Sports after childbirth. How long after giving birth can I exercise? When to resume exercise after cesarean and natural childbirth

Often young mothers are tormented by many fears, including unfounded ones. They are afraid of harming the baby with their own wrong actions.

In matters of sports, such precautions are quite justified. Active activities immediately after childbirth can bring not only benefits, but, on the contrary, can negatively affect the mother’s condition.

When can you start exercising?

Any physical activity after childbirth must be included consistently in your life.

After the birth of your baby, additional exercises appear in your life that were not there before. You constantly carry your baby in your arms, put him in a crib, walk with your baby in a sling or take walks with a stroller. All these natural activities for a young mother help gradually strengthen her body.

Some time after giving birth, you can start practicing at home, involving your baby in this process. Walking, light stretching, tensing and relaxing muscles are your friends during this period.

For athletes, the recovery period can take only 3-4 weeks, for women who did not lead a very active lifestyle and before giving birth - several months.

A woman’s habits are subject to a number of restrictions that must be observed so as not to further injure the body after childbirth. Your obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you how long this period will last for you.

A strong load on the body can be given only a year after giving birth, without forgetting to consult a doctor. This, in addition to any type of athletics, also includes running and active cycling, which put a lot of stress on the heart.

Choosing a sport after childbirth

Once you have completed your recovery and received your doctor’s permission, you can begin regular exercise. The choice of type of training should be approached very carefully so that the sport does not harm the general well-being of the young mother.

It is recommended to start with activities that do not require heavy load. For example, water aerobics, Pilates, and belly dancing are ideal for such purposes. Such sports help to tone the body, correct the figure: remove the belly, tighten the buttocks and maintain beautiful proportions.

Aerobic exercise has to be avoided due to the large number of chest-injuring exercises, such as jumping.

To begin with, it is best to exclude aerobic exercise. Classic aerobics and step exercise lead to the loss of a large amount of moisture, which negatively affects the amount of milk produced by a woman’s body.

The period after the birth of a child, when he is still in breastfeeding, requires a special attitude from the mother to her health so that the quantity and quality of milk, so necessary for the baby’s immunity, is sufficient. Therefore, many mothers are afraid to return to their usual pre-pregnancy sports activities, worrying that the lactic acid produced by the body during physical activity will not change the taste of milk and provoke the baby to refuse the breast.

Exercise and breastfeeding

The question of how sports activities affect quantity and quality breast milk, has been studied in sufficient detail. So, in 2000, studies were conducted in the UK in which two groups of nursing mothers, whose weight exceeded the norm, took part; each group had 20 people. The first group of women adhered to a diet and performed a prescribed set of physical exercises daily, the second did not adhere to food restrictions and did not exercise. As a result, after 10 weeks, the first group lost an average of 4.5 kg of weight without reducing the amount of milk produced, women in the second group also lost weight, but on average this figure was only 900 g.

Experiments were also conducted in which the volume and composition of milk was compared between women in the control group who performed aerobic exercise 5 days a week for 12 weeks and those who refused to exercise. No differences in chemical composition, volume or prolactin levels were not found between breastfeeding mothers of these two groups.

Moreover, in 1998, American medical scientist A. Fly obtained evidence that even intense physical exercise are in no way capable of influencing or changing the content of essential minerals in breast milk. The concentrations of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium remained unchanged in those mothers who underwent this experiment.

How to exercise properly while breastfeeding

Physical activity should not be intense - swimming, yoga, various types Pilates, designed specifically for this category of women. The main attention should be paid to the correct equipment - for sports or gym It is necessary to use a special dense and well-supporting bra. You should protect yourself and especially protect your chest from hypothermia and do not run hot after exercise straight into the street.

If you exercise regularly using exercise equipment, monitor your weight so that it does not lose too quickly - 1-2 kg per month is enough. And you should not feel hungry; do not forget that your first task is to provide your baby with the amount of milk necessary for his growth and development.

Even when you don’t have time to go to the gym or swimming pool, work out at home or turn it into an activity to walk with your baby, choosing routes with difficult terrain and changing the speed of movement. Evidence confirms that mothers who exercised while breastfeeding suffered little from postpartum depression.

