How to become a god in real life. The doctrine of man in Christianity and neo-paganism

Day one

So, I'm definitely in a different world. Why did I decide this? Because in our world there are no six-legged foxes. At least I haven't seen one. But why am I in another world? I remembered. I'm dead. To be more precise, I was hit by a truck. Just like in some novel about rebirth, the main characters are always hit by a truck. It turns out I main character? Interesting... So, why can't I move? And what is this creak? I looked down. There are tree roots there. I must be sitting in a tree. And I can't move. I looked around. Around, for about ten meters, there was only grass and a few stones. Further on there was a forest and several bushes. There was a path to my right. Suddenly a sound was heard. A two-headed bear came out of the bushes. I froze in horror. He came up to my tree and started scratching his back on it. Suddenly my body started to itch too. Strange. Why didn't the bear even notice me? When he left, the body stopped itching. I felt the wind. How nice! Then I realized that I felt the wind with my whole body. Wait... It can't be... I was reborn into a tree!? Day two

I spent the whole night thinking and came to the conclusion that I really am a tree. But then unusual tree! I'm thinking! And I even see it. I wonder what I see? After all, trees don't have eyes. Although bears don’t have two heads, and yesterday I saw one like that. What have I done in my life that I turned into a tree!? It seems that he tried to do good deeds, did not offend anyone, and did not even swear at his boss much in his thoughts. And now I am a tree in a world of six-legged foxes and two-headed bears. Okay, I'll try to move. It seemed like a few branches were moving. Then I noticed a man in the distance. First person! He's coming towards me! A. There is a path near me. I am a roadside tree. The man looked strange. Leather pants, leather jacket. There is a sword on his belt and a backpack on his back. Maybe he's a role player? He held a map in his hands and muttered something to himself. I listened:

Before reaching the village of Brigge, near a large tree, turn right and leave the path... Well, well... And here is the tree!

So I also work as a pointer? OK. The strange man turned left from me and walked on. No one else appeared all day. Day three

Today was a boring day until it came new person. Judging by his clothes, he was a hunter. And judging by his behavior, he was lost. He's not much of a hunter. Newbie or what? Young, too. And why does he wear a bow? You should at least carry a double-barreled shotgun with such bears. Basically, he wandered around me and tried to choose a direction. He left several times, but then returned. At some point he turned to me with a smile:

Maybe you can at least tell me how to get to Brigge?

Man, I would be happy to answer, but I’m a tree. But at least I tried to show him the direction with a branch. When he noticed that I pulled the branch to the left, the smile disappeared from his face.

So did you really decide to help? OK...

With these words he walked to my left.

Towards nightfall, he ran up to me, excited. I wonder what happened? Then, as if possessed, he began to speak quickly:

O Great Tree Spirit! Thank you for your help! Accept these gifts from the poor hunter!

Having said this, he poured some water on me. It was nice. Then he began to build a semblance of an altar out of stones. Suddenly he took out a hare and a knife, and before my eyes he cut its throat and poured its blood on the altar. Here I was taken aback. What is he, a flayer? I understand if he killed a hare to eat, but to kill it just like that? Then I felt a surge of strength. Why would that be? And then I realized. It was a sacrifice! He believes in me like a spirit! I have a believer! Meanwhile he was on his knees. What is he waiting for? I moved the branches. How can I help him? I tried, using my newfound strength, to increase his luck in hunting. I don’t know whether it worked or not, but he got up and ran to the village.

The eventful day has come to an end. Day seven

Over these few days, I noticed that that hunter began to constantly bring prey to the village. And yesterday he actually killed a bear! Apparently my blessing worked. Today he brought other hunters. They also got the hares and made a sacrifice. I felt that I had become even stronger. Now I had five believing hunters. As a thank you, I gave them my blessing for the hunt. They separated. Hey, at least someone would wipe down the altar! He's actually covered in blood! Well, okay, as long as they come again. So at least it's not boring. After their sacrifice I felt very strong. I wonder if I am a spirit, could I try to leave the tree's body? I concentrated on this thought. Suddenly I felt incredible lightness. I took a closer look. Yes! It worked! Now I'm a free-flying spirit! I wanted to know what I looked like. Then I turned around. Hmm, thick trunk, carved bark, long spreading branches. I'm about fifteen meters tall. To my woody eye, I look good. A wonderful tree in its prime. Anyway, I was wondering what that hunter's village looked like. I flew to the left. For several minutes the landscape did not change. All the same trees (they can’t compare with me, of course), all the same bushes. Then I flew out of the forest. A village appeared ahead. There was a palisade around it. I wouldn’t say that they are strongly protected, although they only need to defend themselves from hungry wolves. I flew on. A small crowd had gathered in the center of the village. I was just in time for the meeting to start. At the podium, the headman told the residents:

We have gathered here because Ilen and the other hunters claim that they have found some kind of spirit and now worship it, since it gives luck in the hunt in exchange for a sacrifice.

Well, he gives and gives, but what do we care about that? - a voice was heard from the crowd.

And it is that this spirit can help the village in all matters, and therefore I propose to build a large altar near the tree,” said the hunter, whose name, apparently, was Ilen. - We will pray and receive blessings from the Spirit of the Tree. Isn't this beneficial?

Well, build it if you like. But how will this spirit help me? My fields are drying up. I need rain, not some perfume. - said the farmer.

Well, it’s none of my business how he helps you, Mr. Gnark. But if we set up an altar and pray, then help will come.

They were talking about me! I just felt so happy! But on the other hand, they expect me to help them in everything. And how can I help them? That farmer is right, the tree cannot help the fields. Okay, I'll think of something. By the way, before going back, I decided to experiment with my divine power. I didn't know what to try, but then an idea came to my mind. I flew into someone's house and tried to climb into the person's dream. Using divine power, I managed to penetrate his consciousness! It was a fun experience. After looking into the dreams of other people a couple more times, I calmed down and flew home. Day eight

Today the hunters and several other residents came and began building a new altar. They assembled a large altar from branches and stones. Then a stone carver came and made a stone table with beautiful patterns on it. It was a pleasure to watch. This time a cow was slaughtered as a sacrifice. Then several dishes were made from the sacrificial meat. People were having fun, eating, drinking. At the end of the day there was a general prayer. I heard their voices and their requests. Hunters gave thanks for good luck, and farmers asked for rain. The headman asked for prosperity for the entire village. This day was called the Day of the Tree Spirit and they agreed to celebrate it every year.

Today I gained more strength than in all the previous days combined! I think I can help the farmers with the rain. I once watched a program about weather and it talked about how cyclones and anticyclones are created. It seems like the weather is good during the anticyclone, which means I need a cyclone. I left the shell of the tree, becoming a disembodied spirit and flew to the village. Having reached the field, I soared into the sky. So, let's see. There are few clouds around, with a small cluster in the east. I flew there. Well, let's try to move the clouds. It's hard to do it yourself, so I use the wind. I had the strength to catch the wind and let it fly so that it would drive the clouds to the west. When they appeared over the center of the field, I made the wind swirl. We need a cyclone, so we turn it counterclockwise. At first it was hard, but then everything started spinning on its own. Soon clouds began to gather. It began to drizzle, which soon turned into a heavy downpour.

It's done! While working, I didn’t notice how the sun began to set below the horizon. With a feeling of accomplishment, I flew back. Day nine

The cyclone idea was a complete success! Today the whole village gathered around the altar. Everyone stood, whispered and looked at me with curiosity and fear. Finally, the elder came out of the crowd and spoke loudly:

O Spirit of the Tree! We have seen your power and ask you to take us under your protection! Every day we will bring gifts for you in exchange for protection and prosperity! Do you agree?

Of course I agree! But how can I give them a sign that I don't mind? We need to come up with something quickly! I held out the branch to him as a hand for a handshake. The residents recoiled in fear. The headman took a step back, but then he understood and shook my branch. The contract is concluded! Now the villagers began to bring me gifts. With each offering, my strength grew! A pile of gifts had accumulated on the altar. Then everyone began to pray. I heard all the voices and felt like a powerful ruler, because the whole village worshiped me. Finally, everyone left. Only the same farmer who complained about the drought remained. I think his name is Gnark. He came up to me, put his palm on the trunk and whispered:

Great Spirit! I'm sorry I doubted your power. As a sign of forgiveness, I ask that you allow me to become a conductor of your will. I will serve you faithfully!

I liked it, you've been hired! Now I have to agree. He was standing too close for a handshake, so I bent the branches as if to nod. Hm. Since he has become my priest, he needs a symbol. What to do? While I was thinking, the wind blew and one of my leaves fell to his feet. He picked it up and put it in his pocket.

