Ruslan means strong like a lion. Ruslan - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope


The name Ruslan is of Eastern origin. According to one version, it is considered Turkic. According to another – Iranian. In theory, it comes from the name Arslan, which is interpreted as “lion”. At the same time, there are other versions of its origin. At the moment it is in demand among the Kazakhs and Slavs...

Male name Ruslan, today is rarely found in our country, but in the last decade it was in incredible demand among new parents. It has good value, promises an unusual character and has good compatibility with other names...

Conversational options: Rusya, Rusik, Ruslanka, Ruslanchik

Modern English analogues: Not available

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Ruslan is very multifaceted - on the one hand, it promises a newborn a lot of positive qualities, and on the other hand, those with whom you can get along modern world It's not so easy with other people. Usually the boy Ruslan is a person who has such character traits as fearlessness, speed, agility and strength, both physical and mental. There are also promises of emotionality and selfishness, which has an extremely negative impact on contact with the outside world.

He may seem kind and sympathetic, positive and peaceful, but at the first opportunity this mask is dropped, and then an aggressive man comes out, standing up for his own interests and dignity.

Advantages and positive traits: the main advantage of all Ruslans, without exception, is their ability to protect their own interests. Ruslan will never give up his interests and goals, and he will never allow anyone to challenge his opinion.

Ruslan has a bad attitude towards people who try to put pressure on him with their authority, and most of all he hates selfish people and liars who achieve their goals with cunning and lies.

There is a version that the name Ruslan could come from the old forgotten name Eruslan.

Character of the name Ruslan

The character of the name Ruslan is such that it promises the man so named a good, tolerant nature, but at the same time too much suspiciousness. He has a kind character, an excellent worldview, and in himself he is patient, purposeful, principled, conflict-free, but too indecisive, which prevents him from building relationships and even establishing his own professional career. In addition, his character has such a trait as shyness, which in turn can have an extremely negative impact on a whole bunch of factors at once, and this applies to work, personal life, and relationships with friends. Moreover, he is idealistic - his character does not allow him to find bad in people, he always sees only good in everyone, which ultimately leads to disappointment and betrayal from potential friends...

On the other hand, it is worth noting that this is a theoretical parameter, and the character may be different in many ways, especially since for the most part it depends not only on the name, but also on many other factors, including parental upbringing, zodiac sign, and even the time of year under whose auspices Ruslan was born.

Early childhood

A boy whose parents decided at birth to choose the male name Ruslan, the meaning of this name usually endows him with a subtle flair, sincerity, organizational skills, excellent creative inclinations, good nature, politeness, kindness, caring, and a bunch of other things no less good characteristics. In early childhood, Ruslan is a kind and very positive person; parents should not expect bad things from such a boy, especially since he also has prudence, and such that not all children have in early childhood. But meaning can also bestow many other qualities, including arrogance, and most importantly, independence - in childhood, he may be irritated by the excessive courtesy of his parents, excessive care, Ruslan may begin to experience discomfort because of this, so he will have to fight with it. On the other hand, tolerance can also give meaning, which will affect everyone without exception.

In general, he is mobile, although peaceful, active, friendly, has many comrades and like-minded people among his peers, and on rare occasions can begin to conflict with someone. His main advantage is the ability to get out of situations dry, avoid conflicts, and give in if necessary to achieve cozy atmosphere in society. And in general, when little, Ruslan may seem very positive, ideal from all sides, but upon reaching new age stages, a lot can change...


A teenage boy, who is protected by the meaning of the name Ruslan, is most distinguished from all his peers by his craving for independence - he does not tolerate being courted and shown a lot of attention, he cannot live like this, it seems to him that they are trying to limit his freedom, but he values ​​her very much, at least this applies to most guys named Ruslan. But there are also many incredibly important advantages in it - for example, the meaning usually endows the person named in this way with purposefulness, thoughtfulness, politeness, courtesy, caring, goodwill, cheerfulness, optimism, planning and caution. Such a person rarely commits rash acts, and extremely rarely acts in accordance with someone’s prompts; Ruslan carefully weighs each step, thinks through it, and even predicts its consequences.