Young mothers never get bored. In addition to caring for the newborn, they will face a recovery period. Therefore, sport is very important for a nursing mother. It not only speeds up your metabolism, getting rid of the extra pounds, but also improves your mood and helps avoid postpartum depression. The main thing is that classes bring joy.


The most enjoyable and safe workouts during lactation are swimming and water aerobics. This physical activity is recommended even for pregnant women, as it relieves tension from the spine, training the muscles as effectively as possible. During exercise, it may even seem that the body is not experiencing any stress. And only after training comes pleasant muscle fatigue. Such sports activities after childbirth are good because they can be combined with the physical education of the child. From the age of six months, it is recommended to take your baby to the pool and, from childhood, develop his craving for healthy image life.

Training during lactation should not be exhausting, because the female body is already weakened by pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, Pilates is suitable for mom. This complex was developed by Joseph Pilates, a sports specialist who suffered from asthma and rickets. The technique that received his name is aimed at restoring the body after illness and surgery, increasing endurance, flexibility, agility, as well as accelerating metabolic processes and

During pregnancy, like it or not, you have to put up with changes in your appearance. Stooping, a duck's gait, a huge belly do not correspond to modern ideals female beauty, and after giving birth it’s tempting to stuff your body into beautiful pre-pregnancy clothes. But something went wrong... When can you start working on your figure and why does it not fit into any framework?

Unsightly figure after childbirth: causes and solutions

Overweight. The rate of weight gain during the gestation period is calculated depending on the body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy. It is calculated by dividing body weight by the square of height in meters. For example, with a height of 164 cm and a weight of 65 kg, BMI = 65/(1.64X1.64) = 24.

  • with a thin build, a BMI of less than 19.8 and normal weight gain of 14–16 kg;
  • with an average BMI = 19.8-26, an increase in the range of 9–14 kg;
  • if you are obese, your BMI is more than 26 and your weight gain should not exceed 9 kg.

If your weight gain parameters are higher than indicated, then extra pounds immediately after childbirth they will not go anywhere and will “delight” with fat deposits throughout the body, especially in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs.

Don't be upset if after the birth of your baby you weigh 2-3 kg more than usual, this is normal during lactation. Firstly, the breasts enlarge, and secondly, during the entire period of breastfeeding, the body puts water in a “piggy bank”, retaining a slightly larger volume of liquid for uninterrupted milk production.

Fat deposition during pregnancy is a physiological phenomenon, based on hormonal reasons. When the expectant mother did not eat for two, the problem of fat reserves can be quickly solved by practicing sports after childbirth and breastfeeding. Otherwise, if you are obese, you will have to exercise longer and harder.

Excess weight can be managed with aerobic exercise and avoiding excessive eating. Meals should be balanced and fractional (small portions 5-6 or more times a day). Moderate aerobic exercise can be started 6–8 weeks after birth - with the cessation of postpartum discharge.

If you are breastfeeding, it is better to avoid exercises where the body is strongly shaken - jumping rope, running, active dancing, etc. - heavy breasts after such “shocks” may sag. Cycling or exercise on an exercise bike, swimming are more suitable.

When will the dark stripe on the stomach go away after childbirth and how to speed up the process

“Pregnant” belly, saggy and loose skin

Even if you led an active lifestyle and did not give up sports during pregnancy, the process of getting a flat stomach can take some time. The speed of abdominal retraction depends on when the muscles are stretched abdominals will acquire their original tone.

If a woman takes the time to exercise before and during pregnancy, the muscles become stronger within the first week after childbirth and compactly hold the enlarged uterus, preventing it from protruding, to the envy of everyone around.

If sports before childbirth are your way of life, but you stopped doing them during pregnancy, then the maximum oxygen consumption, which is used to determine the degree of readiness of the muscles for stress, falls within 2 weeks after stopping training, and muscle tone decreases after 6 weeks.

In this case, once you start working on your abs, the period of restoration of the previous beautiful shape of the abdomen will take from 1–8 months, depending on how long the break was. Flat stomach will become in 2-6 weeks with contraction of the uterus and restoration of muscle tone.