I will keep it as a reminder of my service! - he said and left. Wow, that's lucky! I didn't think he would take the leaf as a sign, but it worked. Thank you, wind! Day ten

Today I decided to fly to the village again. Separating from the body, I flew towards the village. A crowd gathered in its center again, only this time it was the same farmer speaking. Or should I say my priest? He preached to the residents that I was a good spirit, and that, with my permission, he became the conductor of my will. On his neck hung my piece of paper in a jar on a chain. When I took a closer look at the crowd, I noticed that everyone, even the children, had a chain with a medallion in the shape of a leaf hanging around their neck, like Farmer Gnark. My symbol quickly became official. By the way, I noticed that there were new people in the crowd. Who is this? Carts were visible in the distance. Oh, so these are traders! This is good! They must spread the news about me to all corners. Then a thought occurred to me - I have an altar, a priest and a religious symbol. It's time to start some commandments! Let the farmer write everything down. I hope he is literate. Day eleven

All night I meditated on the commandments. They had to be made fair and thoughtful. I read the Bible and everything there is somehow categorical. So I made them a little more confusing, but in my opinion, more honest. Here is the list:

1) Do not kill for evil, but if it is done for good, then it is permissible

2) Do not steal for evil, but if it is done for good, then it is permissible

3) Do not lie for evil, but if it is done for good, then it is permissible

4) Protect each other and be united, because together you are stronger

5)Know everything in moderation, both in stinginess and in generosity

6) Help your neighbor, and he will repay you in kind

7) If they helped you, then repay not only in word, but also in deed

8) Strictly or not strictly, but keep my commandments and may you be a good person

I am the Spirit of the Tree.

After I came up with these commandments, I appeared in a dream to a farmer in the form of a humanoid tree spirit with long claws, pointed ears and antlers like a deer, and told him to write them down and honor them throughout the village. After I got out of his head, he woke up, quickly got up and started writing. The next morning he presented my Eight Commandments to the village. The residents were very surprised, as it turned out that the farmer was illiterate and could not write. This is what faith means! Everyone asked the headman to rewrite my Commandments for everyone. He agreed. Now I have a Symbol, an Altar and Commandments! I wonder if I can already be considered God? Day fourteen

Today a detachment of elves passed by. After the strange animals I have seen, I am no longer surprised by anything. Many fantasy books say that elves revere nature. These elves must have been the same, because when they saw me, they stopped and bowed. The detachment commander came up to me and said:

A powerful spirit lives here! Hmm, judging by the altar, the locals worship him. Let us pay tribute to this spirit too!

With these words, the commander bowed to one knee and asked for a blessing. Why not? Seems like good guys. I gave him and his squad my blessing. The commander stood up and the detachment moved on. I wonder who else besides elves and people lives in this world? Day twenty-three

Already all the residents had a collection of my commandments and a leaf around their neck. Winter was approaching, and residents were preparing to meet it with stockpiles. I thought that the leaves would fall off me, like the rest of the trees. But apparently the energy of people's faith keeps me thriving, since I remained green. Residents were amazed at this miracle. But thanks to them it happened! How paradoxical! Day forty-nine

Winter has come. Despite the cold, I remained green. Soon there were many people wanting to see such a miracle. They came from other villages. There was even one pilgrim. My priest Gnark told everyone who arrived that this was a sacred Tree in which the Spirit lived, protecting the village from misfortunes. He also spoke about the Commandments. After this, those who arrived bought the Leaf symbol on a chain and a copy of the Commandments, fortunately the headman copied much more than was required. And my strength kept growing, because new believers constantly came to me. Soon, news of the Cult of the Tree from these places spread far beyond the borders of the nearest villages. Everywhere they talked about the Evergreen Tree, in which the good Spirit dwells, and about My Commandments, which were remembered by many for their wisdom and justice. Already in every village there was a priest who spoke about me and interpreted my Commandments. Now I am truly God. And the next day it was confirmed. Day fiftieth

And here, too, the path is not indicated! How can I get there? While I was thinking about this, the scroll glowed blue and flew out of my hands. He curled up into a tube and flew away. I followed suit. Flying over the forest, the scroll soared sharply upward. I followed him. He flew higher and higher until he brought me to a giant palace made of clouds. When he froze, I grabbed him and flew towards this palace. Along the way, I noticed that other spirits were flying besides me. Also with scrolls. In the end we all froze at the gate. A few minutes later a strange spirit came out. He had four arms, and he himself was blue and blindfolded. Oh yes, he had no legs. Finally he spoke: “Dear Gods! Today you have been invited to a meeting of the Gods in the Cloud Palace of the Great God Numidus! Come inside!”

The gates opened and we flew into the palace. Everything was very beautiful inside: blue walls with wonderful patterns, high columns, tapestries with images of different Gods. Soon we arrived in a huge hall. It was built in the shape of a circle. From top to bottom, gradually narrowing, there were benches. Also in the shape of a circle. Various Gods sat on the benches. Everyone looked very interesting: one God, for example, was huge. He had the horns of a ram, and he himself was muscular, as if he had been doing nothing but flexing since birth. One Goddess was incredibly beautiful. She looked like a human, but had smooth golden skin and golden hair. And she also glowed. Suddenly she turned around and looked at me. I was embarrassed, but suddenly someone’s voice boomed: “Dear audience! I am glad to welcome you to my Cloud Palace! As you might have guessed, I am Numidus, the Great God! Today we have gathered here to welcome newcomers to our difficult task! Applaud them!" - With these words he began to clap his hands. The rest of the Gods clapped lightly, only the claps of that horned giant echoed throughout the hall. When the applause died down, he continued: “So, friends! I want to tell you...” - then he talked all sorts of nonsense about how great he is and that the younger Gods should try and maybe earn a place in his pantheon. I was bored and wanted to work. And he continued to broadcast. Finally I couldn’t stand it and interrupted him:

Listen, can I go now? At night, in fact, I fulfill the requests of my believers and would like to fly already.

Numidus turned purple with rage and said:

Puppy, how dare you dare me, the Great Numidus! Sit here and listen until I finish, and then bow to me! And why on earth do you even care about your believers? You must keep them at bay, otherwise they will not obey. Instead of fulfilling their every request. You are God, not a servant!

If you keep them in subjection through fear, then you are more of a Demon than a God!

For your information, I have tens of thousands of believers, and I am one of the most important Gods on this continent!

You see! You have tens of thousands of believers, but you don’t care about them! What's the point of being God if you don't help your believers? What are your Commandments?

In case you're wondering, the First Commandment is: "I am Numidus and I am in charge."

Is this a Commandment? What nonsense! The commandments are meant to guide people. And you are selfish and pathetic!

Away! Get out of my palace! I don’t need impudent fools here who think they can compete with me! Gods gather in my palace, not servants like you! Get out!

I think I pissed him off a little. Well, I was already bored here, now at least I’ll get busy. I flew away from the hall. When I came out, some Goddess stopped me. She was beautiful: she had blue skin and hair the color sea ​​wave. She told me:

I think you're right. We depend on people, and people depend on us. We cannot live without each other and therefore we must help. I read your Commandments. Honestly, I've never seen anything like it. They sound like you understand people. Usually the Gods don’t care about their believers and all their Commandments are about how great they are. Well, you've seen Numidus. By the way, my name is Rlya, Goddess of Rain. Let's be friends?

Come on, I'm all for it. I don’t have a name, I haven’t thought of one yet. I understand people because I was a human myself. Aren't you?

Don't joke like that. Gods do not become people, and people do not become Gods. You couldn't be human, that doesn't happen.

Why? In general, at first I was a tree, and then they began to worship me. But I was a man in another world, I was simply reborn here. In the form of a tree.

Well, I've never heard of anyone being reborn in another world. This is very strange. Well, see you later, nameless God!

