Mythical cartoon creatures. The most unusual mythical creatures of the world

Today, movie screens are filled with zombies, ghouls, vampires and other monsters. But in fact, terrible creatures are not always the product of the imagination of modern screenwriters and directors. There are more terrible entities in ancient myths and folklore, although many of them are not as publicized as those that appeared on the screens.

1. Blemmia

Blemmyas are quite ancient creatures. Mention of them first appeared among the ancient Greeks and Romans. Physically, they are very similar to ordinary people with one significant difference - Blemmyas do not have a head. Their mouths, eyes and noses are on their chests. According to ancient sources (for example, Pliny wrote about blemmyas), these creatures were quite widespread throughout North Africa and the Middle East. In later literature, Blemmyas were also described as cannibals.

2. Sphena

Sthena is a monster from Greek mythology. Much more people knows her sister Medusa. The famous gorgon was the youngest of the family; she had 2 older sisters - Euryale and Sthena.

Like her sisters, Sthena had long, sharp fangs and red snakes instead of hair. Stories tell that Sthena was the most ferocious and bloodthirsty of the family, she killed more men than both of her sisters combined.

3. Hitotsume-kozo

Japanese myths tell of many supernatural monsters, usually called Yokai. One type of Yokai is the hitotsume-kozo, which is something like a Cyclops: it only has one giant eye in the middle of its face. However, the Hitotsume Kozo is even creepier than the Cyclops because it looks like a small bald child.

4. Mananangal

This disgusting creature comes from the Philippines. It has some common features with a vampire, although the mananangal is more repulsive, both in appearance and behavior. Mananangal is usually depicted as a very ugly woman who is capable of tearing off her lower body, growing giant wings, and flying at night. Mananangals have a long proboscis instead of a tongue, which they use to suck blood from sleeping people. Most of all they love pregnant women, and more specifically, sucking the heart of their fetus.

Those who encounter a mananangal should avoid the flying torso and try sprinkling garlic and salt on the separated lower part of the creature's body - this will kill it.

5. Kelpie

One of the most famous monsters in Celtic mythology, the kelpie is a creature that looks like a horse and is found in the lochs of Scotland. Kelpies love to lure people, drown them in lakes, drag them into their lair and eat them.

One of the distinguishing characteristics of kelpies is their ability to transform from horse to human. Most often, they take the form of an attractive man who lures victims into their den. Much less often, the kelpie appears in the form of a beautiful woman. According to legend, one way to identify kelpies in human form is their hair, which is constantly damp and full of algae. Some stories also say that kelpies retain their hooves even in human form.

6. Strigoi

Strigoi, which are similar to the more famous poltergeists, are among the most ancient creatures on this list. They belong to Dacian mythology and were later adopted by Romanian culture. These are evil spirits that have risen from the dead and are trying to resume the normal life they once led. But in this existence, Strigoi drink the very essence of life from their relatives. They are somewhat similar in their actions to vampires.

There is no doubt that people throughout Eastern Europe were mortally afraid of Strigoi. Remarkably, this belief continues to this day, especially in rural areas of Romania. Just 10 years ago, relatives of a recently deceased person dug up his corpse and burned his heart because they believed that the deceased had turned into a strigoi.

7. Yogorumo

Surely no one would refuse if the most beautiful woman in the world seduced him, and then took him to her home. At first, such a man would feel like the happiest person, but this opinion would surely soon change when this beautiful woman showed her true identity - a giant man-eating spider. Another Japanese monster from the Yokai family is Yogorumo. This is a giant spider that can turn into beautiful woman to lure prey. After Yogorumo possesses a person, it wraps him in a silken web, injects him with poison, and then devours his prey.

8. Black Annis

Also known as Black Agnes, this witch is a traditional character in English folklore. Some believe its roots can be traced much further back to Celtic or Germanic mythology. Black Annis has a disgusting blue face and iron claws, and she also loves to feed on people, especially small children. Her favorite pastime is wandering through ravines at night, looking for unsuspecting children, kidnapping them, dragging them into her cave, and then preparing the children for dinner. After Annis finishes the children, she uses their skin to make clothes.

9. Leshy

Leshy is the spirit of forests and parks in many Slavic cultures. Essentially, he is the protector of the forest. The goblin is friends with animals that he can call to help him and does not like people, although, in some cases, farmers manage to make friends with the goblin. In this case, they protect people's crops and can even teach them magic.

