Signs of a modern witch. Three types of witches

When embarking on the path of a practitioner of the Black Art, you must take for yourself a new witchcraft name in addition to the old, worldly one. Unkind rumors call him nom du Diable (devilish). Nothing of the kind. At least not in the sense that they mean. Witch name - very important component Your witchcraft personality and from now on you will be known by this name by your companions who practice the Black Art. Many witches or wizards choose a name that is closely associated with magic and the supernatural. They often settle on the names of famous beings or legendary practitioners of Black Magic. For example, if you are male, you can choose a legendary sorcerer name such as: Zyto, Balaam, Elymas or Cyprian; or an alternative such as: Merlin, Althotas, Vergilius or Vandermast. For a witch, Morgana, Armida, Vivienne or Melusina, Brisen, Nimue, Hellawes or Fredegonda, Nocticula, Bensozia, Sidonia or even Urganda are good choices. Or you could choose a more classical name like Apollonius, Medea or Circe, or an ancient Egyptian one like Nectanebo or Arnuphis, or maybe something really complex: Diancecht, Osmandine or Ansuperomin.

Your right to choose. You must find what suits you, what awakens the strength of your feelings for invisible world, gives you a feeling of nervous trembling and makes you feel very powerful and no less sinister. If you don't want to choose a name from legends, try to play on the names of gods and demigods from mythologies: Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, Celtic, whatever you want. In this case, finding out your zodiac sign and planet and the legends associated with them can be a very good clue. For example, if you are an artist or artisan and were born under the sign of Taurus, then you can choose the name Daedalus, meaning that through the sorcerer of the artisan King Minoz, the leader of the Cretan cult of the Buffalo, we thus connect the Buffalo with Taurus. Or else, if you are a female witch and born under the sign of Taurus, ruled by Venus, you may decide that the name "Ariadne" - daughter of King Minos and bride of Theseus - would be suitable especially since it comes from Aradia - one of the main spiritual forces in the witch world.

Another method that can give results is numerological. Add up all the numbers that make up the name you know best, using this chart to link letters to numbers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Add the resulting numbers together until they give a single digit as follows:

J + O + H + N (1 + 6 + 8 + 5 = 20) S + M + I + T + H (1 + 4 + 9 + 2 + 8 = 24)

20 + 24 = 44 = 4 + 4 = 8

Now, using numerological numbers, we have the following traditional planetary distribution:

  • Sun
  • Mercury
  • Jupiter
  • Venus
  • Saturn
  • Neptune

For John Smith there is a planet named Uranus. The next step should be to consult a book of classical myths and legends to find anything related to Uranus. You will find extensive material for the name, especially if you use a book on comparative mythology that shows the connection between legends of different cultures.

If none of these methods gives results or does not suit you, then you must do differently: rely on your intuition, listen to your mood and come up with a name yourself. This is the most best way; the previous methods are only hints and assistants. In this case, start searching for names. Think about them mentally and listen to your subconscious. This is really the most the best way, since ultimately the subconscious is what we should focus on. A witch's name is intended to serve as an expression of your true nature. It should show who you really are. Today in England there are covens of witches whose female members use witchcraft personal names of flower origin: Rosemary, Japonica, Aubretia, Flora, and so on.

Some witches take suitable names on Latin, like "Sapiens dominabitur astris" or "Omnia vincam" may be a little ecclesiastical in tone, but are perfectly legal, although in my opinion they are less effective than the much more sonorous names from legends. Choose only what suits you. It takes a little time. When you write a name on your witchcraft tools, you must stick to it. The witch's name cannot be revised. When accepting your witch name, you must keep it very big secret, since the name can become one of the keys to your subconscious. You will use it whenever you want to "switch on" to perform an enchantment; this is usually accompanied by saying the name to yourself in those cases when you begin to use the powers of the pyramid.

You can reveal it only to witches - your close friends, those who are closely connected with you and are part of your witchcraft group or coven. As already mentioned, you must also write the name on your witchcraft tools, using special witchcraft rules for this.

