Firefighting. Turnkey automatic fire extinguishing installation. Aupt: automatic fire extinguishing installation.

Public, commercial and industrial buildings and structures with a large area and complex layout can be equipped with several types of systems against fire safety. As a rule, their joint use is planned at the design stage.

If a fire occurs, the fire automatic system switches over some functions of the access control system, turning off the locking devices and unlocking all doors located on the escape route. The elevators located in the building descend to the first floor and are blocked there with the doors open.

A comprehensive fire safety system for a building may consist of the following subsystems:

  • Fire alarm;
  • Alerts and evacuations;
  • Automatic fire extinguishing;
  • Smoke removal and air pressurization (also functions as a ventilation shutdown).

Types of fire alarms

Currently in use following types fire alarm:

Threshold - the simplest and does not require additional settings. Each detector has a threshold value set at the factory by the manufacturer. The topology of constructing such a system is radial-beam. Up to 30 detectors can be attached to each beam. The installation can determine the presence of a fire in a controlled area, but not its exact location.

The only advantages of this system are the reasonable cost of the equipment, ease of installation and further exploitation;


  • Long response time;
  • There is no centralized control over the functioning of sensors;
  • Uneconomically spent installation materials for laying cable networks.

Targeted survey. Control panel Such a system sends a signal to detectors at certain intervals in order to determine their current status. The following signals are used:

  • Norm;
  • fire;
  • lack of connection to the sensor;
  • detector malfunction.

Advantages of an addressable fire alarm system:

  • Optimal combination of price and quality;
  • Sufficiently high information content of the received signals;
  • Ability to control the functioning of fire detectors;

The main disadvantage is the detection of a fire at a rather late stage of development.

Addressable analogue - currently the most advanced system fire alarm. The main difference from previous systems is that the decision to sound an alarm is made by the central control panel, based on an analysis of the aggregate information from several types of detectors. What about correct setting eliminates the possibility of false alarms. Advantages analogue addressable system fire alarm:

  • A ring (loop) structure is used, which significantly saves the amount of cable during installation;
  • Scalability - you can expand several control sectors without significant financial investments;
  • It is allowed to use a simple two-core wire;
  • Availability of service functions:
  • Issuing warnings about the need for sensor maintenance (cleaning, replacement);
  • Maintaining electronic journal events;
  • Possibility of manual or automatic shutdown some zones;
  • Use of more advanced algorithms that prevent most false positives;
  • Compatible with most utility systems;

Disadvantages are the rather high cost of the equipment and the complexity of its installation and further operation.

Warning and evacuation system

This installation works in tight integration with the fire alarm system. As a rule, it is aimed at a complex effect - light and sound. Sound warning is carried out using a siren, which transmits a modulated beep or text messages. Flashing beacons located along the entire route are used as light signals.

Automatic fire extinguishing system

Main design differences in systems automatic fire extinguishing depend on type fire extinguishing agent which is used. The following types are distinguished: automatic installations fire extinguishing


Typically consists of a piping system with shut-off valves, pumping station connected to the centralized fire network or domestic water supply and a reserve water tank. There are deluge installations in which the pipeline is not filled with fire extinguishing agent. Activation of such installations is carried out manually or by command from a fire detector. The main advantage is the ability to use in rooms with negative temperatures. Automatic fire extinguishing sprinkler systems are distinguished by the fact that water arrives directly in the pipeline under pressure. Water spray sprinklers have heat-sensitive locks that are destroyed by ambient temperature. Extinguishing the source of fire is carried out directly in the combustion zone, in contrast to deluge installations that flood the entire controlled area with water.

One of the varieties is dry-filled sprinkler systems for automatic fire extinguishing, in the pipelines of which there is air pressure, which is activated after the destruction of the thermal lock.

Water fire extinguishing installations with finely dispersed water. Modern highly efficient fire extinguishing systems are more similar in principle to deluge installations. After activation, water is sprayed through special nozzles throughout the room where they are installed. To increase the effectiveness of fire extinguishing, special additives are often added to the water. chemical reagents.


Deluge systems can serve as automatic foam fire extinguishing installations. If the difference is that a foaming agent is added to the water tank. There are several gradations of foam expansion, depending on its density; foam fire extinguishing can be used to eliminate fires of liquid flammable substances or electrical installations.

The operating principle is as follows. Foam, being lighter than water and most liquid flammable substances, spreads over their surface, preventing the access of oxygen to the combustion zone.


Systems gas fire extinguishing are separate modules connected electric cable. Activation is carried out from the control panel after the evacuation of personnel. Yes, effective use requires that the room have a certain level of tightness. It is used primarily to extinguish fires in server rooms, data centers, libraries and archives, storerooms, museums or art galleries. The main advantage is the impossibility of causing material damage by fire extinguishing means and the ability to extinguish fire in operating electrical installations.


In fact is in a universal way fire fighting. Various types powder have different characteristics fire extinguishing agent that can be used to extinguish fires in premises of any type. The widespread distribution of powder automatic fire extinguishing systems is hampered by the following factors:

  1. Low penetrating ability of the powder;
  2. Difficulty breathing and reduced visibility in the fire extinguishing zone;
  3. It is very labor intensive to clean up after the fire has been extinguished.


Mainly used as individual elements or elements combined into one structural network. It is recommended to use as autonomous fire extinguishing systems in cottages, country houses, dachas.

They can be used not only permanently indoors, but also in transport in the engine compartments of railway trains, sea vessels or large cars.

Smoke removal units

They are divided according to the method of functioning. Passive installations consist of partitions mounted to block ventilation ducts. Active systems smoke removal systems use special electric motors and exhaust hoods to study smoke from rooms and reduce the oxygen concentration. Moreover, for this purpose both the own ventilation shafts and the ducts of the ventilation and air conditioning system can be used.