Having said this, she turned around and went back to the hall, and I flew home. In the remaining time, I still managed to fulfill the prayers of the believers and began to wait for a new day. Day fifty-one

I thought about Rlya's words and decided that I needed a name. Once upon a time, in past life, I played one online game and gave his character the name Spiorad. This is Irish for "spirit". It fits perfectly. At night I again appeared in a dream to Gnark in the form of a spriggan and told him my name. He repeated it many times, and the next morning he began to tell the residents of the surrounding villages that my name is Spiorad. Day sixty-two

Recently a retired knight came to Brigge. His name is Nelliot and he served the king for many years, for which he received an allotment here. Having learned that there was a sacred Tree of the Spirit near Brigge, he wished to see me. When he came to me, he was amazed at my beauty and ability to remain green in winter. He immediately accepted faith in Me and began wearing a medallion in the shape of a Leaf around his neck. A little later he left and I followed him. In the village, Nelliot spoke with the headman about building a temple. I was delighted. Then he and the headman went to the villages and collected money for the temple. Nelliot added his own money and it turned out to be a decent amount. Then he wrote a letter and sent it to the Guild of Architects and Builders. I came back. Day sixty-seven

Today workers arrived and began to clear the area around me. First, all the grass was removed. Then they leveled the ground. Then the workers took out tiles and began to lay them out around me and the altar in a circle. It turned out beautiful. On tiled floor a pattern of curved lines was drawn. Then eight columns were placed around. Arches were placed between the columns, and on the arches, with inside temple, hung my Eight Commandments. In a few hours the workers built a wonderful temple. My temple. When it was finished, my strength skyrocketed! After construction, Nelliot entered the temple, paid the workers and prayed. Now I need to express my favor to him and ask him to organize an Order named after Me. I was filled with power and an interesting idea came into my head. First I separated from my body, then I began to take the form of a spriggan. And finally, using new powers, I...materialized! At first he didn’t notice me because he was praying with his eyes closed. And when I prayed, I opened my eyes and froze. I appeared before him in all my glory! Two meters tall, a body of intertwined branches, long claws and deer antlers. He was shocked. I extended my hand to him and said:

Sir Nelliot! I am grateful to you for building the temple! I am Spiorad, the Spirit of the Tree and I bless you! But I have a small favor to ask of you. Could you organize an Order of Knights for me? You will be his leader and lead him, spreading goodness everywhere. Do you agree?

He didn't answer. Hmmm. It was too unexpected for him. Finally Nelliot spoke:

Great Spiorad! Truly you are as kind as they say about you! After all, how can one explain that an ordinary retired knight got the opportunity to see the Spirit of the Tree himself! Of course I agree to fulfill your request!

With these words he bowed. I dematerialized. Noticing that I was gone, he quickly ran towards the village. Today is a great day! Day sixty-eight

I flew to the village to see how Nelliot was doing. He gathered all the young guys from the surrounding villages and spoke about a vision in which I asked him to organize the Order of Knights. Everyone who came agreed to join it. But you can’t just become a knight! Therefore, Sir Nelliot began to teach them the art of war.

Meanwhile, the local blacksmith forged swords and shields for the Order. The swords were beautiful, straight, of medium length. An artist from a neighboring village depicted me on the billboards. Well, I mean a tree. White tree on a green background. Everyone who knew how to sew made costumes for my knights. Day eighty-two

In two weeks, the knights learned the basics of swordsmanship and now, counting Nelliot, twenty-five knights served in my Order! By the way, recently the servants of Rlya came and proposed to unite into one pantheon! I appeared to Gnark in a dream and gave my consent. Now the official religion in the area was the Cult of Tree and Rain! Why official? Because the state religion was belief in Rlya. And now, since we have united into one pantheon, the state religion has become faith in Rlya and Spiorada, that is, in me! Now they began to build temples named after Me in other places. I learned that one of the temples even stands on elven land. After that, elves began to visit my temple more often. Day eighty-nine

Today I met with Rlya and invited her to create artifacts. She asked:

Artifacts will be our symbols! If some misfortune happens and a hero is needed, he will use our artifacts and, thereby, glorify us! Thus, faith in us will spread beyond the borders of our kingdom.

Okay, but how do we make them?

I came up with everything! We will choose two famous blacksmiths, come to them in a dream and ask them to make artifacts for us. When they make them, we will ask them to bring them to our main temples, and there we will bless the artifacts. That's it!

What kind of artifacts are they?

I think I'll ask for a shield. And you are a spear!

But I am a peaceful Goddess and do not welcome war...

And this will be an artifact for defense! Set the condition that it can only be used by a noble person who will not use it for evil.

I'm still not sure, but let's try.

On this we parted ways. I already had small temples built in some places and could move between them. Very convenient. I moved closer to the capital of our kingdom. There I learned that a fairly famous blacksmith named Arget is a master of armor. At night I appeared to him in a dream in the form of a spriggan and introduced myself as Spiorad, the Spirit of the Tree. I asked him to create a shield that would be a great artifact with my blessing. He was very surprised, but agreed. Waking up, he set to work.

I wondered how Rlya was doing and I flew to her in the main temple. We met. As it turned out, everything went well for her too. The blacksmith agreed to create a spear. Soon we will receive our Great Artifacts. Day ninety-two

Meanwhile, my Order did not sit idle. The knights were patrolling around local villages and during one of their rounds they discovered bandits who had attacked a caravan of lizardmen. The knights rushed to the rescue. The bandits fled, but some were caught. Several of my knights were wounded, but Rlya's servants healed them. The first great good deed was done. My Order has become famous. Since then, by the way, lizard people also began to visit my temple.

Today that same blacksmith named Arget came and brought a shield. He was great! Since Rlya and I were now in the same pantheon, the artifacts were created in a mixed style. A white tree was depicted on a dark blue background. The blacksmith brought it during general prayer. At first I thought that this was not the right time to bless the artifact, but then I decided that it was even better. When everyone stood up, I began to materialize. People lined up in fear, because this was the appearance of their God. I told the blacksmith:

Come here.

He approached me with a hesitant step and placed the artifact on the Altar. I began to cast the blessing. For greater effect, I began to make smooth movements with my hands and the shield rose into the air, emitting golden light. I have already decided what effects I will put on the shield. First of all, I made it indestructible. Yes, not bad. Then I added a healing effect and magic reflection. Three blessings are probably enough. In the end, I set the restriction that only a person who is pure in soul and heart is able to use this shield. And for the unworthy, the shield becomes a thousand times heavier. Now it's ready. While I cast the blessing, everyone stood and did not move. And when I finished, I finally said:

I call this shield the Shield of Spiorad! From now on, this shield is indestructible, capable of healing its owner and protecting him from all magic! And he will serve only good deeds!

With these words I disappeared. After my disappearance, people began to discuss my appearance. Everyone came to the conclusion that the shield turned out quite well. And then someone said: “Why not try to raise the shield?” Then everyone lined up and began to try to lift it. No one succeeded. By the way, don’t think about it, I haven’t forgotten about the blacksmith. Before he left, I placed a blessing on him, thanks to which he would not be able to do poor quality product. The artifact named after Me is completed! Year two

Over these few months, my Order of Knights has managed to accomplish many good deeds. My temple was rebuilt and it became even larger. Brigge, once a village, becomes a city. Gradually, the Cult of Tree and Rain began to supplant other religions. Rlya and I are the main Gods in several kingdoms, including the Elven and Lizardmen. But now, due to the growth in the number of believers, I am not able to fulfill everything that is asked in prayers. I thought that since there were many believers, there would be enough strength to fulfill all their desires, but I was wrong. I didn’t have time to take care of everyone, and so I decided to act on a larger scale and take care of the prosperity of the kingdoms as a whole.

But not always and not everywhere everything went smoothly. Numidus did not forget me and his followers declared war on my kingdoms, calling them heretics. My Order was strong. More than a thousand people, elves, and lizardmen served in it. But belief in Numidus was spread over half the continent. The war was very unequal. At first the enemies pressed us. But friendly kingdoms joined us. My Order grew rapidly and could compete with entire armies. But the decisive factor was that a Hero showed up worthy of wearing Rlya’s and my artifacts. Moreover, he went through the shrines of other Gods, collecting their artifacts too. This Hero led my Order of the Tree and Rain to victory.

Year three

Finally, after a decisive battle near the Aela River, the war ended. During the two years of war, my Order grew and united all the kingdoms into one whole. Now faith in me and Rlya was the most widespread on the entire continent. The Order began to rule over the united kingdoms, establishing a theocracy. To maintain order, the Order created a new organization. It was like the Inquisition. They kept order and finished off the heretical remnants throughout the kingdoms. It scares me a little, but I think that if they follow the Commandments, everything will be okay.

Numidus fell. His Cloud Palace collapsed. Now he drags out a miserable existence as a small spirit in some swamps.

