Separate diet for 90 days. Contraindications to the diet

The article contains the provisions of the 90-day diet separate power supply, detailed menu for every day delicious recipes for each stage of the diet. You will also learn about the results of losing weight and see photos of those who have lost weight.

A three-month diet of separate meals was invented by two journalist friends who specialize in gastronomic topics. Charter of strict diets, after which a food breakdown inevitably follows, and with it self-dissatisfaction and depression, Slovenians Breda Hrobat and Mojca Polanshek collected their knowledge in the field of nutrition and developed a unique 90-day scheme. In this scheme there was a place for an evening cake, and for pasta and potatoes.

90 day separate food diet: table

The 90 day method is based on the principles. Separate food - efficient scheme, following which you can not only lose weight, but also significantly improve your body health. This is especially true for the digestive system, which, with our normal diet, works hard.

In order to digest certain foods, an alkaline or acidic environment is created in the stomach. An incorrect combination of foods forces the stomach to cope with food using one particular medium, which is not always suitable for breaking down all components of the meal.

As a result, not a single product is absorbed 100%. The body is deprived of a significant proportion of nutrients, and undigested pieces of food begin to rot, emitting toxins.

Guided by the table of separate meals, Slovenians created their own diet. The idea to develop a new method of losing weight appeared after numerous failures of women who wanted to lose weight.

The girls noticed how much suffering the weaker sex endures during diets. These are strict restrictions in the choice of products, refusal of favorite delicacies, eating by the hour, semi-starvation.

The 90-day system does not have all this. The diet is a repeating 4-day cycle, each day of which is dedicated to a specific food group. Since the menu changes with each new day, the diet does not get boring even after 3 months. On one of the 4 days you are allowed to enjoy cakes, ice cream and other sweets, which makes the diet incomparably easier than other methods.

IMPORTANT: The advantage of the 90-day system is that in 3 months it helps not only to lose excess pounds, but also instills correct eating habits.

After the 90 day diet, you will no longer want to overeat. You will begin to feel the true taste of food, enjoy every bite, and the craving for unhealthy and fatty foods will disappear.

Video: Separate meals table. Product Compatibility

Separate food diet for 90 days: menu

Diet principles regarding diet and menu:

  • Frying with vegetable oil is prohibited. Stew and boil dishes, bake without adding fat and steam
  • The technique does not prohibit the consumption of bread, but reduce its amount to a minimum
  • Try to eat fruits only at the designated time for them, although you are allowed to snack on them occasionally
  • Buy unrefined and unprocessed foods. These are wholemeal flour, whole grains, bran bread, brown rice
  • Use only natural and fresh products. Don't eat processed foods, cook yourself. So you will be sure of the healthy composition of the dishes and the absence of toxic additives in them
  • Instead of store-bought sauces, add homemade sauces to your food.
  • Improve the taste of your dishes with a wide variety of spices, herbs and herbs
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters clean water per day. This is necessary to speed up metabolism and remove toxins and fat breakdown products from the body.
  • Keep track of your calories at first. It is important not to overeat, so control your caloric intake every day, especially for carbohydrate days
  • For breakfast, eat 1-2 fruits and a glass of berries. This rule applies every day
  • Imagine a meal that will fill you up. Eat exactly half of this amount
  • Plan dinner no later than 8 pm. This should be a light meal, half the size of lunch
  • Between 3 main meals, in case of insurmountable hunger, you are allowed to eat a couple of fruits

IMPORTANT: The 90-day diet is adapted for sports, so you don’t have to worry about lack of energy during training. If you are still far from sports, the authors of the method recommend increasing physical activity at least up to 15-30 minutes a day for greater efficiency losing weight.

Separate meals by day

The nutrition cycle consists of 4 days, which cannot be interchanged. The cycle is constantly repeating itself. When it ends for the 7th time, that is, 28 days of the diet have passed, the fasting day begins. Thus, every 29th day of weight loss should be marked by unloading and cleansing. There will be 3 such days in total for the weight loss course.

So, what days are included in the repeating cycle? Remember these days are coming in strict order, ranging from protein to fruit.

