How to remember traffic tickets before the exam: useful tips and tricks. How to easily and quickly learn traffic tickets? Secrets and tips

Traffic rules are the rules traffic, in case someone forgot or didn’t know until now. Ask anyone if you need to know traffic rules, and they will answer that yes, of course. This is so important...

But in reality, they begin to learn traffic rules only when they are going to take a driver’s license. It seems like why should a pedestrian learn the rules if he is only crossing the road.

All that today's pedestrians know is that they need to cross the road when the traffic light is green, at a special zebra crossing, and most importantly, that a driver who does not allow a pedestrian to pass at the crossing may be fined.

Knowledge of the latter pushes some headless pedestrians to literally jump out onto the pedestrian crossing, forcing cars to brake sharply, which provokes accidents and often ends in them, and all because they don’t actually know the rules, and they haven’t even seen paragraph 4.5 of the traffic rules. .

However, in addition to knowledge of the rules of the road, there must also be common sense. But a deeper knowledge of the duties of pedestrians would not hurt, but would help them better understand the traffic situation and not expose their lives to unnecessary danger.

The whole problem is that no one wants to learn the rules if they don't require it. If it weren’t for the traffic police exam, where you need to show your knowledge, no one would probably teach them at all.

No one wants to spend their time learning the rules just because they think that it takes a lot of time, that there are a lot of these rules and that they are very difficult to learn and it is impossible to do it quickly.

In fact, the rules of the road are a very thin book, which you can read very quickly - in just 1 hour, without having the speed reading technique.

For pedestrians, even this would be enough. Just read and focus on the section that describes the responsibilities of pedestrians.

Drivers need deeper knowledge, which is why the question arises of how to quickly learn traffic rules. And as was said earlier, this question usually arises before the traffic police exam.

It’s actually very easy to quickly learn traffic rules...

There are, of course, special memorization techniques that you can use computer programs, but there is also a more reliable way, suitable for absolutely everyone, to quickly learn the rules, for which you don’t need anything special.

You probably know that we all perceive and assimilate differently. various types information. Some perceive things better by ear, some remember images, others have a photographic memory.

And now you will learn how to quickly, and most importantly, easily and very reliably learn traffic rules, and you will understand why it is so easy - much easier than people think.

The thing is that for studying traffic rules there are ready-made materials for absolutely all types of memory.

All you need are the traffic rules themselves and the questions from the tickets for them. Buy a book like this with questions from traffic rules tickets, where these questions are divided into sections, just like the traffic rules themselves.

You can learn the rules quickly and easily if you skillfully combine various types memory.

You will need to either read the rules of the road yourself, or ask someone to read them out loud to you, if this makes it easier for you to understand the material.

For example, take the section “Unregulated intersections” and read (or listen to) it. All sections in the traffic rules are small in volume, so it will take you only a few minutes to study the theory, quite quickly, you will agree.

After reading the section, try to mentally repeat what you read, check how well you managed to learn. It turned out well, nothing bad happened. You can re-read it again, or you can immediately move on to consolidating the material in the form of images.

As images we will use pictures that are available on almost all traffic tickets. There are, of course, questions without pictures, but they are usually very easy to remember. If not, draw a picture yourself (can be absolutely ugly) that will help capture the desired image.

In other words, after studying the theory from the traffic rules book, immediately move on to studying questions from the same topic. For this, we needed a special book with questions divided by topic.

That is, after studying the theory, we work through the acquired knowledge by answering questions that may appear on the tickets.

After studying the first section, we move on to the next and so on until the end of the rules, until all the material has been worked out. There is no need to return to sections already studied.

After the first pass, you will have mastered approximately 80% of the material.

In order to learn and consolidate the material 100%, you will need to repeat the procedure 1-2 more times, only this will take much less time.

Personally, all this took me 5 days, in each of which I studied for about two hours a day - 1 hour in the morning on the train, when I was going to work, and 1 hour in the evening, when I was coming from work.

