Home magic for beauty. Homemade women's magic: attracting well-being according to the advice of Elena Yasevich

Our usual dining table is a kind of magical altar, with which many signs and rituals are associated.

1. For example, if you climb under it, taking six knives with you, this will help get rid of the evil eye.

2.And if the knives accidentally cross when you are setting the table, this portends a long journey for you.

3. You should not sit or put money on the dining table - this can lead to misfortune.

4.Salt can protect food and the people who eat it from negativity. Therefore, when setting the table, it should be placed first, and at the end of the meal it should be removed last.

5.If you don't want to live in poverty, always leave some food on your plate.


7.When making a wish, before starting your meal, take a left hand silver cutlery. After eating, wrap them in linen cloth and say over them three times:

“ADJNA YAMSEN SI LAG KHOLTY.” Your wish will come true.

8. Tea leaves floating in a glass, as well as bubbles in your morning coffee, symbolize money “floating” towards you. If the bubbles (tea leaves) are closer to the side from which you drink, then the money will appear very soon, but if they are on the opposite side, you will have to wait.

1.White curtains on the windows will protect you from everyone negative impacts. To drive away evil forces, a ball of green glass is suspended in front of the window.

2. On an odd-numbered Friday at dawn, place seashells, small white pebbles, pieces of glass or a large red tomato on the windowsill - this way you will attract prosperity and prosperity to your home.

At the same time, read the following conspiracy once to yourself, and once out loud:

“How ardently dear to every living thing

So for me, the servant of God (name), luck would shine like a bright sun,

warmed my soul, preserved it with love.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

3.Getting ready for bed for the first time new apartment or when going to bed in a new place, count the number of glasses in the windows of your room. After that, make a wish and fall asleep.

4.Windows with stained glass drive away evil spirits and protect from damage and curses, as stained glass and glass different colors According to the laws of magic, they have special energy vibrations. This wonderful property of stained glass was known back in the Middle Ages.

5. If a spider or bee entered your house through a window, wait for news. Don't kill spiders - it's bad luck. A bird flying into a house through a window is a sign of wealth and good luck for the owner of the house, unlike others magical signs associated with birds flying into the home.

6.According to ancient beliefs, if you wipe windows with vinegar or ammonia, you thereby invite the wind to bless your home.

1.Each tree has its own energy, which imparts to an object made from it magical properties. When buying furniture, you should take into account the properties of the wood from which it is made.

2. Thus, black or ebony wood bestows protection and magical abilities; oak brings strength, luck and health.

Furniture made from pine will attract money to its owner’s house and drive him out of his home. evil spirits, will help you recover.

Evergreen sequoia helps to achieve longevity,

cherry - love,

teak and jute wood - wealth,

cedar - longevity, purification and protection.

Mahogany will protect the house from misfortunes and lightning strikes; the nut will help you gain health.

3. It is better to rearrange furniture before the new moon - it brings good luck. It is necessary to take into account that it is best to place the bed in the eastern part of the bedroom. When rearranging furniture, say:


This conspiracy makes it possible to attract wealth, as well as change your life for the better: all negativity will go away, you will receive only good news.

4. “Kitchen” magic

1. So that the family never suffers from want, you can use a special “kitchen” spell.

Fill a small jug with water and place it in the supply cupboard, after saying over the water:


As long as the jug is in the closet, the family will not know the need.

2.A hanging braid of garlic, onion or pepper can serve as a talisman in the kitchen.

3.Soft cooked rice forming rings around the edges of the pan indicates that the cook will become rich.

4.If you accidentally mix up salt and sugar while cooking, this is good news.

5. If things are not going well in your kitchen - you drop pots or your food burns - you need to cleanse it energetically.

6.Tie two dirty dish towels in the middle, place them in a saucepan with water and three bay leaves and boil it all for two minutes. Then let cool, remove the towels and leaves, and pour the water into the sink or outside. The steam that will be released during boiling will cleanse the energy of the kitchen.

7. If you put three needles, three pins and three nails in a jug, and then fill it with salt, seal it tightly, shake it vigorously nine times and drip red candle wax on the lid, and then put it in a secluded place in the cupboard, you can attract family prosperity and prosperity.

