Who plays on the “biocomputer of Academician Bronnikov”. Vyacheslav Bronnikov: self-learning system Eye pumping exercise

The International Academy of Human Development is famous in our country for about 10 years. Its creator is Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Bronnikov, a native of Feodosia, with a secondary technical education. This did not become an obstacle for him to nominate himself as an academician of the International Academy of Information (IAI) and as president of the International Academy of Human Development (IARD).

The pretentious names of such “academies”, where all words are written with capital letters, as well as the cover of international status are integral signs of occult associations (compare: International Academy of Spiritual Revival). It is known that MAI lists its “scientific” specialties as astrology, ufology, extrasensory perception and other “fundamental” areas of modern occultism. The vice-presidents of MARC are persons with “Doctor of Philosophy” degrees unknown to Russian science. One can only hope that, unlike the “academic” president, these “scientists” have at least a higher education.

Academician Bronnikov willingly shares the facts of his biography: he “entered this life Consciously,” the feeling of himself came from the other side of reality.” In his family there were two admirals, one student of the artist Aivazovsky, seven inquisitors, including the “Chief Inquisitor” of Spain , who was baptized by King Charles V. His grandmother was considered a sorceress who possessed esoteric knowledge, which she generously shared with her grandson. His mother was predicted that one of her children (of course, this is Vyacheslav Mikhailovich!) would become a great man. From about three years old, the boy became hear a woman's voice, which brought him into contact with the star, who introduced him to the “highest knowledge.” And then training began in a dream, at the “School of Heavenly Immortal Saints,” where the young genius mastered combat technologies, astrology, hypnosis, telepathy, etc. d. In a dream, a “teacher” began to appear to him, who gave knowledge about the “subtle world” and its essences...

In general, the autobiography told by the academician is worthy not only of a fantasy novel, but also of a psychiatrist’s opinion. And in Perm and in other cities of Russia you can often find announcements and brochures about the activities of the International Academy of Human Development, which invites people to take “a step into the future of our children.” This means that by completing training using the Bronnikov method, you can develop the ability not to get sick, discover unique abilities - “bio-computer memory” and “alternative vision”, as well as gain vision for the blind, recover from diabetes, cerebral palsy, etc.

Almost like in the time of Jesus Christ: "... the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear..." (Matthew 11:5).

The scale of the Academy’s activities is amazing - branches have been opened in 18 cities of Russia, expansion is planned in near and far abroad. It is envisaged not only the widespread introduction of “health programs” into society and the massive disclosure of superpowers, but also the training of specialists in universities on the basis of the “latest knowledge”, and introduction to “phenomenal sports”. The activities of the "World Bronnikov Club" involve the production of medicines, food and household items using new technologies; it envisages the creation of a "completely new family", a "new economy", a "new science" and, of course, a New Man. Untested psychotechnologies have already reached thousands of people, many of whom are children.

Christians, warned about the peculiarities of our time, associate these phenomena with the words of the Savior: “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show signs and wonders” (Mark 13:22). It is known how great the victims of global social utopias are, so it is important to know - what force is again offering to build another paradise on Earth? With God's help, we will try to find out.

Explaining his concept, Bronnikov says that in the spiritual realm - a certain “subtle plane” - there are entities more developed than humans, and they control us, striving for complete mastery of our consciousness and body. The ultimate goal of the “new knowledge” that Bronnikov brings us is the connection of human consciousness with these entities. In accordance with the plan of the Cosmic Space of the Solar System (CPSU!), man, as the image of God, must come into contact with entities and control them, become “like the Creator” - “a creator, a gardener, an architect of his own destiny.” To do this, a person must master new - “higher” abilities. To master them means to “open a window into the subtle plane” - through the creation of a “Biocomputer” in the human mind.

A “biocomputer” is like a tool with the help of which a person establishes a connection with the so-called “subtle world”. Moreover, the “Biocomputer” is an entity that is “attached to a person and has enormous capabilities.” The most important thing, according to Bronnikov, is to learn how to control entities. This means “operating the Biocomputer” in accordance with safety regulations. Compliance with security measures is very important, since the “opened Biocomputer” begins to actively influence a person, other people and the physical world. According to Bronnikov, modern psychics, parapsychologists, occultists and others who “open a window” to the spiritual world do not master this technique. And only Bronnikov and Co. have “exclusive rights” to “safely manage” the entities of the spiritual world.

This is what he says about the fruits of such a unique experience of “superconsciousness”: “When I come into the hall, I don’t know what I’m going to talk about. I turn on like an antenna. I don’t remember afterwards what I said.” It is not surprising that, according to listeners, Bronnikov’s lectures give the impression of something incomprehensible, incoherent, and meaningless. The answer to the puzzled questions of listeners is:


Read also on the topic:

  • Who plays on the "biocomputer of academician Bronnikov"- Mikhail Medvedev
  • Is it possible to make the blind “sighted, and the sighted to see”?- Vyacheslav Ozerov


"It's so because I think so"

The basis of the “Biocomputer” method, like any other occult method, is an archetypal biblical plot - the temptation to “become like gods” without the feat of spiritual and moral transformation, without a change of heart, to trample on the commandments of God, losing spiritual chastity. It inevitably leads to the loss of the saving fear of God and the sense of Eternal Life, to the destruction of conscience - that is, ultimately, to the destruction of self-awareness.

There are serious reasons to assume: what Bronnikov calls “superconsciousness”, “Biocomputer”, “new cosmic revelation” is mediumship as old as the world. Like all occult “gifts,” mediumship is an area of ​​dangerous “games” between the world of fallen spirits and the human psyche. The Lord in His Testament strictly forbade humanity any contact with occult areas. According to the Bible, after the Fall, “the Lord God made clothing of skins for Adam and his wife and clothed them” (Gen. 3:21). One of the purposes of exposing a person to coarse flesh was to protect him from the opportunity to communicate with the spiritual world. This had a positive meaning. After the Fall, the inclination towards evil permeated the entire nature of man, and from now on he could communicate only with fallen spirits, but not with the angelic world, and especially with God. Rough flesh, like a veil, hides him from the direct influence of the spirits of evil. Communication with the angelic world, according to St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, is possible only through knowledge of passions and cleansing from them. By cognizing and defeating passions, the ascetic recognizes and defeats the fallen spirits that stand behind the passions and excite them. And only after such a supernatural feat does a person, by the grace of God, gain the opportunity to communicate with the angelic world.

Training in the Bronnikov method involves several steps.

At the first stage, the task is to teach a person to replenish energy losses using certain exercises. At the same time, at this stage, problems of general health improvement of the body are solved. A person begins to feel that something is happening in his body. At the same time, health may improve for some time. It is quite natural that a person begins to trust both the “method” and the “teacher”. And at this moment they begin to tell him about secret ancient knowledge, that changes in health occur under the influence of the mysterious energies of the cosmos. About the fact that “cosmic” and “solar” energies flow through the body. That if a person “connects” to the entities of the “subtle plane,” he will have a lot of energy and superpowers will reveal themselves.

Thus, the protective barrier of critical consciousness is removed. It is completely disorientated ideologically. The person is ready for the second stage of training.

The extreme danger of the method lies in the fact that it opens up to various kinds of uncontrolled influences that mysterious area into which the Lord Himself does not enter without the consent of man: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock...” (Rev. 3:20). Forcible entry into this area means depriving a person of freedom - freedom of will, freedom of thought. And in this sense, we can talk about the real danger of zombie consciousness.

“Bring me a thousand ordinary children - in a year it will be a thousand phenomenal devices,” Bronnikov declares. And there is some truth in his words. Children who have discovered the “Biocomputer” will be closer in their abilities to dolphins and bats and will truly be like living instruments. But they will lose what still distinguishes them from instruments and animals - they will destroy the image of God in themselves.

It is characteristic that one of the superpowers discovered in Bronnikov’s son and confirmed experimentally is the ability to destroy red blood cells in animal blood poured into a test tube. So from Bronnikov’s students it will be possible to make little “energy fighters”, living phenomenal devices that can be used for various purposes, but only there will no longer be a soul in them... Without humility, without the ability to distinguish between good and evil, deprived of the ability " To guard the entrances to his soul, a person loses the ability to cope with evil in himself, to strengthen himself in goodness and love, without which the life of the soul is impossible, just as breathing is impossible without oxygen. This is the murder of a child's soul.

Bronnikov’s method attracts many people who despair of treating serious diseases, including cerebral palsy and diabetes mellitus. MARCH brochures present brilliant results achieved in the treatment of diseases that modern medicine is powerless to treat.

Bronnikov examines the causes of diseases in a very unique way: in his opinion, our diseases are the consequences of mistakes made by certain entities, and therefore we must learn to correct them. This view is quite mechanistic and resembles the statements of other “saviors of humanity.” So, the well-known S.N. Lazarev, the creator of the teaching “Diagnostics of Karma,” saw the cause of the disease in a change in the energy of the body, V.P. A blade of grass - in meat-eating and closing the third eye, G.P. Malakhov - in excessive slagging of the body. They all view a person as a faceless being, deprived of free will, and his illness as a result of the erroneous actions of certain forces. This approach leads to a magical, occult way of treating illness.

Occult healing methods today are deeply understood not only in spiritual, but also in scientific experience. The methods that the Orthodox Church offers and which, in relation to traditional methods, are in a certain sense supernatural, have also been studied. But if in Orthodoxy healing is associated with the power of faith, the spiritual rebirth of the soul through repentance, through the Sacraments of the Church, then occult methods have the exact opposite, spiritual nature that is destructive to the soul.

Experience in the rehabilitation of victims of the occult in the counseling center in the name of St. Righteous John of Kronstadt shows that after some time the disease resumes with greater force or another disease arises. And this is quite natural, because the elimination of causes does not occur either at the somatic or at the spiritual level. At this stage, the disease is difficult to treat or cannot be treated at all.

It is important to note that occult false healings are often accompanied by mental disorders. Of course, the authors of “wonderful” methods prefer to remain silent about all the “accidental” failures (and, according to the testimony of a person who took Bronnikov’s courses, they exist).

What is the essence of the popularity of the Bronnikov method

There is an important reason contributing to the success of “parascience” specifically in Russia. An undoubted feature of the Russian mentality (national character, “mysterious Russian soul”), associated with belonging to the Orthodox tradition, is a certain focus on the heavenly, absolute, eternal, contemplation, the desire to empathize” and not to “think through” when understanding reality.Bronnikov and other modern "prophets from theosophy and occultism" exploit this good quality of consciousness of Russians. They talk about "Nature and Cosmos", "aspiration to the Future", about "the coming of the time of exalting man to the Divine level", about "amazing worlds of other dimensions" We will find a similar story in the “Living Ethics” of E. and N. Roerich, the theosophy of E. Blavatsky, school textbooks on valeology!

It is important to note that one of the properties of suggestion is that the power of suggestion, according to psychologists, increases in a team. This means that when carrying out suggestion, its effectiveness is all the more striking the greater the number of persons it is addressed to. What could be the intended effect of suggestion if it is made on the basis of supposedly scientific ideas, is addressed to all of humanity, and the creator of the teaching is one of the “great initiates”, invested with a special mission? It is no coincidence that on the cover of Bronnikov’s work there is a note: “Scientific sensation. Obviously, anything can be suggested if purposeful work begins from school. This is due, firstly, to the age-related characteristics of the child’s psyche, which, according to experts, has amazing suggestibility ; secondly, with the authority of the teacher, who plays a huge role in the matter of suggestion; and, thirdly, with the authority of science.

It becomes clear why Academician Bronnikov strives to win, first of all, a children's audience. It is clear why modern occult teachings have chosen schools as the object of their expansion. A striking example that confirms our reasoning is the history of Darwin’s evolutionary myth, which is organically connected with materialism. It is difficult to explain to non-believing children and their parents that Bronnikov’s method, which provides temporary relief, can destroy their eternal souls. To do this, they must accept the words of the Lord: “...what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?” (Matt. 16:26).

Mikhail Medvedev
Orthodox Perm, - No. 4 - 5(60), 2002

Date of Birth
Place of Birth

Ukraine, Feodosia




Bronnikov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich- author of the “Bronnikov Method” (full title: “Harmonization and development of the functions of organs and systems of the human body”) - a technique that allows you to develop superpowers; developed and popularized by Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Bronnikov. Superpowers allegedly include seeing through opaque objects without the aid of normal vision, alternative hearing, and supernatural healing of diseases.

Objectives of the method

V. M. Bronnikov’s method “Information Human Development” is aimed at acquiring the following abilities:

  • The ability to restore vitality, not get tired, and withstand stress.
  • Increased reaction speed.
  • Activation of body functions that did not work before.
  • Self-liberation from pathologies.
  • Expanded memory capabilities.
  • New types of memory - photographic, “bio-computer”.
  • The ability to conduct “energy-informational” examination and correction of the vital functions of one’s body and help others with this.
  • Development of “energy structures” of the body.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Activation of blood circulation and the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
  • A “biocomputer” method of vision, supposedly allowing one to “see” the surrounding space based on a new property of the brain (without the direct participation of the eyes), to see all “spaces”.
  • The ability to operate in the mind with large flows of information.
  • Objective knowledge of future events.

Some use the method to treat blindness and deafness (they claim that patients acquire alternative vision and hearing), paralysis, and also in the hope of reducing insulin dependence and slowing the growth of complications in patients with diabetes.

According to the author, the method is based on simple principles, natural patterns and ancient knowledge about man. The main principle is the activation of the “superconscious function” of the body and its development in harmony with the functions of consciousness and subconsciousness. First, according to the author, it is necessary to develop a certain set of sensations in your body and the ability to control them; then a screen appears in the brain before the eyes, on which any given images are created, as well as sensations, smells, tastes and much more; and finally, a system of special exercises leads to an objective vision of color, shape and spatial orientation without the help of the eyes.