In studies, there may be problems, at least with the exact sciences - it just so happens that everyone named by the nominal variation Ruslan is more interested in the humanities than the exact sciences. It is also difficult for him to achieve success due to lack of self-confidence - Ruslan is too indecisive, fearful, and suspicious. But he is responsible and efficient, which is what attracts the attention of teachers - teachers like those. But with his peers, not everything is always smooth - often this boy is not taken seriously, which offends him, and ultimately forces him to retire to himself and his experiences.

Grown man

The adult Ruslan himself is very kind and positive, and this undoubtedly makes him look good in the eyes of society. Kindness, generosity, goodwill, integrity, optimism, positive attitude, sociability and friendliness, eloquence and charm, caring - all this is far from full list those advantages that almost all men who received the name Ruslan at birth possess. But they also have disadvantages, including excessive shyness and distrust, timidity, and indecisiveness. With these shortcomings, Ruslan has difficulty achieving success in his professional activities and career advancement.

In addition, every Ruslan depends too much on public opinion - only praise, compliments, support and approval from the people around him add strength and self-confidence to him. But he has many friends and comrades as such, but he does not trust all of them enough to dedicate them to his experiences. Gaining his trust is extremely difficult, even for the closest and most trusted people.

Interaction of Ruslan’s character with the seasons

Winter is the bearer of the name Ruslan, who is in the power of the meaning of Winter: calm, serious, thoughtful, reasonable and trying to find logic in everything. He is impetuous and has a scientific mindset - successful in science, research and professions that require the use of exclusively mental abilities.

Summer - here character traits such as openness, sincerity, sociability, ease of communication, love of humor and the desire to reduce any conflict to nothing take over. This is a too simple and frivolous boy who wants to live on constant holidays, which actually prevents him from establishing his own existence. He will fall into the hands of a simple and non-conflict girl.

Spring - this guy is temperamental and vain by nature, too emotional and self-confident, loves fame and attention, tries to be at the top of leadership. He is energetic and active, active and fearless, which helps him establish contact with the opposite sex.

Autumn - during this period a calculating and pragmatic boy is born, who has shown excessive curiosity since childhood. He is driven by the desire to develop, he cannot stand still, and, moreover, he easily directs energy in a direction that will bring benefits. For him, the main things are trust and understanding. Has an excellent character.

The fate of the name Ruslan

The fate of the name Ruslan in love, in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, and in marriage is such that it presupposes a difficult fate for the bearer of this name. This is his fate. That every now and then he will be confronted with a variety of personal problems, with a bunch of different girls, with which he will never succeed.

So, researchers who at one time studied this parameter claim that Ruslan’s fate will bring him together with a bunch of different girls, but he himself needs to be prepared for betrayal, lies, or infidelity every time. Moreover, fate may not allow him to clash even with his true soul mate, because such a person can only appear like him, and therefore, also not ready to take the first step, and also just as shy and fearful.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the fate of the name form is a theoretical factor that has no basis in itself. Therefore, it is not a fact that it will happen exactly as written above.

Love and marriage

Early marriage is not typical for Ruslan, since he is in no hurry to say goodbye to all the delights of a bachelor's life. He is not interested in easy victories in love affairs; he is attracted to unapproachable and mysterious women. His contradictory nature is drawn to both pragmatic and strong-willed beauties and fragile, sweet creatures. Ruslan is in no hurry to choose a wife, since marriage for him is an extremely serious step in life, which cannot be rushed. He believes that a man's marital fidelity is possible only when he has had enough fun.

As his wife, he chooses a sweet, calm and modest girl with an attractive appearance and a sharp mind. She must be obedient. Her task is to emphasize and complement the wealth of her bright spouse, who even views marriage as a way of self-affirmation. In turn, Ruslan tries to do everything so that his relatives do not need anything.

He is sacredly faithful to his wife, so he will never forgive betrayal on her part. Ruslan is a real jealous person and can cause a scandal for her even for harmless flirting. IN family relationships he is the unconditional authority and head of the family, so not a single important decision is made without his approval.

Ruslan as Father

It is impossible to say with 100% accuracy exactly how Ruslan will manifest himself when he becomes a father. But there are a lot of qualities in his character that indicate that he certainly won’t be a bad dad. Children come into his life at an already mature age, which is why they can be called long-awaited.

