How to invite a stranger to network marketing. How to invite people to an online business and what not to do

He wrote several books on this topic. This article is an attempt to briefly outline the main essence of his strategy for inviting new participants into his business.

These tips and rules are intended for personal communication or by telephone. There is no need to use them in SMS, emails, chats and so on. For verbal communication only.

Eric's formula works on both warm and cold applicants. Examples will be given for both groups.

There are 8 basic steps in a professional, correct invitation to network marketing. Below we will look at each of them in detail, of course, with practical examples, which will help you quickly understand and master them.

Step 1. Be in a hurry!

This is a purely psychological maneuver. People usually trust those who are always in business more.

One is mine good friend Ryan Y is a very busy guy, or he always pretends to be very busy. Every time I talk to him, he says he has a few minutes for me. After a while, he says that he needs to make some important calls and he has to say goodbye to me.

If, when starting a conversation, you come across as someone who is in a hurry to get things done, then you will be able to invite a potential applicant to your business in just a few sentences, with less resistance, and he will respect your time.

It always works. If a person is in a hurry, then we listen to him more carefully, try to quickly and briefly state our position and have more respect for him. Let's look at a few examples.

How to approach a warm potential partner: “I don’t have much time to talk, but I want to clarify one thing with you important point» . Or like this: “I’m already running, but I need to discuss something with you quickly.”

For a cold applicant: "Not now best time For this, I already need to go, but...”, “It’s time for me to run, but...”

Set the atmosphere of rush!

The exact words in these examples are not that important. The main thing is to focus on creating the impression that you are in a hurry.

Just let the person know that you are in a hurry on business, but want to quickly talk with him about an important topic. Do it with enthusiasm!

Step 2. Give a compliment!

This is a critical moment. A sincere compliment will open the doors of communication and make your interlocutor more accommodating and ready to listen to you. Don't flatter or lie, give a sincere compliment!

“You work quite hard and I have a lot of respect for your success in business.” Or like this: “Every time I am convinced that you are the best in your business.”

For a cold applicant: “Are you so quick to figure out what you’re doing?”

These simple steps can double the effectiveness of your invitations, says Eric Worre.

When you start your conversation with a compliment and in some haste, it is very difficult for a person to react negatively to the invitation. People don't actually get compliments on themselves very often, so this almost always works.

If you follow the work of experienced network marketing professionals, you will notice that they constantly improve people's mood with sincere, genuine compliments.

This always makes a person more open and friendly.

Step 3. Make an invitation!

Currently, there are three main approaches among network business professionals.

Direct approach

The direct approach is used when you invite the person to learn more about opportunities that can help them make money.

Examples for warm applicants: “I think I’ve found a way to significantly increase our income.” Or like this: “I can ask you, if you could start a business without giving up your current job, but the income from which would bring you more money, would you be interested?(one of the most effective options)

For cold applicants: “Would you be interested in starting an additional business if it didn’t distract you from your main job?” Or like this: “Are you considering any options for additional income?”

Most take this direct approach. But there are other ways, but it depends more on the situation. If you've always taken the direct approach, then perhaps it's time to broaden your horizons a little?

Indirect approach

The indirect approach is another very powerful tool that can help overcome some resistance and convince the person to listen to what you have to offer. This method involves asking someone to help you figure something out. This approach allows you to play on a person’s ego.

Example for a warm applicant: “I found a business that I found very interesting, but I haven’t figured it all out yet. You have a lot of experience in trading. Can you look at some materials and tell me if this is worth doing?”

Another option: “They say that one head is good, but two are better. I recently started a business. Will you look at him? I'm interested in your opinion."

For cold applicants: “My company is developing in your area. Would you do me a favor and look at some materials? I'm interested to know what you think about it."

Or like this: “I started a business with a product that, in my opinion, has good prospects, but I would like to get an outside opinion. Will you take a look?

Super indirect approach

The 3rd approach is very effective because it uses several psychological aspects. IN this method you make it clear to the person that he is not an applicant and ask him about his friends who could join your business.

Example usage for warm challenger: “Do you have any friends who want to start an additional business from home?”

Or like this: “The business I'm in doesn't seem to suit you, but maybe you know someone who would like to make a good extra income working from home?”

