What does a kiss mean in a dream. Why do you dream about a kiss?

Interpreting what a kiss means in a dream, the dream book promises the attention of the opposite sex not only in a dream, but also in real life. There can be a great many options for dreamed kisses, which is why there are so many interpretations that explain even the most unusual of them.

Kissing different parts of the body

Why dream of a non-binding kiss on the cheek, understand it as an inverted dream, which should be interpreted in the exact opposite meaning. In reality, you feel certain obligations to the one who kissed you in a dream, and you are thinking about how to thank him.

If a kiss on the cheek in a dream comes from you, the dream reflects your thoughts on how to express your sincere sympathy and friendship to someone who really deserves it. With a high degree of probability, the dream book suggests a quick meeting and a pleasant pastime with this person.

To understand why you dream of a kiss on the neck, it is enough to remember that outside the window is the 21st century. Girls today are not only allowed to take the initiative in relationships and admit their feelings, but in some cases, such as yours, such determination is even welcomed. The dream encourages you to be bolder and more active with members of the opposite sex.

A kiss on the forehead in a dream symbolizes the successful completion of a previously started project in any area of ​​life. To find out more precisely which one, the dream book advises remembering the details of what you saw in the dream.

The dream book believes that you are one of those who love with your ears: you dream of a kiss on the ear even in your sleep. You love compliments and passionate declarations of love. At the same time, the dream calls for vigilance: you risk missing something important.

A kiss with a tongue in a dream perfectly reflects your state of mild euphoria; you are literally covered in dreams and fantasies. Despite all the attractiveness of the dream world, the dream book still advises maintaining a connection with the surrounding reality and trying to perceive people and events as they are.

Why do you dream of a kiss on the hand, take it as a warning, the dream book recommends. Do not enter into dubious transactions or sign suspicious contracts, even if you are assured that all this is nothing more than meaningless paper formalities. What you see in a dream calls for you to be careful with people you don’t know well and not to rush to trust not only your own material assets, but also feelings.

A kiss on the eyes symbolizes tenderness and romance. The dream book associates it more likely with platonic feelings than with passionate desire. This is a sign of sincere sympathy, affection, perhaps compassion. If a girl sees in a dream how a man touches her eyes with his lips, in reality he most likely treats her condescendingly, a little patronizingly.

A kiss on the chest in a dream promises you the sea positive emotions and joyful impressions in reality. You were not mistaken in choosing your chosen one, it is not for nothing that your acquaintances consider you harmonious couple, perfectly complementing each other. It is for this reason that together you both feel easy and comfortable.

If you dreamed of a kiss on the back, the dream book insists that the time has come to show character. Now is not the best time to bend to circumstances; they may not work out in your favor. You are strong enough to control the situation - this is what you dream about when someone touches your back with their lips.

For those who are now in a difficult situation, the dream book finds a kiss on the shoulder a particularly positive omen. If in a dream someone touched your shoulder with their lips, this means that in reality you will have an influential patron who will help you.

A dream in which there was a kiss on the stomach, exciting and a little ticklish even in a dream, simply wants to remind you that in your personal life everything is going as well as possible. Delightful love experiences await you, thank fate for this gift.

What you dream of about a kiss on the head, especially if such dreams are classified as recurring, should be regarded as your need for care. “You have high hopes for a meeting with an understanding partner who could take on the solution of at least part of your problems,” the dream book explains.

A kiss on the top of the head can evoke the warmest memories, both in a dream and in reality: this is exactly how many were kissed by their parents in childhood. The dream book promises that you will certainly receive the friendly support that you so need now.

Kiss someone

Kissing a friend in a dream symbolizes a lack of mutual understanding between you in real life: too many disagreements prevent you from communicating easily. The dream book believes that you have every chance of restoring your previous relationship, since you both strive for this.

Interpreting why you dream of a friend’s kiss, psychoanalytic dream book I am not so optimistic. According to his interpretation, you will be separated in the near future either due to a quarrel or due to a coincidence.