Automatic fire extinguishing systems are often included in a set of devices responsible for the overall fire safety of a facility in order to prevent the spread of fire and begin the fight against the elements in the early stages of a fire. They are not a mandatory element of the system, but are indispensable at those facilities where there is a risk of rapid spread of fire or there is no possibility for the prompt evacuation of everyone who is in the affected area (for example, hospitals with inpatient treatment).

Automatic fire extinguishing systems. What are they?

An automatic fire extinguishing system is considered to be a set of devices that can be independently activated by a fire alarm signal. A general classification scheme for such devices can be found in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Among the functions that are assigned to the automatic fire extinguishing system:

  • operational assistance in ensuring a safe environment for people to stay at the site;
  • protection of property from negative impact high temperatures and open flame.

But not all types of installations are capable of solving two tasks at the same time or performing both of them at the appropriate level. Most often, you have to choose based on the type of premises (office, warehouse, etc.) and an assessment of the real risks (it is easier to evacuate people from the hall than to remove valuable exhibits, for example). Assess strengths and weaknesses Each of the systems discussed below will be helped by the table “Types of fire extinguishing installations”.

Types of fire extinguishing installation Ensuring the safety of people's lives and health Ensuring the safety of material assets
Vodyanoye + -
Foam - -
Gas - +
Powder - -
Aerosol - -
Fine spray water (FW) + +

There are several different classifications of automatic fire extinguishing installations. Basically, they are divided according to the type of operation, the origin of the fire extinguishing agent and the scheme of action.

As for the scheme of action, there are surface-type devices that only extinguish the immediate source of fire, and volumetric impact complexes - those that create an environment unfavorable for combustion. In installations of the first type, standard compositions are used, which are sprayed onto the source of fire - foams, powders, liquids. Volumetric extinguishing requires the use of easily sprayed and airborne substances that fill the entire given space. Such substances are gases. They, as well as light powders, are used both as a means of extinguishing a fire and as a preventive measure to prevent the spread of fire to neighboring areas.

Zonal fire suppression can be carried out using modular systems that can operate autonomously, being connected to one launch system. They not only make it possible not to create unnecessary discomfort by activation in those rooms where a fire was not detected, but are also able to carry out their activities even in conditions of damage to the integrity of the circuit.

Foam fire extinguishing installations

Installations that work with foam are among the most complex, as they contain an additional set of devices for converting powder or special solution into foam (foam generators, sprinklers), and also require specially designated containers in the fire pipeline for storing foam concentrate or ready mixture.

Working with the finished composition and mixing during the direct fire extinguishing process are two completely different principles of AUP operation, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. If we draw the boundaries of their use approximately, then installations in which the concentrate and the water supply are stored separately are used in large-area security facilities; installations with a ready-made solution are suitable for small-volume premises due to a number of disadvantages that arise when it is necessary to store significant reserves of foam liquids:

  • because ready solution has quite short term storage, regular replacement of it in full requires significant financial costs, which increase in proportion to the growth of the tank;
  • It is not profitable to invest in the construction of a large reservoir if the necessary pressure can be provided by a fire water supply system. In addition, contact of the finished mixture with concrete is not allowed, which means that the inside of the tank will need to be coated with epoxy mastics, which also increases the cost with each additional cubic meter;
  • Large tanks make it difficult to dispose of the solution and replace it.

Most often, foam installations are used at chemical and petrochemical plants, since they do the best job of preventing the growth of fire, which is important when it comes to premises in which flammable liquids are stored in and around them. At the same time, it is important to check the foam composition for compatibility with the main reagents used by the enterprise. When foam comes into contact with certain substances, it produces toxic fumes, which can complicate evacuation and restoration work. Foam AUPs are also used on warehouses and equipment hangars, where there are usually a minimum number of people whose evacuation may be hindered by foam, and it is extremely important to preserve the integrity of the property. Laying down in an even layer, the foam not only extinguishes fires, but also prevents the possible transmission of fire from neighboring rooms.

Water fire extinguishing installations

Systems that use water are more versatile than those that use other fire extinguishing agents. They can be used at any sites where priority is given safe evacuation people ( office premises, government agencies, working departments of industrial zones, etc.), rather than the safety of property (museums, warehouses, equipment hangars).

There are two types of water fire extinguishing installations: local and covering the entire building (sprinkler and deluge, respectively). Sprinklers, which got their name from the English sprincle (splash, drizzle), have completely autonomous system response. With a zonal increase in temperature, they are activated, sending a stream of finely sprayed water as close as possible to the heat source. When choosing sprinkler systems, it is important to pay attention to the type of control unit. It can be “dry” or “wet”. Dry ones are used to ensure fire safety in unheated facilities, and wet ones are used where the temperature never drops below 0°C.

Deluge systems, on the contrary, are not autonomous and work only in conjunction with the fire alarm system, which triggers them. They do not have their own sensors that would allow them to determine the main source of the fire, so they cover all surfaces of the room with water.

It is important to remember that water can react with various organometallic compounds, releasing toxic substances into the air, which will create additional obstacles during the evacuation of people, and can also cause harm to their health. Therefore, the use of water installations is prohibited in many industrial facilities, working with coal, iron, metal carbides and other compounds. Also, their use will not be effective when it is necessary to extinguish fires in buildings where flammable liquids are stored, the combustion temperature of which is below 90°C.

Water mist fire extinguishing systems

The water mist fire extinguishing system is unique technology, developed in recent years, which made it possible to combine care for both people and property at the security site in one device. The idea that underlies it is as simple as all ingenious technological solutions are simple. Water from spray nozzles does not cover all surfaces thin layer, but is sprayed in small drops directly into the fire, where it evaporates, binding the flame. In addition, the evaporation of a liquid is always associated with the release of steam, which reduces the volume of free oxygen in a locked room, and therefore limits the possibilities for the development of combustion processes. As a result, the source is localized as much as possible, separated and, ultimately, extinguished under the influence of drops.