After that, going through all the tickets, I didn’t make a single mistake, and there was still so much time before the exams. Then, before the exam, I went through all the tickets again, and during the exam there was not even a shadow of doubt that the theory would be passed.

I hope my experience on how to quickly learn traffic rules will be useful to you, and you will confidently press the buttons at the traffic police. Good luck! However, now that you know how to quickly learn the rules, and most importantly remember everything very reliably, there is little point in relying on luck. You can handle it anyway, quickly and correctly, answering all the questions.

After basic training at a driving school, each future driver approaches the examination part. First of all, the theoretical part is given. At the traffic police you need to answer a certain number of tickets. Most students studying at this stage face difficulties and do not know how to quickly learn the 2019 traffic rules to pass the exam. Some people try to learn everything in a night, some in a day, some in a week, but it’s better to do it gradually. Only the driving school student himself knows how much strength and nerves this requires. First, you need to calm down and outline a plan for your individual study on the eve of the exam. First of all, let's figure out who is considered the main one on the road - this is the traffic controller, then the traffic light, then various road signs.

First of all, try to remember the signs as their importance decreases on the roadway.

  • A traffic controller appears on the highway to regulate traffic and overrides the significance of traffic lights.
  • A traffic light is a flow regulator.
  • Signs temporarily installed may indicate repairs road surface in a certain area.
  • Signs of constant value establish the order of movement during the absence of other regulatory values.
  • Road markings determine the direction of vehicles and pedestrians.
What to do to remember

If you have no driving practice, then remembering the signs can be quite problematic. Try to learn the pictures and descriptions for them. On the street, try to pay more attention to them and say what each sign you meet means.

The easiest way to learn signs is to divide them into shapes and colors. The traffic rules distinguish the following forms of signs:

  • round;
  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • triangular.

They come with a white, blue, red background.

The first thing you need to remember is the signs that prescribe and prohibit. Such signs are made in the form of a circle. Any driver should remember that round signs should never be ignored. Most main sign- a round shape with a red border, which means a prohibition of movement, as well as a red round sign with a white rectangle, in common parlance - to any territory.


Such signs always have white background and red border. The exception is signs that prohibit parking - they have a blue background. These signs prohibit certain actions, which are depicted in the central part. They are installed at the beginning/end of cities, towns, at crossroads, and so on.


This type of signs also has round shape, but they have a blue background. Directional arrows play a prescriptive role.


Triangular signs are divided into 2 types: warning and regulatory intersections.

  • Warning signs are installed at the most dangerous sections of the road. They can talk about the imminent appearance of a tunnel, descent, ascent, narrowing of the road surface, ice, and so on.
  • The following view warns the driver about the right process passage at intersections of roads, narrow areas, and so on.

Main road and yield signs are always posted at every intersection.


Rectangular or square shape are introducing or canceling movements on a designated road section.

Symbols on square-shaped signs indicate the direction of flow on the lanes of the road, and zones are also designated pedestrian crossing or residential areas, highways, stops, beginning/end of a road with one direction of movement. They are not demanding, but if you ignore it, then most likely you will see a prohibition sign next. Therefore, it is better to immediately act according to these signs.

This group includes signs that inform about populated areas and traffic modes. They indicate the numerical value of the distance to a city, village, etc., road numbers, designations and names of reservoirs, and so on. These signs do not require any performance from the driver, but only inform about what is further on the road.

The group also includes service signs; they indicate gas stations, car washes, campsites, first aid stations, and so on. They are intended exclusively for additional use. information and show the distance to specific place. They are installed in front of the object.

Additional informants on the vehicle

These signs are part of an informational group that does not oblige the driver to take immediate action.

  • Exclamation mark in a square yellow indicates that the driver is a beginner and has less than two years of driving experience.
  • Disabled person driving.
  • Driving school vehicles
  • Studded tires
  • Dangerous goods.
  • Children in transport.
  • A sign in the form of an oval, where the country of registration of the vehicle is written. It is needed when traveling outside the Russian Federation.
Road markings

Road marking - organizes the movement and location of a vehicle on road surface. The markings are white and yellow (sometimes orange).