Not everything is so rosy for mothers who did not keep themselves in shape either before pregnancy or during pregnancy. The belly will be “pregnant” for about 2 months after giving birth. Stretched, weakened muscles are not able to give strength to the anterior abdominal wall, and the enlarged uterus protrudes until it is restored to its original size.

But even after reducing the abdomen, untrained mothers can often experience sagging, unsightly sagging of fat folds and stretched skin. Unfortunately, training does not always solve the problem of a sagging belly, and if you strive for perfection, then you can achieve it with the help of abdominoplasty.

Walking Question Mark: Posture

Posture changes during pregnancy expectant mother due to a shift in the center of gravity, stretching and weakening of the back muscles, the shoulders and buttocks are pulled in, the spine in the lumbar region is bent forward. Constantly carrying a child in your arms and feeding in a bent position adds fuel to the fire and a walking question mark appears before the public.

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The neck and back often suffer from incorrect posture, straining in an unusual direction and responding with pain. You can and should start correcting your posture and strengthening your back muscles after the birth of your child, without waiting for the end of the postpartum recovery period.

Due to the physiological divergence of the pelvic bones in the area of ​​the pubis - the symphysis, the so-called “duck gait” can be observed for some time after childbirth. If there is no inflammation of the pubic joint - symphysitis, then this condition goes away quite quickly, with the release of the hormone relaxin, which softens the pelvic muscles and ligaments, from the body.

When can you start working out your abdominal muscles?

1. Natural childbirth. Exercises for the abdominal muscles in the case of natural delivery can begin to be performed after the cessation of postpartum discharge - 6-8 weeks after birth, gradually increasing the load.

During this period, the pelvic organs and systems are restored. The ligamentous-muscular apparatus that holds the organs in the abdominal cavity, weakened by pregnancy, gains strength and becomes toned.

If you put stress on the abdominal muscles immediately after childbirth, you can provoke organ prolapse and uterine bleeding.

At this time, the uterus contracts, reducing its size and drawing the torn vessels at the placenta attachment site deeper into the cavity.

The process of thrombus formation is intensive - the wound surface of the uterine mucosa is “patched”. Any physical activity is not recommended active occupation sports, in which there is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and the risk of the listed postpartum complications.

But you can help your figure in the area of ​​an unsightly belly by starting to exercise a system of exercises for the pelvic floor muscles, known as “Kegel exercises.” What do they have to do with the abdominal muscles? Thanks to them, the muscles of the vagina and perineum are strengthened, the problem of urinary incontinence is solved, blood circulation in the pelvis is normalized, and the risk of hemorrhoids is reduced.

Ultimately, the muscle tone of all pelvic organs, weakened by pregnancy and childbirth, quickly returns to normal and the postpartum recovery process is easier. These exercises have no restrictions, except for the stitches placed on the perineum, and you can start them the very next day after giving birth.

In case of ruptures and cuts in the perineum, you can do Kegel exercises with caution 4 weeks after suturing, and if there is no discomfort, even earlier.

2. Caesarean section. Doctors recommend “pumping up your abs” no earlier than 6 months after a cesarean section, when the uterine scar is maturing. On the other hand, healing occurs faster when the injured organ tissue is well supplied with blood, which is achieved by physical exercise on nearby muscles.

The healing time for each person is individual and depends on many factors. Therefore, when you feel well, there is no pain or discomfort in the incision area, then you can begin light physical activity on the abdominal muscles (without fanaticism) 1–2 months earlier than the six-month period.

By 3–4 months after surgery, the scar becomes “mature” and the likelihood of its rupture is unlikely.

The final transformation occurs within a year.

3. Diastasis. If you have diastasis, you cannot perform exercises aimed at training the rectus abdominis muscle. A small diastasis is a separation of the rectus abdominal muscle along the midline, which occurs quite often after childbirth and goes away on its own.

In rare cases, this pathology remains for life. You can determine its presence yourself: lie on your back and slightly tense your abdominal muscles. A mound in the midline of the abdomen indicates diastasis.