In most cases, a person will ask you to tell him about this business before he begins to remember his acquaintances. It's all about curiosity and some intrigue.

If your interlocutor begins to ask additional questions and is interested in your business, then you can move on to the 4th step.

Step 4. If I, then you?

This is one of the secret weapons of a professional network marketer. “Will you watch the presentation if I email it to you?” “Will you visit the site if I give you a link?” These are very powerful questions for several reasons.

Firstly, there is the principle of reciprocity. You are offered something in exchange for something else you can do. People tend to react positively to such situations.

Secondly, you are in a position of strength. You are in control. You do not beg, do not ask, but offer a favor for a favor.

Third, you are expected to offer something of value. You say that you will do something, but only if the other person agrees to do something in return.

People are more respectful of what you have to offer when they see that you have value in it.

Scheme "If I, then you" works like magic. Remember that your main task is to at this stage is the provision of information. Only after this can you proceed to the fifth step.

If a person asks for more information, then you should act: “I understand, you can’t explain everything in a few words. You can find answers to all questions on the disk, website, and so on.” “The easiest way for you to understand what I’m talking about is if you look at this presentation, website, disk, and so on.”

If a person refuses, then you simply thank him for his time and deal with other applicants. It is also useful to think later whether something could have been done differently, perhaps you made a mistake somewhere.

So, after going through four steps, you managed to convince a person to look at your marketing materials in one form or another.

Does this mean that success has been achieved? No! Eric Worre constantly reminds us that only five percent of people will do what they promise if you only use 4 steps. This percentage cannot suit us. To increase the effectiveness of your invitations to 80%, you need to follow another 4 steps.

Step 5. Confirm and set time frame

Immediately after completing step 4, you should ask the question: “When do you think you can watch these materials?” or “When can you come to the website to watch the presentation?”

When you asked a person the questions from step 4, then for your interlocutor it was a task that he would complete someday. Now, after the 5th step, everything becomes more real. The main thing is that he tells you when he looks at your materials.

In 90% of cases, a person will tell you quite accurately when he is ready to watch your presentation. In the remaining 10% the answer will be vague. In this case, try this: “I don’t want to waste your, and my, time in vain. Maybe just think about the deadline by which you will definitely be able to watch the presentation?”

Don't be afraid to apply a little pressure. The fact is that your interlocutor already agreed to look at your materials in the 4th step. Now he feels some responsibility.

Now can we proceed directly to transferring presentations, links and other materials? NO! It's still early!

Step 6. Confirmation 2. Check time

If a person tells you that they will watch your presentation on Thursday evening, then you should ask: “If I call you on Friday morning, will you have already looked at everything by then?”

After such a question, usually the applicant either slightly adjusts the previously specified time, or immediately answers in the affirmative. Please note that by this point, the person has already confirmed his intention to view your materials three times. It is also important that it was not you who chose the time, but the interlocutor himself who appointed it.

You asked questions, and the person confirmed his intentions and independently offered time.

Step 7. Confirmation 3. Arrange a call

This step is very simple. You just need to ask: “What is the best number to call you and what time?” Your interlocutor will tell you a time that is convenient for him and a way to contact him. And now you have an ironclad agreement.

Step 8: End the conversation!

Remember step number 1? You're in a hurry! Just say: “Great, then it’s agreed! It's time for me to run. Let's call you! Goodbye!"

Many people make the mistake of agreeing on everything and continuing to talk and talk, which often leads to the opposite result. There is no need to say anything more. Your task is only to convince the person to familiarize himself with your materials or presentations.

To attract new distributors, most network companies recommend first making a list of all your acquaintances, family and friends, regardless of whether you consider them suitable candidates or not. Next, you need to establish contact with everyone and talk about the business as your own opportunity to earn money, gradually moving on to the main issue.

