Summary of a conversation for younger schoolchildren about the culture of behavior. Conversations with children of senior preschool age on developing cultural behavior skills

Culture of behavior

in public places

Goals: Development of students’ skills to behave in accordance with moral standards, rules of conduct, and rules of etiquette.

The problem of culture of behavior in public places remains relevant today. We often do not think that this or that situation requires a certain action, movement, phrase or gesture. The problem is that many people do not know these rules. This is understandable - it is difficult to remember all the rules of etiquette. Therefore, we want to voice at least some of them. The priority goal of etiquette is to make our lives as pleasant and safe as possible when communicating with each other, to smooth out all possible sharp corners and unexpected insults, to warn us against accidental claims and troubles.


The term “etiquette” (from the French etiquette) means the form, manner of behavior, rules of courtesy and politeness accepted in a particular society. Etiquette is a combination of formal rules of behavior in advance certain situations with common sense, the rationality of the content embedded in them.

The word "etiquette" became commonly used in the 17th century. Once at a court reception during the reign of the French king Louis XIV the guests were given cards that listed some acceptable rules of behavior. The word “etiquette” came from their French name, and later it entered the languages ​​of many countries. Rules of conduct arose a long time ago. As soon as people began to live together, the need for peaceful coexistence arose. Thus, in Homer’s “Odyssey”, in Egyptian and Roman manuscripts, the rules of good manners are already mentioned.

Relations between the sexes, superiors and subordinates, means of communication, and the reception of strangers were strictly regulated. Violation of these rules entailed exclusion from the social group. The ancient Greeks gave great value interstate relations, they actively developed diplomatic etiquette, creating a complex chain of necessary rituals. Then court etiquette arose. Each ruling dynasty created an elaborate ceremony around itself with a certain degree of solemnity. On the basis of court etiquette, only in a simpler form, general civil etiquette is formed.

So, etiquette began to take shape in ancient times, but it was during the Middle Ages that it acquired the features that we know today. In the 11th century it appears social system chivalry, which subsequently spread throughout Europe. Chivalry had a huge influence on European etiquette and created countless new rituals and ceremonies around the feudal aristocracy. Etiquette in countries Western Europe developed under the great influence of local national customs and traditions. Thus, etiquette is a very large and important part of universal human culture, morality, morality. It has been developed over many centuries. There are practically no people who have not made their contribution to the world treasury of etiquette.

Many modern rules of behavior initially had a completely different meaning when they arose (as a rule, they originate from all sorts of rituals that permeated life ancient man). Some etiquette norms of the past have changed in such a way that it is difficult to trace their historical roots. Others simply disappeared, just as the phenomena that gave birth to them disappeared, but, one way or another, all the accepted rituals of behavior left their mark on the development of etiquette. It is believed that modern etiquette inherits the best customs of the past, the behavioral traditions of all peoples. But! One should remember the well-known relativity of etiquette requirements; they are not absolute: the conditions for their observance depend on the place, time, and circumstances. It often happens that behavior that is not acceptable in one place and under some circumstances may be quite appropriate in other conditions.

Let's remember why a man should walk down the street to the left of a woman. Just two or three hundred years ago, men had the rule of carrying a weapon on their left side - a saber, sword or dagger. To prevent this weapon from touching the woman, if she was nearby, they stood to her left. Now such an obstacle when walking with a lady is possible only among the military. But the custom, nevertheless, was preserved for everyone.

There are customs whose origin is almost impossible to find out. They, as they say, pass from generation to generation. But if they have been preserved unchanged, then it is hardly worth challenging folk wisdom, thanks to which they were preserved. The most honored guests are given seats in the middle of the table, next to the hosts or opposite them. The owners always enter the house or apartment first, and then the guests, if they come together.

So, etiquette is a very large and important part of universal human culture, morality, morality. It has been developed over many centuries. There are practically no people who would not make their contribution to the world treasury of etiquette, albeit in accordance with their ideas about goodness, justice, and humanity.

But even the strictest adherence to faceless patterns of behavior is not the root of truly correct behavior; the main thing always remains a sincere, hospitable and kind attitude towards people. After all, if all the little details of etiquette are not supported by internal education and high morality, then it is unlikely that etiquette will be of much benefit to the people around us.

Rules of behavior in public places

Public places. Today it is rare to see a picture when, standing near open door, the two persuade each other: “Please come in” - “No, please, you come in.” Usually, when we are allowed forward, we pass through without unnecessary ceremony. And, in principle, this is correct. Traditionally, the man lets the woman pass first; the younger one gives way to the older one; subordinate to the boss. Of two people of equal age occupying the same position, the one closest to the door passes first.

If you brought a guest to your house. The hostess enters first, followed by the guest. If the owner is a man, the guest enters first. Well, what if he doesn’t know the way or it’s dark outside the door? In this case, the owner enters first, saying: “Let me show you around” or: “Please follow me.” The same should be done if the guest is a woman.

Ladder. Previously, it was customary for a man, when going up the stairs with a woman, to walk in front of her. At present, a slightly different order has been determined: it is advisable and therefore justified for a man to strive to get ahead of a lady only in cases where the stairs are dark, steep or shaky. If circumstances are different, the woman leads the way. When descending, the man goes first, followed by the woman. If someone politely gives way to you as they pass by, either bow slightly or say, “Thank you.” If you are on a narrow staircase and someone comes towards you old man, boss or lady, you need to pause and take a small step to the side, letting the person walking pass.

When a man and a woman walking in different directions collide on the stairs, the woman is not obliged to move away from the railing, even if this is contrary to the rule of “right-hand traffic”; the sides of the stairs with the railing are the privilege of the weaker sex, the elderly and children.

Elevators, escalators. An elevator is the same “public area” as a street or stairs; here you don’t have to take off your hat. In the elevator, as in any other place, we greet those whom we always greet. In a crowded public elevator, a man does not take off his hat, even if he is accompanying a woman. In the elevator of a residential building or residential hotel, he would probably take off his hat when a woman entered, if his hands were not occupied with packages.

In automatic elevators, a woman, if she is traveling without an escort, presses the desired button herself. A man in an elevator, if he is standing close to the panel, asks the others (primarily women) which floor they need and presses the buttons. In full elevators, well-mannered people step aside or step out for a while to allow those standing behind to exit.

Shop. At the doors of a store or institution, first let those leaving, and only then enter yourself, this way you will not cause a “traffic jam” to form inside the room. In large stores or other mass service establishments, a man may not take off his headdress. However, where the client is being served individually, it is useful not to forget to take off your hat and say hello to the person who will be dealing with you. When making a purchase in a store, it is worth remembering not to tire the seller with petty whims or prolonged indecision.

When approaching the checkout, you need to have an approximate amount of money ready for the purchase, and not look for it in your wallet or pockets at the last moment.

Cafes and restaurants. The man enters the restaurant first. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, this is how he protects his companion from unexpected collisions and warns her about steps or a threshold, while not forgetting to hold the door and give the lady his hand. Secondly, based on this criterion, the head waiter has the right to draw a conclusion about who is the initiator of coming to the restaurant, i.e., who will place the order and pay the bill.

In the wardrobe, the man undresses and then helps the lady undress. Having chosen a table, the man, slightly pulling out the chair, helps the lady sit down. If a lady comes without a companion, this gallant duty is assigned to service personnel. Never get into an argument with a waiter. The proposal to leave the restaurant must come from the initiator of the meeting. Etiquette rules do not allow the waiter to bring you the bill until you ask him to do so. But under no circumstances ask for the bill while your guests or your lady is still eating - this is rude to them. Money, credit or bonus cards should be placed in a folder or on a tray along with the bill and left on the edge of the table. Tipping is a tradition in restaurants almost all over the world. Minimum size tip is 10% of the bill.