Kissing your best friend of the opposite sex in a dream reveals your secret thoughts about a closer relationship. Deep down, you imagine this person and your relationship with him in a slightly different capacity.

A kiss with a friend in a dream represents your spiritual closeness, the ability to understand each other perfectly and even without unnecessary words. At the same time, there are too few hours in the day for you to have time to talk about everything. You have a lot shared secrets, interests and a sea of ​​memories.

The dream book calls a kiss with a girl a shapeshifting dream: an unattractive girl in a dream promises positive changes in reality, but a beauty can do a lot of trouble: bring bad news or push her to unseemly actions.

Why you dream about kissing a boy can be explained in different ways. If we are talking about an attractive young man, perhaps you simply do not have enough attention from the opposite sex. And if the boy is small, the dream book promises you bright changes that will make you happy.

According to the dream book, kissing a stranger in a dream means that you are so lacking in live communication in reality that you are almost ready to throw yourself into the arms of the first person you meet. It is difficult for you to find mutual understanding, both with friends and girlfriends.

Explaining why you dream of kissing an acquaintance, whom you, in theory, are not supposed to kiss in reality, the dream book believes that the dream signals a high probability of affairs and amorous adventures on the side, which you don’t even have to look for: they themselves will lie in wait for you every corner.

A kiss with a loved one foreshadows material benefits obtained in an unusual way for you. At the same time, paradoxically, in personal life the dream book does not promise dizzying ups; on the contrary, some kind of alienation is expected, not to say complete calm.

If in a dream you dreamed of a kiss with your husband, the dream book is calm for you: advice and love reign in your family. Если во сне вам приснился поцелуй с мужем, сонник спокоен за вас: в вашей семье царят совет да любовь. The dream reflects the full spectrum of sensuality and harmony in your relationship, passion that has not faded over the years. Сновидение отражает полный спектр чувственности и гармонии в ваших отношениях, неугасающей с годами страсти. We can only be happy for you.

Можно только порадоваться за вас. A kiss with a classmate in a dream promises you the support of old friends inПоцелуй с одноклассником во сне обещает вам поддержку старых друзей в

difficult moment

трудную минуту

. . The dream book also offers another interpretation: perhaps one of them now needs your help, while you are mired in your own troubles. Сонник предлагает и другое толкование: возможно, кто-то из них сейчас сам нуждается в вашей помощи, в то время как вы погрязли в собственных хлопотах. The dream encourages you to be more responsive, because life is not only about work and solving everyday problems.

Сновидение призывает вас быть отзывчивее, ведь жизнь – это не только работа и решение бытовых проблем.

If you dreamed of a kiss with a colleague, it is quite possible that this person will be the cause of your troubles and all sorts of intrigues at work. Если приснился поцелуй с коллегой, вполне возможно, что именно этот человек станет причиной ваших неприятностей и всевозможных интриг на работе. Try not to give any of your colleagues a reason to denigrate you in the eyes of management, the dream book warns.

Постарайтесь не давать повода никому из сослуживцев очернить вас в глазах руководства, – предупреждает сонник.

A dream about kissing your boss indicates that you are experiencing severe discomfort when communicating with him. Приснившийся поцелуй с начальником свидетельствует о том, что вы испытываете сильнейший дискомфорт во время общения с ним. The dream book believes that your embarrassment, fear of a superior or criticism from him in a dream takes these forms. сонник полагает, что ваше смущение, страх перед вышестоящим лицом или критика с его стороны во сне принимают такие вот формы. The dream book associates why you dream of kissing a child with upcoming troubles. К чему снится поцелуй ребенка, сонник связывает с предстоящими хлопотами. You may suddenly be faced with new responsibilities that directly or indirectly relate to children. На вас могут неожиданно свалиться новые обязательства, имеющие прямое или косвенное отношение к детям. The interpretation does not specify who these children are to you.

Explaining why you dream of a tender kiss, the dream book is sincerely happy for you: you will have great success with representatives of the opposite sex. Suddenly you will have many fans, you will be invited on romantic dates and given nice gifts.