He takes care of his children with all his inherent love. At the same time, he does not allow them to become impudent and sits on his head. Ruslan’s paternal love lacks a sense of self-denial in relation to his offspring, and in the process of upbringing he most often uses the “carrot and stick” method. He does everything possible to ensure that children have a happy childhood, in which they can get everything they need. For this, they must behave diligently and study diligently.

Children never doubt their father’s love for a moment and always feel it. Even if Ruslan's marriage breaks up, he will never distance himself from his offspring. He will actively participate in their lives, giving them his warmth and care. He has a slightly stronger connection with his son, because Ruslan is one of those men who follow the unwritten rules of a self-respecting man: house, tree, son.

Compatible with female names

Best Compatibility Ruslan's relationship in terms of feelings and love can only be achieved with Anna, Ada, Emma, ​​Dora, Bronislava, Marianna and Evdokia.

A truly strong and happy marriage will be built with Lilia, Rosa, Susanna, Edita, Tamara, Faina, Gloria and Isabella.

And an alliance with Ksenia, Seraphima, Flora, Nora, and Eleanor will definitely not be successful.

Origin of the name Ruslan

This name has Arabic roots. Translated from one of the ancient eastern languages, it means “lion”.

Briefly about the name Ruslan Main features: developed strength will, energy, emotionality, vulnerability, daydreaming.

Character of the name Ruslan

Ruslan is unusually rich inner world. He is an intelligent person who loves nature and art. Unlike many men, Ruslan does not hide his sensitivity, he is interested in discussing subtle shades emotions, share your experiences with others, listen to their emotional outpourings. However, this does not harm Ruslan’s masculinity in any way. He is able to protect the interests of himself and his loved ones, although he will never get involved in a quarrel over trifles. Ruslan sets realistic goals for himself. Underestimation, as well as overestimation of one’s strengths, is not his thing.

The owner of this name would do well to develop more healthy selfishness. It is difficult for him to directly express his disagreement with others, especially if they are close people. Relatives often manipulate him, knowing Ruslan’s good nature. This man is a great listener, but it can be difficult for him to talk about his own problems. He prefers to handle everything himself. Because of this, he often has health problems.

Name Ruslan in love and family

The relationship with this man promises to be cloudless. He maintains a reverent attitude towards his woman after decades of marriage. Appreciates home comfort, he enjoys coming up with cute family traditions that bring couples closer together. There are no taboos for him in bed; he is a hot and gentle lover who needs frequent intimacy. At the same time, he respects the woman’s needs and will never be offended if she has a weaker temperament.

Ruslan likes well-groomed, smart women with a bit of bitchiness. Although he may grumble about his lover's whims, deep down he likes to treat her like a spoiled princess. However, moderation is important here: if a woman’s capriciousness turns from her zest into selfishness and stupidity, Ruslan quickly loses interest.

Characteristics of the name Ruslan in a career

A man with such a character can realize himself in the profession of a doctor, psychologist, or teacher. He has everything to become a successful businessman. Usually by mid-life he achieves high status and good income.

Horoscope named Ruslan: how to choose a name for a boy

This name will bring good luck to Aries with emphasized Uranus in the horoscope, Leo and Aquarius with pronounced Pluto.

Compatibility of the name Ruslan

A happy couple will be Natalya, Tamara, Elena, Agnia, Irina, Oksana, Tamara, Olga, Raisa, Margarita. It's better to stay away from Maria, Yana, Lyubov.

Full name and synonyms: Ruslan.

Diminutive, pet name: Ruslanchik, Rusya, Rusik, Ruslanka, Rustic.

The male name Ruslan has several versions of origin. According to the main one, it was formed from the Turkic name Arslan and means “lion”. Translated from Slavic language takes on the meaning "blond". It has gained wide popularity among Kazakhs.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Patron Planet: Sun
  • Talisman stone: orange
  • Color: brown
  • Tree: laurel
  • Plant: heliotrope
  • Animal: lion
  • Favorable day: Sunday

Character Traits

Ruslan is choleric by nature. The secret of the name hides an active, excitable, hot-tempered, impulsive man. He loves to intrigue and attract attention. In childhood, this trait manifests itself in the child’s hysterical behavior, a passionate desire to stand out and be visible. If his parents consider that such behavior indicates exceptional abilities, they will completely break his character. He will grow up to be a chameleon, a man without complexes and moral principles. The more you praise such a child, considering him a child prodigy, the more selfish and harsh his inner world will be.