Transport. Before entering the vehicle, give the opportunity to exit it. Stand so as not to disturb exiting passengers. When traveling to public transport with a lady, the man enters after her, but leaves first and offers his hand to his companion. Usually everyone pays for the fare themselves, but a man, on his own initiative, can pay for the fare of his good friend. Decency obliges him to give way to a tired mother with a small or infant, a pregnant woman, an old or disabled person, a woman with a heavy bag or a friend. In relation to young, healthy strangers, such a gesture is voluntary politeness. The woman who was given her seat should immediately thank her for this. A young girl can give way to an elderly relative. You should not talk loudly in public transport, laugh, or play music. It is absolutely unacceptable to be in transport with ice cream or an open bottle. You cannot stand in the doorway, interfering with the entry and exit of other passengers. If you cannot hand over money for travel or validate a ticket yourself, ask others to do it. It is indecent to look over your shoulder at a book, newspaper or magazine that another passenger is reading. It is indecent to stare at your fellow travelers. In transport, you should try not to step on people’s feet, do not lean on people, standing nearby, do not push him in the back. If one of the passengers accidentally touched another, you must apologize. When exiting a vehicle, a man must get out first and then help his companion.

Conversation. Boys or girls over 18 years of age should be addressed as “you.” It is also important to control your voice, because it may well reveal your well-being, mood, thoughts that you would like to hide. Speech should not be too loud, otherwise you may embarrass yourself.

Good manners require that we avoid conversations that are unpleasant to the interlocutor or that make him despondent. To become a conversational ace, first of all, you need to learn several rules: in a conversation you need to avoid loud “I”; consider the interests of others and hide one's own identity. It is very indecent to speak to someone in a language unfamiliar to the rest of society. You should show courtesy and delicacy if a third opponent intervenes in your conversation, and the topic of the conversation is purely intimate.

It is also important to control your voice (you can resort to the help of a specialist), because it may well reveal your well-being, mood, thoughts that you would like to hide. In a state of stress, it is even harder to speak, rapid intermittent breathing and trembling in the voice interfere, so it is also important to control your breathing.

Think about it, do you speak quickly? If so, how clearly? Clear? Okay, but do you know how to correctly place pauses in a conversation? Why are pauses needed? It's very simple - pauses are a sign of good manners. Pauses should be long enough for your interlocutors to think about what was said. If you speak slowly and don't pause, you risk boring the other person. Every word in a conversation should be distinct and understandable to the interlocutor.

In society they talk about everything, but do not delve into the issues, do not analyze any subject comprehensively, but discuss briefly, but not superficially. You should not show that the conversation is boring or tires you, or that you would like to talk with others, you should not look in the other direction during a conversation or look at your watch, your hands should be in a calm state, and it is not permissible to twirl objects.

Remember that in any society your behavior should be natural. Pretense is the enemy of any engaging conversation. So that when communicating with strangers, to feel easy and at ease, in order to effortlessly start a conversation and conduct it freely (and not just assent), certain preparation is required.

What to talk about with a person you don’t know well when mutual silence becomes uncomfortable? That's right - about the weather! This is a topic that interests everyone to one degree or another, it is safe and conflict-free. Uninteresting? That's true. But it’s not at all necessary to immediately start talking about something serious. This may seem pretentious.

In a conversation, it is better not to touch upon personal problems, not to persuade your partner to do so, and not to talk confidentially about yourself. When the weather topic is exhausted, you can talk, for example, about television, newspaper news, sports. In the end, there will definitely be a question that can captivate both interlocutors. Should be used with caution various variations words from youth slang.

Know how to listen! Do you know how? How? Be silent, looking at your interlocutor with “empty eyes” that reflect your own concerns. This is not the same at all! You should look at the interlocutor with interest and from time to time insert some comments that will indicate that you understand what is being said. While someone is talking to you, it is ugly to rummage through your bag, rummage through your own pockets, glance at the TV, catch your heavenly beauty in the mirror opposite. If you have already heard the story once, it is better to immediately remark: “I know, I heard it,” rather than interrupt in mid-sentence in impatience. A polite person rarely interrupts someone else's story, even if he has heard it a good hundred times.

In a friendly discussion there is no place, for example, for such expressions: “It’s not true!”, “What?!”, “I won’t understand you!” After all, you can say the same thing in a different way: “But it seems to me that...”, “Sorry, I didn’t hear...”,

Don't interrupt when someone is speaking, especially if they are elderly. Don't correct someone's mispronounced foreign word. You should not suggest words to the narrator, finish his sentence for him, and, especially, correct stylistic errors out loud.

In general, try not to make any comments to adults. Young people can sometimes afford this among themselves, but only in a friendly manner.

Address and greeting According to etiquette, you need to greet a person with the words: “Hello!” " Good morning! "Good afternoon!" "Good evening!" When greeting, you should not lower your eyes; you need to meet the gaze of the person you are greeting. But the persistent gaze of someone else is felt by a person even if he is sitting with his side or back to you. Therefore, you should not “hypnotize” anyone. It is considered indecent to look closely at a person when he is eating, to gaze at him for a long time. unknown women, look at the person being introduced to you. Intonation is very important. A greeting expressed in a rude or dry tone may offend the person you are greeting. You need to greet people warmly and friendly. And adding a smile to your greeting will improve your overall mood. And don’t forget about a bow, a nod of the head, a handshake, a hug, a kiss on the hand - choose any one based on the circumstances. Only the closest friends are addressed as "you".

Everyone else (older people, unfamiliar peers) is addressed as “you.” It is not customary to say hello across a threshold, across a table, or through any partition. A handshake is a traditional, symbolic greeting gesture. Give your hand with a free, confident gesture. The squeeze should be short.

But you also shouldn’t shake your partner’s hand with all your might, shaking it in the air several times. If you notice an acquaintance in the distance and if you are also noticed, then you need to greet the acquaintance with a nod of the head, a wave of the hand, a bow, a smile. You shouldn't shout at the top of your voice! If you see a friend approaching you, there is no need to shout “hello!” from afar.

Wait until the distance between you is reduced to a few steps. You definitely need to greet those people you often meet, even if you don’t know them, for example, the seller of the nearest store, the postman, or neighbors from the entrance.

Telephone Advantages mobile phone difficult to overestimate. And yet, in certain situations it can create inconvenience and even cause annoyance. With a phone in your pocket you can be in a public place, in a restaurant, in a hairdresser; but in a cinema, a theatre, or during a concert, it will be an undoubted nuisance - in such places you need to turn it off completely or turn on vibration instead of a sound signal.

School behavior culture

Goals: Development of students’ abilities to behave in accordance with moral standards, rules of behavior, rules of etiquette, prevention of controversial situations among students, prevention conflict situations between teachers and students.

Task: Development of students' communication abilities.

Teacher's introduction

A person lives among people from his very birth. Among them, he takes his first steps and speaks his first words, develops and reveals his abilities. Only human society can become the basis for the development of personality, for the development of the “I” of each person. And such a society can become not only a large association of people, but also small group- school class. What is a class? A class is an association of people, where the “I” of each person turns into a common “we”. And it is necessary for each individual “I” to feel comfortable in this big “we”. And so that the “I” of each does not suppress the “I” of his neighbor. To do this, it is necessary to have certain rules of behavior that would give each “I” the opportunity to fully develop.

Let's count how many people we meet every day. At home we communicate with our relatives: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, neighbors; at school - with teachers, schoolmates, librarian; in the store - with the seller, cashiers, strangers; on the street - with passers-by; old and young people, adults and peers. It's hard to count how many people you see in one day; You’ll just say hello to some, you’ll talk to others, you’ll play with others, you’ll answer a question with others, you’ll turn to someone yourself with a request. Every person is in constant communication with familiar and unfamiliar people at home, at school, on the street, in a store, at the cinema, in the library, etc. We all know that another person’s behavior, a friendly or rude word often leaves a mark on the soul for the whole day. Often good mood for a person it depends on whether they paid attention to him, whether they were friendly and kind when communicating with him, and how offensive it is from inattention, rudeness, or an evil word. You and I spend a lot of time at school, so today we will talk about the rules of behavior at school, as well as about moments of disrespectful attitude, that is, one after which grievances arise. As a rule, the grievances are mutual.