Such a scheme in the modern flow of information, alas, has lost its effectiveness, because people hear about such ideas literally every day. It is much more productive to immediately pay attention to the interested audience. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Analysis of the list of acquaintances and relatives. It is still necessary to compile the list mentioned above, but from it it is worth choosing only the most active and optimally suited candidates for the company’s direction. For example, if this is an MLM network for the distribution of cosmetics, there is a greater chance of getting consent when interacting with a female audience.
  • Attracting a certain category of users through social networks. By creating communities on business and income topics, as well as advertising the possibility of earning additional income, you can attract candidates who are most responsive to your type of network. These could be students, women on maternity leave, aspiring entrepreneurs. Example ad: " One employee is required to manage an online store remotely. 2-3 hours a day at any convenient time. Anyone who wants to put +1».
  • Advertisements on job sites or in thematic sections of newspapers. You can invite applicants to presentations by posting your own vacancies or reviewing suitable resumes. These could be vacancies following types: sales manager, part-time work for students and retirees, salesperson in a retail chain, sales representatives.
  • Finding partners through your own blog. This is the longest, but also the most convenient way, because your potential partners will look for you themselves. All you need to do is publish interesting content about making money, business and network marketing.
  • Distribution of leaflets and street announcements. Most often, financial pyramids use such methods, which leaves a corresponding negative imprint. Therefore, this method should be used only in cases where other channels are not available.

In addition to the listed methods of searching for potential partners in a network business, the tactic of cold calling by phone was also previously used, but today it does not bring results at all.

Step-by-step recruiting process for MLM business

Attracting a distributor to a network company is actually selling your lifestyle and worldview. The general concepts of active sales techniques are applicable to this process, which means that in practice it is necessary to guide a potential partner through several important stages in order to realize all the benefits of the decision being made.

First contact and attracting attention

Will you call by phone, communicate in person, chat on a social network or via email, if you directly invite people to participate in multi-level marketing, go to the second stage of communication (attend a presentation or come to a meeting to get acquainted with the product) will agree to best case scenario 2%.

You can significantly increase the number of interested people if, before inviting you to an online business, you attract attention and force the interlocutor to concentrate on the information provided. The following techniques are used for this:

  • Interest in the candidate. If you are communicating with a stranger, it is best to find out something about him in advance. For example, ask about education, study the profile on social networks (if you are recruiting via the Internet), ask to send a resume (if searching through job sites). If this is your friend, ask how he is doing, remember your last meeting.
  • Compliment. Evaluate the candidate’s merits, emphasizing his competence in the field related to the earning option under consideration. For example: " You are a psychologist by training, which means you understand what people need and would achieve success in a large trading company».
  • An offer you can't refuse. In order for an invitation to an online business to hit the target, you must initially show exactly the advantage that a potential partner is looking for. This can be not only money, but also status, free schedule, self-realization, getting new connections, learning new things, participating in a socially significant project. Example: " Are you worried? global warming? Would you like to work for a company that cares about the environment?».
  • Rush. A person who values ​​his time and is in a hurry is perceived as more important. For a telephone conversation, it is optimal to allocate no more than 5 minutes, for a personal conversation - no more than 10-15 minutes. By spending a little time on your first contact and not getting bogged down in details, you demonstrate to the other person that your business is very successful and that you won't waste time on someone who isn't ready or suited for the job. Example: " Your skills are impressive, but now is not a good time to explain the details. When can you meet with us so we can assess whether you are suitable for this job?».

The main purpose of the first contact is to establish trust and invite an in-depth discussion of details. If the conversation does not go in the right direction for too long, it must be stopped and postponed for a while. Some time must pass between the first contact and the main presentation of the business, during which the candidate will be determined to receive valuable information. However, this interval should not be more than 48 hours, otherwise the candidate’s interest will wane.

In order to move the conversation to the main issue during the first contact, you can use three effective tactics on how to invite people to an MLM business:

  • Direct approach- open offer to become a partner. Example: " Would you like to build a business without investment?».
  • Indirect approach- obtaining expert opinion. Example: " You worked in trade, do you think such products will have prospects on the market?».
  • Indirect approach- exclusion of the interlocutor as a candidate for partnership. Example: " This business may not be suitable for you, but maybe you have friends who would like to become financially independent?».