Discussion of the method in the scientific community

In 2002, employees of the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, led by N. P. Bekhtereva, conducted a study to test whether Bronnikov’s students were really able to perceive images, provided that their eyes were covered with a mask of opaque material. And to the surprise of the scientific community, some of the study's authors sensationally interpreted the experimental data as confirmation of the reality of this "direct vision" phenomenon. The results of the experiment were published in the journal Human Physiology and later discussed at a scientific seminar at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

This publication caused a wide resonance in the scientific community and even a discussion at a scientific seminar at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where scientists who put on the mask indignantly said that they saw rays of light from under its edges. Discussions with colleagues prompted the director of the Human Brain Institute, S. V. Medvedev, and his collaborators to develop a series of experiments to double-check the results of the initial study. As a result, all the main conclusions of the initial experiment were called into question, but Medvedev refused to completely disavow the data of the initial study and stated that, in all likelihood, Bronnikov’s students were able to see images in the infrared optical range. However, this statement did not satisfy the majority of the scientific community at all.

The chairman of the commission on pseudoscience, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Eduard Kruglyakov, calls Bronnikov’s method an outright fraud. In the NTV television program, according to him, the revelation of the method was cut out during editing. To this statement, Bekhtereva replied that she had checked this phenomenon.


In 1997, the magazine Ogonyok conducted a journalistic investigation, which showed that the blindfolded vision technique was an ordinary fraud.

The method is also criticized by representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Bronnikov V.M. - Bronnikov method. 1st stage

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Bronnikov is an unusual person. This can be said by anyone who looked into his eyes, who spoke to him for at least five minutes. The unusual nature of this man is confirmed by the history of his family. His maternal ancestors are Spanish Basques. There were 7 inquisitors in the family and even one Chief Inquisitor of Spain, whose godfather was Charles V. When Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was in Aachen, Germany in 1997, he was invited to inspect the castle - as it turned out, the family estate of Charles V. One of the ancestors built fleet on the Sea of ​​Azov. Two were admirals of the Russian fleet. One of them went to Constantinople to personally sign a document on the annexation of Crimea to Russia. There have never been any genetic or serious chronic diseases in the family. All ancestors had artistic talent: my grandmother’s uncle studied with Aivazovsky: my father was an excellent draftsman, my grandmother, my mother were excellent artists. In first grade, Vyacheslav made a bouquet of roses from plasticine - they were like real ones. Working with stone is still his hobby.

My mother's grandfather bore the surname Coronello. He was the richest man, his estates extended from the Aivazovskaya station to the present village of Primorsky. But, despite his wealth, he built houses in Feodosia with his own hands - he liked it. Many still stand today. The main post office building is one of them.

On the paternal side, the family was not so noble and not so rich. My grandfather was a doctor and a cabinet maker (it would seem that such different professions), my father was an officer. But with special warmth, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich remembers his father’s mother, Grandma Polya, having only 4 years of education. She spoke literary language, had extraordinary power, many even considered her a witch, had deep knowledge of esotericism and passed on a lot to her grandson.

During the Great Patriotic War, the mother was driven to Germany, where a captive Italian predicted her entire life down to the smallest detail. Among other things it was said; one of the four children will become a great man

The third child, a son, was born dead to Aza (that’s what everyone called Bronnikov’s mother). There was no one at home at this lunch hour. and there was no one to help the mother. But suddenly an unfamiliar Tatar woman came and revived the child. Until the age of 7, the boy was constantly ill, more than once he was between life and death, “The doctors said he wouldn’t survive.” - Mom remembers. Now Vyacheslav Mikhailovich understands: there was a constant struggle, certain forces were fighting inside him. At 2.5 years old he was very scared, began to stutter and almost stopped speaking. He was forced to draw diagrams and answer in writing. This was also necessary - for the development of abstract logical thinking.

Now we are amazed at the simplicity and conciseness of Bronnikov’s schemes, about each of which he can give an entire lecture

At about three years old, the boy realized his destiny. “I heard a woman’s voice calling me. As a little child, I was afraid to go into the darkness. But one day I overcame myself and left the house at night. I knew I had to come to the end. A bright star was shining in the sky - she spoke, communicated with me, told my fate. It was, as they say now, an expansion of consciousness. The realization came that I. what my life task was. If I fulfilled it, I could return to my homeland. Then it was simply impossible to believe in it. Then I learned from my father: a human life is not enough to fly to a star. It was a shock for me."

The mother believed that her son’s stories about the star were just children’s fantasies. But gradually she began to understand that her son was not like everyone else, that he had a special gift.

He learned in his sleep. (This method of transmitting information, the most highly effective and quite widespread, is called the “School of Heavenly Immortal Saints.” When a person sleeps, the brain works even more intensely; it’s as if we are in a “design institute” where we can gain colossal knowledge.) He studied combat technologies and astrology. g erontology, hypnosis, telepathy, learned to see 360°. Life in a dream was a hundred times more real, more natural than reality itself. A teacher came in a dream. They met only once in their lives. Vyacheslav was about 10 years old at that time. Baba Polya took him to the Tula region in the city of Bogoroditsk (what a name!), to his father’s homeland, took him to holy places for a certain dedication. While walking along the outskirts of the city, the boy met a man from whom amazing warmth emanated. He said bluntly: “You have a great future ahead of you.” Vyacheslav, having poor physical health and impaired coordination of movements, had unusual abilities. I had amazing abilities: I saw through walls, I saw inside myself. your internal organs; there was a hypersensitive perception: a nail sticking out in the wall he was passing by painfully scratched his body at any distance. He saw what was going on underground, saw passages, treasures. But one day a woman’s voice said: “No. This is not a treasure. The time will come when you write a book - it will be the biggest treasure. While you write it, you will completely change.”

He tried to tell his friends and relatives about what was happening to him - they did not believe him. At best, his stories were perceived as fantasy.

The training was very difficult. And when the teenager had no more strength to endure, the teacher told him: “Someone must be first. Someone must take on this burden. Do you want your children to go through all this?” And then Vyacheslav realized that he had to become a teacher. h to guide your and our children through the labyrinths of life, to guide them like this. so that they do not experience what he experienced in his time. Our children follow the beaten path - following their Teacher

Knowledge was given over many years. were laid in pieces. It was necessary to collect them together, systematize them, and create our own system for decoding information. By the way, this knowledge was possessed by the Templars (Knights Templar, a religious order of knighthood that arose during the era of the Crusades). Charles V owned the “Ruby Eye of the Dragon” technique - it is this technique that includes the knowledge underlying Bronnikov’s methodology. Its goal is to transfer knowledge and experience to people for their development, transformation and comprehension of the Reincarnation System - “Dragon”. This System includes training people on unique technologies and the ability to reveal the hidden capabilities of your body.

Back in the early 90s. Bronnikov created the Sphinx Center in Feodosia, where he taught children and developed their phenomenal abilities. In 1994, he left for Moscow with a group of like-minded people. This was necessary to scientifically confirm the effectiveness of his technology. Center "Kortas" Academy of Spiritual Development. International Academy of Human Development. These are the milestones of the path. done by Vyacheslav Mikhailovich. Today he has received well-deserved recognition. He is a professor, academician, grand doctor of philosophy. Thousands of people in Russia, Ukraine, near and far abroad have been trained using his method

The worst thing, says Vyacheslav Mikhailovich. - failure to fulfill one's purpose. Unfortunately, not every person realizes that a certain life program is embedded in him. Bronnikov realizes. And he confidently moves towards his goal.


My son is reading a book, his eyes are blindfolded... Is this a fantasy, a trick? No, this is just one of the skills I developed in my son (and he can also diagnose and treat patients, knows how not to get sick or get tired, has photographic and bio-computer memory, a system of patterns for deciphering information...), which for him today are just as important. as ordinary as thinking for you, as natural as breathing.

Know yourself - and tomorrow phenomenal abilities will become available to you. they will be the norm of life for Our children in the 21st century.

Many, like my son in his time, have already been able to master these skills. A team of like-minded people, teachers and students, has formed.

Currently, the International Academy of Human Development is conducting a competitive selection of enthusiastic people with higher medical or pedagogical education to prepare for work in Russia, Ukraine and abroad.

An initial training course of three stages is offered:

1st stage- general improvement of the body, strengthening and development of vitality.

2nd stage- development of the brain, direct and reverse biological connections, internal vision.

3rd stage- development and use of phenomenal abilities. Each level consists of ten two-hour lessons. The most capable will be able to enroll in a group for a year-long in-patient training in superpowers.

With peace and love in our hearts, for the sake of a happy future for the children of the Earth, we invite to cooperation everyone who today follows the path of improvement and seeks opportunities to solve global problems of Humanity. - leading scientists and researchers, public and political figures, businessmen.

We are deeply convinced that joint work using our methodology will yield results that will exceed our wildest expectations.


In 1994, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Bronnikov was invited from the city of Feodosia to conduct research work in Moscow.

At the Department of Computer Physics of Moscow State University, under the leadership of Professor Yu-P.P YTYEV, studies of the ability to see with eyes closed confirmed that V. M. Bronnikov’s students consciously control the wavelength during “radar vision with the brain.”

At the Department of Eye Diseases of the Tver Medical Academy (head of the department P.N. Lopov) the method is successfully used in practice. P.N. Popov himself conveys the new system of laws to students.

The main unit of the Russian Ministry of Health for the study of such methods - the Institute of Traditional Treatment Methods - has received convincing evidence of the high efficiency and usefulness of the method.

During the three years of implementation of the method, more than 4 thousand people were trained in Moscow. The results of rehabilitation of disabled people and the development of phenomenal abilities in children are stable. 30 leading specialists who master the teaching method have been trained, 50 people are at the graduation stage for independent work.

Branches of the Academy are being created in 18 cities of Russia.

The International Charitable Foundation for Human Development was created in Ukraine.

In Kyiv, under the patronage of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, seriously ill children with vision pathologies, cerebral palsy and diabetes mellitus are trained in the method.

A film about V.M. Bronnikov’s method was shot and repeatedly shown on television in Germany. The Center in Aachen was organized.

Preparatory organizational work was carried out before the creation of branches in France, Switzerland, Hungary, and the USA.

Negotiations are successfully underway on the creation of a Russian-Ukrainian-American (USA) institute for training specialists for branches in various countries. A blind person learns to “see with his brain” - the reality of today. Few people know that our eyes do not see anything. They play the role of a mechanism for receiving and transmitting light signals of a limited range of electromagnetic waves, simulating an image in the brain.

In the occipital part of the brain, in the visual thalamus, there are two types of visual cells; some create an image using visible light, others, on the contrary, do not work with visible light, but create an image with their eyes closed, creating dreams in their sleep.

It is known that in some nocturnal animals, it is the second type of visual cells that is more developed. The brain emits a certain signal and receives its reflection. This is how bats and dolphins see. This way of seeing is more perfect in nature and has a huge perspective for a person.

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Bronnikov’s method allows those who are blind from birth, even without eyes, to learn, by expanding the analyzed range of waves, not only to create the same image models characteristic of ordinary people, but also to objectively perceive the structures of atoms, cells, human organs, etc.

Simple and accessible exercises for every person develop the right and left hemispheres of the brain, form new and strengthen old direct and reverse biological connections. Improves the functioning of brain vessels, strengthening memory and attention. Create a general healing effect.

New opportunities in brain development revive and restore impaired motor functions.

Special exercises activate the brain centers responsible for motor function, develop direct and reverse biological connections in the body, activating specific disturbed functions. And the child himself is able to do all this, using the ancient principle “Where thought goes, there’s energy, where energy goes, there’s shelter.” A child suffering from cerebral palsy, from a lying immobile state, in two to three months will acquire the ability to move, move around, learn to walk, and most importantly, will acquire a tool for self-development, self-healing, which will inspire his consciousness and spiritualize his life. Our task is to help sick children.

Do you want to always be healthy? - Learn not to get sick!

From the first lessons using the method of V.M. Bronnikov, you will learn to control your superconscious function.

Exercise will help activate the immune system and increase the body's protective functions, weakened by exposure to an unfavorable environmental environment. The manifestations of various diseases, such as “chronic fatigue syndrome”, anemia, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, neuroses and vegetative-vascular dystonia, progressive myopia, bronchopulmonary and other diseases will decrease.


The origins of knowledge embedded in the method of human development

The method of harmonization and development of the functions of organs and systems of the human body is based on one of the directions of the sacred Taoist Yoga. Three functional systems

At the international symposium on the problems of the unconscious, held in Tbilisi in 1979, scientists divided the functional processes in the human body into subconscious, conscious and superconscious. They correspond to three functional systems - the subconscious (SU), consciousness (O and superconsciousness (SO.

About the subconscious, i.e. everyone knows about our physical body. Knowledge about this part of our body - cells, tissues, organs - fits within the framework of natural anatomy and physiology. The bodies of consciousness and superconsciousness are considered by abstract-logical anatomy. And if the body of the subconscious is in material space, then the bodies of consciousness and superconsciousness are unmanifested for us and are located in immaterial space. No one disputes the existence of this immaterial, unmanifested world. Between the material and immaterial spaces there is a connecting space. in the East called Bardo.

All human functional systems operate as energy-information structures.

Energy processes occurring at all levels of organization of the subconscious (cellular, mineral, organismal, intellectual and social) form an energy field shaped like an apple.In a practically healthy person, the FIELD radius is at least seven meters. The central and peripheral nervous systems form an energy field that has the shape of an elongated oval (egg), and its height above the head of a practically healthy person is 60 cm. If the field parameters are below normal, this indicates a poor state of health, a weakened immune system, poor energy exchange in the body.

The technique, using the tantric path of development (one person helps to activate the energy exchange of another person), allows you to develop energy structures, improve blood circulation, harmonize the functioning of the brain and autonomic nervous system, strengthen the immune system, which leads to overall health of the body.

The left hemisphere of the brain is dominantly associated with energetic phenomena and its work is directed into material space.Energy channels, acupuncture points and left hemisphere activity are associated with the flow of energy into our body. If the flow of energy into the body is disrupted, pathology occurs.

