I dreamed of a tame raven. What to do if you dream of a crow: how different interpreters interpret dreams

In many cultures around the world, the crow occupies special place. A variety of mythical properties were attributed to her. Some folk tales indicate that this bird is a guide to other world, and according to other legends she is considered a messenger from the afterlife.

To understand why the crow dreamed, you need to remember the smallest details of the plot. You should not think that this bird is a harbinger of sadness; dream books offer the most various interpretations. It's very important to remember appearance the crow that appeared in your night dreams. Your behavior regarding the bird you saw in a dream is also important.

Seeing a crow from afar

If in a dream you saw a crow in the distance and did not touch it, then this is very auspicious sign. It symbolizes your confidence and fearlessness. At the present time, you feel like a powerful person and you can handle a lot.

Why do you dream of a black raven?

Very often the question arises as to why a black raven dreams. Such a dream may be a direct warning that real life they want to deceive you. To avoid this for some time, you need to be safe and control everything that happens around you, as well as personally check any information that comes to you. But if you dream of a black crow in a cage, then this symbolizes that you have a strong influence on the people around you.

A large number of crows seen in a dream warns that the time has come to pay attention to your own health. And if in your night dreams you did not see the bird itself, but heard its croaking, then this warns that in reality you may commit a rash act or make the wrong decision. It is unlikely that this will lead to serious consequences, but there will be troubles.

dead crow

If you happened to see a dead crow in a dream, then there will be no troubles in the near future. You can calmly go about your planned activities. Other dream plots may mean the following:
    Many noisy crows jumping on the ground and sitting on tree branches foreshadow a noisy party with friends. A crow flying through the air foretells receiving important news. There is a high probability that you will not be ready for them, since they will be too unexpected. A crow flying out of the nest indicates that it is advisable to abandon the plan for a while. Flocks of crows in the trees are a harbinger of a large family gathering at which there will be discuss important issues.

A white crow seen in a dream is considered a good sign. He indicates that the dreamer’s merits will be fully appreciated in the near future and this, of course, can be expressed in material rewards. In addition, a white crow can symbolize an extraordinary person whom the dreamer will soon meet.

Actions of a crow in a dream

If you dreamed that a black crow was staring at you in a dream, you should not be afraid. Such a dream indicates that you will see something important in real life. But at the same time you will only be a witness, not a participant. And when a crow flies up to you in a dream and sits next to you, it symbolizes your sadness. Moreover, it may well be inexplicable and causeless. You need to force yourself to be more optimistic about life.

A crow flew into your house

If, according to the plot of your night dreams, a crow flew into the open window of your home, then this foreshadows a family reunion. But you should pay attention to the following:
    If a crow, having flown in, continues to fly around the room, then harmony and calm will come to the family, without any effort on your part. If the crow sits on the furniture, then in order to create a friendly family you will have to work hard.
If a black crow pecks at a window glass in a dream, then this warns that danger is looming over you in life. But if this is done by a white bird, then there is nothing to fear, but you need to wait for good news that will bring joy to your home. Other actions in a dream in which a crow dreamed can be interpreted as follows:
    Killing a crow means winning a victory over enemies or competitors. Eating crow meat in a dream means you will soon fall in love and spin in a whirlpool of feelings and emotions. Hunting a crow is a harbinger of a good harvest. Catching a crow with your hands means entering into a serious conflict with someone in reality. Picking up little chicks means expecting a period of calm and prosperous life.

Aggressive crow

If you dreamed of an aggressive crow that attacks you, then this is an unfavorable sign. He foretells that the dreamer will have to experience feelings in reality that will be very unpleasant for him. And if the bird did attack and managed to defeat you, then this portends a separation from your loved one, due to the machinations of ill-wishers. But if, as a result of the battle with the crow, you managed to fight off, then you will be able to maintain your relationship with your loved one, although you will have to go through a difficult period. Also, a victory over a crow can portend bright victories in the business sphere.

Talking Crow

When, according to the plot of your dream, a talking crow flies into your home, you need to remember its croaking. If the bird warned of danger, then in reality it is necessary to exercise caution. Some dream books focus the dreamer’s attention on the fact that the louder the crow’s croak, the greater trouble a person can expect in reality.