Of course, the period of pregnancy is the happiest in the life of every woman. But it is at this time that the vast majority of women gain extra pounds. There is even such a stereotype that if you decide to have a child, you can say goodbye to your figure. This opinion is so old that many women have already been able to change it. Every mother simply needs to return to “her” previous shape, and fitness will help her with this after childbirth. This is exactly what this article will be about.

Restoring your figure after childbirth

It is simply necessary to restore your former self. Firstly, if you like yourself, you will have good mood Therefore, the baby will be fine too. Secondly, after sports you will feel a surge of strength. Moms who exercise regularly look more active and energetic. Those who already love sports know that good workout like a fresh breath of air. Don't believe me? Then try fitness classes after giving birth.

You need to restore your figure after childbirth on all fronts, and not just through sports.

First of all, you need to normalize your weight, and this can be done with the help of proper diet nutrition. Of course, during the period of breastfeeding you will have to forget about all sorts of diets that you were on previously; they are generally inappropriate during this period. Not only are you still not fully strong after giving birth, but diets will also deprive you and your baby of nutrients.

Changing the diet

The first step on the way to your former figure is to reconsider your diet. Surely, if you are breastfeeding, you already adhere to certain nutritional rules. After all, smoked foods, fatty foods, carbonated drinks, and products with artificial colors and preservatives are not recommended during lactation. If you haven’t eaten all this for a long time, we can say that half the battle is done. It’s worth adding a few nuances:

  1. You should eat small meals 5 times a day. If you feel hungry between meals, eat some fruit or drink a glass of kefir.
  2. Avoid sweet, salty and starchy foods. These are the three main enemies of an ideal figure.
  3. Drink more fluids. Normally, a person needs about 2 liters of water per day. The deficiency provokes a decrease in metabolism, therefore, calories are not consumed. In addition, 90% of breast milk consists of liquid, so during lactation you should drink clean water simply necessary.

And lastly, metabolism is also affected healthy sleep. When your baby sleeps and you allow yourself to sleep, dust and debris will not go anywhere.

When can you exercise after giving birth?

Many women who have decided to regain their previous figure are concerned with the question: “How long after giving birth can you start doing fitness?” First of all, don’t rush to the gym on the third day or after discharge. It’s worth warning right away that you won’t be able to lose weight quickly after giving birth. After all, these extra pounds have been accumulating for nine months. In addition, sudden weight loss can play a cruel joke; your breast milk may disappear. Therefore, gradualism is important in this matter.

Doctors usually recommend starting sports training 5-6 weeks after birth. This is only if childbirth took place naturally without any complications. And then you shouldn’t start intense training right away. If you were involved in fitness before and during pregnancy, then returning to your normal sports regime after childbirth will not be difficult for you.

There's another one important point, why you can’t immediately start active training. The fact is that if during lactation the mother engages in intense strength exercises, then she secretes lactic acid, which spoils the taste of the mother’s “delicacy”. That is, the baby can simply refuse the breast. Therefore, do not rush to exhaust yourself with sports. And if you want to continue feeding your baby, then it is better to give preference to Pilates or yoga. This kind of fitness after childbirth will definitely not do any harm.

Sports after cesarean

The case where the birth took place by caesarean section requires special attention. Returning to training will be more difficult. In addition, there are special programs - fitness for cesarean section, but they can only be started after consultation and permission from a doctor. Typically, a woman is allowed to return to training only after the wound has healed, to eliminate the risk of infection and rupture of the stitches. As a rule, this requires at least 8 weeks.

First preparation

Your body was resting from physical activity nine months, so don’t immediately grab barbells and dumbbells. You need to start exercising gradually, increasing the load over time. If you can’t leave your child with a nanny or grandma to go to the gym, it doesn’t matter. You can do fitness afterwards; fortunately, there are many video courses for this. In addition, daily walks with your baby are also considered a kind of exercise. Walking burns calories. So don’t sit on a bench, but walk, walk and walk again.

There are exercises that you can do immediately upon returning from the hospital. After them, it will be much easier for you to start more intense training. So, these include:

  1. Kegel exercise. It is necessary to restore the elasticity of the pelvic muscles.
  2. Breathing exercises
  3. Exercises with fitball. You can practice with this equipment every day. For example, while breastfeeding, you can sit on a stability ball and perform circular movements with your pelvis.