  • protein - you eat foods rich in protein
  • starchy - you eat foods that contain starch
  • carbohydrate - day of slow and fast carbohydrates
  • vitamin (fruit) day - a day marked by the whole variety of fruits and dried fruits
  • unloading - only water, tea, coffee, mineral drinks

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that regardless of the day, breakfast remains the same: a couple of fruits and a glass of any berries.

Protein day 90 day split diet: recipes

Zrazy in Warsaw style


  • beef meat - 600 g
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper, salt to taste

Cut the well-washed meat along the grain thin pieces, so that later they can be rolled into rolls, and beat them off. Mix finely chopped onion with salt, pepper and oil. Dip each cut piece of meat into this mixture and roll it into a roll, sprinkle salt on top.

IMPORTANT: You can secure the rolls with toothpicks or special threads.

In a low saucepan with a tight bottom, fry each roll on all sides. Then add enough water to cover the bottom and cook over low heat with the lid closed for about an hour and a half.

Stewed cabbage with chicken


  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg
  • white cabbage - 0.7 kg
  • tomato paste or puree - 3 tbsp
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper to taste

Saute the chopped onion in oil directly in the pan. Chop the chicken into medium cubes and brown along with the onion. When the fillet is browned, cover it completely with boiling water, add the pasta, shredded cabbage, salt and pepper. Cook with the lid closed for about half an hour. 5 minutes before complete readiness, add chopped garlic to the dish.

IMPORTANT: The dish will be even lower in calories if you do not use oil when stewing.

Starch day 90 day separate food diet: recipes

Warm potato salad


  • potatoes - 1 kg
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • French mustard - 3 tbsp
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp
  • salt, pepper to taste

Boil the potatoes with their skins, peel and cut into narrow cubes. Chop the onion into rings and mix with the potatoes. Make a smooth sauce from mustard, oil, salt and pepper. Cover the potatoes and onions with this mixture.

Vegetable steak


  • potatoes - 200 g
  • carrots - 200 g
  • white cabbage - 200 g
  • green peas - 200 g
  • rice - 2 tbsp
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper to taste

Boil all the vegetables, cook the rice separately. Combine the ingredients and mash the potatoes first. Form cutlets from the resulting mixture, dip them in flour and cook on a non-stick surface with a little oil.

IMPORTANT: Brown rather than white polished rice, as well as the use of buckwheat or bran flour instead of wheat, will make the dish more dietary.

Carbohydrate day 90 day split diet: recipes

Beet salad with bananas


  • beets - 2 pcs.
  • banana - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp

Cut the cooked beets, combine with diced banana, season with sour cream and sugar.

Radish salad


  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  • radish - 1 piece
  • white bread - 4 slices
  • raisins - 100 g
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • vegetable oil

Grind raw vegetables using a coarse grater. Cut the bread into small cubes, soak in water with dissolved sugar, dry on a non-stick surface with the addition of vegetable oil. Combine all ingredients and add vegetable oil.

Results of a 90 day split diet. Photo

The result of your efforts will be uniform weight loss without harm to health. On average, the monthly weight is 1-3 kg, which experts call weight loss that is comfortable for the body. If you have a high body mass index, you can lose up to 25 kg over the entire course.

  • Continue to eat fruit for breakfast
  • Start your day with a glass of boiled water with 1 tsp. honey
  • Follow the basic principles of separate nutrition, do not combine incompatible foods in one meal
  • Increase the volume of food and calorie intake, but do not overeat

Video: Myths about separate meals

Want to reset overweight? The 90-day split-meal diet will help you, and the menu for every day will simplify the task. The 90-day diet is designed to accustom you to separate meals and a new menu!

Strict diets that involve a diet with a limited amount of food cause many problems in women. First of all, sitting on them is difficult psychologically. The body is experiencing a shortage nutrients, quickly loses weight, but subsequently there is a high risk that all the kilograms will return to their places and take their “buddies” with them. Two friends originally from Slovenia invented a diet that lasts for 3 months. Their goal was to come up with a nutrition system that would save women from suffering and allow them to significantly lose weight, but without drastic measures and hunger strike. This is how a 90-day diet appeared, based on the principles of separate nutrition.

The essence of the diet

The idea is as follows: the menu for the next 90 days is strictly divided into 4 types. The diet offers 4 types of days:

  • Protein.
  • Starch.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Vitamin.