Physically, goblin are described as tall people with hair and beards made of vines and grass. However, they are also werewolves, able to change in size from the tallest tree in the forest to the smallest blade of grass. They can even turn into ordinary people. At the same time, goblin can be given away by glowing eyes and shoes worn backwards.

Leshi are not evil creatures at all; rather, they are deceivers and love mischief. For example, they like to confuse people in the forest, and sometimes lure people into their caves by imitating the voices of their loved ones (after which, the lost ones can be tickled to death).

10. Brownie

In Slavic mythology, it is believed that every house has its own brownie. He is usually described as a small, bearded man covered in hair. He considers himself the keeper of the house and is not necessarily evil. His actions depend entirely on the behavior of the residents. The brownie gets angry at people who neglect their home and who swear. And for those who behave well and take care of the house, the brownie quietly helps with household chores. He also likes to watch people sleeping.

You should not anger the brownie, because he begins to take revenge on people. First, otherworldly groans will begin to be heard in the house, plates will break and things will disappear. And if the brownie is finally driven home, he can kill people in their own beds.

For lovers of history and the unknown. Read it yourself, tell it to your children.

Based on materials from

Every person is familiar with the concept of “mythical creatures”. In childhood, everyone dreams of a miracle; children sincerely believe in beautiful and kind elves, honest and skillful fairy godmothers, smart and powerful wizards. It is useful for adults to sometimes detach themselves from outside world and be carried away into a world of incredible legends, where magic and magical creatures live.

Typologies of magical creatures

The encyclopedia and reference books give approximately the same explanation for the term “magical creatures” - these are characters of non-human origin, a certain magical power that they use for both good and evil deeds.

Different civilizations had their own characteristic characters. These magical animals belonged to a specific species and genus, which were determined based on who their parents were.

People tried to classify mystical characters. Most often they are divided into:

  • good and evil;
  • flying, sea and living on earth;
  • half-humans and half-gods;
  • animals and humanoids, etc.

Ancient mythical creatures are classified not only by description, but also in alphabetical order. But this is impractical, because the collection does not take into account their type, lifestyle and impact on humans. Most convenient option classifications - by civilizations.

Images of ancient Greek mythology

Greece is the cradle of European civilization. Ancient Greek myths open the door to a world of unimaginable fantasies.

To understand the uniqueness of the Hellenic culture, you need to get acquainted with the magical creatures from their legends.