Combining baby care with fitness

Many mothers refuse to play sports, citing the fact that they spend all their time caring for the baby. We will tell them a secret: these two activities can be successfully combined. The simplest option, which we have already mentioned, is walking. You need to be in the fresh air every day with your kids, so let it be useful for you too. For example, while walking you can perform various movements, walking slowly or faster, on tiptoe. It only takes 40 minutes, and 300 kilocalories are gone.

Every mother does not sit or lie on the sofa, she moves around the apartment, doing household chores. So walking can be replaced with energetic dancing. By the way, yoga is ideally combined with caring for the baby. And it is not necessary to perform complex asanas; it is enough to learn a few simple poses.

Top best fitness programs after childbirth

We offer you the top best and most effective home workouts that you can do while your baby sleeps:

1. fitness after childbirth

Perhaps this is the most popular program for young mothers, as it is affordable and gentle. Even if you didn’t play sports before pregnancy, you will be able to do this video course. Cindy Crawford created a program with a gradual increase in load, that is, you first start exercising 10 minutes a day for 14 days, then add another 15 minutes, and so on until a full workout.

2. Tracy Anderson: Post Pregnancy

Tracy created the program based on her personal experience. This video course is more advanced and may not be suitable for beginners. The set of exercises is designed for 50 minutes, and this is quite a strong load, so you can divide it into two approaches. The program contains a lot of abdominal exercises.

3. Hot Body Healthy Mommy

This new program from the famous Jillian Michaels. The set of exercises is designed for beginners and for those who have only recently recovered from childbirth. It contains 3 workouts for different parts bodies.

Beauty treatments for new mothers

Now you know what fitness means after childbirth, how long after you can start exercising, and which exercises are best to do and which not. In combination with sports, cosmetic manipulations will help restore the figure's fit. Here are some procedures that can be recommended for a young mother:

  1. Home peeling. To improve skin texture, give it smoothness and elasticity, you need to use a scrub twice a week.
  2. Self-massage. Several times a week you can massage yourself using special anti-cellulite creams.
  3. Electrical stimulation. Suitable for nursing mothers. This is a hardware procedure that affects the lower layers of muscles. That is, it is an alternative to physical exercise.
  4. Mesotherapy. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for nursing mothers. But if you are not breastfeeding, you can use a mesotherapy procedure, which is aimed at burning fat and tightening the skin.
  5. You can also make body wraps at home different compositions. Not recommended during lactation.

It is obvious that fitness after childbirth is important and necessary. But how can you do it without harming yourself or your baby?! You need to adhere to several rules and recommendations:

  • If possible, it is better to hire a personal trainer who will tell you in detail what fitness is after childbirth, when to start exercising and what exercises you can do.
  • If you work out at home on your own, then develop a program for yourself so that it involves all muscle groups.
  • Don't do all the exercises in one go. You can spread them out throughout the day. For example, while the baby is sleeping.
  • Start exercising only after feeding and an hour before.
  • Don't neglect wearing a postpartum bandage. It is able to support the abdominal muscles and will not allow the skin to sag.
  • For the sake of beautiful figure Don't give up breastfeeding. After all, this is important nutrition for the baby. In addition, breast milk production takes 300 kcal.
  • You need to exercise regularly 3-5 times a week for 30-60 minutes.


And in conclusion, it is worth saying that fitness after childbirth is necessary for every woman. No one to leave your child with to go to the gym?! This is not a problem, study at home if you wish. But remember that the most important thing is health, don’t overexert yourself, because you already have a lot of trouble with your baby. Stay beautiful!

While carrying a baby, a woman’s body undergoes significant restructuring. And this is not surprising, because it begins to work in a new, enhanced mode. All organs and systems are adjusted to the fact that they now need to ensure the bearing of the baby so that he can develop normally. Not all changes are pleasant for the fairer sex. Many of them bring discomfort.