Why you dream of passionate kisses largely depends on you. The dream book is only trying to warn that a conflict is brewing between you and a person significant to you. show wisdom and patience and smooth out sharp corners or give free rein to your emotions and add fuel to the fire - it’s up to you.

For a relationship with a person with whom there was a passionate kiss in a dream to actually deteriorate sharply, or even stop altogether, one careless word is enough. The dream book suggests two scenarios for the development of events: a bad peace or a quarrel that will put everything in its place.

The dream book considers the French kiss as a harbinger of adultery. Respectable married woman she can go all out, and her husband, even if he is twice jealous, will not notice anything. Or, at least, he will pretend that he has no idea about anything.

The dream book explains that you dreamed of blowing a kiss by your dreaminess and your tendency to abstract, romantic love rather than to carnal pleasures. Perhaps even in a dream you are aware that you are not yet ready for serious relationship and prefer to stay at a safe distance.

If your first kiss often appears in your dreams, it is highly likely that you do not want to let go of your memories or that the past does not want to let you go. There is no need to compare the past and present, just try to accept yourself and the world around us in a new capacity.

What you dream of about an unpleasant kiss should not upset you: the dream book believes that an unexpected, nevertheless pleasant surprise awaits you. This may turn out to be exactly what you have long dreamed of and have almost despaired of ever finding.

When you dream of a kiss in a hickey, the dream book strongly recommends preparing for changes that will not keep you waiting. The details of the dream will help determine their character; try to remember in detail everything you saw in the dream.

Kiss of a dead person

Why do you dream of a kiss from a dead person? The dream book, first of all, associates it with your state of health and strongly recommends taking it in advance. preventive measures until the disease made itself felt. Switch to a gentle regime, find time for rest and positive emotions.

When you happen to kiss a dead person in a dream, the dream book believes that ups and downs await you soon. You will experience a full range of colorful emotions; upcoming events will both upset and delight you.

If a deceased person kissed you in a dream, the dream book suspects that you are planning evil, for example, cheating on your significant other or committing some other unseemly act. The dream means that now is not the most favorable moment for such undertakings.

If you happened to kiss a deceased person in a dream, the dream suggests that you continue to yearn for this person, his death made a strong impression on you. The dream book considers this dream to be a reflection of real events; it does not bring anything bad.

Kiss in other dream books

As Freud’s dream book interprets a kiss, in your dream it is nothing more than a real sexual act. Moreover, the hotter it is in a dream, the more problems in intimate life in reality. This pattern applies to both women and men.

If you happen to see a kiss in a dream, which you initiated, Freud’s dream book most likely states that you are actually accustomed to playing a dominant role in the relationship.

If you managed to get a kiss in a dream, Freud’s dream book believes that you are not at all trying to seize the initiative. It is more comfortable for you to bask in the rays of love and enjoy what is happening, shifting all worries onto the strong shoulders of your partner.

Miller's dream book considers a kiss an alarming sign, a harbinger of betrayal, fraud, meeting a hypocrite, or doing something immoral with one's own hands. Dreams in which you kiss relatives or see babies kissing bring good luck.

According to the interpretation of modern fortuneteller Denise Lynn, kissing in a dream means finding harmony with oneself, balancing the masculine and feminine principles - that’s what a kiss in a dream means.

There is also such an interpretation of the dream: a kiss carries in itself what you miss in reality. Dreaming of traveling around the world, you can kiss in a dream with a partner of exotic appearance. Why you dream if you kiss someone you’re not supposed to can also be easily explained by your secret desires.

Why you dream about kisses doesn’t have to be interpreted literally. As you know, every person is a bearer of certain personal qualities, a kiss in in this case symbolizes those that you would like to adopt.

A kiss in a dream can have a meaning that is devoid of erotic connotations. There is no need to look for the hidden meaning of why you dream about kissing a respectable, yet unattractive person for you: you are just looking for a way to express your respect or admiration for his merits.