8. There is another magical secret. When preparing soup or porridge, add unpeeled oat grains to your food. A few times is enough for your husband or loved one to always be with you.

Our ancestors knew how to bring prosperity into their home and avoid trouble. Every housewife, keeper of the hearth, resorted to simple, proven means that attracted good luck to the family nest.

You can attract good luck to your home with your own mood, so exclude any manifestations of negativity. Use amulets and good luck talismans that will complement your interior. Hang bells in front of the entrance. With their ringing, they will show the way to luck at your doors and will become an excellent protection from evil and evil spirits.

When cooking, transfer your energy to the food so that it is filled with your love and care. Salt food clockwise, saying:

“I lure luck into a hearty, salted lunch. I treat you to food that is not foreign, not delicacies. I serve homemade food, prepared with my own efforts, created with love, imbued with care.”

Fill any action you perform in the house with positive energy. Do not undertake your duties in a bad mood, so as not to frighten off capricious luck. Do not forget that she will only be in a house that is filled with smiles and laughter, in which there is no place for disorder and dirt. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

16.08.2017 02:03

It turns out that some everyday things that we come across every day have protective properties. With their...

Every woman dreams of being beautiful and irresistible. And if now all kinds of salons and almighty creams are at the service of ladies, then our great-grandmothers used magical rituals as ancient as the world, which it would not hurt for modern ladies to know.

Spell for beautiful hair

– To ensure that your hair grows well and does not fall out, be sure to read on Monday for the new month, sitting by the window and combing your hair: “Field to grain, light to the sun, crown to comb, and hair to hair.”

– To strengthen your hair, you need to speak to it at the threshold of your house on the new moon. Join your hands tightly with a lock above your head and read three times: “As the month was born, so let the hair of (name) be born and come. Just as no one has counted the stars in the sky, let (name)’s hair multiply and thicken beyond counting. So be it!”

– Say before going to bed while combing your hair: “Grow your braid to your waist and don’t let a single hair fall out.” Grow the pigtail to the toes, all the hairs in a row. Rasty Kosa (name) don’t get confused, listen to me.”

– The spell for dandruff is read on Saturday about the water in which you will wash your hair: “Bath water, I should wash with you, I should be treated with you. Maria, Marianna, Mariulyana and soul Ulyana, clear my head of dandruff. So be it!”

- Put a mirror in the water, look into it and read the spell, wet your hair from top to bottom: “My hair, hair, grow like an ear of corn in a field, fill yourself with strength, don’t break from dryness, sit in a nest, swarm in a nest, and with me ( name), don’t cut yourself, toughen up like a shiny sack. In you, my hair, everything is mine magical power, neither hard water, nor a sore head, nor a thoughtful thought will spoil you. Grow your hair, let your hair fall from your shoulders, be strengthened by the sun, be cleansed by the fresh wind, I protect (name) hair like a ripe ear, not for people, but for yourself, not for a moment, not for an hour, for a whole century. Mother Earth, surround me with your spirit, protect my hair from the envious, from the rumbling eye, from the evil eye looking from behind. Words are agreed, negotiated, spoken for (name). So be it!”

Witchcraft rituals to increase attractiveness

If you want to rejuvenate your skin or slightly change any part of your body that seems less than perfect to you, then use lunar magic. On the night of the full moon, place a vessel with clean mineral water on the window. In the morning, hide the vessel out of reach sun rays place.

Wash and wipe with “moon water” the part of the body that you want to change. This could be hair, lips, eyes, chin, chest, stomach, etc.

During these actions, pronounce the spell: “Moonlight fills my body with beauty, my skin with glow, and my mind with ecstasy and pleasure.”

Feel how wrinkles are smoothed out, fat folds are eliminated, the skin becomes firm and elastic. Cool water, touching your skin, washes away everything unnecessary and unnecessary and fills your body with new currents of energy.

These energies shape your new image and thinking that contributes to your external transformation.