Almost every pregnant woman in the crown of 9 monthly period During pregnancy, she gradually gains weight. It is clear that after childbirth this cannot be reflected in the condition of the figure. Therefore, after the birth of a baby, women are interested in when they can start playing sports.

After the hardest part is over and the child pleases the mother with his presence, you want to return to your previous shape as quickly as possible and take a step towards achieving a beautiful, slender figure. However, much depends on the course of pregnancy, as well as on the process of childbirth, because it is almost impossible to avoid various complications. That is why, before running to the gym and starting to correct your figure, you need to charmingly see a doctor so that he can assess the overall condition of the body.

If the child was born without problems, and no complications or injuries arose during his birth, then the very next day after birth he is allowed to perform the simplest exercises that do not require application. special effort. Everything should start with the simplest gymnastics aimed at recovery.

These can be activities that are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, peritoneum, and accelerating contraction of the uterus. Such exercises are usually performed in a lying position, because it is in this position that they are much easier to do than in any other position. And we remember that the most important thing is to ensure moderate physical activity.

14 days after the birth of blood, more complex sets of exercises are allowed to begin. But only in this case it is important that the postpartum discharge, which has a name, stops.

You are allowed to slightly rotate your body, do simple bends, squats, but without weights, do push-ups, and pump up your abs. The exercise should be similar to simple exercises; you should not feel tired or exhausted.
Believe me, on at this stage This is more than enough; the body needs some more time to become stronger. If you are interested in going to the pool, working out in the gym or doing fitness, then you should know that all this is allowed to be done only 4-5 weeks after natural childbirth. This period must be waited so that the exercises do not cause any harm or provoke the development of certain complications.

Natural childbirth is always better than a caesarean section, but not all women can give birth to a baby on their own. If there are certain indications, doctors perform a caesarean section. After this option of the birth of the baby, you are allowed to start even the most simple exercises after 2 months and not earlier.

You should begin to strengthen your vaginal muscles, as well as your abdominal muscles. After this, over time, the load can be increased and gentle warm-ups can be carried out regularly. Only after the baby is 6 months old can you start going to the gym and doing more complex exercises.
A woman in labor should not forget that if her baby was born by caesarean section, then she is not allowed to make sudden movements.

Severe overexertion is also prohibited; this is very dangerous, as it can cause pain and suture separation. If this happens, you should consult a doctor and postpone playing sports for a while.

After you have been examined by a doctor and he allows physical activity, it is not very easy to decide which type physical activity Will it help you get back to your previous shape faster, and at the same time will not harm your health?

Most best option- swimming. When swimming, all muscle groups are used. And this happens at the same time. When choosing a pool, pay attention to the fact that it is spacious and, of course, clean. Ask your coach if you need to show a medical certificate to purchase a membership. This way you will be able to avoid contracting any infection and contracting various diseases.

In addition, make sure that the swimsuit in which you will swim is comfortable for you. It should not rub the skin or hinder your movements. If swimming does not give you the desired result, then you can purchase a subscription to aqua fitness.
If you don't like working out in water, you can join a gym. Choose a gym that has reliable and high-quality equipment, because training should be complete. It is also recommended to talk to a trainer, he will advise you, assess your physical capabilities and create an individual training program.


In addition, yoga classes are recommended for new mothers. Yes, at first glance it may seem that this type of activity is not a sport at all, but this is not so. During training, people become familiar with the correct breathing technique, and this helps them cope with physical activity much better.

Yoga not only helps you tone your figure, it also gives you good stretching, calms the nervous system, the person becomes balanced. But a mother must have so much patience to take care of the baby.

She doesn’t get enough sleep, gets used to the new rhythm of life, and all this is poorly reflected in her condition. nervous system, so yoga for young mothers - best option. This type of exercise also improves the condition of the ligaments.

You can also sign up for Pilates. This type of fitness is the safest and most effective. You are allowed to start training 5-6 months after the baby is born. Women who gave birth by cesarean section should always consult a doctor before taking classes. Pilates gently affects all muscle groups, returning them to their previous shape.