The right hemisphere of the brain is associated with phenomena that carry information and have a close connection with immaterial space, i.e. with our superconscious function.

Artists, musicians, poets, writers are those people whose right hemisphere functions, i.e. they receive information through their superconsciousness from a single information field, which represents itself as non-materialized space.

In general, the activity of the brain shapes our consciousness, and the degree of development of our consciousness, and therefore the subconscious, and the whole organism and gender depends on the harmonious work of both of its hemispheres.

The inability to influence the preservation of the balance of energy exchange leads to the emergence of pathologies at various levels of the human body.

Based on the activation of the energy flow of the brain and the body as a whole, it is possible to develop the subconscious, conscious and superconscious functions of the human body.

This will allow the body to be transferred from a passive, underdeveloped, uncontrollable state to an active, consciously controlled state, while creating a powerful healing effect, rejuvenation of organs and systems. All people are capable of recording the size and homogeneity of the biofield through their senses.

Using your hands, you can measure the parameters of the energy field of the subconscious and the field of consciousness, determine the state of the body, and feel the three functional systems.

By creating sensations of heaviness, you can learn to feel your subconscious body. By creating sensations of movement of bioenergy, you can feel the work of consciousness, and by creating sensations of lightness, you can feel your superconscious function. Based on these sensations, the “inclusion” of the three bodies of the body is diagnosed.

General safety precautions and basic rules

doing exercises

1. Perform all exercises with open eyes (otherwise specified in the text)

2. Make all movements clockwise

3. The student must correctly adjust his consciousness: be in the position of an observer, concentrate on the sensations of energy, compare them in different exercises and report to the teacher

4. The control word when performing exercises is the Student’s clear answer “is,” which indicates a confident position of consciousness

5. The student and teacher should not use thought forms, but work only with energy.

6. If pain or other seemingly negative manifestations occur, reduce the time of performing the exercise or stop for a while. It must be remembered that the process of activating energy exchange in the body is underway, various parts of the brain are activated, and the body enters an active state. In the process of development, negative reactions will disappear.



· Determination of the horizontal boundaries of the human biofield (Fig. No. 1).

· Initial position: The student being tested stands at a distance of more than 7m.

· Execution method:

When measuring field parameters, the Student should not cross his arms or legs. The Teacher rubs his hands until they become noticeably warm, activating energy exchange, raises his hand, bent at the elbow, with the palm directed towards the student being tested. Slightly shaking your hand back and forth, you gradually approach it until a background (humming, tingling, pressing) sensation of energy appears in your palm, and then the first dense boundary of the field. The field at the distance from the palm of the Teacher to the Student should normally be 7 meters or more (for any height and age), dense, active, uniform, and of correct shape.

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· Determination of the boundary of the vertical field (Fig. No. 2).

· Initial position: U The teacher stands in front or to the side of the Student on a raised platform or with his hand raised high above his head. When measuring a vertical field, the Student should not squat, as the field is deformed.

· Execution method:

Performed by the Teacher over the Student’s head in the same way as described above. Normally, the border of the biofield should be 60 cm or more.

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Exercise meaning: For most beginners, energy fields are two to three times smaller than normal in size and density. As you practice, the perceived limit gradually increases, which indicates a healing effect. Measuring field parameters for different Students at different stages of training allows us to develop high objectivity.



(“BALL”, “Accordion”, “BEAM”)

Initial position: The exercise is performed independently at any distance between the palms in a sitting, standing, lying position.

Execution method:

· “BALL” (Fig. No. 3)

To activate the sensations of bioenergy in your palms, you need to rub them together and slowly move them apart. As you move your palms closer and further away, listen to the sensations: tingling in your fingers, warmth or coldness in your palms, density, pressure between your palms. Mentally give yourself the command to feel the “ball”, its elasticity, rotate it by changing the position of your hands.

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· “Accordion” (Fig. No. 4)

By bringing your palms closer and farther away, create a feeling of compression and stretching of an energy accordion (springs, elastic bands).

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· "BEAM" (Fig. No. 5)

Spread your palms 15-20 cm apart, give yourself a mental command to send and return an energy beam from one palm to the other. Rotate the index finger of one hand opposite the palm of the other hand, sending an energy ray from the finger and feeling its rotation on the palm. Try to draw a square, a triangle, a circle, and so on with a ray on your palm.

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When performing all exercises at different distances, you need to compare the strength of sensations and your ability to manage energy.

Exercise meaning: With any sensations of bioenergy, the right hemisphere of the brain is activated, direct and reverse biological connections develop, and conscious control of them is developed.




Initial position: The Teacher and the Student stand facing each other.

Execution method:

During the exercise, the Student must stand steadily and calmly (without any unnecessary movements). Attention is focused on sensations.

The Teacher has no right to use any thought forms (you cannot think about the Student’s specific pathology or his other problems). Work is carried out only with energy.

The Teacher and Student activate energy by rubbing their palms. Establish energetic contact between each other’s palms (arms in front of the chest, elbows bent). The Teacher makes circular movements with his palms, thereby activating the Student’s energy. In the hands of the Student, various kinds of primary sensations of energy arise in the form of tingling, heat, cold, pressure, pulling threads, waves, breeze, buzzing, etc. (individual sense of energy perception). The student constantly concentrates attention on his feelings. Over time, with further development of sensitivity, various sensations will arise in other parts of the body.

· Working with an external form.

1. When a stable energy contact occurs, the Student says “there is” and slowly moves back 7 meters from the Teacher (Fig. 6), (does not lower his hands). Both maintain energetic contact with each other through their palms, stretching the energy field (as if stretching an elastic band).

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2. The teacher, with smooth whirlwind-like movements of his hands, raises the energy flow from bottom to top, as if whipping a feather bed, creating waves in the unified field. From the top position, spreading your arms to the sides, makes a falling movement with your hands, palms down. Repeats the movement 10-12 times (or until the field density approaches “thickness” in sensations).

3. The student turns clockwise 180 degrees (Fig. 7) (with his back to the Teacher) and slowly lowers his hands down. The teacher repeats the above-described movements with his hands 10-12 times, compacting the field from the back.

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5. The student turns clockwise with the fox facing the Teacher (Fig. 7). The teacher completes the same movements 2-3 times

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· Working with the internal form.

1. The student remains standing in place with his hands down. The Teacher approaches the Student and stands behind him (all movements of the Teacher around the Student are made only clockwise).

2. The Teacher, with pulling movements of his hands, directs energy from the feet to the tailbone and along the spine up to the Student’s head, makes a downward movement with his hands through the head and along the sides of the Student. His palms are facing down towards the floor (Fig. 8). The movements are repeated 5-6 times.

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3. The Teacher stands on the left side of the Student. Having placed the right palm behind, the left (screen) in front of the Student at a distance of 10-15 cm from his body, with his right hand he makes splashing movements, pushing energy through the Student’s body, and with his left palm (screen) reflects this flow. After each swing, the Teacher consistently raises both hands up 15-20 cm and repeats the splashing movements. Having reached the head, he moves his right hand forward and smoothly lowers both hands down. Repeats movements 5-6 times (Fig. 9).

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4. The Teacher is facing the Student. With dragging movements of both hands, he raises the energy on the sides of the Student up to the shoulders, puts his hands behind his neck and, having transferred the energy with them through the Student’s head, lowers them down (Fig. 10). Repeats the movement 5-6 times.

5. The Teacher is on the right side of the Student. The movements are the same as in point 4, only the left hand works behind, the right hand in front - “screen”. Repeats movements 5-6 times (Fig. 11).

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6. The Teacher stands behind the Student. He brings his hands forward at neck level, capturing the feeling of energy with his palms, with dragging movements he moves it to the back of the head, the crown of the head and moves it forward and down over the Student’s head, forming a kind of “helmet”. Repeats 5-6 times. At the same time, he checks the correct shape and density of the field around the Student’s head (Fig. 12).

rice. No. 12

7. The Teacher is in front of the Student. With circular movements of one palm clockwise, he harmonizes the field above his head, making 2-3 circles, and slowly lowers his hand down in front (Fig. 13). He makes the same movements in front of the Student’s eyes.

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Exercise meaning: Strengthening energy exchange or “pumping” energy is carried out in the external and internal form of the human field. At the same time, none of the partners loses energy, mutual development occurs. One of the partners, located in the position of the Teacher, produces an enhanced “exhalation” of energy, the other partner, located in the position of the Student, produces an enhanced “inhalation” of energy. Then their roles change.

The exercise promotes the development and strengthening of the body’s energy system, energy centers, centrifugal and centripetal channels, and forms a united (tantric) system between the Student and the Teacher. Activates the immune system, develops protective functions and restores other functional processes in his body. The effect of the influence is enhanced, since the partners are located at a distance of seven meters from each other (the norm of a linear morphological field). The principle of a “stretched elastic band” works: tension in the general biofield arises. The possible occurrence of a state of heaviness in the body or mild painful sensations is a consequence of undeveloped energy exchange between the internal and external forms. After a few sessions, the discomfort should go away. The teacher must constantly ask about the student’s well-being. If a severe headache occurs, stop the exercise. Often there is a pulling sensation inside the bones of the arms and legs, where arranged in a row energy channels, which is why in the East such an exercise is called energetic “bone breathing.”



Initial position: The student sits, back straight, hands on knees, palms up, knees separated by 10-15 cm. The exercise is performed both at the command of the Teacher and independently.

Execution method:

The sensation should arise after the Teacher’s command: “Let the body become heavy.” The student mentally imagines himself in the image of an empty vessel, focuses on the flow of descending solar energy, which is form-filling for a person, feels how energy flows into the vessel. All attention is on the body, possible sensations in it: warmth, pulsation, “overflowing from within.” As soon as a feeling of heaviness appears, you need to say the answer “there is” and return to your normal state.

It is better to perform the exercise while exhaling, several times a day for 5-10 minutes. The duration of the exercise can be increased over time.

rice. No. 14

Diagnostics: Z record problem areas where there is no feeling of heaviness, which indicates reduced sensitivity, poor communication of the brain with a given organ or area, as well as insufficient control over the functioning of the subconscious.



Initial position: The same as in exercise 4 (Fig. No. 14).

Execution method:

A feeling of lightness should arise after the Teacher’s command: “Let my body become light.” The student mentally focuses on the flow of ascending cosmic energy, which is formative for a person. The body is pulled upward, it seems to increase in volume, the sense of weight is lost, there is no sensation of internal organs. As soon as lightness appears, you need to say “eat” and return to your normal state.

Perform the exercise while inhaling, several times a day for 5-10 minutes, gradually increase the load.

Diagnostics:Record areas where there is no feeling of lightness, which indicates insufficient control over the functioning superconsciousness.



Initial position: The student sits, back straight, hands on knees, palms up, knees separated by 10-15 cm.

Execution method:

1. The Teacher stands in front of the Student and with the palm of his hand makes rotational movements clockwise over the palm of the Student’s right hand, activating energy exchange until any sensations of energy appear: heat, cold, tingling, buzzing, etc.

Then the Teacher, continuing to rotate his palm, slowly moves it up along the Student’s arm, over the shoulders, then down along the left arm and palm. (The student constantly records his feelings and reports them to the Teacher). Completing the circle of energy movement, he helps the Student, using the same movements, transfer sensations to the palm of his right hand. And again it helps to move the energy in a circle (arm - shoulders - arm) another 2-3 times.

2. The student moves energy independently, comparing the quality and strength of sensations with those previously achieved with the help of the Teacher. Tries to speed up the movement of energy, mix it up, stop it anywhere in the circular energy flow. When performing the exercise, it is necessary to move the energy clockwise (the process is intensified).

If sensations move weakly or disappear. The teacher helps again. Additionally, the student can develop the movement of energy sensations by performing elements of the “Dry Tibetan massage”. If the exercise turns out very well, you can move the energy through the legs, back, stomach, chest, head, creating various combinations.

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Exercise meaning: By mixing energy sensations from one part of the body to another, the Student develops the brain structures responsible for them. Based on the quality of sensations and degree of controllability, he makes a diagnosis of the function of consciousness.

The meaning of the exercises “Heaviness”, “Lightness”, “Moving sensations”: Exercises “heaviness-lightness” are subsequently recommended to be performed in various

combinations: individual areas of the body and organs are “heavy”; individual areas of the body are “light”.

For example: The upper part of the body is heavy, the lower (from the waist) is light, and vice versa, the left half of the body is heavy, the right is light, and vice versa, one leg is light, the other is heavy: one arm is light, the other is heavy, etc.

When performing these exercises, subjective sensations of “distortion” or “asymmetry” of the body may occur.

Exercises improve the energy exchange of the whole body, the respiratory system, blood circulation, metabolism, strengthen the tone of the blood vessels in the brain, the walls of blood vessels, and the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain is harmonized.




Initial position: The student sits, back straight, legs at right angles, slightly apart, hands on knees, palms up.

Execution method:

It is recommended to perform the exercise in pairs. At the level of the Student’s eyes, at a distance of 70-80 cm, attach a sheet of paper to the wall, in the center of which there is a black dot with a diameter of 4-5 mm. The Teacher stands to the side of the Student or behind his back. The exercise is performed based on the “Breathing with Thought” method. The Teacher, placing his hands on certain parts of the Student’s head, sends a stream of energy from one hand to the other, directing it through the head. The student concentrates his attention on the point, listens to his sensations in the head and throughout the body. When the image of a point and sensations change, the state of the brain systems is diagnosed.

Place the palm of your left hand on the frontal part, the palm of your right hand on the back of the head. When exhaling through the right hand, the flow of energy through the head “flows” into the left hand. Then the left hand sends a stream of energy, and the right palm receives it. Rice. 16

We change the position of the left and right hands: the palm of the left hand is located on the parietal part, and the right hand - on the occipital part of the head.

“Pumping” the head with a flow of energy is carried out in a similar way as in position No. 1.