I think that the Order will not need my help in restoring order. Now I myself went to heaven and built my own Cloud Palace. On the one hand, I am glad that my empire has begun to flourish. But on the other hand, I was bored. I had already achieved greatness and now there was no need to help my believers. Out of boredom, I began to read the books of the mortals of this world. Lots of interesting things. Now I spend all my time reading books. Rlya sometimes goes out into the mortal world to check. She is not interested in books. Year fifteen

The people of this world have so many interesting books! History books are especially interesting. I don't go down to earth anymore. But little by little I am putting together an addition to the Commandments. In a couple of years, I intend to go down to people and present my addition. It will definitely be a success! I haven't seen Rlya lately. She probably deals with the affairs of mortals. Year thirty-seven

I lost track of time while reading books. Rlya never showed up. My addition is almost finished. Soon I will go down to mortals and hand it over to Gnark. I hope he's still alive. So many years have already passed. Year seventy-two

The books are starting to run out. I'm already worried about Rlya's absence. Is something going wrong with mortals? Doesn't matter. Rlya can handle it. And everything should be fine with mortals. The main thing is that they follow my Commandments...Year one hundred twenty-eight?

I've added an addendum! But before I pass it on, I need to check it. I wrote so much, verification will probably take several years. I've already forgotten what Rlya looks like. The books are out. After the transfer of the supplement, I will collect new books. Year???

The time has come! I'm going down to earth! Grabbing the supplement, I flew down. As soon as I flew beyond the layer of clouds, some strange force seemed to hit me. Even though I was a spirit, I almost lost consciousness. Everything swam before my eyes. When I woke up, I didn’t understand where I was. Looking around, I realized that I was standing in the city, in some kind of temple. I couldn't move. I remembered. This is my own temple! The very first! But why am I in the city? There seemed to be a forest around. And nearby was the village of Brigge. I remember one year it became a city. Has Brigge really expanded to that extent?

Only now did I realize that the street was full of people. Troops dressed in green robes with a white tree on the chest patrolled the city. But these are the robes of the Order! They wore swords on their belts. But why? The war is long over and there is no need for patrols. Then I noticed that all the residents were walking around the city as if they were afraid of something. Maybe the war has started again? But with whom?

Everyone gather in the main square for common prayer! I remind you that all latecomers will be subject to punishment!

Punishment? For being late? What's going on here? What kind of prayer is this? Just questions and no answers. How many years have passed since I went to heaven? Has everything really changed that much?

While I was wondering, people on the street began to gather around me. They all lined up in a circle. The Order's troops arrived. Now everyone kneels and begins to pray. For some time everyone was silent. But the ringing silence was broken by cries for mercy. Two servants of the Order were leading a woman by the hands. She was brought to the altar and one of the ministers spoke:

This woman was late for the daily congregational prayer! The punishment is ten lashes!

She was made to kneel at the altar and her outer clothing was removed. One of the attendants took out a whip and began to whip her on the back. The woman just sobbed doomedly. The rest of the people watched calmly. There was only one thought in their eyes: “It’s good that it’s not me.” It was painful to watch! When did people become so cruel?

The prayer ended, people began to disperse. The woman was taken away, and the patrols continued their rounds. Only the little boy remained near the tree. He continued to pray. While people were praying all together, I could not make out their requests. But this boy was alone and I could hear his thoughts well.

Great Spiorad! Help my grandfather get better! My mother constantly treats him and is late for prayers, and she is beaten with a whip for this. The pope was burned and declared a heretic. He simply followed the old Commandments, and not the latest edition of the prophet Zibelin! Please make your servants at least a little kinder...

If I were a person, I would have burst into tears by now. And he continued to pray. The voice, which had previously announced a general prayer, this time notified the city of the beginning of the curfew. Suddenly the streets were empty. Only that same boy remained in the square. Hurry up and leave! You might get noticed! But it's too late! A patrol passing by noticed him. Two servants walked towards him, grabbed him by the arms and led him away. Well no! I won't just leave this! We urgently need to take the form of a spirit! But when I tried to do this, nothing happened. Why? And then I felt it. I didn't have the strength. At all. This can't be true! If this state is so strict with the observance of faith, then I should have a lot of strength! I am the strongest of the gods! I must try again!

But again nothing came of it.

I'm too weak. I can't save my last believer.

I waited. Evening came. The voice announced the start of the execution of people who did not stay at home during the curfew. Among the people sentenced to death was that boy. The execution was to take place by hanging. A lot of people gathered in the square. They brought the gallows. The condemned climbed the steps and approached the hinges. The minister announced:

For non-compliance with the curfew and therefore violation of discipline and disrespect for the Church of the Merciful Spiorad, these people are sentenced to death!

The same look was visible in people’s eyes: “It’s good that it’s not me.” No one condemned the Order; everyone feared execution.

People were executed one by one. That boy was the third. I couldn't close my eyes and I had to see it all.

I'm trying to understand why things have changed so much? I remember that the Order, after establishing a theocracy, created a temporary organization similar to the Inquisition. Is it really still there? But most importantly: why did they stop believing in me?

And then I realized. I realized why Rlya disappeared. Why did they stop believing in me? Why did everything become like this? People no longer believe in God as they did in my time. They believe that if they are not religious, the Order will come for them. The Inquisition did its best. She destroyed not only heretics. She destroyed faith altogether, leaving only fear. Fear of the Church itself. All my work went to waste. I created a nightmare.

The places where people in ancient times became gods are well known to everyone. These are the most common pyramids: Egyptian, Mexican, Peruvian, Crimean, etc. But no one knows exactly why the pyramids were built. Yes, there is, of course, the official position that the pyramids were built exclusively as tombs for pharaohs, rulers and main officials. But the number of pyramids built for all the kings and pharaohs is clearly not enough. Although in Egypt there are quite a lot of small dilapidated pyramids that could indeed serve as tombs for the nobility, there are also seven huge surviving pyramids (three pyramids of Giza, the pyramid at Medumna, the Red and Broken pyramids at Saqqara, and a pyramid almost disassembled into building blocks in Abu Roash), which were not intended for burial, and I will try to show this at the end of the article. But in the Mexican Teotihuacan there are only three pyramids: Quetzalcoatl, the Sun and the Moon. And the lifespan of Teotihuacan itself is estimated at at least 350 years. Does this mean that during these 350 years only three kings ruled the city and each for an average of 117 years? This seems very doubtful to me.

The name of the city itself is sometimes translated as “The place where gods are born” or “The place where people become gods.” On the other hand, it is known from ancient Egyptian texts that when another pharaoh died and his mummy was placed in a pyramid, the spirit of the pharaoh rose into the sky, where he merged with Osiris and became a god himself. In other words, God was also born from man. It is unlikely that such a coincidence is a mere coincidence. I had long suspected that the pyramids were built with the goal of gaining the same abilities that the gods possessed, and when I learned exactly how the name of the Mexican city is translated, and compared the name with what is said about the transformation of a dead pharaoh into a god, I was convinced that I was right .

Of course, the pyramids probably served more than just this one purpose. There could be several goals, or maybe even many. For example, American researchers Bauvel, Hancock and Schoch believe that the pyramids and the Nile flowing nearby model on Earth the location of the brightest stars in the Northern Hemisphere and Milky Way. I have nothing against this hypothesis, but I must note the following. If the purpose of these buildings was only to depict the starry sky on Earth, then there would be no need to build pyramids, because an ordinary rectangular building, the construction of which is much simpler, would cope with this task no worse than a pyramid. But they still built pyramids. This means that it was the pyramidal shape of the structure that was somehow important for the builders. And now I will tell you exactly how the pyramid works and what comes out of it.

Anyone who has read my past articles on vacuum and ether will easily grasp what I am about to write. An electromagnetic mechanism for creating ether-vacuum flows is constantly operating in the pyramid, which can give a person almost divine abilities. A pyramid always rests on a rocky base (if it rests on loose sedimentary rocks, it will sink underground under its own weight and access to it will become impossible, so there is no point in such pyramids). Even if there is limestone directly below the pyramid, as is the case on the Giza plateau, with depth it ends and the rock mass begins. The rock is primarily granite, and granite is a mixture of mica, quartz and feldspar. Quartz has the property of piezoelectricity. When we compress a thin quartz plate, electric charges arise on its opposite faces. That is, an electric field is formed. Quartz grains in granite layers are compressed under the weight of the structure so that the intensity of the created electric field is maximum at the very top of the pyramid. Therefore, the ether-vacuum rushes from all sides to this point, here individual flows collide, turn around and then in a single flow fly vertically upward through the entire body of the pyramid and fly out from its top.

