All the flowers in the world. The most beautiful flower in the world

If you ask what the ugliest flower in the world is, you are unlikely to find a definite answer. Each flower has its own unique beauty. After all, the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “beautiful” is a flower, isn’t it?

Then what is the most beautiful flower in the world?

Answering this question is almost as difficult as the previous one. After all beautiful flowers thousands. However, upon closer examination, some flowers still have some characteristics that make them different from the rest. We have made for you a selection of the most beautiful flowers in the world.

Cherry blossoms

One of the most unusual holidays in America is dedicated to this flower - the Cherry Blossom Festival, which is held every year from mid-March to mid-April in Washington. It began on March 27, 1912, when the mayor of Tokyo presented the United States with more than 3,000 young sakura (Japanese cherry) seedlings as a sign of friendship.

Why are these flowers so remarkable? Nothing but the unique beauty of their inflorescences. First of all, they belong to plants of the “Prunus” genus (plums, cherries, cherries, etc.). The most famous trees of this genus are sakura - the so-called cherry tree in Japan.

Cherry blossoms are associated with the beginning of spring. The beautiful petals open in late March or early April and bloom for up to 14 days. Flowers can be white or pink.

Cherry blossoms have a special meaning in Japanese culture. For them, cherry blossoms are a symbol of the beauty of the world and the renewal of life. During this period, the Japanese walk with their families in parks under luxurious trees and enjoy wonderful evenings. What else is needed for happiness?

The name of this flower is misleading. In fact, the bird of paradise is an exotic plant native to Africa. Its flowers look like a bird of paradise with its wings spread, hence its name. Its other name is Strelitzia. This flower of extraordinary beauty symbolizes paradise itself.

It blooms from May to September. It has large, oval leaves with a blue tinge, and flowers with orange and purple petals that resemble the crest of a fairy-tale bird.

Strelitzia grows well in open spaces and needs plenty of sunlight. At home, with good care, it can bloom long and profusely.

Broken Heart

Everyone knows that the heart symbolizes love. Now imagine in your garden a plant with bright pink and white flowers, shaped like a split heart. Agree that this is simply wonderful. The real name of this flower is dicentra magnificent, and with its unique beauty it attracts all eyes.

Dicentra is quite unpretentious, loves a humid, cool climate. Blooms from May to September. Dicentra flowers are small, each stem is covered with a cluster of small hearts, the number of which can reach up to 20.

They come in pink, red, yellow and white colors, but the most attractive are the pink petals with white tips. In the morning, when drops of dew hang from them, these flowers really look like bleeding hearts.

Dahlias have always stood out among other flowers for their diversity - there are 42 in the world. different types dahlias.

Its flowers can be both large and small. The color of the buds can also be absolutely any, with the possible exception of blue.

The dahlia is native to Mexico but is now grown throughout the world. The flowering period lasts from mid-summer until the first frost.

She can be called the queen of water flowers. There are more than 70 species of water lilies in the world. They grow in still, shallow and fresh water bodies - for example, in ponds. In addition to their natural beauty, water lilies protect the pond ecosystem by regulating water temperature and providing a comfortable habitat for fish.

In addition to their beautiful inflorescences, water lilies are famous for their large green leaves floating on the surface of the pond. They have unusually long stems that grow from the bottom of the pond or lake where the plant lives.

Lilies bloom from spring to autumn. Flowers appear above the surface of the lake, opening in the morning and closing in the evening. Lilies can have pink, white, orange, blue, purple, and yellow colors.

This is one of the largest in the world flowering plants. There are more than 25,000 species of orchids. They are found in different parts of the world, but each type of orchid is unique.

There are large and small, short and long orchids. They have a variety of shapes and bright colors. Some types of orchids resemble animals or other plants. For example, the laughing bumblebee orchid resembles a female bumblebee in appearance in order to attract insects for pollination. There are also “moth” orchids, “flying duck”, “ naked man", "dancing girls", "swaddled babies", "ballerina" and many other bizarre forms of this amazing flower.