  • horizontal - sets the necessary modes for vehicle movement;
  • vertical - applied on sections of the road where increased attention is required (black and white markings).

It is worth remembering that white markings are permanent, yellow markings are temporary.

Non-standard and effective approach to training

Many people think that it is very difficult to learn the theoretical part of the rules of the road at home. But this is a misconception. In the age of technology, this is much easier. Firstly, there are a sufficient number of printed publications that will help solve this problem. Secondly, on our website you can.

It is worth noting that recently passing these tests is considered the most common method self-study theoretical part. You just need to answer the questions. If you answer incorrectly, the following will appear on the screen: the right decision question. With repeated training, a person begins to remember the correct answers, even on a subconscious level.

Another non-standard method— learn traffic rules together with an experienced driver. People who for a long time drive a car, know all the signs non-standard form. They will be able to tell you what drivers call this or that sign and what it means. As practice shows, learning signs with non-standard names is much easier and simpler.

If you want to pass the exam on the theoretical part, then in any case you will have to know the whole theory. It is much easier to remember everything - not to memorize, but simply to understand the rules and notations. Remember, you just need to understand and understand, then you will learn all the tickets easily and quickly. And don’t get your hopes up, this year you won’t be able to buy a theory test at the traffic police even through your friends. So, novice drivers, get your books ready!

How to quickly and efficiently learn all the rules of the road in order to pass the exam updated: February 10, 2019 by: admin

The human brain is a very practical thing. He remembers only what, for some reason, seems important to him, and discards what is unimportant. The brain considers abstract numbers and obscure phrases informational garbage, which should be, if not gotten rid of, then put into the farthest memory closet. Therefore, attempts to memorize traffic rules from a book will most likely be futile.

In order for numbers and clerical language to be interesting and memorable, they need to be made less abstract, more alive.

1. Add a little personal touch

A rough example: if you are once fined for jaywalking, you will remember for a long time when you can cross the roadway and when you shouldn’t.

However, you don’t have to face fines. Just try to try on the points set out in the traffic rules for yourself.

For example, if you currently travel by tram rather than by car, find this an advantage: the tram is always right. This is an accessible, personal presentation of one of the basic principles of traffic rules: with an equal right to travel, a tram has an advantage over other vehicles, regardless of the direction of movement.

Correlating the theory with personal experience, you can easily click the tram problems in the exam.

2. Laugh

Laughter reduces the level of cortisol, a stress hormone that inhibits the functions of the hippocampus. And this area of ​​the brain is responsible for translating information into lasting memories. In addition, when we laugh, the level of feel-good endorphins in the body increases.

The net effect is that if you laugh, you will remember the information that made you laugh better than any other information. Tales, jokes, caricatures about traffic - great way record traffic rules in memory.

In Russia, new highway markings have been introduced - three solid lines. They mean the same thing as two or one, but something must be done!


Unlike the traffic police test, you will have an unlimited number of attempts. Bring solving traffic rules problems to the point of automaticity - and your driver’s license is almost in your pocket!

Every year the number of cars Russian roads is growing steadily. Accordingly, the number of students in driving schools is increasing. Nowadays, no one is surprised by teenagers sitting at desks next to women of about 50. It’s good if a future driver can devote everything free time studying tickets. Otherwise, the question of how to learn traffic rules faster will become one of the most pressing.

Here are some tips to help you cope with this difficult task.

What topics are included in the ticket?

No matter how trivial it may sound, in order to learn something, you need to teach it. There is no magic pill with which you can pass the exam without even looking at the tickets. It takes at least a day, or even better, two days to consolidate the material.