  1. Dracaines are female reptiles or snakes that have been given human characteristics. The most famous dragons are Echidna and Lamia.
  2. Echidna is the daughter of Forkys and Keto. She was depicted as a humanoid creature. She has a beautiful face and body of a snake, captivating with girlish beauty. She combined meanness and beauty. Together with Typhon, she gave birth to many different monsters. An interesting fact is that a mammal completely covered with spines and a poisonous snake were named after Echidna. They live on an island in the ocean located near Australia. The myth of Echidna is one of the explanations for the appearance of dragons on Earth.
  3. Lamia is the queen of Libya, daughter of the Lord of the Sea. According to myth, she was one of Zeus’s lovers, for which Hera hated her. The goddess turned Lamia into a monster that kidnaps children. In Ancient Greece, lamias were the name given to ghouls and bloodsuckers who hypnotized young girls and boys, killed them or drank their blood. Lamia was depicted as a woman with a snake body.
  4. Grai - goddesses of old age, sisters of the Gorgons. Their names are Terror (Enyo), Anxiety (Pefredo) and Trembling (Deino). From birth they were gray-haired, they had only one eye between the three of them, so they took turns using it. According to the myth of Perseus, the Graians knew the location of the Gorgon. To obtain this information, as well as to find out where to get the invisibility helmet, winged sandals and bag, Perseus took the eye from them.
  5. Pegasus is a fairy-tale winged horse. Translated from ancient Greek, his name meant “stormy current.” According to myth, no one before Bellerophon could ride this wonderful white horse, which, at the slightest danger, flapped its huge wings and flew beyond the clouds. Pegasus is a favorite of poets, artists and sculptors. A weapon, a constellation, and ray-finned fish are named in his honor.
  6. The Gorgons are the daughters of Keto and her brother Phokis. Mythology suggests that there were three gorgons: the most famous is Medusa the Gorgon and her two sisters Stheno and Euryale. They caused indescribable fear. They had female bodies covered with scales, snakes instead of hair, huge fangs, a body. Everyone who looked into their eyes turned to stone. In a figurative sense, the word “gorgon” means a grumpy and angry woman.
  7. The Chimera is a monster whose anatomy was terrifying and amazing at the same time. It had three heads: one was a goat's, the other was a lion's, and instead of a tail there was a snake's head. The beast breathed, destroying with fire everything that came in its way. The chimera was the personification of a volcano: there are many green pastures on its slopes, a lion’s den at the top, and snake coblas at the base. In honor of this magical creature, orders of fish were named. Chimera is a prototype of gargoyles.
  8. The Siren is a demonic female folkloric character who was born from Melpomene or Terpsichore and the god Achelous. The Siren was depicted as a half-fish, half-woman or half-bird, half-maiden. From their mother they inherited a beautiful appearance and a unique voluptuous voice, and from their father - a wild disposition. The demigoddesses attacked the sailors, starting to sing, the men lost their minds, sent their ships to the rocks and died. The merciless maidens fed on the bodies of sailors. Sirens are muses other world, therefore their images were often painted on tombstones and monuments. These mythical creatures became the prototype for a whole group of mythical sea creatures.
  9. Phoenix is ​​a popular mythical character, represented in the form of a magical bird with golden-scarlet feathers. Phoenix is ​​a collective image of various birds: peacock, heron, crane, etc. Most often it is depicted as an eagle. The distinctive quality of this fabulous winged character was self-immolation and rebirth from the ashes. The Phoenix has become an indicator of man's desire for immortality. He is a favorite poetic symbol of light. A plant and one of the brightest celestial constellations were named in his honor.
  10. Hecatoncheires (Cyclopes) are little-known but interesting magical giants that look like men. Distinctive characteristic Hecatoncheires was that they had many eyes. And one body could hold fifty heads. They lived in dungeons, because immediately after their birth, Uranus imprisoned them in the ground for its own safety. After the complete defeat of the titans, the hecotoncheires volunteered to guard the entrance to the place where the titans were imprisoned.
  11. Hydra is another female creation, which, according to myths, was produced by Echidna and Typhon. This is a dangerous and terrible creature that was amazing in its description. She had nine dragon heads and the body of a snake. One of these heads was unkillable, that is, immortal. Therefore, she was considered invincible, because when her head was cut off, two more grew in its place. The monster was constantly hungry, so she devastated the local surroundings, burning crops, killing and eating animals that got in her way. It was of enormous size: as soon as the mythical creature rose on its tail, it was visible far beyond the forest. The constellation, satellite of the planet Pluto and the genus Coelenterata are named after Hydra.
  12. Harpies are pre-Olympic creatures who are the daughters of Electra and Thaumant. Harpies were depicted as girls with beautiful faces, long hair and wings. They were constantly hungry and, thanks to their origin, invulnerable. While hunting, harpies descended from the mountains into forest thickets or fields near settlements, attacked livestock with piercing screams and devoured the animals. The gods sent them as punishment. Mythical monsters did not allow people to eat normally, this happened until the moment the person became exhausted and died. The name “harpy” is inherent in extremely greedy, insatiable, evil women.
  13. Empusa is a little-known mythical demoness who lives in an otherworldly realm. She was a ghost - a vampire with the head and body of a woman, and her lower limbs were those of a donkey. Her peculiarity is that she could take on different forms - sweet and innocent maidens, dogs or horses. Ancient people believed that she stole small children, attacked lonely travelers and sucked their blood. To drive away Empusa, you need to have a special amulet with you.
  14. Griffins are good mythical creatures, because in mythology they personified vigilant power and unique insight. This is an animal with the body of a lion, huge and powerful wings and the head of an eagle. The griffin had eyes golden hue. The griffin had a simple functional purpose - to protect. The ancient Hellenes believed that these creatures were the guardians of the gold reserves of Asia. The image of a griffin was depicted on weapons, coins and other objects.

North American magical creatures

America was colonized quite late. For this, Europeans often called the continent the New World. But if we return to historical origins, then North America is also rich in ancient civilizations that have sunk into oblivion.