Unfortunately, not all school groups adhere to the rules of politeness, friendliness, and delicacy. We need to think about our mistakes in behavior. An even, friendly tone, attention to each other, and mutual support strengthen relationships. And vice versa, unceremoniousness or rude treatment, tactlessness, offensive nicknames, nicknames hurt painfully and sharply worsen your well-being. Some people think that all these are trifles, trifles. However, harsh words are not harmless. It’s not for nothing that people have put together wise sayings about the role of words in human relationships: “One word can lead to a quarrel forever,” “A razor scrapes, but a word hurts,” “ Sweet Nothing“It’s spring day.”

What do you think the word “polite” (observing the rules of decency) means?


Name the signs of a well-mannered person.

The personality traits of a well-mannered person are discussed. Rules of behavior are developed.


  • Politeness, goodwill, friendliness in relationships are mutual. Develop such qualities in yourself.
  • Do not allow quarrels, fights, swearing, shouting, threats. This humiliates a person.
  • Treasure your honor, the honor of your family, school, keep your comrades from doing bad things.
  • Help the younger, the vulnerable, be fair.
  • Treat others the way you would like them to treat you

“Treasury of Folk Wisdom”

The interactive whiteboard contains a table with two columns. The beginnings of popular sayings are written on the left side. On the right side is the end of the proverb. It is necessary to match the beginnings and endings by dragging the phrases on the right side into the corresponding lines.

Compose two parts of a proverb about the culture of behavior:

The meaning of each statement is discussed.

Talk about the rules of conduct on the topic.


School etiquette ( appearance, speech within school walls, politeness)

Rules of behavior at school

Duties of the Duty Class


Changeable hairstyle or second shoes

Greeting students and adults

Addressing each other




Players and cell phones

Everyday speech at school

Communication style

Other people's things

Behavior in the dining room

Behavior during lines and events

Arrival at school

Skipping classes

School property

Compliance with safety rules

Caring for the younger and weaker

Resolving controversial issues

Smoking at school

Behavior in class

Behavior during recess

Using obscene language

Responsibilities of the senior school officer

Duties of the Duty Class

Behavior at school parties and discos

Summing up. Final word.

How to learn “knowledge”? Until the 16th century, the word “vezha” was widely used in the Russian language, i.e. a person who knows how to behave in a given situation. To learn “knowledge” there are several techniques.

Introspection The reception is complicated. It's like you need to split into two. You live and do everything as usual, and at the same time you observe yourself through the eyes of another person. Every time you set a goal for yourself. For example, today – “manners”. Another time the goals will be different: how do I talk to people? How do I say hello? How do I behave when visiting? Note not only your shortcomings, but also good features, qualities, habits.

Self-esteem You must not only take care of yourself, but give an honest assessment without any discounts. In the evening, when you go to bed, you can remember how the day went, what you noticed about yourself and tell yourself directly. A diary would be very helpful with this, reflecting thoughts about yourself, about the people around you, and assessments of yourself.

Studying other people's opinions No matter how honestly you try to evaluate yourself, there is always a danger of making a mistake; much is much better seen from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to know what others think of you.

Self-knowledge and observation of the behavior of others also helps. One ancient eastern sage was asked: “Who did you learn good manners from?” “The ill-mannered ones,” he answered, “I avoided doing what they do.”

So, the first condition for good manners is knowledge of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior; second, practice practicing correct behavior; third - strong and stable habits of behavior.



Scenario for the last bell celebration in grade 9 "A"

"Farewell, fun time!"

Two presenters appear on stage

1st presenter: School! How much is connected with her! Childhood is behind us, there are many roads ahead, the choice of what you love. How exciting is the first feeling of adulthood and independence. The lessons and with them the years of carefree childhood were left behind.

2nd presenter: And there are exams ahead... Ahead big life, everything you dreamed about, everything unknown, exciting.

1st presenter: Remember this day!

2nd presenter: Remember this hour!

1st presenter : Today our ninth-graders say goodbye to their class and boldly declare: “We have graduated from basic school and are ready to enter the threshold of adulthood!”

2nd presenter : Some of them will decide to continue their studies in others educational institutions, and someone will join the workforce.

1st presenter: So, pay attention! We invite the heroes of today's celebration to the hall and ask you to support them with applause!

2nd presenter : Dear graduates, you are invited to the Last Bell Celebration of the boarding school named after Ilya Egorovich Egorov!

(Solemn music sounds, ninth-graders enter the hall and take seats near the stage of the assembly hall)

I ASK YOU TO SIT DOWN (graduates)

1st presenter: We have honored guests at our celebration, let’s get to know them:


2nd presenter : Now let's remember what they were like - our graduates.

PRESENTATION (Album of graduates 2016)

1st presenter: Dear graduates! Today is a special holiday for you - you are saying goodbye to your home school!

2nd presenter : You heard more than 20 thousand school bells during 9 years of study.

1st presenter: The first school bell invited you to your very first lesson.

2nd presenter : And today’s last one will announce that you are entering a new adult life.

1st presenter:

The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet.

How long does it last? last call?

The universe doesn't fit in the windows,

The school watches, but itself shrinks.

Views fly over the distant helm,

With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,

And over the country, like over an assembly hall,

The day is filled with blue and scarlet

School farewell crystal bell...


2nd presenter: Dear graduates, parents, guests! Allow me to give the first welcoming speech to the directorPopova Elena Valentinovna!

(The director's speech is heard, the order on the admission of ninth-graders to final exams is read out)

2nd presenter: Do you remember how for the first time in September,

To the envy of all the kids I know,

You came to school for the first time,

Now the steps and walls are all original...

1st presenter : Dear graduates! Today the first graders came to congratulate you. They have already finished their first academic year, know a lot about studying! Listen to their parting words!

Cheerful music is playing. A group of first-graders comes out and lines up on the stage of the assembly hall.

1st reader:

Today is a hot day in May

Your lesson is over.

Last time, friends, for you

Now the bell is ringing!

2nd reader:

You are leaving us.

What to do? Good morning!

Tenth grade is waiting for you all,

Someone will leave us.

Your lot is not easy, but for now...

3rd reader:

Congratulations to all of you

And with all our hearts we wish

Your rating is only "five"

Receive in exams.

4th reader:

We have learned to understand

That knowledge is light

And we want to wish you

Study for many years.

5th reader:

We too will go through nine years,

Let's learn our lesson.

We will all come to replace you,

Let's hear your call.

6th reader:

We wish you to find your way,

Good luck to you, friends!

And now they are always waiting for you here

Favorite teachers.

The first graders are leaving. Graduates present them with small souvenirs

(13 pcs)

1st presenter:

Everyone has one time in their life

There is your first, your memorable class.

And the first mentor is your first teacher,

Who opened the door to the path of discovery for you.

2nd presenter : We give the floor to the teacher who nine years ago brought our graduates to class, taught us to read and write, and solve simple tasks. Word to the first teacher! Our dearLyudmila Anatolyevna Kuramshina,we want to hear your gentle voice!

(The first teacher's speech is heard)

1st presenter : No one knows his children better than the class teacher, and therefore we give the next word to the class teacher(s). It was they who brought you to this wonderful holiday, it was with them that you, dear graduates, ate more than one pound of knowledge, fun, human participation and care.

Kashulskaya Valentina Nikolaevna

(The presenters give the floor to the class teachers)

Song “Thank you teacher” (general)

2nd presenter:

You graduated from school, boy, -

Neither subtract nor add.