Ritual for facial rejuvenation and beauty

You need to put it in a bucket or basin cold water, say three times “Water, water, take away all the wrinkles (acne, spots...) from my face,” then rinse your face seven times with water from your palms from a bucket. It is better to do the procedure at night, and do not wipe the water dry.

For beautiful skin you can do the following: magical actions. They take place on Friday after seven o'clock in the evening. Take 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and 0.5 teaspoon of linden honey, mix them in a glass bowl with a glass rod. Wash your face and apply the mixture on it. Then repeat the spell 7 times: “You, prickly sap-flower, And you, linden honey, take away old age from your face, And strengthen your beauty. So that women will be jealous, And men will lick their lips.”

After you have repeated the words 7 times, wash your face warm water right hand, saying the words: “Water on the face - beauty on the face, Water on the face - old age on the face.”

Repeat these steps every Friday for 7 weeks and your skin will become soft and youthful.

This ritual will help with acne. Remove scales from any fresh fish and place the scales in one bag and the fish in another. Then bury both bags in different places. When burying the fish, say:

Like scales not on a fish, but a fish without scales,
so is my face without a blemish.
As soon as this fish rots, it will leave my face
all evil spirits will come out.

Conspiracy for weight loss and a beautiful figure

The time of the ritual is the new moon, perform it three times, three months in a row. Necessary: silver item, cup cow's milk(natural), three roses of different colors, black paper. Before taking a bath, place a silver object in the bath and let it hot water. Take out the item. Pour a glass of cow's milk into the water and add three rose petals.

Take water procedures until the water temperature cools down to your body temperature, saying the following spell:

“You, water, listen to me! Don’t get confused, don’t fume, but take hold of me! You, water, make me slim! Feed me with milk, caress me with a rose, so that I am neither fat nor thin, but even!”
After this, you need to say the key: “Go away, take the excess from me, run under the black stone, lie there for a hundred years.”

After this, drain the water, wash the bath thoroughly, collect rose petals, wrap them in black paper and bury them under a dried tree.

There is another, easier ritual. The spell should be read with water and washed with it before going to bed. Do it for the waning month.

"Lord, help, Lord, bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan There is a bed, On that bed there is a feather bed. On that feather bed there is a pig lying, my fat is guarding. That pig is about two about three heads, about four heads, about five heads, about six heads, about eight heads, with nine heads, with nine mouths, eat my fat with the first head, eat my fat with the second head, eat my fat with the third. fat, Eat my fat with the fourth head, Eat my fat with the fifth head, Eat my fat with the sixth head, Eat my fat with the seventh head, Eat my fat with the eighth head, And the ninth will eat up all my fat, Take on my fat, the key, the lock, the tongue. . Amen. Amen."

Plot on cream to prevent wrinkles

Buy a jar of face cream. Without opening it, in the evening say the words over it:
“There were 12 sisters, 12 young women, 12 beauties, 12 queens. From each, beauty is in a barrel!”

Take a shower or bath, open the cream and spread on face light movements, saying:
“As from my first sister - love!
From the second - beauty!
As from the third - thick hair,
From the fourth - a ringing voice,
I'm on the fifth - my hands are tender,
From the sixth - teeth are snow-white,
From the seventh - the eyelashes are black,
From the eighth my eyebrows are thin,
From the ninth frying eyes,
From the tenth - the spout is raised,
From the eleventh - scarlet lips,
And as the twelfth, let me be all!

When closing the cream, say the setting:
12 sisters, all in the tent! I open it - I gain beauty!"
Every time you use this cream, say a spell.

Prepared by Alexandra Bilyarchik,
based on materials

Every woman is a little bit of a sorceress at heart. It is thanks to women's secrets and tricks that the house becomes cozy and comfortable. Elena Yasevich shared her knowledge in home magic, with which you can attract well-being.

3. The exchange of things has a positive effect on the energy of the home. Occasionally, a husband and wife can dry themselves with the same towel and use each other's dressing gowns. To maintain a favorable environment, it would be useful for a woman to periodically wear her lover’s shirt or T-shirt. Such actions bring happiness to the house and have a good effect on the intimate part of life.

