with you on the road, a business trip, and train at any time.
  4. Carefully visually examine the expander for defects; everything done must be properly secured. The handles must be free of chips and cracks, the rubber part must be free of stripes and tears.
  5. For tape models, choose a length of expanders of 1.2 meters or more; they stretch well and allow you to perform more exercises. The width of the tape should be at least 15-20 cm.

Safety when performing exercises is paramount:

  1. Carefully check the fastening of the expander to the horizontal bar or exercise machine.
  2. Before the exercise, visually inspect the equipment for cracks, breakages, and the strength of the handles and springs.
  3. When performing the complexes, make sure that your hands do not slip; use talc or powder.

An expander is a multifunctional, effective sports equipment; exercises with an expander help women acquire the desired shape at home in the shortest possible time.

Video about exercises with an expander

A selection of the most best exercises:

What exercises can you do at home:
