The meaning of the name Gordey and its fate. Meaning of the name Gordey

Gordey - personal male name, which at its core emphasizes the characteristic trait of its owner - pride. However, in addition to the obvious meaning, there are other interpretations of this nickname - “fast”, “formidable”, “lord”.

Origin of the name

Like others, the name Gordey originated in Greece. From mythological ancient literature such a character as the peasant Gordius is known. He became famous for the fact that once he came to the temple of Zeus, he tied a cart at its gates with a strong, tangled knot that could only be cut (“Gordian knot”).
The Slavic derivative form - Gordey assigned to the men who wear it the glory of proud men. How correct is this interpretation?

General characteristics

Little Gordeyka is balanced, calm and somewhat shy. The charming, strong man (and the little one is in excellent health) is embarrassed to be the first to speak with unfamiliar children, preferring to quietly watch their pranks from the sidelines.

Gordeyushka always obeys his parents, not daring to contradict them; their words will be important for him even in adulthood. The boy is very neat and responsible; he always handles his things with care; after games, each toy is on its own shelf.

The boy’s inherent ability to concentrate helps him greatly in his studies; in class, Gordey is the most attentive and interested student, a new educational material he literally catches on the fly.

Despite his natural modesty, Deichik easily makes friends - the children themselves cling to this silent man, feeling his kindness and sensitivity. In a close circle of friends, the young man positions himself as a confident, cheerful, pleasant conversationalist.

With girls, Gora is a courteous and affectionate boyfriend. The mother manages to instill in her beloved child the manners of an intelligent, high-society, educated person. The bearer of the name subconsciously chooses the chosen one who is similar to the parent; he will bring into the house only the one whom he is ready to call his wife.

Positive character traits

Growing up, Gordey remains calm and reasonable, as in his younger years. He carefully thinks through and weighs each of his actions.
The young man has strong-willed qualities, thanks to which he is able to work long and hard to complete the task. Innate hard work allows him to repeatedly achieve great success in his career.

Negative character traits

The self-esteem of the owner of a proud name can play a bad role in his fate. If circumstances develop in such a way that Proud has to bend to his surroundings, the young man may fall into apathy and become indifferent to everything that is happening around him.

Spring Proud is fickle in love. Having married early, he is likely to get divorced soon. However, the second marriage, carried out at a more mature age, will be much more successful than the first.

Zodiac sign

So that the upbringing of a baby named Gordey is not overshadowed by the presence of stubbornness and other negative traits, his birth should fall during the reign of Capricorn.
Mars, which rules the energies of courage and will, is the patron planet of the “formidable” nickname.
The colors of luck for Gordey are black, dark blue, cherry.
A precious talisman that can smooth out fatal vicissitudes is the pomegranate.


Gordeyka, Gora, Gordyunya, Gorushka, Gordeyushka, Gordeychik, Gordeyushka, Gordyusha, Gordya, Gordyunya, Gordyunechka, Gordysenka, Gordyusik, Gordyunchik, Godik, Godichka, Godya.

Name options

Gordian, Gardzei, Gordiy, Gordobor, Gordomil.

Historical figures

IV century - holy martyr Gordius of Cappadocia.
1892 – 1938 – Ukrainian writer Gordey Kotsyuba ( real name- Kotsegub).
1897 – 1981 – Soviet naval admiral Gordey Levchenko.
Born 1989 – badminton player Gordey Kosenko.
Born 1993 – figure skater Gordey Gorshkov.
Born 2008 – winner of the Chinese talent show Gordey Kolesov.

Gardzei, Gordios. Related names are Gordobor, Gordomil, Pride and Gordyata.

Origin of the name Gordey

The name Gordey has Greek roots, comes from the name of the peasant Gordiya, chosen by the king Phrygia by the will of Zeus. He is known for leaving his cart at the Temple of Zeus and tying it with a special knot that no one could untie. This knot became known as the “Gordian knot.” According to the oracle, whoever unties this knot will rule the world. Subsequently, after the conquest of Phrygia, Alexander the Great cut this knot with a sword. Accurate interpretation The name Gordey is unknown, but according to some sources the name Gordey can mean “king”, “lord”, “ruler”.

According to the second version, the name Gordey means “proud”, “proud”. Related names are Gordobor, Gordomil, Pride and Gordyata.

According to the third version, it is possible that the name Gordey came from Greek name Gorgias, which means “formidable”, “quick”.

The name Gordey can also sound like Gordius, Gordian. Several Roman emperors bore the name Gordian.

The name Gordey is mentioned in both Orthodox and Catholic calendars. The Orthodox name book mentions the martyr Gordius, who in 320 in the city of Caesarea in Cappadocia spoke out in defense of Christians, for which he was tortured and put to death. Dates Orthodox name days Gordeya - January 16, June 18. The remaining dates indicated are the Catholic name days of Gordey.

Character of Gordey

Proud is a positive person with such traits as optimism, peacefulness and modesty. Despite the appearance of an indecisive, timid man and the desire not to stand out from the crowd, Gordey is an energetic and active person.

In the company of friends he proves himself to be an excellent storyteller and interesting conversationalist. In any situation, such a person behaves patiently and balancedly, and knows how to listen to the advice of others. Owners of this name, born in winter, are prone to hot temper.

The owner of this name is usually a creative person. Among them there are often dancers, translators, artists and journalists. Many reveal their talents in the field of medicine. Luck is usually on their side. That's why the Gordeys are trying to material well-being and a strong position in society.

General description of the name Gordey

- "tsar". According to other sources - from the Greek name Gorgias, “formidable, fast”

This name imparts many wonderful qualities to a person. Gordey has a positive character: modest, peace-loving, optimistic, moderate in his drinking (those born in the summer do not drink at all). Sometimes he gives the impression of an indecisive person because of his desire to stay in the shadows and not stand out. In fact, Gordey is an active person who infects those around him with his energy.

Gordey is an excellent conversationalist and a witty storyteller; he is irreplaceable in company. Balanced, tolerant, knows how to listen to other people's opinions. The exception is the “winter” ones; on the contrary, they are quick-tempered over trifles and impatient.

Men with this name, as a rule, are talented, among them there are many creative personalities: artists, dancers, journalists, translators. The Gordeys also work successfully in medicine. They are lucky and achieve a strong position in society.

Agate and turquoise can be used as a talisman.

The secret of the name Gordey

A person who bears the name Gordey has a wonderful character and will be able to achieve a lot in life. This positive men, which can gain popularity among many people. Gordey is somewhat shy and modest. He has a peaceful character, is an optimist and is indifferent to alcoholic beverages.

Due to his character, Gordey can give the impression of an indecisive and timid person. This is due to his desire not to stand out, to constantly be in the shadows. At the same time, Gordey is a very active person. He is able to infect everyone around him with his positive and active energy.
Among his friends, Gordey is an authoritative person. They listen to him with pleasure, they spend all their time with him free time. He is witty, patient, understanding, balanced. Gordey is very talented and achieves a strong position in society. He can be successful in the field of medicine, journalism, art, dance and linguistics.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Color name: black
Radiation: 91%
Planet: Mars
Stone-mascot: pomegranate
Plant: carnation
Totemic animal: bumblebee
Basic features character Gordey: efficiency, sociable, courageous

Additional characteristics of the name:

Vibration: 74,000 vibrations/s
Self-realization(character): 98%
Psyche: brave, sanguine
Health Gordey: excellent health

Positive traits of the name

Sociability, mobility, determination, sufficient firmness, beauty. In any society, Gordey behaves confidently and knows his worth.

Negative traits of the name

Impulsiveness, arrogance, bragging, painful pride, arrogant contempt for other people's opinions.

Choosing a profession by name

In general, Gordey has many chances to succeed in professions related to technology or the exact sciences. He good leader, not afraid of responsibility and able to take risks. Choosing yours life path, he usually prefers one where everything will depend on his personal efforts, which, however, does not prevent him from working under someone else’s supervision.

The impact of a name on business

In his youth, Gordey, despite his disruptive character, will have difficulty earning money. It is not easy for him to find his calling, and only after reaching middle age will he finally “go on the right course.”

The influence of a name on health

Gordey is ready to exhaust himself with backbreaking work just to achieve what he wants. If he does not stop doing this, he faces severe nervous breakdowns. There is no need for this self-exhaustion: Gordey will already dominate those around him in the most natural way thanks to his strong will.

Psychology of a name

Often, Gordey's explosive character forces him to go through a great many conflicts, which often makes him a rather lonely person, but when communicating with friends, Gordey can transform, giving free rein to his sociability and energy.

Sexuality of the name Gordey

Sociable Gordey will always win people over. His honesty knows no bounds, he can say or do things at a loss, but this is how he defines his attitude towards a person. Earning his respect is not difficult, but keeping it is much more difficult. He feels falsehood on a subconscious level. Loves jokes and various practical jokes. But his temper can destroy even the strongest friendship. He will not be able to restrain his negative emotions; he will always express his personal opinion.

For the woman he loves, Gordey will “move mountains,” even if she doesn’t deserve it. He experiences his defeat in love very hard and for a long time, withdraws into himself like a snail. At such moments it is impossible to talk or cheer him up. A woman doesn’t have to worry about cheating, Gordey is a monogamous man. Having fallen in love, he becomes the shadow of his lady. He will predict her every desire, will be a reliable friend and husband. Loving such a man is not very easy; he can be very demanding.

Famous people named Gordey

Gordey Levchenko ((1897 - 1981) Soviet naval leader, admiral (1944). In 1942-1944 he commanded the Leningrad and then the Kronstadt naval base, participating in the defense of Leningrad. He provided transportation and supplies for troops during the breaking of the blockade. Awards of the USSR: 3 Orders of Lenin, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Ushakov, 1st degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star.)
Gordiy Kotsyuba ((1892 – 1938) real name - Kotsegub; Ukrainian writer)
Gordiy Sablukov ((1804 - 1880) Russian orientalist, professor at the Kazan Theological Academy, expert on Islam. In 1830-1849 he taught history and oriental languages ​​at the Saratov Theological Seminary, in particular, in 1843-1845 he was the teacher of N.G. Chernyshevsky, the last meeting with whom took place in 1851 in Kazan. In 1849-1862 he taught oriental and classical languages ​​at the anti-Muslim department of the Kazan Theological Academy. He owns one of the translations of the “Koran” (Kazan, 1878), in his translation the Koran was published in printed form for the first time; “Appendices to the translation of the Koran” (1879), containing annotated indexes to the Koran (1879) and two treatises: “Information about the Koran” (Kazan, 1884) and “Comparison of the Mohammedan teaching about the names of God with the Christian teaching about them” (1873). The author of numismatic, historical, archaeological and ethnographic works about the Volga region, the Kipchaks and the Golden Horde. He also translated into Russian from Turkish the 1st part of the “History of the Turks” op. .)
Mark Antony Gordian I African ((159 - 238) Roman emperor in 238 of noble origin (descendant of the Gracchi). He was rich and educated, was fond of poetry and wrote poetry himself (even in his youth he wrote “Antoninias” in 30 books praising both Antonines - Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius).)
Mark Antony Gordian Sempronius ((192 - 238) Roman emperor in 238, co-ruler of his father Gordian I. The son of Gordian Africanus, in addition to his noble origin, was also distinguished by his education and beauty. Gordian’s library consisted of about 60 thousand books. Military service he began under Heliogabalus, under Alexander he served as praetor, and immediately after that he received the consulate.)
Gordian III, Mark Antony Gordian Pius ((225 - 244) Roman emperor (238-244). The son of Gordian II or, more likely, the son of the daughter of Gordian I. In the latter case, the name of his father is unknown, as is the name of himself bore until he took the imperial title in honor of his grandfather.)

There are two versions of the origin of the name Gordey. In one of them, the modern pronunciation Gordey was formed from the name Gordy, which with ancient Greek language translated as "king", "lord" or "master". According to the second version, the origin and meaning of the name Gordey is also connected with Ancient Greece. Translated from Greek it is “fast” or “formidable”. This variation of the name was formed from the ancient name Gorgias.

There is even a whole story associated with Greek myths, where the name sounded like Gordias. This is exactly what they called the ordinary landowner who ruled Phrygia. The famous expression “Gordian Knot” was formed from the name of this landowner. He tied the yoke of the cart with a complex knot, which helped him become king. It was believed that the person who could untie this complex knot would rule all of Asia. But later he was cut by the sword of Alexander the Great. The main meaning of the name Gordey in modern times is “king” or “ruler”.