Position 1. fig. No. 16 Position 2. fig. No. 17Position 3. fig. No. 18

Diagonal “pumping” of the head with a flow of energy is carried out from the left occipital protuberance to the right temple and vice versa. Then - from the right temple to the left occipital protuberance.

Then there is a change of hands: from the right occipital protuberance to the left temple; from the left temple - to the right occipital protuberance.

Place the palms of your right and left hands parallel to each other on the occipital-parietal part of your head. “Pumping” of the head with a flow of energy is carried out similarly to position No. 1.

Position 4. fig. No. 19Position 5. fig. No. 20

Place the right palm on the parietal area of ​​the head and mentally direct the flow of energy vertically downward - up from the head to the feet and back. In each position, the number of repetitions should be from 10 to 20 times, depending on the strength of the energy flow and the reaction to sensations in the Student’s head. After 3-4 sessions, the number of movements in the exercise can be increased.

You can work with the Student until a slight headache occurs, which is a sign of an acceptable load during the development of energy metabolism in the brain. After a few sessions, all discomfort should disappear.

To harmonize the Student’s state and align his biofield, the following exercises can be performed:

The Teacher, with hand movements, aligns the shape of the Student’s biofield, achieving its uniformity around the entire circumference (see Fig. 8-11).

The Teacher stands behind the Student. With exciting hand movements from the area of ​​the thymus gland, it moves bioenergy back to the fourth cervical vertebra and through the Student’s head forward and down. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times

Exercise meaning: When performing exercises, the center of awareness of sensations is stabilized, and then it is harmonized at a new qualitative level. It is also possible to experience slight heaviness and mild pain in the head, which indicates undeveloped blood vessels in the brain. In case of changes in the perception of image and color, a signal is given about the insufficient development of the homeostatic mechanism. In the process of performing the exercise, the metabolic functions of the body are improved, interhemispheric connections are strengthened, the areas of the brain, its cortical and subcortical structures, the energy and vascular systems of the right and left hemispheres, the homeostatic mechanism, which should keep the dynamic system of energy-information exchange and the circulatory system of the brain in balance, develop. brain



Initial position: The student sits, back straight, legs at right angles, slightly apart, hands on knees, palms up.

Execution method:

Stage 1- the exercise is performed with open eyes. The student and the Teacher (partners) work in pairs.

The student is in the starting position. The teacher stands next to him. One of his hands is located in front - the “screen”. On the other hand, with rotational movements of the palm, he activates sensations of energy in the area of ​​the Student’s coccyx, until new sensations appear (humming, waves, rotation of a clot of energy, a ball, heat, cold, tingling).

As soon as any sensations appear. The Student says “there is”, and the Teacher, with rotational movements of his palms, slowly moves the energy from the Student’s tailbone along the spine to his head, and the “screen” hand rises up along with the working hand.

We must constantly ask the Student about what he feels and where (in what part of the back). As soon as a feeling of a surge of energy or heaviness arose in the head. The student must independently “splash out the energy through the eyes,” look into the distance for 30-60 seconds, allowing the energy to “flow out” freely. In this case, you need to pay attention to the sensations in the eyes.

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Stage 2- performed in the same way, but the Student’s eyes are closed. When the feeling of energy reaches your head. The student should sharply open his eyes and feel a stream of energy splash through them.

Stage 3-The student independently creates a sensation of energy in the tailbone, while inhaling, he stirs it up to the head, and as soon as a feeling of a surge of energy arises in the head, he sharply opens his eyes and, while inhaling, releases energy through them.

The exercise can be performed in different positions: standing, sitting, lying down. It is necessary to try to bring its implementation to automaticity and within 2-3 seconds, while also developing the strength of the “splash”. The student can independently control the quality of the “splash” by placing his hands in front of his eyes. At the moment of energy release, you need to feel the push of its flow into your palm.

Exercise meaning: Exercise “feeds” the body with energy, activates the circulation of energy along the posteromedial and anteromedial channels, improves blood circulation in the brain, strengthens blood vessels, makes them more elastic, flexible, activates the energy exchange of the eye analyzers, etc.



Initial position: The student stands with his feet shoulder-width apart.

Execution method:

Breath:As you inhale, the tip of your tongue touches the roof of your mouth. Entry and exit of energy in the body: The outer surface gives, the inner surface receives; the back is the energy output, the stomach is the energy input, the back of the head is the energy output, the front is the energy input.

1. With vigorous movements, rub one hand from the shoulder to the fingertips with the palm of the other hand along the outer surface, then from the fingertips to the shoulder along the inner surface until noticeable heat is obtained. The other hand needs to be rubbed in the same way. Then, in a similar way, alternately rub: - the outer and inner sides of the legs, the tailbone and abdomen areas, the head, starting from the back of the head and ending with the face area.

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2. Having captured the sensations of energy in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra, while inhaling, with one hand you need to pull out and move the energy along the outside of the hand to the fingertips. And as you exhale, mix the energy and, as if pressing it inward, move from the fingertips up along the inside of the hand. The movements must be repeated 5-10 times. You should work in the same way with the other hand.

3. Having captured the feeling of energy in the tailbone area (as you inhale), slowly “pull” the energy with both hands down to the foot. As you exhale, the energy should be pressed into the inner side of the leg, moving the arms upward. The movements should be repeated 5-10 times. In the same way, you should carry out a set of movements and sensations on the other leg.

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4. As you inhale, capturing the feeling of energy in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra, you should move it up through your head, and as you exhale, press it into your face and neck. Repeat the exercise >-10 times.

5. Having massaged the tailbone area with both hands, while inhaling, capture the feeling of energy and, as it were, collect it into two bowls. Then, with pushing movements, raise your hands to the lower back and make a sharp exhalation and push with your hands, as if pressing the energy inside. The exercise should be repeated 5-10 times.

In general, it is recommended to perform the “Dry Tibetan massage” exercise for 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the total time of its implementation. The exercise can be performed both in a lying position and in a sitting position. It is recommended to perform the exercise slowly, listening to the sensations.

The student should try to feel the movement of the energy with which he is working, both in the palms and throughout the body. You also need to keep an eye on it. so that these sensations are not interrupted. It is recommended to treat areas that are not sensitive enough with additional energy. The Student’s task is to cause a sensation of energy flowing along the outside of the hand and, as it were, flowing along the inner surface of the hand. It is recommended to try to feel the flow of energy without the help of your palms, solely by mental command.

Exercise meaning: U exercise activates the circulation of energy in the body, the entry and exit of energy through energy centers, increases blood circulation, and develops the respiratory system.



Initial position: Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Hands are bent at the elbows. The palms of the hands are located at shoulder level and directed upward.

Execution method:

When performing the exercise, the Student should try to breathe through the mouth (at this time, the tongue is slightly pressed to the palate and the lips are almost closed).

1. While inhaling, the Student seems to absorb energy through the three upper centers (the palms of both hands and the mouth), then moves it to the solar plexus area and holds his breath for a split second. As you exhale, the energy must be moved downward, exiting through the three lower centers (the perineum and the feet of both legs).

2. The position changes: the “inhalation” of energy occurs through the lower centers, and its “exhalation” through the upper ones.

When performing the exercise, the Student needs to feel the absorption of energy by both the upper and lower centers, thereby, as it were, pumping energy inside his body. In this case, it is necessary to change the rhythm of your breathing and the speed of energy movement. It is recommended to perform the exercise for 5-10 minutes. If there are no unpleasant sensations, the load can be increased.

Exercise meaning: The development of intraosseous, interorgan and other energy channels and centers of the body, its gravitational muscles, vessels, and nerves occurs. Prevention of all body systems occurs, the passage of solar and cosmic energy flows into the body is activated.



Starting position (“Lower bell”): Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms facing the body with palms and slightly spread to the sides.

Execution method:

· The bell is directed downwards: its apex is in the center of the head, and its base is at the tips of the fingers. It is necessary to try to fix the top of the “bell”, as if hanging it in the center of the head. After this, you need to capture the feeling of a sector of the energy field with your hands, feeling its density, and slowly move the “cone - bell” with your hands back and forth, right and left, in a semicircle. Feelings in the head: compression, density, tension; in the lower center - expansion. There should be a connection between the two centers (like a stretched elastic band).

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· After shaking the “cone-bell” a little more with your hands, you should stop them. At the same time, you must try to feel how the “energy hands” continue to move independently, and the “energy bell” itself should move in accordance with them. At the same time, the lower and upper energy centers continue to work.

· Starting position (“Upper bell”): Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms raised up and slightly bent.

· Execution method:

· The “bell” is directed upward: its apex is in the center of the perineum, the base is directed upward. “Having felt the top of the bell,” you must try to capture the sensation of the sector of the field around your head, slowly move it with your hands back and forth, left and right, in a semicircle. Sensations in the lower center - compression, density, tension. Sensations in the upper center - expansion. Just like in the lower “bell”, work with the bell and centers with “energy hands”. Perform the exercise for 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing its duration to 8-10 minutes (depending on how you feel).

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· Exercise meaning: The development and strengthening of energy centers in the body occurs, the energy state improves, and homeostasis develops.



Initial position: The student stands with his hands raised to chest level, palms facing him, and holds them at a distance of 10-15 cm from his body.

Execution method:

Having given himself the mental command to feel the energy cocoon, he makes stroking-slapping movements with his hands around himself until an elastic energy density appears under the palms, and in the areas of the body opposite the moving palms - a response tingling-vibrating sensation. The student thus feels his energy suit in different areas, making sure that the resulting sensations are uniform. Then his hands return to chest level and... wiggled them some more. The student stops his own hands, while feeling how the energy hands continue to move. Upon additional command, the energy cocoon also moves in accordance with them. The student gives himself a command to speed up or slow down the movement, trying to rotate the “cocoon” in different directions, move it up or down. Then again he helps create the feeling with his hands. The student compares the strength and quality of sensations in both cases.

R is. No. 28

Exercise meaning: Allows you to coordinate the interaction of internal and external energy structures, to develop sensitivity in the field structure.




Initial position: The student sits, his back is straight, his legs are slightly apart; the Teacher places one of his hands at the level of the Student’s left eye at a distance of 15-20 cm, the other at the level of his right visual tubercle at a distance of 10-15 cm.

Execution method:

1. - Slowly swinging your hands from side to side, you need to try to create a stretched “energy thread” between them, directing the energy flow from one hand to the other (alternately while inhaling and exhaling). The work is done similarly with the right eye and the left visual thalamus.

2. - The student closes his left eye with the palm of one hand. The Teacher, placing the palm of his hand at a distance of 10-15 cm from the Student’s right eye, creates contact with the outgoing energy flow with rotational movements. Inhaling, he smoothly moves his hand forward from his eye, as if absorbing energy with his palm. At the same time, the student exhales (see the method of breathing in the “Dragon” exercise, etc.) and maximizes the release of energy from the eye. Then, while exhaling, the Teacher “pushes” the energy, leading his palm to the Student’s eye. At this moment, the student takes a breath and tries to maximize the process of absorbing energy through the eye. Work is carried out similarly with the right eye, then with both eyes simultaneously with both hands. The rhythm of inhalation and exhalation of the Teacher and the Student are opposite.

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* The student can perform the exercise independently. Covering one eye with his hand, he uses the palm of his other hand, moving it away from himself, and at the same time “sucks” energy from the eye, accompanied by an exhalation through his mouth. Then, while inhaling, he “pushes” the energy flow into the eye with his palm. When performing exercises, you may experience a tingling sensation in the eyes and watery eyes (especially if there is pathology). The exercise must be performed for 2-7 minutes, 2-3 times a day, gradually increasing the load. The exercise can be performed in a standing, sitting, or lying position.

Exercise meaning: The exercise is aimed at developing the vascular, muscular, and energy systems of the visual analyzers.




Initial position: The student lies on his stomach, arms are located along the body, relaxed.

Execution method:

1. The Teacher must activate the Student’s center associated with the cellular level (in the navel area): using smoothing movements of both palms, contact the Student with this center and, with short and smooth strokes, raise the energy with the palms up in a “fountain” to the height of outstretched arms. After this, you should smoothly return to the same center. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times until active sensations of energy density appear in your hands.

2. Having captured the sensations of energy from the center, with stretching vortex-like movements of the hands, divert the energy flow towards the Student’s legs, moving away from him at a distance of 5-7 meters and making movements similar to “beating a feather bed,” thereby activating the energy with vortex-like movements of the hands 3-5 times. Without stopping the movement of your hands, return to the Student.

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4. Make contact with the center and direct the energy flow along the spine up to the head, after which the Student should roll over onto his back. Capture the energy flow from the head, direct it with stroking movements to the center in the navel area and reactivate the energy with a “fountain”.

5. Then, activating the Student’s energy, the Teacher alternately “stretches” it in four directions: head, left side, right side, legs. The movements are carried out according to the scheme described in paragraph 2 of this exercise. Further, moving clockwise, with smoothing movements of his hands, the Teacher tries to harmonize and compact the Student’s field. If pain or discomfort occurs, the exercise should be reduced or stopped. As sensations develop, increase the student’s load.

Exercise meaning: IN The body activates energy at the cellular level, the respiratory, immune, and hematopoietic systems are strengthened.




Initial position: The Teacher and the Student stand facing each other at a distance of 50 cm, their hands are at shoulder level, palms forward, bent at the elbows.

Execution method:

Rub the palms of your hands, smoothly swinging them back and forth, contact with energy. Capturing the sensations with your hands. The student moves away to a distance of 5-7 meters. After this, it works as a “receiver” of sensations. The Teacher makes smooth movements with his hands back and forth at chest level and, with an exhalation, mentally sends an energy flow from his palms into the palms of the Student, and with an inhalation receives the reflected signal. The exercise is performed alternately with the right and left hands, then with both hands together. Then the Teacher and Student change places.



Initial position: Having rubbed the palm of your hand until warm, raise it above the object (table, chair seat, etc.) by 50-70 cm.