On each day you need to eat only certain foods. This will not be difficult, since the list of allowed dishes is quite large. And on every 29th day you need to drink only water to relieve the body. Before you figure out what foods are allowed and how to structure your diet as part of this diet, it’s worth finding out what benefits it brings.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Any nutrition program can either help the body or harm it. What is good about the 90 day diet?

  • Products are selected based on their compatibility with each other, so they are perfectly absorbed by the body.
  • The results are successfully consolidated, there is a high chance that the lost kilograms will not return.
  • The diet is balanced, so the body receives all the necessary substances.
  • The diet does not cause psychological discomfort.

Disadvantages can only appear if you have contraindications. These nutritionists include problems with the excretory and digestive systems, lactation period and pregnancy.

Reviewing your habits is a logical step when following any diet. And you will need to work out new look on the regime and process of eating:

  • Be patient. The body will gradually get used to the new regime, and following the diet will not cause discomfort. The main thing is to survive the first days.
  • The diet is designed for 90 days, and you must complete this marathon to the end. Only then can you count on consolidating the results.
  • Find time for physical exercise , walk more. Cycling and jogging are beneficial.
  • Remember about drinking regime. Every day the body needs to be given 2 liters of fluid.
  • Give up alcohol. The diet menu does not include its use.
  • Follow dietary recommendations. This diet recommends having your main meal at lunchtime, and eating little in the morning and evening.
  • Reduce portions, conditionally dividing the old norm into two.
  • Disruptions are possible, you just need to persevere the next day according to the appropriate program.

Products within the diet

For each day, the authors offer a specific set of products, within which you need to prepare various dishes.

  • Protein days. It is allowed to eat meat, fish, broths, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, dairy products, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and bread (whole grain only).
  • Starchy days. The diet should use only legumes, cereals, vegetable broths, any vegetables, and bread (whole grain).
  • Carbohydrate days. You can enjoy flour dishes (pasta, flatbreads), baked goods (without eggs, milk and yeast), introduce cereals; cookies, dark chocolate or a scoop of ice cream are allowed for dinner.
  • Vitamin days. The diet consists only of fruits, nuts, seeds, soaked dried fruits, juices (from natural vegetables and fruits).

The variety of products allows you to come up with new dishes so that 90 days fly by quickly, taking with you extra pounds.

Indicative menu for each day

It will be easier to understand exactly how to build a diet if you study the example in the table below.

Days of the week Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday – proteinOmelette and tea without sugarSalmon steak – 150 g, green salad – 100 gChicken sandwich fillet and tomatoKefir or fermented baked milk – 1 tbsp.
Tuesday – starchyBaked potatoes – 1 piece, whole grain bread. – 2 pieces, coffee without sugarVegetable. stew – 250 gBeans with celery and turmeric (stewed) – 200 gDried fruits
Wednesday – carbohydrateBuckwheat with milk – portion, flatbreadHomemade pizza – 300 gSpaghetti with tomato sauce and basil - portionTea, a piece of dark shock., cookies – 2 pcs.
Thursday – vitamin dayFresh berries – 1 tbsp.Fruit salad – 250 gApples, baked with cinnamon – 200 gMelon – 2 pieces.
Friday – proteinVar. eggs – 2 pcs., whole grain bread. – 2 pieces.Chicken grilled fillet – 200 g, green salad– 200 gOmelet with cheese and ham. – 200 gLow fat cottage cheese
Saturday – starchyFresh berries – 1 tbsp.Eggplant with carrots and garlic (stew) – 200 g, whole grain bread. – 1 piece.Potato casserole – 200 gBanana – 1 pc.
Sunday - carbohydrate2 any fruitsVegetable lasagna – 250 gPie – 150 gHot chocolate – 1 cup

Here are some recommendations regarding food processing and the cooking process within this diet:

  • Only stewing and boiling suits you. Baking in the oven is allowed, but not often.
  • Fruits should be minimized in favor of vegetables.
  • Avoid non-whole grain bread completely.
  • When cooking, use a minimum of fat.
  • Cook more on your own, avoiding visiting public catering establishments.
  • Minimize salt, give preference to herbs and spices.