Other advantages of this technology include:

  • The ability to work in rooms where flammable liquids are stored and even stop their combustion processes. Conventional water installations are ineffective in such cases, since due to the strong pressure they spray drops of flammable liquids, thereby increasing the area of ​​the fire. But in this technology, the jets are so thin that they do not cause any vibrations in the burning liquid.
  • The ability to stop combustion processes caused by voltage surges, which involves extinguishing energized electrical installations. With a distance between the sprayer and the burning object of 1 meter permissible voltage is 36000 V.
  • Ability to adsorb combustion products. A cloud consisting of small drops of water is absorbed carbon monoxide, soot and other small particles that can cause harm respiratory system person. Thanks to this unique property Water mist fire extinguishing systems have been approved by the Center for the Safety of Cultural Property for installation in museums and galleries. Since they make it possible to carry out work at the site during the entire process of extinguishing the fire to evacuate and protect valuable exhibits.

Such installations are effective in extinguishing class A and B fires, as well as in eliminating ignition sources for which the combustible material is hydrophobic petroleum products with a combustion temperature below 100°C. As mentioned above, in some cases they can also be used to extinguish fires directly related to faulty wiring or electrical appliances. But they still cannot be used in places where there is direct contact with organometallic compounds that release toxic substances when they enter chemical reaction with water.

Comparison of water fire extinguishing system and expansion valve installation.

ParameterInstallation of water PTInstallation of expansion valve
Fire extinguishing efficiency, liters/m2 from 144 to 1080 up to 1.5
Versatility of use Class A fire fighting Extinguishing fires of classes: A, B, C, and electrical installations with voltage up to 1000V
Versatility of fire extinguishing agent supply Locally by area Over the entire area, locally over the area, over the entire volume, locally over the volume
The need to build special structures Water pipelines, tanks, pumping station, drainage structures Absent
Energy and resource supply Water supply up to 30l/s; Energy supply in the first category up to 80 kW Autonomous
Smoke settling ability Absent High
Specific material consumption, kg/m 2 <20 <3
Installation feature Installation of an extensive pipeline network using welding work Installation of finished elements directly on site
Features of operation The system is under constant pressure Simple maintenance regulations; in standby mode there is no excess pressure

Gas fire extinguishing installations

Modern freons and gases make it possible to effectively fight fire where the use of liquid agents is unacceptable. They carry out volumetric extinguishing, creating an environment in which fire cannot develop, which is extremely convenient for rooms where there is a high risk of flame spread. In addition, they allow the operation to be carried out without prior evacuation of people. But this is only allowed if the fire is small and it does not require the introduction of a significant volume of gas to extinguish it. The gas itself can also negatively affect the body, and beyond a certain limit its concentration can cause serious damage, temporary or permanent. And it will be impossible to evacuate people after the start of the firefighting operation - gas installations require the maximum level of tightness of the premises.

In some cases, gas installations can be used for local fire extinguishing, when it is necessary to limit the combustion process of electrical installations or specialized equipment. The installation mechanism is the same for both volumetric and local fire extinguishing systems, with the exception that in the latter version, the distribution pipelines are connected directly to fire-hazardous equipment, and are not distributed throughout the room.

Gas fire extinguishing installations effectively cope with fires of classes A, B and C and can be used to extinguish live electrical equipment, which makes it reasonable to use them at such facilities:

  • power supply rooms (tunnels in which connecting cables are laid, transformer booths, technical floors);
  • at thermal power plants and state district power plants to extinguish fires in generators, provided that they use hydrogen cooling;
  • in workshops for the production of flammable materials (varnishes, paints, etc.);
  • in long-distance transport (airplanes, ships), as well as on diesel and electric locomotives used as part of passenger and freight trains;
  • in warehouses where valuable materials or products are stored;
  • in libraries, archives and museums, provided that the exhibits are under glass, since the gas can damage some oil compounds used for painting;
  • at nuclear power plants to protect coolant circuits, etc.

It is important to remember that gas installations cannot be used to extinguish materials that can burn without the use of oxygen, prone to spontaneous combustion and smoldering (foam rubber, cotton, wood shavings), as well as some types of metals that react with gaseous substances, and pyrophoric substances.

Powder fire extinguishing installations

At the moment, powder installations are the most common method of quickly fighting fire. Approximately 80% of all installations in the world use this technology. This breadth of application is due to a number of undeniable advantages, such as versatility (can even be used for extinguishing electrical installations), high operating temperature limits, non-toxicity, long shelf life of dry matter without the risk of caking, and ease of disposal of unused materials. In addition, due to their significant fire extinguishing ability, powders can be used to extinguish fires of classes A, B, C, which significantly expands the possibilities of containing or completely extinguishing fires at remote sites, where you have to wait a long time for qualified assistance.

Note that an important advantage of such systems is the possibility of radio channel control, which allows you to install and adjust the system after finishing work has been carried out at the site, without damaging the finish and maintaining its visual appeal, since laying cable lines is no longer necessary.

Powder fire extinguishing installations have proven themselves to be effective when working with spills of flammable substances, at oil loading and pumping facilities, as well as when working with electrical equipment. But they are not used to fight fire, the material for which is substances that can burn in the absence of oxygen, and are also prone to smoldering and spontaneous combustion.

It is also important to remember that they are not compatible with smoke ventilation systems. Since the latter are mandatory for premises in which people work, powder automatic fire extinguishing systems are limited to industrial facilities, warehouses and closed tunnels, where the constant presence of people is not expected under normal working conditions.