All that remains is to congratulate -

I unlearned it after all

Without much reproach

Until the last lesson,

Until the last call.

1st presenter:

At the farewell ball in the hall

Decorated to the envy of everyone

You girls with tears

And lipstick.

Don't be sad that you didn't give it

Gold medal for you:

If you pass the exam, you are a hero.

2nd presenter:

Even far from home

Follow Ohm's law.

But completely different laws

Life will teach you.

And more than once

There will be tears and lipstick,

But such is the lot of men.

1st presenter: Dear graduates! The time has come for you to prove that it was not in vain that you studied for nine years at our wonderful school and are ready to answer a few questions:

1. Guess what this thing is -

A sharp beak, not a bird,

With this beak she

Sows and sows seeds

Not in the field, not in the garden -

On the pages of your notebook.(Pen)

2. If you sharpen it,

You can draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this?.. (Pencil)

3. If you give her a job -

The pencil was in vain.(Rubber)

4. Ten on the six

Smart circles sat down

And they count out loud

All you can hear is knock and knock!(Abacus)

5. White hare in a black field

Jumped, ran, did loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this hare? ...(Chalk)

6. I carry a new house in my hand,

The house door is locked.

The residents here are made of paper,

All terribly important.(Briefcase)

7. In black and white

They write every now and then.

Rub with a rag -

Blank page. (School board)

8. There is a wonderful bench,

You and I sat on it.

The bench guides both of us

From year to year

From class to class.(Desk)

It is this desk and your neighbor on it that you will remember for many years.

1st presenter: Well done guys! Now we believe that our graduates are the smartest, the friendliest, the most fun. We give them the floor.

A group of graduates comes out

1st graduate: Dear parents, our beloved teachers, dear guests!

Nine years at my home school...

We sighed involuntarily.

This school country

She gave us everything in full:

Evil and good teachers,

And the lessons are so long.

First life successes,

A field of joy and laughter.

2nd graduate:

Waiting for the formidable two,

Following her are the head washers.

Over the tasks of suffering,

Useless expectations.

Arguments with the teacher,

And running away from lessons.

We remember everything, we remember everything,

Let's remember our past.

3rd graduate:

In the classroom there is baby talk,

The first feelings of love are the thrill.

Discotheques and glitter and roar,

The smoke of a sudden cigarette -

This is the first forbidden fruit.

4th graduate:

Let's remember what it was like at school

We crushed ice in winter.

How bravely we took starts,

How they played cards secretly,

How they played pranks during recess,

As we wrote on the walls.

Surely you will forgive us for everything?

It’s not in vain that you raise us!

5th graduate:

Teachers, our mothers!

Here we stand in front of you.

Your we are a work

In our school institution.

We will pass all exams

We will give you honor and glory.

Graduation is our evening,

We will then continue the meeting...

6th graduate : And today we are given the last opportunity to express all the words of gratitude, appreciation, love, respect to you, our dear teachers.

So, let the ceremony of declaration of love be considered open!

7th graduate : The ceremony with words of love will be held in the following categories:

“For kindness and love”;

“For charm and beauty”;

“For optimism and love of life”;

“For integrity and exactingness”;

“For honor and dignity”;

“For dedication to your work”;

To announce the winner in these categories and dedicate the kindest words to them, the right is grantedKistoichev Maxim and Khristoradov Dmitry.

"For charm and beauty"

Dear : Vostrodymova Natalya Anatolyevna

Gerasimova Olga Alexandrovna

Lebedeva Svetlana Alekseevna

Grigorieva Elena Yurievna

Your eyes.

I look at them like clear lakes,

Where are the tiny pebbles at the bottom,

Where are the algae subtle patterns,

Where I myself am reflected in the depths.

They play with sparkles alive,

Giving me joy and confidence,

And, retreating, they fade before them

Everything in the world is oceans and seas.

"For kindness and love"

Dear: Nefedova Galina Ivanovna

Zhiltsova Valentina Mikhailovna

Goncharova Nadezhda Evgenievna

Grishina Lyubov Viktorovna

It all starts with love...

They say: “In the beginning there was the word.”

And I declare again:

It all starts with love!

It all starts with love:

And inspiration, and work,

Eyes of flowers, eyes of a child

It all starts with love!

It all starts with love:

Dream and fear

Wine and gunpowder

Tragedy, melancholy and feat -

It all starts with love!

"For optimism and love of life"

Dear: Manyakina Svetlana Nikolaevna

Alembikova Maria Vasilievna

Lyubavina Nina Ivanovna

Mashkova Lyudmila Pavlovna

Oh no, I'm not tired of life,

I love to live, I want to live,

The soul has not cooled down at all,

Having lost my youth.

Pleasures are still stored

For my curiosity,

For sweet dreams of the imagination,

For feelings... everything.

"For honor and dignity"

Dear: Lyozina Maria Petrovna

Grin Marina Anatolevna

Zhdanova Alla Mikhailovna

Minenko Antonina Vasilievna

He doesn't feel, doesn't see

No ridicule, no contempt;

His meek face is so bright,

Eyes are full of inspiration.

He is sad, but how childish

Kindness in a gentle smile

And in the face, simple and pale,

How much serene faith!

Both love and faith are holy,

Warmed by this faith

All the great madmen

All prophets, all poets!

“For integrity and exactingness”

Dear: Malyukhina Galina Viktorovna

Voronina Lyudmila Alekseevna

Vyrypaeva Lyudmila Valentinovna

You taught us to be persistent in the fight,

He taught me to work without sparing effort.

Our teacher, bow to you

For everything he taught us.

For honest work, which is akin to a feat,

For your life, which is alien to peace,

For apprenticeship, the happiest days,

Our teacher, take your bow to the ground.

"For dedication to your work"

Dear: Pavlyukova Lyubov Petrovna

Krivosheev Alexander Nikolaevich

Nesterova Marina Ivanovna

Maksimchuk Viktor Yakovlevich

Boils with foam once

And the wave crumbles.

The heart cannot live by betrayal,

There is no betrayal: there is only love.

We are indignant, or we are playing,

Or we wait - but there is silence in the heart;

We never change:

One soul - one love.

Monotonous and deserted.

Monotony is strong

Life passes... and in a long life

Love is one, always one.

Only in the unchangeable is infinity,

Only in the constant is depth.

And it’s becoming clearer: there is only one love.

We pay love with our blood,

And a faithful soul is faithful,

And we love with the same love.

There is only one love...

Rep: “Thank you teachers!”

1st graduate:

There are different professions, very important for school,

And they all left an indelible mark.

Thank you, reliable ones, thank you, brave ones,

Without you, we could not have survived all these nine years.

When your tummy hurts, run straight to to the doctor.

And if you burr, it will help - speech therapist

The soul aches to go to a psychologist, but if you want to eat, go to the cook.

Social educator He will give sensible advice to parents.

And if you want lectures, concerts, performances,

Go to the organizer of fun and pleasure.

Take care of the birds, honor the law of nature,

Ecologist for everything school was able to teach.

caretaker repairs everything, everything works with it,

Technical staff tirelessly cleans.

Librarian He’ll give me a book and I’ll read it.

All: Thank you.

1st presenter:

Maybe strict or domineering,

We say that we are in vain,

They are smart substitutes

Children and parents know them.

Our dear and respected head teachers: Olga Alekseevna and Natalya Anatolyevna.

3rd graduate:

There are head teachers in our school,

We cannot count all their advantages,

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts,

We want to wish you:

So that hard work

You were always in the hunt.

Don't let the children bother you,

Parents didn't hurt me

And my colleagues respected me!

2nd presenter: And now our graduates thank the most important person in our school, the director -Popova Elena Valentinovna.

4th graduate:

Head teacher! Woman and mother!

Both in school and in family form.