Function of the witch's name
First of all, it is a kind of “call sign” in the world of Magic, with which you enter New Life and you start with a clean slate in it. Storage of information and Personal Power. "Business card" Of course, you can do without it. Human laziness is truly limitless... But the effect will be unenviable. When casting the same spells and performing rituals, when you need to say your Name, and in response to this the “passport” sounds, all the power directed towards the result of the action goes “into everyday life, into the physical world.” By pronouncing it, you unconsciously raise information about you as a person of “society”, raise all your weaknesses, all doubts, everything that others think about you... And drag all this unnecessary information to fulfill the purpose of the conspiracy or ritual. If you are a very strong and capable person, the effect will be, but noticeably less than if other, non-physical information was used to complete the task, contained in the Real Witch Name, which no one knows that is not pleasing to you and is not associated with A creature with magic and the very pronunciation of which already brings you closer to the desired goal!

Why should a witch's name be kept secret?
Have you ever seen mystical films about exorcisms and battles with demons, when main task human exorcist is to find out the name of the enemy, after which victory is facilitated and ensured for him?! Why is this so? Because, having learned his Name, he can take a book on some demonology and read about his weak point. The situation is similar with Witches and Warlocks, and you don’t even have to look in a book for this. Usually, most of the names are completely made up. An experienced Magician or Sorcerer can draw a conclusion regarding the identity of another Magician or Sorcerer simply by the sound and combination of letters in the Name or by listening to himself, his inner voice.

The Witch Name should be trusted as a great secret only to the Allies. And to trusted Allies. It should also not be kept written on a piece of paper. in simple letters nowhere, not even in the Book. Just as you should not store the Names of your Allies in the same way. The most best place for storage - head.

Many people have known about witches, warlocks and magic since childhood. At first these characters appear as cheerful or scary heroes films and cartoons, and with age they make you wonder whether they really exist in reality or all this has already, if it existed, then died out long ago? But even now, not everyone has a clear idea of ​​who a witch is.

General information about witches - who are they?

The English lawyer William West, who lived in the sixteenth century, was able to express a clear definition of the concept of “witch,” and it sounded like this:

“Most often, witches are ordinary women who have succumbed to persuasion evil spirits and made a deal with her. These women are confident that they are capable of committing lawlessness and sending curses with absolute impunity. They know how to fly on a broom or pitchfork, and at night they have fun in the company of men.”

How to become witches

If you believe medieval sources, then at a moment of solitude a demon or the Devil himself appeared to the girl, of course, in the form of a man. Most often such images were: a soldier, a noble gentleman, a hunter, or just a handsome young man. The unclean one always tried to pretend to be her best friend, presenting various gifts, for example, he consoled the unfortunate, gave money and treats to the poor and hungry.

Next, he waited for the girl’s greed to prevail over reason and she wanted more. Then the unclean one named his price - renunciation of the saints and God and joining the witchcraft sect. Even the stupidest simpleton could guess who was in front of her, but, oddly enough, many agreed.

The contract was secured on an official document using blood, the demon left his small mark on the body of the newly-made witch. After some time, a new tenant appeared in the house - the devil - who, as a rule, entered through the chimneys in the form of a fiery tornado. The devil played the role of an assistant and lover, his task was to teach the witch various witchcraft spells, dark techniques, potions, etc.

It is worth knowing that in the Middle Ages it was very easy to become a witch, because devilish creatures were literally everywhere, especially near monastic cells and God-fearing people. The unclean often bothered the righteous and tried in every possible way to poison their lives. It was believed that all you had to do was complain about your unfortunate existence, and after a while you would have the chance to become a witch.

Witches in different countries

Many sources note the different characters of witches, depending on their place of residence. So, in countries such as England, France, Spain, witches were almost always evil and caused troubles for no particular reason. But, for example, Russian witches were considered less embittered and did not cause disasters as often; they succumbed more to the celebration.