It is very important to exit this food system correctly. If you continue to follow some recommendations, the lost pounds will not return and you will be able to enjoy the ease and your slim body. After leaving the diet:

  • Keep giving up harmful products in favor of useful ones.
  • Separate products according to their compatibility as much as possible.
  • Minimize alcohol consumption.
  • Follow your meal schedule: breakfast and dinner are light, lunch is the main part of the diet.
  • Lead active life by playing sports, spending a lot of time walking and exercising.

The diet is created in such a way that over a 90-day period the body gets used to eating in a certain way. Therefore, there will be no problems later. Metabolic processes are rebuilt to a new level.

How many kg did you manage to lose thanks to the 90-day diet?

Achieve good results Without harm to the body, a 90-day diet based on the principles of separate nutrition allows. It makes it possible to normalize metabolism, lose excess weight and record the results for a long time. After 90 days of proper nutrition, excess weight does not return again and again, as happens with other diets. What is this type of diet and what are its features? Let's look further.

Who is this weight loss option suitable for?

The 90-day diet is a real godsend for people who have been losing weight for a long time or have only recently begun to fight extra pounds. This option weight loss will do people who have 20 or more kg of excess weight, and also have metabolic disorders. The diet has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and makes it possible to quickly get rid of unnecessary pounds.

Accelerating metabolism is the main factor that ensures lasting results over time. It is the accelerated metabolic processes that make it possible to consolidate the result and remain at a normal weight for a stably long time.

The essence of the diet

The three-month diet is based on the principles of separate nutrition. Scientists have been able to establish that this type of food intake has a very beneficial effect on the organs and the entire body as a whole, and has a good healing effect. Reducing the number of calories consumed ensures the burning of extra pounds.

Most people note that in the first days it is very difficult and unusual to adhere to the basic principles of the diet. As you get used to the new eating option, the discomfort will decrease. After 2-3 weeks, complete adaptation occurs, and subsequently the diet is more easily tolerated.

Initially, you should tune in to the fact that:

  • The diet has clear deadlines - your “torment” in the form of some restrictions in food intake will last certain time- only three months.
  • The success of the diet depends on the willingness to unquestioningly follow its principles, combine foods correctly and abandon the usual type of diet.
  • After three months, you will need to continue to monitor your weight, combine proper nutrition with regular exercise.

Before starting a diet, you should weigh yourself and measure the basic parameters of your figure in order to determine the extent of changes for the better after finishing the diet.

What is a 90-day split diet (video)

Diet 90 days of separate meals. Basic principles, approaches, sample menu, contraindications and main advantages.

We follow the basic principles

The diet is based on 4-day nutrition cycles. A new day - a certain grocery set.

Day 1 of the cycle – protein. This is where the diet starts. Throughout this day, you should eat exclusively protein foods - eggs, fish and meat dishes, dairy products.

Day 2 of the cycle – starchy. The diet should be rich in foods with the highest starch content. Here, first of all, we are talking about all kinds of cereals, potatoes, other starchy vegetables and fruits, grain bakery products.

Day 3 of the cycle – carbohydrate. The diet should be based on vegetables and fruits, pasta, and yeast-free homemade baked goods. It is on the third day of the cycle that you can treat yourself to a few pieces of dark chocolate or your favorite dessert.

4th day of the cycle – fruity. On this day, fruit consumption is indicated. Dried fruits and seeds of various fruits (for example, pumpkin) are also allowed. Fans of freshly squeezed juices can afford 1-2 glasses of their favorite drink.

Do not forget that juice is the same food that replaces a full meal.

The days of the cycle repeat one after another. The 29th day has arrived on the calendar - it’s time to unload the body. This day should be a fasting day, during which you need to allow the body to cleanse itself and rest exclusively on the water. Then the diet cycle begins from the very beginning, from the 1st protein day.

90 day diet menu

For all three months of the diet, breakfast should be the same. Each person can plan the menu for other meals during the day depending on their taste preferences. Below is a sample menu for the week:

Day 1 – meat. Breakfast: One favorite ripe fruit and several berries. Lunch: 150 g green salad, 200 g grilled salmon steak. Afternoon snack: sandwich with tomato, slice boiled chicken and lettuce leaves. Dinner: a glass of your favorite fermented milk drink - sourdough, low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.

Day 2 – vegetable-starchy. Breakfast: berries and fruits (similar to day 1). Lunch: 200-250 g vegetable stew. Afternoon snack: baked apple or pumpkin. Dinner – 100-150 g of dried fruits.

