Orthodox name day September. Names for girls born in September

September girls are smart beyond their years, purposeful and friendly. They will always have close friends and girlfriends nearby. Such girls will become caring mothers and good caretakers. hearth and home However, their strong character can sometimes be emotionally unstable. The girl quickly forgets conflicts and regains her former calm, but just as quickly she loses it and creates conflicts, so choose soothing names. Astrologers recommend paying attention to certain groups of names, and abandoning others altogether. Check out the list of favorable astrological names for girls born in September, as well as the list of church names for the same month.

What to name a girl born in September - astrology

Neat and decent September girls need balanced names that appeal to inner peace and harmony. This will give girls confidence and prudence throughout their lives, and will also become a good counterbalance to sometimes excessive emotionality. Take a closer look at the names:

  • Anna,
  • Anastasia,
  • Sofia,
  • Elizabeth,
  • Inna,
  • Elena,
  • Hope,
  • Evgenia,
  • Camilla,
  • Lyudmila,
  • Evgenia.

The last three names can bring not only the above qualities to the owner, but also give good luck.

How to name a girl born in September with great names

Sonorous September girls need a sonorous name, perhaps you will choose one of the outstanding women for good example future girlfriend. Naming a child after someone is a long-standing tradition, be it your distant ancestors or just famous person. The following famous women were born in September:

  • On the first day of the month, the name Natalya reigns, in the name of Natalya Naryshkina, the mother of Peter the Great.
  • On September 7, Queen Elizabeth the First celebrated her name day. And also the famous singers Isabella and Helga, which in Russian will be Olga.
  • On September 16, you can name the girl Angelina, after Angelina Vovk, or Nadezhda, Ksenia.
  • September 25 is a famous date for fans of Soviet-era theater, as Lydia Fedoseeva celebrates her birthday.

You can find a complete list of big names in any calendar of events throughout the year. It is important for the child to immediately know that you chose the name out of respect for this or that person, because this way you will draw the baby’s attention to the activities of that woman.

How to name a girl born in September - church names

The most the best option will be a coincidence church name with recommended by astrologers. Perhaps the birth of a girl will fall on one of the dates presented below.

  • September 1 – Thekla, which from ancient Greek means “God’s glory” or “bohemian”.
  • September 6 – Varvara.
    Eupraxia is translated from Greek as “blooming”, and from Latin as “bringing goodness”.
    Martha, from Syriac literally means “mistress or mistress”, from Hebrew “sad”.
    Matryona, this is Russian word, which means to know one kind or another, from Latin also “venerable lady”, “head of the family”.
    Kira is the “hostess”.
    Sandra, a name shortened from Alexandra, means “protector of all people.” Now an independent church name.
  • September 15 – Domna, which literally means “lady”.
    Ksenia, Oksana, Aksinya - “guest”, “foreigner”.
    Rufina, the name comes from the Latin and translates as “with red hair.” Perfect for red-haired girls.
    Seraphim, biblical name.
  • September 28 – Lyudmila.
    Evdokia, translated from Greek literally “grace”, “enjoying glory”.
    Avdotya is a form of the name Evdokia.
  • September 30 – Vera, literally the Russian word for “vera”.

It is believed that the name of the Saint gives the girl additional spiritual protection.

In Rus', Saints were a special calendar that told about church holidays for every day. The name was often chosen from this book. Find out what names you can choose for girls according to the calendar in September.

Name day Saints are scheduled by day. There are special rules for calculating a name according to the calendar. But you can use more in a simple way- check the calendar of names according to the calendar for each month. Each day is patronized by certain heavenly intercessors. It was in their honor that children in Rus' were often named so that they could later, growing up, seek help.

You can choose a name according to the calendar for both a boy and a girl. It is worth noting that there are days on which women's name days are not celebrated. Then you can simply look at the nearest date and select a name from there.

September 1 the saints advise a name Thekla. Since it is not common these days, you can choose an analogue to diminutive name sounded like Fenya. Or give this name to the girl at baptism.

Girls born 3 numbers, religious calendar advises name Martha or Marfa. You can name your daughter and Maria.

Born 5 numbers the saints advise a name Elizabeth and its derivative, for example, Elsa or Eliza.

September 6 celebrates name day Kira- girls with this name grow up to be very strong in spirit and strong in character.

Girls who were born September 8, can be called Natalia or Mary. Option Marya would also be quite suitable.

Born 10th names like Anna, Lilia or Susanna.

To girls born 12th, you can call Victorias or Elizabeth.

Born September 14 You should choose a name from the following: Natalya, Tatyana, Marfa(or Martha).