The Sabbaths of Russian witches took place on bald mountains and not far from the roads, but from afar one could safely say that this was a fun drinking party, since the witches, sorcerers and devils were really just having fun there. But in Western Europe, people stayed away from bald mountains and wide roads at night, as far as possible; the witches of those countries during the Sabbath were engaged in bloody desecration of the Christian faith.

However, witches in all countries during the Sabbaths found time to do such things as: milking neighbor's cows, sending damage or other curses on their haters.

This difference in character can be explained by the attitude of the Churches towards witches. From the history course I remember how often in England and France guilty and innocent people were subjected to torture, violence and auto-da-fé executions. In Russia, even during the time of Ivan the Terrible, there were much fewer tortures and executions.

How witches behave

“What happens backwards comes from the evil one,” as many Medieval legends say, and for good reason.

It was quite normal for the witch and her companion the devil to use not the door, but chimney, flying out through it. They often circled over houses, causing various disasters just as a joke. People believed that the devil and the witch could steal the moon and stars from the sky.

Any witch had an abnormally large number of men for that time, but they were always sure that they were the only ones with the girl. The witch had fun with such friends and occupied them all night long. interesting stories, and the companion could have guessed who was in front of him.

What types of witches are there?

Not every witch was necessarily evil and sneaky to the point of cursing, it all depended on who they worshiped. There were those who gave their preference to the seasons, the sky, the sun. These women raised healing herbs, treated people, could predict the future, helped with difficult decisions. They were both feared and revered. Most of this kind of witches lived in gypsy camps or on the outskirts of some village.

How did witches appear?

It is believed that back in ancient times, when people began to be interested in magic and wanted to know nature better, those who called themselves witches and sorcerers began to appear. As already mentioned, they could either save people and help them with anything, or send curses on them. But the witches were not evil, because they were called that because they knew magic.

With the advent of Christianity, everyone who was caught in magic, no matter good or bad, was called apostates of the Church. If you believe Holy Scripture, then the witches were controlled by the Devil himself, and they cast magic on his orders.

Witches in our time

In our advanced age, many no longer believe in witches and magic. Almost everything that surrounds people can be reasonably explained, and no gods are responsible for rain or harvest. However, there are still women who can be called witches, and magic has not died in their eyes. These include hereditary clairvoyants, elderly fortune tellers, and some young attractive successful girls. All of them necessarily have an accurate understanding of magic, but they will not tell everyone about their abilities.

What modern witches look like

Nowadays, no girl will be burned at the stake if she suddenly predicts someone’s fate, so witches have begun to behave more relaxed.

From the outside, a modern witch is a beautiful young woman (20-25 years old), brown-haired or brunette with short hair, dresses in all black or dark, but the clothes are clearly chosen according to fashion and are expensive. Eye color plays a big role; most witches have green or gray.

In many other cultures, types of witches were divided into three categories: innate (natural), voluntary (learned), and involuntary.

Born (natural) witch

A born witch was a woman who received a witchcraft gift from birth. There were many reasons that could lead to the birth of a witch. For example, it was believed that girls in the third, ninth or twelfth generation of illegitimate children became witches; cursed by their mother before birth and born to cursed parents; conceived or born at an “unkind” hour - during Lent, on the eve of major holidays or during the last lunar phase.

The appearance of a born witch was often endowed with unusual features in the popular consciousness: she had a small tail, she could be very beautiful, but her beauty was unkind, from the devil. Often, this type of witch could also have signs characteristic of evil spirits - small horns, a hump, lameness, crooked eyes, and the like. In some areas, the appearance and appearance of the witch came close to the fabulous Baba Yaga - a shaggy, bony old woman with a hump and a huge hooked nose.

There was an opinion that natural-born witches often perform good deeds and can even correct the atrocities committed by trained witches.

Despite the many reasons that determine the birth of a witch, folk beliefs They said that natural witches are much less common than trained witches. And they also noted another paradox - a born witch, as a rule, did not want to learn a secret craft and develop her gift, since she believed that by nature she could do everything. But this led to the fact that over time, the trained witch became much stronger, as she studied and developed her, even minimal, abilities, while the natural one gradually lost her abilities. That is why, even if a woman naturally has a magical gift, she needs to learn and develop her skills, otherwise she will lose everything.