Aerosol fire extinguishing installations

Aerosol fire extinguishing installations are quite highly specialized, but still widespread. They have a limited range of action, since they cannot be used with potentially explosive substances, as well as in facilities where people are constantly present, since, when triggered together with the fire warning system, they exclude the possibility of seeing the escape route. Although the composition of the aerosol itself is harmless to the human body and technically, given the high quality of fire fighting of such devices, the fire can be waited out in the building. But at the same time, it is important to take measures that would prevent the installations themselves from exploding due to fluctuations in internal pressure and external temperatures.

The main element of the installation is an aerosol generator, in the housing of which a charge is stored that releases an aerosol-forming fire extinguishing agent to the outside upon an alarm signal. As a standard, the extinguishing aerosol contains highly dispersed solid particles and inert gases, which make it possible to quickly neutralize the effect of fire, as well as shield existing sources and prevent their spread.

Installations of this type have proven themselves well at energy facilities, where most combustion processes are associated with problems with the electrical network. The aerosol effectively copes with the task of extinguishing fires of man-made origin. In addition, it is an ideal protection for oil farms and large vehicles. But it is important to remember that an aerosol is not able to completely stop the combustion processes of porous and fibrous materials, which are prone to smoldering on the inner layers, and can also resume the combustion process by retaining a spark in its structure. It is also worth excluding their use at facilities where you have to work with substances that can support combustion processes in the complete absence of air or with limited oxygen supplies.

Autonomous fire extinguishing installations.

In the text, when describing various types of devices, automatic and autonomous modes of operation were mentioned. Now it is necessary to clarify the difference between these two operating principles in order to avoid confusion associated with their consonance.

An autonomous installation is a system that independently identifies the source of fire and decides on the need to activate the workflow. Such installations were discussed when water extinguishing methods were considered, as well as gas installations for local use. The sensors of such devices, as a rule, react to an increase in ambient temperature or identify combustion processes by the presence of corresponding particles in the air. Having detected changes indicating a potential threat, the sensors transmit a signal to their own control panel to determine the location of the heat source (data from several sensors are analyzed) and receive a command to activate processes. This procedure may differ slightly depending on the type of installation, but the general algorithm remains the same: “identification - request - activation”. If the available power is not enough to start the module, then an additional impulse is generated by a battery or pyrotechnic device.

So, the mandatory components of an autonomous fire extinguishing module are:

  • fire detection and system activation devices. Mainly with thermal sensors that respond to increased ambient temperatures. They will be discussed in detail below, but they include a fire cord, a heat lock, an initiating powder, etc.
  • A fire extinguishing device is one or a set of devices that store a charge of a substance to fight a fire (powder, liquid, compressed gas) and supply it, upon a signal from the command panel, to the fire source, transforming it into the required form (foam, thin jets, etc. .).

Automatic systems are those fire extinguishing systems that are connected to a general alarm system and are activated upon its command. When installing such systems, allowances should be made for the type of security object. Some of the compounds used to extinguish fires are very dense and make it difficult for people to evacuate. Therefore, their use is permissible only in those facilities where, under normal circumstances, there are no people or their number is reduced to a minimum.

Detection and triggering device

The main component of an autonomous fire extinguishing system is the detection and triggering device. In some models, these functions are divided into two devices, but they are mainly performed by one device. Devices of this type include:

  • fire detectors with battery;
  • fire detectors that generate EMF using an induction coil;
  • initiation powder;
  • thermal lock;
  • fuse.

If the signal coming from the sensor is not powerful enough to activate one or several individual system modules at once, an additional charge can be generated by a pyrotechnic current source or using the energy accumulated in the battery.

According to the principle of operation, triggering devices are divided into chemical, electrical, mechanical, and those combining several operating principles. You can familiarize yourself with the classification in more detail by studying the diagram:

Autonomous installations, as a rule, also include a manual control device that allows you to activate the device before the room temperature reaches a critical level. This is an extremely useful function, since a person is often able to detect signs of a starting fire earlier than a mechanical sensor system would. In this case, it can artificially activate the system and significantly reduce the possible consequences of a fire.

Efficiency of detection devices

If we talk about autonomous installations, the sensors of which react exclusively to heat, doubts about the possibility of prompt operation of such a system seem quite logical. Additional food for these doubts is provided by plots from films where characters bring a lighter directly to the sensor to activate the system. Will the autonomous system wait until the fire has reached a significant size, or is it still sensitive enough to respond to changes in the environment that occur during the initial stages of the fire?

There are no regulatory requirements for autonomous fire extinguishing installations, so to answer this question it would be logical to turn to the standards established for conventional heat detectors connected to automatic water fire extinguishing systems. The standards prescribed for them state that the permissible time for thermal sensors to respond is from 58 to 1740 seconds from the moment of fire. Another 600 seconds are given to turn on the sprinkler (the speed at which it turns on depends on the ambient temperature at the time of operation). The total is a really rather disappointing result - at least 8–10 minutes to activate the system. Smoke sensors are much more sensitive; their response time does not exceed 10 seconds. Smoke appears already in the first stages of combustion, often even before the appearance of an open fire (smoldering processes) and, due to its volatility, quickly falls into the field of view of detectors located near the ceiling. This allows you to significantly reduce the process of identifying the source of fire and transmitting the appropriate commands to activate the system. However, neither one nor the other type of device provides 100% reliability. Therefore, it is recommended to install combined systems that could compare information from different modalities and provide a high-quality and prompt response.

Comparative cost of fire extinguishing systems

Question of price– one of the basic ones when choosing a fire extinguishing system. In this regard, it is always worth striving for the ideal balance, not trying to save where it is impossible, but also without spending unnecessary funds, since a fire is a rather rare emergency, and fire system maintenance services are equally proportional to its original cost. At the same time, it is important to understand that you are installing a fire extinguishing system not for a tick that a representative of the fire inspection will put on his form, but for yourself - to save people’s lives and material resources. The latter are especially sensitive to sudden changes in the composition of the external environment, so it is worth paying attention to the compatibility of some fire extinguishing agents with the equipment and reagents used at the site. At the end of the description of each type of device, we indicated the locations where this type shows the highest efficiency, and a list of substances with which it can enter into dangerous chemical reactions. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the direct harm that the compounds used can cause. For example, water, which will require a significant amount of time to clean, can cause corrosion of metals, as well as swelling of wooden elements (parquet, furniture).