4. Be careful about the things you use to sweep the floor. Since ancient times, there has been an immutable rule: get the old broom out of the house. From the point of view of bioenergy, it accumulates negative energy. A timely change of the broom will have a beneficial effect on the well-being of household members, will have a positive effect on the mood and will nullify conflicts and quarrels over trifles.

5. Do not leave spoons and forks on the table at night. They carry negativity and contribute to aggravation conflict situations. This is another immutable rule, passed down through generations from century to century.

6. To protect the family and home comfort Items with folk painting are suitable. Khokhloma, Gzhel, Palekh - all these folk motifs can protect you and your family from diseases and negative impact from outside. Housewives should also think about embroidery on clothes. Our ancestors used hand-embroidered shirts for protection. Patterns made with love and with your own hands were the most strong remedy protection of loved ones.

7. To prevent negative energy from accumulating in the house, create a draft after quarrels. The wind will blow away negative emotions and cool your ardor. After such a ritual, making peace and finding a compromise is much easier.

8. Use an old folk trick: sometimes wash your children’s and husband’s clothes yourself. At the same time, say kind words and wishes to your loved ones. This magic ritual, tied to sincere love, is able to protect and save people dear to you from trouble.

To keep your home full, spend time internal space. Clean in a timely manner and do not allow dust to accumulate in the corners. This will help positive energy circulate in your home and relieve you of bad mood and health. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Every woman is a bit of a witch, so she can always be successful with others, achieve a position in society, maintain youth and find love. And if you were born with these major advantages, then it would be unfair not to take advantage of them.

Of course, a lot in your life may depend on your external data and personal abilities. But you owe your success and happiness not only to these qualities. The fact is that in nature there are special, secret forces that in an instant can make you the most noticeable and attractive, create around you that unique atmosphere of love, warmth and tranquility that is inherent only to you and no one else.

It is these forces that can attract the attention of everyone around you, give them the opportunity to notice something new and completely special in you, something that can make you obey your every word or admire your every action and deed.

Many people call all this witchcraft, sorcery, sacrament or magic, others - natural charm, charm, the power of love, beauty and charm. But very often, using these words and concepts, we habitually combine them into one whole and say: magical charm, mysterious beauty, witchcraft charm, magical power of love and passion.

And indeed, everything that we have in this world that is connected with love, feelings and the inner world, we are accustomed to attribute to something mysterious and inexplicable. It almost always remains a mystery to ourselves why suddenly the image of a person makes such a strong impression on us, penetrates deeply into our inner world, makes us constantly think about him, make plans, hope, worry and rejoice at the same time.

What is the reason here? What exactly interested us in this person? Did his appearance or his character, his special manner of behavior, his personal merits or abilities play a decisive role? Or maybe it’s just that his material wealth became this main reason? Or is there something else that constantly eludes our attention - an inexplicable subtlety, the smallest feature, a mysterious, attractive force emanating from this person, which precisely creates the feeling of his individuality and uniqueness? Probably, it is precisely this secret force that is responsible for the emergence of our feelings and desires, sometimes barely perceptible and timid, sometimes similar to an all-consuming universal flame that escaped from the captivity of the gods and became part of the human soul.

The presence of such power is undeniable. Everyone experienced its influence on themselves. And of course, everyone, to one degree or another, felt the presence of this force in themselves. But only very few know how to use it so that it manifests itself every minute and constantly, and not from one time to another.

Perhaps someone believes that the most important question about the presence of these forces is appearance and that almost everything depends on it. Yes, indeed, a person with a bright appearance has more chances and opportunities to attract the attention of others, to be more noticeable and recognizable. But try to remember how often, when you were close to such people, you experienced admiration only for their external characteristics and at the same time did not feel any disposition or sympathy for them. Their image lingered in your memory for a short time and disappeared as soon as you parted. And quite the opposite: there are people who seem to have no special appearance or anything else, but with some special halo, some extraordinary attractiveness, which is noted by everyone around them. There is an invisible charm and magic in these people that from the very first minute of your communication with them takes you captive. Such people captivate with their openness, inexplicable warmth and calmness emanating from their words and actions.