Day 3 – sweet, carbohydrate. Breakfast is the same as day 1. Lunch: 250-300 g pizza homemade. Afternoon snack: noodles with hard cheese and tomato sauce. Dinner: black or green tea with a piece of homemade biscuit.

Day 4 – fruit and vitamin. Breakfast: similar to day 1. Lunch: salad from your favorite fruit (no more than 250-300 g). Dinner: a few pieces of watermelon or melon.

Day 5 – protein. Breakfast: similar to day 1. Lunch: green salad with legumes and avocado. Afternoon snack: omelet with hard cheese and sausage. Dinner: cottage cheese with a low fat content.

Day 6 – vegetable. Breakfast is the same. Dinner: stewed vegetables– eggplants, zucchini, carrots, sweet pepper(200-250 g), 50 g bread. Afternoon snack: potato casserole with parsley or other herbs to taste. Dinner – apple or banana.

Day 7 – carbohydrate. Breakfast is the same. Lunch: vegetable lasagna. Afternoon snack: 100-150 g apple pie. Dinner: a glass of hot chocolate or tea with homemade cakes.

Compatibility of products with separate power supply (video)

Separate meals for weight loss. What do you need to know about product compatibility when feeding separately? Advice from a professional specialist.

Recipes for the 90 day diet

Below are several recipes that will help diversify your menu during a diet and please yourself with tasty and satisfying dishes.

Boiled chicken on protein day

Wash a medium-sized chicken well, place in a pan and pour cold water. Add 1 whole carrot and 1 onion (pre-peeled), salt and black pepper (in small quantities). Cook over low heat until done. Remove the finished chicken from the broth and separate the meat from the bones. Portioned pieces of chicken can be divided into several meals. Eat warm with vegetables or a side dish of legumes.

Rice with vegetables on a starchy day

To prepare the dish you need to prepare: 150 g of rice, 250 ml of broth, one carrot and a medium-sized onion, 1 bell pepper, a couple of cloves of garlic, salt, olive oil. Finely chop the vegetables, add garlic and lightly fry in olive oil. Pour in the broth and add the pre-washed rice. Simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes with the lid closed. In 5 min. until done, add salt to taste. Rice with vegetables goes well with a green salad.

Buckwheat porridge for a starchy day

Rinse 2 cups of cereal thoroughly and pour into a deep container, ideally a pot. Pour water in a 2:1 ratio (two glasses of water to one glass of cereal). Add a teaspoon butter and a little salt. Mix the ingredients and place the pot in the preheated oven. To prevent the porridge from burning, it must be stirred periodically during cooking.

This method is also suitable for preparing wheat or pearl barley porridge.

Lenten pancakes on carb day

In a deep bowl, mix 2.5 cups of sifted flour, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a little salt, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and? glasses mineral water. Ideally, beat the ingredients using a mixer. If you don’t have one at hand, then a regular whisk will do. Pancakes should be baked in a well-heated frying pan until golden brown.

To make the dessert even more delicious, you can prepare a delicious filling - chop one banana and add some nuts, raisins, a little grated dark chocolate and? teaspoon butter. Wrap the filling in pancakes, spreading the remaining chocolate on top. The meal is ready. Bon appetit!

Fruit salad with exotic fruits on vitamin day

Cut one large avocado, banana, kiwi and tangerine into small pieces. Place in a salad bowl, mix thoroughly and sprinkle with a small amount of lemon juice. The delicious delicacy is ready.

To achieve your goal, lose excess weight and not gain it again, during your diet be sure to follow simple but significant recommendations:
  • In the morning, have breakfast exclusively with fruits, without expanding your diet with other foods.
  • Have lunch no earlier than noon. Ideally, between twelve and one o'clock in the afternoon.
  • If hunger makes itself felt ahead of time, you can have a light snack. You can use apples, bananas, kiwis, and citrus fruits as a snack.
  • The break between lunch and dinner should be about three hours.
  • On a “protein day,” the intervals between main meals should be an average of four hours.
  • On the day of eating fruits and vegetables, breaks between breakfast, lunch and dinner should be minimal - 2-3 hours.
  • Refuse any food after 20.00.
  • At lunch, eat all the required amount of food. By evening, portions can be reduced.
  • For nutrition and preparation of various dishes, you should use only high-quality and fresh products, and do not use semi-finished products.
  • It is unacceptable to consume foods containing so-called hidden fats, sugars and other additives harmful to the body.
  • Cook all dishes in a small amount of vegetable or olive oil. They should also be used to dress salads.
  • Preference should be given to baked dishes, as well as steamed food.
  • Minimize the amount of salt and various seasonings on the menu.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of still water per day. It is also allowed to drink tea, coffee and compotes.
  • Don’t forget about sports and exercise regularly.