Execution method:

1. Slowly lower your hand, palm tense, attention concentrated on the feeling of compression of the energy field between the hand and the object. Having touched the surface with your palm, slowly raise your hand, feeling how the energy field resists its removal. Having well recorded the sensations that have arisen, turn off attention from the superconscious function and feel how all sensations immediately disappeared. In the future, for training, it is necessary to use any everyday situations, creating and breaking energy contact with various objects at different distances.

2. Create energetic contact with the object with your palm at a distance of 2-3 meters. Mentally send a flow of energy from your palm to the object and try to feel the reflected energy flow in the form of a push, tingling, etc.

3. With your eyes closed, use a “virtual hand” to feel a touch on the walls of the room and determine the distance to them. By imagining rays of energy leaving the body and reflecting from surrounding objects, develop a sense of space.

rice. No. 32fig. No. 33

Exercise meaning: The student expands the range of possibilities for the conscious use of the superconscious.


When the boundaries of the student’s biofield expand to normal sizes, which is achieved by the 6-7th lesson, they begin to open the internal vision (formation of a vision screen or bio computer). To do this, the student is asked to imagine (form) a white dot on a dark background with his eyes closed, expand the dot into a horizontal line, then expand this line vertically into the screen. All operations are initially performed at the command of the teacher. In subsequent classes, at the command “turn on the biocomputer,” students carry out the program for turning on the screen independently. The switching process lasts 3-5 seconds. When you finish working with the screen, turn it off in the reverse order. For children, turning on, off and working with the screen is very easy. Adults will be able to do this with difficulty; for some of them the screen does not appear at all, which may indicate relatively low brain activity or the presence of insurmountable psychological barriers or attitudes.

When the screen appears, it becomes possible, with the help of imagination, to obtain vivid pictures and animate them. write down the necessary information, etc. The main work with the screen of internal vision occurs at the 2nd stage of development.


Each exercise of the 1st stage or some part of it has its own area of ​​influence. For example:

"Head Pumping" - this is an increase in energy exchange directly from the head.

"Vertical pumping" - work to enhance the flow of vertical flows through humans (solar and cosmic energies).

"Horizontal pumping" - active gain of energy by all cells, all tissues.

"The Dragon"- independent strengthening of vertical flows of solar and cosmic energy (the difference between “Vertical pumping” and “Dragon” is that at the initial stage one person helps another expand the channels of energy flow).

"Bell"(top . and lower) - work with valves: upper and lower, which help energy enter inside our body.

"Dry Tibetan massage" - activation of the channels of the arms and legs, increased movement of energy along the ring of immortality (along the small space orbit - along the posterior and anterior median meridians) - thereby improving the flow of energy throughout all internal organs.

Knowing which exercise affects which area, you can use this exercise (partially or completely) in any critical situation and provide quick first aid. But in no case should competent medical care be excluded. Our lomosh is not therapeutic, it is simply the removal of an acute, critical situation when the question is life or death.

If the attacks are regular, as, for example, during hypertensive crises, we cannot constantly relieve them, because this will not lead to their complete disappearance and will not give a person a chance to deal with his illness. In this case, you just need to explain to the person how to restore the regulation of vascular tone and stop hypertension; and show him the basic exercises of the technique.

How to behave in acute situations?


Which occurs with acute respiratory infections and influenza. High temperature is a natural protective reaction of the body. It is necessary to understand that if the temperature does not rise, this is a very bad indicator, indicating that the immune system is not working at all, there is no reaction to the virus.

Febrile temperature (up to 40 C) is a borderline state between life and death, because at temperatures above 41 C, protein molecules become inactive, convulsions and a coma may occur. That is not our task. h to completely remove the temperature, but only reduce it to low-grade fever. This temperature is suitable for fighting the virus and does not harm the body (temperature 38 C).

What energy processes are currently occurring in the body?

Energy exchange in the human body is disrupted: the head and some internal organs act as resistance, energy does not pass through them well. This is where powerful heating comes from. There is a large gain of energy, and “energy exhalation” is difficult. Our task:

It is necessary to do exercises that will help a person “exhale energy”, i.e. remove increased energy and redistribute it. To do this you need:

1) remove the increased energy release from the place where it is (usually the head);

2) strengthen the general flow of energy;

3) restore and harmonize the work of the vegetative center (thermoregulation center) - so that the body maintains the temperature that is necessary for life, but does not lead to death;

4) activate capillary blood circulation and interstitial respiration - because Usually, at elevated temperatures, only the main central blood vessels work and the load is placed on the heart with an increase in blood pressure.

What abolitions exist for this?

1. First of all, save your head. Necessary:

Energetically remove the increased energy release from the patient’s head;

capture the sensations and spin them counterclockwise;

Work with the internal form - transfer all the energy that has accumulated around the head to the anteromedian meridian. Grab the energy from your shoulders and move it forward over your head (“Helmet”);

Expand the aura around the head, because... a person’s aura is small, but the energy bursts out from the inside - the effect of a “three-liter jar around the head” occurs. The energy does not go out anywhere and there is a large load on the vessels of the head, so you need to: capture the sensations of the field of the patient’s head and stretch it in all directions.

3. After this, restore the center of thermoregulation: work on the atlas with the autonomic nervous system (and take a picture where there is a brain and a spinal cord). Capture the patient’s field sensations and transfer them to the diagram, then arrange them in a figure eight pattern on the diagram.

4. In conclusion, activate the work of the capillaries: work on the atlas with the circulatory system (take the general circle of blood circulation - large and small).


With increasing pressure, the same picture is observed as with temperature:

there is a powerful rise of energy in the head, accumulation and expansion from within - but no release occurs.

Our task:

It is necessary to remove the increased energy from the head and (harmonize the work of the internal form.

To begin, massage the collar area well - shoulders, neck, upper spine. Further:

1. Activate the work of the anteromedian meridian: raise the sensations of energy from the sides, grab it around the head and transfer it to the anteromedial line.

2. Remove excess energy counterclockwise.

3. Expand the aura of your head: capture the sensations above your head and pull them up, also draw out the flow of energy through your eyes.

4. Open the exits of the channels on your arms and legs: vigorously stretch and shake your fingers and toes, draw out the flow of energy through your limbs (part of the “Dry Tibetan massage”) Then we help the energy exit from the head: we draw out the energy from the top of the head.

5. After this, work with the atlas on the autonomic system and the circulatory system. When the condition improves and the patient can sit quietly, you can make the “Upper Bell”.


The situation is exactly the opposite of the previous one, when there is an outflow of energy from the head downwards or into the surrounding space (brain power supply).

Our task:

It is necessary to raise the energy to the head and balance the state of all functional systems.

What exercises need to be done?

First, rub the entire collar area well. Further:

1. Activate the work of the posterior median meridian: from behind - from the tailbone to the head, along the spine - raise the energy. We also lift it from the sides to the head. But we don’t dump the energy, we just pull it from the spine to the head!

2. Do a “Head Pump”, draw energy through your eyes.

3. Open the outlets of the energy channels of your hands.

4. When the patient gets better, you can do “Vertical pumping” and “Lower bell”.

5. Finally, work with the atlas (vegetative-vascular and circulatory system).


In children and people with allergies, when bitten, a local inflammatory reaction occurs: anxiety, temperature, swelling, itching. At the site of the bite, there is a difficulty in the flow of energy - it is resistance, and there is an increased release of energy there. Our. task: Restore the uniform movement of energy at the site of the bite.

What exercises are performed?

1. Work directly with the site of inflammation: capture the sensations and move them in different directions in a figure eight.

2. Unwind the sensations counterclockwise, remove the residual release of energy so that it is equal in all parts of the body.

3. “Pump” in and out of the body (as with “Pumping the head”). Pump" until then. until the patient's pain disappears.

4. If the bites are on the head, then you can do the “Helmet”; if they are on the arms or legs, then you can do part of the “Dry Tibet. massage" - activate the injured part of the body. Next, work on the atlas with the autonomic nervous system and the local circulatory system.

5. Finally, do “Pumping” (horizontal and vertical).

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Bronnikov Vyacheslav all exercises on the first stage.

  • Harmonization of body functions
  • Natural Health Skills
  • Development of energy information exchange
  • Sensitivity Range Development
  • Development of phantom feelings
  • Development of consciousness
  • Development of vision

Bronnikov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

State patents No. 2157263, 2143290, 2134596

Exercises using the Bronnikov Method

General safety precautions and basic rules for performing Bronnikov Method exercises

1. All exercises are performed with open eyes!
2. All movements are made clockwise.
3. The student must correctly adjust his consciousness: be in the position of an observer, concentrate on the sensations of energy, compare them in various exercises and report to the teacher.
4. The control word when performing exercises is the Student’s clear answer “is,” which indicates a confident position of consciousness.
5. The student and the Teacher should not use thought forms, work only with energy.
6. If pain or other seemingly negative manifestations occur, reduce the time of doing the exercises or stop for a while. It must be remembered that the process of activating energy exchange in the body is underway, various parts of the brain are activated, and the body enters an active state. In the process of development, negative reactions will disappear.


1. Horizontal (functions of the subconscious).
2. Vertical (functions of consciousness).

Determination of the horizontal boundaries of the human biofield.

Initial position
The student being tested stands at a distance of more than 7m.

Execution method
When measuring field parameters, the Student should not cross his arms or legs. The Teacher rubs his hands until they become noticeably warm, activating energy exchange, and raises his arm, bent at the elbows, with the palm directed towards the student being tested. Slightly shaking your hand back and forth, you gradually approach it until a background (humming, digging, pressing) sensation of energy appears in your palm, and then the first dense boundary of the field. The field of distance from the palm of the Teacher to the Student should normally be 7 meters or more (for any height and age), dense, active, and uniform. Correct shape .

Determining the Vertical Field Boundary

Initial position
The Teacher stands in front or to the side of the Student on a raised platform or with his hand raised high above his head. When measuring a vertical field, the Student should not squat, as the field is deformed.

Execution method
The vertical field parameters are measured by the Teacher above the Student’s head in the same way as described above. Normally, the border of the biofield should be 60 cm or more.

The meaning of the exercise
This exercise serves to develop objectivity and, above all, to develop hand sensitivity. Most beginners have energy fields that are two to three times smaller than normal in size and density. As you practice, the perceived limit gradually increases, which indicates a healing effect. .



Initial position
The exercise is performed independently at any distance between the palms in a sitting, standing, lying position.

Execution method
To activate the sensations of bioenergy in your palms, you need to rub them together and slowly move them apart. As you move your palms closer and further away, listen to the sensations: tingling in your fingers, warmth or coldness in your palms, density, pressure between your palms. Mentally give yourself the command to feel the “ball”, its elasticity, rotate it, changing the position of your hands.

Spread your palms 15-20 cm apart, give yourself a mental command to send and return an energy ray from one palm to the other.

Rotate the index finger of one hand opposite the palm of the other hand, sending an energy ray from the finger and feeling its rotation on the palm. Try to draw a square, triangle, circle, and so on with a ray on your palm.

When performing all exercises at different distances, you need to compare the strength of sensations and your ability to manage energy.

The meaning of the exercise

This exercise serves to develop the sensitivity of the hands; in addition, with any sensations of bioenergy, the right hemisphere of the brain is activated, direct and reverse biological connections develop, and conscious control of them is developed. This aligns the energy potential of both hemispheres of the brain.

From transcripts educational film “LESSONS OF VYACHESLAV BRONNIKOV. 1st stage"

Development of sensations of bioenergy

— I believe that every person can master the sensation of bioenergy, the biofield. How it's done? Very simple. Rub your hands. Each person can rub their hands, but at the same time you must clearly imagine that you are not just rubbing your hands, but two centers are activated, where the first and second hands are located and some kind of connection arises between them. Try it, you will succeed... So you rubbed it. Now slowly begin to move your arms apart and imagine that you have a ball between your hands, that is, some kind of elastic band appears, some kind of elasticity, a certain quality of state. But it occurs in your brain, an interneuronal connection arises between the two centers. Do you feel anything?

A.N.- Yes, there is such a feeling, density.

V.M.- So I’m strengthening it a little, strengthening it. You can also rub your hands. But you must clearly imagine that some kind of connection arises inside your brain. Children do it very easily, they feel it instantly. An adult can do it too. Now I’m helping, strengthening with my energy. What do you feel, what do your fingers feel?

A.N.- It feels like a ball.

V.M.- Now try to stretch, stretch, stretch. Is there a pulling sensation?

A.N.- Yes, such an elastic band.

V.M.- The same thing may well happen for you, but if you still help each other, so to speak. Two partners, try, try, as if you are compacting some space between your hands. Do you feel how your condition has changed?

L.I.- Yes, completely different.

A.N.- Sensations intensify.

V.M.- What's the matter? It turns out that every person, look, pay attention, I am, as it were, your irritant. Now I took you by the hand, but I didn’t just take your hand, a part of your brain inside reacted here, that is, you have a direct and inverse biological connection. I take my hand, you have the center - it works. You feel that I took your hand. Now, watch what happens next. With my energy, I seem to capture your energy and begin to move. What do you feel?

A.N.— There was such a feeling of stretching.

V.M.- Some kind of movement. And the tingling in your hand?

A.N.- There is a tingling sensation in the fingers.

V.M.- What else can you say? What sensations do you have?

A.N.- Actually, it’s very strange, this has never happened before.

V.M.- Are these goosebumps?

A.N.- Yes, such a movement, something is stirring.

V.M.- Now try to do the same to him. Are there any sensations?

A.N.- Yes, that’s also the feeling of stretching.

V.M.- Swap places. Do it for my dear.

L.I.- Yes, as if there was something inside.

V.M.- You see, he is your irritant. Thank you. What happens? It turns out that certain areas in the brain turn on, the ancient structure of the brain turns on, certain new sensations arise, they exist in every person. This is where it all begins.