How to learn traffic rules faster with a minimum of time? First, you should understand the essence of the tasks. All tickets are divided into several topics (there are 24 of them in the rules). The ticket includes 1-2 questions from each topic, and some, for example, the use of special signals, may not be there at all. Will definitely be included general provisions: who is a participant in the movement, what is the road and others. As a rule, it is enough to read these questions once; they are quite simple and do not require memorization. The topics of first aid or actions in case of an accident will definitely be covered. They don’t require anything fantastic - before you can easily learn the traffic rules related to this topic, it’s enough to remember the school life safety course to get your bearings on the topic of how to stop bleeding, apply bandages or transport the victim.

Traffic controller signs

There are a number of topics that do not need to be taught, but simply understood and taken apart. These include traffic controller signs and intersections. If a person is puzzled by the question of how easier it is to learn traffic rules, they should start with them.

The basic principle of movement according to a signal from a traffic controller is from sleeve to sleeve. By remembering this simple rule, the student will always answer correctly when returning the ticket. If the traffic controller is standing with his back, consider that he is standing as a “wall” - movement is prohibited. If sideways or in front, then you need to imagine the trajectory of movement, conditionally entering one sleeve and leaving the second. For example, a traffic controller stands in front of the car with his right arm extended, his left at his sides. We draw a mental line: arm-shoulder line, arm. The imaginary line will go to the right, which means the car can turn right.

Driving through intersections

Crossroads pose considerable difficulties for students. Here, too, there is a set of rules, once you understand them, you can click difficult questions on this topic like seeds. The most famous of them is the rule right hand. It says that when driving through an equivalent intersection, you need to give way vehicles, located on the right. Accordingly, there is no need to let cars on the left pass; you can pass first. True, this rule applies if all participants in the movement are in an equal position. If one of them is prohibited or allowed to move by a traffic light or road signs indicate the priority of one of the roads, you should move according to the instructions of the signs.

If a person is wondering how to learn traffic rules tickets, then he should remember one more simple rule concerning such a traffic participant as a tram. It says: the tram is large and iron - we let it pass. He is skipped if he is on the right, he is skipped if he is on the left, he is always skipped.

Road signs are a priority

Novice drivers should also understand that the direction of movement and the order of passage of intersections are primarily regulated by road signs, then by traffic light signs, and only then by the right-hand rule. For example, a traffic light allows you to move in in this direction, but there is a “brick” hanging at the entrance. Since the sign takes precedence over the traffic light signal, traffic in this direction will be prohibited.

A person who doesn’t know how to learn traffic rules faster and wants to get an answer to his question should understand that this matter still cannot be done without cramming. There are topics in which there is little help life experience and the ability to think logically. First of all, these are the rules of stopping and parking, starting to move and maneuvering and, of course, road signs.

Making a training plan

How to learn traffic rules faster? A plan should be made. Identify the most difficult moments for yourself and start with them. Secondly, understand exactly how you best perceive information. By ear? Rewriting the answer to a question? Looking at the picture? Having determined for yourself the maximum effective way training, emphasis should be placed on it. It is best to start well rested and well-slept, taking 10-minute breaks every half hour. The next day you need to consolidate what you have learned by repeating it. On the Internet you can easily find sites offering to take the exam online. Such tests are useful because they give an idea of ​​the real level of training, and also allow you to identify problem areas. In some large cities, there are 3-D simulators that help to recreate the real picture of traffic, but they are not available to everyone.

The rules change too

It should also be remembered that in our world everything is constantly changing, including traffic rules; 2014 was no exception in this regard. The changes introduced in April primarily concern cyclists and regulate their behavior on the roads. Therefore, when using an online check, make sure that it is compiled taking into account the latest changes.

Studying theory before practice

Training in a driving school takes place in 3 stages: studying the theoretical part, training the basic elements of driving on the site and going to the city. As a rule, the first two stages take place simultaneously, but the last one requires at least minimal knowledge of traffic rules. If the student missed a lot at the very beginning, then already at this stage he will have to wonder how to quickly learn the traffic rules before his first trip around the city.