The cheapest Powder and aerosol installations are options. The reason for their low price is that they often cause irreparable harm to material assets of any type, damaging metal, plastic, paper, leading to the destruction of rubber, wooden furniture elements, etc. In addition, they can be dangerous for any type of living organisms, irreversibly destroying indoor plants and negatively affecting the health of animals. And although people are able to breathe unhindered for quite a long time in the environment created by such installations to shield the room from fire, contact of the compositions with the skin or mucous membrane can lead to the formation of wounds.

A little expensive gas fire extinguishing systems. They do not cause harm to material assets located in the room, which makes them a priority for use in libraries, archives and museums, but they require achieving maximum tightness of the room and preliminary evacuation of people, since some compositions can interfere with the normal breathing process, binding free oxygen to prevent flame flaring up.

Even more expensive are installations that work with foam, since they require the inclusion of additional tanks with foam concentrate and a foam concentrate in the system. Foam installations work well for extinguishing fire in large warehouses, as well as in hangars, but they greatly impede the evacuation of people, which limits the scope of their use exclusively to technical facilities.

Most expensive are fine-jet water supply systems that create an ideal environment at the facility for the unhindered evacuation of people (if you don’t have this option, you can wait in the building), and also provide the maximum level of property safety. The water droplets are so small that they evaporate in the fire without landing on surfaces or affecting them. And the extinguishing process itself is achieved due to the formation of steam, which prevents the spread of fire, as well as a general decrease in temperature.

Comparison table for choosing an automatic fire extinguishing system (estimated cost of protection for 100 sq.m.):

Type Scope of application Contraindications Cost of protection 100m 2 (thousand rubles) Note
Water fire extinguishing Warehouses, hospitals, hotels, etc. 70-100 A large number of complex equipment, expensive maintenance
Fire extinguishing with water mist
Foam fire extinguishing Oil storage facilities, timber warehouses Electrical equipment, archives, etc. 50-80 Limited scope
Gas fire extinguishing Bank vault premises, a museum, especially valuable archives, except for premises from which it is impossible to evacuate personnel from 180 A large number of complex and expensive equipment, installation and maintenance
Powder fire extinguishing Administrative, utility, engineering and technical premises, incl. fuel and lubricants warehouses, electrical equipment up to 5 kW, except gardens and hospitals 20-35 Wide range of applications, high efficiency (up to 90%), easy installation and maintenance
Aerosol fire extinguishing Unattended rooms without personnel presence, energy rooms 20-35 Limited scope. Dangerous as a secondary ignition source

Comparative data is as of 2010.

Advantages of our company in the installation and maintenance of fire extinguishing systems

Our company is engaged in:

We have extensive experience, and since we cover both design and practical implementation, we can safely talk about a full-fledged integrated solution. Simply put: if you need an effective system that can quickly suppress a fire, we will make it for you. From scratch to full “combat readiness”.

We have experience in designing and implementing automatic fire extinguishing systems for both large industrial facilities and small office buildings. Therefore, our specialists can offer a suitable solution for any technical conditions. And modern technical solutions make it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of such systems.

We pay special attention to reliability. Since a fire is an extreme situation, the system must work flawlessly even under the most difficult circumstances. We take into account all possible hazards and design systems to prevent fire damage and ensure that the system responds correctly and in a timely manner.

Don't forget to check all fire extinguishing systems promptly. This is a guarantee of failure-free operation of the system in a critical situation.

ERIDAN LLC provides comprehensive services for the development of fire protection systems of any complexity. We carry out turnkey orders - from design and calculations, equipment purchase to installation and subsequent maintenance of fire extinguishing installations. Our company has extensive experience in cooperation with legal entities and individuals in Moscow and the Moscow region and sets competitive prices for its services. The qualifications of ERIDAN specialists are confirmed by a government services license.

We offer clients individual solutions taking into account the purpose of the facility, operating conditions, number of personnel, type and value of technological equipment and materials, and economic feasibility. The price of automatic fire protection devices depends on the type of fire extinguishing agent and the operating principle of the fire extinguishing system.

The cost of installing a fire extinguishing system is from 800 rubles/m2

Fire protection systems solve the following types of problems:

    fire detection;

    transmitting notification of a fire, notifying people in the building;

    launch of fire extinguishing and smoke protection systems;

    delaying the activation of the gas or aerosol fire extinguishing system until the evacuation of people is completed.

Types of automatic fire extinguishing systems

The cost of fire extinguishing agents largely depends on the principle of operation of the system. The decision is determined by the type of facility, the number of employees, the presence of powerful industrial equipment and flammable materials, and the importance of preserving material property. The following types of fire extinguishing systems exist:

Offices, administrative, commercial and public institutions are equipped with water fire extinguishing systems, the premises of which do not contain valuable objects (archival documents, museum exhibits, etc.), expensive electronics and live electrical devices. Extinguishing with water is not suitable for materials with a combustion temperature of less than 90 °C, as well as in the presence of substances that form dangerous organometallic compounds when wet. Foam has a more gentle effect on objects. When using it, the entire combustion source is not blocked, since the foam composition spreads over the surface of the burning material.

Gas automatic fire protection minimizes damage from the consequences of extinguishing. Nitrogen, inert gases, and Novec 1230 are used as fire extinguishing agents in such systems. Museums, archives, and banks are equipped with installations of this type. Their increased efficiency is due to the ability of gaseous substances to spread throughout the entire volume and penetrate into hard-to-reach places. In crowded facilities, fire extinguishing systems are installed that delay the supply of fire extinguishing agents until complete evacuation is completed.