Born in 15th day of autumn a bright name will do Seraphim or no less beautiful Oksana. A suitable alternative might be Xenia.

Girls whose name day falls on 17th, the Saints calendar advises the name Elena or Alena.

Elizabeth or Elsami The saints advise to name those girls who will be born September 18.

If your daughter was born in September 21, you can call her Maria.

Born 22nd girls can have a name too Maria. A suitable option will Anna, Sophia or Agatha.

28th day of autumn favors names Lyudmila And Maria.

September 29 you can call a girl too Lyudmila. The saints also allow the name Alina.

Last autumn day provides large selection names for girls: Alexandra, Arina, Vera, Lyubov, Irina, Nadezhda, Sofia.

Choose only those names that you like and that you think are suitable for your child. Remember that a name has a huge impact on a person’s destiny. Before giving your child any name, check its translation and meaning. We wish you good luck and and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.09.2015 01:00

The universe is built on numbers that control our karma and destiny. Ancient Science numerology can answer...

What do you call a child born in the autumn, in the month of September? The question is very important for parents who want their baby’s life to be harmonious, rich in happy moments and joyful meetings.

The name for a girl born in September or for a boy can be determined by:

  • according to the calendar, that is, to name it after the saint whose birthday coincided with the child’s birthday. It is believed that this way the little baby will have a patron and will look after her for the rest of her life;
  • according to zodiac signs;
  • according to numerology;
  • and, of course, at your own discretion.

Names according to the calendar for boys

What to name a boy born in September, or church calendar names

Day of the month (September) Names
1 Andrey, Timofey
2 Maxim, Timofey, Afanasy, Agathon
3 Alexander, Ephraim, Thaddeus, Theognius
4 Athanasius, Zeno, Neophyte, Felix
5 Florentius, Eutyches
6 Arseny, Georgy, Peter, Tation
7 Bartholomew, Eulogius, Epiphanes, Ivan, Renat, Protogen, Titus
8 Atticus, Hadrian, Sisinius
9 Liverius, Savva, Pimen, Theoclitus, Phanurius
10 Agathon, Anatoly, Athanasius, Arseny, Gregory, Denis, Demid (Diomede), Efim, Zeno, Zakhar, Hilarion, Ignatius, Joseph, Karl, Lavrenty, Leonty, Lukyan, Makar, Mercury, Moses, Pavel, Savva (Savvaty), Sophron, Titus, Fedor, Theodosius
11 Ivan, Anastasy
12 Athanasius, Gabriel, Daniel, Denis, Gregory, Ephraim, Eustathius, Ignatius, Ivan, Leonid, Makar, Pavel, Sarmatian, Spiridon, Fedor, Christopher, Jacob
13 Gennady, Basilisk, Cyprian
14 Ammonium, Hermogenes, Meletius, Semyon
15 Anton, Demid, Eutychius, Leonid, Ivan, Fedot, Fedor, Philip, Julian
16 Anikius, Anthimus, Archontion, Vitalian, Gorgonius, Efim, Ivan, Zeno, Constantine, Peter, Polydorus, Theoktistus, Chariton
17 Athanasius, Donatus, Eppolonius, Moses, Urban (Urvan), Fedor
18 Avdey, Afanasy, David, Gleb, Zakhar, Maxim, Peter, Urval, Yuventin
19 Andrey, David, Denis, Makar, Zenon, Mikhail, Kirill, Romil
20 Evod, Ivan, Luka, Savva
21 -
22 Afanasy, Marin, Joseph, Nikita, Severyan, Strator, Feofan, Khariton
23 Andrey, Kallinik, Clement, Peter, Pavel
24 Demid, German, Diodorus, Dmitry, Sergei, Leo, Roman
25 Athanasius, Albert, Daniel, Macedon, Semyon, Fedor, Tation, Theodul
26 Izot, Gordian, Elijah, Leontius, Lukyan, Peter, Stratonicus
27 Ivan
28 Gerasim, Ivan, Leonid, Maxim, Nikita, Stepan, Fedot
29 Victor, Efrim, Renat, Procopius
Elijah, Myron, Peleus

Names of girls according to the Orthodox calendar

What to name a girl born in September... Orthodox calendar female names

Day of the month (September) Names
1 Callista, Natalia, Marfa, Tatiana
2 Rufina, Ksenia, Serafima
3 Vasilissa, Domna, Thebe
4 Hermione, Christodoula
5 Elisaveta, Thevea, Raisa
6 -
7 -
8 Natalia
9 Anna
10 Anna, Minodora, Nymphodora, Mitrodora, Pulcheria, Tatiana
11 Evanthia, Iya, Theodora
12 Angelina, Evgenia, Elizaveta
13 Ketevan
14 Natalya, Tatiana
15 Ksenia, Oksana
16 Vasilisa
17 Agafoklia, Alexandra, Love, Nadezhda, Vera, Irina, Sofia, Theodotia
18 Elizaveta, Raisa
19 -
20 Catherine
21 -
22 Anna
23 Tatiana
24 Evanthia, Iya, Theodora
25 -
26 Ketevan
27 -
28 Lyudmila
29 Lyudmila
30 Faith, Love, Hope, Sofia

Name correspondence to zodiac sign

The names of boys born in September, like girls, are determined by their zodiac sign. There is an opinion that each zodiac sign has specific names.