With a kiss, a person shows his sympathy and respect. It is quite difficult to associate any negative events with this action. Now we will figure out what symbols dreams about kisses refer to and what they predict. To obtain the most accurate information, it is necessary to correctly interpret what you see. To do this, take into account not only the main action, but also other details of the plot. Great value It also has an emotional load.

Why do you dream about a kiss?

A mother's kiss indicates that friends and loved ones will appreciate and love you. If you kiss a brother or sister, it is a symbol of pleasure. Night vision of a stranger kissing you warns that you may commit an immoral act. Seeing children kiss means there will be peace in the family, and work will bring exceptional pleasure. If you dream of a kiss on the cheek, this is a symbol that you feel some responsibility towards this person. A dream in which you were kissed on the cheek indicates that at the moment you are looking for an opportunity to manifest.

A kiss on the neck is a recommendation that you should not be afraid to show courage in communicating with the opposite sex. If you kissed on the forehead, it means that the work started earlier will end successfully. A kiss on the ear is a symbol of the fact that you love to listen to compliments and words of encouragement from others. Night vision where people kissed the eyes is a sign of romantic and tender feelings. A kiss on the chest is a harbinger of positive emotions and vivid impressions.

If you dream of a kiss on the lips, it means that some changes will soon occur, and they can be both positive and negative. A dream in which a kiss occurred with a friend indicates a lack of mutual understanding in reality. The dream book says that soon there will be a chance to improve relations. If you kissed a dead person, this is auspicious sign, which promises good luck in business, which will ultimately help significantly improve your financial situation. A night vision where there was a kiss with a classmate indicates that in difficult times you can count on the support of old friends. Kissing a colleague in a dream means that you can expect setups and intrigues from this person. If you kissed your boss, this is a symbol that when communicating with him in reality you experience severe discomfort.

Why do you dream of a passionate kiss?

Kissing with a tongue in a dream can be taken as an indication that you are lost in your dreams. The dream book recommends coming down to earth and looking at the world with a sober eye. A passionate kiss is a warning that there is a risk of a strong quarrel with a loved one. For people in a relationship, a French kiss can be a harbinger of betrayal. passionately predicts the occurrence of changes that will occur in the near future.

Why do you dream about kissing your hand?

Such a dream is a warning that you should not sign any documents in the near future. You should also be attentive to new acquaintances. If a gallant man kisses your hand, it means that you will soon have a chance to significantly improve your financial situation. Kissing your hand is also a sign of respect.

Why do you dream about a man's kiss?

If you kissed best friend, it means that in your heart you hope for a close relationship. A dream in which a kiss occurred with a handsome guy may indicate a lack of attention from the opposite sex. Kissing your loved one in a dream means you can make a profit in a completely unexpected way. If you dream of a kiss with your ex-boyfriend, this is an indication that the relationship is not over, and you will either get back together or become good friends.

In fact, if you show your character traits characteristic of this person.

Kissing an unknown person- something is wrong with you. Give up your goal for a while and change your lifestyle.

Kissing the dead- you will have to give up some hope. Now you need peace and only peace.

Freud's Dream Book

Kissing in a dream- for a woman, this dream foreshadows an acquaintance with a certain attractive man who, upon closer examination, turns out to be a real gigolo.

To the man who had such a dream- you need to be a little more gentle towards your “other half” - she has long been bored without your care.

If you saw someone else kissing in a dream- this means you will find yourself drawn into some unpleasant story.

Jewish dream book

To be kissed- disappointment in friends; vampire- loss of life; girl- a pleasant surprise; kiss a woman- squabbles and disputes; kiss the swallow- harmony in the family; kiss the baby- you will preserve freshness until old age; man- infidelity; kiss someone- betrayal, separation, false friends; kissing someone of the same sex- enmity; kissing doves- weasel.

Women's dream book

A dream in which your betrothed kisses another girl or woman- portends you an imminent separation.