Voluntary (trained) witch

Trained witches are women who have received witchcraft abilities and magical power from other witches in the process of training, that is, those who, on their own initiative, decided to study with knowledgeable people or from books.

Also, a voluntary witch could gain her knowledge and powers through an agreement with evil spirits. For this type of witch, the essence of such an agreement is as follows: during the life of the witch, the evil spirit supplies her with assistants, to whom she is obliged to give work, but after her death she herself comes at their disposal.

According to other sources, in order to receive a witchcraft gift, one had to come to a crossroads at night for several days and there, calling Satan, renounce Christ, relatives, earth, sun, moon, stars and promise to believe in the spirits of darkness.

Outwardly, trained witches are almost no different from ordinary women, although after concluding a contract with evil spirits, they might have some new features: birthmarks unusual shape, squint or wild look, unsociability, habit of talking to someone invisible, and so on.

Unwitting Witch

Involuntary witches are those who have received the witch's gift against their will, such as those to whom the witch transferred "magical" powers before her death. This could happen if a woman accidentally took something from the hands of a dying witch. So, along with this thing, witchcraft abilities could pass to her.

People believed that a witch, feeling her own death, usually tries to find a successor for herself as soon as possible, and only if she does not find a suitable candidate, she tries to get rid of her power by cunning.

The evil of involuntary witchcraft lies in the fact that a person will be “sentenced” to practice magic so as not to die from evil spirits, which “passes over” into his service from the deceased sorcerer.

It should be noted that for the type of witches who became involuntary, there was a small “privilege” - the possibility of repentance and salvation, that is, the priests were allowed to forgive them their sins and in every possible way contribute to purification on the path to the Lord. With all other categories of witches christian church waged an irreconcilable struggle.

People with magical abilities have existed at all times. But not everyone knows how to recognize a witch in a friend, relative or lover. This can be done by paying attention to a number of features in appearance and behavior.

Who is a witch

There is something sinister in the word “witch”. But if earlier, when this term was mentioned, the image of a scary, crooked old woman with a wart on her nose came to mind, then a modern witch is something completely different. They are also called seers, sorceresses, fortune tellers, and clairvoyants.

Witches have magical powers. In the old days, such women had to hide their gift. They were afraid of witches, and in the Middle Ages they were burned at the stake. Modern witches are often asked for help.

Magic and esotericism are in fashion today. Many people learn to tell fortunes using Tarot cards or other means of predicting fate. Women, as a rule, have good intuition and non-linear thinking. They often practice magic and rituals.

However, a real sorceress has a gift from above, which is often inherited. In order for a special gift to manifest itself, an initialization ceremony was previously performed. IN modern world there is no such tradition. Many people are unaware of their supernatural abilities. The gift often manifests itself after a tragic event.

The witch's specialty is unregulated, spontaneous clairvoyance. Pictures of the future appear before the seer’s eyes involuntarily, which does not at all make the witch’s life happy.

Clairvoyants predict the future and sometimes even know the date of their own death

How to recognize a witch in our time

In society, sorceresses are not much different from ordinary women. They can be distinguished from the crowd due to certain features in their appearance and behavior. Prone to magical abilities ladies born on certain days.

By date of birth

Numerology will help you learn about a girl’s ability to predict the future and read conspiracies. But to do this, you need to find out the subject’s date of birth.

  1. The first thing to do is add 6 to each digit of the date of birth. If the addition results in a two-digit number, then the numbers are added together again. For example, 07/31/1963 = 97.64.7639. If the result is 3 magic numbers 3, 6 and 9, regardless of location, you should continue with the calculations.
  2. The next step is to sum up the digits of the date of birth. If the total sum (3+1+0+7+1+9+6+3=30) is divisible by 6, there is a possibility of magical abilities.
  3. Now it remains to add the numbers obtained in the first step: 9+7+6+4+7+6+3+9=51. If this resulting number is also divisible by 6, then we are talking about a witch. In the example given, this condition is not met.