Product presentation and business invitation

The most important point in how to properly invite a person to a network business is the presentation of the MLM company. One of the common mistakes at this stage is combining all candidates into one group. Since everyone’s motivation and ultimate goal are different, it is necessary to present prospects accordingly. So, you can pre-divide candidates into the following groups:

  • Regular customers (privileged clients). For this category, the maximum interest is in products. They want you to become their personal consultant. As a rule, these are accomplished and wealthy people. They are your “sleeping” partners, who after some time may become interested in building their own branch of the network. And you must remember this in the future, constantly demonstrating your capabilities and your own income.
  • Ordinary sellers. For this category, the main emphasis during the presentation should be on the possibility of additional income through resale. Their main pain points are discounts, bonuses, incentives for high turnover. They are not yet confident in the possibilities of building their own branch, but understanding the principles of trade, they see potential in the product.
  • Leaders. This category of candidates is directly interested in building the structure. In some cases, they already have knowledge and even experience working online, and therefore when communicating with them it is important to show why your MLM company is better than others. This is your main group on which your personal further success will be based. Most often this includes young and active people.

If the meeting takes place in the format of a personal conversation, you can determine the category of the candidate directly during the conversation by asking leading questions and identifying the main problem of the interlocutor. So, if your MLM company is engaged in cosmetics and a woman who comes to the meeting emphasizes that she has not been able to pick up effective means, she is first and foremost your potential buyer. If this is a young guy who dreams of financial independence, he is the future leader of a new branch.

During a group presentation, it may be that some candidates are mistakenly placed in the wrong group. To prevent them from leaving network marketing forever, it is important for the recruiter to notice this in time and invite them to another meeting. This can be done by asking questions during the event or using a small survey.

Working with objections and arguments against

If objections arise at the stage of first contact, it is better not to insist. Today, thanks to the Internet, you have access to an unlimited number of people and spending time lowering your own self-esteem due to numerous refusals is simply ineffective.

On the other hand, those who agree to a meeting, as soon as they understand that we are talking about an MLM company, will find a whole series reasons why such a business is not suitable for them. To cope with this stage, you can use specially designed online business invitation templates, which are prepared in advance based on the most common arguments. There are three communication tactics you can use:

  • Agreement with the interlocutor and new knowledge. Example: " Network Marketing is a scam», - « Yes, I also adhered to this opinion until I learned how to distinguish an MLM company from financial pyramids».
  • Clarification and clarification. Example: " I won't be able to do sales», - « Have you had experience in trading? You can't know what you haven't tried. Everything is different with us».
  • Arguments and facts. « Only those at the top make money in MLM», - « This is a common misconception. The largest MLM companies began operating in the 50s of the last century and they still make good money at all levels».

Special attention should be paid to working with objections when considering the question of how to invite people to network marketing via the Internet. The absence of an emotional and time component in this format of communication does not affect in the best possible way. The interlocutor has the opportunity to remain silent and find weighty arguments online (statistics, reviews). Your level of knowledge and erudition can compensate for this deficiency. Remember that any article on the Internet can be refuted by a counter quote or a link to useful material, but winning this battle of arguments is only possible if you are sincere and honest with the candidate and know the business you are offering to others well.

Knowing the basic rules of how to invite people to an online business, you can avoid common mistakes and save personal time and internal resources. This will allow you to believe in yourself and form a reliable team ready to work and learn.

The first step is very simple. You have information in your hands. Specific product. And you need to deliver this information, this product to as many people as possible. And what more people sees it, the more your success percentage will go up.

It's a numbers game. The network marketing business is very simple.'s not easy.

The most important thing is that what you do, the people in your group should do too. Because you came into business from day one, started inviting people and they will do exactly the same as you do. So if you invite thousands of people and they are not doing it the right way, your group will not be successful. But if you invite 10 people into your group, and do everything right, and they start doing the same thing, your business will explode.

The system in network marketing is very simple and it has been worked out for a long time. And you don't need to change anything.

The most important thing is to talk to people and invite them into your business.

But how to do it correctly?

When you talk to people, they may be on a different channel.

For example, you listen to the radio on channel one. Something is also happening on the second channel. But you don't listen to it.

When you talk to your friend, he is also on a different channel. He seems to be listening to you, but he doesn’t hear anything.

Therefore, it is very important to invite people into business correctly.