It’s hard for us to find worthy words,

What can a woman director decorate?

Foreman and watchman and administrator,

She is a teacher, manager, supply manager!

The advisor is a judge, not a dictator.

She is dragging the school baggage in a cart.

The school is so beautiful at the beginning of May

And in the morning every classroom is filled with sunshine,

Russia rests on women like you,

And our school depends on you!

5th graduate:

At this hour we still have to say

About those who gave us life,

About the closest people in the world,

About those who helped me grow,

And it will help in many ways.

Invisibly, our parents follow us

And in joy and in the hour when trouble came,

They strive to protect us from sorrows,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

Forgive us - dear, dear,

After all, besides you, we have no more valuable people.

As they say, children are the joy of life,

And you... are our support!

1st presenter: The floor is given to the parent of grade 9 “B”: _________________________________________________________________

2nd presenter: The floor is given to the parent of grade 9 “A”:


1st presenter:

Today in this festive hall

What words were not heard:

We thanked and congratulated

They laughed, sang and reminisced.

2nd presenter:

Everyone is very excited today.

This happens in moments of separation.

Don't be sad, now he will congratulate you

Our director, teacher and friend.

Allow me to give a response to the director -Popova Elena Valentinovna!

(Speech by the director, certificates and thank you letters parents, etc.)

1st presenter:


1st graduate:

Thank you for loving us,

Although they were sometimes strict with us.

Because you taught us to think,

For everything, for everything they did for us.

2nd graduate:

We look with anxious and joyful eyes

In anticipation of new paths and roads.

Now it will be heard throughout all the corridors,

Cheerful and sad last call.

3rd graduate:

We can't escape these moments,

And each of us is familiar with this feeling.

And, therefore, not only school childhood

He leaves us with this call.

4th graduate:

Like a Christmas tree, fairy tales end,

Like a movie reel, dreams are cut short,

Alas, not relying on anyone's tips,

We must solve all problems ourselves.

5th graduate:

Not every path will be smooth,

Not all trials will be easy

And life lies before us like a notebook,

In which there is not a single line yet.

Farewell song "Graduate"with the launch of balls(gley 8 pcs)


Ring over the past and present,

Over everything that I took care of and what I didn’t take care of.

Ring over my passing childhood

Happy and sad last call!

1st presenter : The right to give the last bell for our graduates is granted to a future graduate, and now a student of class 8 “A” ____________________________________________