Our brain has two hemispheres. The left (or analytical) is responsible for logic, analysis, speech, counting and writing, makes decisions and processes incoming information differentially, that is, breaks it into separate logical blocks. The right (or emotional) is responsible for feelings and emotions, musicality, concepts of justice, the work of internal organs, paranormal abilities (and everyone has them without exception) and processes incoming information integrally as a whole without breaking it down into separate blocks. The hemispheres need energy to function. If there is not enough energy, you have to turn something off. When a child is just born, his brain hemispheres are activated approximately equally. Therefore, many children in childhood have pronounced paranormal abilities. But the development of speech (and speech is the logical process of recognizing the meaning of heard sounds) leads to the need for constant and increasing activation of the left hemisphere. And that small supply of energy that we all have since childhood is now spent mainly on activating the left hemisphere. And there is less and less left for the right. Therefore, the right hemisphere goes to the minimum level of its activity, when it is enough only for the work of internal organs and a little for emotions, and there is nothing left for any paranormal activity.

In order to return the right hemisphere to its previous level of activity (or even greater), it is necessary to acquire so much energy that it becomes possible for both hemispheres to work simultaneously. And in order to acquire energy, you need to somehow rearrange the work of your internal organs, which can only be done with the help of the right hemisphere, that is, you need to activate it. It turns out to be a vicious circle. And you can get out of it if you give a person a lot of energy in some extraneous way that is not related to the activity of the right hemisphere. The pyramids allow you to do just that.

When a person lives in a pyramid for a long time (weeks, months or even years), the etheric-vacuum flow passing through his body, being slightly uneven due to the pyramidal structure, transfers part of its energy to the person. And gradually, due to the accumulation of energy, the activity of the right hemisphere increases in a person, which manifests itself in the form of awakening of various paranormal abilities. Therefore, the priests specially retired to the pyramids for several years, and when they came out of there, they amazed ordinary villagers with telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, levitation, etc. That is, they became like gods. Now do you understand why Teotihuacan is translated as “The place where the gods are born”?

Once upon a time, scientists measured the amount of energy that a person spends during his normal daily activities. And they found out that energy consumption is almost an order of magnitude higher than the number of calories a person receives from breakfast, lunch and dinner. It was never found out where a person gets the missing energy, and therefore these studies were not continued and were gradually curtailed. So I think that a person receives the main energy for his activities from the ether-vacuum that surrounds us. And it receives it at night during sleep through a resonance mechanism.

Probably, few people will argue with me if I say that a person has a soul (for especially stubborn skeptics, I will add that there is a way to see the hands and feet of your soul, and I have done this more than once). The soul is the same material creation as the computer on which I am now writing this article. And it completely obeys the laws of physics. In particular, the soul constantly vibrates with a certain frequency and is therefore always in resonance with the corresponding frequency of the vacuum. And it receives from the vacuum as much energy as is contained at this frequency. But when a person is awake, the connection between the soul and the physical body is so strong that the frequency of vibrations of the soul is very low, and at such frequencies the energy content in the vacuum is quite small. Therefore, in the waking state, a person receives too little energy from the vacuum, insufficient for his needs. And when a person sleeps, then the connection between soul and body weakens sharply, the soul vibrates with a much higher frequency, enters into resonance with higher frequencies of the vacuum, which contains much more energy, and therefore also receives much more energy than during the day. But there is still not enough to ensure the awakening of paranormal abilities. And for these abilities to finally manifest themselves, you must be able to get out of your body. Then dictate physical body above the soul completely disappears, the soul begins to vibrate with maximum frequency and receives from the vacuum the maximum amount of energy available to it. Those ethereal flows that arise in the pyramid precisely solve this problem: they push a person out of his physical body.

When Napoleon was in Egypt with his expedition, he decided to spend the night in a pyramid out of curiosity. The next morning the Frenchman came out of the pyramid shaken to the core. But until his death, he never told anyone what was happening to him inside. And it’s not difficult to understand this even without his story: the first exits from the physical body can have a stunning effect on a person, especially if he does not believe in all this mysticism. And after spending the night in the pyramid, Napoleon appeared amazing abilities clairvoyance. Well, at least his flight from Egypt. The French fleet was completely defeated by the British. Napoleon had only one ship left. The British guarded him very closely. And yet, Napoleon managed to safely overcome all obstacles and reach France. It is somehow impossible to explain this outcome by simple chance. Many years later, his last marshals recalled in their memoirs that Napoleon, after Egypt, had the ability to seem to know the actions of his enemy in advance, and this allowed him to prepare a crushing counterattack. But in order for such an ability to continue to operate permanently, it was necessary to spend the night in the pyramid again. And this was no longer possible. Therefore, Napoleon gradually began to lose his ability to clairvoyance, and by 1812 there was nothing left of it. As a result, the previously invincible commander began to suffer defeats. And such clairvoyance ability appeared in Napoleon after just one night in the pyramid. What if a person spends the night there for years?

By the way, many psychics and healers of our time say that they acquired their abilities after being struck by lightning. But lightning carries enormous energy and, when it hits a person, it transfers part of its energy to him. Therefore, it is not surprising that after such an incident something abnormal awakens in a person that was not there before. Also, some psychics say that they constantly travel to so-called places of power to “recharge.” A place of power is a place where the same ether-vacuum flow emerges from under the surface as from a pyramid, and the mechanism for the formation of this flow is the same (compression of quartz grains in granite layers). Therefore, if anyone wants to become a god from a man, he can be advised to live in places of power for several years. Maybe something will work out.

In Egypt, pyramids were built for the same purpose as in Teotihucan. Those seven huge pyramids that have survived to this day were not built by the Egyptians of classical history, but by another civilization long before them. But then some kind of catastrophe happened and this pre-civilization almost completely died. The remaining individual people fell almost into the Stone Age. And they forgot almost everything that their ancestors were famous for. Including the true purpose of the pyramids was forgotten. All that remained was a vague memory that a man went into the pyramid, where he died and turned into a god. But in what sense was he dying? Remember how, quite recently, the American Indians initiated boys and transferred them to the rank of adult men. They also did something there and it was believed that the boy died and an adult man was born in his place. So in the pyramid, the priest or ruler died not in the literal sense, but in a figurative sense, and also in a figurative sense, a god was born from a man. But they forgot about it. And they began to think that in the pyramid the pharaoh literally dies and after death he is carried away to Osiris and himself becomes Osiris, that is, a god. This is how the pyramids began to be considered tombs. And when the history of our time began, the history of classical Egypt, the pharaohs, in imitation of their divine ancestors, began to really build tombs in the form of pyramids. But since the construction technology was lost, these new buildings were of such low quality that they came to us in the form of dilapidated clay hills.

Various forms of fraud are now described in different media. This is a necessary thing, because those who do not want to become a victim of scammers have the opportunity to avoid their tricks. I chose a similar position, having decided to show the essence of an ancient phenomenon with the worship of “gods” and sacrifices.

Reading this material, some of my supporters will be surprised and outraged by me. Because this is indeed a description of a completely real, but incorrect method. But please do not draw conclusions before you read this paragraph to the very end: there are only a couple of pages here.

In fact, it is not so difficult to become a god even during your lifetime. True, for this you will have to master the following abilities at least at the initial level: the ability to hypnotize, the ability to leave the body (there are separate books on this technique), the ability to enter someone else’s dream, the ability to induce the right sleep to an outsider, the ability to perform any magical tricks (outside the body this is even easier), clairvoyance. Methods can be found in quite accessible books on practical magic. But magic has serious negative consequences, so before mastering it, I suggest you read my article on this topic, “The Glitter and Darkness of Imaginary Deliverance.”

So, having left the body, we are looking for a candidate for prophets. This must be a person with a broken field, whose barrier between consciousness and subconscious has been destroyed. Healthy man, who has everything in order, with such a barrier simply will not hear us. It’s even better if it’s a person interested in esotericism, practicing magic or extrasensory perception. Such people deliberately destroy their protective barrier, opening the “third eye”. They themselves want to make contact with heaven. It is desirable that the candidate initially have inflated ambitions and pride: such a person will easily believe in his chosenness. Finding one is no problem.

But here’s what’s important: the prophet should only hear you, but in no case see you. After all, if he sees a phantom of an ordinary person next to him, it will be difficult to convince him that in front of him is none other than God Almighty Himself. Or you have to present yourself in a proper form, as some still do. To do this, they simply act hypnotically, bringing the desired image to the person. But it's very troublesome. So it’s easier to find one who hears a person outside the body, but does not see.

Now all that remains is to introduce yourself as God or the Almighty and broadcast your religion. The newly minted prophet will be happy to hang on your every word and bring the “light of saving truth” to others. If you want to not depend on his will and mind at all, you can simply enter his body and write with his hand. This will inspire him even more. Your supporters will begin to gather around him. Their worship will give you additional strength. This is very important point, because from above you will have much less realization potential (what is called the energy of the Cosmos), since such an activity is negative for the Cosmos and the evolution of souls - yours and the people who join you. And if so, you will have to switch to feeding from people (energy-information vampirism).