Quitting the diet

To consolidate the results obtained, you should exit the diet correctly. After 90 days, it is recommended not to refuse, but to continue to follow its basic rules:
  • have fruit for breakfast in the morning;
  • observe the principles of separate nutrition;
  • do not disrupt the schedule and regularity of meals.
Numerous reviews of the 90-day separate food diet indicate that within 90 days the human body adapts and gets used to the new regime and way of eating, after which it becomes a banal habit.

To feel full, the body needs much less food. At the same time, the daily diet becomes sufficient for an active lifestyle, vigor and strength. Extra pounds no longer appear.

The results of the diet may vary. So, for example, a person with slight excess body weight can lose from 6 to 9 kg during a three-month diet. At the same time, very obese people can achieve more significant results by losing 20-25 kg in 90 days.

Main advantage separate diet the fact that it allows you to completely rebuild and regulate metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which the extra pounds go away forever.


Separate nutrition is not an option for everyone; it has its contraindications. You should avoid the 90 day diet:
  • people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • minors (a growing body needs a different nutritional system);
  • women during pregnancy.
Even if there are no above-mentioned or other contraindications, before going on a diet, it is worth consulting with a therapist (or nutritionist) so that the experiment with nutrition does not result in dire consequences for the body and does not lead to an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

Pros and cons of the 90 day diet

Separate power supply has a lot of advantages and a small number of disadvantages.

Among the main advantages are the following:

  • A long diet (three months) allows the body to completely adapt to new system nutrition, get used to it, consolidate the right habits and never return to the old ones.
  • The diet can be quite varied and has every chance of fitting perfectly into your family’s menu - you won’t have to prepare different dishes separately for yourself and your household.
  • Most of the “allowed” dishes and products during the diet are on the menus of cafes and restaurants. This means that various special events and other feasts “will not pass you by.”
  • Thanks to a varied diet, the body does not adapt to the same type of food, resulting in weight loss throughout the three months of the diet.
  • Periodic consumption of sweets and all kinds of goodies in the form of fresh fruit allows the body to take a break from the diet and regain strength.

The 90-day split diet, invented by Breda Hrobat and Mojca Polanshek from Slovenia, differs from many other meal plans for weight loss not only in its duration, but also in its enviable variety in the menu. The authors set as their goal to force the metabolism of a person losing weight to work more intensively and accustom him to a certain discipline in matters of food intake, but do not seek to deprive a person of gastronomic joys. Get acquainted with recipes for each of the four phases - protein, starch, carbohydrate and vitamin.

90 Day Diet Recipes: You Can Eat Anything! But in due time

The 90-day separate diet is organized very simply: it consists of repeating cycles of days, the sequence of which cannot be changed.

1 day - protein
Day 2 - starchy day
Day 3 - carbohydrate
Day 4 - vitamin (fruit).

At the end of the cycle, it is repeated again, after every seventh cycle (i.e., every 29th day of the 90-day diet), it is necessary to carry out a fasting aqua day, during which you should not eat anything and drink plain still water.

90 day diet recipes: allowed foods by day

  • 1 Protein day on a 90 day diet: meat, fish, seafood, eggs,cheese, cottage cheese, any dairy products without additives. All vegetables except starchy ones. No more than one slice of whole grain bread (at lunch only!).
  • 2 Starch day on a 90 day diet:legumes (including lentils and soybeans), cereals, vegetables, including starchy vegetables and potatoes,one slice of whole grain bread (at lunch).
  • 3 Carbohydrate day on a 90 day diet: pasta, bread, crackers, vegetable pizza, buckwheat and barley, millet,
    any vegetables and tomato sauce, yeast-free baked goods without eggs, sweets.
  • 4 Vitamin day on a 90-day diet: fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices, seeds and nuts (no more than 25 grams).