Fire automatic equipment starts spraying gas with solid microparticles. The aerosol fills the entire volume of the room, preventing the spread of flame. The substance is not dangerous to human health, but the sprayed composition impairs visibility, so starting such a fire extinguishing system is possible only after the evacuation of employees.

A foam fire extinguishing installation includes equipment that forms a foam composition that is supplied to the source of the fire. This method is effective when dealing with large fires in industrial premises: when extinguishing with foam, it is not necessary to simultaneously cover the entire combustion surface, since the foam can spread over the surface of the burning material.

Fine chemical reagents are one of the most common solutions: this principle is implemented in 80% of fire protection systems. Powders can be used to extinguish live electrical appliances and flammable materials. Such systems are used at oil loading facilities, electrical points, and other production facilities. The powders are durable, non-toxic, and effective in extinguishing fires of classes A, B and C. However, such fire extinguishing installations cannot be used in rooms with smoke ventilation. Since it must be present at any facility where people are constantly present, powder fire protection systems are intended for other types of places: industrial workshops, warehouses, tunnels. The cost of a product with a powder extinguishing mechanism is one of the lowest.

* Two types of water fire extinguishing systems

Sprinklers. Systems of this type are equipped with their own sensors that respond to local temperature increases. The water flow is directed directly to the hearth.

Deluge. Such devices do not have their own sensors and are activated by a fire alarm. The extinguishing process starts throughout the entire facility simultaneously.

At what facilities is the installation of automatic fire extinguishing systems mandatory?

In accordance with regulatory documentation, the installation of automatic fire protection systems is carried out in all buildings with a height of more than 30 m, with the exception of residential and industrial facilities of fire hazard categories G and D. They are equipped in the buildings of trade enterprises, gas stations and exhibition pavilions. Fire protection automation is used in public buildings with an area of ​​800 m2 or more. Their installation is required at administrative and residential facilities whose area exceeds 1200 m2.

In addition to the listed cases, fire automatic systems are installed in buildings:

  • warehouses of category B with racks with a height of 5.5 m or more, as well as with a height of two floors or more;
  • archives with documentation of special value;
  • above-ground and underground parking lots and garages;
  • Car maintenance and repair.

At gas stations, automatic fire extinguishing systems are not installed in premises with 24-hour staff presence and mechanized washing.

In addition to buildings, vehicle tunnels, energy facilities, engineering systems, and industrial equipment require installation of special fire protection. Automatic fire extinguishing systems prevent large-scale fires:

  • cable structures of power plants and substations;
  • cable systems and combined tunnels with wires with voltage from 220 V for industrial and public facilities;
  • tanks with flammable liquids with a volume of 5000 m3 or more;
  • air ducts, pipelines with flammability insulation G1-G4 when laid over suspended ceilings and under double floors;
  • road transport tunnels;
  • painting and drying chambers;
  • transformers and reactors;
  • electrical panels and electrical cabinets.

Automatic fire extinguishing equipment of this type is installed in technical structures such as mines, basements, chambers. Protection is not required when laying cables in steel pipes or sealed steel cable ducts.

When equipping a separate room with a fire safety automatic system, its purpose and the value of the equipment, things, documents, etc. placed in it are taken into account. Mandatory installation is required in rooms for storing rubber, wool, fur, pyrotechnics and alkali metals. Fire automatic systems are necessary in production shops and workshops where flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied gases, fibers, alkali metals are used, as well as in high-voltage test rooms. They are used in production of paints and varnishes, aluminum powder, adhesives and other chemicals.

Automatic fire extinguishing installations are installed in the premises of ticket offices, radio centers, unattended stations of the cellular radio communication system, and telephone exchange rooms. They are equipped in museums, theaters, banks and storage facilities.

The choice of fire extinguishing agent is determined by the level of fire danger and the likely speed of flame spread. The type of installation is selected taking into account the ambient temperature, type of materials and equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages of automatic fire extinguishing systems

Unfortunately, there are no ideal automatic fire extinguishing systems. Each type of fire extinguishing agent has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Water installations are cheap, harmless to people, and have high heat capacity. However, water is electrically conductive and is not suitable for extinguishing most types of equipment. It is not used at sub-zero temperatures, or when there is a risk of damaging the premises and material assets. The exception is finely sprayed water with a droplet size of no more than 100 microns.

Foam fire alarm systems are suitable for use over a wider temperature range. They are suitable for extinguishing flammable liquids and cause less damage to property compared to water. However, at low temperatures their use is impossible.

The use of powder systems minimizes fire damage. They are suitable for extinguishing solid, liquid and gaseous substances over a wide temperature range. But unlike water, powder has a limited lifespan, at the end of which it needs to be replaced.

Advantages of fire protection systems from ERIDAN LLC


The quality of ERIDAN fire extinguishing systems is confirmed by relevant licenses and numerous thanks from clients.

Other available communication methods are listed in the “Contacts” section. We offer detailed advice on modern fire protection systems.

Fire extinguishing is a system of interconnected devices necessary to detect a fire in the early stages of development and extinguish it. An automatic fire extinguishing installation is most often used in conjunction with an automatic fire alarm (AFS) and a warning and evacuation control system (WEC), and together this entire system is called an automatic fire extinguishing system.

Types of automatic fire extinguishing installations are divided according to the type and method of supplying fire extinguishing agents to the fire site. In modern conditions the main ones are:

  • - water and foam installations
  • - water mist fire extinguishing installations
  • - gas
  • - powder
  • - aerosol

Water fire extinguishing

Water fire extinguishing is the most common method for protecting buildings and premises due to the fact that the water used to extinguish a fire is most accessible and has good cooling properties. In addition to their availability, water installations are the least complex to design and install. One of the forms of water fire extinguishing is water-foam. To extinguish fire in these installations, a solution of a foaming agent in water is used.