A black raven is pecking you

When storyline based on the fact that a black raven pecks at some part of the dreamer’s body, this portends serious illness. This is a very disturbing dream that is of a warning nature. Therefore, it is better to undergo a medical examination after such a dream.

Feed the crow

If in your night dreams you have to feed a crow, then you will easily overcome any obstacles on the way to your intended goals. This will be due to the fact that no enemies will be able to interfere with you. You will be able to uncover all the intrigues of your enemies, and you will definitely achieve success.

We can say that dreams are an inseparable part of our life. What we see in a dream is sometimes prophetic, or can come true, and sometimes it happens that somewhere in reality or earlier in a dream we have already seen this course of events. This phenomenon is called “déjà vu”.

Our dreams can be related to our health, thoughts and actions. Also, dreams in our psyche are divided into exciting and calm; after sleep, a person can often ask the following question: “what could this dream or dream mean for me?.”

The interpretation of any dream can naturally be found in a dream book; dream books can also be different, but even if you dreamed about something exciting, you don’t need to look for a problem in it. It’s better to simply interpret your dream, maybe it’s really prophetic and your brain wants to prevent something negative in this way, so a person in the subconscious, but unconsciously, tries to warn himself about upcoming events, and if it’s dangerous, to save him.

People often perceive as an exciting dream a dream in which they dreamed of a crow. This is not strange, since even from childhood we are accustomed to seeing a croaking crow as a negative character from cartoons, but whether this is true in dreams can be found out in the descriptions of interpretations of various dream books below.

You might be interested in a few important facts about prophetic dreams and more:

  • When a person snores, at this moment he cannot dream.
  • Even in the mother's womb, the baby dreams. Therefore, before the age of two years, a child dreams especially abundantly.
  • After sleeping, a person forgets more than 85% of his sleep.
  • In one night, a person can dream more than 8 - 10 dreams, but he can only remember a few.
  • We can only dream about what we have previously observed somewhere or what warns us.
  • A person's sleep generally lasts 5 to 30 minutes.
  • The state of drowsiness appears in children aged 8 - 10 years.
  • Sometimes it seems to us that we are falling, but it has been scientifically proven that this happens to all people and it is simply a muscle contraction, a surge of adrenaline, or a twitch.
  • If you wake up a person who has recently fallen asleep, that is, at the stage of REM sleep, he will remember his dream down to the smallest detail.
  • During sleep, each person can stop breathing for 9-11 seconds, and during the night there can be about 5 such stops, and with age the amount of time can increase.

Why did you dream about a crow - Freud's dream book

According to Freud, the dream in which you had a black crow is not at all scary and is completely safe. If you dreamed that a crow was just looking at you, this foretells problems that you will suddenly encounter, perhaps they will be of a difficult nature, but if you add more effort, everything will be solved.

If you dream of a crow flying and cawing above you, this may mean that you have a fear that you think you are not able to deal with or fight, and it haunts you even in a dream, only in the likeness of a raven. It is worth overcoming your fears, otherwise such dreams may continue to torment you.

If you dream that you are chasing a crow, then this means that you are a strong and courageous person and will definitely achieve your goal, it’s just that sometimes your doubts do not allow you to get ahead.

Crow in a dream - Miller's interpretation

Miller's interpretation says that if you dreamed of a crow, this could mean gossip and squabbles against you and your family. With such a dream, you need to be careful and choose a suitable environment in which you will be confident, choose your friends and acquaintances correctly!

If you dreamed of a crow to a young guy or to a man, this may mean slander, lies or gossip, intrigue on the part of women or girls who want in bad ways get your attention, be careful and vigilant!

Also, a crow in a dream can be a sign of unfavorable events, bad influences on you, as a result of which you may make unfortunate mistakes.

Dreaming of a crow - Vanga's dream book

According to Vanga’s interpretations, if you dreamed of a crow or a raven trying to peck you, then this is also not a particularly favorable sign. This may mean that your friends, acquaintances or even relatives are not particularly happy about your successes; be careful when doing your successful deeds so as not to “warm a snake around your neck.”