We are all different. There are people who can speak beautifully, are more eloquent, write without errors, are charming, and interesting. It is very pleasant to communicate with such people. And when such a person makes a presentation and tells everything by heart and very beautifully, this is what happens...

I figured out almost everything, but I’ll think to myself, of course, this good business for Alexey. I will never tell anyone so beautifully in my life. I don’t even know and I can’t tell it like that. I will never learn that much information. And when Alexey finishes, I will tell him hundreds of reasons why this business is not for me. This is a pyramid. This business is not for me. My wife doesn't allow me. I don't have time. I have no money. I will come up with anything, but I will never tell the truth that I was just scared of how beautifully Alexey told me this. I just can't copy it.

This situation happens very often. People try to talk so beautifully and as a result they only scare people away.

Imagine it's your first day in business.

The unwritten law says that in order to earn money, you need to stay in the project for 3 years, or actively spend 500-700 hours.

  1. Take paper and pen and write down all the people you know. Don't choose who is better and who is worse. I need to write.

When they tell me, I don’t want to be in a business where you need to talk to people, then this business is not for you. But...answer me this question - if you went to the cinema. We watched a great movie. Will you tell me and recommend watching it? We are all involved in network marketing. Whether we like it or not. We just don't make money. The difference between you and me is that I earn money by telling stories, but you don’t.

  1. When the list is ready, we start calling.

Very important. You start calling at the time when you have good mood. If you are in a bad mood, it is better to skip and not call. You must be in a good mood. This is very noticeable in the intonation. When I talk on the phone, I always stand. I don't know how to explain it, but you have to stand.

After dialing the number, we ask if the person has a minute. If he is busy, at work, or at a party, you should never talk. He won't hear you.

Example conversation:

Hello Allah. This is Michael calling. Do you have a minute now? Not busy? Great. Listen. I have a big request to ask you. You understand, Alla, the other day I was offered a very interesting business. And I think this is a very good business for me. It seems to me that I will finally earn good money. Alla, I know you are a very competent woman, it is very important for me to hear your opinion. Please do me a favor and take a look at this information and tell me honestly, is this really such a good business for me?

At this moment I will not say another word until Allah answers me. This is very important.

What have I done?

  1. compliment. Everyone loves to receive compliments.
  2. I asked her. People love to be asked.
  3. Business for me. Money for me.

Network Business Is Was and Will Be a Business of Communication.

When a person wants to express his opinion to you, he will listen to the information very carefully. He will be on the same channel with you.

In network marketing, being part of a team is very important.

Know all your upline sponsors. It is impossible to build network marketing alone. Only working in a team, with a team, brings success to the entire team and to you personally.

If you had 1 cent and every day it doubled. How much would you have in 1 year?

This problem shows the mathematical potential of network marketing. In 30 days your 1 cent will turn into 5 million dollars

The inventor presented his chess to the ruler. For such a gift he asked for a reward. Give me some grain. For the first cell 1 grain. For 2 cells - 2 grains. For the 3rd cell there are 4 grains. And so for each cell, double the number of grains. Such a simple wish... You could choose any wish.. For the first time, the ruler’s command could not be fulfilled. They didn’t order execution, they ordered mercy... He wanted as much grain as you don’t have, even if we sow all the fields on the planet.

This is exactly how the network marketing system works. We invite people into business, and they invite...

If you invite 1 person per month to your business. And they repeat you. And everyone you follow also follows 1 person per month. This means that you will sign 12 people in a year. How many people will be on your team? 4096 people will be on the team, provided that you develop a business from scratch and sign 1 person per month, and your team repeats you.

This is a geometric progression.

And it is very simple and very difficult.

Not every person you give information to will come to your business, but the success rate will increase. People remember information. He may not come to you today, but you never know what will happen tomorrow.

When a person says NO, it doesn't mean it's forever. The most important thing is that you gave him the correct information.

People don’t go into business because they are afraid that no one will help them.

When you invite someone into a business, everyone should see that they are helping you. Then no one will be afraid.

This is the most important way to invite people into business.

Business should never be forced. I can ask a question. People love to be asked for permission.

Believe in yourself. Until you believe in yourself, you can hear it in your voice, in your intonation. People do NOT trust such a person.

