Dimensions of the evacuation floor plan. Clarifications on evacuation plans

The warning and evacuation control system (WEC) must be activated by a command pulse generated automatic installation fire alarm or fire fighting. Wires and cables connecting lines SOUE should be laid in building structures, boxes or channels made of non-combustible materials.

The control of the SOUE must be carried out from the premises of the fire post - control room or other special premises that meet the requirements set out in the normal documents for fire safety, approved in accordance with the established procedure.

educational fire evacuation personnel

Requirements for evacuation plans

In buildings and structures when more than 10 people are on the floor at a time, a procedure must be provided for notifying people in case of fire. The success of its application depends on how accessible the officials responsible for ensuring fire safety are during the initial fire safety briefings will inform employees of the operating principle of these devices and the location of manual fire call points. To ensure fast and safe evacuation people in buildings and structures when more than 10 people are on the floor at a time, plans for evacuation of people in case of fire must be developed and posted. The importance of having properly developed plans is due to the fact that the effectiveness of practical training for all workers involved in the evacuation is associated with their use. The evacuation plan must consist of a text and graphic part that determines the actions of personnel to ensure safety and rapid evacuation of people (GOST R 12.4.026 - 2001 or GOST R 12.2.143 - 2020).

Evacuation plans must consist of a graphic part and a text part. Graphic part must include a floor plan of a building, structure, vehicle, facility indicating:

escape routes, emergency exits and places where life-saving equipment is located;

emergency exits, smoke-free stairwells, external open stairs;

location of the evacuation plan itself in a building, structure, vehicle, object;

places where life-saving equipment is located, indicated by safety signs and symbols;

places to place funds fire protection, indicated by fire safety signs and symbols.

Tsveto graphic images safety signs, symbols and safety signs for industry purposes on evacuation plans must comply with the requirements of GOST R 12.4.026 and regulatory documents for industry purposes. Safety signs and symbols may be supplemented with numeric, alphabetic or alphanumeric designations. The height of safety signs and symbols on the evacuation plan should be from 8 to 15 mm. On one evacuation plan they must be carried out on the same scale. If it is necessary to specify the signs of fire protection means indicated on evacuation plans, it is allowed to use conventional graphic symbols in accordance with GOST 28130. For safety signs, symbols and symbols graphic symbols Explanations of their semantic meaning must be given in the text part of the evacuation plan. On evacuation floor plans, the graphic part must indicate the floor number.

The text part should indicate:

methods of notifying about the occurrence of a fire, the procedure and sequence of evacuation of people, the responsibilities and actions of people, including the procedure for calling firefighters or emergency rescue units, emergency medical care and others;

the procedure for emergency shutdown of equipment, mechanisms, power outages, as well as the procedure for manually turning on fire and fire-fighting automatic systems.

The text part of evacuation plans should contain instructions on actions in emergency situations, supplemented for clarity with safety signs and symbols.

The dimensions of evacuation plans are chosen, mm, at least 600x400 - for floor and sectional evacuation plans; 400x300 - for local evacuation plans. The size of the evacuation plan is selected depending on its purpose, area of ​​the premises, number of evacuation and emergency exits.

Evacuation routes leading to the main emergency exits should be marked with a solid green line indicating the direction of travel. Escape routes leading to emergency exits should be marked with a green dashed line indicating the direction of travel. Evacuation plans should be based on photoluminescent materials. It is allowed to use non-luminous materials to carry out evacuation plans, which must comply with the requirements of GOST R 12.4.026 established for non-luminous materials.

The background of the plan should be: yellowish - white or white - for photoluminescent materials; white - for non-luminous materials. Inscriptions and graphic images on evacuation plans (except for safety signs and symbols) must be black from the background.

Font of inscriptions on the evacuation plan according to GOST R 12.4.026. height - not less than 5 mm.

Evacuation plans should be posted on the walls of rooms and corridors, on columns, etc. in strict accordance with the location indicated on the evacuation plan itself.