If you dreamed that a crow was making a nest, this is a bad sign and could mean the threshold of a serious epidemic or illness.

A crow usually dreams of preventing troubles: unpleasant situations, illnesses, accidents, depending on what this bird did in your dream.

If you threw a stone at a crow, then in the future your affairs will not go well; if another person threw a stone, then things will go badly for your relatives or friends.

Why do you dream of a crow - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Nostradamus interpreted the appearance of a crow in a dream a little differently. If you dreamed that you were killing a raven, this means a terrible disease and may portend death. loved one. If you dreamed that a crow was attacking you and you scared it away, then you should be wary of theft, theft in your home, or serious betrayal.

If a person in love had a dream about a crow, then you most need to beware of your loved one’s betrayal.

Also, if you dreamed of a crow talking to you, this is good sign, since perhaps the bird gives hints, answers to the questions you want, do not miss the moment and try to remember and pay attention to such a dream.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - seeing a crow in a dream

According to Hasse’s dream book, a crow dreams of intrigue, nonsense, and quarrels. If you had a dream in which a crow sat on your hand, then this does not promise a particularly pleasant acquaintance with which it will bother you.

Also, dreaming of a crow flying into a window also promises sudden adversity and problems, but which can be easily prevented if you give this dream meaning.

If you dreamed of a wounded bird, then soon you or your family will have an illness, but it will be minor, and everything will work out.

Interpretation of Loff - why do you dream of a crow

Loff's interpretation broadcasts good signs of a dream in which a crow dreamed. If in your dream you dreamed of a crow that drops its prey from its beak, such a dream suggests that things may not go as you would like, perhaps decline, but soon if you prevent this, then what happened will not last long and will even bring unexpected profits for you.

If you dreamed of a white crow, this is a very good sign. If you dreamed that a bird was dying next to you or in your arms, then soon you will have a reliable person in your life on whom you can completely rely.

If you ate crow meat in a dream, this means that you will soon receive material wealth and wealth for your successes.

A dream in which you pluck feathers or pull the feathers of a crow means an unexpected pleasant acquaintance.

Dreaming of a crow - Longo's dream book

Seeing a crow in a dream that is locked up, or in a cage according to Longo’s dream book, means some troubles that you will be able to bypass and overcome, and they will not be difficult.

If you see a flock of crows sitting on a branch in a dream, then soon you will have to have a serious family conversation with relatives so that you can be prepared for such a situation.

If you dreamed that a crow turned into your loved one, then be afraid of being deceived or subjected to reproaches or quarrels from the person who took the form of a raven.

In a dream, you dream that you are driving away a crow, but it does not pay attention to you, ignores you, then this promises separation from your loved one.

In a dream, you observe how many crows have flown into the field, ground, asphalt, this means that there will be a bad harvest this year.

Crows have long been considered harbingers of misfortune and misfortune. People believed that these birds brought bad news on their wings. Therefore, a person may perceive the very appearance of a crow or raven in a dream as a bad omen. But at the same time, the crow is considered the embodiment of wisdom, longevity and insight. That is why you should pay attention to all the details of the dream before taking on the interpretation. Why might a raven dream and what to do in this or that case?

What to do if you dream of a crow: how different interpreters interpret dreams

Crow's image different dream books is interpreted differently. For example, the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga sees only a bad sign in these birds:

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

As for the famous psychoanalyst Miller, his dream book interprets the appearance of this mysterious bird in a dream as a bad omen:

  1. A person who sees a crow in his house is most likely not confident in himself and his abilities or doubts his choice.
  2. A bird that eats carrion in a dream foreshadows an unpleasant showdown.
  3. A croaking crow warns that it's time to get rid of negative influence, because it is because of him that all bad deeds are committed.
  4. A raven flying into an open window predicts the arrival of news. Moreover, the white bird always carries good news, and black ones are bad.

Among the ancient Slavs, the crow personified wisdom. According to their beliefs, this bird could travel from the world of the living to the world of the dead and back. That is why those secrets that were inaccessible to mere mortals were revealed to her.