In addition to their unusual appearance, orchids have bright colors - from white to purple. Rich, rich colors also help attract pollinators.

Perhaps this is the most beautiful flower in the world. Roses have been known to people since 500 BC. They are associated with concepts such as love, beauty, honor, passion.

Thanks to its beauty and pleasant aroma, the rose has become the favorite flower of many girls. There are about 100 types of roses, each of which has its own unique beauty.

In its natural habitat, a rose flower consists of only 5 petals and 5 sepals. The only exception is the silky rose, which has only 4 petals.

There are roses in red, yellow, pink, white and orange flowers. There are no black or pure pink roses. All roses are beautiful, regardless of color. But red roses have always been considered special because they symbolize true love.

There are flowers that amaze with their extraordinary and enchanting beauty. We invite you to get acquainted with the brightest and most magnificent representatives of the flower world.

Colombian aquilegia

Columbian aquilegia, orlik, or columbine, is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the Ranunculaceae family. Habitat - Northern Hemisphere (Norway, Iceland, North America). There are about 120 varieties of catchment. Shoots have a two-year development cycle. In the first year, buds are laid and a rosette of leaves is formed, and in the second year, buds begin to bloom. Eaglets have different colors: from white to blue. There is also a combination of several shades. The flowering corolla consists of five funnel-shaped petals. The leaves are round and bright green. The plant is perfectly cultivated at home.

Colombian aquilegia

Peruvian lilies

Peruvian lilies, or alstroemeria, are a South American plant native to the tropical forests of Chile and Peru. All representatives of this genus are herbaceous perennials with a spindle-shaped thickening root system. Alstroemeria stems are straight but flexible. Foliage exhibits resupination - it unfurls or turns around its center line. The Peruvian lily has six elongated, slightly pointed petals. The color of the buds is most often yellow, pink or bright red with a slight dark pattern or stripes. Flowers are pollinated by insects or wind.

Peruvian lilies


Dicentra, or bleeding heart, is a flower of extraordinary beauty belonging to the Dymyankaceae family. Its homeland is considered to be East Asia and North America. You can recognize dicentra by its buds, which have the shape of hearts opening towards the bottom. Their color can be absolutely anything: from white to purple. The foliage has a trifoliate carved shape. There are about 8 varieties of dicentra, each of which is frost-resistant and shade-loving. These flowers grow best in moist soil fertilized with humus. Bleeding heart is cultivated as a houseplant and also grown outdoors.



Lantana - dicotyledonous flowering plant, included in the Verbenaceae family. In nature, lantana can be found in the tropical regions of South America, Africa and Asia. About 130 species of lantana have been counted. Each of them is a shrub or subshrub with branches covered with small thorns. Peduncles are collected in capitate inflorescences of a semi-triangular shape. The leaves are arranged oppositely and have a specific pungent odor. The shade of the petals is incredibly varied: pink, yellow, orange, red, purple.



Begonia is an annual plant belonging to the genus Begoniaceae, named after Michel Begon, who organized a scientific expedition to the Antilles in 1687. There are about 1600 varieties of this plant. In its natural habitat, begonia grows in the countries of South America, India and Africa. It is perfectly cultivated in both room conditions, and in open ground. Begonia can grow as creeping subshrubs or upright bushes. Its root system can be branched or tuberous. The foliage has an asymmetrical shape with various patterns and inclusions. The inflorescences consist of small buds with multi-colored edging.



Ixora is a plant from the Rubiaceae genus, which has about 500 varieties. These representatives of the flora are evergreen shrubs, growing mainly in the tropical humid zone - Brazil, Chile, Mexico City, Madagascar. Ixora has dense leathery leaves and small paniculate flowers in white, red or hot pink. Ixora is quite demanding on the soil and its moisture, so when growing at home, you need to carefully monitor this point. Red inflorescences are used in Indian folk medicine.