Also, one of the options for how to regain your figure after the birth of a baby is belly dancing. You can combine business with pleasure.
There is also a set of exercises that mommy can do with her baby. Such a pastime is both pleasant and useful at the same time. Classes can be carried out independently at home, or in special groups.

You should also do simple exercises every day and spend time outdoors more often. Mothers in labor should know that after childbirth, almost all types of disputes are resolved. The most important thing in this matter is the doctor's permission. Whatever type of sports activity you choose, remember that the main thing is a gradual increase in loads.

Contraindicated sports

In the first weeks and even months after delivery, it is prohibited to engage in sports activities that involve increased physical activity. These include, first of all, running. If you start running in the early stages after the baby is born, your heart muscle will be subject to increased stress, and the load will also be placed on other organs.

For a body weakened after childbirth, this is a lot of stress. He has not yet completely rebuilt himself hormonally for such stress. Also this type Sports activity puts a lot of strain on your breasts, and if you are breastfeeding your baby, this will negatively affect lactation.

For similar reasons, cycling, at least active cycling, is prohibited. If you want to show yourself on a bicycle, then let it be easy walks. They definitely won't have any negative impact on your health. As for active driving, you should avoid it. Loads of this kind can be given to the body 12 months after childbirth. But even after such a time, you should initially consult a doctor.

Tennis, weightlifting and lightweight athletics, and volleyball should also be postponed for some time.

Strength sports activities are also prohibited. We are talking about training with various weights, working with weights in the gym. In addition to the fact that this can have a bad effect on lactation, weight training can provoke the appearance of pain in the abdomen.

Any sports that can personally cause an adrenaline rush are also prohibited. If the child is breastfed, the production of this hormone can significantly reduce the amount of milk.

Rules for playing sports after childbirth

Regardless of how the baby was born - by caesarean section or naturally, the algorithm of the lesson is approximately the same. The only thing that changes is the start time of training. And the training itself has the following sequence:

  • Initially, simple exercises follow (for example, breathing exercises, which a woman can do even in a supine position);
  • this is followed by a warm-up (squats, swings, light bends, etc.);
  • and only then do more complex activities begin - swimming, shaping, and so on. You need to start with one lesson per week, gradually increasing the number of visits.

There are some rules regarding playing sports during the postpartum period:

  • If you are lactating, then it is advisable to exercise after you feed the baby, then the formed lactic acid will be neutralized before the next feeding (it takes 2 hours to neutralize this substance);
  • It is important to choose a bra that will secure your breasts during exercise;
  • If you had a caesarean section, consult your doctor to see if you can exercise in a brace;
  • If you are lactating, make sure that you drink enough fluid so that your milk supply does not decrease. If the load increases, then the amount of fluid consumed should also be increased.
  • For exercise, you can use a fitball or a special hoop. If you choose a hoop for twisting, then start with a thin hoop. If you normally spin such a hoop, then only after 2 months of regular training you can start using the hula hoop.

Very often after childbirth a problem arises, which is to return to the previous body shape and size. This applies not only to professional athletes, but also to all women who keep up with the demands and demands of the time. Therefore, many young mothers are interested in what sports they can do after giving birth.

In order to achieve your goal, first of all, you must have the desire to regain your previous shape, exercise regularly, and also gradually increase physical activity.

How the body behaves during pregnancy and after it

As a rule, pregnancy completely restructures the female body in favor of the full development of the child. During this period, the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body, which are the main female hormones involved in metabolic processes, decreases. Thus, this leads to rapid accumulation of fat mass.

Weight gain during pregnancy can also be explained by possible edema, increased blood volume, the growth of the baby, an increase in the mass of the mammary glands, as well as the growth of the membranes surrounding the child.

After the baby is born, the bulk of the gained weight is lost thanks to:

  • Weight of the born child;
  • Loss of amniotic fluid and some blood;
  • Passing of the placenta.

If a woman experienced swelling during pregnancy, then in the postpartum period they subside as the kidneys begin to work better. But it is worth noting that fatty layers do not go away on their own.

The main impetus that allows you to get rid of extra pounds in short terms, is playing sports after the birth of the baby. It is worth paying attention to the fact that strict diets are contraindicated for nursing mothers.

When can you start exercising?