If you dreamed of a flock of crows

A crow in a dream, according to the ancient Slavic dream book, can be both a good and a bad symbol:

  1. The crow's reprisal of its prey will be dreamed of by the one who reveals the conspiracy.
  2. Bad news awaits the person who saw this bird flying into the window. Such a dream foreshadows the imminent death of a loved one.
  3. A flock prowling the field means that next year will be hungry and harvestless.
  4. A crow that croaks loudly in a dream promises bad weather, a storm.
  5. A dreamer who manages to catch a bird will in reality be able to avoid major trouble.
  6. And for those who ate crow meat in a dream, poverty and misfortune await them in reality.

Freud's Dream Book

Perhaps the most unusual interpretation of dreams about ravens is described in Sigmund Freud’s dream book. He believes that this bird is dreaming of that person for whom his current relationships are limited only intimacy. The dreamer is satisfied with the sexual side of his life, but is not yet ready for manifestations of higher feelings.

Who dreamed of birds

A woman who sees a crow in a dream should pay attention to the color of its feathers. The black bird predicts illnesses of loved ones. And vice versa - the light or white crow promises recovery. A girl who will soon meet a true friend or loved one will dream of a dead bird. A pregnant woman who saw a flock circling above her in a dream should not be afraid: such a vision only reminds her that she needs to take proper care of her health. If in a dream a raven does not pay attention to a woman, perhaps her husband is going “to the left.”

The interpretation depends on the gender of the person who saw the raven in a dream

A man, seeing a crow in a dream, must prepare for the fact that soon all his plans will collapse and a dark streak will come in life. Moreover, the more birds there were in the vision, the more difficult it will be to cope with all the problems. It is possible that you will have to ask your loved ones for help. But if the dreamer kills a bird, then this is a signal that the time has come for decisive action, and only patience and an iron will will allow you to take control of the situation and achieve the desired goal. As for the young man, for him a black crow seen in a dream will portend romantic relationship with a girl who will deceive his feelings in the most vile way.

What did the crow look like?

It is very important to remember the dream in detail, namely: what the raven did, what color and size it was. Then you can more accurately determine the meaning of the dream.

Plumage color

Be sure to find out from the dream book what the color of the plumage of the bird you saw in your dream means.


A white crow in a dream is a good sign, indicating that the dreamer will soon have a new acquaintance, whom society, for some reason, considers different from everyone else. And if the sleeper shows goodwill and makes contact, then this extraordinary person can become his friend.


As for the black crow, its appearance in a dream predicts health problems for the dreamer. In this case, the genitourinary system will be the most vulnerable. So you need to try to protect these organs from hypothermia, and also not engage in casual sexual intercourse.

Pay attention to the color of the bird's plumage in your dream

Feathered size

  1. The crow, which in the dream was larger than its relatives, warns the sleeper that it is time for him to take a sober look at the world around us. Only clear consciousness and clear planning will allow you to achieve a specific goal in a short period of time.
  2. If the bird was unnaturally large, then in reality the dreamer may encounter deceit and vile lies. And if he fails to reveal the deception in time, he will soon suffer financial losses, lose authority at work and risk losing a loved one.
  3. Adult, but small crows usually portend a series of failures, minor troubles and problems, which, if not resolved in time, can grow like a snowball.
  4. A dream about a chick predicts a meeting with an interesting person of the opposite sex, with whom many pleasant moments will be associated. If the little crow settled in the sleeping person’s house, then the dreamer is most likely simply dissatisfied with various aspects of his life. He will have to make every effort to correct the situation.

Number of crows

A person should seriously think about his health if he dreamed of several crows. You need to save your strength, eat healthy food, and at the first hint of deterioration in health, you should not delay a visit to the doctor.

A flock of crows in a dream - to a streak of misfortunes

A large number of black birds in a dream is always a harbinger of misfortune and grief. Perhaps in the near future the dreamer will be shocked by unpleasant news. A vision in which crows have gathered in a huge flock also does not bode well. Most likely, many envious people gather around the sleeping person, ready to slander him at any opportunity. In such a situation, the dreamer needs to talk less about his plans.