From now on, the egregorous support of your supporters will become your powerful magical resource. Using it, you will be able to demonstrate magic tricks that will be perceived as miracles, further strengthening faith in your power.

Success will depend on the quality of your theory, on the thoughtfulness of the rituals (in terms of energy supply). Yes, yes, it’s your prerogative to think through the rituals.

If the flock has not yet been corrupted by modern culture, then to quickly strengthen magical power it is useful to introduce sacrifices. During sacrifices, the “god” consumes the unspent life force (realization potential) of the victim. Here it depends on the religion what will be permissible for this purpose: killing animals or making do with fruits and products.

This is how they become “gods”. True, this usually happens after death. The soul of some shaman or ambitious maniac, or more often a manically ambitious sorcerer, begins with a scam and imposture, but over time, having been imbued with the potential for realization, it turns into a completely full-fledged deity. Previously, magical power could be gained much faster through the fanatical worship of naive ignoramuses and generous sacrifices. Now we should rely more on mass participation, on ritual.

If you are a vampire, then you will no longer be able to tear yourself away from this game, and the number of your voluntary “food” will only grow over time. This is how it is quite possible to become a “god” during your lifetime. Having died in this incarnation, you will immediately be at your job and now you will be constantly engaged only in it. Due to the increased egregor of followers, over time, magical power will increase so much that you will become able to perform miracles that magicians are not capable of. This will attract a lot of people. Miracles are the best currency for acquiring souls.

But former sorcerers, isolated from the Cosmos for their activities and therefore forced to become energy vampires, become “gods”. Already in the role of gods, for the sake of reinforcing faith in their divine essence, after sacrifices they actually, to some extent, explicitly fulfill the requests of the priests, using their magical power, reinforced by the egregor of fans, as well as part of the realization potential released during the torment and death of the victims. Naturally, such a vampire is the leading principle of his egregor. Together with the egregor, he represents what can be designated by the concept of “god-egregor”.

The formation of a “god” can also take another route. Those who have passed on to another world continue to worry about those living. If there is a tradition of worshiping the dead and recognizing them as gods, then such a person becomes the guardian of the living. Since the potential for realization is not released from above for this, not only a stupid, but even karmically harmful matter, the soul switches to providing at the expense of the living: rituals and sacrifices are just right here. That is, in the end, there is no particular difference between vampires who become “gods” and “gods” who become vampires. Everything ultimately comes to a similar universal form: the vampire “gods” need diligent worship and sacrifices for energy replenishment.

True, now blood sacrifices are unacceptable to civilized people. Therefore, the main emphasis is on the number of worshipers, as well as on whipping up fear in connection with the next “end of the world” or fanning religious hysteria for various reasons. Where, for ethical reasons, blood sacrifices are traditionally not made, one can observe a general “sucking out”. There, large masses of people live in backwardness and poverty: the creative potential of people is simply siphoned off, so that only crumbs are left for implementation. But poverty also has indirect benefits: high mortality, especially among children, and their unspent potential for realization goes to... guess who. So in this case, it cannot be done without abundant supply of human potential for realization.

Any earthly god is a kind of soul that controls the energy and potential provided through worship and sacrifice. The difference between small contactor phenomena and large religions is only in scale and form, but not in essence. Fueling with worship or sacrifices is needed by degrading souls pretending to be gods.

It is the ever-increasing need for nourishment that prompts religious egregors to motivate their subjects to organize wars and various kinds of persecution. When people suffer and die en masse, the time comes for a happy feast of the earthly gods.

Unlike such “gods,” the Almighty does not require self-worship. It is necessary and sufficient for him that each creature fit harmoniously with its life activity into the life activity of the Cosmos in compliance with the Norms of Reasonable Existence. Neither prayers nor rituals can replace this.

I believe that the publication of this method of God-making is certainly beneficial to humanity. Yes, it is possible that one of the energy vampires or ambitious maniacs will use it during their lifetime, or rather after it they will become the god of one of the newly-minted religions, but people will know the underbelly of religions and sects. Anyway, in practice this happens all the time, albeit spontaneously. Behind any earthly religion there is only a pathological soul, but in no case is the main organizer of reality - the Almighty. Someday the truth must be revealed, right?

And now a little more about the situation with contacting, religions and what gives rise to them - intuitionism.


Human thinking is provided by intuition and logic. The balance between them is important. With a deficiency of intuition, instead of a normal person, we have a heartless calculator; with a deficiency of logic, we have a dreamy dullard. Still, logic is intended to provide a more perfect adaptation to reality, so its leading position in the mind is natural.

Intuitionism is the use of intuition as the main way of understanding the world at the expense of objective logic. In this extreme, by the way, intuitionism is far from the female way of thinking, since women, despite the severity of intuition, in life are still mostly guided by the logic of common sense.

In practice, intuitionism is any worldview that ignores objective logic. Because when objective logic is turned off, a person thinks with what remains - intuition. So intuitionism includes not only extrasensory perception, contacting and channeling, but also belief in dogmas of any kind, unfounded by objective logic - religious, political or even scientific.

The intuitive method of cognition practiced by occultists is striking in its apparent effectiveness: information is obtained through insight or contact, immediately in a ready-made form, without expending one’s own mental efforts, without painful progress along the path of knowledge with errors and misconceptions. Indeed, the soul on a subconscious level is connected to a single subconscious and, accordingly, to the boundless information ocean of the universe. There are aspects of intuitionism in which it has shown some usefulness:

  • Through intuitionism, people received the first knowledge about the existence of subtle interactions and patterns, the subtle world, the soul, angels, gods, karma and reincarnation.
  • The very fact of this phenomenon allows people to see the real properties of the world, its multidimensionality and complexity.
  • Some predictions about large-scale events given by intuitionists allow people to see the strategic vector of events. Such predictions were given by Vanga, Casey, Nostradamus and some others.

Maybe then it’s worth returning to the faith of our ancestors, to Christianity or paganism, which are based on intuition? After all, there are the roots of our culture and spirituality. But…

Intuitive obscurantism

Here, in a very superficial presentation, is a list of negative aspects of intuitionism, which, with an honest approach, cannot be ignored:

  1. Abnormal cognition.Obtaining new information for humanity outside of logic, life experience and reasoning contradicts the essence of the evolution of society, which precisely occurs through the work of independent comprehension of the truth through the rational study of reality with the help of logic and reasoning. With independent knowledge, it is possible to objectively assess the reliability of information. Errors that are inevitable during independent learning and their subsequent correction ensure the quality of experience and immunity from errors in the future.
  2. Pollution.Although in ideological terms, intuitive information was usually more extensive and voluminous than the flat and flawed achievements of young rationalistic science, it had many options and it was impossible to determine which of them was correct and whether there was one at all. But there is only one truth. Accordingly, the bulk of contact information turns out to be lies.
  3. Karmic undeserving.Truth is a good that must be earned karmically. Knowledge is deserved by society if it is achieved by the work of the consciousness of its representative, and therefore by the contribution of the collective subconscious. The natural order of things is that there is an order of classification and use of information, remuneration of the author, and with serious achievements, a corresponding change in his status. This is a natural and normal order, improving as society evolves. And this order is due to the fact that any socially significant activity must have appropriate motivation, and therefore must be adequately encouraged. This order is socially and karmically justified.Violation of this order contradicts both evolution and karma. Thus, receiving ready-made information through contacting (channeling, voices, auto-writing, etc.) is essentially theft and a type of vampirism (intellectual vampirism). As with any vampirism, this leads to degradation, in in this case spiritual and intellectual. Karmic responsibility is also inevitable.Just as the loot is of no use to ordinary thieves, stolen knowledge in general brings more problems than benefit. Because the situation is karmically structured in such a way that the stolen information is initially unusable and, in terms of its inferiority, usually fully corresponds to the inferiority of the contactee’s soul: like for like. The unsuitability of contact information is manifested, first of all, in the abundance of unsuitable things offered by intuitionists.
  4. Practical uselessness.Intuitionists have never been able to offer anything useful practical application. Magic and healing practice cannot be classified as useful acquisitions, since in the end they disorient people, distracting them from the need for spiritual improvement and understanding the karmic essence of problems, moreover, without reducing their volume. The abstract reasoning of intuitionists, as a rule, is only suitable for abstruse philosophizing. Usually, the bulk of the contactee’s information is occupied by either fantasy, which cannot be verified, or demagoguery aimed at zombifying the mind.
  5. Anonymity of the source.It is impossible to identify the source of intuitive information. Since this method of receiving is destructive in principle, either dark or ignorant gray entities come into contact, but not light ones. In most cases, they, of course, appear to be those whom a person initially trusts: a bright angel, a saint, a god, the Almighty.
  6. The deliberate lack of clarity of the source.The forces of light do not get in touch, understanding the destructiveness of the prompts. In addition, they usually do not contact contactees due to their understanding of the depravity of the very form of conveying information, which has been actively used by lost souls and darkness since ancient times. In very rare cases, there are hints from bright souls ordinary people. But these are necessarily clues that help a person understand the error of his behavior. But where is the hint of the light or dark forces, a person cannot thoroughly discern.


But there are countless examples of the unsuitable things proposed by intuitionists. Just listing the catastrophic stupidities implemented at the suggestion of intuitionists could fill more than one thick book. Take, for example, magic or sacrifice. A small note about sacrifices.

Aztec priests at one time sacrificed people daily in order to ensure the daily appearance of the sun. Like, the sun fights with the moon and stars every night, so we need to reinforce its strength every day. (Cool! Hello astrophysicists, you probably imagined cosmic processes a little differently? But listen to the intuitive sages: they talk to the gods).

How to strengthen the powers of the sun? “The intuitionists there knew for sure - of course, nothing more than human blood.” Other gods, they believed, also for some reason adored human blood. And they were treated, especially when they asked for something: for a harvest, for a good catch of fish, for an end to the drought. The blood of children was considered especially tasty for the gods. The priests took these preferences into account, every now and then generously gifting the gods with a crowd of frightened babies: they opened the chest and stomach of the living, pulled out the heart and entrails and burned it in front of the idols, believing that they were eating through the smoke. The captured soldiers were tortured before being sacrificed. Degraded souls who pretended to be gods were fueled by the energy of suffering. According to scientists, the annual expenditure on food for the Aztec gods alone reached 20,000 people.

With the blessing of these same intuitionists, the people being sacrificed, after collecting the blood, cutting up the bodies and cooking, were eaten, flavored with seasonings, by all the ordinary local people present. At the end of the twentieth century, archaeologists found reliable evidence of all this. Scientists believe that human sacrifices were common among almost all nations South America. In general, according to historians, human sacrifices were practiced in different times on all inhabited continents, and the rituals were always based on the views of intuitionists.

The mass burning alive by inquisitors of people suspected of witchcraft, the generally dark affairs of religions and sects, the diversion from real development, the inhibition of science and progress - all this is also in the treasury of “achievements” of intuitionism. Almost all nations were marked by one or another inadequacy, often of a savage nature, under the influence of intuitionists. In addition to the generally known ones, many destructive phenomena, hidden from people’s understanding, have occurred and are occurring, committed by religions and the forces behind them.

The True Purpose of Contact Sources

Dark entities are basically simply pathological souls, accustomed during their lifetime to energy-informational vampirism due to disconnection from providing the potential for realization from above: Due to the pathological mood of the soul and therefore incompatibility with the rational Cosmos. At a minimum, they are fueled by the energy of attention. They receive even greater nourishment from the suffering of the victim. For this purpose, they lure a person with some obvious benefits (prophecies, hints, healings) in order to subsequently cause the victim a big misfortune or a whole series of catastrophes. So don’t be surprised that contactees usually have a difficult fate: often it was their informants who organized this for them. There are a huge number of cases where people, incited by voices, committed bloody crimes and pushed those around them to actions that led to disaster. The surge of human suffering is a joyful feast for them. Finally, dark entities receive the greatest nourishment upon the death of the victim. In this case, the treat becomes a significant part of the victim’s unspent potential for realization.

Making sacrifices largely serves precisely this purpose (except that it partly temporarily redistributes karma). The commission of mass bloodshed by newly emerged religious movements is for the same reason. At the same time, the spiritual leaders do not even suspect the true background of the atrocities committed under their leadership.

Also, dark entities have to curry favor with their dark egregors by creating evil. Dark egregors especially value introducing misconceptions at the worldview level. Because in this way large-scale vampirism of a more sophisticated nature is prepared, when the potential for realization is sucked out of entire nations.

There is also a direct relationship between the evolutionary level of society and the aggressiveness of the religion reigning in it. The fact is that the soul posing as a god chooses a contactee corresponding to its level. Since the goal is to maximize influence on others, the contactee must also match the level of those around him. The result is a correspondence between the level of the energy-informational vampire and the level of society. Since as the evolutionary level increases, the level of aggression decreases both in souls and in society, the level of aggression of religion also decreases. That is why one can observe a direct correspondence between the evolutionary level of a religious environment and the level of aggressiveness of its religion (fanatical and extremist manifestations). But here it is not just a correspondence of evolutionary levels, but also the previously noted factor of the transition to more strategic forms of vampirism.

This transition does not entail “God” ignoring material wealth. On the contrary, material wealth is an important indirect factor in supporting the viability of the egregor, which serves the vampiric “god.” If you take some old established and prosperous religion and trace it family tree, we will see an interesting pattern. Where there was a beginning, as a rule, there are quite fat roots - people living in its historical homeland, or people from it who adhere to the original state of the religion, are often rich and included in the financial elite of humanity. Where the tops of this tree are, that is, the last of the peoples who have joined this religion, the opposite picture is observed - disorder and stable troubles. This tree, when turned upside down, can be compared to a pyramid (the roots will correspond to the top). That is, the pyramid is both a scheme of power and a scheme of vampirism. At the base of the pyramid (at the top of the tree) there must be losers - slaves. At first glance, it seems that everything was arranged for the sake of a vampiric transfer from one people to another. Against the background of pumping the potential for realization, material goods are pumped accordingly. In fact, the main gain goes to the one who organized the pyramid - the earthly “god”. Remember financial pyramids. There, too, the last ranks of those who joined turn out to be losers.

Where does such an abundance of bad things come from from intuitionists? After all, intuitionists, in fact, with the best intentions, wanted to find out the truth about the world order, to give society knowledge with which life can be improved. Most of them are altruistic people. Unfortunately, for people who do not adhere to objective logic, it inevitably atrophies, and without it it is impossible to distinguish truth from lies, useful from harmful, bright from dark.

Calls to comprehend not with the mind, but with the heart, in fact always came from darkness. If we take into account the chronology of evolution - first intuition, and only then reason, then it will become obvious that the veiled proposal to abandon the mind comes from a force opposing evolution, and therefore its Organizer - the Almighty. This is the key to understanding the essence of strange religious statements.

So, the flip side of intuitionism is that in the end it turns out to be the path of error and evil, the path of darkness. And this is fair: you must agree, it would be strange if lovers of intellectual gratuitousness, flawed people in life, were messengers of the Almighty. In general, people who broadcast with “votes” are lost people. The unenviable life of intuitionists, including famous ones, is a reason for thought for those who are seduced by this field of activity.

An even more expressive admonition from heaven is the fate of societies that placed intuitionism above objectivism, entrusting their fate to intuitionists (priests, sorcerers, priests). According to the experience of history, intuitionistic pagan societies decline (heaven does not encourage errors), and theocratic societies (they are less intuitionistic than pagan ones) are at the head of civilization, and then secular ones (they are generally rationalistic). Now secular societies show their clear superiority both in power and in the quality and standard of living. Remember the fate of pagan societies of the past on all continents, including the fate of Ancient Egypt. What remains of them except archaeological traces?

It is only in fairy tales, exaggerated by hopeless dreamers, that the pagans in ancient times lived supposedly in a golden era. How they actually lived is demonstrated by Haiti and the pagan countries of Africa: it is not by chance that fans of intuitionism find themselves in such decline and squalor. By the way, this is precisely why, as a rule, they become easy prey for invaders and enslavers. And Russia at one time did not escape this strict pattern. But is it adequate to engage in something that ultimately leads to slavery?

Perhaps, against the backdrop of such examples, honest intuitionists will bite their overworked eloquent tongues, lower their gaze and at least turn a little pink with shame? — You can’t wait: for a fundamental rethinking, you need objective logic, which is usually atrophied in them.

If we call a spade a spade, then the entire experience of reality persistently teaches that those who refuse objective logic inevitably turn out to be conductors of darkness. You have to be cunning to the core not to see this.

All religions are founded by intuitive contactees. If humanity, having woken up, undertook to honestly and fairly deal only with the obvious monstrous mass crimes committed for religious reasons of various confessional persuasions only in recent centuries, it would have to organize a worldwide trial, disproportionately larger than the Nuremberg trial of the Nazis. And Hitler, by the way, was an intuitionist.