Calla Lily

Calla Lily, or calla lily, is a wetland perennial from the Araceae family. Its homeland is South Africa. These unusual buds are very often used to create wedding bouquets and other floral compositions. The calliper gained its popularity due to the unusual shape of the bud in the form of a rounded cup with a funnel-shaped bract. Calla lilies also have a fairly wide color spectrum: from pink to purple. The leaves look like long, sharp arrowheads with silver flecks.

calla lily

Black-Eyed Suzanne

Black-eyed Susanna, or thunbergia, is a wild annual subshrub, often growing in the form of long, branched bindweeds. The natural habitat is concentrated on the island of Madagascar and in many countries of South Asia. In the modern flora there are about 200 varieties of thunbergia. Basal multi-petaled rosettes with yellow splashes and a dark core, vertical erect stems with rough leathery diamond-shaped leaves - the main ones distinctive features thunbergia. These flowers are propagated by seeds, and some varieties by division of the rhizome.

Black-Eyed Suzanne


Mussenda is an evergreen member of the Rubiaceae family, discovered in 1888 in Thailand. It is sometimes called the rose of Bangkok. In its natural habitat, Mussenda is distributed in East Asia and South Africa. This flower is characterized by small snow-white or orange buds and elliptical leaf plates. With proper and timely care, the flowering process can last all year round. The plant can easily grow on personal plot, and in room conditions.


African chamomile

African chamomile, or osteospermum, is an annual tropical subshrub of the Asteraceae genus. Its natural habitat is South Africa and Arabia. Currently, breeders have managed to develop more than 45 varieties of African chamomile. Osteospermum is considered evergreen. It is distinguished by erect stems, leaf blades with uneven jagged edges, and inflorescences collected in small baskets of purple, white or pink hue. African daisies love straight sun rays. When growing it, be sure to pay attention to the soil composition: black soil, river sand and mineral fertilizers. In our country, osteospermums are planted in the ground starting in March or April. The flowering period is in May. To preserve the root system until next year, transplant the flowers into a spacious pot and move them to a warm room.

African chamomile

White lotus

The white lotus, or Egyptian water lily, is the only representative of the Lotus genus. In its natural habitat, the flower can be found in stagnant and slowly flowing waters of the Far East, Southern China, Central America, and East Asia. The characteristic features of the lotus are: dense, leathery, rich green leaf plates, the diameter of which can reach 0.5 meters, an elongated stalk with small thorns, and a bright pink peduncle. The white lotus is considered an endangered species, so it was listed in the Red Book of Russia. The Chinese believe in magical power Egyptian water lily. They believe that this magnificent flower grows not only on earth, but also in heaven - in paradise.

White lotus


Bromeliad is a distant relative of the pineapple. The Bromeliad family has about 2,500 varieties of this flower. Bromeliads are native to the southern tropical zones of the planet - Brazil, Peru, Chile, Portugal. The genus is divided into terrestrial species (best adapted to home conditions) and epiphytes, which attach to other plants. Bromeliad is distinguished by arrow-shaped leaves, collected in a small rosette, from which a long peduncle grows. It is not demanding in care and quickly gets used to low temperatures and soils of any composition. The main thing is to ensure timely watering.


Hawaiian Ginger

Hawaiian Ginger, or awapuya, is a unique flower native to the Hawaiian Islands. Avapuya belongs to the genus of perennials from the Ginger family. Features structure: oval leaves, long dense stem and elongated inflorescence of pink or scarlet shades. Hawaiian Ginger develops rather slowly. After planting, the first buds may appear only after 3 years. And then, flowering will occur annually. It is also demanding on air humidity. It needs a large amount of liquid daily, so water the root system 2-3 times a day.