Clairvoyants are often born on days close to the new moon, in January, February, April, May and December, as well as at night - from midnight to morning.

By appearance

Modern witches dress and look like ordinary women. The following details give out the sorceress:

By behavior

Sorceresses do not advertise their abilities. But sometimes they give themselves away with small remarks and guess the mood of others or the outcome of some matter. They manage to miraculously avoid trouble. You can identify a witch by the following signs:

  • Witches are closely connected to nature and love animals. They would prefer to spend the day in solitude on the river bank rather than going to a noisy party. Witches are not afraid of unpleasant things natural phenomena, be it a storm, thunderstorm or hurricane wind.
  • Clairvoyants treat with trepidation flora. In their kitchen you can see all kinds of herbal teas and tinctures.
  • Women with a magical gift easily get along with people. However, they prefer to spend time alone. Even the company of close relatives of the witch is avoided.
  • Fortune tellers are wise and interesting to communicate with. But after spending time with representatives of white magic, my soul is light and pleasant. But evil witches seem to suck out energy. After talking with them, a person feels exhausted.
  • The house of sorceresses is often in disarray, despite the fact that they love to buy new expensive things. Because of this, a man may even suspect witchcraft in his wife, which is not always true.
  • Witches often talk to themselves.
  • There is an opinion that witches avoid going to church and even faint from the smell of incense. This is wrong. Sorceresses often visit temples, but here such individuals should be wary. They can cause damage to the church. If a witch walked around a person in the temple counterclockwise and stopped behind, then she thus takes energy from the victim.
  • Seers often cross their arms or legs while in church, crossing themselves with their left hand, starting from the navel area. They often turn their backs to the altar and walk out of the temple backwards, as if backing away.
  • It is worth paying attention to the behavior of people in church during Christmas. On this day, women associated with otherworldly forces try to touch the lock on the temple gate. This is how they receive magical energy.

Signs of a sorceress according to the Witches Hammer

One of the goals of "Hammer" was to prove that women cast magic more often than men

Special attention was devoted to the search for witches in the Middle Ages. Then there was a special treatise called “The Witches Hammer”. It outlined the signs of a witch. It was believed that women prone to magic do not know what tears are and rarely cry.

The creators of the treatise claimed that there is a place on the witch’s body that is impervious to pain. It was called the devil's seal. A sign of involvement in otherworldly forces was the wearing of stones, amulets, and the storage of potions and ointments based on herbal ingredients in the house.

Women who rarely got sick, kept themselves apart from others, and avoided communication were considered witches.

If you recognize a sorceress in a loved one or in yourself

Communication with witches does not pose any threat, therefore, if for some reason in a loved one a representative of magic has been recognized, there is no need to take special actions.

You should continue communicating with the sorceress. But still, you shouldn’t get involved with such ladies. conflict situations. It is better to maintain a neutral relationship. After all, witches can often, even unconsciously and not of their own free will, bring trouble to their opponent.

Having recognized the traits of a witch in yourself, you don’t need to tell everyone about your abilities for magic, much less use your skills for personal needs. Witches try to store magical energy, because rituals take a lot of energy. However, some develop their abilities to help and heal people. But supporters of dark magic who commit damage and love spells become associates of the devil.

In the modern world, many people have supernatural abilities. Some people don't even know about it. A number of features will help you recognize a witch. However, it is better to use magical skills only in exceptional cases.

Although over a thousand years of everyday use the words “witch” and “witchcraft” have changed their meaning several times, today “witchcraft” has returned to its original definition, combining the features of magic and witchcraft, sharply diverging from the restrictive interpretation that was put into it in the 16th century. And XVII centuries. If witchcraft had never meant anything more than the art of “a shabby, old, toothless hag with sunken eyes, wandering the streets leaning on a stick,” then Europe would not have suffered for three centuries (from 1450 to 1750) from the very a stunning nightmare, heinous crimes and the greatest shame of Western civilization.