Children born in September can be either Virgo or Libra according to their zodiac sign. Libra girls often have a quick temper, they are extremely purposeful and diligent in nature, conscientious in their work and often receive the nickname “pedant”. The little ones will grow up to be selfless, honest and non-conflict young ladies. Girls' character is not simple, and therefore there is no need to complicate it with a name. It is advised to choose euphonious and simple names: Vera, Anna, Elizabeth, Sofia, Milena. Since childhood, Libra babies have attracted attention with their beauty and unobtrusive capriciousness. The following names are also suitable for them: Nadezhda, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Carolina, Evgenia.

Libra boys and virgins are realists, they have a real masculine character, sometimes complex and contradictory. They know how to achieve their goals, persevere along the way and not give up if they encounter obstacles and resistance. The choice of names according to the zodiac sign for boys is wider. Pay attention to these names: Andrey, Mikhail, Timofey, Fadey, Arseny, Gregory, Nikandr, Ivan, Savva, Alexander, Maxim, Veniamin, Georgy, Arkhip Makar, Pavel, Christopher, Yakov, Gennady, Semyon, Anton, Fedor, Julian , David, Afanasy, Zakhar, Kirill, Thomas, Akim, Khariton, Peter, Clement, Dmitry, German, Efim, Valery, Ilya, Leonty, Nikolay, Stepan, Victor, Kondrat, Andriyan, Pimen, Sergey, Fedot, Porfiry, Lukyan , Nikita, Gleb, Daniil, Arkady.

Secrets of the date of birth, or numerology to help

The answer to the question of what to name a girl born in the first autumn month - September, may sound like this: choose a name using the achievements of numerology. A name for a boy can also be determined this way.

Each date of birth of a child corresponds to a specific name. So the date needs to be divided into prime numbers, for example, 18 is 1+8. As a result of addition, the number 9 is formed. If the date is 29, then 29 is 2+9. And this is 11, which means that another action of 11 is 1+1.

Numbers in numerology are given the following meaning:

  1. determination, perseverance, aggression;
  2. equilibrium;
  3. craving for antiquity, for custom, the connection between the future and the past;
  4. stability, rationality, prudence;
  5. uncertainty, indecision, but the ability to enjoy life;
  6. stability, sustainability;
  7. mystical nature, mysterious, atypical;
  8. success, determination, material wealth;
  9. celebrity, fame, the potential to do something great.

Having determined the number and learned what it means, it’s time to choose a name that corresponds to it. So, if the number is 1, then Alexander is for a boy and Kira, Ksenia for a girl - great options.

Now you know what is the best name for a boy born in September or a girl. May the name bring love, understanding and good luck to your child.

Today, every parent chooses a name for a child according to their own considerations. Some people focus on “fashion,” others name their child after a relative or close friend, while others simply want a pleasant sound.

In the old days, the problem of choosing a name was not even considered - most often children received names according to the church calendar. That is why birthdays are often called “name days.”

Today, traditions of choosing names according to church dates are beginning to be revived. What name days in September can you use when choosing a name for a child?

Names for boys born in early autumn

Many people tend to associate the name with certain character traits that its owner will receive. Therefore, you should not blindly choose a name - it is better to first find out its meaning and history. Even if you use the name days of saints in September, this does not mean that you don’t have to choose - on most days, September birthday people count several names, this is especially true.

So, according to the church calendar, boys celebrate the following name days in September:

Names for girls born in September

Name days in September, women's names according to the church calendar do not offer such a wide choice. On some days, there are no girls' birthdays in a particular month. In this case, you can choose any name, the main thing is to remember that the name is compatible with the surname and patronymic. Women's names in September according to the church calendar offer the following options:

Orthodox in September

The choice of name according to the church calendar largely depends on Orthodox holidays. The child’s name is chosen after the name of the saint, which is associated with the baby’s date of birth. If you look at the church calendar, you can see both women's and men's name days in September, as well as many holidays that the church celebrates this month. Most often they associated with a certain saint, and it is his name that determines the name day in September for men or women.