If you dreamed that you merged in a kiss with your chosen one- be prepared for gossip and all sorts of intrigues that will not let you live in peace.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Kisses- are undoubtedly associated with young lovers. The imagination immediately draws images of two teenagers (not adults!), frantically kissing on a subway escalator. You may be kissing someone, watching others kiss, or having a premonition that you are about to be kissed.

Kissing someone else in a dream- in this way you can simply realize your sexual desire towards someone. Moreover, in this case, it is not a kiss for the sake of a kiss, but a kiss with the goal of feeling the energy of love.

Kiss- this is the desire to awaken passion, and it is not necessary that this passion will manifest itself. Do you see others kissing? This means that you know too much personal information about these people or you accept too much active participation in their lives. The exception is if you witness your partner kissing - this is a clear sign of infidelity or voyeurism in your relationship.

When you wake up feeling like someone wants to kiss you- this reflects your real sexual attraction to someone. Usually it doesn’t come to the kiss itself, because you wake up after that. The reason is a feeling of PROHIBITION: you want a kiss, but you understand that this is undesirable. What do you experience when kissing: pleasant feelings or threat? Did you long for this kiss or was it forced? What was your general feeling from the kiss: disgust, romantic feeling or passion?

Eastern women's dream book

Kiss- such a dream always foreshadows parting with the one you kiss, the more passionate the kiss- the sooner there will be separation.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Kissing with a person of the opposite sex- this will be the case in reality; with a person of the same sex- to a chronic disease of the genitourinary system.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Kissing for a man- to adultery; for women- to a family scandal; for unmarried people - to marriage.

Kiss passionately- to separation from someone who is dear and dear to you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Kiss- to insult in front of everyone.

To see in a dream how you kiss passionately with a stranger- get into some unpleasant situation for you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Kiss- to separation.

Kiss passionately- receive praise or a certificate of honor.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Kiss your hand- good prospects for the future; beautiful girl - close marriage; man- infidelity; want and dare not- sadness; land- anxiety; woman- squabbles, disputes; children- many joys in life; anyone at all- beware of infidelity; to be kissed- disappointment in friends.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

If someone sees the emperor kissing him- this portends wealth.

Dream book of lovers

Women have a similar dream- promises an acquaintance with a person who will initially make the most brilliant impression. However, it later turns out that this is a gigolo.

The man who had such a dream- must show more attention to his partner, as she feels that he has lost interest in her.

Watch another person kiss- portends you troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Kiss- reconciliation with the enemy; and for the girls- quick marriage.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Kissing the dead- serious illness, own death; farewell (if it is a loved one) on a more subtle, energetic, mental (astral) level.

Kiss- to separation, conflict, betrayal.

Kissing the dead- serious illness, death; love with a celebrity.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Kiss- friendship, happiness, conversation / betrayal, separation, quarrel, fight with someone, illness, bad luck, trouble, they want to steal or harm you, deceitful friends; with a nice girl- face deception, illness (for guys), joy; with a living person- Fine; with a dead man- illness, secret matter; with a deceased relative- expect sadness; girl and guy- bad, to illness; with a stranger- find; with a stranger- money / deception; same gender- false acquaintance, enmity; see kissing- sadness; air kiss- humility; kiss the ground- boredom, humiliation.

Kissing with an unknown and pleasant person- joy; with a freak or an old lady- unpleasant news; with the dead- secret; see others kiss- sadness.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Dreams about kissing- quite common. The oral erogenous zone is the main active zone that first appears in a person. It is involved in the first years after birth, when the child receives food from the mother's breast. In cases of normal mental development the activity of the oral zone is replaced by the activity of the anal zone, however, if there are failures in it, traces of the activity of the first remain for life. They are the ones who manifest themselves in dreams. Thus, if you dream of a kiss, this is a sign that the person you are kissing or who is kissing you is subconsciously represented by you as a deeply infantile object, that is, you do not perceive him as a real lover. Most likely, this person evokes in you associations with one of your relatives with whom you actively communicated in the first years of your life (this memory may be unconscious, that is, you may not even remember this person). If you are the active party in the kiss, this means your desire to “absorb” your partner, assimilate him into yourself, make him a part of you, yours, belonging to you. If he kisses you, you feel similar desires on his part.