But the Supreme Court is always coming. It is enough to take a closer look at historical processes, the destinies of peoples, natural disasters and catastrophes. The more intuitive a society is, the worse its condition. This is a fairer trial that does not wait for the reason of humanity to take its place.

Objective logic is the path to light

Objective logic is focused on reliable knowledge of reality. But reality is the speech of the Almighty, with which he communicates with the world. This means that the mind, oriented preferably to objective logic, ultimately perceives the admonitions of the Almighty. That is why objective logic is the path to truth, light and goodness, and intuitionism is the path to darkness.

Human thinking

There are two components of human thinking: intuition and logic. Both parts are necessary for effective thinking. A deficiency of any of the components leads to problems. It is not at all accidental that evolution has shaped exactly this type of thinking, which combines both methods of information processing. This reflects the experience of millions of years.

Man differs from animals in the presence of formed logic. It is important to note that in humans, logic prevails over intuition. Moreover, as evolution progresses, the supremacy of logic among intelligent beings increases. This also applies to women. I spoke only in a relative sense about the fact that a woman is guided by intuition. Only about the lower animals can it be said that they are guided only by intuition. Already higher animals have the rudiments of logical abilities.

So the supremacy of logic in the knowledge of the world is natural and progressive, reflecting the trend of reasonable evolution. In contrast to this, intuitionism, implemented on a social scale, always pulls back, entails degradation or conservation, which we clearly observe in societies that adhere to intuitionist worldviews.

Who to believe?

In the light of the indicated points, it is obvious where such an abundance of people comes from, each of whom supposedly communicates with the Supreme Mind or the Almighty and is supposedly named by Him as its only representative, but at the same time carrying completely different, sometimes diametrically opposed information. How to figure it out? It's actually not that difficult.

Since the Almighty is the main organizer of reality, the indisputable reflection of His plan is only objective reality. Just as in a person’s affairs one can look for the imprint of his mind, so in the realities of the world the admonitions of the Supreme Mind are imprinted. The systematically manifested patterns of reality are the most reliable admonitions of the Almighty. The Almighty organizes reality and only through it communicates with the world. In reality, the properties of the subtle world are sufficiently reflected, because the dense and subtle worlds are interconnected. And souls, spirits and other entities are only capable of providing information through voices, texts, images, and, at most, organizing local signs.

Information captured in reality is difficult to read, but it is guaranteed to be protected from forgery and its authorship is indisputable. There is one dense reality and one truth. The difficulty of reading ensures the karmic merit of knowledge. Only a mind worthy of this knowledge is capable of calculating it. It is easy for others to verify the reliability of this knowledge, since its confirmation is in reality itself. And ready-made information from impostor spirits through voices, auto-writing, etc. anyone gets it, and, as a rule, these are people who are damaged in their psyche, health and destiny. And no titles or positions of such people should mislead as to their adequacy and objectivity.

If an honest, intellectually advanced person undertakes to analyze real life in its various manifestations from the position of various teachings, then he will inevitably come to the conclusion that the only teaching adequate to reality is the concept of “Relgros”, and everything else is fiction, convenient only for philosophizing.

It’s not surprising: reading objective reality, I developed the concept of “Relgros”. And intuitive help from above in the form of mental images was only additional help, semantic keys. Since I use, first of all, objective logic and am based on reality, then I am a rationalist and in no way an intuitionist. This is the value of my information: these are not myths of an unknown source, this is what is read from reality, which is organized by the Almighty and which surrounds you, so you see confirmation in life itself. That is why, over time, the number of various kinds of confirmations of the Relgros concept only increases.

All more people they ask how can you become God who is this God in reality and whether there is evidence of the existence of the God that everyone constantly talks about and believes in. In fact, every person can become God if they understand who they really are and begin to live and do everything to become one.

In this article you will learn how become God , what needs to be done to give them an article, who he really is and where to find the real God, who can be felt, and not just believed, as most people do, without understanding what they believe and why they do it. You can believe or not believe anything, so it’s better to see and feel it once than to hear it a hundred times.

How to become God - who God really is

To understand who God is and how to become one, you first need to understand that everything that exists in our world is material and capable of disappearing, appearing and changing in form. Therefore, our world is truly unreal life, an illusion that is temporary and has nothing eternal.

All that is eternal is God, there is no one else and nothing else besides him, and what and who such a God you ask – this is energy. There is nothing but energy, God, there is simply corrected, perfect energy - God, and there are people, animals - uncorrected energy. In fact, God is eternal, which means energy cannot be created or destroyed, it takes any form and is constantly moving.

When you understand who God is, that this is perfect energy, parts of which are corroded and stored in every person, you can say with confidence that when we come to the stage of human development and unite together, then this energy, when united, will become one and indivisible God .

And today God separated into particles of energy, and stored in each person. It is up to us to decide to develop this piece of God or wait until nature, with its suffering, forces us and pushes us to develop this eternal piece called God.

Gain the ability to bestow

To become God, you need to acquire the property of bestowal, since God gives, and man receives because of his selfish motives. All people are selfish, so if you remove this property and completely give everything you have, you will become God.



To become God , we need to start filling people with new knowledge, skills, experience and happiness. A person who lives only for himself cannot become God. You don’t have to be correct, you just need to fill people with everything they need without thinking about your own benefit. When you acquire the quality of total surrender, you will notice how you become something greater and stronger than just a selfish person.

Find happiness

To become God, you need to become happy and begin to appreciate what you have. A psychologist will help you with this. Because if you have everything you need for happiness, you will calm down and begin spiritual development. A person spends his whole life to acquire what he lacks, since people have not learned to appreciate and take care of what they have and therefore, having achieved and realized one desire, they desire another, but without feeling happiness.

When you become God, you will find a different existence, not in the body, but in the soul. You will not need a body to exist, your energy will be in the soul and it will not need a body to manifest itself. Every person consciously or unconsciously strives to find and develop the soul, since this is the only goal that is eternal in nature, and not temporary desires, which in any case will disappear when your body dies. There is no life after death, there is only today and you need to live in such a way as to develop your spiritual root, not your body.

More and more people are asking how can you become God who is this God in reality and whether there is evidence of the existence of the God that everyone constantly talks about and believes in. In fact, every person can become God if they understand who they really are and begin to live and do everything to become one.

In this article you will learn how become God , what needs to be done to give them an article, who he really is and where to find the real God, who can be felt, and not just believed, as most people do, without understanding what they believe and why they do it. You can believe or not believe anything, so it’s better to see and feel it once than to hear it a hundred times.

How to become God - who God really is

To understand who God is and how to become one, you first need to understand that everything that exists in our world is material and capable of disappearing, appearing and changing in form. Therefore, our world is truly unreal life, an illusion that is temporary and has nothing eternal.

All that is eternal is God, there is no one else and nothing else besides him, and what and who such a God you ask – this is energy. There is nothing but energy, God, there is simply corrected, perfect energy - God, and there are people, animals - uncorrected energy. In fact, God is eternal, which means energy cannot be created or destroyed, it takes any form and is constantly moving.

When you understand who God is, that this is perfect energy, parts of which are corroded and stored in every person, you can say with confidence that when we come to the stage of human development and unite together, then this energy, when united, will become one and indivisible God .

And today God separated into particles of energy, and stored in each person. It is up to us to decide to develop this piece of God or wait until nature, with its suffering, forces us and pushes us to develop this eternal piece called God.

Gain the ability to bestow

To become God, you need to acquire the property of bestowal, since God gives, and man receives because of his selfish motives. All people are selfish, so if you remove this property and completely give everything you have, you will become God.



To become God , we need to start filling people with new knowledge, skills, experience and happiness. A person who lives only for himself cannot become God. You don’t have to be correct, you just need to fill people with everything they need without thinking about your own benefit. When you acquire the quality of total surrender, you will notice how you become something greater and stronger than just a selfish person.

Find happiness

To become God, you need to become happy and begin to appreciate what you have. A psychologist will help you with this. Because if you have everything you need for happiness, you will calm down and begin spiritual development. A person spends his whole life to acquire what he lacks, since people have not learned to appreciate and take care of what they have and therefore, having achieved and realized one desire, they desire another, but without feeling happiness.

When you become God, you will find a different existence, not in the body, but in the soul. You will not need a body to exist, your energy will be in the soul and it will not need a body to manifest itself. Every person consciously or unconsciously strives to find and develop the soul, since this is the only goal that is eternal in nature, and not temporary desires, which in any case will disappear when your body dies. There is no life after death, there is only today and you need to live in such a way as to develop your spiritual root, not your body.