Character of birds in a dream

Where can you see the bird?

A crow in a dream can be found in a variety of places.


A dream in which a crow appeared in the sleeping person’s house is a reflection of doubts and uncertainty about own strength. If the bird was black, then this is a bad sign, foreshadowing family discord and quarrels.

Arm, head, shoulder

Anyone who dreams of a raven in their hands will soon meet a person whose first impression will be positive. But you shouldn’t waste your time on him, as your opinion about him will quickly change for the worse.

In a dream, a crow sat on your head - to a serious illness or death.

The dreamer, who had a bird sitting on his shoulder, is involved in a dispute and fights for justice. Defending your position will have a positive impact on your reputation, but it is important not to overdo it.

Remember down to the smallest detail your interaction with the raven in a dream

The bird may fly into the window or sit in the nest

A crow seen in a window predicts improvement in all aspects of life. A person will only have to put in a little more effort to make all his plans come true.

A good dream will be in which the bird sat calmly in the nest. This vision means that there is no need to worry about the health of children in the near future.

Cage or sky

Anyone who dreamed of a crow sitting in a cage should know that in reality he has a strong influence on those around him.

If a crow flies in a clear sky, then success awaits you; if the sky is gloomy and she flies there along with other birds of prey, then expect trouble due to the machinations of enemies, losses and bad news. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent death.

When interpreting dreams about the location of a crow, it is important to take into account the emotions that the person experienced. The more vivid the experiences, the more important the dream will be.

Actions in a dream

The most alarming sign is considered to be a dream in which a crow knocks on the window. The dreamer should be more attentive to his health, at the first dangerous symptoms do not delay going to the doctor and do not ignore his recommendations. A croaking bird is a signal that new acquaintances are having a bad influence on the dreamer. You need to look closely at them and highlight them negative traits. Success at work and advancement career ladder promises a vision in which a crow has taken a shit. Perhaps an increase is expected wages or moving to a new position. Financial losses await those who dream of a bird croaking deafeningly. There will probably be theft.

Don't be afraid of "Hitchcockian" motifs in your sleep

If the dreamer tries to catch a bird, but it still doesn’t work, then, in reality, he will probably be faced with a lack of understanding from those around him. This can lead to disagreement and conflict. Hunting crows means the success of a business in which a lot of effort has been invested. Feeding a crow in a dream foreshadows the failure of all vile plans against the sleeping person, and unprecedented success awaits him. The man who saw him petting the bird can be confident in his family, who can lend a helping hand if necessary. Perhaps the dreamer will be able to get to the clean water a liar and a pretender, if in a dream he drives away a crow. Undoubtedly, a vision in which a person kills a bird will be a positive sign. Such dreams prophesy victory over all enemies.

If you dreamed that a raven was circling above your head, then such a dream prophesies trouble. If a raven circles above you screaming, then this is a fatal symbol, indicating a serious illness or death of a loved one.

Interpretation of other dreams about a raven

A wounded crow in a dream can warn of the appearance of ill-wishers with serious intentions. Moreover, there is a high probability that these will be men.

Dead Raven

The dead bird symbolizes new stage in the dreamer's life: good luck at work, good relationship with family, victories on the love front.

The interpretation of a dream with a crow depends on many details

What does a talking raven mean?

Perhaps the most interesting character in a dream will be a talking crow. To correctly interpret such a dream, you need to listen carefully to what the bird says. Most likely, she will be identified with real person, in his speeches you need to look for clues.

Why do you dream about a chick?

Little Crow - means beginning, origin. You have a desire to join in understanding the secret.

A person who does not understand the interpretation of dreams may decide that a crow chick necessarily promises trouble and grief. Dream books say exactly the opposite. The crow's chick dreams of changes on the personal front.

Seeing a crow chick in a dream means favorable changes

If in a dream you saw a crow chick, perhaps even held it in your hands, then you will soon meet a person who, even if he does not become the meaning of your life, will bring a lot of pleasant impressions.

Turning into a crow in a dream - meaning

Transforming into a raven in a dream usually means that changes will occur in life. Depending on whether such a transformation makes you happy or sad, the changes can be both good and bad sign. For young men, this may be a signal about the intrigues that a female representative is starting.