Perhaps someone will notice that all this perception applies only to the weaker sex, and men are a completely different matter. After all, it is about their “love through the eyes” that there are so many unambiguous hints and opinions! But here too there are examples, so often repeated that it would be wrong to attribute them only to mere chance. Try to remember how often next to men who have power, money, beauty and fame - in a word, with people who can afford a lot, the best and most beautiful, there are those same “gray mice” with an undistinguished ordinary appearance and other shortcomings noticed by everyone around her, but not by her chosen one. Everyone around is perplexed: “What did he see in her?!” How did she bewitch him?!” And now questions arise.

Did everything happen by itself or was the result of some special action? Did an inexplicable secret force interfere with the usual course of events? Didn’t it obscure the view, did it deprive the person at whom it was directed of a clear mind and reason? Was the source of these forces the “gray mouse” itself, or was there also someone else’s “special” patronage?

We will leave all the detailed answers to these and other questions for subsequent chapters of the book. Now let us note the main thing, namely that our choice, our emotions, feelings and relationships are influenced not by any one sphere of our perception, but by many reasons and factors associated with a particular person. This is a charming appearance, and innate charm, and the acquired ability to communicate correctly, beautifully, the ability to create a relaxed, trusting atmosphere and - much more - something that is a personal, unique trait of each person.

It’s great if someone has all this equally, but it’s unlikely that we often meet such people. However, the absence of one (or more) of these qualities does not reduce, but, on the contrary, enhances the charm of all the others. That is why your success to a greater extent depends only on the correct disclosure and development of precisely those qualities and abilities that are most inherent in you, namely those hidden possibilities, which are the basis of your personal individuality, the basis of that secret power of nature that belongs only to you and no one else.

There are many in various ways and methods of acquiring, revealing and using these secret powers. These are the ones we will talk about in this book. But first of all we need to find out the origin and main sources of these forces.

Let's start with the fact that secret powers are part of you, they are your powers, you were born with them. They are constantly present and expressed in your gestures, emotions and views, in actions, words and actions, but it happens so naturally and habitually that you never even think about it.

Any of our gestures, desires or actions is duplicated on the energetic, astral plane. We constantly exchange energy with the environment, people and objects, constantly give them our strength and receive it in the same way. And our condition, the attitude of other people towards us, our success and well-being depend on how harmonious this process is.

So, the main source and location of these mysterious forces is you yourself. Therefore, no matter what means and methods you use, their ultimate goal will be the development and filling of this particular source, identifying its brightest and most positive foundations and possibilities.

But, as already noted, this force cannot exist in isolation. Constantly being in interaction with everything that surrounds us, it transforms and constantly changes. Therefore, to one degree or another, the source of your internal strength can be any object from your immediate or even distant surroundings. Any event that happens to you or is in any way connected with you can also have an impact on your inner world, on your feelings and emotions, and, consequently, on your special, inner strengths.

Thus, we have come to the conclusion that there are only two main sources of mysterious, witchcraft power. The first is yourself. The second is your environment. Therefore, if you set out to acquire, develop and use these forces, you will have to either influence your environment or work on yourself.

Now let's look in more detail at what exactly you will need to draw from these two sources. When I talk about the manifestation of forces that are part of yourself, I mean the active manifestation of your spiritual qualities - your will, faith and imagination. It is these qualities that can influence reality.

So: Faith, Will, Imagination.

When performing any magical action, you must believe that the events you need will definitely happen in your life. Your Faith must come from the future and at the same time nourish it with its energy and strength. Treat the future as the present that is already happening. Believe in reality own strength and opportunities - and this alone will be enough to change the course of events in many ways.

When performing magical actions, you must “see” what consequences they will lead to. Surround yourself for the entire duration of witchcraft with images and visions of the forces you evoke and the events you desire. If you use the forces of Fire, Water, Moon, Space or other earthly and higher spheres, then their images, taking forms familiar to you or emerging from your subconscious in the form of symbols and vague visions, must be visibly present in your witchcraft space.