For the sake of praise and recognition, Ruslan is ready to do anything. He can come up with fantastic personal biography, attribute fictitious character traits and heroic deeds to oneself, and behave theatrically in public. He unreasonably claims to be a leader in any team, family, or among an unfamiliar public.

However, in reality, Ruslan is a cowardly, irresponsible, cunning and insidious type. His set of tools and methods of influence to achieve his goal are enormous. If he fails to convince his interlocutor or cleverly deceive, he arranges everything at the expense of other people. The owner of this name is an egoist. He has no time to think about others, he is always busy with thoughts and concerns about himself.

Interests and hobbies

By nature, Ruslan is endowed with acting abilities. He enthusiastically plays any role. His hobby is being a "star". Such a man is fascinated by any activity that brings fame, popularity and money. He was the ringleader of various parties, corporate events, and celebrations. A person with this name gets pleasure not from doing something, but from personal advantage, his “invaluable” role in this process.

Profession and business

Ruslan finds it difficult to choose a profession. It seems to him that he can do everything. To convince others of this, he is capable of crazy things. The desire to lead, or, more precisely, to play the role of a boss, leads to adventurism. He doesn't like complex mental work. He is looking for what is inherent in the meaning of the phrase “easy and simple.” A man with this name rarely receives a salary. He lives on fees, “shadow” payment schemes, and other income.


Alcohol is considered the most dangerous for him. He quickly degrades and becomes an alcoholic. Predisposed to mental illness.

Sex and love

It is very easy to fall in love with Ruslan. He dresses beautifully and knows how to look after, is easy to communicate, and entertaining in conversations. With him, life seems carefree and cloudless. A representative of this name is attracted to women who can admire his sexual abilities and temperament out loud. Disappointment comes soon, because he quickly gets bored with everything, and from an extravagant gentleman he turns into a boor and a cynic.

Family and marriage

In the family, Ruslan does not hide his true character. He believes that he made his wife happy by tying his life together marriage union with her. He very quickly refuses to perform household duties and accuses his wife of not grasping the “unusuality” of his character and the depth of his creative soul. Material well-being he is not interested in family. Has more fun with children free time what he does in education. He initiates long-term scandals, the cause of which are far-fetched claims against everyone who prevents him from living beautifully. Doesn't let you forget about yourself for a minute, always demanding something. It is impossible to re-educate Ruslan. He can be “put in his place,” but after that he begins to take revenge.

Going into the future to make sure that no unexpected or unpleasant events will happen is everyone's dream. It’s a pity, but this is impossible, so humanity has found another way to influence fate - to put a hidden meaning in names, on which everything depends. Ruslan, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys - knowledge of such features will greatly facilitate, and even radically change life.

The meaning of the name Ruslan for a boy briefly

The greatest problem and task for every parent is to provide their offspring with a bright future, to protect them from troubles and disasters. This is not at all easy to do, and good financial condition, constant care and proper upbringing are not enough. Ancient people firmly believed that much in the future could depend on the choice of a name, or more precisely, on the secret meaning originally inherent in it.

Ruslan, the meaning of the name, character and fate - to find this information you need to turn to Muslim literature, because it was from here that it spread throughout the world. If you carefully study ancient legends and fairy tales, you will notice that this name is present here quite often, and even thousands of years ago it was popular and has survived to this day.

The meaning of the name Ruslan for a boy is brief, as evidenced by Muslim literature - “lion”. In fairy tales, a man with this name is depicted as a tireless fighter against evil, a fearless warrior. One can hope that at least partially this will affect the boy’s life and will certainly help him turn into a worthy man who will not disgrace his loved ones.

What does the name Ruslan mean for a boy according to the church calendar?

Christian literature, including the calendar, the church calendar are the most reliable sources in which you can find accurate and interesting information about the name chosen in advance for the baby. Many Orthodox Christians use it to choose a name for a child, believing that in this way they are giving their offspring all the best, including a predetermined future. IN Orthodox literature You can also find detailed information about which saints will monitor the upbringing, development and health of the baby. If necessary, they can intervene and correct mistakes made by parents.