After the call, the hosts invite everyone to dining room

Troitsk, 2005
Conversation: “About the culture of behavior.”
What is etiquette? This is “an established order of behavior, forms of behavior in any society,” - Academic Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language.
In Russian society, etiquette began to take shape during the reign of Peter I. Before him, people in Rus' lived in isolation, meetings were either business or casual in nature.
Etiquette norms developed gradually.
What is ethics?
Hmm, science, that's the thing!
What is science about?
Here is the bully's opinion:
Ha, ethics of behavior!
What else did you come up with?
What, maybe I should become a good girl now?
Don't throw, don't spit
And don't fight, don't push,
Dress carefully
Don't mock anyone!
So you will begin to turn into a gentle person...
Very, very polite
Quiet and modest, ethically educated...
What does folk wisdom say?
We also know from fairy tales,
That good always and everywhere triumphs over evil,
And in life, truth follows the path of kindness,
Try to fight the truth!
Let's better summarize what we read between the lines. We are in the book of human wisdom.
Listen to sayings from the world of wise thoughts modern writers and poets.
Alexander Yashin.
“I love it when, when we meet friends and family:
"WITH good morning!”, “Good evening!”, “Good night!” - we say
Anatoly Markusha.
“To become a person, you need to love people and you need to be loved by people.”
As a parting word for you, the riddle advice “Wonderful Medicines” from the book “On Politeness, on Tact, on Delicacy” by Lyudmila Aleshina.
Which herbaceous plant blooms first? (mother-and-stepmother)
What animal is the fastest on earth? (cheetah)
What bird loves burdock seeds? (Goldfinch)
Captain's assignment No. 2.
Game: “Who is who?”
Residents have moved into a new 4-apartment building. Voronov, Pavlov, Zhuravlev and Sinitsyn.
One of them is a mathematician, the second is an artist, the third is a writer, and the fourth is an accordion player. Who is who?
It was known:
Voronov Pavlov Zhuravlev Sinitsyn Voronov and Zhuravlev do not know how to play the button accordion (put dashes in column B) Voronov is unfamiliar with Zhuravlev.
The writer and artist visit Pavlov's dacha.
The writer is going to write an essay about Sinitsyn and Voronov. (Place dashes in column P)
a) Apparently Zhuravlev is a writer, let’s put an end to it
b) So, Pavlov, Zhuravlev and the artist meet at the dacha. This means the artist is Sinitsyn or Voronov. But Voronov is unfamiliar with Zhuravlev, which means the artist is Sinitsyn.
Now you need to cross out all the rows and columns that have dots on them. And it will immediately be clear that Pavlov is an accordion player, and Voronov is a mathematician.
Answer: Zhuravlev is a writer, Sinitsyn is an artist, Voronov is a mathematician, Pavlov is an accordion player.
Task for team No. 2.
Where do crayfish spend the winter? (under snags in the water)
What mushroom is called the beast of prey? (chanterelle)
Which tree blooms later than others? (linden)
What is semolina made from? (from wheat)
What grass do cats like? (valerian)
Game. Show the children a human figure cut out of paper. You need to select cards that indicate the signs of a well-mannered person and place them around the person’s figure: neat (untidy), polite (rude), modest (cheeky), sociable (closed), attentive (indifferent), smart (stupid), witty, tactful , delicate, friendly, reserved. What is tact, delicacy?
Marina went to visit a friend for homework.
My friend was having lunch.
Do you want to eat? - she asked.
No, thank you, Marina thanked.
Come on, I know you don’t eat well, sit down.
What is your friend's tactlessness?
What should I have done? (I don’t want to be alone, keep me company. Mom says that I don’t eat well alone, let’s go together, it will be more fun.) What kind of feeling do you think a person experiences in the company of tactful, delicate people? (It’s easy, simple, free for him, they are not embarrassed, they are not afraid of doing something wrong).
In A. Dorokhov’s book “It’s Worth Remembering” there is the following passage:
“When I was young, I considered myself a well-mannered person. When meeting acquaintances, he knew how to bow politely and calmly. In a conversation, I listened carefully to my interlocutor, did not allow myself to interrupt his story... In an argument, even the heated one, I never shouted and, especially, did not use rude words... In a word, my upbringing seemed impeccable to me.
But it only seemed so. And it turned out completely unexpectedly.
Once, during a student internship, I had to live for two weeks with a gang of lumberjacks. And then one evening I accidentally overheard a conversation that I will remember forever. Sitting down on the threshold of our spacious dugout, the artel leader quietly talked with the cook, they were talking about me.
The guy is nothing, - said the cook, - literate, but too gray!.. There is no upbringing.
And what? - the headman became interested.
Yes, he does everything in a non-human way. It starts to wash, the whole floor will flood, then wipe up after it. He sits down at the table - no, to slurp the liquid first, immediately, without command, he begins to drag meat from the bottom. It’s not a difficult thing to do - bring a spoon to your mouth, but he’s not accustomed to it either: he won’t put bread under the spoon, it drips on the table. And where did he live before?
“If you are healthy, you have untold wealth! To save it, take this advice: regularly use the medications that I tested on myself. Great help!
These medications are not sold in pharmacies. They do not grow among herbs and flowers. They cannot be bought and cannot be made. They are intangible, weightless and invisible. But they have miraculous powers - they create an excellent mood, instill cheerfulness and optimism. They make a person attractive, pleasant, likable. In personal relationships, they work wonders: they remove grievances, omissions, and eliminate troubles. They make relationships easy and simple.”
Try to guess this riddle.
(Politeness, modesty, attentiveness, sociability, cheerfulness, intelligence, wit, accuracy).
Don't talk while eating
Don't lick the plates
Don't interrupt the speaker
Don't shout or raise your voice unless the people in front of you are deaf
Don't point your finger at anyone
Don't imitate the speaker
Don't forget to take off your hat when entering the house
Don't interfere in someone else's conversation without saying "excuse me"
Don't forget to apologize if you accidentally pushed someone
Don't sneeze into space, sneeze into a handkerchief
Don't keep your hands in your pockets
Don’t comb your hair anywhere, there’s a corridor, a toilet room, a foyer for that.
The mood of each of us depends to a large extent on the behavior of the people with whom we communicate.
People have their own style of behavior, everyone has their own manners. Manners can be good or bad.
Anything unnecessary, superfluous in behavior that makes it difficult to communicate with a person is considered to be bad manners.
How to master good manners? First of all, we need to know etiquette, and secondly, not to do what we do not like in the behavior and actions of others.
One wise man was asked: “Who did you learn good manners from?”
“Among the ill-bred,” he answered, “I avoided doing what they do.”
The most important thing in communicating with people is mutual respect, which cannot be replaced by the beauty of clothes and lies.
The 15th century Eastern poet Jami wrote:
“If it didn’t decorate your soul
Courtesy understand
What is the use of the fact that you have eclipsed all people with the beauty of your dress?
Manners are considered good if a person is modest, does not advertise his personality, and knows how to restrain and limit himself.
“THINK WELL, AND YOUR THOUGHTS WILL ripen into GOOD ACTIONS” (L.N. TOLSTOY) Imagine yourself in a number of ordinary situations. Continue them as you wish:
When I came home, my mother was frying pancakes. I asked...
On Sunday I woke up early and decided...
There's a new student in class, and I...
In many cases, you had a desire to help, i.e. show sympathy.
Poem by Alexander Yashin
Whose heart softened
Who did you give your hand to?
To whom did I make it easier?
Mental anguish?
Whose old age did you console?
Who did you make happy?
Who's on the road
Did you take him to the tavern?
WHEN TO SPEAK WHICH WORD? The ability to speak is not a simple art. The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it. That is, before you say something, you need to think, otherwise you can offend a person and even quarrel with him. There is no arguing about tastes, tastes are being developed. But why can’t you say to another person: “How can you wear such shoes, it’s ugly!” Other people's tastes, rules, and customs should not be ridiculed.
Let's try to answer 3 questions (in writing):
Whose and what words offended me?
Who did I offend and with what words?
Whose and what words, not to me, but spoken in front of me, resonated unpleasantly in me?
Is it possible to offend not with a word, but only with the intonation itself?
By the way a person speaks, one can judge the degree of his culture and upbringing.
“A well-mannered person knows how to listen...”
Don't try to appear to be something other than who you really are. A modest manner of expression indicates a sense of self-esteem.
Try not to make promises that you cannot keep.
Respect the opinions of others, but do not follow them slavishly.
The conversation should be entertaining. There is no need to engage in empty chatter, from which others have neither benefit nor pleasure.
Do not separate yourself from the rest of society with a group of interlocutors.
Don't whisper. If you need to whisper something in someone's ear, take him aside.
Don't give in to your mood. Don't get excited or irritated.
Kindness is sensitivity, responsiveness, delicacy towards another person.
Benevolence is the desire for good.
The poet Alexander Yashin has the following lines in one poem:
Not from a craving for vanity and did not develop yesterday,
This is a brotherly, loving wish for health,
Wishing you well.
And life seems to be better, and my heart is happier,
If you wish others well-being on earth.
A benevolent person cannot be evil, rude, or cruel. This means that a person must constantly control himself.
Answer 5 “how many”:
How many times and with whom did you say hello today?
How many times and to whom did you give way?
How many times and towards whom have you refrained from being rude?
How many times have you called your classmate by his nickname?
How many times have you shown attention to another person (listened, helped, showed the way, etc.)?
Being kind is not easy.
Wishing good for another, a person must be able to give up some benefits for the sake of another person.
V. Hugo said very well: “In inner world a person’s kindness is the sun.”
Smolk Karl Rules of good manners. M., Progress, 1980
Shemshurina A.I. Ethical dialogues with students in grades 5-6. M., School-Press, 1998.
In transport
In public places
On vacation
On the street
In Russia, driving on the right is accepted; therefore, when walking along the street, you should stick to the right. If you need to overtake those in front, then go around them to the left, saying: “Let me pass.” If you are walking home (with a girl), then, bypassing those in front, let her go ahead. Oncoming pedestrians must be passed on the right. It is better to hold a bag, briefcase, and various things in your right hand. In the UK, for example, driving is on the left, i.e. you should stick to the left.
In the company. For a man accompanying a woman, there are special rules of behavior on the street. Previously, a woman always had to walk to the right of a man. The roots of this rule go back to the Middle Ages, when men carried a sword on the left. Modern rules of etiquette state that a woman walks to the right of a man only on official occasions; in ordinary life, this requirement may not be observed. If a man is accompanying two women, then, in accordance with the rules of etiquette, it is better for the man to walk to the left of the ladies he is accompanying. A man must give way to a woman, an elderly person, and, if necessary, even get off the sidewalk if it is too narrow.
On public transport.
When traveling on public transport with a lady, the man enters the cabin after her, but gets out first and offers his hand to his companion.
A well-mannered person will always help a woman with a child or luggage to get out.
In Russia, in public transport it is customary to give up seats to passengers with children and people with disabilities. The driver (conductor) himself often reminds of this, and the cabins have special seats for passengers with children and the disabled.
In public places.
When entering a room, a man lets a woman through at the door, a junior lets a senior through, a subordinate lets a boss through.
Of two people of the same age who occupy an equal position in society, the one who is closest to the door passes first.
On vacation.
Excursions to nature.
If you go out into nature, you need to remember one simple rule - you should act in such a way as not to harm it.
Do not cut down trees, do not break green branches, take only dry dead wood for the fire. Do not pick forest flowers, there are few of them left. Almost all of them are listed in the Red Book.
When leaving the picnic site, be sure to collect all the garbage and either take it with you and throw it in a trash can in the city, or bury it in a secluded place.
The fire must be carefully extinguished so that after you leave, a gust of wind does not fan the flames.
In the pool.
Before you start visiting the pool, you must obtain a medical certificate stating that you do not have infectious diseases, in particular, skin ones. Otherwise, you will be putting not only yourself, but also other visitors at risk.
Then you need to stock up on a suitable swimsuit, flip-flops, a cap and goggles.
Before entering the water, you need to take a shower, and repeat this procedure when leaving the water.
If you are involved in a sports section, then the rules of conduct for you are determined by the coach, but if you attend a subscription group, you just need to be polite to the people around you, do not interfere with each other on the paths and do not make fun of those who are not very skilled
It is indecent to dive under people swimming by and look at them underwater.
It is prohibited to swim across the paths.
You should not make noise in the pool or play any games in the water.
How should you behave at the table? How to use a fork, spoon and knife?
How often and in what ways do you help your mother and grandmother?
What should you do before entering someone's house or apartment?
How and with whom should you greet? What words should you say when meeting and saying goodbye?
How should you greet guests, as well as your loved ones from work?
Who should give up a seat to whom (at a party or in transport? Do you need to take off your hat when you come to visit, to the theater or to the children's library?
If you ate candy, what do you do with the candy wrapper:
a) throw it on the ground, in the trash bin
b) give it to your mom
Is it possible and when can you talk in cinemas, theaters and other public places?
What do you call a person who picks flowers in a flowerbed or breaks tree branches in a forest (park)?
Why shouldn't you pick flowers in the forest? Why you can’t catch butterflies and beetles7 Why can’t you destroy anthills and knock off the hats of the handsome fly agarics?
Can someone who hurts animals be called polite?
Why would a truly polite person never lie, brag, or be rude to other people?
- Calmly! Everyone sit down in your place!..
Please don't dangle your legs at the table. Don't knock spoons on saucers. You should behave calmly at the table without unnecessary noise.
The soup is eaten with a spoon, with the right hand. When finishing the soup, tilt the plate away from you. With a fork (without a knife), holding it in the right hand, they eat chopped meat, vegetables, potatoes, and pasta.
Cake and pastries are eaten with a small spoon.
When you accidentally get your mouth and hands dirty while eating, don't forget to use a napkin.
When leaving the table, don’t forget to say “thank you.”
You, of course, know that mom, dad, grandparents and the rest of your close relatives are your most faithful, most reliable friends. They are always with you, both on holidays and in difficult times. And you need to take care of your friends. Take care of them. Try to help them in everything. Therefore, please wash the dishes yourself after meals as often as possible. When grandparents and mothers come home from the street, help them undress and bring them slippers.
Never interrupt adults in conversation. Don't be rude to them, please, try to be a real master in your home. A good owner cleans the house every day: sweeps the floor, wipes off the dust.
Try not to quarrel with younger brothers and sisters.
Before entering someone's house or apartment, you should call or knock on doors. When entering someone's house or apartment, you need to say hello to the owner.
Please never forget to say hello when meeting people you know. In this case, the man or the one who is younger should be the first to say greetings, and the woman or the one who is older should be the first to extend his hand; a man, greeting a person from afar, can slightly raise his hat. Saying hello awkwardly, extending a gloved hand. When meeting, greeting people say: “Good morning”, “Good afternoon” or simply “Hello”. When parting, he usually says: “Goodbye,” “All the best.”
Don't forget to warn your friends in advance that you are expecting them. Tell them the day and hour. Someone called... You politely greet everyone. Help the girls take off their jackets and coats and take them into the room first. When your loved ones come home from work, help them undress and bring them slippers.
Always give up your seat on the bus and other transport to people who are older than you. Or who - you see - are very tired, sick. If guests come to you, you need to politely greet them, help them undress, and invite them to the table. Be sure to seat your guests at the table, and only then sit down yourself.
Upon entering the library premises, men and boys must take off their hats (with the exception of shops). In the cinema or theater, women can remove their hats if they wish.
Candy wrappers should be thrown into the trash bin or used to make various crafts.
In the theater you can only talk during intermission. It is indecent to speak even in a whisper in a movie. In other public places (shop, street, etc.) it is rude to talk and laugh loudly.
A person who picks flowers in a flower bed or breaks branches in a forest or park can be called a hooligan.
You cannot pick flowers in the forest, catch beetles and butterflies, destroy anthills, knock off the caps of mushrooms, because their number is decreasing, and they are all listed in the Red Book.
Anyone who hurts animals is an evil person.
A polite person's upbringing does not allow him to lie, brag, or be rude.
Maksimenko O.I. – “Encyclopedia of Etiquette” M., AST, Astrel 2001
“The ABC of Politeness” - L.V. Gangnus