Dream about kissing yourself- quite symptomatic. Based on Freud's theory, it should be interpreted as a reflection of the dreamer's narcissistic desires (that is, sexual attraction to himself). In accordance with this understanding, the meaning of a dream about kissing oneself can be as follows: 1) egocentric focus on one’s own person; 2) reluctance to see anything and no one around you; 3) thinking, capable of interpreting everything that happens in its favor, for itself, around itself.

Esoteric dream book

Kiss the baby- to the joy of communicating with loved ones and acquaintances; if the child is crying or sick, then this joy will be darkened.

Person of the opposite sex- to a quarrel with your spouse, lover (mistress) over trifles. The more kisses, the longer the quarrel.

Kissing an alien creature- you are accompanied in reality by some entity whose influence on your life is positive, if it is ugly or unattractive in a dream; negative if in a dream she shines with beauty.

With someone you know- This person is in danger.

With animals- to peace and joy.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Kiss- betrayal, separation; with a person of the same sex- enmity.

Collection of dream books

Kissing someone you know- this dream means that a threat or some kind of danger hangs over him.

Kiss stranger - to an unpleasant surprise.

Kiss the baby- to a pleasant surprise.

Seeing coworkers kissing you at work- to troubles, stress and negative emotions as a result of possible intrigues.

Are your relatives kissing you or are you kissing them?- to a lack of love and kindness in family relationships.

A kiss on the lips that you dreamed of may mean that in reality interesting events and life changes await you, but they may not be too joyful and may be accompanied by worries about the future.

If a girl dreamed of a kiss on the lips, and it was very long and memorable, then most likely love relationships difficult times will come. Perhaps your partner will soon start a quarrel that will drag on for a very long time. Moreover, even if you want to make peace, nothing good will come of it; a quarrel can even become the cause of a quarrel. Don’t make harsh decisions, let your partner think it over, let some time pass. It will put everything in its place

Dream Interpretation: kiss a man on the lips

If a man or guy kisses you passionately in a dream, then this is not a good sign. Such a dream indicates that illness is approaching. Perhaps you don't have enough rest in your life.

Kissing a man passionately on the lips in a dream can mean dissatisfaction in sex life. Such a dream can occur to girls who have insufficiently tender partners who care only about themselves.

In a dream, kissing a man on the lips, but not knowing who he is, is a sign that in reality you have been too wasteful lately and have not kept track of your finances.

A kiss on the lips in a dream can mean completely different events, it all depends on who is kissing whom.

If you kiss an enemy in a dream, you will soon find a new friend. Kissing your mother means increasing the degree of respect from colleagues and friends. Seeing little children kissing is a sign of happiness in family life.

Dream Interpretation: a guy kisses on the lips

If you recently broke up with your boyfriend, and now you are puzzled by your dream and don’t know why you dream about kissing your ex-boyfriend on the lips, we dare to assure you that there is nothing wrong with it. When a person has recently broken up with another, his energy remains close for some time, so to see in a dream ex-boyfriend or a girl can be for several weeks after the breakup, until the subconscious mind lets go of this person.

Pay attention to what feelings accompanied the cherished kiss. If you were happy about this event, then a new meeting will await you. If a kiss in a dream confused you, then most likely your thoughts are occupied with your lover.

Now you know what it means to dream of kissing a guy you know on the lips, and you can be ready for a new meeting. Listen to your own intuition, perhaps it will tell you that the person you kissed in your dream is not worthy of you forgetting about him. Perhaps this is a sign to get back into your old relationship or call him.

What does a kiss in a dream mean for a girl and a guy?

If in a dream you kiss your beloved girl, then in reality you will definitely quarrel with her, and she will be the one who starts this quarrel. The girl you kissed in your dream may even leave you. This departure may be forced, but it entails an unpleasant showdown, so guys should be careful after they dreamed of kissing a girl on the lips.