Many of them have disappeared forever, but various mythical creatures are still known today. Here is a partial list of those:

  • Lechuza (Lechusa) - the ancient inhabitants of Texas called the werewolf witch with female head and the body of an owl. Lechuzas are girls who sold their souls to the devil in exchange for magical powers. At night they turned into monsters, so they were often seen flying around in search of profit. There is another version of the appearance of lechuza - it is the spirit of a murdered woman who returned for revenge. Lechusa was compared to such representatives of the ancient world as harpies and banshees.
  • Tooth fairies are small and very kind fairy-tale characters, whose image is actively used in modern Western culture. According to legend, they got their name because they put money or gifts under a child’s pillow in exchange for a lost tooth. The main benefit of this character with wings is that they encourage the child to watch his appearance and compensate for tooth loss. It was possible to give a gift to the fairy on any day except December 25, because on Christmas such a gift would entail the death of the fairy.
  • La Llorona is the name given to a ghostly woman mourning her children. Her image is very common in Mexico and the surrounding North American states. La Llorona is depicted as a pale woman in white, wandering near bodies of water and along deserted streets with a bundle in her hands. A meeting with her is dangerous, because after this the person begins to have problems. This image was popular among parents, who intimidated their naughty children by threatening that La Llorona might take them away.
  • Bloody Mary - if you open the atlas, this mystical image is associated with the state of Pennsylvania. Here a legend appeared about a small and evil old woman who lived in the thicket of the forest and practiced witchcraft. In nearby villages and hamlets, children began to disappear. One day, a miller tracked his daughter to Bloody Mary’s home. For this, her fellow villagers burned her at the stake. Burning, she shouted a curse. After her death, children's bodies were found buried around the house. The image of Bloody Mary was used for fortune telling on Halloween night. A cocktail is named in her honor.
  • Chihuateteo - this word in Aztec mythology refers to rare creatures, unusual women who died during childbirth and subsequently became vampires. Childbirth is a form of battle for life. According to legend, Chihuateos accompanied male warriors at sunset. And at night, like succubi, they seduced representatives of the stronger half, sucking energy out of them, and also kidnapped children to quench their thirst. To charm and subjugate, the Chihuateteo could practice magic and witchcraft.
  • Wendigos are evil spirits. In the ancient world, people meant by this word “all-consuming evil.” The Wendigo is a tall creature with sharp fangs, a lipless mouth, it is insatiable and its silhouette features are similar to those of a human. They split into small groups and pursue their victims. People who find themselves in the forest initially hear strange sounds, while looking for the source of these sounds, they could only see a flashing silhouette. It is impossible to hit a Windigo with conventional weapons. Only silver items can take it, and it can also be destroyed by fire.
  • A goatman is a humanoid that is similar to a satyr or faun. He is described as a creature with human body and the head of a goat. According to some reports, he is depicted with horns. Height up to 3.5 m, he attacks animals and people.
  • Hodag is a powerful monster of an indeterminate kind. It is described as a large animal, reminiscent of a rhinoceros, but instead of a horn, the hodag has a diamond-shaped appendage, thanks to which the fairy-tale character can only see straight ahead. According to legend, he ate white bulldogs. According to another description, he has bone growths in the area of ​​his back and head.
  • The Great Serpent is the central religious and social symbol of the Mayan tribe. The serpent is associated with the celestial bodies; according to legend, it helps to cross the space of the heavens. Shedding old skin is a symbol of renewal and full rebirth. He was depicted as having two heads. With horns, the spirits of previous generations emerged from its jaws.
  • Baycock is a prominent representative of the mythology of the Cherokee Indians. He was presented as an emaciated man with scarlet fiery eyes. He was dressed in rags or ordinary hunting clothes. Every Indian could become a beycock if he died shamefully, or committed a bad deed: lying, killing relatives, etc. They hunted only warriors, were fast and merciless. To stop the chaos, you need to collect the baycock bones and arrange a normal funeral. Then the monster will calmly go to rest in the afterlife.

European mythical characters

Europe is a huge continent that contains many different states and nationalities.

European mythology has collected many fairy-tale characters that are associated with ancient Greek civilization and the Middle Ages.