Lesson with elements of the training “Let’s talk about the culture of communication.”

Participants: students in grades 8-11.

Number of participants: groups of 10-15 people.

1. Development of mutual understanding and mutual respect when communicating with peers and adults.

2. Development of communication skills.

3. Formation of the ability to “listen” and “hear” the interlocutor.

4. Prevention of antisocial behavior.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment: a song about friendship plays. Students sit in a circle, the teacher is among them.

Teacher: (or psychologist)

We have gathered today in such a friendly atmosphere to talk about the culture of communication. Last week we conducted a survey to find out how well you feel at school, how each of us develops relationships with classmates and adults at school. Using the questionnaire you can find out personal characteristics. Let's listen to the results of the survey.

Psychologist talks about the results of the survey.


So, based on the results of the survey, we can conclude that our class is generally friendly, that the students in our class are comfortable at school, and all students have a positive and friendly attitude towards teachers and strive to improve the results of their studies. But we also have students, although there are very few of them, who, without experiencing negative emotions to the school and its inhabitants, nevertheless they are removed from relationships with classmates, from participation in public affairs, etc., and enter into arguments with teachers. Why they do this is not important. This may be psychological characteristics or flaunting the teenage desire to express their independence, or maybe it is the desire to attract attention and the inability to communicate. We are not here to scold or blame anyone, but to find out why such behavior is dangerous for these students, to learn the basics of communication, this will be useful to everyone.

I will now tell you Leo Tolstoy’s story “Father and Sons” about unity and the power of unity.

The father ordered his sons to live in harmony, they did not obey. So he ordered to bring a broom and said:

Break it!

No matter how much the sons fought, they could not break it.

Then the father untied the broom and ordered them to break one twig at a time. They easily broke the bars one by one. The father says:

So it is with you: if you live in harmony, no one will defeat you; and if you quarrel and everyone is apart, everyone will easily destroy you!”

There are many fairy tales. Fables, stories and songs about friendship, about joint work, camaraderie, about helping each other.

Give examples. (“Teremok”, “Swan, crayfish and pike”, “Straw, bubble and bast shoe” and many others.

Life is difficult for one person! Why! Why can a person be left alone? How can he make friends?

So let's learn to find friends. Let's play the game “Find Friends!”

Psychologist conducts the game “Find Friends”. Sitting in a circle, children pass each other a ball of thread, while complimenting each other. At the end of the game, a web is formed that connects the entire class. Then the guys return the ball, and along with it they thank you for the good words.


Have you figured out how to find friends? Was it difficult? What is better: to say good words to each other or to show your cynicism and disdain for people?

With the help of the game “Yes – Dialogue” we will try to improve our relationships with teachers and everyone teaching staff.

Psychologist conducts the game “Yes – dialogue”.

Students and teacher sit in a circle and begin a dialogue. The teacher pronounces a phrase on a given topic, the student must respond, expressing his agreement with what the first one said, and continue the dialogue. The main thing is to agree on everything, always reflecting your partner’s thoughts. Other students ensure that the participants in the dialogue do not go beyond the given operating mode, i.e. They did not contradict each other or stray from the given topic.

The following topics for dialogue are suggested:

- during a lesson, the teacher has the right to expect discipline, since the teacher needs everyone to hear and understand the explanation of the new material;

- in after school hours the teaching staff of the school can make demands on students related to studies, social affairs and work, since the task of the school is not only study, but also education;

- school employees may ask someone for help, because there is a lot of work at school and they cannot cope alone;

- the school administration may require compliance with the regime, because failure to comply with them disrupts the work of the school;

- higher demands may be placed on high school students, since their capabilities are greater than those of younger children.


Will relationships with teachers be more positive if students follow school rules? Will your health change? Will you be able to establish relationships at work with older and more experienced people, having the communication skills acquired at school?

We know each other well, and together we can give each of the children in the class good advice which will help them in later life.

Psychologist plays the game “Wish to a Friend”.

Wishes are posted on the board, the guys decide together (or one at a time) who should wish what and hand out cards with advice.

Be polite to teachers.

Don't call your classmates names.

Don't be late for classes.

Don't disturb the class while doing their homework.

Don't smoke - it's harmful to an unformed body.

Don't focus on electronic games– there are more interesting things in life.

Choose a profession.

Learn to communicate.

Have a positive attitude towards life.

Don't play your phone in class! You're missing out on new knowledge!

Wake up to life! Don't skip your studies.

Look for worthy friends.

Don't be shy in class. Answer more. You know more than you think.

Do not express your disdain for people, they may answer you in kind.

You can come up with your own wishes.

Psychologist sums up the lesson.