Hawaiian ginger


Brugmansia is a species of woody tropical shrub from the Solanaceae genus. The plant stands out for its unusual trumpet-shaped buds, which have a bright snow-white hue, as well as oval leaf plates covered with barely noticeable fluff. Brugmansia is widespread in most countries of South America and in warm and humid regions of the United States. Due to its rapid adaptability to new conditions, this flower is cultivated all over the world both in open and indoor ground, for example, in greenhouses.



Hydrangea, or hydrangea, is a representative of the Hydrangeaceae genus, which includes about 80 species. IN natural conditions hydrangea can be found in eastern North America, China, Japan, East Asia, Far East Russian Federation. The period of active flowering occurs in July-August. Hydrangea is a tall shrubby vine up to 3 meters high. Flower ovaries are collected into neat spherical buds of various colors: from white to bright blue. Hydrangea tolerates frost well and does not like direct sunlight.



Kadupul, or the queen of the night, is an extraordinary perennial flower representing the genus Barberry. In its natural habitat, the queen of the night is common in Japan and the island of Sri Lanka. Kadupul blooms exclusively at night. Its snow-white thin petals, like feathers, exude a light, pleasant aroma. The flower ovary consists of five calyxes with a yellow core. After cutting the bud, the life of the kadupul lasts only a few hours, so in no case flower shop you won’t find bouquets with his participation. It is possible to grow the queen of the night indoors, but this is quite a labor-intensive task, since you will need to create the necessary humidity and lighting, which will have to be maintained constantly.



Plumeria, or frangipani, is a tropical flowering shrub from the Kutrovaceae genus, which includes 10 varieties. Natural habitat - Caribbean islands, Mexico, California, Thailand. Its buds exude a light citrus aroma. A beautiful five-petalled ovary of a white hue with a yellowish center, a dense stem and elongated oval leaves - distinctive external signs plumeria. In soft climatic zone Frangipani is cultivated in open ground, and in cooler weather conditions - exclusively in pots or containers. The period of active growth and flowering occurs in early spring, but only with constant irrigation and fertilization with mineral fertilizers.


The world around us is unimaginably beautiful. Such creatures of nature as flowers are especially worthy of admiration. They can lift your spirits and help you feel happy for a moment. Contemplating the fleeting beauty of flowers, we at least temporarily forget about troubles and sorrows, we put up with the injustice of the world around us. These creatures of nature decorate even a hut with their presence. There are a great variety of flowers, and each has its own admirers among people. However, over the centuries, humanity has formed stable preferences among flowering plants, which have captivated us with their extraordinary beauty. So, we will tell you about the 10 most beautiful flowers, among which both indoor and garden plants have settled.


It is not without reason that orchids are considered the most beautiful flower on the planet. There are a great variety of them. Fragile and at the same time marvelous, with a wonderful subtle aroma - there is hardly a person in the world who could not admire an orchid. The flowering of orchids is extremely diverse: delicate petals vary in all the colors of the rainbow with various inclusions, spots, stripes, and transitions. The flower has long been attributed witchcraft properties, but at the same time it still looks extremely wondrous, pure and sophisticated.

2. Kanna

The genus of this plant has about 50 representatives. The birthplace of the flower is considered to be South and Central America. Currently, canna is also popular in Europe; it can easily be called one of the most beautiful garden flowers. They amaze with their brightness and unusualness large flowers cannas are oval-oblong or elliptical in shape with a diameter of 8 cm. The color of the buds is varied: white, pink, yellow, red-orange with dots and stripes.

3. Strelitzia

This exotic plant is famous and loved by gardeners due to its unusual shape. This is evidenced by the second name of the most beautiful flower - bird of paradise. Stretsilia petals are arranged in such an order that they resemble the bright plumage of a tropical bird. A luxurious flower grows naturally in southern regions Africa. In our country it is found on the windowsill or in cut form. We can confidently classify the bird of paradise as one of the most beautiful indoor flowers.