Creation Description
Unicorn A magical creature in the form of a horse with a horn protruding from its forehead. The unicorn is a symbol of search and spiritual purity. He played a huge role in many medieval tales and legends. One of them says that when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden for sin, God gave the unicorn a choice - to leave with the people or stay in Paradise. He preferred the former, and was especially blessed for his sympathy. Alchemists compared swift unicorns with one of the elements - mercury.
Undine In Western European folklore, undines are the spirits of young maidens who committed suicide because of unrequited love. Their real names were hidden. They are like sirens. Ondines were distinguished by their beautiful appearance, luxurious, long hair, which they often combed on the coastal stones. In some legends, undines were like mermaids, they had a fish tail instead of legs. The Scandinavians believed that those who got to the Undines did not find their way back.
Valkyries Famous representatives of Scandinavian mythology, assistants of Odin. At first they were considered angels of death and spirits of battles. Later they were depicted as Odin's shield-bearer, maidens with golden curls and fair skin. They served the heroes by serving drinks and food in Valhalla.
Banshee Mythological creatures from Ireland. Mourners dressed in cloaks gray, with bright red eyes from tears and white hair. Their language is incomprehensible to humans. Her cry is the sobs of a child mixed with the howling of a wolf and the cry of geese. She can change her appearance from a pale-skinned girl to an ugly old woman. Banshees protect representatives of ancient families. But the meeting with the creature foreshadowed imminent death.
Huldra A young girl from a clan of trolls, fair-haired, of extraordinary beauty. The name "huldra" means "hiding". According to tradition, she is considered to be evil spirits. What distinguished the huldra from ordinary women was the tail of a cow. If a baptism ceremony was performed on her, she lost her tail. Huldra dreamed of becoming related to a person, so she lured men. After meeting her, the man became lost to the world. Male representatives taught them various crafts, including playing musical instruments. Some managed to give birth to a child from a man, then they gained immortality.

At all times, people have tried to explain what they could not control and what they could not interfere with. This is how many legends appeared and mythological characters. Different peoples had approximately the same idea of ​​magical creatures. Therefore, the little mermaid and the undine, the banshee and La Llorona, are identical.

Myths and legends, any oral or written traditions tend to disappear over time and be erased from human memory.

This fate befell many characters, both good and bad. Some images were modified under the influence of religion or the peculiarities of the folklore of nations that gradually assimilated the indigenous people who gave rise to such a fantasy.

Others remained in the memory of mankind and even became a kind of “trademark”, a hot topic for books, films and computer games.

A mythical creature does not necessarily have features exaggerated by human imagination. Monsters may well be natural look, be it an animal, a demigod, or an evil spirit taking the form of a human.

They all have one thing in common - an attempt ancient man explain natural phenomena, catastrophes and misfortunes due to the intervention of an extraterrestrial force, cruel and indifferent.

However, sometimes mythical animals, characters and images begin to live on their own. Once told, a legend is passed on from person to person, acquiring details and new facts.

What they all have in common is a terrible disposition, fear of losing accumulated wealth and an extremely long life span.

The character of such a creature is peculiar. Most of the dragons are wise, but hot-tempered, cruel and proud.

The hero often speculates on the lizard's attitude towards himself in order to later kill him through deception and cunning and take possession of the dragon's untold riches.

Later, many variations of the original image appeared. Thanks to John Tolkien, Robert Salvatore and many other authors of the fantasy genre, dragons were divided by color and even acquired a direct “kinship” with the original forces.

Terrors in the night, a reflection on the fangs of a vampire

A monster capable of drinking the blood of a person or subjugating him to his will. This evil spirits should be considered as an extremely harmful and cruel creature.

The villagers mercilessly drive an aspen stake into the next corpse, the carpenter famously chops off a cervical vertebra with an ax, and the next “vampire” goes to the Underworld.

Before Bram Stoker's novel was published, vampires were not given anthropomorphic features. So, for example, a blood-sucking creature from South America looks like a mixture hellhound With various kinds monsters.

In the Philippines, a vampire is even depicted as a winged torso with a proboscis similar to that of a mosquito.

In this way, the monster “drinks” a person, taking away his youth, beauty and strength.

Ancient people were not so scrupulous and believed that it was enough for a creature to cut off its head, or cut out its heart.

Personal transport for every virgin

Not every mythical creature is terrible by nature, because darkness cannot exist without light, however, just like vice versa.

Mythical animals quite often act as guides for the protagonist, helping him with both advice and deeds.

The messenger of the primordial light, at least according to most legends, is. This creature is pure by nature, aggression and violence are alien to it, so these animals are not left in modern world.

The most remarkable fact is that the unicorn has a strange “connection” with the virgin, feels her and always comes to the call.

An interesting fact: the harsh northern peoples of Rus' have their own unicorn, huge and “callous”.