The meaning of the name Gordey for a boy is to acquire character traits such as shyness and poise. This calm boy grows up to be a very hardworking and diligent child, and therefore achieves good academic success. The boy is very neat and punctual, when necessary, he is able to concentrate on the subject. And this quality is highly valued by teachers at school and teachers at the institute in the future. Although little Gordey has a calm character, he has had many friends since childhood. Behind the quiet appearance there actually lies a very powerful and regal person, which is what the name Gordey means in translation from ancient Greek.

It’s just that while the child is still very small, these volitional qualities are invisible, but in the process of growing up, namely with the onset of adolescence, they will be very clearly visible. Boys need to channel this strong character in the right direction by sending the child to sports. Here they will fit perfectly, as his strong will to win, diligence and hard work will help him reach significant heights. Also, sport will be very beneficial for the boy’s health. Regular physical activity will have a beneficial effect on the strength of joints.

Also, the meaning of the name Gordey for a boy and his fate depends on the desire to achieve the best. The boy does this not for the approval of others or praise. It is fundamentally important for him to achieve everything himself, and he has been doing this since childhood. He is his own strict judge. Parents will always be proud of such a son, but they will be upset by the fact that their child is starting to grow up too quickly. Still quite little boy already displays a masculine, adult perspective on any life problems.

Personal life

The name Gordey, the meaning of the name and fate decreed that the man received natural charm and charisma that any woman cannot resist. The guy knows very well about such talent and uses it to the fullest. He shows a very frivolous attitude towards women, does not attribute something serious to his next relationship. He believes that any passion for women is a frivolous undertaking. A man easily achieves their favor, which he is already accustomed to, so he does not even try to evaluate his next chosen one. But the moment comes when Gordey finally decides to get married.

He does not enter into marriage because of the great strength of feelings that arise in him in relation to his passion. He considers this a necessary event. In family life, he continues to show his frivolity, which is why difficulties and crises in relationships often arise. A man does not put the woman in his life on a pedestal. Although Gordey - the meaning of the name defines this man as serious and strong, these qualities disappear immediately after he gets married.

This does not mean that the character and meaning of the name Gordey did not endow this man with the ability to love. His first love is a spectacular girl who is also spoiled by the attention of other men; it is not easy to win her over. This is exactly the kind of girl that Gordey can fall in love with; he will always try to be nearby, please her whims and fulfill her whims. Such love in his youth can teach Gordey to beautifully look after women, although there is a certain shyness and modesty in him.

If Gordey marries a decent, honest, open woman who has individuality and a share of self-sacrifice, then perhaps a happy family life it will pass happily. But a lot also depends on the chosen one. Only a girl with a pure soul and strong character can create a strong family with Gordey. A guy can be a caring father, an attentive and reliable husband, a loyal friend, as he has been since childhood. The children love their dad Gordey very much, who is always kind to them.

Business and career

Gordey Ivanovich Levchenko

Gordey - the meaning of the name, the character and fate of a man largely depend on his performance. It is she who helps him achieve significant results in absolutely any area of ​​life. Gordey devotes himself completely to his work, showing his diligence and diligence. Colleagues never cease to be amazed by his inexhaustible supply of energy, undying activity and desire for something more. But at the same time, the man absolutely does not strive to occupy leadership positions. He is much more comfortable being in the role of a performer. This person is always lucky, so he often finds an excellent financial position and grows as a person in the eyes of society. It is always worth remembering that luck is not the only reason for this.

This man invests a lot in his future success. The work of a dancer, translator, journalist, sculptor, and artist suits him. Good results It can be expected in the advertising business, banking, management, and medicine. But however own business Proud is not worth starting. It will be very difficult for a man to succeed in the field of entrepreneurship. Gordey's chances of making a successful career increase if he chooses a profession related to exact sciences or technology. Despite the fact that he does not strive to be a leader, by taking on such a role, he turns into a very responsible and executive boss who copes well with his responsibilities and takes risks wisely.