One of the main September church holidays is celebrated on the 8th. On this day the meeting is celebrated Vladimir icon Mother of God . The next important holiday is September 11 - on this day the Beheading of John the Baptist took place. This is one of the three important church holidays of the month.

Top three important dates enters September 21 - Christmas Holy Mother of God and September 29 - day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. Other holidays are considered slightly less significant.

Almost every day in September there is an event or several events related to the church. When choosing one of these events to name your child, it is important to remember that not only the girl’s name day in September matters, but also what impression the name will make and how others will perceive it.

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In the famous cartoon it is sung: “Whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” The same can be said about human names. The way a person is named largely determines the character of the individual. The saints recommend sticking to the name that falls on the child’s date of birth. Such children will be under the care of their guardian angel all their lives.

Name and destiny

Before naming a girl born in late August-early September, you need to know some of the character traits of “autumn” children. After all, as you know, character gives rise to a person’s destiny. September birthday people are distinguished by their determination, hard work, selflessness and quick temper. On the other hand, the onset of autumn depression can give rise to a depressive nature. Therefore, names for autumn babies should be soft, inspiring hope and optimism.

In the old days, our ancestors believed that the name given in honor of the patron saint protected the child throughout his life. life path, guides him on the right path and helps him in the right decision problems. Today, many female names are known according to the calendar. September is rich in original names for young ladies. There are names not only of Slavic origin, but also of Greek, Roman and even Hebrew origin. The period September-October offers a wide choice in this regard.

Popular female names for August and September according to the calendar

Girls born in the last month of summer and the first month of autumn are cheerful and active. Therefore, female names for August-September are light and light. Names such as Evgenia (1.08), Maria (4.08), Anastasia (10.08), Ksenia (26.08), Anna (28.08) are suitable for August girls. The names Efrosinya (3.08), Praskovya (8.08), Seraphim (11.08), Evdokia (18.08) will become forgotten, but will come back into fashion again. An original gift for parents and the newborn herself will be the names Iya (17.08), Nonna (18.08), Eva (27.08).

The beginning of September will delight with the name days of Martha (3/09), Regina (7/09) and Natalia (8/09). These names have not lost their popularity even today.

Fashionable female names in September-October according to the calendar

Angelina, Evgenia, Elizaveta and Milena can celebrate angel day on September 12th. The middle of the first autumn month (15/09) is Seraphim’s name day. The name gives a bright and solemn appearance to its owner. Anna was most fortunate: having celebrated Angel Day in August, she has the opportunity to repeat the celebration on September 22. For lovers original ideas September 24 will be to your liking: according to the calendar, the female names that fall on this day are very unusual: Avdotya and Theodora. 28/09 is the day of women named Lyudmila.

But the real fireworks come on the last day of September. On September 30, Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sophia celebrate their name day. This day is consecrated in the names of three sisters and their mother Sophia, who suffered for the ideas of the Christian faith.

Unusual names

Let's look at rare female names in September according to the calendar and their meaning. This month is rich in long-forgotten names for girls. Yes, at the very beginning academic year All Theklas can celebrate their name day. Thekla is translated from ancient Greek as “God’s glory.” Feklushi has a complex, contradictory character. However, the girl practically does not give in to despondency. With her calmness she can touch any person. However, this calmness helps her in difficult everyday situations not only not to lose her head, but also to be reliable support for others.

Fans of ancient Greek legends are familiar female name Ariadne. It was this girl who helped Perseus defeat the evil Minotaur. From ancient Greek the name translates as “the most attractive.” But not everyone knows that Ariadne was also the name of a slave who, under Emperor Hadrian, suffered for her faith in Christ. Ariadne celebrates her name day. The girls, named after the devoted slave, are distinguished by their thoughtfulness, determination, and curiosity. However, when naming your daughter Ariadne, you should remember that any change in circumstances can throw her out of balance. Therefore in extreme conditions the girl needs selfless support.

4/09 celebrates the day of the angel Eulalia. A long time ago, the young twelve-year-old Eulalia was crucified for her faith and devotion to Christ. A girl with this bright and pure name of ancient Greek origin is endowed with intuition and prudence from an early age. And the translation from ancient Greek “eloquent” indicates well-delivered speech and liveliness of mind. It is difficult for Eulalia to be led astray from her intended path. Along the way, she is a loyal friend in difficult moment for others.

Whatever the girl’s name, the main thing is that she grows up happy, healthy and loved. The saints of women's names of September will help parents in choosing the main word in the fate of their daughter. And life will provide the rest.