Does it sound satirical? And yet they describe it exactly like that. Unlike the shiny and light creature, Indrik belongs to the spirits of mother earth, and therefore looks the part.

The huge “earth mouse” is not attracted to virgins, but it can also come to the aid of a soul lost in the mountains.

We don’t know what - chimeras

The last chords of life - siren

Despite the fact that the siren and the mermaid are different concepts, they have a lot in common, which ultimately led to a conditional juggling of names and a little confusion.

However, this is acceptable. In Greek mythology, the Sirens are the nymphs of Persephone, who lost the will to live with their mistress when she went to Hades.

With their singing, they lured sailors to the island, where they devoured their bodies, probably out of longing for their patroness.

Odysseus almost fell into their net, and he even ordered his comrades to tie themselves up so as not to become prey to carnivorous fish women.

Later, the image migrated to the mythology of Europe and even became a kind of common noun personifying the temptation of the deep sea for a sailor.

There have been theories that mermaids are actually manatees, which may resemble fish with anthropomorphic features, but the image itself remains relevant to this day.

Witnesses of the past - Bigfoot, Yeti and Bigfoot

Unlike other characters, these creatures are still found throughout the world.

Regardless of their veracity, the very fact of such finds is living proof that the images not only still exist, but also remain relevant.

What they have in common is their similarity with various stages of the evolutionary cycle of human development.

They are huge, have a thick coat of wool, are fast and strong. Despite their meager intelligence, the creatures continue to stubbornly avoid all the ingenious traps created by various kinds of hunters for mystical secrets.

Mythical animals remain an extremely relevant topic, in demand not only by art workers, but also by historians.

The epic had a huge influence on the development of humanity and the skepticism with which a modern resident of a metropolis treats such mysteries is dictated precisely by mythology and its “domestication” of the forces of nature.

Fictional stories and fantasy universes are famous for their detail. Races of mythical creatures have their own history, where they live, and unique traditions. These are distinct cultures with precise rationales and habits that are unique to characters created within one or more stories.

Origin of mythical creatures

Mythology is a separate species art. It describes the lives of the characters down to the smallest detail: they exist within the same social group. Peoples migrate, settle in one place, fight and create their own history. Their origin and behavior may differ. Depending on the type of legend, they grow and develop. Mythological races exist in one or more eras. Their uniqueness is due to the fact that the world around us created in their likeness. Characters from the popular fantasy genre can interact with people. Their contacts give rise to new stories and create mutants.

The peculiarities of the life of peoples are taken into account in the narrative. Races of mythical creatures must exist, provide food for themselves, settle down and continue the race. Taken together, all the details come together into a single story. Not all stories are made up for the sake of literary genre.

Ancient legends are based on human fears: people were afraid of what they did not understand. And imaginary monsters saved us from the fear of the unknown. They explained the horrors of the era. Descriptions of monsters were passed on from one generation to another, and thus entire mythical races appeared.

Division of magical creatures into nations

Peoples exist separately from other creatures or interact with other social groups. The more characters involved, the stronger the lovelines, confrontations and issues of inequality. The differences between these groups explain the behavior and motives of the main characters or antagonists.

What is the difference between an individual character and a fictional cohesive group:

  • in a group, characters must interact - on this contact, the features of everyday life, moral principles and habits are built;
  • an individual character cannot connect many stories - his life path may be interesting, but not develop into something larger;
  • characters develop better when they have support or an opposing side;
  • with the help of descriptions of peoples, the history of individual heroes, their suffering and motives is more easily explained.

The list of groups is expanding in the modern world. In cinema and literature, old heroes receive a new life: they undergo rebirth, gain skills and lose old skills that do not fit into the era given by history. The most popular peoples are used in folklore or in new sayings.


This race has many nicknames. The creatures are called werewolves or wolfhounds. There is a well-known belief that at different times terrible monsters operated in settlements near the forest. They attacked people, ate livestock and harmed everyone who got in their way.

A distinctive feature of werewolves is their attachment to lunar cycle. Only at night when it appears in the sky full moon, a terrible beast goes hunting.

Wolfdogs look like a large dog or wolf with a huge mouth. They are covered with dark fur, and their paws have large and sharp claws. In the mouths of werewolves there are fangs with which the monsters tear apart their victims. Their eyes are red, filled with anger and hatred. Werewolves are very cruel. They spare no one, and as soon as they see the victim, there is no mercy for her.