4. Calla

Talking about which ones are the most beautiful flowers, we can’t help but mention calla lilies, a simple and elegant plant native to the swamps of South Africa. Its flower looks like a covering leaf wrapped around an inflorescence-cob. And calla lilies smell tender and pleasant, reminiscent of the smell of vanilla.

5. Middlemist red

Our top list of the most beautiful flowers is complemented by the rarest plant - red middleamist. Unfortunately, there are only two representatives of this species left in the world. beautiful flower: in a New Zealand garden and a UK greenhouse. The magnificent middleman comes from China, where he was completely destroyed.

6. Dicentra

This herbaceous plant was included in the list of the most beautiful flowers in the world due to its original flowering form. Its flowers look like a heart split in half, which is why we call it a broken heart.

7. Hydrangea

Airiness and lightness arise when you look at the front garden where hydrangea blooms. This shrub will decorate any garden, because it creates a fabulous mood. Its large inflorescences come in white, pink, purple and blue shades.

8. Sakura

Delicate flowers have remained an integral symbol of Japan for many centuries. Their fragile beauty in white and pink colors pleases the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun for only a short time - about a week. Sakura is also called Cherry Blossom in the world.

9. Hyacinth

Many gardeners will be happy to call hyacinth the most beautiful flower in the world. From early spring, its long peduncle is topped with a scattering of small bells of white, blue, pink and purple shades with a strong aroma.

10. Lantana

Our list of the most beautiful flowers on the planet ends with lantana, a genus of the verbena family that originated from the tropical regions of Africa and South America. The shrub is known for its spherical inflorescences, the color of which changes during flowering from pale yellow to cherry purple.

Talking about the most beautiful plants in the world is a thankless task, because the concept of beauty is subjective. For some it is a rose of unusual color, for others there is nothing sweeter than a modest daisy or bell. Some people are delighted with bright exotic African plants, while others are touched by delicate field tulips.

Nevertheless, we will try to present you in this article with very original and spectacular plants, and you can decide for yourself whether they are the most beautiful in the world.


The most beautiful plants in the world are not always flowers or shrubs that delight with their unusual flowering and pleasant aroma. They grow on Earth very original trees, which arouse the interest of lovers of natural beauty.

California redwood

This is a monotypic genus of trees from the cypress family. The plant is common in North America, on the Pacific coast. Some sequoia trees grow to gigantic sizes. They are considered the tallest trees on our planet, as they reach a height of one hundred and ten meters. The maximum recorded age of such a giant is more than three and a half thousand years. The trunk diameter is about ten meters.

The largest sequoia to date is General Sherman (USA). Its height is 83.8 meters. In 2012, the volume of trees was 1487 square meters. Scientists believe that its age is from 2300 to 2700 years. The tallest specimen in the world is Hyperion, one hundred and fifteen meters high, growing in the Redwood National Park located in the USA.

dragon tree

The plant belongs to the genus Dracaena. It grows on the islands of Southeast Asia, as well as in the subtropics and tropics of Africa. Local residents grow it as an ornamental plant. An ancient Indian legend says that in ancient times there lived a terrible and bloodthirsty dragon who attacked elephants and then drank the blood of his unfortunate victims. But one fine day an old and very big elephant fell on the dragon, crushing it. Their blood mixed and sprinkled the ground around.

This soon grew trees that were called dracaenas, which translates as “female dragon.” The people of the Canary Islands considered it sacred and used its resin for medicinal purposes. Such resin was discovered in ancient burial caves. It was also used for embalming. The branched thick trunk up to twenty meters high has a diameter of up to four meters at the base. Each branch is branched and ends in a dense tuft of leathery grayish-green leaves, from forty-five to sixty centimeters long. Some specimens of these trees live up to seven thousand years.


When we start talking about natural beauty, we remember various beautiful plants. But first of all we are talking about flowers. This is not surprising. With their help, we usually express our feelings. It’s no secret that receiving a bouquet of tulips, roses or orchids as a gift is pleasant for anyone. Photo beautiful plants print on greeting cards, because they can lift your spirits with just their appearance.