In this case, everything is much simpler - the instructor will not immediately take a novice driver to difficult junctions or highways. For the first time, it will be enough to learn the priority signs, rules for driving through intersections, and instructional signs. In addition, nothing terrible will happen if the student honestly admits before the first trip that he is not strong in theory. This is why training exists, to understand unfamiliar issues.

Every self-respecting driver should know the traffic rules by heart. Moreover, this knowledge should be in your head not only while passing the exam at the traffic police to obtain a license, but also after you receive these rights.

Traffic rules should remain in the driver’s head not only during the exam

Imagine that this is a kind of weapon that you can use in the event of minor (and not so minor) road accidents, as well as when you are stopped by traffic police officers. Unfortunately, not all traffic cops do their work conscientiously - there are situations when they take advantage of the naivety of drivers who have little understanding of the nuances of traffic rules in order to lure out a certain amount of money. Knowing the rules of the road will protect you from such, let’s say, unpleasant situations.

Remember the most important thing - traffic rules were not created in order to confuse drivers, force them to give a bribe when passing an exam, or for other similar purposes. You can even say that these rules are “written in blood,” since many appeared there precisely because of the high statistics of accidents when failure to perform (or perform) any actions.

Video instruction: how to learn traffic rules quickly and easily

Accordingly, you should take the most responsible approach to studying and maintaining knowledge of traffic rules - your safety and the safety of other drivers (and passengers) present next to you on the road depend on it.

If you are an experienced driver, then it is worth refreshing your knowledge in about six months to a year.

It is imperative to take the latest edition of the rules, with all the changes made. Remember that by taking a book with traffic rules from 2012 in 2014, you risk missing some important changes made over these two years, and therefore you give the staff and cap workers a chance to stop you for, for example, driving with your headlights off outside the city limits. line in the autumn-winter stage.

It is definitely worth restoring your knowledge of traffic rules after a long interval in driving practice - the human brain is designed to throw out from memory those parts of information that are not used, so be sure that you have forgotten many of the nuances during this time.

On exit new edition rules, you should not try to read them in one day. Buy the printed edition and read 10-20 points each evening. Thus, knowledge will be better stored in your memory. Always have a copy of the rules in your car - when you are waiting for someone, you should not waste time, you can spend these minutes reading the document.

The fact is that many people have very well developed imaginative thinking, so it will be much easier to remember by looking at pictures illustrating the situations outlined.

How to quickly learn traffic tickets

Don’t try to learn all the traffic rules at once: distribute the entire volume into equal parts and learn a little every day

In addition to maintaining knowledge, there is another situation - when it is necessary to learn the rules “from scratch”, and even in a short period of time. Naturally, the case described is preparation for a test to obtain driver's license. It’s worth mentioning right away that, in in this case, it is best to learn the rules using tickets approved by the state traffic inspectorate (again, make sure that you have the latest edition on hand).

Most effective method The way to learn them in 1 day is to solve these same tickets on the computer. The Internet is replete with a large number of programs for preparing for exams (including those that are literally identical to those used by the traffic police). You simply download such a program and run the “test” over and over again, completely passing all the tickets. After 4-5 such iterations, you will notice that the number of errors is steadily falling.

As a result, by the evening you will literally know all the tickets by heart, and when you come to the exam the next day, you will easily answer everything (and in a much shorter time interval than the one given to provide answers). Using this method, you can relatively easily learn tickets in one day.

The most effective method to learn traffic rules in 1 day is to solve these same tickets on a computer online

There is also a downside - you will just as easily and quickly forget everything you have learned. Accordingly, after passing the exam, try to calmly, without “boiling water,” read all the traffic rules, understand incomprehensible situations, and also remember all the main points.

In the case when there is not one day, but at least a week left before the test, try to take the study of traffic rules responsibly - then it is not the correct answers to the tickets that teach you how to eat, but the rules themselves. Here are some tips for remembering them better:

And most importantly, you don’t just need to know the rules, you need to follow them. Respect for each other on the road, as well as knowledge and compliance by citizens of traffic rules are an integral sign of a developed state, and this is exactly what we all strive for.