This is quite easy to determine. You just need to focus on your well-being and general condition body. If you have not been subject to postpartum depression, and caring for a child does not tire you too much, then your body itself will give a sign to exercise.

If you still have postpartum discharge, this means that the time for exercise has not yet come. If you gave birth by cesarean section, then you need to avoid strong physical exertion, especially when it comes to abdominal exercises. It is necessary to avoid increased exercise for approximately 6 weeks after a cesarean section.

If you engage in any type of physical activity, try not to overdo it. As a rule, after childbirth, women experience deformation of the pelvic bones, spine, spinal muscles And chest. It is for this reason that a young mother may experience slight pain, which can persist for 2 months.

In addition, after childbirth, a woman experiences an additional psycho-emotional surge and stress, which can lead to completely normal manifestations of discomfort, as well as lethargy. There is no need to worry about this, since this phenomenon is natural, it goes away with time, but it makes it somewhat difficult to restore the shape of the body at first.

Experts say that the sooner you start doing this, the sooner the body can return to its pre-pregnancy state. But since each case is individual, your local gynecologist must give permission to exercise after the birth of the child.

Physical activity during the postpartum period

At first, a woman may experience involuntary urination when sneezing, laughing or coughing. This is a sign that the obturator muscle, located in the bladder, has become slightly stretched during pregnancy. In order to get rid of this problem, you need to do Kegel exercises:

  • Clamp the vagina tightly 20 times twice a day;
  • Release urine in doses, alternating portions by squeezing the vagina.

If you had any complications during childbirth, ruptures, or the birth took place by cesarean section, then you need to start recovering gradually. But at the same time, getting out of a hospital bed must be done as quickly as possible. Start with simple ones walking around the ward or hospital, which will further avoid the formation of adhesions and thromboembolic complications.

What exercises to start with

You can start doing light fitness in the first days after the baby is born, gradually increasing the load on the body. In doing so, consider a few helpful tips:

If you are accustomed to an active lifestyle and want to return to your previous shape as soon as possible, then the question of playing sports is fundamental for you.

There is a complex for this simple exercises especially for those who want to bring their body in line with modern requirements. Do these exercises You can immediately after discharge from the hospital, if you do not have any complications. All the exercises described below must be performed in a lying position, on a bed or mattress.

Even those women who were professionally involved in sports before giving birth should not overdo it in the first days. Everyone should start the same, gradually increasing the load.

Sports allowed during the postpartum period

Doctors strongly advise against exercising immediately. Some people need recovery within one month, while others may need recovery for several years. If you are faced with the question of training during the postpartum period, then you need to consider the following:

  • State of the body;
  • Age;
  • Availability of conditions for sports at home.

If you want to correct your figure, then ideal solution V in this case there will be a dance. For example, oriental belly dancing is specifically designed to shape problem areas of the body. Smooth and gentle movements of the torso, legs and arms are an excellent way to restore blood flow in the joints of the limbs. Oriental dance is also a tonic for the muscles of the arms and chest.

If you are not a fan of dancing, you can replace it with swimming. Swimming is allowed three times a week, but provided there is no uterine bleeding or pain. Water is a universal natural trainer that makes the muscles of the torso, legs and arms work. It is in water that you can achieve the highest calorie return.

Each exercise for different problem areas of the body is repeated 5 to 10 times. Exercises in water should begin with 15 minutes, gradually increasing the time and load of training to 1 hour.

Pilates is considered a gentler form of fitness that can be done even at home. Regular Pilates exercises help to engage the abdominal muscles, making it firmer and firmer. Exercises aimed at the spine can form ideal posture and remove lateral deposits in the hips and waist area.

Sports prohibited during the postpartum period

After the birth of a child, it is necessary to avoid those sports that involve jumping, shaking, and excessive exertion. These include the following:

In conclusion, it is worth noting that main task A young mother's job is to raise a healthy and strong baby. Each woman who has given birth must create a schedule for herself according to which she can start playing sports after birth. At the same time, it is necessary to balance your strengths with your capabilities. Follow the recommendations above to play sports after childbirth, and then you will not have any health problems.