Believe in yourself.

Work on yourself.

Be positive.

You will succeed.

How to invite people to network marketing so that it is effective?

Invitations. Issue 3

Invitations. Issue 4

About invitation options T I also recommend "Big Al's Lessons" >>>

Agreeing on a meeting time

The purpose of this step is to obtain agreement for the meeting.
If possible, arrange a meeting by phone. This saves time.

Coordination of meeting time by phone from 7 points.
Practice this with your sponsor.

1. Plan ahead together with the Sponsor or with your team partner 2 times and places where you invite people in the next 2 - 3 days.

Open your diary and circle these 2 dates.
For example: tomorrow at 16:00 and 18:00.
Or: tomorrow at 18:00 and the day after tomorrow at 17:30

2. Make a phone call person from "List of acquaintances" whom you planned to invite this week

Call from home, from friends, from a telephone booth. Call your work if you don't have a home phone. If there is no worker, pass a note so that they call you.
Even if you met via the Internet, the most effective method communication - call via Skype, live communication is better than correspondence!

3. Talk a little as usual.
Or restore a relationship with a person with whom you have not communicated for a long time.

Ask: - How are you? How's work, how's family, how's vacation? etc.

Do not attack your friend from the first minutes.
Speak as usual - communicate! But in short, after all, you are calling on business.

4. Tell me why you are in a hurry and cannot talk for a long time

- Do you have a minute?
- I’ll be brief because I’m calling from work (I’m calling from a mobile phone).
- There is a matter, let's meet. Naturally, not by phone.

A serious person usually understands that serious issues cannot be resolved “on the run” or over the phone!

If a person asks: - Is it necessary to meet? Can you explain over the phone?
Answer very simply:
- There is a matter. Naturally not telephone conversation
- I want to show you some documents... (Not over the phone!)
- I want to show you photos from the trip...

5. Set a time and place to meet

Remember: you offer the time and place!
Your friend either agrees or... waits for the next time when it is convenient for you.
You have 2 – 3 specific options in stock. If one evening doesn't work, invite you to another.

For example: - Are you free tomorrow evening?
If yes, offer to meet: - Then let's meet, there is something to talk about.
If you are not free, ask about option 2: - What about the day after tomorrow in the afternoon?

If your friend is not free, say “Okay, we’ll call you sometime!” - and say goodbye. Don't tell me anything!
Make a note in your diary and in your list of acquaintances next to his last name: “Call this person back in a month.”

Be professional when setting the time and place for the meeting.
No need to answer questions and no need to say anything over the phone during the invitation!
- We will still see you tomorrow at 19 o’clock, and we’ll discuss everything there!

6. Repeat the time, date, address and your phone number:

- Okay, agreed? Tomorrow at 12:00 in the cafe...
- Okay, so we agreed? Tomorrow come to my house at 7 o'clock... See you!

You can say it more formally:

Let me sign you up for Monday evening. Did you write down the time? At 19:30.
If anything changes, be sure to let me know - because I'm counting on you.

Even if you met via the Internet, learn to clearly set the time for a presentation, webinar, or the time for the next call. Everyone is a busy person and everyone has their own schedule.
Send a link with confirmation “The webinar will start at 19:00. Here is the link"

7. Immediately after setting the time, hang up the phone.
This is the simplest point. But this is often the most “difficult” point for newbies who love to chat! They get so carried away by the conversation that after the appointed invitation, they start recounting all the information over the phone with joy. Never do this!
We made an appointment - hang up!

Even better, immediately call the next person on your list of acquaintances.
When you have a stream of invitations, a stream of appointments, you begin to behave more professionally. Set up a newbie distributor for this type of work.

Practice with your sponsor, rehearse the “phone call” before inviting anyone in particular.

Be sure to set a date and location in advance.
Never ask your friends: - “When is it convenient for you?” – because then he begins to manage your time.
This is your business, and you dictate the terms, you appoint the time and place, and you invite the people you would like to see on your team.

Also remember that you are not working alone, but in a team. Therefore, agree on the time and place of meetings with your sponsor and partners.
This is especially true for invitations to group, home, and open meetings.
Do you have a calendar of events. The time and place are set in advance. Invite me there.