In nature, the flower is found in southeast Asia and the Mediterranean. These are loved by many and very beautiful plants. Modern varieties of hyacinths amaze with their variety of colors - this is the result of the work of Dutch breeders.

Today, these plants have become the pride of many gardeners in our country. There are more than two thousand varieties and varieties of hyacinth, which delight with simple or double clusters of various shades: purple and lilac, red and pink, and even blue. Hyacinths with cream, yellow, snow-white or light orange flowers are especially elegant and refined.

Symbol of purity - lotus

Lotus - sacred flower Buddhism, it surprises scientists all over the world because its leaves and petals always remain clean. Its flowers are amazingly beautiful and always face the sun. also called “Indian”, it is common in India and China. Its fragrant flowers have pink. They bloom in sunlight and close at night. The diameter of one flower reaches 70 cm.

The yellow lotus is found in North and South America. Due to its distribution, this type of lotus is also called American.

And in ancient India, the lotus was inextricably linked with the emergence of creative forces. The development of the Universe and the creation of the world are the basic concepts that were embedded in the meaning of the flower.

Lily of the valley

You can argue as much as you like, choosing plants that are tender, have a delicate aroma, which are a symbol of spring and the awakening of nature - these are, of course, lilies of the valley. A flower that, in our opinion, takes its rightful place in the list of the most beautiful plants on the planet.

This flower is surrounded by numerous legends. One of them says that the tears of the Virgin Mary turned into lilies of the valley at the moment when she sobbed over the body of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. Another legend tells that the lily of the valley grew on the spot where the blood of Saint Leonardo, wounded in the fight against the dragon, dripped.

Beautiful climbing plants

These flowers fit perfectly into any interior of an apartment or house, and are also an original option when creating landscape design. They add height to the room, can be used as a green hedge, and beautifully and reliably cover existing imperfections.

Strongylodon macrocarpal

Many of the most beautiful plants come to us from afar, such as this tropical ornamental vine, which is a native of the rainforests of the Philippines. The flowers are colored in rich turquoise and are collected in spectacular racemose inflorescences, almost one and a half meters long.

The flowers are very large, their diameter reaches twelve centimeters. In Europe, the flower is often called jade vine. During flowering, it is perhaps the most important attraction of many botanical gardens in the world.

Passion flower meat red

grassy exotic liana has creeping stems. Her homeland is Bermuda, Brazil, North America. The flowers are large, located on long peduncles. Under the flowers are leathery, lanceolate-shaped sepals. The base of the corolla is five petals, as well as a fringed thread-like crown of deep purple.

The ornamental plant is known for its healing properties. The fruits of the plant are used to make jellies and jams.

Morning glory quamoclite

Photos of beautiful plants can often be seen in gardening publications, landscape design, and surely every amateur flower grower dreams of growing such beauty on his own plot (or windowsill).

Cardinal climber is another name for morning glory. The plant has scarlet nectar-filled flowers that attract insects. Its leaves are shaped like feathers, they are not very densely planted, so there are small gaps on the stems. The plant blooms very actively and is capable of self-sowing.

The most beautiful plants for the garden

Indeed, gardeners today certainly do not lack beautiful plants to decorate their plots. Breeders all over the world create amazing plants with the most incredible colors and intricate flower shapes. Every gardener can choose old seeds in the store, good famous plants and new selections that can radically change appearance plot.


Almost all gardeners love these beautiful plants. Decorative garden shrub distinguished by its unusual crown shape and bright and lush flowering. Magnificent large inflorescences are shaped like clusters. They are formed from flowers of very different colors - snow-white and dark blue, pink and purple, light lilac and burgundy. In wild specimens, the diameter of the inflorescences can be up to fifteen centimeters, and in garden plants it reaches twenty-five.