Water and foam fire extinguishing systems are divided into sprinkler and deluge systems.

Fire sprinkler systems- these are systems consisting of sprinklers (irrigators) built into a pipeline in which water or air (depending on the system) is under pressure. The operating principle is based on the pressure drop in the system. During a fire, the room temperature rises until the heat-sensitive element in the sprinkler is destroyed. Heat-sensitive elements, depending on the temperature of destruction, have an alcoholic liquid inside of different colors. After the destruction of the temperature-sensitive element has occurred, water or an aqueous solution (foaming agent solution in water) begins to rush out, the pressure in the system drops, the fluid control unit is activated, and the pump in the pumping station starts. The pumping unit most often consists of several valves, a retarding chamber, pressure gauges and a piping system.

Pumping stations are rooms in which pumps and supply water are located. Special requirements apply to the design and construction of stations. In addition, there should be two pumps, the main one and the backup one.

Deluge fire extinguishing systems- in general terms they are similar to sprinkler systems, but unlike them they do not have a thermal lock. That is, they are open all the time. During a fire, water spreads from all deluges, extinguishing throughout the entire volume of the room, and not just directly above the fire (as is the case with sprinklers).

In general, the following conclusions can be drawn: water fire extinguishing systems are available and quite economical in terms of fire extinguishing agent. They are safe for human health, therefore they are widely used in buildings with large numbers of people (large shopping and entertainment centers, offices, shops). But at the same time, they are limited in scope (for example, they cannot be used to extinguish fires in power plants, server rooms, or in rooms where chemicals that react violently with water are produced or stored). They also cause significant damage after operation, and only highly qualified specialists can competently and most economically select equipment and install and subsequently maintain the fire extinguishing system. At Alarm Telecom LLC you will be advised, prompted and advised. Highly qualified specialists will help you make your choice, after which a project will be developed according to which the installation team will install the selected fire extinguishing installation.

Fire extinguishing with water mist

Water mist fire extinguishing systems- This is another type of installation that uses water. But unlike sprinkler and deluge installations, in the event of a fire, water particles are several hundred times smaller, which reduces water consumption and the speed at which particles fall onto the burning surface, creating a damp curtain in the volume of the room. Water mist fire extinguishing systems are:

  • modular – used in small spaces;
  • centralized (aggregate) - used to protect large premises.

The design of such installations involves some difficulties. Due to the fact that it is necessary to develop technical conditions for each protected object and, accordingly, undergo protection at the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Gas fire extinguishing systems- this is one of the types of fire fighting devices, the main operating principle of which is to “dilute” oxygen in the air to concentrations at which it (oxygen) cannot support combustion. The extinguishing agent is gas

Installations are divided into:

  • by extinguishing method: volumetric extinguishing, local in volume;
  • according to the method of storing gas fire extinguishing agent: centralized, modular;
  • according to the method of switching on from a starting impulse: with electric, pneumatic, mechanical starting or a combination thereof.

They are used to extinguish fires of solid and flammable substances, flammable liquids or melting solids and materials, fires of gases, electrical equipment (electrical installations under voltage). Gas installations are mounted together with information light displays “GAS DO NOT ENTER”, “GAS GO” “AUTOMATION DISABLED” to notify people and service personnel about the operation of the installation.

In order for gas fire extinguishing installations to prevent a fire, it is necessary that the premises be of small volume and sufficiently sealed. That is, there were no cracks in the doors, the windows were tightly closed, and the ventilation system had automatic shutdown devices when the fire alarm went off. The start-up of the installation must be postponed until all people have left the premises, therefore it is necessary to provide for the interaction of the installation with the access control and management system (ACS).

Powder fire extinguishing is the next method of extinguishing a fire; the main fire extinguishing agent, as you can easily guess from the name, is a powder, which includes mineral salts with various additives, and is used in the same cases as gas fire extinguishing. A simpler device, reminiscent of powder fire extinguishing installations, is a regular powder fire extinguisher, which every now and then catches our eye in all the establishments we visit.

AUPT are subdivided:

according to the method of storing the expelling gas in the module housing (container):

  • pumped, with a gas-generating (pyrotechnic) element;
  • with a cylinder of compressed or liquefied gas.

according to the method of extinguishing:

  • volumetric extinguishing installations - in the event of a fire, the entire volume is filled with a fire extinguishing agent.
  • surface extinguishing - in case of fire, the powder is sprayed only on the surface most likely to catch fire
  • local extinguishing by area by volume - in the event of a fire, the installation will extinguish only part of the area, volume of the room.

Powder extinguishing installations are installed together with information light boards “POWDER! DO NOT ENTER!” , “POWDER! LEAVE!" “AUTOMATION DISABLED” to notify people and service personnel about the operation of the setpoint

The main fire extinguishing agent is fine powder. The installation operates on the basis of accelerating redox combustion reactions. As a result of the work, an aerosol is formed that has good fire extinguishing properties.

The Teploognezashchita company performs the following work: design of fire extinguishing systems, installation of fire extinguishing systems of any complexity at industrial and civil construction sites. In our work we use only modern developments in the field of fire safety, as well as automatic fire extinguishing systems leading foreign and domestic manufacturers. All our employees are highly trained specialists who know their job very well. Installation of fire extinguishing systems We carry out our work only with the help of the best professional equipment, and we always carry out our work with high quality and on time.