Light converters are used for the following purposes: visualization of objects and objects of operational identification in darkness, as well as for illuminating escape routes. Background light screens are placed on the walls, floor, ceiling and in the locations of operational identification objects. Light background screens are made on the basis of photoluminescent films, plastics, ceramic or polymer plates, as well as photoluminescent paint and varnish materials. Chemical light sources are placed in photoluminescent canisters on the walls of corridors and rooms, as well as in workplaces. Long-lasting lamps are used as light sources in lamps for various purposes, stationary and non-stationary versions (ceiling, wall, etc.).

During the construction process it is necessary to ensure: priority implementation fire prevention measures provided for by the project, developed in accordance with current standards and approved in the prescribed manner; compliance fire regulations and protection of construction and auxiliary facilities, fire-safe construction and installation work, availability and proper maintenance of fire fighting equipment, and the possibility of safe evacuation and rescue of people. When analyzing fire danger buildings, design scenarios can be used based on the relationship between the time parameters of development and distribution hazardous factors fire, evacuation and fire fighting, and there must also be appropriate lighting. Evacuation lighting in premises or in places of production work outside buildings should be provided: in places dangerous for the passage of people, in passages and on stairs used for evacuation of people when the number of evacuees is more than 50 people, along the main passages production premises, in which more than 50 people work, in rooms without natural light. For evacuation lighting, the following should be used: incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, and discharge lamps high pressure. In buildings where more than 100 people can be present at the same time, as well as exits from premises without natural light, where more than 50 people can be present at the same time or having an area of ​​more than 150 m2, must be marked with signs. Light signs should be placed above the doors along the escape routes from the auditorium, from the stage and from other rooms in the direction of the exit from the building and be coloured. Light signs must be turned on during the entire time spectators are in the building. The fire safety control system must be controlled from the premises of the fire post - control room or other special premises that meet the requirements set out in normal fire safety documents approved in the prescribed manner. To ensure quick and safe evacuation of people in buildings and structures when more than 10 people are on the floor at a time, plans for evacuation of people in the event of a fire must be developed and posted. Evacuation plans can be floor, sector, local and consolidated. When carrying out reconstruction or redevelopment work on a building, structure, or facility, appropriate changes must be made to the evacuation plan. Evacuation plans must consist of a graphic part and a text part. The height of safety signs and symbols on the evacuation plan should be from 8 to 15 mm. Evacuation plans should be based on photoluminescent materials. Evacuation plans should be posted on the walls of rooms and corridors, on columns, etc. in strict accordance with the location indicated on the evacuation plan itself.

According to GOST R 12.2.143-2002 (hereinafter GOST) evacuation plan- this is a pre-developed plan (scheme), which indicates evacuation routes, evacuation and emergency exits, the rules of behavior of people, the order and sequence of actions in emergency situations are established.

In all institutions, the administration must develop evacuation plans in case of fire.

According to clause 4.6.1. GOST developed evacuation plans are coordinated with the territorial division of the State Fire Service, approved by the head of the organization and are the basis for their reproduction and hanging in prominent places.

Evacuation plans should be used for:

    systematic training and instruction of personnel on the rules of conduct in case of possible evacuation;

    drawing attention to evacuation routes and orientation of people in a building or facility (dormitories, hotels, hospitals, etc.) in order to organize evacuation and rescue in the event of a fire;

    carrying out emergency rescue operations in the process of eliminating emergency situations (fire).

Evacuation plans can be floor, sectional and local.

Floor evacuation plans developed for the floor as a whole. Floor plans are approved by the head of the organization (institution).

Sectional evacuation plans should be developed:

    if the floor area is more than 1000 m2 and there are several separate emergency exits on the floor, separated from other parts of the floor by a wall or partition;

    if there are sliding, up-and-down and revolving doors, turnstiles on the floor;

    with complex (tangled or long) evacuation routes.