Ruslan, the meaning of the name, character and fate - all the features that are intertwined, thanks to the name, adults will try to discover in Christian literature. Parents will certainly try to find out everything related to patron saints, upbringing and the secret meaning inherent in the name back in ancient times.

What does the name Ruslan mean for a boy according to the church calendar? You should not try to find anything related to this name in a book respected by Christians - there is no data about it here. This does not mean that you need to immediately start choosing a different name - if your family teaches your child to sincerely turn to God from childhood, he will certainly help in solving problems and protect him from troubles.

The mystery of the name Ruslan, ancient horoscopes

Despite the fact that the secret of the name Ruslan is in no way interpreted in church calendar, it is easy and simple to find many old books in which this name is often mentioned. Ancient horoscope Druids, for example, explains exactly what talismans, amulets, and zodiac signs are characteristic of this name and can play an important key role in the life of a child.

The first thing you need to know is your zodiac sign. For Ruslan, this is a lion - a symbol that fully corresponds secret meaning, embedded in the name. The planet that will patronize the boy is the hot Sun. That is why the favorite season will be summer, filled with sun rays and warmth.

The tree that corresponds to this name is the sycamore. It is recommended to grow plants near the house that have a beneficial effect on the child’s life, but, unfortunately, this will not work - plane trees grow only in hot countries. A stone that will serve powerful amulet for a baby - aventurine. You can buy a ring with this stone - it will certainly protect your child from difficulties and difficulties in life.

Origin of the name Ruslan and its meaning for children

Having chosen a name for their beloved child, relatives will certainly be interested - can the origin of the name Ruslan and its meaning for children play an important role in the life of the baby? This name comes from Muslims, who preferred to attach secret meanings to the names of plants, animals, and natural disasters. You should not pay attention to the origin - most often, as practice shows, it is completely harmless and in no way can affect the future of the baby.

How important is the meaning of a name? Here you should understand in more detail, because it contains an important meaning that has a significant impact on the future. From birth, the child will resemble the king of animals - reasonable, fearless, merciless towards opponents and caring towards his family. These qualities will not disappear even over the years - the baby will turn into a man who will fully correspond to the secret meaning inherent in the meaning of his name. Relatives will certainly rejoice and be proud of how they raised the child and allowed him to take his rightful place in life and choose the right path.

Character of a boy named Ruslan

How unpredictable can the character of a boy named Ruslan be and will his parents have to make a lot of efforts to help him cope with his shortcomings? The child will have quite a lot of advantages:

  1. nobility;
  2. decency;
  3. prudence;
  4. ability to make decisions independently;
  5. wit;
  6. self-control;
  7. hardness;
  8. intelligence.

What disadvantages will the boy’s family have to face? One of the main ones is self-esteem. He will never be able to remain in the background, and will always strive to be the first, even if this means stepping over close people. This may even become important in your career, but it is better to try to partially cope with this negative trait– it can cause even close friends to turn away from the child.

Another unpleasant quality is the ability to harbor a grudge. If you seriously offend a boy, he will certainly remember it for a long time and at the first opportunity he can take revenge. That is why family and friends should be well aware of this shortcoming and, if possible, try to prevent conflicts or try to resolve them peacefully.

The fate of a boy named Ruslan

The fate of a boy named Ruslan will be rich in interesting events. He will certainly try to surprise his family, both with his profession and his choice of his soulmate. The child will choose a specialty based on its merits even in childhood. He can focus on such professions.

For many of us, the male name Ruslan is associated with the main character of the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin. Boys want to be like their beloved hero, who bravely saved his bride from an evil sorcerer. Is it really the bearer of this beautiful name so fearless, courageous and loyal? What secret is hidden behind it?


What does the name Ruslan mean? There is no consensus on what this name means. There is a version that its roots go back to the ancestors of the Ossetians, who in Byzantium were called Russian Alans. "Alan" is translated as "warlike, noble."

  • In Western sources you can find the Arabic interpretation of the name Ruslan as “soft, kind”
  • However, the most common description is a translation from Turkic. According to this version it means "Lion".