Few people know what the name Gordey means: the desire to choose a path in life that depends solely on the efforts of the man himself. While still a young guy, it will be very difficult for Gordey to earn money. It doesn’t matter that, according to the meaning of his name, Gordey has a disruptive character; it is quite difficult for him to find his calling. But closer to middle age, he will finally be able to decide and find his place in life.


By the nature of the name Gordey, he is a very active and positive person. People are always drawn to Gordey, as he is an interesting conversationalist and a good storyteller. He always tries to be honest with others and knows how to sense the deception of other people. If these are relatives, friends, acquaintances, then a couple of phrases are enough for Gordey to distinguish a lie. The nature of the meaning of the name Gordeya is based on an emotional and hot-tempered character. This modest and slightly shy man always captivates not with words, but with deeds, with his restraint and confidence. It is very difficult for him to tolerate the boasting of other people.

In his affairs, a man always remains balanced, unhurried, and firm in his decisions. His positive qualities include loyalty, honesty, composure, and perseverance. He is endowed with a huge number of talents. This good friend valued for their readiness to help in any situation or to receive worthwhile advice. Among its advantages are also sociability, tolerance for the shortcomings of other people and indifference to alcoholic beverages. This person has several disadvantages, which in comparison with positive qualities almost invisible, these are impulsiveness, sometimes inflated pride, explosiveness of character and arrogance.

Name Astrology:

  • zodiac constellation – Scorpio;
  • patron planet - Pluto;
  • talisman stone – turquoise;
  • totem animal – horse;
  • lucky plant - mustard;
  • favorable color – blue;
  • Lucky day is Tuesday.


Gordey - the meaning of the name suggests favorable compatibility with Agata, Alexandra, Valentina, Vera, Zinaida, Irma, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Olga, Nina, Tamara, Sofia, Tatyana, Rose.

Maximum strength of feelings is possible for Angela, Veronica, Eva, Zhanna, Karina, Maya, Margarita, Marina, Raisa, Regina, Ulyana, Yulia.

Gordey has unfavorable compatibility with Antonina, Anastasia, Ada, Bronislava, Varvara, Maria, Louise, Lina, Elena, Elsa, Taisiya.

Gordey's name day

Gordey's name day is January 16 and June 18. Saints: Gordius (Gorgias) of Egypt, martyr; Gordius of Cappadocia, martyr, centurion.

Meaning of the name Gordey

Gordey means, perhaps, “formidable, fast” (this is a translation of the name Gordey from Greek)

Origin of the name Gordey

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Gordey with its origin. The history of the name Gordey has ancient Greek roots. It came, according to one version, from the Greek name Gorgias, which means “formidable, fast.” According to another version, the name comes from the mythical founder of the Phrygian kingdom Gordiya, and his exact value unknown.

What does the name Gordey mean according to D.Zima and N.Zima

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Gordey according to D. Zima and N. Zima, balanced firmness and sufficient activity are noticeable in its energy. In terms of its characteristic sound, it is quite open, but there may be a clear association with the concept of pride, which can significantly weaken openness, and in some cases even lead to some isolation of Gordey. In fact, often, in order to avoid suspicion of excessive pride, a person with this name has to not only hide his independence and negative emotions, but also diligently pretend that this does not bother him much. Otherwise, he will simply be forced to withdraw into himself, as befits a natural proud person.

For this reason, Gordey usually gives the impression of a completely balanced person. In communication he is even, although often his impulsiveness is still reflected in a penchant for wit. In business, he is very diligent and diligent, often surprising those around him with his efficiency and energy and, it should be noted, his efficiency is simply a saving grace for him. The fact is that restraint is by no means best way cope with your emotions. On the contrary, feelings and experiences that have no outlet often acquire the character of passion, so if Gordey does not expend his accumulated energy in some activity, then sooner or later the emotions will find themselves much less safe exit, up to a possible nervous breakdown.

Undoubtedly, hard worker Gordey has every chance of achieving success in his career. Not devoid of diplomacy and the ability to respect the dignity of others, he can be a good organizer. However, for real happiness he still lacks some openness, at least this applies to relationships with loved ones.

The nature of the name Gordey is such that the owner of this name is usually a reliable and devoted friend. He can be very attentive, but at the same time he cannot stand bragging. He has enough comrades, but Gordey usually considers his true friend to be the one to whom he can entrust his deepest and often most frightening thoughts and feelings. With this man he could go through fire and water.