Local evacuation plans should be developed for individual premises (hotel rooms, campsites, motels, hospital wards, etc.).

According to clause 6.7.2. GOST, when carrying out reconstruction or redevelopment of a building, structure, or facility, appropriate changes must be made to the evacuation plan.

Evacuation plans must consist of graphic and text parts (clause 6.7.3. GOST).

Graphic part must include a floor (sectional) layout of a building, structure, or facility indicating:

a) escape routes;

b) emergency exits and (or) places where life-saving equipment is located;

c) emergency exits, smoke-free staircases, external open stairs, etc.;

d) the location of the evacuation plan itself in a building, structure, or facility;

e) places where life-saving equipment is located, indicated by safety signs;

f) places where life-saving fire protection equipment is located, indicated by fire safety signs.

According to clause 6.7.3. GOST, the height of safety signs on the evacuation plan should be from 8 to 15 mm; on one evacuation plan they should be made to the same scale.

On evacuation floor plans, the graphic part must indicate the floor number.

Text part evacuation plans must contain instructions on actions in fire conditions, supplemented for clarity with safety signs in accordance with paragraphs (e) and (f).

When developing an evacuation plan, several (2-5) options for evacuating people from buildings should be provided, depending on the space-planning solution, the most likely locations of a fire and the possible nature of its development.

The text part of evacuation plans for each option should reflect:

Organization of a system for notifying people about a fire (who makes the decision on the need for evacuation, methods of notification and the contingent of those notified);

Responsibilities and actions of people, including the procedure for calling fire or emergency rescue units, etc.;

Number of persons service personnel, involved in evacuation (the order of their collection, place of collection, time of collection);

The order and sequence of evacuation of people, evacuation routes, traffic order during evacuation, responsibilities of service personnel involved in the evacuation;

Final destinations (procedure for placing evacuees in accordance with the list, providing them with medical care);

The procedure for evacuating seriously ill patients, the possibility of using specially equipped elevators for this purpose, the location of stretchers, gurneys for transporting patients.

Procedure for emergency shutdown of equipment, power outage, etc.;

The procedure for manual (backup) activation of fire automatic systems (installations).

The evacuation plan (graphic and text parts) must be clearly designed and placed in a visible place in premises with 24-hour service personnel of the institution.

The procedure for maintenance personnel in the event of a fire and instructions for the actions of maintenance personnel and the head of the institution in the event of a fire - see Appendix 1.

An example of the implementation of the text part on the evacuation plan - see Appendix 2.

In the process of preparing a fire evacuation plan, customers sometimes have questions that require clarification and clarification. We have collected a number of such questions on a separate page so that you can familiarize yourself with them and get all the answers.
After receiving the answers, contact specialists to prepare evacuation plans.

So, frequently asked questions

Is a license required to produce evacuation plans?

No, not required.
Federal Law of 05/04/2011 No. 99-FZ "On licensing individual species activities" part 1 of article 12: "List of types of activities for which licenses are required" and part 3 of article 12: "The introduction of licensing of other types of activities is possible only by amending the provisions provided for herein Federal law list of activities for which licenses are required."
The activity “developing evacuation plans” is not included in this list and, accordingly, does not require any special permits or licenses.
So, the search of some customers for an organization that has “special permission” to develop evacuation plans is only a waste of time and effort.

Do evacuation plans need to be coordinated with firefighters?

Previously, such a requirement was prescribed, but in the latest edition of GOST R 12.2.143-2009 (Amendment No. 1 of 01.09.2012), this requirement is excluded.

What are the penalties for not having evacuation plans?

In accordance with Art. 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, violation of fire safety requirements entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; on officials- from six thousand to fifteen thousand rubles; on legal entities- from one hundred fifty thousand to two hundred thousand rubles.

Who approves the evacuation plan?

Evacuation plans are approved by the head of the organization (clause 4.5.1).