Hydrangea blooms for a long time - from mid-summer to early autumn. With the onset of the first autumn days, hydrangea leaves acquire a reddish-bronze hue.


These are very beautiful ornamental plants from the Dimyankov family. They are very popular with gardeners due to their stunning heart-shaped and pretty flowers. simple care behind the plant. Under natural conditions, it is found in southeast Asia, North America, and China. The flowers are shaped like a broken heart.

They are located singly on a curved shoot, forming racemose one-sided inflorescences. The color of the flowers varies (depending on the variety): snow-white and pink, yellow or bright red. The flowers are small, with a diameter of no more than three centimeters.

Yuki cherry blossom

Breeders call these very beautiful plants a real “floriculture breakthrough.” Surprisingly, they are winter-hardy, unpretentious and at the same time surprisingly beautiful. Small shrubs, no more than sixty centimeters high, are suitable for low borders and for growing in containers. This plant was developed by the Dutch company Valkplant BV.

Geranium ashen Jolly Jewel

And this is a whole series of varieties from the Dutch company Compass Plants B.V. Flowers are winter-hardy, resistant to diseases and pests, very different rapid growth and lush flowering from April to September. The height of the bushes does not exceed twelve centimeters.


This plant in India is called the “planters’ curse.” This is due to its rapid growth. Despite this, lantana is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world and, in our opinion, completely deservedly so. The evergreen shrub, growing naturally in the tropics of Colombia, Africa, and Venezuela, is truly extraordinarily beautiful. There are over one hundred and fifty in nature; however, vaulted lantana is considered the most popular and cultivated variety. The bush grows huge, more than one and a half meters in height.

Numerous branches are covered with a huge number of flowers collected in inflorescences. They can have a wide variety of colors: white and red, yellow and orange, purple and pink.

Ornamental plants

Every year in the Netherlands, in the city of Boskop, an international exhibition is held ornamental plants plantarium, where hundreds of new selections are presented. It is of great interest to professionals and amateur flower growers. From the huge variety of samples this year, experts selected thirty-eight of the best plants that literally won their hearts. Let's introduce you to some of the winners.

Blue Marvel

This variety of oak sage conquered the panel of judges with its deep purple inflorescences, a record size for its species. The bush is quite compact - about twenty-five centimeters high. It can be planted in a container, but taking into account its amazing winter hardiness (up to -34 degrees). Blue Marvel can be planted in borders, mixborders, and flower beds without fear for the result.


Luxurious, quite expensive and native to Asia and South Africa. It has the second name “flower of glory”. Gloriosa has fairly thin stems and elongated leaves that can reach a length of as much as three meters. These flowers are always brightly colored: red-yellow and yellow-green combinations always look elegant.

Ehimen Everlight

And this specimen will be of interest to everyone who loves beautiful green plants. In fact, this is a new variety of sedge, the most compact in the popular Evercolor series. This is a very showy plant, ideal for growing in containers and pots, but can also be grown outdoors. Sedge is frost-resistant and easily tolerated low temperatures up to -25 °C.

Strelitzia (flower of paradise)

This representative of the Strelitziaceae family is one of the most beautiful plants on our planet. The somewhat loose buds of the flowers resemble soaring birds in appearance. In nature, the flower is found in the tropics of South Africa. The high decorative qualities of the flower of paradise made it possible to grow it not only to decorate interiors, but also to create original landscapes.


An ornamental plant of incredible beauty from the Orchid family. This flower grows in the subtropics of East and South Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. A stem plant has apical leaves that are located throughout the stem.

Depending on the variety, flowers can be of different shapes, sizes and colors. All varieties of this exotic plant are grown both indoors and in greenhouses and ornamental gardens. These flowers are protected by international convention.

We have presented to you the most beautiful views plants, in our opinion, of course. Perhaps someone will not agree with our choice, however, no one will deny that all the presented samples are surprisingly good.