We have just talked about the sensations that exist in humans. Indeed, you and I can easily learn to feel some energy, and it’s even very simple. But there must be some kind of irritant. I can help myself move this energy along my finger, along my hand. And you can also create such a feeling for yourself, but be sure to imagine that this is happening in your brain, that’s where the reactions take place. Some people focus on something outside themselves; it is difficult for them to catch these sensations. Each person is quite capable of creating such sensations, strengthening them, and developing them. We stir up and revive the ancient structure of the brain, and a person has new, wonderful, unique sensations. Let's try it with you now. Rub your hands and imagine that you are stretching, creating contact between your hands. Feel that pulling, squeezing, pressure sensation. Each of you may well create such a feeling, manipulate this feeling. Try it, you will succeed.


Initial position
The student sits, back straight, hands on knees, palms up, knees separated by 10 -15 cm.

Execution method
1. The Teacher stands in front of the Student and with the palm of his hand makes rotational movements clockwise over the palm of the Student’s right hand, activating energy exchange until any sensations of energy appear: heat, cold, tingling, buzzing, etc.

Then the Teacher, continuing to rotate his palm, slowly moves it up along the Student’s arm, over the shoulders, then down along the left arm and palm. (The student constantly records his feelings and reports them to the Teacher). Completing the circle of energy movement, he helps the Student, using the same movements, transfer sensations to the palm of his right hand. And again it helps to move the energy in a circle (arm – shoulders – arm) 2 more times.

2. The student moves energy independently, comparing the quality and strength of sensations with those previously achieved with the help of the Teacher. Tries to speed up the movement of energy, slow it down, stop it anywhere in the circular energy flow. When performing the exercise, it is necessary to move the energy clockwise (the effort of the process is underway).

If the sensations of movement are weak or disappear, the Teacher helps again. Additionally, the student can develop the movement of energy sensations by performing elements of the “Dry Tibetan massage”. If the exercise turns out very well, you can move the energy through the legs, back, stomach, chest, head, creating various combinations.

The meaning of the exercise
This exercise activates the function of consciousness. By moving sensations of energy from one area of ​​the body to another. The student develops the brain structures responsible for them. Based on the quality of sensations and degree of controllability, he makes a diagnosis of the function of consciousness.


Initial position

The student stands with his feet shoulder-width apart.

Execution method
Breathing: As you inhale, the tip of your tongue rests on the roof of your mouth. Entry and exit of energy in the body: the outer surface gives, the inner surface receives; the back is the exit of energy, the stomach is the entrance of energy, the back of the head is the exit of energy. In front is the energy entrance.

1. With vigorous movements, rub one hand from the shoulder to the fingertips with the palm of the other hand along the outer surface, then from the fingertips to the shoulder along the inner surface until noticeable heat is obtained. The other hand needs to be rubbed in the same way. Then, in a similar way, alternately rub: - the outer and inner sides of the legs, the tailbone and abdomen areas, the head, starting from the back of the head and ending with the face area.

2. Having captured the sensations of energy in the area of ​​the seventh vertebra, while inhaling, with one hand you need to pull out and move the energy along the outside of the hand to the fingertips. And as you exhale, move the energy, as if pressing it inward, moving from the fingertips up along the inside of the arm. The movements must be repeated 5-10 times. You should work in the same way with the other hand.

3. Capturing the feeling of energy in the tailbone area (as you inhale), slowly “pull” the energy with both hands down to the foot. As you exhale, the energy should be pressed into the inner side of the leg, moving your hands up to the groin area. The movements should be repeated 5-10 times. In the same way, you should carry out a set of movements and sensations on the other leg.

4. As you inhale, capturing the feeling of energy in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra, you should move it up through your head, and as you exhale, press it into the groin area. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

5. Having massaged the tailbone area with both hands, while inhaling, capture the feeling of energy and, as it were, collect it into two bowls. Then, with pushing movements, raise your hands to the lower back and make a sharp exhalation and push with your hands, as if pressing the energy inward into the groin area. The exercise should be repeated 5-10 times.

In general, it is recommended to perform the “Dry Tibetan massage” exercise for 5-10 minutes. constantly increasing the total time of its implementation.

The exercise can be performed both in a lying position and in a sitting position, but the “rider” stance (the dragon sat on its tail) is ideal for performing this exercise, except for the third, which is performed on straight legs. It is recommended to do the exercise slowly, listening to the sensations.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, the student should try to feel the movement of the energy with which he is working, both in the palms and throughout the body. It is also necessary to ensure that these sensations are not interrupted. It is recommended to treat areas that are not sensitive enough with additional energy. The Student’s task is to evoke a feeling of energy flowing along the outside of the hand and, as it were, flowing along the inner surface of the hand. Exercise activates the circulation of energy in the body, the entry and exit of energy through energy centers, enhances blood circulation, and develops the respiratory system. The work of the channels of the arms and legs is activated, and the movement of energy along the ring of immortality is enhanced (along the small cosmic orbit - along the posterior-middle and anterior-middle meridians).

Exercise improves energy exchange throughout the body and the respiratory system. blood circulation, metabolism, strengthen the tone of blood vessels in the brain, the walls of blood vessels, the work of the right and left is harmonized and the brain improves.

To activate the sensations of bioenergy in your palms, you need to rub them together and slowly move them apart. As you move your palms closer and further away, listen to the sensations: tingling in your fingers, warmth or coldness in your palms, density, pressure between your palms. Mentally give yourself the command to feel the “ball”, its elasticity, rotate it, changing the position of your hands.

Tibetan dry massage

V.M. — Now we will show you the next exercise, which is called Tibetan dry massage. What is its meaning?
So we began to feel the energy in ourselves, we learned to create a surge of energy*, a surge of energy. But it turns out that this is not enough.
When we wake up in the morning, the human energy system is also in a kind of inhibited, sleeping state. It is recommended in the morning, when you wake up, to do another important exercise to develop the energy exchange of our body. But here you need to know the rules that our back always gives off energy. The outer part of the hand gives out energy, and the inner part receives energy. That is, there is such a rule. The energy leaves the back and enters the front of the body. There is such a circulation of energy, which has a rather complex structure of energy-information exchange. But our task is to enable a person to help himself in the development of energy exchange.

It turns out, as was said earlier, that a person can feel his energy and move it. A person can additionally help the release of this energy. How to grab this energy, pull it out of your body and, on the contrary, press it into yourself, that is, additionally create such an energy exchange.

Lyudochka already knows this exercise. Now she will roughly show how this is done. It is done first, usually done, from the feet. The outer part of us gives energy, the inner part takes away energy, the outer part gives out energy, the inner takes away, the outer gives out energy, the inner takes away. That is, the back part gives, the front part takes away. The same is necessary with the head. Lyudochka will show you how it’s done. But before doing this, a person should simply rub his body.
In the morning you get up and rub your body to revive the receptors so that they wake up. It can be chaotic, it’s not as important as. This is an initial exercise. When you have rubbed your whole body. And you remember, we rub our hands in order to revive the receptors of the hands and brain, as if to strengthen the connection. Direct and reverse biological connection between body and brain.
Now, be so kind as to show me what you will do. Take energy.
It captures energy. Pulls. Pulls. Helps the energy to come out. Then it pushes this energy into itself. A very interesting feeling arises. A very powerful feeling arises. This is also done 5-10 times. A very interesting rush of sensations arises. This is again related to blood circulation. Everything has to do with blood circulation. It is very important. That is, where thought goes, energy goes, where energy goes, blood goes.
Then do the same with the other leg. Now she presses inside with force, she presses energy there. Then, let's work, show how our hands are. It also grabs energy from behind the neck and pulls it out, as it were, out of itself. Forcefully pulls out energy. Then press further on the other side. This is called Tibetan dry massage. Working with energy. And the same with the other hand.

Similar work is going on, she is working with her head. The student captures energy and releases it from the front.

This exercise is also valuable because a person is not only able to activate energy in this way, he is able to capture energy in the tailbone area, in the back area, as if cups appear in his hands. Capture the energy with an inhalation, pull it to the lower back in the abdominal area, and throw this energy into the pelvic part. A powerful exercise to activate the lower center. Genitourinary system.
This is a very powerful preventive exercise. It gives a huge surge of energy in the human body. This is used simultaneously with splash. We close our eyes, I capture the energy, pull it to the abdominal area. I feel as if there are two cups here. And I suddenly exhale and exhale. With tension comes a powerful wave ahead. And this can be repeated several times.

This is used in martial arts by capturing energy and releasing that energy. In this case, special sounds are used, special breathing, that is, it is used to complicate it. But the main thing is that there is a powerful surge of energy...

!!! Fragments from the methodological manual are published in order to give an approximate idea of ​​the 1st stage course of the Bronnikov Method.

Exercise – HEAVY

Initial position
The student sits or stands, back straight, hands on knees, palms up, knees separated by 10-15 cm. The exercise is performed both at the command of the Teacher and independently.

Execution method
The sensation should arise after the Teacher’s command: “Let the body become heavy.” The student mentally imagines himself in the image of an empty vessel, focuses on the flow of descending solar energy, which is form-filling for a person, feels how Energy flows into the vessel. All attention to the body, possible sensations in it; warmth, pulsation, “overflowing inside.” As soon as a feeling of heaviness appears, it is necessary to respond “there is” and return to the normal state. Perform the exercise while inhaling, several times a day for 5-10 minutes. The duration of the exercise can be increased over time.

Record problem areas where there is no feeling of heaviness, which indicates reduced sensitivity, poor communication of the brain with a given organ or area, as well as insufficient control over the functioning of the subconscious.

The meaning of the exercise
When practicing this exercise, we develop direct and feedback connections, learn to control the function of the subconscious .

Exercise – EASY

Initial position : Same as in the exercise "HEAVY"

Execution method
A feeling of lightness should arise after the Teacher’s command: “Let my body become light.” The student mentally focuses on the flow of ascending cosmic energy, which is formative for a person. The body is pulled upward, it seems to increase in volume, you lose the feeling of weight. There is no sensation of internal organs. As soon as lightness appears, you need to say “eat” and return to your normal state.

Perform the exercise while inhaling, several times a day for 5 - 10 minutes.

Record areas where there is no feeling of lightness, which indicates insufficient control over the functioning of the superconscious.

The meaning of the exercise
When practicing this exercise, direct and feedback connections with the function of the subconscious are developed.

From the transcript of the educational film “LESSONS OF VYACHESLAV BRONNIKOV. 1st stage"

Exercise “heaviness” and “lightness”

V.M. - I ask Lyudochka to sit down. We also do the exercise while sitting. Palms up so that they breathe energy. The task now is a little different, now Lyudochka will give herself commands. This is like a kind of auto-training in order to create some new, I would say amazing, sensations. Moreover, they are quite well known to many, but what is behind it. If a person imagines himself as a certain object through which solar energy flows, from top to bottom, and from below cosmic energy, and these two energies together form, intersecting, interacting bioenergy in every cell of our body. Then if a person knows about this and knows how to feel, he knows how to manage these processes. And our task now is to teach a person to feel solar energy and cosmic energy. And later he managed bioenergy. How is this done? So, Lyudochka, imagine that solar energy is entering you from above. This is form-filling energy. Well, imagine that we fill some volume with water, fill a bucket with water. The bucket becomes heavy. It’s the same here, you need to give yourself the command that solar energy enters you, fills your whole body, every cell of yours. It is filled with solar energy and the body becomes heavy. Feel so heavy. Give yourself this command and feel this heaviness. Tell yourself that solar energy is entering me, I am filled with some kind of strength. The body becomes heavy, pulls it towards the ground, I feel heaviness. This is a certain reaction of the brain. We are starting to notice something. Do you have any feelings?

L.I.- Yes, my arms immediately became heavy, and it was as if a weight was sliding from my shoulders to my legs.

V.M.- Legs, torso. Each time this exercise will be even more intense, the quality of sensations will increase. Now we give another command to our body. Cosmic energy enters us from below, the body is filled with cosmic energy. Cosmic energy is formative energy. And the body becomes lighter, the body expands, like a balloon. There is a feeling as if something is pulling you, lifting you up. This exercise is actually used to develop the ability to levitate. Give yourself a command, cosmic energy enters me from below, fills me, pumps me up, I expand like a balloon. Lightness arises, something pulls me up. Do you feel this way?

L.I.- Yes, it’s up, it feels like something is being pulled out.

V.M.- Amazing. Now we give the command again, solar energy enters me from above, I am filled with heaviness, my whole body becomes heavy. Listen to your leg, your arm, different parts of your body. You can give a command to every part of the body. Let's say only the right leg was heavy or the left. That is, it depends on your creativity. Well, how does it feel?

L.I.- Hands feel heaviness and legs better. Instantly, almost.

V.M.- Then lightness, again. Cosmic energy enters me. The body is pumped up with some force and expands. Lightness arises, some kind of delight arises. Some force seems to be pulling upward, pulling upward. Sometimes even the arms try to rise, the legs, something is pulling somewhere behind the head. These are the different sensations that arise.

L.I.— Lightness, a pleasant feeling when something inflates, lifts to the top.

V.M.- This is such a simple exercise. This concludes this exercise. Let me explain once again what this exercise does.
Either cosmic energy, then solar energy, then cosmic energy, then solar energy begins to move consciously through a person, at his command. This whole set of exercises in the East is called teaching yourself to breathe with bones, that is, a new property arises. You see, step by step we learn some completely new sensations...
What can this give us? In addition to developing a sense of solar and cosmic energy within yourself. This is where the sensation of mastering solar and cosmic energy begins. But that is not all.