Some invitation options:

Natasha, do you have a minute? I'll be brief because I'm calling from work. There's something to do, let's meet. Naturally, not by phone... Is tomorrow at 7 pm convenient for you?

Victor, are you really seriously thinking about buying a car with Marina, buying an apartment for the children, etc.? Look, maybe I've found something that will help make this happen. Tomorrow evening, will you take 20 minutes to come see me? Okay, let's meet and discuss.

One of my friends has a company that is expanding in our city. I like it, so I thought of you too. The opportunities are amazing, but the competition is quite strong. It seems to me that we could get into this business and make a lot of money from it. Naturally, this is not a telephone conversation. Can you come to us at 19-45 on Monday?

I have my own marketing company, where I am looking for 3 - 4 people to expand it. But before I go into details, I want to ask something. Are you interested in something new at the moment that might give you a good income, and do you have time for it?

There's a deal I want to pursue right now that has a huge opportunity, and I thought of you. I can tell you the details on Monday evening. Can you come by 19-45?

Hello Alexey, how are you? I am calling you for the following reason. I have a friend... (from out of town) who has a well-functioning marketing firm. He will be with us (in the city) on Wednesday. I don’t want to explain everything, but judging by the numbers and money, a lot can be expected from this case. Do you think we can meet on Wednesday? I can't promise anything yet, but you should watch it.

Hello, Ivan Ivanovich! We have always respected your opinion. You are an authoritative person. I was offered one project. Could you look and say your opinion... Evaluate the documents, etc.

Could you take the time to look up the information? Are we talking about a business deal in which you can get quite good money?

You can also invite people you recently met or by recommendation. For example:

- “Hello, I... You probably remember me - last week we met at....
I hope I'm calling correctly - I want to remind you about one thing. Then they said that I had my own company. It occurred to me that if you and your husband are not very satisfied with your current work, could you do something extra?”

If they say “Yes” or “It depends, what is it?”, you invite to the meeting:
- “I want to show you several documents. If you are interested. And if so, then let’s agree on a time when we can discuss everything.”

About invitation options in the “Invitation” course

On the pages of the BLOG "MLM Online" I shared my experience with you inviting people to social networks , as well as the technique of inviting a meeting through 5 touches. These topics related specifically to inviting a person to a meeting about network marketing. However, many people ask me the question: “How to invite people into network marketing directly at a meeting?”

First, you should determine the basic principles of invitation to an MLM business:

Always remember that you are inviting a person to develop a business. This should be said so that the person understands that he is not being called to work, or to have a “part-time job.” When I first got into business, I made a lot of cold calls on resumes and various job advertisements. I made appointments, people came. During the meeting, we touched on the topic of business and most of the candidates answered that “business is not very interesting, I’m looking for a regular job.” Time was wasted, the candidate was unhappy, I was upset. The second principle is to invite only the target audience. I wrote about how to find your target audience in special article. The fact is that in this way you can immediately “weed out” a lot of potential candidates who are not suitable for you. Therefore, save time and effort. But if you work only with target candidates, then the results will please you and you will be less stressed. The third principle is to invite people with whom you will be pleased to work. I’ll share my experience again: when I started a business, I didn’t understand what the principle of inviting only “nice” people meant. I involved everyone, including those who were unpleasant to me. It turned out that I had to communicate with these people every day, and this caused me negative emotions. I became more irritable and stopped enjoying business. I began to avoid working with these people, and they eventually left my team.

The principles are very simple, but not all networkers follow them. What does a person usually do? He invites everyone just to have a meeting. He is ready to “talk” a person if only a new partner appears. He holds meetings with everyone who comes to hand. Naturally, with this approach, one refusal follows another. The fuse ends in a month, and the person leaves the network business. I call it - " typical mistakes newbie."

What to pay attention to when holding a meeting?

Remember one simple thought- the person at the meeting should see the real benefits that he will receive if he starts doing business.

Remember how you were invited to network marketing. What interested you then? Perhaps it was possibility of additional income, and you realized that in this business you can have it. Or were you interested opportunity own business . Or are you interested the opportunity to get a car (apartment, travel and other bonuses). In any case, you have seen yours personal gain, and imagined how you would develop your business and get what you dreamed of.