If a girl dreams of a guy whom she kisses, and they have a love affair in reality, then nothing good should be expected from this dream. In real life, she will quarrel with the guy, and also will not be able to arrange a future with him without clarifying the relationship.

If a married couple, namely the husband or wife, dreams of a kiss, then this only testifies to the strength of their union.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation: kiss in a dream

Tsvetkov interprets that a kiss in a dream only means treason or betrayal. Moreover, this may not necessarily be treason. loved one, maybe a stranger will simply deceive you, or the scammer will take advantage of your gullibility.

Vanga's dream book: the meaning of the dream kiss on the lips

The Bulgarian clairvoyant equated a kiss on the lips in a dream to a symbol of reconciliation and friendship. If you dreamed that a man kisses his woman, then they will be happy together for a long time. But if a girl herself kisses a guy, and even one to whom she is not married, there will be trouble, a quarrel will not be avoided.

Kissing a dead person on the lips means inviting trouble, illness or even death.

Miller's Dream Book: what does it mean to kiss in a dream?

Miller interprets dreams that involve a kiss depending on who is being kissed. If this is a relative, then such a kiss in a dream will only bring joy from friendly relations.

If in a dream you see your wife being kissed on the lips, then this is a sign that your relatives and friends will soon stop respecting you. If a girl dreams that she is kissing someone else, and her husband took her by surprise, then this is a sign that the friends are not who they say they are; most likely, they will set their friend up very soon.

Dream theme: ,

Many people believe that the symbols and images we see during dreams serve as warnings or predictions about future events in our lives. But even the most complete dream book It is unlikely that it will be able to accommodate information about all the interpretations of a particular dream. Today we would like to understand with you what what we see can mean. To do this, we will use explanations and interpretations of the most popular dream books from around the world.

Why do you dream about kisses?: dream book of Gustav Miller

If you see in a dream that one child is kissing another, then such an image is an omen family well-being and success in your career or business. If you dream that you are kissing your mother, then expect quick success in business, love and friendly relations. A kiss with a brother or sister speaks of future pleasures.

If you kiss your loved one in pitch darkness, then such a dream can be a harbinger of danger or dissolute behavior. If you kiss a stranger or a stranger, then this indicates impending immoral acts. If in a dream you kiss your spouse, then this is very good sign, speaking of harmony in your family relationships and that happiness will never leave your home. If you dreamed of a kiss with an enemy, then in real life you will be able to improve your relationship with one of your friends. If a girl dreamed that she was caught by surprise while kissing a fan, she should expect unpleasant actions from people whom she considers friends.

Why do you dream about kisses?: old French dream book

If you dream that you are kissing someone, then in the near future expect good luck in all your affairs and endeavors. If in a dream you kiss someone's feet, then you may be offended or humiliated. If you feel that someone is kissing you, then get ready for some joyful event or news.

Why do you dream about kisses?: Ukrainian dream book

This dream book claims that seeing yourself is an omen of future troubles and failures. If you kiss your friend, it means you will see him soon. If a girl kisses young man, then for the latter this may mean an imminent illness.

Why do you dream about kisses?: dream book from A to Z

This dream book mainly interprets various dreams, in which the weak half of humanity dreams of a kiss. If a girl dreams that a gallant and presentable man is kissing her hand, then she will soon have a chance to get rich. However, you need to be very careful not to miss it. If a tipsy friend of your husband or boyfriend tries to kiss you, then in real life you will be disappointed in him, and not without good reason. A kiss in a dream with a loved one is a symbol of an imminent wedding. If you dreamed that your husband was kissing another woman, then you should take this sign seriously: it is quite possible that in reality he is cheating on you.

Old English dream book: Why do you dream about kisses?

This dream book is regarded as bad sign kissing in a dream with someone you shouldn’t kiss in real life. This may be a harbinger of betrayal of a close friend or loved one.