Remember how you feel at the end of the day, your heavy legs for the whole day you are. Tired legs. What's happening? Solar energy is beginning to dominate here. It affects the imbalance between solar and cosmic energy. How can you help yourself? And in general, all these exercises serve so that we, step by step, acquire certain strengths, certain opportunities, help ourselves, change our condition, improve our well-being, gain some vital force that can be used, as it were, to pump up our health, to enhance our vitality. strength in yourself. To improve your well-being. Well, we all know perfectly well that if I lift my leg, I feel heaviness, but why do I feel heaviness? Because I lift a piece of meat and bones, I lower the weight - lightness. Now watch what I do. I do things a little differently.
Now I raise my leg, I tell myself, I give the command, I have already worked out that cosmic energy is entering me, my leg is light. I lowered it - it’s heavy on the contrary. Picked it up - easy. I lowered it - it was heavy. The process is completely changing. What happens?
I repeat. During the day, a person gets tired. The muscles in a person get tired. The so-called anti-gravity muscles that keep me in this normal state are getting tired. It weakens these muscles. And these muscles primarily affect venous circulation. An artery has its own muscle, as it were, but a vein does not. So what happens? That this anti-gravity muscle does not work well with the veins. The veins dilate and a stagnation process begins. Moreover, we feel heaviness in our legs. And from here comes the deposition of salts and a mass, a mass of other disorders in the peripheral circulation. How can we help ourselves?
It turns out that it is worth doing several such exercises, as if in a completely reverse order. When we give the command that the leg becomes light, that is, some kind of cosmic energy enters. The reaction of these muscles completely changes, blood circulation in the leg changes, lightness appears in the legs, the metabolic process changes... And the greatest value is that there is a transition moment between arterial and venous blood, there are microcapillaries through which blood flows. And just in time, the body is overloaded, these metabolic processes are disrupted primarily in these places. What are we doing? Due to these exercises, this part of the body, where arterial and venous blood flows, turns into a powerful sponge. We kind of train, do a kind of massage, and it circulates perfectly inside our body. And the person stops feeling tired, his legs feel light.
Why in the ancient martial art of the East, fighters specially put weights on their legs, because they develop such lightness in their legs that they are forced to cling to more and more weight, in order to have an even greater powerful reaction in their legs, controlled for jumping, for speed of movement and so on. But, the most important thing is that a person learns not to get tired with such simple exercises... There is not just an improvement in the condition of the body, not just an improvement in well-being, but there is a powerful rejuvenation of the body.

Exercise – DRAGON

Initial position
Feet shoulder-width apart: knees slightly bent. Hands are bent at the elbows. The palms of the hands are located at shoulder level and directed upward.

Execution method
When performing the exercise, the Student should try to breathe through the mouth (at this time the tongue is slightly pressed to the palate, the lips are almost closed).

1. While inhaling, the student absorbs energy through the three upper centers (the palms of both hands and the mouth), then moves it to the solar plexus and holds his breath for a split second. As you exhale, the energy must be moved downward, exiting through the three lower centers (the perineum and the feet of both legs).

2. The position changes: the “inhalation” of energy occurs through the lower centers, and its “exhalation” through the upper ones.

When performing the exercise, the Student needs to feel the absorption of energy by both the upper and lower centers, thereby, as it were, pumping energy inside his body. In this case, it is necessary to change the rhythm of your breathing and the speed of energy movement.

The meaning of the exercise
The development of intraosseous, interorgan and other energy channels and centers of the body, its “gravitational muscles”, blood vessels, and nerves occurs. Prevention of all body systems occurs, the passage of solar and cosmic energy flows in it is activated. In addition, this exercise strengthens the connection between the upper and lower energy valves, developed by the “Energy Bell” exercise.

From the transcript of the educational film “LESSONS OF VYACHESLAV BRONNIKOV. 1st stage"

Exercise "Dragon"

V.M.— We have learned to feel energy. By giving a command, we have learned to feel how a certain force, a certain solar and cosmic energy enters us. Together they create bioenergy within. What is bioenergy? And this is a kind of clot of energy, some kind of quality that manifests itself inside our body.
Specifically. I give myself a command, a feeling appears in my hand, in some part. I take this feeling, move it this way, that way. It is I who recognize this energy as a kind of clot, and move it within myself. He, this clot, is walking inside my body. This is bioenergy. The main thing is that I am aware of this clot of energy.
In order for me to become more aware of this product that the cosmos creates inside my body, there is the following exercise. It's called a dragon. A person should stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Your legs should be slightly bent at the knees. Palms should be raised up.
A person should feel how energy enters the palms and the head, through the head.
We give ourselves the command that energy is coming in. As if we inhale energy with our hands and head. Energy enters my body. It goes inside approximately up to the solar plexus. This is all done by thought. When I inhale, I seem to draw energy into myself. Through my legs I exhale this energy. She comes out. Energy enters the earth.
Now back. Now from below I take a breath of energy from the earth. I inhale cosmic energy. I exhale through my hands again. Inhale, exhale. That is, then you feel a powerful flow of energy flowing through you. Enter exit.
Enter exit. This exercise can be done 5-10-20 times...

In the martial art of the East, all these exercises, of course, take hours. They practice using dynamics, using special breathing exercises. We offer a system of exercises for recovery, for prevention, to strengthen your body. In order for a person to learn not to get tired, so that he can pump himself up with energy, vitality...

When we do this dragon exercise, we need to remember a number of very important things. That we are like a conductor, which is presented in the form of resistance. Energy moves through us very poorly, because we are resistance, but we need to turn into a superconductor. So we must stand for some time and control the flow of solar energy - cosmic, solar - cosmic. There is such a flow.
An absolutely amazing quality of state arises. Moreover, by creating such a flow of energy, a person can create a sensation of what we conventionally call bioplasma. That is, a powerful clot of energy arises. Inside our body, outside our body, this is a powerful force. How is it formed?
We must not forget that we must use energy inhalation and exhalation. Inhalation and exhalation is done in this system only through the mouth. Why?
We inhale energy through our mouths and exhale through our mouths. But the fact is that we are now training our nasopharynx to breathe energy. If a person is not ready for this, then he can burn, violate. A certain condition can worsen the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. And we are training them, tempering them right now.
The lips should be compressed, as if sucking in energy, sucking in with the mouth too. We suck in and exhale, again the lips are compressed. It’s as if we are having difficulty exhaling.
When you inhale, be sure to raise your tongue and press it against the hard palate. There is a certain point there, but this is a more complex system. During our exercises, you will learn about various subtleties in other cycles.
For now our task. We stand, feeling the flow of energy that enters us. Let's take a breath. And while inhaling through the mouth, we simultaneously exhale energy through the legs. I repeat again, inhale to the solar plexus, exhale from the solar plexus and down.

I would immediately like to clarify about the complication of this exercise in the future. It turns out that a person can learn to breathe balloons. That is, certain sensations are created: the lower, middle, upper ball; it turns out that a person, due to a certain complex system, can breathe energy and air within himself. This is a very interesting system. But that will come later. And now, we are forming the initial preparatory certain powerful quality that allows us to move on to a new exercise.


Initial position
The Teacher and the Student stand facing each other at a distance of 50 cm, their hands are at shoulder level, palms forward, bent at the elbows.

Execution method
Rub the palms of your hands, smoothly swinging them back and forth, contact with energy. Capturing the sensations with your hands. The student moves away to a distance of 5-7 meters. After this, it works as a “receiver” of sensations. The Teacher makes smooth movements with his hands back and forth at chest level and, with an exhalation, mentally sends an energy flow from his palms into the palms of the Student, and with an inhalation receives the reflected signal. The exercise is performed alternately with the right and left hands, then with both hands together. Then the Teacher and Student change places.

This exercise can be done independently. Imagine that you are your energy body (a large energy ball) where energy enters from all sides - inhale and also exits evenly in all directions - exhale.

The meaning of the exercise
Gaining awareness of your energy body, as well as its express diagnosis and adjustment. If you feel in some place resistance to a uniform flow or it (the flow) is not felt there, then devote part of your attention to this place (where thought goes, energy goes) and the energy flow will be restored.


Initial position: The student sits, back straight, legs at right angles, slightly apart, hands on knees.

Execution method: The exercise is recommended to be performed in pairs. At the level of the Student’s eyes, at a distance of 70-80 cm, attach a sheet of paper to the wall, in the center of which there is a black dot with a diameter of 4-5 mm. The teacher stands to the side of the student or behind him. The teacher sends a stream of energy from one hand to the other, directing it through certain parts of the head. The student concentrates his attention on the point, listens to his sensations in the head and throughout the body. Based on changes in the image of the point and sensations, the state of the brain systems is diagnosed.

Position No. 1 .

Place the palm of your left hand on the frontal part, the palm of your right hand on the back of your head and create an “energy cord” between your hands. We move our left hand, pulling the energy cord through our head. Then the left hand sends a stream of energy, and the right palm receives it and pulls the energy cord in the opposite direction. Repeat 5-10 times. Finish the exercise by placing both hands on your head to relieve negative sensations.

Position No. 2

We change the position of the hands: The palm of the left hand is located on the parietal part, and the right hand is located on the occipital part of the head. “Pumping” the head with a flow of energy is carried out in a similar way as position No. 1, but the energy cord runs in an arc through the center of the head.

Position No. 3

Diagonal pumping of the head with a flow of energy is carried out from the left occipital protuberance to the right temple (7-10 times). Then there is a change of hands, from the right occipital protuberance to the left temple.

Position No. 4

Place the palms of your right and left hands parallel to each other on the occipital-parietal part of your head. Pumping the head with a flow of energy is carried out in a similar way, only the energy flows in an arc through the center of the head.

Position No. 5

Place the right palm on the parietal area of ​​the head and mentally direct the flow of energy vertically downwards - up from the head to the feet and back, simultaneously helping with the movement of the hand.

In each position, the number of repetitions should be from 5 to 10 times, depending on the strength of the energy flow and the reaction to the sensations in the Student’s head. After 3-4 sessions, the number of movements in the exercise can be increased. You can work with the Student until a slight headache occurs, which is a sign of an acceptable load during the development of energy metabolism in the brain. After a few sessions, all discomfort should disappear. At the end of the exercise, to harmonize the Student’s state and align his biofield, it is possible to perform the following exercises: “energy helmet” and “3 plus 3”.

Position No. 6 .

The Teacher stands behind the Student. With exciting movements of the hands in the area of ​​the thymus gland, it moves bioenergy back to the 7th cervical vertebra and through the Student’s head - forward and down. ("Energy Helmet"). Repeat the exercise 5-7 times. Then, with circular movements of one palm clockwise, he harmonizes the field above his head, making 2-3 circles, slowly lowers his hand down in front, closing the sensations by touching the Student’s hand. Thus, and this time, it fulfills the tantric principle of the flow of the external into the internal. He makes the same movements in front of the student’s eyes to remove and align all energy imbalances in the external energy field and the brain.

The meaning of the exercise. First of all, this exercise serves to enhance energy exchange directly in the head and spinal cord. When performing the exercise, you may experience slight heaviness and mild pain in the head, which indicates undeveloped blood vessels in the brain. In this case, the exercise should be carried out using the contact method, placing hands on the Student’s head. In the process of performing the exercise, the metabolic functions of the body are improved, interhemispheric connections are strengthened, the areas of the brain, its cortical and subcortical structures, the energy and vascular systems of the right and left hemispheres, the homeostatic mechanism, which should keep the dynamic system of energy-information exchange and the circulatory system of the brain in balance, develop. brain

Exercise – ENERGY BELL

The exercise is performed standing.

We activate our hands and lightly rub the top of the head. From the energy shell developed through dry Tibetan massage, we form an energy bell with a center on the head and a rim around the hips. Let's check its availability. To do this, you need to grab the rim and tilt our formed bell to the left, right, forward, back. Accordingly, there will be sensations of touching the inner surface of the bell on the right and left auricle, on the back of the head, on the forehead and the tip of the nose. We continue checking. Lightly rotate the bell left and right. There should be a feeling of twisting at the top of your head. We consolidate all the sensations that arise with the command “Yes.” After this, we lower the rim of the bell onto the top of the head and feel how the bell presses on the head. We take hold of the rim again, lower it down so that its top is in the center of our head. Now we create with our hands the rotation of the bell, first in one direction, then in the other. At this moment, there is a sensation of rotation in the center of the head and the rim of the bell sliding along the fingers. Stop the bell. We slightly lift it by the rim and knock on the top of the head several times, and then sharply turn it over with the rim up and the top down and begin to lower the bell until its top “knocks” on the tailbone area.

At this time, a feeling of peculiar expansion and lightness should arise in the head, especially clearly noticeable after the heaviness from the bell disappears. In the same way, we turned the bell left and right, and then you can simply throw it off, you can compact it into the external energy circuit of the body. At this moment, a feeling of expansion and lightness should also arise in the lower center.

The meaning of the exercise: development and strengthening of the upper and lower energy centers occurs. The upper and lower energy channels are being developed, which are the main energy inputs into the main “energy trunk” of a person. In addition, the exercise helps to maintain a stable screen position when turning on the biocomputer (BC).

Having developed the upper and lower valves, you can enhance this effect with the “little dragon” exercise.


Initial position

Execution method The student covers his right eye with his palm. The Teacher places one hand at the level of the Student’s left eye at a distance of 15-20 cm, the other at the level of his right occipital protuberance at a distance of 10-15 cm. Slowly shaking or rotating his hands, the Teacher establishes contact with the energy flow coming out of the Student’s eye. Directing the flow of energy from one hand to the other alternately while inhaling and exhaling, creates a feeling of a taut energy “thread”. The teacher breathes through his mouth, the tip of his tongue rests on the roof of his mouth. Next, inhaling, the Teacher smoothly moves his hand forward from the Student’s eye, inhaling energy with his palm. At the same time, the student exhales and maximizes the release of energy from the eye. Then, while exhaling, the Teacher brings his palm to the Student’s eye, exhaling energy from his palm. At the same time, the student takes a breath and tries to maximize the process of energy absorption by the eye. The teacher repeats the movements several times. The Student’s exhalation always coincides with the Teacher’s inhalation and vice versa. Similar movements are performed with the right eye and the left occipital protuberance.

When performing the exercise, you may experience pain in the eyes or watery eyes (especially in the case of pathology). The exercise must be performed for 3-7 minutes, carefully listening to the sensations and gradually increasing the load.

Exercise meaning: Development of the vascular, muscular and energy systems of the visual apparatus. Harmonization of energy exchange of the eyes.