According to legends, the face of the beast reflects the true nature of a person. During the day and on ordinary nights, when the moon waxes or wanes, werewolves hide among people. They have a casual, casual look. The wolfhounds themselves do not remember everything that happens to them after reincarnation. They know about the curse, but they hear details of the murders from other people.

They cannot control the animal part of themselves. Werewolves are both female and male. The curse passes through the family - the child is doomed to constant reincarnation. The first experience takes place in adolescence. Then the young werewolf becomes more aggressive: the closer the full moon, the stronger the internal anxiety.

The clan is headed by the first werewolves. They are almost immortal and live for at least 200 years.

Magic shifters

Well-known races of shapeshifters can not only transform themselves, but also get along well in the role of other people. From birth, creatures have their own appearance, but the older the child gets, the more he tries to imitate those around him. Gradually he learns to change his physical shell and thinking. Changelings do not depict other living flesh, but play the image to the smallest detail.

What they do:

  • transform into any creature of flesh and blood - stories describe shapeshifters who can transform into magical creatures and acquire their powers;
  • change their appearance as needed - if they sense danger, the changes do not bring any pain and occur in a few hours;
  • for plausibility, the changeling can kill his victim and take his place.

It is very difficult to calculate the creature. He becomes an exact copy of a person. Adopts his habits, character and even temperament. Mythical creatures can stay in the same shell for years: they get along in a role in which they are safe. Changelings live no more than 300 years.


A race of mythical short men known for their incredible stories. The creatures owe their birth to John Tolkien, who described the enterprising people in his books “The Lord of the Rings”. They are also called halflings - their distinguishing feature short stature and thick legs. Hobbits are rarely thin. The more successful and wealthy they are, the fatter their body. Halflings have curly hair and round faces.

The people are very attached to the area, they honor their culture and have a well-developed family connection. Hobbit houses are passed down from generation to generation. Halflings are born with 4-5 children. By nature they are calm and overly cautious. They are never drawn to adventure. The best thing that can happen to a hobbit is a calm and measured life. The main occupation is agriculture. Halflings make delicious cheese and various pickles.

They are very thrifty: every self-respecting hobbit has a pantry stocked with food just in case. The creatures are not endowed with dexterity or cunning, but you can rely on them in difficult times. If they make a promise, they will do everything possible to keep it.


Among the magical creatures there are mutants who frighten with their appearance. Orcs are described in the same story as hobbits. They are the product of evil, pure black force. The orcs of Middle-earth are not born from a mother, but appear from the foot of the mountains. They are born as adults and are ready to fight. Mutants have no emotional attachments. They are ready to kill and always fight to the death. Sauron commands the horde - with their help he tries to suppress the peoples who oppose him.

Another type of orc is found in games and modern films. This is another one social group. Unlike their relatives, such mutants live in tribes - they have children, build families and obey a fair leader. These orcs are born and bred, so they have their own personality. Tribal people eat from magical power. It gives them power that can crush any enemy. Barbarians attack only according to a well-thought-out plan: no one commands them, they follow their leader.


The list of magical races always includes gnomes. They are also called dwarfs or underground people. They are distinguished by their great hard work and rarely go out: they live in mines and specially created underground passages under the mountains, mining metal or diamonds. They are greedy, which explains their hard work.

Description of the gnome's appearance:

  • short;
  • overweight;
  • strong;
  • looks like a person.

Residents of underground passages have a bad character. A gnome always has a beard - by this feature he can always be distinguished from a dwarf or other creature. Carls are very proud of their facial hair. The beard can be used to determine the status and age of a gnome.

There are legends about the women of the people. They are rarely mentioned, but their appearance is almost always terrifying. According to legends, women of the underground people are similar to men. They are hairy, masculine and rough. According to other stories, women are cheerful and very peaceful. They hide, and even when the enemy attacks, only males are engaged in protecting the home.


Large creatures have a special role in mythology - they serve to intimidate. Therefore, giants, as trolls are also called, live in the forest and remote areas. Terrible cannibals have a massive body, and when they walk on the ground, the roar spreads over several kilometers. Trolls are good at tracking down prey. They have a good sense of smell and great physical strength. Giants love fresh meat with blood. In this case, people are the fastest and most delicious prey for them. The skin color is green, and over the years it darkens.

The creatures do not shine with mental abilities. But they are distinguished by some cunning: if necessary, they can deceive the enemy or pretend to be dead. Giants survive due to good physical characteristics.