Crows are considered prophetic birds that can bring both good and bad news. They are also a symbol of change. And what direction the changes will take can be suggested by dreams, which you need to be able to correctly interpret.

Since ancient times, people considered the crow to be a very smart bird. And today you can sometimes see her as a pet. But what if you dreamed about this croaking creature? To find out how to interpret similar dream, we decided to seek advice from several well-known dream books.

Why do you dream about a crow?Freud's Dream Book

As is known, this dream book examines most phenomena and images from a sexual point of view. Likewise, a raven or crow seen in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in your personal life the inner essence is completely blocked external factors. This means: you and your partner feel very good intimately, but you are not sure that there is something more behind this relationship. It is quite possible that you literally have nothing to talk about. Be sure to think about this and analyze your connection.

Why do you dream about a crow? Modern dream book

According to the interpretation of this, the raven or raven is a sad messenger who, with its appearance and croaking, announces future disasters. If in a dream you hear a crow cawing, then in real life you may make irreparable mistakes due to some external interference. If such a young man, then he should be careful in relationships with women who can weave intrigues and resort to unpleasant tricks. If you dream that a huge flock of crows covers the ground, then you should expect higher food prices and a lean year.

Why do you dream about a crow?Medieval dream book

If in a dream you are chasing a raven, then in real life you will not stop at any dangers or obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. If you hold a bird in your hands, then you will find great luck. If you see a raven flying over you, then in real life beware of temptations, as in the future they can turn into big troubles. If you pick up little crows, then a calm life awaits you.

Why do you dream about a crow?Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing bad news and sad events in a dream. Croaking birds are a warning that under the influence of others you can make a number of unforgivable mistakes. If in a dream you catch crows, then in real life you may lose mutual understanding with one of your loved ones or relatives with whom you have always had a good and harmonious relationship. If you see a flock of crows sitting on a tree, then you are in for a meeting or social event that will only be a waste of time.

Why do you dream of a raven?: Vanga's dream book

This dream book, like most others, also considers a dreaming raven as a sad messenger, announcing future problems, misfortunes and misfortunes. A flock of these birds circling in the sky can mean the onset of hostilities in which people will die. A screaming raven is a symbol that someone close to you is in danger of death. To avoid this, you need to pray regularly. Why do you dream? Such a dream signals a possible serious illness of one of your loved ones or relatives, so it is worth recommending that they pay increased attention to taking care of their health.

Dreams are one of the familiar and at the same time mysterious manifestations of the human subconscious. The ability to dream is given to everyone, but the fast pace of life and stress over time can deprive you of the ability to remember what you see in a dream. However, learning to remember dreams again and thus receive clues from the subconscious is not at all difficult.

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Why do you dream about Crow?

Crow in a modern dream book

Appearing in a dream, a crow brings negativity into the dreamer’s life: grief, illness, bad news. Crows flying in a cloudless sky promise success. If the sky is overcast, not only crows, but also birds of prey, you should prepare to repel enemy attacks and receive unwanted news. Discord and inconsistency in actions foreshadow a dream in which you are trying to catch a crow with your bare hands. Unconditional triumph over ill-wishers is symbolized by killing a crow in a dream. A flock of birds sitting on a tree predicts the urgent need to resolve difficult issues at work, in the family, with relatives. A crow's croaking is a bad omen. Eating crow meat foreshadows trouble for the dreamer.

Crow in Miller's dream book

The crow is a symbol of mourning and sadness. A dreamer who hears the cry of a crow in a dream may fall under bad influence in reality and commit a daring act. For young man such a dream carries the threat of female intrigue aimed at undermining his reputation.

Crow in Vanga's dream book

A dream of a flock of crows rising into the sky and soaring in the air foreshadows military action with a large number of casualties. The cry of a crow heard in a dream marks the imminent visit of death to your home. A massive disease of people and animals is indicated by a dream in which crows build nests on tree branches. A countless number of crows descending on the fields portends a shortage of crops.

The one who snores falls asleep first.