Initial position. Teacher and Student stand facing each other. Arms bent at elbows at shoulder level, palms forward.

Execution method. By rubbing their palms and thereby activating the sensations of bioenergy, the Teacher and Student establish energetic contact between each other’s palms. The student slowly moves away to a distance of no more than 5-7 meters, maintaining the feeling of an energetic “elastic band” between his palms and the palms of the Teacher. Further, in the process of performing the exercise, the Student calmly stands in place without any unnecessary movements, listening to his feelings, and reports them to the Teacher. When performing movements, the Teacher makes an enhanced “exhalation” of energy, the Student makes an enhanced “inhalation” of energy.

Working with the external form of the biofield

The student is standing face to the Teacher. The teacher, with smooth circular movements of his hands, raises the flow of energy from bottom to top, creating waves in the united energy field. From the top position, spreading your arms to the sides, makes a falling movement with your hands, palms down. Repeats the movement 5-7 times. The student turns clockwise 180 degrees, becoming with your back to the Teacher. Slowly lowers his hands down, turning his palms towards the Teacher. The Teacher repeats the above-described movements with his hands 5-7 times, compacting the Student’s field from the back. The student turns clockwise again face to the Teacher. The teacher repeats the same movements 2-3 times.

Working with the internal form of the biofield

The student remains standing in place, hands down. The Teacher approaches the Student and stands behind his with your back. All movements of the Teacher around the Student are made only clockwise. The Teacher, with pulling movements of his hands, raises energy from the feet to the tailbone and along the spine up to the Student’s head, makes a downward movement with his hands through the head and along the sides of the Student. His palms face down towards the floor. Repeats movements 5-7 times. The teacher is standing from the left side Student. Having placed the right palm behind, the left (screen) in front of the Student at a distance of 10-15 cm from his body, with his right hand he makes splashing movements, pushing energy through the Student’s body, with his left palm (screen) he reflects the flow of energy. After each swing, the Teacher consistently raises both hands up 15-20 cm and repeats the splashing movements. Having reached the head, he moves his right hand forward and smoothly lowers both hands down. Repeats movements 5-7 times. The teacher is standing face to the Student. With dragging movements of both hands, he lifts the energy on the sides of the Student up to the shoulders, puts his hands behind his neck and, having transferred the energy with them through the Student’s head, lowers his hands down. Repeats the movement 5-7 times. The teacher is standing from the right side Student. The movements are the same , as before, but the left hand works behind, and the right hand in front acts as a screen. Repeats movements 5-7 times. The teacher is standing behind Student. He brings his hands forward at neck level, capturing the feeling of energy with his palms, with dragging movements he moves it to the back of the head, the crown of the head and moves it forward and down over the Student’s head, forming a kind of “ helmet". Repeats 5-7 times. The Teacher faces the Student. Circular movements of the palm clockwise harmonize the field above your head The student, making 2-3 circles, slowly lowers his hand down. The Teacher faces the Student. Performs harmonizing movements in front of eyes Student: captures the flow of energy from the eye with his palm and “pulls” it, moving the palm some distance, then slowly lowers the hand. Fixing stage. The Teacher walks around the Student clockwise, compacting and smoothing the Student’s field (making an “energetic snowman”). Either: The Student turns clockwise, and the Teacher stands still, securing the Student’s field.

Exercise meaning: Development and strengthening of energy channels. Strengthening energy exchange between the external and internal forms of the human biofield. Improved blood circulation. Activation of life force. Mutual energy development of partners. When performing the exercise, a pulling sensation may occur inside the bones of the arms and legs, where a number of energy channels are located, which is why this exercise is also called “bone breathing.”


Initial position. The exercise is performed in pairs. The student lies on his stomach, arms along the body, body relaxed.

Execution method. Activate the Student’s energy center, located just below the navel. Using smoothing movements of both hands, establish contact with this center and with short, smooth “fountain” strokes, raise the energy to the height of outstretched arms. After this, smoothly lower your palms towards the Student’s body. Having captured the feeling of the flow of energy from the center, with stretching vortex-like movements of the hands, move it towards the Student’s legs, moving away from him at a distance of no more than 5-7 meters. Make several movements similar to fluffing a feather bed, thereby activating the energy. Without stopping the movement of your hands, approach the Student. Perform energy activation movements, walking around the Student clockwise. First, the movements are performed from the left side of the Student, then from the head, and from the right side. Establish energetic contact with the center and direct the flow of energy along the spine up to the head. After this, the Student turns over onto his back. Capture the flow of energy from the head and direct it to the navel area, again activating the energy with a “fountain”. “Stretch” the Student’s energy alternately in four directions: head, left side, legs, right side (the same set of movements when the Student was lying on his stomach). In conclusion, walking around the Student clockwise, the Teacher condenses his energy field.

Exercise meaning: Activation of energy at the cellular level, harmonization of energy exchange.


Initial position The student sits, back straight, hands on knees, palms up, knees slightly apart, legs parallel to each other.

Execution method

Stage 1 At this stage, the exercise is performed with open eyes. Teacher and Student work in pairs. The Teacher stands to the side of the Student. One hand of the Teacher (screen) is located in front, with the other hand the Teacher, with rotational movements, activates the energy in the area of ​​the Student’s tailbone until new sensations appear (warmth, tingling, wave, energy ball). As soon as such sensations appear, the Student says “yes.” Next, the Teacher, using rotational movements of his palm, slowly raises the energy along the Student’s spine from the tip to the head. The screen arm rises with the working arm. The Teacher constantly asks the Student in which part of the back he feels the movement of energy. The student is in the position of an observer and reports to the Teacher about his feelings. As soon as the energy flow has reached the head, and the Student has a feeling of a surge of energy and a slight expansion of the head, he “splashes out” the flow of energy through his eyes and looks into the distance for some time, allowing the “energy” to “flow out” freely. The student concentrates on the sensation of the flow of energy passing through the eyes. Another version of the exercise: energy is released through the crown of the head.

Stage 2 The exercise is performed in the same way, but the Student's eyes are closed. The Teacher still helps the Student with his hands. When only the sensations of energy movement have reached the head, the Student sharply opens his eyes and splashes out a stream of energy through them.

Stage 3 The student independently activates the sensation of a clot of energy in the tailbone and moves it up to the head along the spine. As soon as there is a stable feeling of a rush of energy to the head, the Student sharply opens his eyes and, as he exhales, releases energy. The exercise can be performed in sitting, standing, and lying positions. You need to learn how to raise energy from your tailbone to your head in two to three seconds and build up the power of the burst.

The meaning of the exercise: Feeding the body with energy, activating the circulation of energy along the posterior and anteromedial channels.

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Three functional systems

At the international symposium on the problems of the unconscious, held in Tbilisi in 1979, scientists divided the functional processes in the human body into subconscious, conscious and superconscious.
They correspond to three functional systems: subconscious (SS), consciousness (S) and superconsciousness (SS).

About the subconscious, i.e. everyone knows about our physical body. Knowledge about this part of our body - cells, tissues, organs - fits within the framework of natural anatomy and physiology. The bodies of consciousness and superconsciousness are considered by abstract-logical anatomy. And if the body of the subconscious is in material space, then the bodies of consciousness and superconsciousness are not manifested for us and are located in immaterial space. No one disputes the existence of this immaterial, unmanifested world. Between the material and immaterial spaces there is a connecting space, called Bardo in the East.

All human functional systems operate as energy-informational structures.

Energy processes occurring at all levels of organization of the subconscious (cellular, mineral, organismal, intellectual and social) form an energy field shaped like an apple. In a practically healthy person, the field radius is at least seven meters.

The central and peripheral nervous systems form an energy field in the shape of an elongated oval (egg), and its height above the head of a practically healthy person is 60 cm.

If the field parameters are below normal, this indicates poor health. Weakened immune system, poor energy exchange in the body.

The technique, using the tantric path of development (one person helps to activate the energy exchange of another person), allows you to develop energy structures, improve blood circulation, harmonize the functioning of the brain and autonomic nervous system, strengthen the immune system, which leads to overall health of the body.

The left hemisphere of the brain is dominantly associated with energy phenomena and its work is directed into material space. Energy channels, acupuncture points and left hemisphere activity are associated with the flow of energy into our body. If the flow of energy into the body is disrupted, pathology occurs.

The right hemisphere of the brain is associated with phenomena that carry information and have a close connection with immaterial space, i.e. with our superconscious function. Artists, musicians, poets, writers are people. in whom the right hemisphere is actively functioning, i.e. they receive information through their super consciousness from a single information field, which is an unmaterialized space.

In general, the activity of the brain shapes our consciousness, and the degree of development of our consciousness, and therefore the subconscious, and the entire organism as a whole depends on the harmonious work of both of its hemispheres.

The inability to influence the preservation of the balance of energy exchange leads to the emergence of pathology at various levels of the body and person.

Based on the activation of energy exchange in the brain and the body as a whole, it is possible to develop the subconscious, conscious and superconscious functions of the human body.

This will allow the body to be transferred from a passive, underdeveloped, uncontrollable state into an active, consciously controlled state, while creating a powerful healing effect, rejuvenation of organs, and so on. eat. All people are capable of recording the size and heterogeneity of the biofield.

Having developed sensitivity with the help of your hands, you can measure the parameters of the energy field of the subconscious (PS) and the field of consciousness (C), determine the state of the body, and feel the three functional systems.

By creating sensations of heaviness, you can learn to feel your subconscious body. By creating sensations of movement of bioenergy, you can feel the work of consciousness, and by creating sensations of lightness, you can feel your superconscious function. Based on these sensations, the “inclusion” of the three bodies of the body is diagnosed.


1. The step of theory is the step of practice based on laws, and you must first know and then be able to, not vice versa.
But any achievement may be untimely: a first-grader can be shown how mammals reproduce - but is he ready for this?

2. Optimal gradation in achieving knowledge and skills.
But any theoretical and practical experience can be used to harm due to carelessness.

3. Availability of powerful, strict and proven safety technology. From thoughts, words, to actions and energy and physical impacts.
But by dividing the course into stages, and insuring yourself and others from the gap, you can propose a system in which a person will only approach the first milestones of necessary achievements towards the end of his life.

4. Achieve the required results in an extremely short time.
But deadlines can create exorbitant loads.

5. Constant verification of the objectivity of the choice of load mode and safety in close cooperation with the most advanced science, the latest instrumental research, support of groups of students with the necessary specialists and consultants.
However, the best method with the best technique of suffering from mistakes, being quickly shown, can quickly be forgotten.

6. Optimal number of classes and thorough consolidation of skills.
But even a firmly established skill can atrophy if there is no opportunity or need for its use and development.

7. Do not isolate yourself in the solitude of superpowers, but create a variety of application of the method in various fields of activity (and therefore increase the number of consumers) and create a club system of communication - a new comfortable, highly organized living environment for trained or wishing to gain knowledge children and adults.
However, are there really so few comfortable, organized and even protected structures that call for replenishing their ranks? How long will they last? How necessary are they for Society, Nature, and Space?

8. His plans are carefully integrated into the most intimate and global tasks of the Cosmos, Nature and Man. And this process is accompanied and protected.
But how many of those who talked about wonderful plans, counting on the assistance and protection of powerful forces, were crushed and overturned? “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself,” warns popular wisdom.

9. Go slowly, modestly and carefully, often holding the process in the role of “yin” - a bride who simply demonstrates and does not impose herself: whoever likes it will come up to meet you.
It is said: “If you save yourself, you will save others.” But can one person transmitting knowledge, an idea, or even a small group carry out such a plan in detail?

10. Many must gather.
It is necessary to offer knowledge to everyone, to help everyone discover themselves, to find their role, place and purpose in the overall process.

General safety precautions and basic rules for performing Bronnikov Method exercises

1. All exercises are performed with open eyes (otherwise stated in the text).
2. All movements are made clockwise.
3. The student must correctly adjust his consciousness: be in the position of an observer, concentrate on the sensations of energy, compare them in various exercises and report to the teacher.
4. The control word when performing exercises is the Student’s clear answer “is,” which indicates a confident position of consciousness.
5. The student and the Teacher should not use thought forms, work only with energy.
6. If pain or other seemingly negative manifestations occur, reduce the time of doing the exercises or stop for a while. It must be remembered that the process of activating energy exchange in the body is underway, various parts of the brain are activated, and the body enters an active state. In the process of development, negative reactions will disappear.

From the transcript of the educational film "LESSONS OF VYACHESLAV BRONNIKOV. 1st stage"

Safety precautions

V.M. - The first stage consists of 144 exercises. But in this 1st stage of training we give only the basic, basic, fundamental exercises that allow us to develop in a person the so-called superconscious function or third signaling system. Certain qualities of sensation that allow you to provide completely new amazing opportunities.
The entire cycle of exercises has the goal of preparing our body for new processes in the brain. This refers to preparation for the development of various forms of virtual vision, holographic consciousness, telepathic capabilities, and so on. But without such development, the development of our body, the development of such systems, primarily the brain, this is in principle impossible. Or, in the absence of knowledge, in the absence of knowledge, a person leads himself to various forms of pathology. That’s why we have safety at the core...

The first requirement for performing our exercises. Basically all exercises are performed only with open eyes. Because you probably already understand perfectly well that when a person closes his eyes, the brain de-energizes. Until certain qualities are developed, we demand that the eyes be open.

Second. All exercises should be performed only until you feel a pleasant normal state. The unpleasant conditions have already begun, the overloads need to be stopped. Third. Be sure to practice in pairs. Engaging with someone is very important. Just as a person inhales and exhales. When you work with a student, it can be compared to inhaling. When he is with someone, he exhales. That is, you need to be able to work. It is important that they work with you, and that you work with someone.

As you practice our exercises, you will notice how, step by step, you will experience more and more new sensations. You will begin to feel these vital forces, these processes, this biofield, this bioenergy. Don't worry. All this will come to you the more you practice.