The court accounts of witchcraft are astonishing and cruel, where squalor stifles decency, base passions are hidden behind piety, and human reason is reduced to complicity in such abominations that even the Yahoos in Swift's book would be ashamed to commit. Nothing was so false or lasted so long. The Church doctrine of witchcraft destroyed the principles of honor, fairness and justice, opening the register of Hall and Shame.

Here are just a few examples...

One of the chief judges of England turns a blind eye to the deliberately false testimony of prosecution witnesses, even if other members of the court specifically draw his attention to it.

A German judge, rejected by a woman to whom he made an indecent proposition, arrests her sister in retaliation, accuses her of witchcraft, brutally tortures her, and burns her alive that same day.

A well-known law professor at the University of Toulouse justifies violations of the law in witch trials because “it would be impossible to accuse or punish any of the millions of witches if we adhered to the ordinary rules of legal procedure.”

One of the German bishops burned at least 900 men and women, including many respected and wealthy citizens, confiscating their estates and property for his own benefit.

A Scottish Protestant minister has denied a Christian burial to a woman crushed to death by a mob because a 16-year-old boy called her a witch.

A famous French magistrate regrets that instead of burning children accused of witchcraft, he only sentences them to flogging while they see their parents being burned for witchcraft.

Occurring day after day for centuries, ending in the torture and gruesome execution of tens of thousands, the following examples of witchcraft are shocking precisely because of their everyday nature;

Anyone having birthmark, wen, scar or callus (salt deposits), is considered to have the mark of the Devil and therefore must be executed as a sorcerer. A well-known law professor from Cologne declared that no one with such a mark could lead a sinless life.”

Each witch has a pet spirit or imp sent by the devil, which takes the form of domestic animals or insects.

What a gulf separates the witch from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel” and the one against whom the most sophisticated minds Western Europe for three centuries they mobilized all the resources of the church and state! “Germany is almost completely covered with witch fires,” he wrote around 1600. one experienced witch judge. “According to the report, many villages in Switzerland have disappeared. In Lorraine, travelers can see thousands and thousands of pillars to which witches are tied."

There is no doubt that the old hag was an unpleasant, undesirable and evil woman, but in herself she was no more dangerous to society than the gypsies in our time, who are notorious for their wandering lives, fraud and divination. However, the authorities paid so much attention to neutralizing witchcraft that they finally stopped doubting that an attack was imminent.

Harsnett, Archbishop of York, in the Declaration of Popish Impostures (1599) describes the prevailing superstition: “The idea of ​​a witch emerges as an old wrinkled old woman, bent with age into an arch, leaning on a staff, with sunken eyes, toothless, with boils on her face and with limbs shaking from paralysis, talking to herself in the streets, forgetting the Lord’s Prayer and, at the same time, retaining a tongue angry enough to call a whore a whore.”

Theologians proceeded from popular ideas, and ugliness became a sign or indicator of a witch. Jean Bodin a Daemonomania (1580) quotes the proverb “ugly as a witch” and the words of Girolamo Cardano, who stated that he had never seen a witch who was not ugly. By the way, it will be said that Daemonomania, which was written to help judges in identifying witchcraft (the third part of the book tells how to torture witches), is the only work of Bodin that was not condemned by the Inquisition. Bodin was one of the first to try to give a legal definition of a witch: “She who, knowing the law of God, tries to act in agreement with the devil.”

George Gifford (preacher of Maldon) gave in 1587 following definition witch: “She who, acting with the help of the Devil or the devil’s art, harms or heals, finds hidden things or predicts the future, and all this is invented by the Devil in order to entangle and condemn human souls to eternal torment.”

William Perkins (a famous English demonologist and preacher) defined a witch in 1608: “A witch is a sorceress who, through an open or secret alliance with the Devil, consciously and deliberately uses his power to work miracles.”

But the idea of ​​a witch as an old hag is refuted by the fact that most of those accused of witchcraft were not old sorceresses. The extermination of young and pretty witches may have been associated with Puritan sentiments and the fear that combining beauty with witchcraft could turn into heresy. It is obvious that an attractive maiden is more seductive to the seducing devil than a crooked old woman.