A small fire causes it to become a major fire within a few moments. As a result of its action, property and real estate are destroyed, and people may also be harmed. Nowadays, it is possible to eliminate the negative consequences of fire by ordering from our company installation of an automatic fire extinguishing system, namely:

  • Installation of gas fire extinguishing
  • Installation of powder fire extinguishing
  • Installation of water fire extinguishing
  • Fire sprinkler installation
  • Installation of deluge fire extinguishing system
  • Installation of foam fire extinguishing system
  • Installation of fire extinguishing with finely sprayed water

Automatic fire extinguishing system installed at any facility will reduce fire risks. Perhaps many have noticed in office buildings, cafes, restaurants, sensors, as well as a network of pipes usually green, and other elements that are installed on the ceiling, but they seem to be inactive. In fact, they react to smoke or increased temperature and depending on the purpose and type of system. The fire extinguishing system warns the entire building about a fire by starting , and is ready to extinguish the fire source at any moment.

What regulates the installation of fire extinguishing systems?

Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ, Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements (as amended on July 13, 2015) and in particular:

Article 61. Automatic and autonomous fire extinguishing installations

The use of automatic and (or) autonomous fire extinguishing installations must ensure the achievement of one or more of the following goals:

  1. Extinguishing a fire in a room (building) before critical values ​​of dangerous fire factors arise
  2. Extinguishing a fire in a room (building) before the fire resistance limits of building structures are reached
  3. Extinguishing a fire in a room (building) before causing maximum permissible damage to the protected property
  4. Extinguishing a fire in a room (building) before there is a danger of destruction of technological installations

Fire extinguishing design

In addition to the installation of fire extinguishing systems, the Teploognezashchita Company carries out the design of fire extinguishing systems:

  • Design of gas fire extinguishing installations
  • Gas fire extinguishing design
  • Water fire extinguishing design
  • Design of fire extinguishing systems
A competent design of a fire extinguishing system allows you to avoid many mistakes that will appear during the work process, slowing down the progress of work, which are called installation of fire extinguishing systems, and in due time the absence of errors during installation, allows the customer to receive timely completion of work, guaranteed ease of maintenance of the fire extinguishing system for the service organization, since all diagrams and drawings are clear and understandable.

What does an automatic fire extinguishing system consist of?

The automatic fire extinguishing system, as mentioned above, comes in several types; it is fundamentally different from Installation of fire sprinkler system.

Gas fire extinguishing differs from water extinguishing in that the gas extinguishes not an area but a volume, the concentration of gas in the air must reach a certain level in order to exclude the possibility of fire burning, for this reason the service Installation of a gas fire extinguishing system do not order for parking lots, shopping centers, and other places with large volumes, since the price of this system will be too high compared to water fire extinguishing.

Gas fire extinguishing beneficial for small server rooms, diesel power plants, and other rooms with a small volume. Gas fire extinguishing does not cause damage to electrical appliances, computers, machines, books, and other important things that will be damaged after water fire extinguishing.

It is important to understand that after extinguishing a fire once, the Gas fire extinguishing system must be refilled at the same cost of gas as it costs in the main volume. For example, 73 liters of refrigerant gas costs 48,024.51 rubles, and 73 liters of Novec 1230 gas costs 290,413.6 rubles. 73 liters of gas is enough to extinguish a fire of approximately 100 m3.

A tank for storing fire extinguishing agent is called a module; it can be from different manufacturers, with different volumes and diameters of connections; these modules are selected based on the requirements of the room and are determined by the project.

Fire sprinkler system pulls behind it a pumping station and a long network of pipelines. A fire extinguishing pumping station has a high cost, for example, the price of one 15 kW fire extinguishing system pump costs 250,000 rubles, and the cost of an assembled pumping station having on board Two MVI7003/1 + MVI205 + Membrane tank 150M + ShAK version PN/15/3L/O + PN/15/3L/R + Jockey/0.75/3/AVR - Sh4/PUPL/1PR10.5/IP54/ABB costs about 1,454,350 rubles, and this is the price of only three pumps: main, backup, and supporting pressure (Jockey pump). Such a system is capable of extinguishing a fire over an area of ​​up to 5000 m2.

Once triggered, the fire extinguishing system can start again and again; it does not need to be refilled, which distinguishes the water extinguishing system from gas extinguishing. The cost of a new sprinkler - which becomes unusable - ranges from 300 to 1000 rubles.

It should be said that - this is a complex set of various equipment, which is aimed at identifying the source as quickly as possible, warning the duty officer about the fire and possible extinguishing, notifying visitors or operating personnel and, if possible, starting extinguishing in automatic mode. All these actions are assigned to the following elements:

  • Control and reception device:Fire automatics operate under the control of a special device. It contains a program-algorithm of actions, according to which the system produces:
  1. Continuous collection of information from detectors
  2. Notifying the duty officer about malfunctions
  3. Triggers fire alarm system
  4. Issues commands to other systems
  5. Transmits commands to fire extinguishing systems
  • Sensors or detectors there are three types:
  1. Heat detectors react to the required increase in room temperature.
  2. Smoke detectors respond to increased smoke concentration levels.
  3. Manual call points and devices are activated by a person if he notices the source of fire.
More often automatic fire extinguishing system launches its algorithms only if when two detectors go off recording smoke or extreme temperature. Detectors are on duty 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You can tell that it is working by the red indicator on the case. The element is protected from damage by a plastic case. All elements of fire-fighting automatics are connected to each other for fail-safe operation in fire conditions using fire-resistant wires. The shelf life of detectors ranges from one to five years;
  • Annunciator:responds to a fire by turning on the warning system. A loud and shrill sound, or voice alert, indicates that all building personnel or occupants should immediately vacate the site and move to a safe distance. Also, visual elements are installed on evacuation routes, which are represented by light displays and flashing beacons. The sirens are installed so that the sound with a certain sound pressure of the siren can be heard by everyone who may be in the building. The number of elements accordingly depends on the area of ​​the object and the features of the layout.
  • Power supplies with rechargeable batteries: In the event of a shutdown of the central power supply system, the fire protection automatics operate normally. This is provided by rechargeable batteries. They can maintain the full functionality of fire automatics, depending on the requirements and purpose of the building, for a period from one day to a week;