Their character is difficult: trolls can get angry in a few minutes. When they are angry, they destroy everything around them and spare no one.

People can be wild or socialized. Trolls live in a group, in which it is easier to hunt, or alone - such creatures are less dangerous, they kill only in extreme cases.


Alvas, also known as elves, are famous for their sophisticated appearance. They don't have a single flaw. They are pure, like the lightest energy. The elves have their own kingdom. They live near the forest or in the very thick of it. Beautiful and noble, they always lead a peaceful life. Nothing can anger mystical creatures. They have good manners and impeccable taste. According to legend, no person can compare with an elf in beauty. Alf hair comes in only two colors - white and black. The eyes are in most cases light, sky blue.

Alvas have pale skin that never tans. Males are feminine, distinguished by refined features and delicate skin. From a distance it is impossible to distinguish a male from a female. If necessary, the elves can fight, but they do this only as a last resort. Almost immortal creatures do not harbor malice, this explains their peaceful and measured life.


Fairies known to every child have magical abilities. These are small creatures that can fly and cast magic. Sometimes they are called pixies or fairies. They move quickly and can remain undetected.

Fairies live in the forest or near the mountains. They are beautiful, but very harmful. The older the creature, the more nasty it is in character. They love to play pranks and do a lot of dirty tricks. Fairies have multi-colored wings, and at night they glow.

Fairies have a lot in common with fairies. Creatures live long and do not age. They are always young and in full bloom. They grow to the height of a ten year old child. Such fairies are cunning and very strong. Adults do not have wings, but they appear when necessary. The creatures' favorite color is green. Fairies can be powerful sorcerers: they are separated from the rest of the forest inhabitants. They can be dangerous, harming a person or an enemy. Sorcerers with wings live in underground chambers, far from everyone.


Spirits are the guardians of the forest. They make sure that all creatures live in peace and do not oppose each other. According to legends, they emerged from the earth: in this regard, dryads have the purest and most divine nature.

They have a special consciousness. According to legends, the spirit of trees lives in dryads. If the forest is harmed, the creatures become dangerous and vicious. Outwardly they look like plants. They can be a tree or a bush, and, if necessary, move around their property. The creatures have thick bark for protection and green branches that wither as the doukhobab dies. He cannot completely die. The spirit is reborn and reincarnated, like everything in nature.

Small individuals become people - they are guides for those who are lost or in trouble. Dukhobab children appear to convey a certain message to other nations. They warn or even threaten. By nature, the defenders of the forest are peace-loving, but they can also fight.


Sea peoples are no less popular in mythology. They are the patrons of all bodies of water around mountains, forests and settlements. The sea people are also called mermaids. These are half people, half fish. They can swim, but move on land if necessary.

According to some beliefs, mermaids are beautiful and sweet creatures; they swim along the seabed and enjoy life. According to other legends, they are insidious seductresses who lure strangers to themselves. They feed on their life forces.

If you meet such a mermaid underwater, you will no longer be able to escape. They are very fast, and if they drag someone under water, they can hide him at the very bottom. Mermaids come out only when necessary or when they need food. In other cases, they live under water and build their homes there. Males sea ​​world rarely appear on the surface. They protect their possessions.

Ondines rarely make contact; they are closed and withdrawn. The more people pay attention to them, the further they hide. Undines do not like to live in groups: they choose a solitary life at the bottom.


One of the most popular images - the vampire - is often used in modern fiction. Beautiful seductive bloodsuckers can live for centuries and hide among people. According to legend, they are not much different from ordinary women and men. In the past, they were people who were bitten by other vampires. Immediately after the bite, the person dies and gradually turns into a bloodsucker.

What is special about the life of nocturnal creatures:

  • according to legend, they cannot tolerate daylight - as soon as a ray of sun hits their skin, they begin to burn;
  • they bite a person and can drink all his blood;
  • to turn into this creature, you need to drink the blood of a vampire or be bitten;
  • Vampires do not eat regular food - it makes them very sick;
  • V different sources the creatures cannot tolerate garlic or holy water, and you can kill them with an aspen stake.

Vampires live among people. They sleep during the day and go hunting at night. The fangs with which they drink blood are not always visible. Monsters have an attractive appearance to lure new victims. Vampires don't age. Eternal youth is their gift and at the same time a curse. You can kill a creature with a stake or by burning the entire body. First, the vampire's head is cut off.