Communication culture (slide 1)

Conversation for high school students


· to develop in children communication skills, positive communication skills, the ability to understand themselves and others;

· familiarize yourself with the basic rules of communication;

· form a positive assessment of qualities: tactfulness, goodwill, tolerance for the opinions of others, develop the ability to listen, understand, empathize.


1.Enriching students’ consciousness with knowledge about communication.

2) Game “Back to back”. (Slide 3)

Two children (optional) sit on chairs with their backs to each other. Their task is to conduct a dialogue on some topic that interests them (for example, their favorite subject at school). The rest play the role of silent spectators.

Discussion. Children share their feelings.

Was it easy to have a conversation?

What were the difficulties?

Is there satisfaction from the conversation?

Spectators express their observations.

Now we observed the conversation of the participants. How can their conversation be called differently? What were they doing? (We communicated. Getting to know each other. Talking to each other or even writing a letter on the Internet - communication occurs between them).

Today at our meeting we will talk about the culture of communication.

3) Unfinished sentence (Slide 4)

Communication is…..

Communication - a communicative process, a kind of connecting thread that unites people with each other. Communication culture- this is a certain set of rules that every self-respecting person adheres to. Compliance with these rules is an indicator of the level of education and culture of a person as a whole; without a culture of communication, it is impossible to interact with people in a civilized society, it is impossible to conduct business and establish business contacts.

Why do people need communication? (Slad 5)

With the help of words, we express our thoughts and our attitude towards the interlocutor, show respect, recognition, love, or vice versa, we make it clear that the interlocutor is unpleasant to us, we do not consider him a worthy opponent, we do not respect him and his opinion.

The main element of communication is speech; the overall culture of communication with you depends on how cultural, structured and intellectual your speech is. With the help of words, we express our thoughts and our attitude towards the interlocutor, show respect, recognition, love, or vice versa, we make it clear that the interlocutor is unpleasant to us, we do not consider him a worthy opponent, we do not respect him and his opinion.

The framework of culture in communication is set by the interlocutors themselves, sometimes just that people who have met, easily get on the same page, communicate warmly and friendly, as if they have known each other for many years. While people have known each other for a long time, they may not cross certain boundaries and remain in communication at a great distance.

III. Mini-lecture “Golden rules of communication” (Slide 6)

Indeed, guys, we are connected with other people by thousands of threads. Our success in study, work, our health and life itself depend on these people. Therefore, a person must learn cultural communication.

How difficult is it to understand a person as he is?

1) (You need to find something good in him, forgive him for his shortcomings, sympathize with him).

What qualities help us communicate well and pleasantly?

2) Good manners, politeness, responsibility, gratitude, the ability to show your interest sincerely, with a smile, the ability to show a person that you are glad to see him, and, of course, when communicating with a person, call him by name.

What is needed for cultural communication?

3) For communication, it is important to learn to listen to others, to be attentive to the interlocutor, and not to be distracted. Often you can understand not only the meaning of the words, but also the feelings of the interlocutor (something happened - he talks excitedly...) a negative reaction will cause a feeling of uncertainty in the interlocutor, be able to sympathize with the interlocutor (after listening to him, repeat his phrase and nod).

The culture of communication implies adherence to certain rules not only in verbal speech, but also in non-verbal speech - facial expressions, gestures, body posture.

4) When communicating - stand straight face to face, without turning away; your face should express positive emotions.

(Slide 7) Nonverbal communication culture implies an open body position, minimal gestures, and it is very uncivil to wave your arms in front of your interlocutor’s face. It is not customary to stand sideways to the interlocutor or turn your back. Facial expressions are quite difficult to control during a conversation, but you need to make sure that your face does not become an unpleasant grimace when expressing any emotions. A “closed” pose is also perceived negatively by the interlocutor: arms crossed on the chest and legs crossed. Taking such a pose in relation to your interlocutor is a sign of lack of culture. If communication takes place while sitting, it is uncivil to rock in a chair, turn away from the interlocutor, fidget in the seat, clean your nails, chew toothpicks and not look at your interlocutor. It is also not nice to stare at your interlocutor and look at him without taking your eyes off.

IV. Workshop

1. Role-playing game “Yes – dialogue”. (Slide 8)

Two participants are called. After this, each representative takes out a card with a task. Students are given 1-2 minutes to prepare. Two students sit in the center of the circle and begin a dialogue. One of them pronounces a phrase on a given topic, the other must immediately respond, expressing his agreement with what the first said, and continue the dialogue. The main thing is to agree on everything, always reflecting your partner’s thoughts.

Other students make sure that the participants in the dialogue do not go beyond the given mode of work, that is, they do not object to each other or go away from the given topic. Then the next two sit in the center and also work in the “Yes - dialogue” mode. The following topics for dialogue are suggested:

My favorite movie

Favorite lessons

My hobby, etc.

2. “Facial expressions and gestures” (Slide 9)

a) Everyone is divided into pairs. Each of the pair receives a note with a simple task, for example, “write a letter,” “rearrange the furniture in the classroom,” etc. The person receiving the note must convey these tasks to his partner with gestures and facial expressions. The second must fulfill what he understands in front of everyone. Compare what is written in the task with what is completed.

b) The group is divided into two parts. Each of the subgroups are now bus passengers traveling in opposite directions, but the buses stop opposite each other, and soon they will continue moving. However, on the opposite bus you saw a friend who you couldn’t reach. Participants from opposite “buses” must agree (only with the help of facial expressions and gestures) about the upcoming meeting. During the discussion, it becomes clear which of the partners understood each other, which was difficult when transmitting and receiving information without words.

(Slide 10) Cultural communication is always a dialogue, exchange of opinions, expression of one’s own thoughts and interest in the thoughts of the interlocutor. There is no need to pull the initiative of the conversation onto yourself, and even more so, you need to talk for a long time about what only concerns you. Don’t be afraid if during a conversation there is a pause and there is silence, this means that the interlocutors are gathering their thoughts; there is no need to chatter incessantly in order to “fill in” all the pauses. It is extremely uncivil to interrupt your interlocutor in the middle of a sentence; if you really need to say something, you should always apologize for interrupting your interlocutor’s speech.

3. Exercise “Wish to a friend.” (Slide 11)

A person does not live alone, but in society, and therefore one must learn to live in love and harmony with the whole world, with everyone around him. We live in the classroom as one common family, we work, study, do some work and the result will be the best when we are united in our impulse, we are all together, when there is no hostility, because unity, friendship and love for each other - this is a great power.

And now, I suggest you write wishes on these hearts and give them to each other.

Bottom line. Communication culture is an integral part of behavior in society,

any conversation, conversation, phrase directed in anyone’s direction must be cultural, beautiful and worthy.

V. Reflection.

Game "Thank you" (Slide 12)

Participants stand in a circle, and the leader invites everyone to mentally put on left hand everything he came with today, his baggage of mood, thoughts, knowledge, experience, and right hand- something new I learned in this lesson.

Communication is ..... - a communicative process, a kind of connecting thread that unites people with each other. The culture of communication... is a certain set of rules that every self-respecting person adheres to. Compliance with these rules is an indicator of the level of education and culture of a person as a whole; without a culture of communication, it is impossible to interact with people in a civilized society, it is impossible to conduct business and establish business contacts. Pecherkina Svetlana Nikolaevna teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution of secondary school Novo-Gurievskoye

“Golden” rules of communication You need to find something good in a person, forgive him all his shortcomings, learn to empathize. Good manners, politeness, responsibility, gratitude, the ability to show your interest sincerely, with a smile, the ability to show a person that you are glad to see him, and, of course, when communicating with a person, call him by name. Be able to listen to others, be attentive to your interlocutor, and not be distracted. When communicating, stand straight face to face, without turning away; your face should express positive emotions. Pecherkina Svetlana Nikolaevna primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution of Secondary School, Novo-Gurievskoye