90 day diet menu: less exotic, more realism

The names of the days eloquently indicate which ingredient is the priority today. However, calling their 90-day diet a separate food diet, the authors establish far from strict rules for selecting foods - it is allowed to use salt, spices, and some additives (including bouillon cubes).

When combining foods, it is important not to eat protein foods with carbohydrates, except for non-starchy vegetables and tomatoes, which the authors treat with great reverence, believing that tomatoes and simple tomato sauce without additives can be eaten on almost any day, except for fasting. It is also not recommended to mix in one meal protein products from different sources- for example, eat fish with cottage cheese or meat with eggs.

Breda and Mojcza took a practical approach to compiling recipes for the 90-day diet experienced housewives: All dishes can be easily prepared at home using ingredients that can be found in any store and served to the whole family.

Daily diet menu for 90 days: design diagram


Every day (except for fasting days) - any two fruits or fruit + a glass of any berries


300 ml of broth (on a protein day - meat, on a starch and carbohydrate day - vegetable) + a hot dish or salad from the permitted ingredients


On a carbohydrate day - 1 strip (20 g) of dark chocolate + a serving of ice cream, 1 cake or 3 small cookies

On protein and starch days - ½ serving of the hot dish or salad you had for lunch

On vitamin day - ½ serving of the dish you ate for lunch or 1 grapefruit (or 2 slices of watermelon, a serving of soaked dried fruits, fresh fruit of your choice).

Thus, in essence, on a 90-day diet, you need to choose and prepare only one complete dish per day, calculating the quantity so that it is enough for lunch and dinner. Our recipes for the 90-day diet will help you better imagine what this food might be like and get inspired by the Slovenian flavor.

90 day diet recipes, protein day: chicken paprikash

Ingredients: large chicken breast(or three thighs, all without skin), 2 onions, 1 clove of crushed garlic, olive oil, 1 tsp red paprika, a pinch of marjoram, a little chili pepper or Tabasco sauce.


  • 1 Fry finely chopped onion in 1 teaspoon of olive oil until soft, add chicken cut into large cubes, fry until lightly browned.
  • 2 Add garlic and all spices, mix well.
  • 3 Pour in the paprikash hot water, reduce the heat to low, leave the dish to simmer under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Serve with fresh herbs or lettuce.

90 Day Diet Recipes, Carbohydrate Day: Noodle Dumplings

Ingredients: 120 g flour, 125 ml water, 1 tbsp olive oil, a little salt, 1 onion, pureed tomato sauce.


  • 1 Knead the dough from flour, water and salt - one should have a consistency that allows it to easily pass through a colander with sparse round holes.
  • 2 Add olive oil to 2-3 liters of boiling water and pour in the dough through a colander, stirring constantly.
  • 3 Cook until tender (about 5 minutes), drain the dumpling noodles in a shallow colander or remove with a slotted spoon, serve with sautéed onions, adding herbs if desired.

Diet 90 days, starch day: potato moussaka casserole

Ingredients: 6 medium-sized potatoes, 3 medium tomatoes (or several cherry tomatoes), 1 cup boiled lentils or beans, 1 grated carrot, 100 ml of any broth, salt, pepper, 1 tbsp finely chopped parsley, 1 tbsp olive oil.


  • 1 Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and cut into slices.
  • 2 Place potatoes, lentils, carrots, sliced ​​​​tomatoes in layers in a fireproof, lightly greased dish, sprinkle with olive oil, season with ground pepper.
  • 3 Pour broth over the future moussaka (can be replaced with skim milk), bake at 200 C until browned. Serve sprinkled with parsley or green onions.

90 day diet recipes, vitamin day: pears with honey

Ingredients: 3 large yellow pears, 3 spicy cloves, vanilla extract, cinnamon, honey, nuts.


  • 1 Cut the pears into thin slices and lightly simmer in a frying pan with water, cloves and vanilla.
  • 2 Let cool, add 1 tbsp honey and cinnamon on the tip of a knife.
  • 3 Stir gently so that the slices do not break and the honey disperses; sprinkle the dish with nuts (no more than 25 g).