Characteristics of the name Gordey according to N. Zagovorova

According to N. Zagovorova’s description of the name Gordey, one can only envy the company whose soul is the owner of this name. He is a wonderfully sociable person; a wonderful conversationalist, a witty storyteller, a volunteer organizer of interesting and fun events. His energy is overflowing! The positive impression is only strengthened by his optimism, agreeableness, and genuine peacefulness. Bad habits As a rule, Gordey is not proud: not only does he not drink, but he also does not smoke.

However, sometimes the above qualities of Gordey are little noticeable to others: he does not like to show off his feelings and capabilities. In this extreme case, Gordey gives the impression of an indecisive, even timid person. But you can’t call him gloomy, rather calm and balanced.

Gordey is tolerant of the shortcomings of others, knows how to listen to other people's opinions (on the other hand, there are also hot-tempered people). Throughout his life, Proud has been lucky; you can be sure that a person with this name will achieve any goal he sets for himself.

Derivatives of the name Gordey

Variants of the name Gordey: Gordius, Gordian.

Diminutives for the name Gordey: Gordeyka, Gordya, Gordyunya, Gordyukha, Gordyusha.

Name Gordey in different languages

  • Name on English: Gordius.
  • Name in Ukrainian: Gordy.
  • Name in Belarusian: Gardzei.

Famous Gordeys:

  • Gordey Ivanovich Levchenko - Soviet naval leader, admiral.
  • Gordiy Maksimovich Kotsyuba (real name Kotsegub) is a Ukrainian writer.
  • Gordiy Semyonovich Sablukov is an orientalist, professor at the Kazan Theological Academy on missionary work against the Mohammedans, and an expert on Islam.

The male name Gordey came to us from the legend about the founder of the city, Gordion Gordius, the Phrygian king, who ordered the tying of a tangled knot (the legendary Gordian knot), cut by Alexander the Great. This name was not widely used in our country, and its owners are rare even today.

Characteristics of the name Gordey

Gordey has a rather positive character; he is hardworking, peaceful, optimistic, and honest. IN childhood is calm, shy, very obedient and smart child, very respectful of his parents. Everything the parents invested in this boy comes back a hundredfold, because young Gordey is an excellent student, plays sports, and is loved by his friends. It's great as an adult well-mannered man, positive, serene, sometimes seeming timid because of his dislike of sticking out. He values ​​stability, works hard for his good name, and enjoys the respect of others. His friends adore him, because he is a very witty and interesting conversationalist, the life of the party, a loyal and reliable comrade. Sometimes, in the process of improper upbringing, Gordey can grow up smug and arrogant, so parents should not praise their child, but instill in him respect for people and independence.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Gordey is most suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Taurus or Cancer. Taurus (April 20-May 20) is a sign of simple, modest and patient people, under whose influence Gordey will retain his expedient determination, emotional and material reliability, and will also become a little pragmatic, appreciating comfort and a beautiful life. Cancer (June 22-July 22) is similar to Gordey in his cheerful disposition and tendency to hide his true feelings; he will endow the owner of this name with homeliness, diplomacy, sensitivity, and bohemianism.

Pros and cons of the name Gordey

What are the positive and negative qualities can be noted in the name Gordey? On the one hand, it is beautiful, bright and unusual name, which goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and, in addition, has several euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Gordyusha, Gordya, Gordeyka, Gordik. The character of the majority of Gordeev also evokes more positive than negative emotions, so there are no obvious disadvantages in this name.


The health of the owners of this name is quite good, but in childhood people constantly stick to them infectious diseases, and as an adult I suffer from sciatica and insomnia.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Gordey proves himself to be not the best family man. He is very amorous and tender at the peak of love, so his wife hopes for a happy marriage. But Gordey’s feelings cool down quite quickly, and he becomes a strict, demanding husband and father, whom his children and wife may even be afraid of.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Gordey is distinguished by his hard work and diligence. He does not strive for leadership positions, feeling comfortable in the role of a simple performer. The owner of this name can make a good employee of a bank, statistical department or archive. Close to him and creative professions- dancer, artist, sculptor. In addition, Gordeys successfully prove themselves in medicine, journalism, management, and advertising.

Name day