Actually, this is what you need to start from when you invite a person to an MLM business. Network marketing is a unique type of business that allows a person to get what he started this business for - money, freedom, a new environment, travel, a car, etc. Therefore, at the first meeting with a potential candidate, you should find out what interests him now in life and offer a solution with the help of a network business. To do this, you need to ask the right questions, listen carefully, be positive and open. After all, we are not conducting an interview, we are talking with the person about the matter.

Examples of the right questions that will help you understand what interests your candidate now:

Please tell us about yourself, what are you doing now? What do you like to do in your free time? Do you like your job? Why do you work in this particular field? What don’t you like about your work? Why did you accept my offer of a meeting? Have you ever thought about your own business? What kind of business did you want to do? Why didn’t you develop your own business? If you had opportunity, would you start your own business?

The list goes on. However, I think the principle is clear: we ask open questions to which the person gives a detailed answer. Naturally, they somehow relate to the topic of business and work. They seem to make the candidate think about own business. And when we move on to a brief presentation of our capabilities, a person’s brain is already tuned to talking about starting a business.

Naturally, the answers of our potential candidate will determine how we will invite him into the business and what should be emphasized. For example, a person loves his job, but he needs extra money. Naturally, we must talk about how he can get additional income in partnership with you. He doesn't need to talk about serious business, about international seminars, etc. A person needs to be told how he will earn 5,000-10,000 rubles, which he lacks. You should not overload a person with information. He will find it himself on the Internet, or hear it from you at the second or third meeting.

Another example: a person is already engaged in business, for example, he has his own grocery store. The person is tired of constant problems with suppliers, sellers, and clients. He has a headache because he has to monitor his business 24 hours a day. What should you tell such a candidate? Of course, about that freedom, which the leaders in network marketing have! You need to show him the principle of geometric progression, and give examples of your mentors who have already created large teams, and now travel and enjoy life. He himself will learn how to make money, but most importantly, such a person needs to be “hooked” into something that interests him.

There are also people who already know about network marketing and may even have experience in this business. As a rule, they are negative. Here you can do the following - ask questions: “Why did you stop doing business? What didn’t work out for you?” From the answer it will become clear why the person stopped doing business. Let’s say he answers: “I couldn’t recruit people.” In this case, you can offer him help in recruiting, perhaps some kind of system (if your company has one), thanks to which he will be able to connect 5-10 people in the first month of work. And paint a picture in his head of how his life will change if he has new partners every month. Perhaps the person will answer: “I couldn’t sell.” In this case, you can show a person how much money he will earn if he invites people into the business and builds a team, without selling products.

I think you understand the principle- to invite a person to network marketing, you need to identify his interests and needs, and then make an offer that the person cannot refuse.

What mistakes should you avoid when inviting someone to network marketing:

You should not tell everything you know about the company and products at the first meeting. Usually at the first meetings, networkers talk about how the company has been on the market for such and such a long time, has a wonderful product, an excellent President, production abroad, etc. People, as a rule, are not interested in this. This does not affect his personal interests, and he does not understand how the President of the company can influence his business. Talk about opportunities that a person may not be interested in. For example, if a person is interested in additional income, you should not immediately tell the possibilities international business. Or, on the contrary, if you are a serious businessman, then you should not tell him that by selling two or three packages of goods he will earn 5000-6000 thousand rubles. Conduct the meeting like an interview. The person who comes to the first meeting is usually worried. And if you ask him questions like at an interview, he is unlikely to open up to you. It is unlikely that it will be possible to build a constructive dialogue in this way. It is much more effective to communicate with a person on an equal footing, immediately engage in dialogue, and win over your interlocutor with a smile. In this case potential candidate will answer questions more openly, and will be more receptive to your proposal.

Let's sum it up

To invite a person to network marketing, you need to like this person, because you will have to work closely with him in the future. In addition, it must be a person from your target audience, otherwise you will spend a lot of time and effort communicating with those who are not right for you.

When inviting a person into business, you need to show him the benefits that he will receive when he starts working with you. Ask open questions, identify his interests and needs. Make an offer based on what he might be interested in.