In Scotland, at the Northberwick witch trials of 1590, the accused women were reputed to be “as honest fellow citizens as other residents of the city of Edinburgh.” In Germany, the majority of those burned were young, educated, wealthy and respected women. To those who doubted the crimes of these people, demonologists answered that outward pious behavior was a sophisticated trick of the Devil: to cover up their diabolical work, witches did everything that a good Catholic should do.

“You shouldn’t envy those who lived at that time. Anger and envy often dictated the names uttered in the torture room. Wealth, learning, beauty, virtue were frequent grounds for accusation."

In the writings of demonologists one can find many synonyms for the word “witch.” For example, Peter Binsfeld (the leading German authority on the persecution of witches) in 1589 gives the following names: femina sage [ wise woman], lamia [blood-sucking night monster], incantator [sorcerer], magus [witch doctor], maleficius [evil, harmful], sortiariae mulier [predicting the future by lot], strix [night bird], veneficia [poisoner], vir sortilegi [wizard].

As persecution for witchcraft developed, it became necessary to classify various types witches John Gole admitted in court in 1646 that there were eight classes of witches:

Fortune teller, gypsy or fortune teller.

Astrologer, astrologer, witch predicting the planets.

A counting witch who uses signs and numbers.

A witch who poisons with drugs.

An exorcist or witch who conjures spirits.

Gourmet witch.

Witch, wise, learned or skilled witch.


William West in his Symbolography (1591) gave the following classification of types of witches:

Sorcerers: Sorcerers are those who, by muttering certain superstitious words, do things beyond nature, evoking the ghosts of the dead, feigning the discovery of things in remote and secret places, and showing them in any image or likeness.

Divinatory Sorcerers: Foresees and foresees things that are about to happen and summons evil spirits with the help of certain spells and certain formulas. And with the help of these words, as required of them, they respond with a voice or in some other way, looking at the pictures or images of the objects they are looking for that appear before their eyes in glass, crystals or rings.

Fortune Tellers: Experts in the art of divination, which can be performed by divining spirits. They can point out who stole things and tell you where the lost or stolen items are located.

Magicians: Magicians and false healers who, for the healing of all diseases and ailments of man and livestock, use either some specific spells or writings, called charms or incantations, which are hung on the neck or some other parts of the body.

Sorcerers and Spellcasters: Sorcerers or spellcasters who believe that with the help of spoken special words, inscriptions, simulacrums, herbs or other objects they can do what they claim because the Devil either helps or guides them in performing miracles. Somewhat different from them are witches or hags, and augurs or predictors of the flight of birds, as well as predictors of the entrails of sacrificial animals.

Witches: A witch or hag is one who, deluded by, persuaded, incited or deceived by an alliance made with the Devil, believes that she can, through malice or a curse, shake the air with lightning and thunder to cause hail and storms , move green fields or trees to another place, ride on your pet spirit (which is tricked into taking the form of a goat, pig, calf, etc.) to some fairly distant mountain in a surprisingly short period of time, and sometimes fly on a staff, pitchfork or some other weapons and spend the whole night with his beloved, playing, feasting, dancing, having fun and gratifying the devil's lust with a thousand obscene games and monstrous ridicule.

Such classifications were largely theoretical in nature, since all these atrocities were considered to depend on the Devil and were equally considered heresy. Thanks to laws introduced in 1231, the Inquisition handed over convicted heretics to the appropriate civil authorities (for execution), demonstrating their greatest mercy: “We urgently ask the secular court to commute his sentence...” However, if the secular courts did show mercy, they were accused in pandering to heretics.

De Cozon, Histoire de l’Inquisition (1909): “The Inquisition invented the crime of witchcraft and relied on torture as a means of proving it.”

PS: “Faith must be introduced through persuasion, and not imposed on these people. However, it would be much better that they should be forced by the sword rather than allow them to lead many others into their error. (c) Bernard of Clairvaux, 1091-1153.