History and origin

It is impossible to tell what secret is hidden in a name without telling what its history is. Where did the name Ruslan come from in Rus'? What is its origin? Most modern names came to us along with Orthodoxy. Some have survived from pagan times. Some names migrated along the Silk Road. According to one version, the origin of the name Ruslan refers us to the Turkic peoples - to Arslan. The male name Arslan is still popular among the peoples of the Turkic language group. Its interpretation is "Lion". Ruslan is like a Russified form of Arslan.

According to another version, its origin came to us from the Caucasus, where excellent riders lived, who periodically carried out their raids on their neighbors, and thus expanded their possessions. From the “Russian Alans” the name Eruslan came into the Russian language, which later transformed into Ruslan.


Remember, as they say in the famous cartoon: “Whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail”? So is a person's name. Whatever you name the boy, that’s the fate you’ll give him.

Ruslan asserts himself through popularity. He always needs to be on the crest of the wave. He doesn't like to wait and doesn't want to make guesses. He lives one day at a time. He craves fame, even on the scale of his street.

This is a characteristic of a loyal, reliable person. In business and in relation to other people, he gives himself completely.

His character in moments of danger confirms the origin of the name from “Lion”: Ruslan forgets about ambitions, he sacrifices himself for the sake of other people. His courage and bravery have no boundaries.

  • Its positive features:

This name implies an honest, noble nature. He is not deprived of either intuition or imagination. He is above circumstances, free, devoid of prejudices. Punctual.

  • Its negative points:

His pride sometimes lets him down, he lacks openness. He sees the goal, but may not reach it. Pride does not allow him to show his grievances, and he carries everything within himself. And this may not be a very good service in the long run. Lazy.

  • Professional status:

Thanks to his imagination, he will succeed wherever zest and creativity are required. But he must firmly believe in what he is doing. This good leaders enterprises, engineers and designers military equipment, television operators, drivers, researchers (exact sciences), mechanics.

  • Business:

Often he likes to show off in order to appear richer than he actually is. This may lead him to some financial difficulties. After all, you yourself need to support the legend you created yourself.

  • Physical health:

For him, constant recognition of his successes and the psychological climate play an important role. Being a vulnerable person, Ruslan does not like and does not know how to laugh at himself. Therefore, if you do not want to find an enemy in him, do not make fun of him.

  • Love and family

His passion and strength of feelings will constantly plunge him into new love whirlwinds. To get married means for him to create an outwardly very beautiful couple, thus asserting himself. Availability beautiful woman next has for him great value. His wife should be admired by everyone. But his jealous nature will not allow other men to admire his other half for too long.

Loving children means for him to satisfy his needs as a father, but without fanaticism.

Impact on the child

The meaning of the name influences the character of the boy named Ruslan. In childhood this emotional child, whose desires are constantly changing. He is cunning, and if the cunning fails, he tries to achieve his goal through whims. Easily offended if he is not noticed immediately. However, Ruslan changes before our eyes as soon as he hears the praise.

Character and seasons:

  • The character of a child born in winter will be calm. He is serious and silent, assiduous and patient.
  • Characteristics of the spring Ruslan - a little “narcissist” - narcissistic, susceptible to flattery, loves to twirl in front of the mirror.
  • A year old child will be pampered for his sociability and charm.
  • An autumn baby, like a winter baby, is too serious. His “adult” reasoning and conversations make him stand out from the crowd of his peers. He is interested in everything, carefully examining the object being studied or listening to an explanation.

Such a secret is hidden in the name for the baby.

Compatibility with patronymics and given names

The patronymics Aslanovich, Danilovich, Dmitrievich, Olegovich, Oskarovich, Stanislavovich are suitable for the “spring-summer” Ruslan.

“Autumn-winter” middle names are Alekseevich, Andreevich, Viktorovich, Grigorievich, Zakharovich, Naumovich and Yuryevich.

  • Significant other

Ruslan will find happiness with Agnia, Aza, Aida, Gella, Gulya, Deborah, Elena, Zarema, Zamfira, Irina, Leila, Manya, Medea, Margarita, Natalya, Oksana, Raisa and Tamara.

Girls with the names Ada, Angelina, Valeria, Venus, Diana, Dominica, Efimiya, Isidora, Clara, Lyubov, Marina, Marta, Mira, Rimma, Rosa, Sofia, Kharita, Ella, Yana are better off not dating the Ruslans.

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