Your Will should help your Faith and Imagination, direct your (and other) energy in the right direction, create tension or discharge of space, move objects and move the clock hands to the time you need. The Witchcraft Will, like a lens, focuses your emotions and forces at one point, helps you achieve your chosen goal and achieve your plans.

External sources of your power should not be considered as physical, but as energetic objects. As in the physical world, for the production of various things and objects, various materials, and on the astral spiritual plane, energies of various qualities are used. It is generally accepted that the main materials from which all objects of the physical world are created are the four elements of nature: Earth, Water, Fire and Air. The same applies to the energetics of the astral plane, where the energy of these four elements is considered symbolically. Aspects of these main forces of nature (their energy) are present in all manifestations of our reality and constantly have various influences on any area of ​​our life. Therefore, the correct identification and use of the energy of the four elements of nature will be extremely necessary for those who decide to change the world and themselves.

The world around us is fraught with other spatial influences and energies that can be useful in creating the reality you desire. First of all, this is the energy of the stars and planets closest to us - the Moon, Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Mercury. All these planets, like the gods in whose honor they were named, patronize certain human activities, and therefore their influence is used in specific cases and under certain circumstances. Patronage Higher Powers you will also need to have reliable protection and a greater opportunity to dominate what is happening.

Having felt the forces in yourself and around you, you will imperceptibly begin to use them - to practice magic, that is, to connect external and internal factors. Here we just come to the main definitions of magical art. - changing the present or future without direct physical impact on reality. Magic is the connection of two worlds, astral and material space, when thought can influence physical reality, and vice versa. This happens in the following way. You create thoughts and images of the events you desire (use your Will, Faith and Imagination), reinforce them on the physical plane with special actions that repeat the intended reality (manipulate with energy natural elements), - thereby building an astral model, a three-dimensional form, filling which, various events and circumstances ultimately acquire the dimension of the reality you need. For example, you need an extraordinary glow to form around you that can attract the attention of others to you. To do this, you create a mental image of the glow and reinforce it with the energy of the Moon Elixir. Or you dream about the love of some person, then you mentally imagine your closeness, how your hearts burn with love, and at the same time you connect two candles, symbolizing your bodies, and set them on fire - symbols of your passion.

Thus, magical work or magic ritual- this is the construction of astral spiritual forms, matrices of future events, where the building material for these forms is the energy of the natural elements of Earth, Fire, Water and Air, and the tool for their construction is your Will, Faith and Imagination.

At all times, people wanted to be loved and happy, and very often turning to secret forces helped them achieve what they wanted. And don’t be scared by the opinion that the use of magic and witchcraft in everyday life is supposedly completely unacceptable. Yes, indeed, when communicating with other world The doors separating parallel spaces should not be opened too wide. That is why in this book I am not talking about direct contact with those forces of nature that could somehow harm you. Moreover, everything that will be set in motion by the words you speak and the actions you perform is initially aimed at protecting you from everything negative and dangerous.

Most of the methods and recommendations given below are aimed only at revealing your individuality and developing your own inner strengths. Using these methods, you will notice the active manifestation of your most best qualities, which will give you more opportunities and chances to be more visible and communicative. You will be able to solve most situations and problems in your favor and succeed where you would have failed before. By changing yourself, you change the world. And your environment will have to take this into account.

As you can see, the book contains a lot of tips and recommendations, and, of course, using them all is unlikely to be the right decision. The most correct thing would be to study the entire book to the end, find what suits you best, and only after that practice.

My personal recommendations on what should be used first and most importantly are the following: the ritual of the witch’s image, ghosts in the chapter “Comprehension of the Mystery” and the Farmadak ritual from the chapter “Astral Makeup”. By performing these rituals, you will master the most important female advantage - witchcraft power, which gives magical charm, external and inner beauty, the ability to influence the world around us comprehensive impact. This alone will be enough to have a lot, if not everything. Having mastered the ability to perceive the energy of the four elements from the surrounding space and use your Will, Faith and Imagination, you will be able to turn any situation to your advantage only by the power of your desire alone. The Ritual of the Main Hieroglyph of the Female Heart will not require any special skill from you, will not take much time and will help you discover new facets and amazing qualities in yourself.