How to sign an approval on a photoluminescent plan?

The approval can be signed with a permanent marker. There are markers that write on glass and plastic.

Do I need to put a stamp on the evacuation plan?

No. The signature of the head of the organization is sufficient.

How many evacuation plans are needed per floor?

In GOST R 12.2.143-2009 and others regulatory documents There are no specific fire safety standards for the number of plans per unit area.
Firefighters often recommend focusing on the number of emergency exits from a building (from a floor).

Where is the best place to post evacuation plans?

The established approach in this matter is to place evacuation plans near emergency exits from the building (from the floor).
Also good place are common areas - elevator halls, reception areas, where people have the opportunity to get acquainted with the plans while waiting.
Another popular approach is to place evacuation plans above cabinets containing fire hydrants and fire extinguishers.

What size should signs and symbols be on an evacuation plan?

GOST R 12.2.143-2009 clause 6.2.3. The height of safety signs and symbols on the evacuation plan should be from 5 to 15 mm; on one evacuation plan they should be made to the same scale.

Why is it impossible to make an evacuation plan in A3 format in accordance with GOST R 12.2.143-2002? Practice shows that many people order evacuation plans in A3 format (420x297 mm.). Can an evacuation plan (scheme) drawn up on an A3 sheet of paper comply with GOST R 12.2.143-2009?

Let's consider paragraph 6 of this GOST, which defines the requirements for the implementation of evacuation plans:
6.2.7 Evacuation plans should be based on photoluminescent materials.
That is, the evacuation plan in accordance with GOST R 12.2.143-2009 can only be in photoluminescent version.
6.2.4 The size of evacuation plans is selected depending on its purpose, area of ​​the room, number of evacuation and emergency exits:
600 x 400 - for floor and sectional evacuation plans;
400 x 300 - for local evacuation plans.
That is, the evacuation plan for the floor as a whole or part of the floor according to GOST R 12.2.143-2009 cannot be executed in A3 format. A3 format is acceptable only for local evacuation plans (Local evacuation plans should be developed for individual premises (hotel rooms, dormitories, hospital wards, cabins of passenger ships, etc.)).
6.2.3...The height of safety signs and symbols on the evacuation plan should be from 5 to 15 mm; on one evacuation plan they should be made to the same scale.
Another obstacle. A sign of this size (5x5 mm) can be safely placed on an A3 plan only if there are few premises depicted on this plan. If the building area is large and/or the number of rooms is more than 10, a safety sign of this size may be larger than the room in which it is located.
6.2.3...The text part should state:
- ways to notify about the occurrence emergency(fire, accident, etc.);
- order and sequence of evacuation of people;
- responsibilities and actions of people, including the procedure for calling fire or emergency rescue units, emergency medical assistance, etc.;
- procedure for emergency shutdown of equipment, mechanisms, power outage, etc.;
- the procedure for manual (backup) activation of fire and emergency automatic systems (installations).
That is, the text part of the evacuation plan is a fairly large text block. If you want to place the text part of the evacuation plan on the same sheet with the graphic part of the plan (and most customers choose this option), then the next stumbling block will be the font size determined by GOST. The text part, written in a font 3 mm high, will take up most of the sheet and there will be little space left for the plan itself, and if in the graphic part of the evacuation plan you want to indicate the names of the premises...
6.2.9 Inscriptions and graphic images on the evacuation plan (except for safety signs and symbols) must be black, regardless of the background:
Font of inscriptions on the evacuation plan according to GOST R 12.4.026. The font height is at least 3 mm.
You should also be prepared for the fact that all the text on the evacuation plan will be in black. No design delights are allowed here.
6.2.10 Evacuation plans should be posted on the walls of rooms and corridors, on columns, etc. in strict accordance with the location indicated on the evacuation plan itself.
That is, evacuation plans that do not have a reference point to the location of the plan do not comply with GOST R 12.2.143-2009.